What is the greatest Megaman game of all time?

What is the greatest Megaman game of all time?

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3, 8, and 11 are probably my tops for the originals
4 and 9 get honorable mentions
Only ones that feel kind of meh to me are 5 and 7
All are fun though
Really hate how they had to split up all 10 into two packs with those recent legacy packs, i know they were both cheap at least but its still so weird to me

Zero 4

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A man of taste as well I see, I like 4 but X5 holds a very special place in my heart

Zero 3.

Zero 2, I would say Zero 4 but you can't gain the Ex-skills if you use weaknesses which feels very un-mega man to me.

Shitty series with aged mechanics.

Let's just say the entire Zero series


Who is the one on left in the back?
The snow looking one

>all these Zerofags

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I want to say Legend 3 but it doesn't exist

Over-1, from the hit mobile game Rockman X-Over.

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ZX is not only the best megaman, but the best game ever made.

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What's your problem with the Zero series?

Zero 3
BN4 Blue Moon
SF2 Zerker
>inb4 you are baiting
I grew up with Blue moon

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Megaman X.

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Why SF2 though

I enjoyed using the thunderblade alot
Besides that it’s shit


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That's not ZXA.

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