Baba Is (you)
Baba Is (you)
Baba is me?
Baba is fucking DEAD
No, if Baba is Me, Baba is no longer Baba.
Baba is you, you are not baba
I was stuck in a puzzle Until i realized baba is win works ONLY if baba is also YOU
BABA is BABA and (You)
GoG release when? I don't want to buy on Steam after pirating.
BABA IS phone
Empty is Baba
Baba is Many
Don't open this image if you're not in the complete endgame
I'm almost there bros. I only have 1 thing left to do, solve meta-3 for the THIRD goddamned time so I can make in the overworld what I hope is the last secret level. All other levels are blooming, just this one left and only 1 achievement left.
oh shi-
Finished it today. Feels great. There's some good stuff in the gallery level
besides making 1-10, 14 and 16, any easter eggs? I couldn't find any other but who knows
No, I tried doing this and I've read about someone trying other things, nothing.
Need help?
This shit is literally impossible
You haven't even seen impossible yet
Nah, I know I need to turn 3 into either Text which shouldn't be that different from the other solutions so far. Then make Flag is level and go do the newly made level.
im too much of a brainlet for this game then
Hint: Baba and Keke aren't currently PUSH or STOP
Im still in the forest area, but i got intrigued for the solution on this one
NVM, think i got the solution KEKE is YOU, BABA is wall?
Wall is stop has enought space for two in there
tfw stuck on Getting Together, Buried Treasure and Endless Corridor
>Getting Together
Helped user with that one recently, can post pic of solution.
>Buried Treasure
Is it the one where you have to open a box with keke?
>Endless Corridor
I think I have a pic of that too.
minus one and minus two
>Is it the one where you have to open a box with keke?
yeah, the second one. i tried making keke is you but then baba is still move and pushes (You) into the lava. there's no room to set it up for baba to stop ruining everything.
For buried treasure make note of all of the changes between the easy and hard version. in particular, notice that the passage on the left ends one tile lower.
Ok here are the solutions
>Getting Together
Make a BABA from wall, combine 2 BABAs in 1 spot, set up everything with shifting and pushing like this so rock pushes word from one side and wall+rock push each other from the other side while you activate all that shit and stepping with your 2 BABAs on flag. GG
>Buried Treasure
I don't remember specifics, but basically you put KEKE IS like usual so YOU lands under them and BABA IS MOVE should be in a hole above, again don't remember exactly how words were but in the end BABA pushes YOU and then turns into KEKE
Sorry, forgot to put spoiler on picture before
>Endless Corridor
Try not to make lots of moves to the left, but basically I made KEKE into BABA and combined them, now they shift each other so you outrun the skull while moving down, when you get to the flag just wait for one turn to get in the right spot
Hmmm... the only thing I could do with the left corridor is push KEKE there and push an IS through the BABA IS YOU but then I can't push YOU and move it to KEKE, because KEKE is all the way in the end of the corridor.
I got stuck on VIP Area for ages, just trying to get everything into position after I figured out what I needed to do, but it felt so satisfying when I eventually got through it. Then I looked it up on youtube out of curiosity and saw a much simpler way of doing it.
I’m so bad at puzzle games, I’m not smart enough for these
Also you probably don't even need to move in this one after finishing setting up words, just turn when needed and wait.