Vidya and Alcohol

What are some good games to play while drunk?

Drunk gaming thread

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really few actually i like play dota 2 when im hammered, and i like to start drinking with hotline miami.

i used to play GTAV when drunk

I love playing online games with a few of my mates when i drink. We get drunk and really hype shouting at each other over mics while playing stuff like sven co-op or fan made doom maps.

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wish i could play tf2 drunk with friends again.

alcohol takes the edge off war thunder well, but missing voice chat hurts its potential for drunk fun

I have this

..It's not that good. Imagine getting fed up with the honey / sugar before you actually get any drunk

Real life

It's monday you alcoholic aussie

Agreed on the few part. I can't play games I'm actually invested in while drunk cause I completely forget about the progress till next time and then I just fucking drop the game. Too many lives destroyed.

>Actually having friends

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That's how I feel about Cider/Gay Drinks

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Stupid though it sounds Farming Simulator 19 is a top tier drunk game.

Guess again faggot

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Hmm I'm intrigued.
I'll check out some gameplay videos.

If you give it a try, remember to turn off "crop destruction" in settings. Otherwise you end drunk driving a tractor like Groundskeeper Willie trying to draw shit in your fields.

Why do fat baldies love drinking mead? It's not manly, it's literally a sissy drink, you don't connect to your 1/243124th heritage of some skab infested lost nord by drinking it. You don't look manly. And take off that thors hammer amulet you ordered from china, you embarrass actual scandis

Splatoon 2

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No, these people don't drink to enjoy, they drink to appear as "manly vikings" despite literally drinking watered down beer with honey to neutralize the taste

max payne 3

Rocket League

First of: I am fat (kinda). Second: pic posted is not what I'm drinking. Third: I am a fucking nord you southern whore. Fourth: hammer amulet?? Wtf is that? And last: You're speaking to an actual fucking legend viking. Watch your tone or I'll axe you.

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Thanks I'll keep it in mind

The most fun I've had drinking and playing vidya was Earth Defense Force 4.1 online co-op with a friend and randoms and swigging some beers with headset on while acting like an ass to the autists in VRChat.

swe =/= viking

It's cringy jewellery your larping cousins love wearing. And don't you @ me buddy, i am 100% norwegian myself.

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Mina förfäder ler över mig, /pol/. Kan du säga detsamma?

With 3 other hammered friends sea of thieves is surprisingly really fun
Tower Unite
Arma III
Farming Sim 17
keep in mind I dont really play viya drunk and alone anymore so my game choices are mainly with friends
Yea Forumsscape is also great fucked up on anything

Ahaha perfect a fellow Norwegian. BUT are you a real Nord? Or a southern little bitch wannabe viking?? GTFO

Pure finnmarking, but born and raised in the good ol USA.

Oh shit I did forget one thing toy can play this one by yourself or with really novice dark souls friends
just play your favorite darks souls drink half your beer every time someone dies cheers every time you beat a boss sip every time you rest at a bonfire sip every time you light a bonfire
the quantity of each drink is up to you and your liver

I think it's the allure of it being one of the first ever type of alcohol to be crafted. The whole viking aesthetic associated with it is retarded though. Nearly every European country were crafting their own take on for thousands and thousands of years. Even Asia and Africa had it. Vikings didn't do shit but incorporate it into some mythology.

Yeah most recomdations are based on having friends who play vidya. Not an option for me I'm afraid. With Yea Forumsscape you mean runescape? What version? Where can I join fellow Yea Forumsirgins?

Well of course you can't drink a man, unless you're a homo

>Born and raised in USA
>Pure finnmarking

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Yes, deal with it. my great great's migrated from Finmark, my greats, grandparents and my parents all came have direct and undiluted bloodline to nordland and finnmark. I'm as norwegian as it gets.

I was actually thinking about downloading sotfs for ds2 before making this thread. Not my favourite soulsborne game. But the least played by far

Vad snusar du?

This is just funny

this is bait, don't fall for it

Play with friends
>Earth Defense Force
>Rocket League
>Monster Hunter
Immensely fun while drunk and with friends

Why? Aren't i, a genetically pure norwegian allowed to take pride in still being pure in a country full of mutts?
Besides, i'm gonna move home once i finish my studies and marry a norwegian gal so my children will be born and raised where we belong.
How so?

Om jag ska välja en favorit, Lundgrens.

you're never going to be "pure" having grown up in muttistan

>All this Scandinavian shitposting.

What can I drink to make me feel like I'm channeling Cú Chulainn when I game?

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>get drunk IRL
>get drunk ingame
>Rock and stone brudda

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Your ancestry may be Norwegian, but you're not. You're American, deal with it, nothing wrong with that, but saying you're as Norwegian as they get is the funniest shit I have ever heard from someone who was born and raised across the sea.

Any non friends options?
Online with anons are fine

Daglig påmindelse at nordmænd ikke eksisterer, da 90% af befolkningen dode under Den Sorte Dod, og kongen af Danmark sendte fattige skidt bonder til Norge for at repopulere.

Drunk Starcraft is quite the experience.
You can play all those games I mentioned solo as well, but they're just better with people and drunk.
You could try playing a game you know extremely well and see if you can beat it in a night, that might be fun

If i marry a norwegian girl, our child will be fully norwegian, and if raised in Norway, a genetically norwegian child who speaks norwegian.
How exactly am i exempt from that myself? You'd never be able to tell the difference, other than i'm generally more handsome than the average white person.
Protip, it's not eating meatballs that makes you nordic, it's your ancestral history and bloodline.

See a lot of EDF posted. Which version?

hurdy gurdy ya ya das is guten himmel :DDDD

Wrong, our lads still live on in Iceland, Greenland and vinland.

hell fucking seger danskjävel

sykt å tenke på at dansker fremdeles er misunnelige på oljen vår

The god who abandoned you so the nordic barbarians invaded and cucked your little island to hell? The same guys who made your capital for you?

5 is the best but 4.1 is on PC

/vsg/ on /vg/ all the instructions are there

Guinness obviously

child would probably turn out fairly norwegian in your thought up scenario, you would not.
traditions and mind are important, your comment about meatballs is facetious.

Other thread got baleeted

How do people feel about pic related? The brewery is an hour from me so beers are literally a dollar around me

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Great suggestion. I haven't played mh since TRI. Used to love that shit solo/online. Is MHU worth the hype?

I don't think so, but World is fucking awesome

I make my own mead.

Thank you

My parents live in a norwegian community and shuns the corrupt anglosphere culture (which is why and how they've kept the bloodline pure), and taught me all there is to know of my country's history. Hell they tried to teach me norwegian as a child but i didn't care then, until i got woke and realized norway NEEDS me to save my race, since you people have all but given up.

You might be right about Americans with European heritage being completely culturally different but on the other hand Europe has a large drove of certain people being hailed as the new Germans, Swedes, Irish and such. Which one do you feel is more akin? The 3rd generation American with German roots or the Somalian in a Munich beer garden being celebrated that they're just as German as the next person? Europeans are very odd in how they deem this.

On topic long sessions of Divinity Original Sin 2 with a good lager.

this is cringier than afro-americans LARPing africans

So all this "pure viking hurdy gurdy meatballs IKEA" stuff is shitposting right?

neither, the 60-70 million Germans in Germany are the real Germans

I had no idea scandis were so racist against literally their own people, yet gladly invites every other non-scandic to their homes..

Ever make acerglyn m8?

Ah fudge I ment to say world not ultimate. Leaning hard towards this atm. Monster hunting was the shit a few years back.

Definitely get World, it's a lot better than it was at launch and just yesterday they released a high resolution texture pack for it

Watches Thuleanperspective once

Drinking beer while playing vidya is for ironic weebs and trailer park trash

Sounds like crazy fanatics. This is not normal Norwegian behaviour

If i want pure undiluted autism i'd just start reading /norgetraden/

Nah..We just like giving eachother shit no and then. Also Norway and Denmark are stricter on immigration than Sweden, and it's mostly the media that spreads the "diversity meme"

the only one getting shit on is the larping american

>protect your bloodline and keep foreign influences at minimal
>Don't, accept foreign cultures and wash out the purity
Make up your fucking minds


Why? What's wrong with it? It's a fun place to shitpost.

Isn't drinking alone a sign of alcoholism?

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Nordic Girl Rankings (based on both personality and looks, but more personality):

1. Finnish
2. Icelandic
3. Danish
4. Norwegian
5. Swedish

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The conviction is strong. Think I might go for this. Any reason to pick up deluxe instead of normal? On PC (if that matters)

>bigmacs plz
>Le chess master
>Every other post is frogposting
Yeah, naw. Even the worst of Yea Forums is better than their best. Really lost their quality after may 17th some years ago. Got drunk on attention and then started sperging out, as scandis usually do.

Nah in deluxe you get an armor set and item that are outclassed in about 20 seconds

Alright won't touch deluxe. Thank you user. My purpose is fulfilled.

Wtf is /norgetraden/ ?

cmon son, thats the absolute WORST mead you can get a hold of.

I drink mead because it’s the only alcohol that doesn’t suck

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