Redpill me on ratchet and clank Yea Forums

redpill me on ratchet and clank Yea Forums
The series passed me by when I was young but I played the PS4 game when it was free on PS Plus and really loved it, but I've seen it get shit on here quite a bit, what was wrong with it? Should I get the original trilogy on PS3?

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Played all three games back in the day and loved them, if you liked the new one you'll probably like them as well.

Play 1 then 2 then 3 then stop

your save file unlocks content between the original 3 games.

pretty based

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Fun games that had a lot of creativity, back when that meant something
1 is good
2 is fantastic
3 is also really great
There's good debate about wether if 2 or 3 is peak Ratchet & Clank
Deadlocked was ok gameplay wise, but was too stripped down and objective based
Never played the PS3 ones, but general consensus is they fucked up
One-4-All dosen't exist and we don't talk about it

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I don't get how some like 3 over 2
All they complain about is the space ship sections but you only need to complete 2 to beat the game. I personally like them
Also going back to the starship pheonix after pretty much every mission got so fucking annoying

A crack in time is on par with 2 and 3

ToD was the most memorable to me because of the upgrade from SD to HD. Getting to see my favorite characters in HD and the awesome graphics was absolutely mind blowing to me. The feeling compared to when I booted up my ps2 for the first time and saw Tony Hawks pro skater 4. Nothing has matched the feeling since. Consoles just aren't increasing in graphical fidelity like they used to.

the David Bergeaud soundtrack is magical

usually its the snow level in 2 that upsets people

im just sad they just disowned Angela Cross for no reason after building her character over the entire game and having her as the only other lombax in the game.

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And proceed to only use captain qwark and Dr nefarious
I don't mind having qwark as a minor character in the games but Dr nefarious needs to go.

Yeah they say the planets with crystals to find when you only need to find like 10 on each planet. All the shit they complain about is optional content

Qwarks role was played out over 1 and 2. The crate paper drawings of missions were hilarious.

Nefarious only really has Lawrence going for him, too much over acting and zero threat to anyone.

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They're childish cringy 3D platformers that don't hold up anymore.

How is ratchet and clank cringe?


____ ____

It completely remade the story for no good reason, it misses a couple of levels and redesigns others. Only good thing about is the graphics and more modern gameplay because honestly the first game kind of controlled poorly.

I'd definitely get the original trilogy, 2 and 3 are my favorites though I never got to play the PS3 exclusive games

Insomniac are still creative desu, I really hope they get another chance to make a new IP or go back to something like Resistance or a sunset overdrive sequel with revamped mechanics. I'd buy a remake or 2 too but didn't like the first remake much and wouldn't have much hope for another one either

PS2 series
>action adventure platformer with the occasional puzzle challenge
>somewhat retro future cartoony aesthetic
>writing had a bit more edge to it meant for people growing out of cartoony platformers but it was still accessible to that crowd

PS3 series
>more action focused with less platforming challenges and still the occasional puzzle
>more neon future aesthetic
>writing becomes more character focused and less about the zaniness of the universe around them; meant more for the pre-teen/ teen crowd
The series overall definitely evolves and gets better mechanically as time goes on but the writing and characters degrade a little bit imo

Why did they have to cover up his odd but cute feet

ToD peaks at the first level, everything else is a soulles rehash of something done in 2 or 3, but worse.

Next game is rumored to take place in the old continuity. I hope they learned from the Future saga and just make a standalone game.

lombax orgy

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Gonna need sauce on that.

bring her back BRING HER BACK

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Original trilogy was good/great, future series was alright, reboot was terrible.

It's just speculation.

Oh please be true, and be a full length game. Day 0 if that's the case.

The original trilogy is the game Jak 2 and 3 wished they were. Good platforming, great characters and voice acting, and the guns and levels are all really cool and interesting. The controls are a little wonky in 1, but in 2 and 3 they improved everything and control is super tight. Deadlocked is pretty good, not on the same level as 2 and 3 are but it has funny characters and a unique take on the arenas of the old games

As long as it's longer than Nexus was, I'm on board

Unless they were working on it while making spiderman I don't see it happening

Deadlockeds upgrade and mod system was really fun. Kept me playing for a long time

Play 1 2 3 and a crack in time.

Why so they can POLITICALLY CORRECT her? The first thing they'll cut off are her large breasts. Then they'll make her some wannabe tough cunt instead of feminine in nature. You want that shit? Fuck you.

The PS4 remake is shit and is an insult to the original game, get the PS2 Trilogy they're the best games on the PS2.

Is it a remake though? Because I thought it was just a tie in to the movie that just took elements of several of the games

dont expect anymore of them, insomniac are full on capeshitters now

The PS2 Titles are amazing
The Future Sersis is great and A crack in time is the best game in the series
The PS2 Spinoffs are mostly good with a few PSP spinoffs that are ok at best
The PS3 spinoffs are hit or miss post ACIT but they’re still enjoyable and provides a different experience

She was a strong independent science thief with a flat chest you cretin. Thats what i want. Oh and having her save the species with Ratchet

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Would be GOAT series if he stayed barefoot

are the PS3 remasters worth buying or should i get the OG ps2 versions?

The movie remade the first game into a movie and the game was a remake of the first game which tied into the movie. That's why there's so many cutscenes that are just ripped from the movie.

2 is the best
My only complaint is that the final boss is far too easy

just (you)ing to say that deadlocked is actually good (but a bit short) since it had the best combat out of the PS2 games

ps3 remaster of up your arsenal has almost constant screen tearing and all 3 games somehow perform worse than the ps2 versions framerate wise

As much as I like feet myself, first game he's a homeless grease monkey, other games it makes sense for him to be a little more protected

If we're going to talk about feet then we have to talk about Jak's feet. First game has me half chubbed the whole time when I play it

Not to mention with the advent of the focus on story there came the usual trappings of Western video game storytelling like slow walking and talking segments, unlike the PS2 games where they were kept entirely separate. I found the PS3 and PS4 games really tedious to replay because of this.

Isn't it more of a reimagining than a full on remake? Since the movie already changed several aspects of the original game?

I remember having a bit of a crush on Angela.
Meh. I remember it differently but you can be as contrarian as you like.

>A crack in time is the best game in the series
Let's not go nuts

Which one had the best ryno? Size matters one sucjed nuts

The sewers in Aquatos repeatedly froze the game on me. The fucking Vita ports are more stable. Don't use the Quackoray in there, just warning you.

The best 3 games are the first 3 on ps2
PS3 story and characterisation took a huge turn and dive, then the ps4 games took an even bigger dive into shit
Play the ps2 game and enjoy a better version of what you just played, then play 2 and 3

He had a fucking garage you idiot.

Play all the mainstream ones, the reason people don't like the ps4 game is because

1.the characters ( especially ratchet) became much blander, Ratchet and Clank always had a great character dynamic, with ratchet been a very snarky smartass who despises captain quark for been fake, while clank pretty much has autism.

2. the humour has been completely sanitised, Ratchet and Clank was one of the few platformer series that was actually funny, there is loads of dark satirical humour and adult jokes you might find in a futurama episode, not so much in the remake.

So those are also two reasons why people wanted a movie or a series, because it was one of the few properties that could be translated well, and why people were so pissed of when sony fucked up and fired the director,

RnC PS4 is still a great game mechanically, so its understandible if its the first one you played its ok for that to be your favourite,

I would play all of them, my personal favourites are the ps3 games and I don't know why people dislike them,

people say 2 or 3 is the best, and i thought this as a kid
but 1 is actually the best. Best story, best graphics, most planets/paths, most out there weapons and gadgets, best music
The only thing people say is bad about 1 is no strafing, but all the enemies are designed around that, so its no big deal

ToD is my favourite, do I have shit taste?


don't listen to play deadlocked and the ps3 trilogy as well

They removed levels (some of the best ones even, and even the villain's homeworld) without putting any new content in their place, they drastically changed the story, they changed Ratchet's characterization from a self centered dick to generic I wanna be the hero guy, the animations are stiff and personalityless compared to the original, there's hardly any interaction between the titular characters compared to the original, the villain tells you he was the one who fucked ul his homeworld at the start of the game instead of the original mid game reveal, minor characters are just gone, they shoehorned Nefarious in, secrets are just gone. It's a fucking disgrace

Sadly Angela has almost zero good fan art. But i guess thats a good thing since furries are scum and were not around to taint the original games.

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The PS3 games are very sterile compared to the original trilogy. Not bad games just very bland

>I played the PS4 game when it was free on PS Plus and really loved it
Glad you enjoyed it user. I too liked it just not as much as OG game on PS2. Anyway I recommend you play R&C 1, 2, 3 and Deadlocked. if you like them then play the PS3 original trilogy and maybe Nexus. skip All 4 one and full frontal assault.

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>wanting a new R&C from nu-Insomniac

How come the Lombax never came back after Tools of Destruction since Tachyon is now dead or whatever?

Still, he was living by himself without anyone else around, never mind much in the way of clothing

i expect any new ratchet games to be as shit as the ps4 one character/story wise

At least you *get* a new Ratchet game.

Jak franchise has been dead since Druckmann fell in love with his teenage lesbians

Its better that way, they wanted to make Jak & Daxter look more 'realistic' and turn it into another Uncharted or some shit.

>wanted to make Jak & Daxter look more 'realistic'

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The PS2 trilogy is pretty great on the whole. I would personally rank them 1 > 3 > 2. 1 is my personal favorite, probably just nostalgia, but it had a good variety of gameplay without going overboard on gimmicks, decent challenge, pretty funny humor, and I honestly liked how Ratchet was a bit more of an asshole compared to how they rewrote him in the future installments. I would normally say that 2 and 3 are about on the same level of quality in terms of their moment to moment gameplay, but 2 went overboard on its ideas to the point they got stretched thin and they were executed sloppily. All 3 games have their flaws. The first game's lack of strafing is its biggest flaw and it tends to be a bit easy. The 3rd game made a few too many concessions for its schedule and it's blatantly obvious that some of the maps are just reskinned multiplayer maps. Deadlocked is fun as well, but I view it as more of a spinoff.

I only played TOD and I never finished it. I wasn't very compelled by the game, and reading others' posts it looks like the game was a bit of a misstep.

Why is AAA so hyper fixated on realism? Even when they try making something cartoony it has to have ten trillion particle effects everywhere and have everything be needlessly detailed

Just look at Knack. What an ugly ass. Why did he get two games??

that whole storyline was dogshit anyway, who cares

It's just what the masses want. Just look at stuff like the Pokemon movie or the Sonic movie. I like to believe that it's their retarded justification of
>if it looks cartoony, it's for children
>but if the same character has realistic fur, it's for adults

thats the thing though I enjoyed the more heartfelt moments than the comedy, they didn't really add any new mechanics but, it was still good regardless.

if your going to shit on ps3s story at least acknowledge that 2's story was terrible as well (even though thats my second favourite)

The movie was okay.

PS4 game had god tier gameplay. I can stomach a terrible story if the gameplay is so good, especially if this time sony gives them more than 12 months.

>2 went over board
>3's ranger missions
Replaying rc3 is so tedious when you get to the turret sections and ranger missions. Rc2 hardly had any sections like that and when it did they didn't last long at all

R&C2 had that turret boss battle that took as long as all ranger missions in R&C3 combined

rather have 1 shitty turret segment than fifty spread throughout the game.

They've been around since the 1980s

Earlier, if you count underground comix

>all this talk of Ratchet's feet
>no mention of his unlockable swim trunks outfit in 2
>sweet lombax ass

For shame :(

Post a picture user

She has no art because she's a shit character. Female characters who don't get art usually it's because they didn't impress ANYONE. And your opinion doesn't help, only furries will even consider drawing a furry girl.

Best I could easily find

I may or may not have been pitching a tent in my shorts when I got that skin

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Do you like Ratchet or Jak's feet more?

Ratchet's got nice pecs

Reminds me of mac

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fuck off thugs4less

Don’t feed the trolls.

>Just look at Knack. What an ugly ass. Why did he get two games??
Mark Cerny wanted to make those game as a tech demo for the ps4 so Sony let him do it. Waste of talent R&C 2016 shows the power of the new cpu better than fucking knack. Maybe they will make another one for ps5...

1-3 and the Future trilogy are really great and you can find them for dirt cheap on PS3.

Tell yall what you cant get cheap

The colored statue ratchet

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