New Kitana design YES OR NAH?
Also did they assume that Kitana players are female niggresses?
New Kitana design YES OR NAH?
Also did they assume that Kitana players are female niggresses?
She looks great, you fuckers try way too fucking hard sometimes. Like the Asian look quite a but as well (I hope she's flat).
at least she shows some shoulder skin and a tiny bit of cleavage. I thought they were gonna put every female character in burkas.
I mean by the lore she supposed to beautiful.
This one doesn't look beautiful at all.
Looks really fucking good. Safe to say that she's going to be on the Kombat Kast this week.
Her XI costume is likely an homage to her MK3 one, her first unmasked appearance was in 2.
>This one doesn't look beautiful at all
If you went to any nation and got an asian model, it would probably look a lot like her.
>generic gook instead of an exotic middle eastern/mediterranean
>gif in 2019
>"that's enough internet"
Hang yourself
Am i supposed to convert my entire reaction folder to satify your autism? Fuck off newfag.
do do dodo dodo dodo do do do
Now you're spouting random shit, post your "don't talk to me till I've had my coffee" jpeg or your live, laugh love poster.
Mortal Kombat XI doesn't feel the same as X or IX when everyone was free to express themselves without being bashed by SJWs,
I don't care for MK anymore, but damn, every time I see Jade with the new staff, it's hard not to think that she used to do a stripper pole dance in IX before then.
This is the most boring, low effort shit. The fan especially look fucking horrid. It's just so visually bland.
>it's hard not to think that she used to do a stripper pole dance in IX
It was a different time. Back then people weren't afraid to express their artistic vision. Now people self censor in an effort to keep the twitter shitters appeased.
fuck yes, she's been hideous in the last 2 entries
But then again, it felt wrong and a disservice to amount the characters to skimpy fanservice. Even the PS2 era had them...better laid out...for some (Sonya, specifically), but I digress. X was kind of that gap in between, but MK had already dug its grave long before X's release.
>Also did they assume that Kitana players are female niggresses?
Well, that one black dude did cosplay her
She was hot in X tho
muslim cuckbat
>Well, that one black dude did cosplay her
It was during the reveal itself. You don't actually want to see him.
I fucking hate how Fighting Games are flooded with niggers.
There is like 10 niggers for 1 white men on every tounament.
NRS games are even worse. Isn't Fighting Games are supposed to be high IQ and hard?
Boy I sure do hate niggers.
Same VA?
I like it, but "bro would you leave your heart exposed in a fight to the death bro?"
what happened to "muh respektful and praktikal designs"?
>buttmad whitey
LMAOOOO. black people are better than you at real sports AND e-sports!
get cucked white bitch!
I loved her new asian looks. Her costume isn't that bad either but I miss her classic ones.
Hope she looks good without the mask.
Kitana Best 3d Jaw in years.finally she is not Robert Zdar levels of Jawline
>Black people succeeding in a civilized hobby
>Screech anyway
Retardation of this must be slav