Are Tremeres even Kindred? They are not descendents from Cain, therefore can not be considered as Kindred, right?
VTMB thread btw
Are Tremeres even Kindred? They are not descendents from Cain, therefore can not be considered as Kindred, right?
VTMB thread btw
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Well, they sucked Saulot.
they still drank vampire blood
Okay, they have something in common with the rest of kindreds. But still they are like le 56% of vampires right?
They are descended from him though in the same way every vampire is. They just took a different route of eating a vampire rather than the other way around.
Tremere (the mage who inadvertently created the clan) turned himself into a vampire and diablerized the antediluvian, Saulot. They are Kindred.
Why is playing through this as Malkavian first so frowned upon?
It's fucking awesome.
It's not frowned upon, it's just that leaving Malk for second playthrough is much better
Because you would spoil yourself the plot for the first time.
But it is okay if you are an alcoholic. Your weak memory lets you play every time as your first.
Not if the Malk really interests you. Playing Malk first is unique and still gives you the option of experiencing it on a second playthrough like everyone else, but you only get one chance to play it first.
Usually its because the Malk playthrough is not ideal for learning the world as a person new to the new World of Darkness. If you've played tabletop before then your fine, or if you pound the whitewolf wiki, but if your that new just doing a Brujah or Gangrel playthrough is preferable.
Holy shit that guy is ugly
>Usually its because the Malk playthrough is not ideal for learning the world as a person new to the new World of Darkness.
I disagree. In-game characters struggling to understand your responses fits with new players trying to understand the game world.
I can understand the arguments against playing Malk first, but the point of having different clans with different personalities is for people to choose whatever sounds most interesting to them or what they want to roleplay as. Telling someone else what to choose goes against the whole point of that. Plenty of people have played Malk first and loved it, so you really shouldn't tell people to not pick it. It'd be better to tell them to read all the clan descriptions and pick whatever sounds best to them, or just take the in-game quiz.
>Vampire communism would totally work guys!
Ventrue are East coast WASPs.
i hope you realized that was a joke
Venture are every coast WASP
The dialogue options are coated in metaphors which often the player could not know before a first-time run through. As you say it is very possible to do a Malk playthorugh, infact it's my favourite in the game, but still you need context. For BL2 I'm definitely not going to roll Malk as my first playthrough.
Jealous Tr*mere or filthy Br*jah?
>The dialogue options are coated in metaphors which often the player could not know before a first-time run through.
That's the point of a Malkavian. Malks are supposed to broken prophets who get the truth but can't understand it or tell others easily, so immediately understanding every reference and metaphor takes that away. You don't need the context to enjoy it, and it might even just make the overall experience more shallow when you finally do replay as one if you didn't play one first.
I never realized that upgrading certain disciplines gave you access to previous spells like animalism with the ravens and beetle.
I played toreador my first play through and all of their disciplines (or at least most) just upgrade to something better. felt so dumb not putting anything into animalism on my gangrel run because I wanted ravens to help with stealth missions.
whos in whos out? who will be added as dlc? will there be ONLY 6 playable clans?
anyone played this?
I'm betting on Malks being a DLC clan. Doing them justice requires extra effort and the mentality of "malks best left till 2nd playthrough" helps justify delaying them.
>and the mentality of "malks best left till 2nd playthrough" helps justify delaying them.
I hope the devs don't believe that too
So we know that new disciplines like bat wings, blood mist form, and telekinesis will be new features to help traverse our environment. Do you think this game will be like spiderman in that we can scale walls and glide around the city hubs or some shit?
How would you guys describe the playstyles of all the clans for a newcomer?
Bloodlust Shadowhunter is kind of like VtMB and had all that stuff or something similar, but it wasn't really like Spiderman. It was mostly used to cross gaps, flip switches, and go through gates without using keys. But the VtMB2 devs did say there's a focus on verticality, so there might be building climbing.
At the same time, the RIOT that will ensue if they aren't core five isn't the sort of press you want in the run-up to a release. My theory is that Malks will be in core five, then the bonus is going to be something out of left-field.
play the game and find out
Matrix-style melee
Melee tank mage
Stealth mage with mind control who uses guns
Stealth melee mage
Matrix-style shooting with speech skills
Tank gunslinger with mind control and speech skills
You can also just build them in different ways depending on what Discipline you pick. Toreador and Ventrue can both be built for melee, Gangrel can be played as a magic gunslinger, etc.
Giovanni: inbred
Here's what's wrong.
1. Fireplace.
2. Those windows.
3. If you would frenzy in your haven you would often move that haven.
4. Not very homey. Looks like it could be a hallway leading to the haven but not the actual haven.
5. Too messy for a trem. This is the clan of tight ass Camarilla. Not the oh where did it put that ritual-clan.
6. Could work for a malk trying to be as normy as possible. The fan is a nice touch. Got some light coming in through those blinds though.
I think either Gangrel or Nosferatu are out,
Gangrel are not part of the Camarilla so they might be cut for that reason and Noseferatu was probably the least played clan in first game and I bet there is a chance they don't want to design around Nosferatu always having to hide
I feel like Nosferatu isn't that difficult to design though. All conversation usually starts with how ugly you are while the rest essentially functions the same.
the vertical aspect has me really intrigued. Curious to see how much bigger the hubs will be
so I finished this game as a Brujah, does the plot change much if I pick another faction? (basically should I replay it?
I never understood this.
How retarded must a mage be to throw away his own Avatar and the ability to shape reality just to forever be a slave to the Beast and be forced to use some petty rituals?
Malkavian and Nosferatu are known to have the most "different" playthroughs, so if you wanna do it again then try one of those.
magic was not working as it used to and for many mages who were immortal that immortality was slipping as well. Becoming a vamp was the quick solution to never having to lose their immortality. blood disciplines are also less dangerous to use.
Didnt know shit about WOD, got malk from quiz and it was amazing
as a gangrel what stats should be maxed out other than protean?
I dont see why Nosferatu wouldn't be an option. They have the entirety of Seattle's underground to hide in and use.
>That's the point of a Malkavian. Malks are supposed to broken prophets who get the truth but can't understand it or tell others easily, so immediately understanding every reference and metaphor takes that away.
No that's fishmalks usually, and the game doesn't help that. The sisters or the psychologist are a better example of malks, being normal outside of one specific thing that cripples them when it comes to the surface.
That's not Tremere, they like clean lavish estates
Strength, Brawl, Fortitude.
You can get Lockpicking and Hacking if you want, and a point in Animalism is good because you can spam Burrowing Beetle while meleeing.
what about stamina or dodge? definitely going to do strength and brawl
Grout commented on hearing voices and being distressed by them similar to the protag with voices and dialogue foreshadowing, the sisters just weren't about the Madness Network.
I feel like you are right. although I am a big gangrel fan i love nossies. If gangrel is out I will play nossie first run.
whats a good build for nos on the first game? is animalism good?
I always found it weird that you speak in some weird poetry when you play as malkavians but malkavian npc's you find just speak normally
You probably don't have to max them since Fortitude makes you tanky, but you can put points in them if you start feeling like you need it.
I think its because you are more likely to understand the malkavian dialogue on the second playthrough. IE malk dialogue referring to the voerman sisters as "daughters of janus". But if you like the clan definitely go for it on the first playthrough
You got it half right.Every malk has 1 mental issue minimum BUT they also absolutely do get vague prophecies and shit.
Spirit Shaman
Immortality. Remember that initially, when Tremere himself did it he became a vampire that was immune to sunlight.
>be mage
>decide to become vampire
literally the most retarded people in the whole of the World of Darkness
Was the day in the coffin an actual andecluvian? How come he's dead(er) and hobo is just chilling with him?
bamboozled by Saulot
no, it was just a human's corpse
the historian was right that it was just different rulers in a dynasty using the same title
Jack's a fucking moron for gambling on it, as expected of a filthy Br*jah
Grout managed to keep himself relatively sane by treating it as a mental illness though.
There is no more Rötschreck in Vampire: the Masquerade?
They didn't know at the time that they'd lose their magic.
You're just a special snowflake after all
>a literal retard
user,he never focused on succing a body,that wasnt his game.......
Because for some reason the devs thought you playing as a fishmalk was a good idea.
not really, the Camarilla and Sabbat were the ones being absolute retards and superstitious about some king's corpse
I mean, accidentally waking up what, a third gen vampire to LOL TROLL based Prince is fucking dumb. He lucked out this time, but next time it might be Caine trolling him back and fucking up everything for everyone
The fireplace is there so you can dab on weak willed fags who can't handle the sight of fire.
they shouldn't have let their hubris get ahead of themselves then
magetards messed with something they didn't understand and payed the price
But mages can be immortal, they can do literally anything
Blade is awesome
Eh, they seem to think it was worth it for how hard they dabbed on the vampire order.
Yeah La Croix kept insisting it was superstition, but he was desperate to get that coffin open to make sure, he was scared it was really an antediluvian.
they were getting dabbed on by the proto-Technocracy, magic potions and other silly shit just stopped working
>going double retard
You do not wake someone up by just peeking in from the lid and vampires can feel if someone they are talking to is a vampire if both are from a low gen....
It's especially more apparent when the thing inside the damn thing was just a skeleton and not a proper body as well.....
Why does no one care about Gangrel
>Why is playing through this as Malkavian first so frowned upon?
It's not exactly frowned upon but most people suggest others to save it for later if you plan on playing through the game more than once with different clans, though even that is up to personal preference. I wouldn't say Malkavian spoils stuff as you very likely won't get any of the obtuse references they make, but if you're on a second playthrough and playing Malkavian you have additional insight for why they refer to certain people or things in certain ways to the point it's apparent that between all the madness the Malkavian PC actually sees through most of the bullshit and realizes the true nature of certain characters at first sight even if the player themselves doesn't.
Reminder that Saulot was there when Tremere and Goratrix were creating Ceoris
more people care for them over lame brujah, ventrue and toreadors. I dont understand why people love malks so much
because malks are funny lad
It's probably the most boring class in the game.
So I never played Brujah, do they get that super speed attack Jack does at the game's beginning?
Yes, Celerity + Potence
how is being able to turn into a were bat, tank through hordes of enemies and summon creatures boring?
>decide to read some WoD lore in the wiki, because it's usually fun
Fucking lol
Its reddit advice because the first time theough you won't get all the epic references. What retards ignore is that your character doesn't get the references they are spouting either so playing them your first time is the ONLY way to play Malkavian.
Hang on how were mummies supposed to be the real threat/rival to vamps if they only care about mummy business?
>tfw there is literally a man inside the TV
the depth of Malk special dialog continues to amaze me
90s to mid 2000s White Wolf was on a level of its own m8
>mfw Exalted 2nd edition
Malks are the only ones who are sane in an insane world
It was either that or a king that was a ghoul
If you're talking about Tremere, the man, it was his never his intention to become a vampire. He wanted a way to achieve the deathlessness of vampirism with none of its downsides. He failed at that. If you're talking about the rest of clan Tremere, outside its founding members, they were never mages. They had no avatar to throw away. The Tremere don't recruit mages. They don't even care about interest in the occult. A fledgeling Tremere has all of
its unlife to learn about Thaumaturgy. The other traits the Tremere care about, like loyalty and respect for strict hierarchies can't be taught. They'd rather embrace discliplined military or corporate types than some foggy-headed hedge wizard or occult investigator.
drop nos nobody want to be ugly toreador a best
What clan is Brian
>get to sewers
>get to kuei jin slime woman
>god 1 and mute the game
prove me wrong
tv presenter
>They'd rather embrace discliplined military or corporate types than some foggy-headed hedge wizard or occult investigator.
Nice. I always liked Tremere the most but never was too much into occultism beyond some basic hermetic tradition. But I'm militaryfag.
>They don't even care about interest in the occult.
This part is false,they do tend to get people interested in magic but sure,it's not a rule or anything.
Who is this guy and why did the audience cheer him so hard
I thought that VTMB mages aren't as powerful as Awakening mages.
i always played it as malk, dont even know how is it supposed to play like when not playing malk
>the Camarilla vampires secretly rule the world!
>no, it's actually Pentex werewolves that secretly rule the world!
>no wait, it is actually the Technocracy mages that secretly rule the world!
is it me or was the World of Darkness never meant to be a shared universe between the lines but white wolf decided to make it so at the last moment?
From Vampire: the Masquerade Revised:
>However, a fascination with the unknown is hardly enough to draw a Warlock's attention; clan members seek "apprentices" with aggressive natures and clear thinking, and care little for muddle-headed New Agers or befuddled conspiracy theorists.
Maybe I overstated it, but personality is much more important for a potential Tremere than knowledge of the occult.
Hot Topic Store Manager
Nah I always liked how the setting is a metric fuckton of factions always vieing for control of shit.
Does his branch make male Tremere default shirts?
I want one, but it has to have the symbols.
>first time playing
>have to do the ocean house hotel
It's all supposed to take place in the same world, but from different perspectives depending on the game. Like a kaleidoscope, depending on how you look at it, everything is different. If you're playing VtM, stuff like Pentex and the Technocracy are supposed to be mysterious background elements, if mentioned at all. It's intentional if you look at the back of the VtM core book, the template for werewolf adversaries are much weaker than a freshly rolled werewolf in WtA. People assume since all the games take place at the same world and use the same ruleset, everything is supposed to be mixed together like some nasty soup. It'd be impossible to balance all the game lines together thematically and mechanically, therefore they never tried.
Why is Tremere so popular, blowing people up with blood boil?
be careful...
based tremerechads
It's magefags who want too be playing a mage in VTM:B, it's like why are there so many furryfags among WoD players, it just is.
cRPGs tend to be played by nerds
Nerds tend to enjoy mages in cRPGs
Tremere is pretty much vampire mage.
The amount of furries playing WoD are dwarfed by the people who refuse to play Werewolf because they think someone might think they're a furry.
Are they manly gay werewolf packs in the lore
If yes I might play it.
user everyone who knows better knows most of the furries these days play fae shitters over werewolves because WWIII is the low hanging fruit too get purged cause obv furry is obv.
the male gangrel PC looks like a dudeweedlmao degenerate
Werewolves having sex with each other is considered perverse. I can't recall any gay werewolves in the lore, but even a gay werewolf would be expected to have sex with female Kinfolk to birth more werewolves.
I like his model better than Malkavian and Tremere, those guys piercings are ugly
I just can't not play brujah. Celerity is too fucking good
Just because of the dreads? The rest of the outfit doesn't really look that way to me. Female Gangrel is cute though.
>Well, they sucked Saulot.
na, its more they used magic and a little Vicissitude to become vampires cause "ma immortality and magic", used saulot and had the leader soul get put into a worm while saulot took over, had to use his own people as puppets to speak, started to hate vampires, tried to use a potent ritual channeling all of humanity's true name to defeat the Tzimisce Antediluvian and kill all vampires but because Vicissitude was used to make them the Tzimisce anti took over since Vicissitude means automatic anti-takeover and took over 99% of humanity while the Tremere leader died like a bitch and saulot had to fix things.
Tremere clan and founder are eternally cucked
Are anarchs inherently retards?
Female werewolves are also disgusting.
Werewolves are for bro teams
>female gayming interviewer is actually competent
Is there actual info in here or is it more repeat of what's already been said
wait is this the game where the tvs have an actual guy and studio modeled inside the tv? or was that common in games in that era?
If only the eldest members of a vampire clan can vote during the Camarilla's Inner Circle meetings doesn't that mean that all 13 clans are allied with the Camarilla?
How much of a dab are we talking?
It's still done in a general way rather than getting in depth with actual features that will be in the game, besides mist form.
>Tremere clan can get alex mercered at any time by the Tzimisce Antediluvian
anybody who uses Vicissitude is open to possession and the tremere needed it to become vamps or the powers are connected to it in some way.
To be fair you can do shit like use a flamethrower in vtmb without getting spook’d
>Im playing one in Bloodlines.
I think it was common to just build the area somewhere outside of the map then attach a camera/monitor to it. Easier than entirely scripting it like a cutscene.
there will be a short but well written malkavian option added as DLC to BL2. it will not be a whole "campaign", but it will be something and in the right spirit. No one will be entirely pleased but most people will be somewhat placated.
It's that, but also that the chantry haven is top comfy
I think you're confusing the Inner Circle with justicars or primogens in a city. AFAIK there's no concrete information on who is in the inner circle, but there are 6 justicars, (7 before Xavier withdrew clan Gangrel from the Camarilla) one for each Camarilla clan. They're not necessarily the oldest vampires, though. In an individual Camarilla city, the eldest vampire of a clan is usually considered the clan's primogen. If there are no members of a certain clan in that city, there won't be a primogen. If there are members of a clan that aren't considered core members of the Camarilla, like Lasombra antitribu, there might be a Lasombra primogen.
I'm sure V5 changes all that, though.
makes me think of the mario kart map from tf2 where you can see people outside the map or however that works
Nah I am reading the 20th anniversary book right now and I misread it. It's held every 13 years and I thought it said 13 clans were represented but it only specifies that only the eldest of a clan may vote on policy. I would assume if a clan elder didn't want to take part in the Camarilla he would just not attend.
What animalisms spells are good?
update the chart with rudi he's the level after caine
>since Vicissitude means automatic anti-takeover
ALLEGEDLY! You have no evidence of this.
Burrowing Beetle is good since you can spam it while meleeing, never tried the others
my favorite is Bat's Communion for combat feeding. Second is Spectral Wolf, I'll cast it then follow up with Bat's Communion on another enemy to get all my blood back. Isn't as effective against supernaturals though, most just spam burrowing beetle and melee against them. Pestilence is fun but costs a lot of blood.
I always looked at it like I did 40k lore - the fluff is full of unreliable narrators that shill their own narrative on their respective factions, so contradictions and fanwanking aren't out of place or necessarily shit on other parts of the lore. For example, the Technocracy, Camarilla, and agents of the Wyrm are all said to have control over the media which they use to advance 'their' agenda, but really the broad agendas their pushing aren't mutually exclusive.
>The Technocracy wants to shill consensus for their brands of Technology at the expense of Hermesfag magic
>Wyrm agents want to shill materialism for similar reasons to fuck up the Wolves
>The Camarilla makes it official policy to discredit spirituality and the paranormal because it helps secure the Masquerade and prevents Vamp genocide 2: New Anarch rebellions boogaloo
It's likely all three factions have their own cronies and outlets and aren't overly hostile to one another because they're all after similar goals - they just play up their own importance. Kine are just fucked lmao
For one, nerds tend to play mages. But more importantly, Blood Purge is hilariously OP since nothing that has blood resists it.
its Gehenna "Crucible of God" scenario where he possesses the Tremere Founder and merges with nearly the whole human race.
>Werewolves having sex with each other is considered perverse.
Then what the fuck are the Black Furies?
>Because you would spoil yourself the plot for the first time.
Unless you are psychic, this has never been true.
You've shown me things i shouldn't have seen
but they are descended from Caine, they drained blood from Tzimisce and used that to become vampires in the first place. Also Saulot but that happened after they were turned
You'd be amazed at how butthurt the other clans are over them existing. They're the "haters gonna hate" clan
There should be one of those small singing birds and big noisy crow collages, the small one sings isolated or somethinh else in the vtmb ost that's mild while the shitter interrupts with WELL I AM THE LECHER BITCH
6 is the bonus "clan" so it won't be a regular clan. Probably thin-blood
Not canon.
No user he wanted the sarcophagus to succ him out
It's common to do this in the Source engine. Half Life 2 does it as well.
He looks like a person who enjoys Vampire: The Masquerade LARPing on his free time
Have any of you played World of Darkness? I know there is a old and new version, is it like Warhammer fantasy where the new one is hated?
Since we start as a thinblood, I hope the later parts of the game once you get your clan allow you to adopt a more interesting character as your ghoul. Heather was okay but I hope there is more variety in their character, appearance modifications, or the role they play in maintaining your home.
It's more like there's 3 versions. There's the original old World of Darkness with 3 editions, from 1991-2004. In 2004, they released the new World of Darkness, aka the Chronicles of Darkness. This was a hard reboot of the series, with two editions. In 2011, Onyx Path was contracted to make the 20th anniversary edition of the old WoD and that was followed up by a 5th edition in 2018.
I used to play the oWoD a lot and really enjoyed it. I thought the nWoD was an admirable attempt, but it lacked that hook and appeal the old world had. I wasn't alone in that feeling, but nWoD has plenty of its adherents. I've read through v20 or v5 in full, but from what I've seen the writing and art are subpar. It's like someone digging up your dead grandmother after 7 years and parading her around on a stick.
That writer was gushing so hard about sewers at the premiere that it would be weird if Nossies werent in the game
best clan wins again
If only the Tremere model in VTMB looked this good
it has some little twists but it will mostly be the same game
youve not seen shit
>muh na canun
K. then let me post this
>some speculating that Vicissitude itself is an extension of the Elder Tzimisce and that it continues to learn and experiment through those that fleshcraft
(gehenna end game proves this)
>Blood magic
>Koldunic Sorcery
>Sielanic Thaumaturgy
Used by Tzimisce and is a form of Thaumaturgy,
>in Lore of the Clans it's implied that they took at least some Vicissitude tainted blood, the Tzimisce talks about the Tremere infecting themselves (as a joke, not realizing that he's right)...
> Goratrix was the mage responsible for creating the potion that turned the Tremere into vampires by experimenting on the native Tzimisce, and was responsible for convincing the rest of the House to adopt it, neglecting to mention certain undesirable side effects. He was also the one who pushed to quickly introduce as many members of the House into the fold as possible.
he tainted the tremere with tzimisce blood
they will in 2
What the fuck? I love this setting.
Wraith is a lot.
And the Dark Kingdom of Wire is extremely Wraith.
It's the best game line they ever made but good luck getting a group together for it
Gehenna straight up isn't canon anymore and technically was never canon because it was chose your own ending
My only experience with World of Darkness is VTMB and those Hunter: The Reckoning games on Xbox. Are the Tremere really not originally vampires? I feel like that's a major detail missing from the dialogues in that game. Or maybe I just missed it because I haven't played a Tremere yet. So are mages meant to be canonically stronger than most vampires? Mage game when?
I love Wraith. The books have amazing atmosphere. Even if you find people to play it, it's still really difficult to make a game. Ghosts usually have little reason to work with other ghosts, so a storyteller needs to be clever to link all the players together. Even then you need players mature enough to handle being another player's shadow, without arguments getting started and feelings getting hurt. Orpheus made a much more playable game for ghost enthusiasts, but it never got much attention.
Why are mages so fucking high?
Decided to kill Mercurio for this playthrough, how fucked am I for late game weapons? Can I get the flamethrower and dragon without him?
Prior to the 12th century, the Tremere were a house of mages. Several of the mages, including Tremere himself, became vampires due to a botched attempt at immortality. With the exception of the original founders of the clan, all Tremere are vampires and were never mages. They might be called mages, wizards or warlocks as slang, but they're vampires. Whether or not they're stronger than an awakened mage depends on your definition of strong and depends on the situation. Be cautious of anyone on this board telling you one type of supernatural is stronger than another. They're either ignorant or intentionally trying to mislead you.
non of what i posted was from Gehenna. it predates it and is lore for the clan's origins dude. I just posted multiple things proving my point so either you don't fully know the lore or are playing stupid
Tremere arose when a group of Mages found that the spells that had granted them immortality up until that point were fading in their potency. Seeking new ways to maintain their lives and their knowledge. Vampirism turned out to be the only viable solution. However Vampires, being dominated by the Beast that drives their actions and the Thirst, fundamentally can not understand the truths needed to become Ascended and use True Magic. The principles and ideas behind casting magic could still be applied to blood magic called Thaumaturgy, and this became the Tremere speciality
The abilities of Mages, provided they can enact them without invoking Paradox, are capable of vaporising pretty much anything as well as sustaining any damage, provided the spell is prepared beforehand. Some Mages have ascended to becoming god like entities, and one perhaps even became God himself. Somehow. I dunno.
is he really caine?
I didn't like Orpheus it just lacks the depressive mood of Wraith also the powers you had access to were retardedly strong compared to similar Wraith stuff when it should be the opposite.
I admit that the storyline was good though
>tfw Orphan Grinders
Sure why not.
While a mage is fundamentally just human, and could be brained just by smacking him with a metal pipe, most have so many enchantments and spells cast on themselves and their clothing that they have immediate and constant access to many defensive and offensive powers.
You can't kill an Antediluvian. Saulot merely lives on in the Tremere. He'll probably reform himself someday when he's bored. In fact this could all be a plot/trick of some kind. To pretend he's dead.
Vampires can't use awakened Magick because they're dead and therefore don't have an Avatar.
Also reality starts rejecting your very existence if you're older than 120 or so but that's on the consensus/sleepers
>most have so many enchantments and spells cast on themselves and their clothing that they have immediate and constant access to many defensive and offensive powers.
Not in Ascension. The danger that they can do basically anything that falls inside of their spheres
>those gloves
>that suit
>that hair
Why does he wear the gloves?
Why not?
Brian Mitsoda is what happens when "that kid" grows up
ain't they dead?
FUCK Tremere, FUCK Nictuku, and FUCK our Antideluvian
Manchildren are literally the only people you can trust to make games
a few of them have survived as the Harbingers of Skulls
I guess you're right. Strange but I will pick that over a soi-latte sipping limp wristed pajama wearing cuck who can't code.
The setting has, ironically, lost its fangs over the years, and doesn't really delve into nearly as much depraved shit in the newest edition.
Why do westerners think Islam tolerates homosexuality?
Why does God tolerate reality fucking mages?
Do you guys always save both Jeanette and Therese?
They do as soon as they start watching American TV
Why does a species where almost no one even fucks, have sexual identities?
Playing as a Malk on the first run is dumb because you'll be missing on a lot of references.
> but you only get one chance to play it first.
Playing it as Malk and then replaying it as Malk to get all the references is way dumber than just playing it on a second playthrough. Imagine, having to replay as a Malk right after you just played as a Malk to get all the references. Instead you could have played as any other clan, and there are plenty of options.
You can play Malk first run, it won't kill anyone, it's just objectively worse. Unless you only like Malkavians and dislike all other clans and don't even really like Vampire.
In summary, the Anarchs book was shit.
God doesn't care
>some princes fear he will lead a crusade
So what's the handwave for this gaynigger still enjoying his undeath then?
Why did they name a black vampire like roody-poo?
Oh goddamnit, why is that hot?
I get what your saying, but Vampires from WoD can and do fuck like crazy. That could be different now though judging but what you posted. I never play past NWoD
What if you only want to play the game once
For anyone who hasn't played Bloodlines, here's a general rundown on the disciplines. Figure out what you like, go from there.
Animalism: Supernatural animal spirits. Summon birds, beetles, wolves, bats, etc to attack.
Auspex: Second sight, essentially. See auras of beings around you, also buffs your defense and guns.
Celerity: Fast. Faster. F A S T.
Dementation/Dominate: Mind control. Dominate is more direct commands like sleep, forget you saw me, etc while Dementation is the Malkavian's special deal. Channel and inflict your madness into people around you.Make them hallucinate, go crazy, go hysterical.
Fortitude: Constitution. Ignore set amounts of damage. In the books, high levels could even let you ignore some sunlight. Hit me again, I don't give a fuck.
Obfuscate: Invisibility. Easy stealth missions, easy quiet stealth kills.
Potence: Supernatural strength. You hit harder, with increasing amounts of damage that can't be ignored.
Presence: Here, it's an aura of dread that debuffs enemies effectiveness in combat, lowering their stats.
Protean: Bestial form. Growing claws, glowing red eyes. RIP AND TEAR HUGE GUTS
Thaumaturgy: Tremere blood magic. Cast magic (blood) missile, blood shield, even boil someone's blood until they explode.
Brujah: Celerity, Potence, Presence.
Gangrel: Animaliism, Fortitude, Protean.
Malkavian: Auspex, Dementation, Obfuscate.
Nosferatu: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence.
Toreador: Auspex, Celerity, Presence
Tremere: Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy.
Ventrue: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence.
>you'll be missing on a lot of references.
They're called hints you retard. The entire gameplay focus of Malkavian is your madness manifesting as prophetic knowledge assisting your journey. Your dialogue reveals information no other character would know at that point. They're not "references" for players on a second play through.
Anyone remember the name of the one hunter in the lore who is so dangerous and so old from prolonging his life with vampire blood there is a rule that no vampire can even attempt to go near him under threat of exectution so he'll die of old age without vampire blood?
Makes sense.
Anarchs are themselves shit.
Based Toreador
They become references once you're on your second playthrough, "retard".
Well, makes sense that you wouldn't want to replay VTMB if you played Malk first.
Caiaphas Smith. He's quasi-canon at best. One reference in a book from 1992 and a card in the card game. If you're ever wondering why White Wolf wanted to kill off the game line in 2004, characters like Caiaphas Smith are a big reason why.
is he black
Caiaphas Smith
Apparent Age: 71 (actually 199)
Concept: Puritan Hunter
Nature: Fanatic
Demeanor: Fanatic
Motive: Sense of Duty/Hate
Method: Religious/Heavy Firepower
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
Talents: Alertness 5, Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 2, Intimidation 5, Leadership 5
Skills: Firearms 3, Melee 5, Security 3, Stealth 4, Survival 5
Knowledges: Investigation 5, Law 4, Linguistics 4, Medicine 3, Occult 5
Numina & Other Traits: Crossbows 5, Casting 5, Duration 4, Extend 4, Scent/Vampires 5, Confess 3, Soul of the Wood 4
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Contacts 4, Resources 3, Reputation 5
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 5
Humanity: 9
True Faith: 8
Willpower: 10
Merits: Iron Will
No they're still hints, they just lose their purpose because you already know everything after playing the game. That's how hints work. The hints a puzzle game gives you don't become "references" to the puzzle after you know how to solve the puzzle.
nWoD was more like a template for creating your own world because oWoD turned into a meta plot clusterfuck with snowflake hybrids of every monster type simultaneously.
they are as much kindred as any other, stop your retarded faggotry.
>the afterlife is segregated by race
Based and redpilled.
mage the awakening game when
I understand what you're saying, but from my point of view they're too vague for someone to get on a first playthrough. For all intents and purposes they're references to me now that I know the entire game. They're not hints to me anymore.
Tremere: Super Jews
Fuck you
>shines on you
get owned dumb dumb
>they're too vague
They're hints. They're meant to be vague. You missed out on the whole point of the clan. So don't go around telling people not to play it first because you fucked it up.
>that guy who minmaxed contacts/resources to try and justify stupid shit
>"I use my contacts to find out who I need to bribe to get away with diablerie lol"
what weaknesses do the other supernaturals have?
What book can I read more about human hunters? I wanna find out more about the 90 year old badass who ghouls himself to extend his lifespan. Also what WOD rulebooks are worth reading?
>that pic
Fuck me that made me lose it hard
What I said previously is not the only reason. The entire game's PC's responses have been re-written for the Malkavians, and they're definetly more interesting to pursue on a second playthrough, when the other clans will provide more usual speech. It's like baking a food analogy, and instead of trying it out, you first eat it with spices. Now whenever you try it again without the spices, it's just more bland.
>I wanna find out more about the 90 year old badass who ghouls himself to extend his lifespan.
Then you need to read Hunters Hunted from 1992. That's the only reference.
>it's been almost 2 years since I made that
>and someone saved it
And now, I get that mixture of sadness because I instantly feel time slipping away too fast, mixed with a bit of bittersweet joy that someone saved my OC.
>they're definetly more interesting to pursue on a second playthrough
How would you know? You never had the experience of having it as a first playthrough. And doing Malk first does nothing to stop you from playing them later after a different clan and getting the "superior" experience you mentioned.
Congratulations on ignoring everything I said about Malk's writing and the analogy. Since you don't read what I'm saying, I'll just leave you to talk to yourself.
im mad that you cant hack or use computers while in protean form
For werewolves its silver
For wraiths its their shadow, their true self
For mages it's mostly their own stupidity
>that guy who comes to the table with a 7th gen Caitiff with 3 unique disciplines he found on a Geocities site and a bunch of "flaws" that actually make the character stronger
>also used the storyteller book rule to spend half as much to get 5 dots in melee since he specified ninjutsu
>mfw this game's entire final third
this is the most overated game I've ever played, how the fuck is this popular
Still super excited for the sequel because this game has some amazing ideas overall, it's just the execution that totally sucks
The final segment of the game is easily the worst part because of the time constraints the team faced, iirc. Probably only fun for specific clans if you paid attention to combat differences.
>this is the most overated game I've ever played,
did you skip the first and second thirds?
Which clan has the best song anons?
Me angry now
Best song in the game's either the Lacuna Coil or Tiamet one but I lean more towards Lacuna Coil.
Tzimisce. Bloodsucker 2000 is the coolest song in there, although the best band in there is Nosferatu.
Also, pls post with the album cover next time.
Nosferatu just sounds like that one Bauhaus song
Every discipline besides Celerity is worthless. If your vampire doesn't have celerity the game sucks ass to play.
But Tremere steamroll the game
>turn on protean 5
>run right up to 5 people trying to gun me down and tear through them with my 30cm claws
what were you saying?
Celerity was sure broken, but it didn't offer the shame excitement and fulfillment as stealthly moving and killing enemies as a Malk or Nossie, or draining the blood of your enemies, using it as projectiles and blowing them up from the inside as Tremere for example.
i played toreador gun user the first time and celerity has to be the most boring power ever. all it is fast, faster, FASTER! where as every other clan has cool shit like protean or thaumaturgy or animalism.
I never understood the point of blood boil, why put so many points for it when you can get suicide for half as much in the dominate tree
Do you think that they will be able to give Thaumaturgy the variety that it deserves in Bloodlines 2? It's basically a jack of all trades and has a gajillion of uses and powers other than merely blood magic. It's basically sorcery fueled by blood.
Also, do you think that they will still keep the same only 5 dots system in disciplines?
>he needs overpowered abilities in order to have fun
sweet area dmg
You can get the flamethrower in the Sabbat hotel
Thaumaturgy is just called "Blood sorcery" in v5. I'm not sure of how it's changed. IIRC v5 only has disciplines go up to 5 pips.
I do, unless I'm playing an evil character, but even still it feels wrong to not save both of them when you know how.
>cast once
>kill 5+ enemies
Its based off v5 or whatever the most recent version of the tabletop is so presumably it will have that system
>fighting this guy as gangrel
>mfw popping fortitude, running through the fire and smacking him dead
tremere are lame lol
I know the person goes through like a 6 second animation before blowing up, and I can't find any videos of it being used on bosses or aoe being demonstrated, is it that good?
>Playing as a Malk on the first run is dumb because you'll be missing on a lot of references.
There are other things to enjoy about playing one.
>Imagine, having to replay as a Malk right after you just played as a Malk to get all the references.
I did that, and it was fun. I'm glad I didn't listen to the people saying don't play Malk first.
I know the clans all hate each other, and the werewolves hate the vamps as well as each other, and the mages, technocracy etc are all at each others throats
But I think we can all come together on one thing:
Laughing at how retarded the Giovanni are
If cast on a boss it doesn't cause the AOE blast, but it still does a good amount of damage. When cast against regular mooks, the blast can clear most rooms. Very useful, especially when you the talisman that does +25% thaumaturgy damage.
the girl a cute tho
>First run is Gangrel with maxed Protean, Fortitude, Brawl, Strength, Dodge, Stamina, and Wits
>Still get rekt by those female tzimisce creatures, Zulo Shape, Xiao, and am utterly useless against Stage 2 Sheriff
>Have to drain every 2nd enemy to have enough blood to keep my powers up
>Only hit for like 20-50 and can get stunlocked by other melee users
>Run Malk Social build on 2nd go
>Put points into firearms and Auspex only after Persuasion is maxed
>Uzi and Deagle make every last encounter trivial
>All Bosses go down in an Uzi mag or 2 at most aside from Xiao
>Almost never come close to dying
Man, unarmed was not only not that fun to play but it simply could not compete with a mid-late game ranged build.
Most of the male PC look like shit. Tremere is the only one I actually like.
Only 5? But every discipline used to go up to 9 or 10 with multiple powers. What is this choping and nerfing. Are they gonna remove powers and abilities in disciplines? Why do they narrow them so much.
Did you know the Giovanni created necromancy and zombies to mask their own stench?
Did you know it also doesn't fucking work and you can still tell how smelly and disgusting they are?
>have to deactivate every time you feed unless you want to be sucking on someone's neck for 20 years
Is the Final Nights any good?
It's still good to have some points in melee/unarmed for some stuff like the Tzimisce Geodudes but yeah, guns are definitely stronger late game. I think it's one reason why people complain about the combat and last parts of the game.
Clan Quest Mod might be better
I really don't understand any of the changes made to v5. The metaplot makes no sense to me now. Why remove the Sabbat? Why elevate the Anarchs to the position the Sabbat used to have? Why did they force the former independent clans into factions?
What are the rules for sunlight? Can you hide in shade? Cover up?
>Why remove the Sabbat?
>Why elevate the Anarchs to the position the Sabbat used to have?
freedom fighters is the hip new thing
> Why did they force the former independent clans into factions?
hip new thing. you just won't understand
Lmao look at these JRPGs niggas
That's disappointing, I was considering this very build for my next run.
Fortitude can help, but if you're not already in the clear by the time the sun STARTS to rise, especially as a Toreador. You're usually super fucked.
>Laughing at how retarded the Giovanni are
And how based the Harbingers of Skulls are in comparison.
Are Toreador especially vulnerable to the sun?
For one, vampires need to make constant Willpower checks during the day to prevent from falling asleep immediately. The sight of sunlight prompts rotschreck, which is a kind of frenzy. Being exposed to sunlight will immediately cause aggravated damage, even if it's not direct sunlight. Being in the shade won't help. Wearing a hat, heavy coat, sunglasses and a parasol won't help. Heavy curtains won't help if some light still gets through.
What clan is this even?
She's a revenant for clan Tzimisce. A revenant is a kind of ghoul who inherited their condition.
Clan Quest for extra replayability and proper Sabbat route.
Final Nights and Antitribu for unique new clan shenanigans.
It's up to you.
t. triggered tremere tranny
>be gun toreador build
>take forever to kill enemies till very very late game and run out of ammo in Warren’s and Sabbat place
>only had enough ammo for Ming’s because I went back to loot the boxes allllll the way at the beginning
>get fucked up trying to get into Leopold society becaus outgunned and not high enough unarmed to feed
>protean gangrel run
>blast through levels like it’s nothing as I tear everyone apart and feed on whoever I like
>blood meter is never an issue unless I feel like spamming ALL my buffs carelessly
Haven’t fought Ming yet but only time where I got fucked up was the gargoyle so I switched to sledge hammer. Other than that I go through enemies so fast and rarely lose half of my health.
Is falling asleep during the day another curse from caine?
/d/zimisce player here.
This is boners to me.
What weapons did you use? I found that shotguns suck pretty hard, but the pistols (glock, anaconda, deagle) and the MG's (Uzi, Zoomed in Aug) all did great damage. Granted I was running around with 5 firearms, 5 perception, and 5 auspex for a further buff, but most people and things went down in 3 or so shots or a quick burst from an automatic.
Feeding wasn't an issue on a Malk run since even level 1 dementate lets you immediately take a human out of combat and feed on them unopposed granted you don't accidentally touch them first. Didn't even need to use blood bags a single time.
holy shit tzimisce really is the best clan
Which is actually bigger and has most content?
It goes hand in hand with having to flee from the sun. It's a kind of supernatural compulsion to sleep, not just weariness from lack of rest.
Current campaign I'm playing has clan Tremere waging a secret war with animated suits of armor carrying phosphorus-loaded machineguns. Any decent thaum can control between 3-5 animations so they move in 'squads' with the vamp hiding as one of the soldiers.
Anyone without auspex or similiar sight powers to nail the 'lead' or sufficient power to take on all at once is SOL as shooting animated armor does shit all, it needs to be physically torn apart.
>be Gangrel
>in CQM
>Protean 5
>Fortitude 4
>diablerized Ash and gained his Celerity which I raised to 2
>spent points in h2h combat, defence and the like
>wearing heavy clothing with armor
>mfw activating Protean, Fortitude and Celerity in a fight and tearing everyone apart and with almost no dmg to you
>one of my favourite runs ever in VTMB
They're all god's puppets in the end, and god's been on an eternity's bender, looked at his hobby and realised this is why he has no gf and is taking it out on EVERYONE.
Current campaign I'm playing has clan Tremere waging a secret war with animated suits of armor carrying phosphorus-loaded machineguns.
I swear to christ if the phrase "Bedknobs and Boomsticks" hasn't been uttered at least once you're all fucking useless.
Literally the Aristocrats: the Clan.
more like God is a being on such a whole other level of power and concept that He just gets bored of certain worlds/universes He made and then just proceeds to fuck off to some other empty space far away from Creation and try His hand at making new playthings again and again, all the while the previously created universes are abandoned.
Alright good sure, "working on other projects" but he still following @cain on creationtwitter.
Frankly being God is much like a The Sims game except with customization and choices only limited by your own imagination, and actual life like AI.
Must be pretty fun being Him, desu.
To be fair revenants are all supposed to be fucked up in the head sexual deviants that are slaves to the Tzimisce. I guess everybody would just want to play a revenant if there were literally no downsides to eternal life.
Well, I'd imagine He checks His favorite playthings from other universes every now and then to see if there's anything remotely amusing going on. But when you have so much fucking power at your hands I also imagine it takes quite a lot to get His attention nowadays.
FUCK tremere. Those faggots deserve a special kind of hell
Does it help one fartsniffing Bruiah thought he could just potencebayonet one of the suits in the face, assuming it was occupied? He was very salty when it turned around and set his ass on fire.
The players later started just targeting the guns, hoping to break them instead of fucking with a whole suit of armor.
So the mage summoned another one
If Cain really wanted to one up God, he'd release the fallen to troll the shit outta that old cunt
Literally this for the songbird.
Tremere is the easiest class to beat the game with
Does this mean a fantastic hunter can't kill a single werewolf or what? I thought Hunters got their own broken shit
>ocean house hotel for the first time
>go in expecting spooks
>end up finding it funny with the poltergeist trying to lob shit at me and when the kitchen goes to hell
great atmosphere though i still liked it
I think he was refering to their clan weakness mixed with a beautiful sunrise
Same. Though the elavator did scare the shit out of me
So if you're in the arctic circle you're good for like 6 months at a time right
If you can find enough blood.
I tried.
Good effort.
>fellow giovanni haters
What do you call a Giovanni with 68 IQ?
above average
I wish the claw attacks weren't so hard to combo. You practically have to have someone against a wall to hit the entire combo
>diablerized Ash
is this an actual thing you can do?
What did the Giovanni do? Besides mostly get rid of the enormous drawback of Capprodocians?
>no tailored suit with a scarlet velvet shirt
There any actual canon for the Malk Antediluvian manipulating Cain, or is this image just memes?
They're gonna get it tbqh
clan quest mod most likely
Charts pretty inaccurate. For one thing, hunters with 5+ True Faith miracles will LOLstomp Demons and Werewolfs, let alone Vampires. Miracles are OP and that's why they are super rare.
Malkfags just think they're special. And they are, but not the way they think
Execution needs a little work
It's a little more sinister than that. Revenants are the product of so many generations of ghouls being bred and inbred together that every child is born as a ghoul too, and instead of relying on vitae for immortality, produce their own very slowly.
Worry not kindred, fate will carry your feet.
don't open it
You are forgetting the coolest clan and discipline.
could use a webum with sound as well.
But I'm too low pc INT to make it
literally the patrician choice to go malkavian first. and if you are somewhat eloquent and creative you will understand 95% of whats going on. not to blow my horn. but this is exactly how it went for me. but to be fair. i aint reddit
Funny how despite having the classical vampire powers which are so vanilla compared to the other clans, a Toreador really has the best set of combat disciplines, tied with Brujah. No matter how arcane and flashy the other powers, everything dies if you cut off it's head at superspeed while being relatively immune to debuffs and CC.
hes talking about the playable ones
It's a different matter in the PnP. Auspex and Presence have almost no direct combat utility, and celepotence becomes insane at high levels, not forgetting one of the best combo disciplines Brujah can get, which basically steals the single main draw of Gangrel early-midgame.
Has any Toreador considered combat an art form?
Reading up on the lore they value dance so why not fencing? Surely a toreador fencer could be OP as shit without any clan downsides right, how is this not a thing?
>which basically steals the single main draw of Gangrel early-midgame
Yeah, gangrel really can't compete with that. What about lategame though? I assume you mean the tabletop
Didn't mist form and turning into bats used to be exclusively for very high level Gangrels with maxed out protean? Why would they give epic level protean powers to low level thin bloods?
Imagining a spin-flipping witcher style combat Toreador during the middle ages is fucking hilarious.
>Has any Toreador considered combat an art form?
I think so, I remember some guy who was an ST talking about how it's metagamey or something like that idk
Your malk is all kinds of fucked. Didn't you notice the TV wasn't talking about you, but TO you directly? You've also got the voices and your weird dialogue
>I remember some guy who was an ST talking about how it's metagamey or something like that idk
What is an ST and how is it meta-gamey, the whole fucking game is meta-gamey
>Literal mind control powers being boosted by the chad clan
Celerity is nice for melee combat, but without fortitude or potence they can't really go toe to toe with many combat focused clans.
Even a cheeky tremere can enchant a sword to burn with fire.
The protean/animalism thing makes gangrel a literal force of nature. It has great recon/stealth and survivability applications paired with fortitude, at the lack of any great combat boost. Even the elder-tier powers are super versions of the basic ones, making them harder to hit or spot, and basically making them the tank clan.
Brujah are kinda shafted for versatility. But this is made up for the fact that the one thing they do well, they continue to do increasingly well as they level up. They hit fucking hard and move fucking fast, and only get harder and faster, to the point where if they cared enough to spend their entire bloodpool in one turn they could kill literally everything in a room weaker than an elder vamp in seconds flat. Or that one elder himself. The key is that spending blood at celerity 6 and any amount of potence mechanically guarantees damage is dealt, so cannot be dodged and must be soaked. So anything without fortittude is SOL.
>tfw playing malks as first run through
>tfw my character is utterly batshit with hearing and seeing shit that makes absolutely fuck all sense
>tfw nobody really hates me but everyone feels bad
>at least I can drive shitters fucking nuts if they piss my 10,000 minds off.
ST = storyteller, basically the dungeonmaster of the tabletop game
>It has great recon/stealth and survivability applications paired with fortitude,
Yeah I noticed that. Lots of survivability stuff, sinking into the ground etc. Got to be a bitch having a gangrel pop out of the ground behind you and essentially staking you with their claws. Protean is probably the most versatile discipline outside of thaumaturgy, obtenebration/oblivion and vicissitude
Probably, but there are other things that are classic Toreador behavior, though. Caring about status is one of those traits. Being a high level vampire martial artist is not gonna be high on the list of a 13th generation dude who is trying to blend in with high society.
Could be an interesting concept for a character that exists in or lived through times in which duels were socially acceptable and winning them could award brownie points.
> Shape of the Beast's Wrath: Transform into a powerful man-beast abomination
> Mythic Form: Transform into a specific mythic creature
> Shape of the Inner Beast: Enter Frenzy and transform into a monstrous killing machine
Are these as cool as they sound?
Granted you'd have to be like 6th gen to ever use them but still
It's literally written in their introduction that some do
>Toreador samurai/gunslinger character who's tired of unlife wandering the world seeking an opponent strong enough to defeat him
Yeah, mist form is pretty weird.
It's like one of those spells in D&D that lets you do so much shit at once except it's not even high level or hard to learn.
It just has absurd utility, you can wander off to every nook and cranny, and while it doesn't have offensive potential you can simply facetank or escape a lot of otherwise deadly things.
>Tzimisce, gotta be...
Breddy sure Lasombra and Old Clan Tzimisce have similar abilities, but I doubt either of them won't be dlc
They'd need to be super liberal with the masquerade to have us spiderman with blood everywhere
>and while it doesn't have offensive potential you can simply facetank or escape a lot of otherwise deadly things.
With a smoke machine or a rainstorm you're effectively invisible
Pretty much elder vamp boss encounter: the discipline.
Grievously slow wind-up time but with a pretty fucking good bonus stat allocation and access to any 5 (or less) dot discipline ever made in the case of mythic.
Any savvy player is going to shrek you before you can finish transforming so timing is necessary. The advantage is not having to spend further blood points so you may outlast a coked up Brujah on a level playing field, assuming you can tank enough of his aggro damage.
Judging by the tsunami in the trailer, I think shit's gonna get real at some point
I think that's for cinematic effect, not literal blood tsunami
>without fortitude or potence they can't really go toe to toe with many combat focused clans.
The combat system is broke because 'realistically' Fort shouldnt be some magic shield you have to drain through in order to cut flesh. Aggravated damage from a melee weapon or claws moving at super velocities is going to cut off head or limbs.
too close to home
If there's a mortal that considers combat arts beautiful, then sure. I've always wanted to play a fat, lazy slob embraced by a Toreador that becomes enthralled by crappy television
Yeah, real shame we never get anything like that as younger vamps, would be neat to have now and then
the little-known NEETeador bloodline
Now I want weeaboo Toreadors
Gangrel best clan
>Fat weeaboo toreadors who consider the art of the blade the ultimate beauty
You just suck, I have it easier ripping enemies apart as a Gangrel even at end game than using ranged weapons.
>Kindred who want to be Kuei-jin
Animu obsessed vampires that have a taste for cosplayer blood?
Hentai is the ultimate art, he learned the art of the blade and dresses like Vergil to protect maidens
If he was trying to emulate hentai wouldn't he just become a rapist?
Neonates really don't get to go ham at all. Thaumaturgy is really the only 'core clan' discipline that allows rad shit above 7th gen. Virtue of the fact that every path caps at 5 (making generational limits not an issue) and new paths are cheap to buy, even a suitably focused ancilla can pull wacky magick hijinx on the same level as an elder.
I thought Kuei-jin were more chinese?
>*whistles for magic taxi driver*
>autorides to quest marker
>*auspex vision activates*
>"Mhmm...victim ripped to pieces....a Werewolf™, gotta be"
>*whistles for magic taxi driver*
>"Just drive."
>*follows aura*
>shovelheads in Werewolf™ costumes appear
>"What now you thinblood" *uses blood salvo and the enemies stumble and recover immediately* ALALALALALALALALA * cinematically makes guy explode*
>"Mhmm....Sabbat™ pretending to be Werewolves™......better tell the regent about this"
>*whistles for magic taxi*
>"Away from here."
>*autorides on back to chantry*
>"Just some bastards posing as Werewolves™"
>1 XP received
Unfortunately, Toreadors can't grow tentacles.
>see this thread
>realize it's time to reinstall
Ah shit lads. My last playthrough was never finished, it was as some Toreador slut. Talking my way through everything was pretty good, not sure if I wanna start up with that again or give Malk or Nosferatu a try, I just really like skillmonkies and being able to see as many paths as possible.
>he doesn't know about Toreador Antitribu
From a gaeplay persepective, cutting Malk, Nos, Gangrel, or Tremere is insanely stupid, because they're the most unique of the none Sabbat clans. Sadly, they won't cut the three practical clones gameplay wise (Toreador, Brujah, and Ventrue) because they're the most popular normie choice. So I'm guessing Nos or Gangrel gets cut, since Malk is very popular, and you can't cut the only magic using clan for variety's sake. Honestly, wish they'd cut Ventrue as a playable race, it doesn't make sense for the player character to be one 99% of the time, especially in video games where the start is always as an underdog who hit hard times.
Gangrel and Brujah are virtually identical.
Never thought of it this way... but yeah I think you're right.
Gangrel can be played as werewolf-lite. Brujah are just bad tempered Toreadors, and Ventrue are just rich Toreadors.
Artificial Vampires, Jews of the Vampire world (even their gehenna scenario betrays their jewry)
I don't see how.
Unarmed Gangrel against room full of enemies
>Pop 2 second transformation
>Lumber up to each individual enemy
>Time your combo so you don't do the agonizingly slow third hit
>Get occasionally stunned or parried by junkies with knives
Gangrel against bosses
>Same first step
>Hit trade with boss until it dies or you have to stop time to suck down blood packs
Where as Ranged is more like
>Pull out Uzi/Desert Eagle/Aug
>Pop Auspex for further buff
>Blow away whole room in about 5-10 seconds
And Against bosses
>Just back pedal as you unload into them
Wasn't arguing that Unarmed Gangrel is completely useless, just outclassed, which they are in my experience. I still took down shit like Phase 1 Sheriff and mooks with ease, but I got my ass handed to me by Ming who had an absurd amount of health and just kept knocking me into the air.
They're pan-Asian.
>No playable Tzimisce
I fucking sleep. Literally the most interesting fucking clan in every fucking setting, and it keeps getting skipped.
Remember that it's canon in oWoD that they're possessed by interdimensional aliens.
Vicissitude is the best discipline but it's pretty fucking hard to apply it to a videogame, especially a character driven RPG. At best it's portrayed as knockoff protean.
Very small percentage of malks speak retarded like PC in VtMB
It's quasi-canon at best.
>>Time your combo so you don't do the agonizingly slow third hit
Don't forget you also have to time the second attack, or else you'll knock your opponent outside of its range from the first attack
bleaser respond
>malks are just too high so most people wouldn't choose to main them so I can be special snowflake
Well...there's always Nosferatu...
Gangrel at least aren't in the Camarilla anymore. I think both Malk and Noss will be in, but one of them will be DLC
Do we like VtMB because it's actually a good game or because we like the story, characters, and lore? I ask the same question about Planescape: Torment.
Brujah cucks absolutely exposed
Played the original years ago, what mods do I need these days?
If it has good/likeable characters, story and lore, isnt it a good game? Gameplay is just one piece of the pie
just the Wesp unofficial patch
It's concept art from that cancelled WoD MMO that White Wolf decided to reuse for V5. This is what happens when you let LARPers be in charge.
the gameplay sucks
because brainlets cant handle it, I went nos then malk
Occult means forbidden knowledge (thaumaturgy is occult on steroids), not every Tremere focus on these two but clan as whole specialises in occult most, then malkavians(hobby) or nosferatu(info to sell). In playerbook there was even statement that non-tremeres wishing to learn thaumaturgy should have at least 4 dots in occult.
>If it has good/likeable characters, story and lore, isnt it a good game?
Well no, since a game is a specific thing. A good "product" maybe, sure
>Tzimisce neonates turn people into furniture
>Tzimisce elders turn themselves into furniture
What a wacky clan.
So the devs said in that PC Gamer magazine interview that they want every clan playthrough to be actually different, allowing you unique powers and letting you visit unique locations per clan or somesuch. And they said before that they they will make free DLC clans after the game's release, so that means even more stuff to do. But honestly, how much effort are they going to dedicate to every unique/signature discipline that every clan has? Not to mention having unique havens or something like that per clan.
They are not in camarilla (in V5) for a reason.
Like how the Tremere got their own clan location and eventual Haven with a primogen is how Id expect it to go
Maybe a unique questline or two as well
go for the nos
link to that poll?
Anybody else kind of dislike Nines?
I like the lore and all that, but I also enjoy the melee combat too. Not really many games where you can just send people flying like bloodlines
Playing Malk first blind is the patrician true experience.
Playing Malk after finishing the game already reduces it to worthless Rick and Morty meme shit.
I love that greasy shit on the left who is just absolutely having none of it.
>You can't kill an Antediluvian.
I mean, theoretically everything can die.
If an Antediluvian attacked Caine, would they not die as part of God's protection of Caine? Would God itself be incapable of killing one?
It's on vtmb wiki so find it
Shouldn't Caine have been forgiven without apology back when Jesus died on the cross for all man's sins and their forgiveness over 2 millenia before the games events?
Or did Jesus say "Everyone is forgiven....except you, Caine. FUCK YOU!"
post the pic and story about secretly vampire altar boy that gets propositioned by a priest so he agrees and shoves maggots up his dick
Their inability to retain their avatar is proof that they bear the curse of caine
>ended years ago
oh, well thats fine anyway
malks dont have dementation anymore
mental disorders are srs bizness guise and no laughing matter
How the fuck do you get up to 5? Is achieving 8 in your natural lifetime even achievable?
Pretty much, and I think Caine's not really included on that, specifically because he's God's pet project. He knows if Caine's a lost cause or not, He clearly intends Caine's arc to happen, or He would have smote him before he killed Abel.
>mental disorders are srs bizness guise and no laughing matter
This is correct
You have to be a fucking freak of nature. True Faith is rare as shit.
Caine's not included in the category of mankind
>You can't kill an Antediluvian
Antediluvians can be killed. Cappadocius allowed his own death to happen because he thought it a pathway to godhood. Lasombra allowed his own body to be destroyed as well and then went on to fully dwell in the Abyss and become part of it, rather than use extensions of it in the real world. Ravnos was destroyed by the combined efforts of the Technocratic Union and Kuei Jin, although it's fair to say that if the Technocracy actually used the shit it had, rather than be nerfed for the encounter, it alone would have annihilated him from existence.
>san francisco commies
>writing about christianity
The Unnamed is stronger than Caine
Mages are reality warpers of varying degrees of power. A mage with a mere 1 dot in any sphere can't really accomplish much but 10 dots allows one to destroy the universe and let in an infinite number of Yogg'Sothoths
WHy are Ventrue such assholes?
rudi is stronger than caine
Rich and powerful people are assholes.
Jesus paid the atonement for forgiveness with his sacrifice. It wasn't blanket forgiveness, it was the capacity for any sinner to be forgiven if they repent.
The seas will boil away, the stars will all explodes and even the black holes will fade away into nothingness before the day Caine repents and ask for forgiveness. God and Caine are playing the curmudgeon game with no signs of either budging.
isnt dementation rolled into dominate now anyway
Is cappadocius the only one that's dead for sure, 100% dead and never coming back? You can make an argument that ravnos pulled a 'it was a hologram' trick and clearly lasombra, tzimisce and saulot aren't actually dead
>The Unnamed is stronger than Caine
isnt he 4th gen
>Technocracyboo doesn't understand how his own setting works
The shit they pulled to take out Ravnos and its consequences was the only passably written thing in that entire fanfic-tier '''canon'''
Special agents of the catholic church tend to get to 5 pretty easy. A select few of mortals and immortals got pretty high. True Faith is meant to be rare because at 5+ your getting into plot device tier. Basically it's meant to be mortal's trump card against the powers of darkness. If things get too dark, the hero with the tragic backstory is going to show up and clean house.
I honestly can't remember. Some sources inferred he was hanging around as a Wraith, others that he was waiting around for a chance to burst out of Augustus. Shit gets confusing with so many books laying around telling different perspectives.
As-wadim Unnamed.
Beckett's diary implies that Tremere and Saulot are working together on some plan that'll leave a lot of people dead. Saulot in pickle Rick form, and Tremere in Goratrix's body.
What the fuck are they doing? Do they just tear down the sects and fuck with the remnants? Well congratulations, they got them caught in the middle east. What's the next step of their master plan?
True, 99% of players cannot roleplay a Malkavian well. They're either comic relief or trying to fuck over the other players.
Because of le funny maymays. People bitch about fishmalks and then play nothing else.
as of V5(which is an abomination and ruined WoD), Zapathasura is dead. Or not because if his Vitae is still potent, that means whatever retard drinks it is just going to get possessed. Stupid cope out.
Cappadocius escaped the abyss as a wraith and will probably make a return.
U wot? Abyss has nothing to do with wraiths.
>knew exactly one good Malk player
>never got boring or obnoxious once during our 5 month campaign
>killed himself on Christmas
>Cappadocius escaped the abyss as a wraith and will probably make a return.
the giovanni getting owned is the best part of wod
Isn't Set 100% dead?
so he's the turbo-edge grandmaster sephiroth of the mage setting
is there an equivalent for the wizards and the science dorks?
I meant abyss in the general term, as in oblivion.
could a guy with 10 faith dab on him or would that not work
went to the ocean house hotel recently for the first time
solid 8/10, atmosphere was creepy as shit but the danger and spookiness faded once i learned to just dodge vases and saw the lady ghost was nice
Wasn't Bruce Lee a mage in WoD? Or am I remembering something else
Yes. He could dab, teabag, and fuck his mum while a pack of African-American females yelled HE CUTE. 10 True Faith means you're better at killing degenerates for the Lord than Alexander Anderson
>read the article about the kid in the washer
>it starts spinning
Oh alright then, the two can get confusing easily.
10 dot True Faith is pretty much plot device. You'd pray for help and then God's Almighty foot comes down and squishes the antagonist.
fuck that's hyper based
Love being the paladin type when they finally get their hands on the big bad
>>Love being the paladin type when they finally get their hands on the big bad
You have to be Jesus Christ to achieve 9 True Faith. That's the point.
Nah, Bruce Lee was just human. An incredibly fast and durable human. I'm surprised no one has dug him up and cloned him, but I'd bet that Bruce Lee's family would sue if WW ever did that.
Probably not, God didn't even try to stop edge incarnate from destroying the universe.
Or a delusional gargoyle
Still though there's something I love when you're about to deliver judgement to the bad guy and he realizes "oh hey, I have been evil and there is absolutely nothing I can do to stop this", like this for example
>9 is Jesus
>10 is ????
What the fug
Also do angels exist in WOD?
Actually that reminds of a sore point in WoD. You try to kill or diablerize God Himself and meh He just ignores you.
Kill your brother to prove a point? The motherfucking Plan gets halted and all of Creation can go fuck itself until YOU BETTER APOLOGIZE MISTER!
This True Faith has the highest skill ceiling, but it's exponentially harder to get even a fraction of its potential. It requires a level of devotion and dauntlessness that surpasses even Reisenfag's love for his waifu.
So in the very unlikely scenario that Caine repents, what would happen to the kindred? Would they get absolved with him, disappear or are they God’s way of punishing him?
>surpasses even Reisenfag's love for his waifu.
I hate Reisen!
I think they do. Aren't Demons (as in the game line) fallen angels?
Yes angels exist, they're apart of the same race as Demons. One faction of Demons called Reconciles deeply regret their decision to rebel against Him and want to get back in God's good graces.
Please, Reisenfag has True Faith 9
He loves Reisen so much, that's why God locked the doors and threw away the key.
His faith in that animu girl is insurmountable.
>So in the very unlikely scenario that Caine repents, what would happen to the kindred? Would they get absolved with him, disappear or are they God’s way of punishing him?
You aren't getting the scale of things. God literally halted his Plan for all Creation and fucked off; which allowed everything basically to go to shit until the day Caine apologizes. That's why it's called "World of Darkness". It's a false reality.
At which point God is probably essentially going to restart Creation back to that same hour and begin again.
If there's ever a news story about a cute bunny-loli hybrid with supernatural powers getting married to a 300 lb. neet then we'll know user reached TF 10
>Also do angels exist in WOD?
Yes there's Demon: The Fallen, an entire roleplaying companion book. But the answer you are looking for is right before Big G fucked off to who knows, he altered Creation so that Divinity powers no longer work on the mortal plans. So Angels and Demons cant really do shit on Earth without huge amounts of faith fuel. And Lucifer has been at work making humanity lose faith in the supernatural this whole time to depreciate the mystical forces.
Is Lucifer cool with Kindred/Caine?
Vänktrue; Con volunteer staff, powertripping
>Truly, I am now a being of royalty
Runs away with the kickstarter money
> Ah, the beauty of anime...
Gangrene; Always with the fucking fursuit
Brojah; does not fit in
Nosferatu is just some it-guy hired online to get the con a site.
Just play the unofficial patch if you want the default experience, or the plus patch if you want a slightly different experience with previously unfinished content reintroduced. (it has new NPC's, quests, animations, and a bunch of items are moved around in different places.)
>True Faith 10
>Reisenfag gains global news coverage
>wants to show his waifu to everyone all over the globe
>his loli has powers which melts all supernatural creatures within a 500-mile radius
>thus begins the cleansing of the Earth
And since we're humans of course, most likely some faggot will try to assassinate him and his waifu.
vampires SUCK
Malkavian is the guy who is controlled by twitter. And he spreads around his twitter.
Lucifer in WoD rebelled because he loves humanity and above all else wants to protect them. In that regard, Caine is a non-factor; he won't interfere or interact with humanity at all. The last time he tried, God unleashed the Flood and drowned Enoch. heh, God is petty.
If anything Lucifer is actually facilitating the Camirlla's desire to maintain the Masquerade with his agenda to make humanity lose it's faith. But individual kindred or vampires in general are pretty much beneath his notice.
Yes they are. They took the blood, they are vampires.
Probably not if he wants all supernaturals to be depowered. Maybe he's responsible for their weakening over the millennia.
You are wrong, but you are too stupid to realise this. Enjoy yourself
when are we getting a wod game about werewolves for fucks sake I'm tired of these blood suckers
>found the furry
Mage avec immense variance and power curve. A mage might be able yo burn a vampire to a crisp but paradox can fuck him raw, and he's still a fleshy sack that can't handle getting shot ( unless you got some spells up)
Paradox said to expect it shortly after Bannerlord's release
I hope it will have kitsune
They keep to themselves though. Unless we go to Asia and bomb a few buildings like the furry terrorists that we are.
Hopefully never, Apocalypse is a fucking trainwreck
Caiaphas did reach 8 but he's past normal life. Only 1 i remember being higher is Ferox at 9
So if you hit 9 or even 10 would you even die? Wouldn’t you just wake up like Jesus did?
10 true faith is Jesus.
In lore mage-players are all mighty reality benders, but in-game they are just the nerds that get stuffed into the lockers while they are yelling how they're the all powerful and mighty enlightened individual.
And then Bullyjah and GANGrel go "yeah, yeah..." and slam the door shut.
Tremere are the nerds that don't even put up a fight.
Mages are shit, except for the Sons of Ether.
Ether isn't real dummy, lol.
Jesus is a no-go in WoD. Whitewolf won't touch on that subject. Most just assume Jesus was either God, 9-10 dot True faith or an Awakened Archmage. Depends on storyteller.
WoD is based on old testament anyways.