Ok Yea Forums, I managed to get Assassin's creed Odyssey's Ultimate edition before the offer ran out. So tell me, what am I in for?
Ok Yea Forums, I managed to get Assassin's creed Odyssey's Ultimate edition before the offer ran out. So tell me...
Buyer's remorse.
I've also been looking to buy this without watching YouTube videos or anything like that. Without spoilers, can someone tell me how this game is on a 1 to 10? Scenery any good? Last AC game I've played was #2 in Italy, I think? So it's been a while and wonder if this, or the Origin's would be the best place to pick back up
a long and enjoyable adventure
I just beat the entire game last month. There's a good bit of repetitiveness, and dealing with levelled enemies that have to gear up for gets annoying, but you never have to grind and the main quests are generally pretty cool. If you like historical ancient greece, it will keep you interested till the end. Hunting down all the cultists kind of leads to an anticlimactic ending though.
>what am I in for?
Between this and Origins, which one would you pick, and why?
Lots of grinding.
It's basically Origins 2.
The scenery and world are probably one of the best things about the game.
Origins = quality
Odyssey = quantity
Pla as Kassandra, her VA does a better job at dickish rogue and the male VA does a better job at being the villian. Play on hard, not nightmare. It's the perfect blend of difficulty without making people too spongey. For an added bonus, try to put the glyph that lowers your health to 25% but doubles your damage on fuckign everything.
Looking at horse pussy
Odyssey because the characters and voice acting is more memorable, the ship combat was fairly good, and the gear looks cooler. The overall story is kind of a tie, but I still think I liked odyssey more. Its just mostly improvements over origins in all departments.
Odyssey it is. It's been a long time since I've played any AC game so I'm pretty exited, desu. Appreciate the help!
Yeah I picked up odyssey after not having played any AC since Black Flag. I enjoyed it plenty.
You can even transmog your gear too.
Discount Witcher 3. Pretty decent.
A bloated, directionless mess.
Same, it was daunting though. That map is huge.
Oh shit that's awesome. Just watched a video about it and there are a ton of options to chose from
Compared to say, gta5, what would it look like?
>that chart
This is actually flawless.
Ptolemaic Egypt is pretty comfy senpai
The horses are pretty meh, but bigger than gta by far.
>Its just mostly improvements over origins in all departments.
couldn't be more wrong
>never have to grind
fuck off you lying piece of shit. Don't listen to this faggot
Yeah and Discovery Tour mode is great for Origins
When is Discovery Tour going to be added to Assassin's Creed Odyssey???
>AC 3 not in shit tier
>AC II not in good tier
>Odyssey in in any tier that isn't shit
so close user. But I'm afraid it isn't enough, and you're a faggot.
It's big, but not difficult to get around. Your horse will auto-run to a waypoint, and there's plenty of fast travel points. Also, you'll gradually explore the map as you follow the story, so it's not too bad.
I guess that depends on your definition. As long as you do quests, you never need to worry about your level ever. Why did you feel the need to grind?
Nice politician answer faggot
Witcher 3 but even clunkier
Origins feels more like an actual game than Odyssey. The latter is just a big, boring world that doesn't take any risks.
Alexis, because memers are wrong about Kassandra being an unrealistic bad guy. She doesn't kill THAT many people compared to whoever your MC is, which is realistic since women can't fight. Only SJW faggots think Kass is a good MC.
>being a Kassandra cuck
No response then? Nice work falseflagger. Find something else to meme on.
Is this the most unoptimized game released in recent years?
Alexios so you get tsundere onee-chan Kassandra.
Ran well on my 770 lol.
AC IV is vastly overrated. Try replaying that shit sometime, the amount of tailing and eavesdropping missions is ridiculous.
>works on my machine
End yourself.
I ran the game on a few machines with a variety of settings and it never felt unoptimized you cum gargling faggot.
Nice change in the narrative, Schlomo.
>Try replaying that shit sometime
I did. I replayed all of the Assassin's Creed games in the first half of 2018. I 100% Black Flag twice since it came out.
Don't you fucking dare call me a schlomo.
But seriously, how was it unoptimized? It ran fucking smooth at all times. You must be completely retarded if you had problems with frame rate.
So you just like cancerous game segments.
its nothing like the old AC games, its an RPG and it feels really weird compared to the originals
A lot of time to be spent just finishing story shit. Then even more time on side shit.
it's mostly worth the time if you like finding and making builds
Don't bother talking to black flag fags, they are the dumbest.