Which has done the most harm to gaming?
Other urls found in this thread:
Actually hurting video games: Resetera
Hurting communities: Discord
Runner up:
>downloaded Discord back around it's launch to keep in contact with some friends back home
>slowly saw it go from this hip new thing to being seen as the devil itself
It's not fair, why did it have to be this way?
>Yea Forums
No one actually listens to these babbling autists
The worst these get is inside jokes and circlejerking from a community
By default ResetEra is the worst
Middle aged Christian moms
whats so bad about disord?
not even memeing
This. People need to stop giving twitter mobs power.
What happened with Discord man?
Holy trinity.
Thought discord's admins were pedofurfags
White people
Whenever I try to talk someone on discord it just keeps cutting off the first word in every sentence. How do I fix this?
Nobody listens to resetera, Yea Forums, or discord.
Only really bad when you mix discord usage with anonymous image boards.
Nobody gives a single fuck about Yea Forums
Probably something about trannies
can someone unironically tell me how discord did any "damage" to gaming?
or just show me on this doll where discord touched you?
Reddit, but that's only because ResetEra is such a recent development. RE is more extreme than Reddit, but Reddit's age and general sycophancy towards shitty companies gives it the edge.
some of my favorite games have been ruined when devs sucks r*ddits' cock
also whats wrong with discord, its literally just a voice chat program, adding people manually on steam voice chat gets cumbersome as fuck
White people.
Is this accurate?
Yea Forums because even now Gamergate shits up things in a way everything else the others may do wont for as long a time
It's basically a scapegoat for already horrible communities and circlejerks
Are people like you even aware of how fucking pathetic you look when you post things like this unironically?
None of these have any power.
discord has literally done nothing to harm gaming its only the seething incels that say it has
you should have little reason to complain about discord. It's your own fault if you join some faggy large server with power tripping mods
nothing wrong with minecraft
The illusion of power is equally bad
reddit has been around wayyy longer then resetera, they've done more harm
Forced meme. When gamers get banned for using slurs in voice-chat they demand their money back, literally asking for special treatment even though they made the bed for themselves.
Why is Ubisoft bad?
Discord, it aint even close.
>simplify voip/irc to the point where retards have the ability to use it
first mistake
>no respect for privacy whatsoever, most likely can view every message you've ever sent and probably do a very poor job of protecting PII
second mistake
>trannies like it
all you need to know
Resetera's harm is so fucking concentrated though
I guess so
>social media
>social media
>social media
>voice chat app
see it's working already
Twitter harms everything in general but at least it delivers Japanese porn so it crosses out for me.
reddit>resetera>twitter>discord>Yea Forums
Yea Forums doesn't even impact video games
Stop using buzzwords
ResetTranny, and it's not even close.
Do you think Discord really hurts game communities? I think it changed them, but I can’t understand why it’d be all bad.
I play a lot of MMOs and see this sentiment a lot but not sure I understand it. If a guild has a discord then that lets them communicate more effectively than ingame chat and organize discussion, but it doesn’t stop people from using guild chat (especially since it’s more effortless). In a macro sense general game discords afford something like a global channel without the same restrictions.
I know anything that divides a community is a bad thing, but seeing as the games still have their own discussion channels it’s up to them to make them more appealing than discord. Like a lot of things people only use the option because it’s easy.
discord is great, it's pretty much irc 2.0
Reddit has done the MOST for videogames. Developers constantly go there for reported bugs to fix them.
didnt resetera literally get the feather taken off mr game and watch's fsmash?
Yea Forums has little bearing on the gaming industry besides being the place for employees to leak game info anonymously every now and then. Some of you who weren't around for long enough may be thinking that GamerGate might have made an major impact on the games industry but it didn't, it just gave a few people something to exploit for sympathy, it barely even accomplished it's original goal
Reddit for sure. also Yea Forums is a collective hivemind of people who just shit on everything that's shittable while ocassionally writing out some valid points, any sane dev would just take the good stuff and ignore all the shitposting
Reddit on the other hand (In conjuction with twitter) is a collective hivemind of politically correct boring individuals that are desperate for acceptance and have shit basic taste. The thing is reddit doesn't have all the bad rep Yea Forums has so a lot of people think these people are actually sane and normal and are the public they should be listening to.
Also 90% of reddit users have the most basic bland taste you can find on the internet but still pose as nerdy and different so while trying to catter to that audience videogames end up incidentally targeting normies
I don't know about discord, i just use it to talk with friends
And no idea about resetera
I would like to add twitch and let's players to the mix though, they are the reason for flavor of the month games like goat simulator to exist.
The answer is /pol/! Surprise! Nobody gave a shit about politics in games until Gay Mer Gate and you faggots came. You all post on Yea Forums, Reddit, reset era, and have discords
Fuck /pol/
Fuck politics
Legitimately? Microsoft.
>introduced pay for p2p
>normalized the idea of pay for p2p
>normalized the idea of day one patches
>normalized the idea of microtransactions
>first console was an absolute piece of shit, being carried aloft by overmarketed games like GoW and Halo, mediocre shit that children were hypnotized into buying by the media marketing blitz
>next console had a failure rate that to this has never been met by any other
>still has hordes of rabid fanboys defending every shitty move they make
>and is a monopoly in the PC market as well, you go Windows or you play nothing
completely agree.
Resetera and their political shit.
Nobody gives a shit about Yea Forums or Yea Forums in general.
Reddit is harmless shitposting, useful for infodumping.
Discord is actually helpful both for infodumping and chatting.
What makes you think he posts that unironically?
And we have our first retard.
I would say discord but game communities started dwindling before discord. When I played in a guild some random redditor would often join the guild for a short while, make a few lol-jokes, not really contribute with anything and leave or get kicked.
I still would say discord because it contributed with such a huge concentration of lol-jokers but I believe that the image boards contributed as a proto-discordian. The Discord populace wouldn't be around without us.
all of them
>why can't I say nigger in a game where everyone can hear me
Discord is pretty much a mix of Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr and Facebook, then you mix that with newfag imageboard anime trannies.
It's really bad for gaming.
Because Yea Forums is contrarian.
Women, minorities and lgbtp fags
Reddit and Yea Forums are the same thing.
Discord is a communication service, doesn't really affect games themselves, but ruins communities
Yea Forums is very irrelevant, and mostly satire so it has minimal effect
The battle between reddit or resetera is very interesting, reddit even at it's worst has some composure with the upvote system, so they end up fighting the good fight most of the time like lootboxes
Resetera on the other hand has affected games countless times, from getting them censored to getting developers fired for wrongthink, they definitely win
By minorities i specifically mean negros
What's that online gaming term that they used... Rate is a better indicator than score?
oh geez oh man you are so edgy and stuff oh no
You know what actually ruinens videogames?
Discord is a tool 1st and foremost
And like any tools you only hear about people being jackasses with tools instead of using them properly
>Get survival game
>Come join or discord so we know you're friendly :D
>You're not in the discord and you're attacking other players so we're making you kos
makes sense
people assume tools will be used competently
they really only witness the worst offenders though unless they are learning
Discord allows all sorts of groups to infiltrate and coordinate for whatever nefarious purposes they might have.
>But Ventrillo and teamspeak
Believe it or not. They're too hard for normal shitters to use.
All it does is make people more two faced and untrustworthy.
The typical drama that infested MMO guilds has now made its way to every game community
Did discord's opinions affect game development
Definitely reddit.
They want every Vidya to be homogeneous trash.
Why do you think over the shoulder 3rd person cover based shooter is less meme and more reality?
This is it. It’s just these 2. Nobody gives a fuck about what Reddit or any normie message board says, they certainly don’t talk to Yea Forums (no no, only 8ch can get AMA’s with devs). Discord is irrelevant to games but it could fuck with different echo chambers real good.
Twitter is the designated attack dog platform to dog pile and bury anyone and everyone for some much as looking at someone funny. Twitch on the other hand is the greatest enabler of the “Live Service” triple A gaming Trope where premium games need to last forever and make all the whale money while be worth technologically and creatively as much as a copycat phone app game
It's probably the place with the most users spending an inordinate amount of time complaining about various boogeymen that have nothing to do with how well a game plays.
Which is it bros?
>joining tranny discords
Just use it to talk with friends, you retards
So all of them?
There is literally nothing wrong with discord. It's a free version of vent with better services. Unless you don't like dataminers, it's great.
This. It also ruined every single board in this shithole.
How much do Yea Forums and r/gaming actually affect games? I would think journalists affect gaming more than online forums.
Thanks doc
4chins is like the anus and reddit is like the toilet paper. We spew shit all the time. Reddit has more etiquette and strictness but it's still covered in shit.
maybe the devs would listen to you too if you and other polshitters weren't such an insufferable bunch of retards
you got only yourself to blame
Discord singlehandedly ruined:
>Yea Forumsermin
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
... alongside any generals on non-general boards and countless other topics thanks to its awful circlejerking. Sometimes, server owners will shut off all invites to make it even more of a circlejerk.
It also gives pedophiles, furries, and everything in-between a safe space.
Actually that really only applies to Yea Forums
And resetera is the guy opening his mouth waiting for the next steaming pile of shit.
I voted for Yea Forums, because it often feels like the majority of people here are brainless fuckwits peddling the same contrarian talking points over and over because they think it makes them part of some super special secret club.
I still don't see what's wrong with Discord. I just use it for scanlation stuff, though I mostly just hang out anymore. There are legit reasons to dislike it, but I'm guessing most of Yea Forums just hates it because it's popular.
It was already fucking dead
One was, and he was fired when he made that post and pedo furry stuff being okay.
>t. brainless fuckwit
>Doing anything
Um, no sweetie.
I know. Discord is just bad enough to kick a dead horse.
microsoft, nintendo, and ea have done more harm to gaming than all of those combined.
I remember I got banned after doing some curious lurking and found a SMT topic.
Someone posted fairy and I replied
“Easily the Best HealSlut in the whole damn game”
Banned for bully and discrimination against women-Minorities
Resetera can go fuck itself
And here comes one of those brainless fuckwits right now. How smart of you that you couldn't think of anything original and therefore you resorted to the pre-pubescent strategy of "no u!"
Underrated post
What keeps resetera going on?
What can we do stop them once and forever?
>majority of people here are brainless fuckwits peddling the same contrarian talking points over and over because they think it makes them part of some super special secret club
The irony.
God I wish.
You literally should know better than to say slut on a forum founded on SJW principles.
It's like a IRC/Vent circle jerk without any barriers to entry.
You can make servers for anything with 0 effort, and people are invited to join these closed circles.
Most games are people in private servers talking with their closed group, instead of other people.
These servers are also used for other purposes, like porn, transsexual recruiting, website raiding, etc.
>Reddit on the other hand (In conjuction with twitter) is a collective hivemind of politically correct boring individuals
Yeah, I didn't realize it was as bad as it was. Someone linked me to some /r/sex stuff the other day and I saw people getting bitched at for using the term "trap" to refer to men who make convincing women. I saw this on a few different subreddits, some pretty big. At least the porn subreddits still don't seem to care.
Reddit has a fuckhuge impact to the games tho.
Yea Forumseddit
they make bad games
with day 0 dlc and single player microtransactions
>Discord is ruining communties
>Not the lack of dedicated servers and every game putting in matchmaking
>It's discord's fault
I use discord just to talk to my old friends. You guys are being retards.
I'd literally never heard of it before browsing Yea Forums, so I legit think its Yea Forums
Is it even possible to have a discord without complete autists ruining it
So fucking edgy whoa.
Serouisly though black guys are the least of your problems
Blunt smoking, Tupac listenin’ Durag wearing black guys are closer to hardcore gamers than accessibility faggots.
All they play is 2K, Madden, and fighting games like Tekken, Street fighter, and mortal Kombat
Wanted to write it.
You mean a safe space they would find elsewhere anyway? Shut the hell up. Those communities are shit because they were already shit
Yea Forums has zero influence over gaming, no one gives a shit about them one way or another, so why is it on this poll
GOG = The Best
How was this even a question? Twitter is by far the worst part of the modern internet.
Yea Forums is not a fucking hivemind you fucking idiot
Yeah, just don't add autists. And if you do just bully tf out of them.
Different user here, but you're right.
It's the FIFA FAGS we should go after, keeping EA afloat.
What is the discord icon supposed to be? I can't stop seeing Mickey Mouse's pants if Mickey had a beerbelly, but I somehow doubt that's what it is.
Because “trap” implies that those folks are trapping people when that’s just their body. I don’t expect people like you who’ve never had a real problem in your life to understand though. You should go get your pizza rolls user, they’ll get cold if you leave them in your mommy’s toaster much longer
Did people really like Curse that much?
They're Fr*nch
And yet I don't regurgitate those contrarian talking points you stupid fuck. For example, brainless fuckwits on Yea Forums constantly whinge about Majora's Mask being "better" than Ocarina of Time. Of course, this is objectively incorrect (picture related). And yet they will still parrot it, because they believe it makes them part of some super special secret club.
That sort of garbage is why Yea Forums is a cesspit.
>have a friend who's a fifa fag
>battles a regular video game player friend on fifa
>gets his ass beat
>smashes his controller on the ground in rage
That's how we do it.
Lmao, absolutely fucking perfect.
I only hate Discord because it killed forums. I can't find info I need for games without searching through discord servers these days. It's really frustrating when you only lurked.
You're right that Yea Forums sucks but saying it sucks because people have their own opinions is a take so cold my nipples cut my shirt to tatters.
>gets triggered
>spews some garbage
>ends the post with a patronization
wew. go back to your discord, tranny. "trap" has been in use on Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general for longer than youve been alive
>discord gives safe spaces to pedophiles and furries, actively refusing to report them to the proper authorities
I like OoT much better than MM, but not because some random fags on Metacritic like it more. If the Metascore of OoT and MM were swapped I'd still like OoT more.
What the fuck else are they supposed to say?
Reddit literally ruins games by socking corporate cock
Calling them out for doing the same cringey shit that resetera does works every god damn time. It's the easiest way to get someone here to sperg out.
The worst part is that you're baiting with truth too
that's you
this is how you tards sound every fucking day in this goddamned place
you managed to be such a grand pile of shit that people would genuinely rather ask literal trannies for opinion than ask you
good job
Yea Forums is way too insignificant to do any harm to gaming. So it's Resetera > Reddit > Discord.
Your point?
You're right Yea Forums is a hivemind, that's why if someone says zestiria is good everyone agrees
You make it sound like over half the posts in this thread aren't "why is v on this list? No one cares what shitposters think"
Yeah the true monsters are the useless “journalists” faggots who decided how a game lives or dies based on a number score
These guys are actively worse than literal children at video games
>Discord is the cause of gaming's problems
>Vent is the cause of gaming's problems
>Skype is the cause of gaming's problems
>Teamspeak is the cause of gaming's problems
You and the other retards who think a free voice program is in anyway impacting gaming's communities are kneejerking idiots.
Yeah I know, it's just depressing seeing how many people think that way now. If you're trying to look like a woman, you should take being called a trap a compliment, but eh, crazy trannies.
>look for info regarding Classic WoW from private server players
>whoops literally all forum activity has ceased completely and the entire community including all updated guides and information has moved to a horde of different Discord servers, have fun!
Thread should’ve ended here
Forums have been dead since long before Discord existed. I've been mourning their death for years and years.
>That moment when Yea Forums finally realizes they're the fucking worst compared to the others
Traps are by definition not trans people so why do you care
Not even a big /vg/ head but what are you talking about?
>A disagreement once in awhile means that the political spam that always seems to push a side doesn't exist on Yea Forums
Yea Forums holds many different hiveminds. Some more obvious than others. It's like how Reddit has a shit ton of generic left retards but also has a Donald Trump reddit
>thinking Yea Forumss voice is registered above white noise out in the internet
Using fucking metacritic as a baseline for your "objectivity" is just fucking sad.
Especially when you use professional reviews
>/pol/ is over Yea Forums
>That feel when /pol/'s popularity beat Yea Forums's the site itself got worse
So anywhere people agree with each other is a hivemind?
I don't even know what a resetera is. Discord seems ambivalent and Yea Forums is pretty self contained.
By dead I mean every fucking general is a fucking cesspool of concentrated autism.
Even compared to fucking Yea Forums.
You know, I actually thought it was a cool program since having a Vent server with text chatting was awesome for MMOs. But I didn't realize what having such accessibility would do to other mediums of communication, especially since you have an account that's tying everything together.
Literally never heard about it until Yea Forums started sperging out about it
>Yea Forums
Irrelevant in the grand scheme of things and remains as a part of Yea Forums boogy man
It is considered to be THE biggest forum on the web, so likely it as its famous for many circlejerks
Maybe killed off most forums, but I blame reddit for it as the main culprit, killed off skype tho
Overall I think reddit has done the most harm
Definitely Resetera, because they actively censor and try to change the way the industry thinks, i.e more progressive.
I wish the voters of this poll were public i'd knock the fuck out of all you racist incels
What does that even mean
Except reddit literally encourages seperation to nurture hiveminds while the only thing preventing two different opinions from meeting on Yea Forums is not entering the thread and replying.
>using discord for gaming and not max level degeneracy
You faggots are doing it wrong.
Depend how they act. If they're pushing it on others as the only way to think then it's cultish or hivemindish. If you just think DMC or Sekiro is great then you're a fan of something
>hating discord
>hating a platform and not the retards that abuse it
fucking retards
What has Yea Forums actually done to influence the industry in any way?
All we ever do on here is compare waifus and cry about what its like to not interact with sexual partners for some time, or ever
From what I understand resetera is sorta like a cross between reddit and stereotypical tumblr fanbase, aka SJW's, dunno why Yea Forums thinks it had an impact even close to plebbit one with all of its circlejerks according to what 4chin told me anyways, rarely visit the place myself
A false flag
Discord is too fresh to really say much about it.
Yea Forums barely has any impact on developers.
Resetera while it has some impact it's still significantly less than Yea Forums likes to think.
Reddit probably has the largest influence on games since that's the platform most devs like to communicate with.
The real cancer is no doubt though. Twitter is just an awful platform in the general sense.
and that's the fucking problem, why can't people just have a discord with actual discussion instead of a bunch of screaming retards
We have people using discord to get their hiveminds together on Yea Forums. They then spam threads and try to change culture forcibly. The major ones are the trannyfags but I'm sure there are much more than them
I figured, I just want those people to understand their talking nonsense even to people who avoid saying the n-word irl.
Push to talk, or even better, don't use Discord.
Then that's a problem with discord
Oh they won't, its a lost cause to tell shitposters to stop shitposting
The people on twitter who crave representation in a game or genre or series they don't - and probably won't even play.
Imagine the average /pol/fag extremist but on the opposite side of the political spectrum and with actual power to do shit. That's Resetera for you.
You can kind of fight back on Twitter but it’s still such a fucking shitshow though
You don't think they wouldn't find another way user? This stuff happened when the elections happened and Yea Forums became three times more popular. I believe discord already existed before the election
Does it now? As Yea Forums is the only place where I even hear about it existing
Gonna go with reddit
Nobody listens to or cares about us so it can't be Yea Forums
I don't think discord has done much to video games themselves as much as it has to communinites
Retardera is simply too new to have had a stronger impact than Reddit even if it is worse and will easily overtake it with time
He's not completely wrong. Journalists go to and get info from Resetera, they have game devs on Resetera and a lot of real information leaks on Resetera.
Whether we like it or not they have power.
If it were use as a chat platform and chat platform only, I wouldn't have a problem with it, but a lot of communities essentially use their discords for almost everything. Imagine this, you have an obscure game where a lot of information about it is circulated through discords. To learn anything about it, you have to:
>you have to find an invite link as there's no other way of accessing said community
>essentially could be forced to participate in said community if they remove inactive users
>will also have to abide by the server's rules and if you're kicked you essentially lose access to everything
There's a ton of obscure fighting games where their communities lock their information within a discord. For shit like 3D porn games with proprietary model formats, you usually have to go to their discord to find most of them. It's pretty awful how communities essentially just use discord to gate off shit like this out of laziness or just wanting to circlejerk. I miss not having to go to a discord just to play neat mods.
That’s because inserting politics into everything is more cancerous than
“Post fat ass anime girls twerking and farting haha”
The thing with Resetera is that some of their high-rank members and mods are friends with journos and even devs, so if they decide to start shit they'll have the media on their side.
You're saying Yea Forums is at fault for being poisoned by /pol/, discord, and reddit.
Yeah. As a fighting game player it blows ass that some communities are locked behind a discord. A lot of then have a real problem with nepotism.
>this post requires 300 messages on the forum to view
>Remember when Bioshock Infinite came out
>Started seeing slight politics talk in threads that used to not have any
>Knew where it was going but was called a paranoid faggot
>Rage threads dedicated to shit that angers us were made obsolete because now every thread is spammed with that shit
>Exactly what I thought would happen did happen
It's a god damn shame
>Of course, this is objectively incorrect (picture related)
Jesus fucking Christ
Forums are gay about that too. Fuck that one mugen forum for locking downloads behind being a member. Discord is used in the same way, but nearly anybody can make one.
We were poisoned by SJWS which created the /pol/ that exists today. Some people here are really mindless contrarians and since SJW ideology became big it was only natural that /pol/ became what it is.
It's SJW's fault. They have continually created their own enemies
I like Fallout 76 though. I'm level 102 so far and game is still getting free updates. Haters gonna hate :-)
>Remember some anons aaying politics will get in nearly every game and other shit
>Used to reply and call them retarded doomposters
I'm sorry user, you were right.
We kill off trannies, we save everything.
Huh, never knew that, I mostly considered it to be some leftie boogie man of Yea Forums who overestimate their influence
trannyera isn't popular though.
Stop using sweetie, you're on Yea Forums not twitter trying to show an SJW how hypocritical they are
You can't. Game journalists all go there. That's literally the only reason why they have the influence they do. If those fags stop going on there Resetera will have nothing.
I just wish we had a single thread dedicated to game politics so there wouldn't be five on the catalog and even more when a game like Vampires is discussed.
>Unless you don't like dataminers, it's great.
Wouldn't that fit in /vg/ then? Game politics general.
birthplace of gamergate and sargon of akkad
aka mega cancer
literally who cares
Resetera is so fucking far to the left it's a wonder they manage to stay on the scale.
And I actually mean it, there's screenshots where they ban people for complaining based on some rubbish SJW.
Absolutely this. /pol/tards BTFO.
What the fuck is sargon of akkad
Social Media ruined internet and society as a whole
>sargon of akkad
Some anti-feminist who stole a name from ancient history
The answer is always Resetera. Who's even funding them?
Yes but that would take a real push from the admin and mods to get that stuff off of Yea Forums and that's not happening.
Say what you want about moot. But I realized he was right about politics on Yea Forums. They spread to every other board if you give Yea Forums a politics section
Yea Forums is utterly irrelevant.
Just more reasons not to actually go there I guess
Twitter any other answer is wrong, it needs to be shut down and trannies need to be mass murdered.
/pol/ orchestrated the five guys debacle. Which turned into gamergate. Which radicalized SJWs, giving them a firm footing in the gaming industry.
Reddit is full of hungry power mods, I don't know what's resetera so I guess it's kinda similar to reddit?
Killed the point of /vg/
Everyone is ultimately irrelevant on a universal scale. *Tips*
A """""""liberal""""""""" youtuber
SJWs were the reason it started in the first place. They both create their own enemies.
>Reeesetera is far left.
Hahahaha. You really are naive. They think the Democrats are bonafide leftists.
My friend is a indie developer who tried getting verified on that site. He said the amount of information they wanted was too much of a red flag so he didn't go through with it. I think another member of the team did though. Anyway the information they want is
>Company name
>Company email
>Personal Email
>Company HQ Address
>Personal Address
>Last Name
>List and links to social media accounts
reddit and resetera are sjw garbage but they have no reach, their narrative doesn't get to anyone outside those sites
but everyone is on twitter and that shit just fucking gets everywhere, every single shitty opinion can get thousands of retweets
while payday 2 was always eh at best, it went to complete shit when overkill turned to reddit for fucking balance suggestions
>They want to own you like a cult if you matter
Jesus how terrifying
As in classical of left-wing because he's fucking right-wing as fuck
The only people who hate on discord have no fucking friends.
Acting like its worse than fucking twitter? Are you fucking kidding me?
He's liberal by the definition of 100 years ago. Modern liberals are just socialists/fascists.
shitters get banned for being jackasses unlike Yea Forums
The only two forums that had some clout in the gaming industry were Neogaf and Something Awful. The rest are impotent circlejerks.
Discord has become the new IRC, where users create little factions and groups, and conspire to push whatever agenda they have as a unit. Rather than stray autists acting independently, you now have groups of autists acting as one stronger force.
The difference is that discord is easier to access. So the lower barrier of entry, means more people use it. Now, instead of just the autists conspiring, you have casuals and normies and yes, even trannies. As much as a meme that became, there are multiple tranny discords. And they have tried to affect change through organized movement.
Wasn't Twitter going bankrupt? What happened to that?
>j k rowling ruins harry pottwr canon again
They couldn't get their footing in gaming, until /pol/ gave them a martyr.
Saudi oil money just like everything else in the US
Fucking hell. No wonder some of them get doxed.
You have to be horribly lazy to begin with to not be able to access irc chat
A challenger approaches
>because he's fucking right-wing as fuck
No he's not. He's centrist at best. He pays lip-service to things like individualism and capitalism but promotes universal healthcare and such because he is a pseudo-intellectual with no coherent philosophy or principles and just goes with whatever is socially-sanctioned. He's the laziest thinker around.
The only reason Yea Forums started hating on discord is because /pol/tards got banned from it after the Unite the Right rally. It literally never got shit before that.
Old School Runescape is currently in the process of getting fucked over by impatient retarded redditors who want instant fucking gratification absolutely everywhere. Not to mention the fact that reddit is inherently a terrible platform to discuss literally anything and the developers/Jmods go there to find suggestions and things to improve about the game. I'm pretty sure most terrible things about the game can be traced back to either reddit or just how much of a terrible company Jagex is
Why the fuck would Saudi give two fucks about Twitter?
>Killed the point of /vg/
/vg/ did that itself.
He is lazy, I agree with that.
>get a new buddy in Twitter
>he usually posts his art on Twitter
>wanna go chat him via Twitter chat
>takes hours, basically we reply later on
>asks where we can chat more often
>he says Discord
I dunno guys, should I take the Discord pill and have a nice chat with him?
>He's the laziest thinker around.
A challenger appears
>Old School Runescape is currently in the process of getting fucked over by impatient retarded redditors who want instant fucking gratification
>hurt EAs feelings
>besides that contributes to hugbox culture and "epic gamer" shit
Yea Forums:
>created Gamergate which literally killed multiple innocent games journalists with the killers still sending out death threats to innocent women every day
>does what Neogaf did and that is whining about everything being sexist, racist and problematic
>for some reason developers still go there the most - guess they are easy to please as long as you agree with them
>made every discussion about videogames in chats near impossible
>centralizes and destroys communities randomly
>spies on you
>game every fuckwit a platform to cry about the world
>contributes a lot to outrage culture in gaming and in general
>more of a threat to discussion than games itself
I dont dislike it. Discord is like a faster /vg/. Just avoid the ones that have literally nothing but drama.
Probably saved by globalists so they could continue their subversion on it.
Yea Forums does no harm to gaming because they don't talk about games.
Reddit does more to ruin Yea Forums than to ruin videogames
Discord lets you chat with your friends for "free" so it's not that bad.
Resetera reflects the industry shift as a whole so they aren't changing anything, they're more enforcing the status quo.
>What a resetera is
It's Neogaf, but distilled into a worse form.
Oh, man. He is so low hanging fruit he is several feet under the tree.
>how to guarantee you'll never get another sponsor again
According to Todd a lot of devs avoid Resetera too as far as I know it's mostly indie devs who go there. And it's usually very specific indie devs or shit companies like EA.
Twitter is extremely influential. That verified checkmark is worth a lot of money in professional fields. You wouldn't understand :)
>/pol/ orchestrated the five guys debacle
lmao pol did nothing and reddit was involved too
they aren't really free updates when the you ahve to purchase the base game and it's built around a cash shop. you might not have contributed but the other players are supporting the updates
The biggest blight in video games is and always has been graphic whores.
IRC is like retro gaming. How many people actually go out of their way to emulate old games? They see pixel graphics, and think "well that's old and outdated", so they don't even bother.
Discord is new, it's slick, it only requires an email to set up, modern features like video and voice, you can access it during gaming sessions, and now it's even in the gaming market itself.
No one wants to learn IRC these days, because it's convoluted.
It ruined video games and imageboards in one fell swoop.
imfuckingplying there was ever any stopping them and GG didnt at least create a counter culture before those fags could take over completely
Right but reports show they're losing millions every year. Who's dumping shit on them? IT has to get to a point where the stock values will be virtually worthless.
>Person A starts shit
>Person B calls them out
>Person A blows shit out of proportion, making a false martyr out of itself.
>Somehow this is Person B's fault.
I mean it is if you are a bendable fuckable sissy boy who gave up so now he blames himself.
A youtuber who fancies himself a le enlightened moderate. I don't know why he keeps popping up but I'm guessing he has a little faggy fanbase on Yea Forums even though /pol/ hates him.
Trannies hate twitter tho
So like what most AAA publishers are doing now?
Hope he doesn't speak as he writes.
I think people are way too expectant of Jagex when OSRS really does not make THAT much money.
They have a ton of "journalists" though, and not just gaming ones.
They are more influential than anything else
yes you get the picture user most AAA is bad
IRC was pretty much the only way to have real-time chats with multiple people on a shared server before discord came along
underage memespouter community
it's great for private use, but there not a single server i've found without at least 2 meme channels
but kanami in me thinks that normalfag facebook culture also contributed. I'm convinced resetera is just a blight on everything they touch not just video games. They just want every game to be a David Cage or pre Andromeda Bioware production. Yea Forums is Yea Forums. reddit talks less about vidya than we fucking do. need proof go to the r/gaming board. it's all just arguing about unrelated shit. Discord is too new to judge but has the potential to be fucking cancer due to what has already happened on the platform and the circlejerk aspect of it is like reddit magnified. Discord is a exclusiionist clubhouse full of degenerates and creeps except you KNOW their intentions upfront rather than elsewhere where they have isolate users to get what they want. Discord faggots just throw underage nudes and act the fucking fool on the regular with reckless abandon.
/pol/ used to really dig Sargon. There's a real revisionist attitude towards /pol/ - they'll pretend they always hated Milo too. But Sargon and Jim and all the GG fuckboys used to stream together all the fucking time to make money from pissed off retards.
i would have absolutely no exposure to any of those things if Yea Forums weren't so fucking obsessed with them to the point of frequenting them just to take le epic cringe screencaps and have retarded circlejerks about how discord trannies are killing Yea Forums(which itself is killing Yea Forums, ironically)
A company that sells influence for an entire nation has as much value as the nation. They can be in the red for the next 100 years and it wouldn't matter.
/pol/ was literally watermarking their infographs.
/pol/ were the ones inviting reddit in the first place.
Google "reddit suggestion runecrafting" for a quick glimpse at what people actually want with one of the most notoriously difficult skills easier. There's also the fact that zeah runecrafting exists which heavily trivializes the skill after level 77.
Yet they hired so many new content developers. Even though there's almost no more room for more fucking content. What the fuck.
>Discord is a exclusiionist clubhouse full of degenerates and creeps
So Yea Forums?
The saddest part, graphic whores are bold as fuck today since all that fps, HD, 4K bullshit.
I don't like the site or it's users, but as long as they stay in their hole I don't care.
>Yea Forums
The product of reddit not staying in their hole.
I'm not even sure what this is.
Isn't this just a voice server?
resetera as well as its predecessor neogaf
all form of social media
>He's the laziest thinker around.
then you havent been paying attention lmao
But user! We're invading THER safe space! We're the invaders!
None of these. The real answer is capitalism.
Facebook/Twitter did more damage to Yea Forums than Reddit ever has. Prove me wrong.
I don't like how inner circle it is. we could be talking about sports one minute then DADDY GIMME THE MILKIES another minute. so it's like image boards except all the threads are combined into one thread.
They aint wrong. I would never hear about retardera if it weren't for you fags constantly going over there to screencap shit.
>low votes for Yea Forums and discord
lmao be a little more self aware
>Yea Forums
>created Gamergate which literally killed multiple innocent games journalists with the killers still sending out death threats to innocent women every day
fucking kek
What’s wrong with Reddit? They’re our only allies in this tranny infested world.
>Google "reddit suggestion runecrafting"
no thanks
how about you actually expand on your problem instead of saying vague shit and expect people to do their own research?
learn to have a discussion
/pol/ has a ton of Yezhovs in their closet.
>There's a real revisionist attitude towards
It's not revisionism. It's a natural conclusion to changing paradigms. /pol/ was añvery Libertarian prior to Trump, who made the place go Conservative, "based fags and negroes" included because that's what conservatives do.
Lately, they've gobe hardcore fascist because Trump is making Israel Great Again. In short, opinions change.
I think social media as a whole is to blame but this is the root of it.
>/pol/ was literally watermarking their infographs.
post proof
>/pol/ were the ones inviting reddit in the first place.
imfuckingplying, all pol did was give Yea Forums a nudge and sit back
>What’s wrong with Reddit? They’re our only allies in this tranny infested world
I'm sorry, are you so fucking retarded that the only thing that comes out of your mouth is garbage like this?
>revising history such that they're always in the right
wow I'm shocked, I tell you
>discord in last place
>thinking Yea Forums being negative has impacted the game industry AT ALL
Here is the thing though, Neogaf had relevancy due to its long history. Game companies actually used to consider its opinions.
But Resetera doesn't carry Neogaf branding, it isn't much of a threat to the industy because literally only Yea Forums cares about it.
It will never have that much manpower or catch on due to the fact that you must literally dox yourself to join it and the high risk of getting banned.
>It's not revisionism.
Are they still sucking off Jordan Peterson or did that meme run dry?
I've never used Reddit, but I can tell that they tend to whine about the same things we do, except devs listen to them and not us. So they probably have the most positive impact on games.
Resetera though whines about SJW shit and devs still listen to them so objectively I'd say Resetera does the most harm of all of them.
Discord is just a spyware voice tool you don't have to use unless you play garbage games like MMOs I guess.
the amount of times i've seen you fucking children bitch about needing a university email to make an account just to post there proves that they are in fact correct
Okay, what would be the solution? I'm genuinely curious. Capitalism sucks, but what is the alternativa?
who died?
wtf bro...they already took over Yea Forums, now they're taking over gaming?
We gotta rise up!
Shut the fuck up resetranny
Ain't that just the problem. Capitalism is the problem, but in this system there's no good blanket solution as an alternative. Although maybe you could get rid of shit like lootboxes and microtransactions in full price games through regulations.
This but for literally the whole planet, not just video games.
First post, Perfect post
who are you quoting? thats not what i said
Anita was going to make a humble, what was it? Like $6,000 on her kickstarter? Then you guys started spamming her stuff on the board, and then in sympathy she ended up getting 150K.
Imagine that. Her core audience was only worth 6K, and then it was inflated to 150K, due to the controversy you guys created. No, they weren't a big deal, until you all turned her into a martyr.
>Person A starts shit
>Person B calls them out
If you've ever been in a situation, where you need to escalate matters, then you know that it takes just as much control from the defending party, as you'd expect from the offending party.
When Zoey was fucking around for good reviews, you guys didn't exercise the same journalistic responsibility, that you were expecting out of journalists. You were just running with unfounded claims. So because you were acting irresponsibly with information, it only escalated the matter.
Have you even played the game you dumb cunt. I was there when slayer EHP literally doubled over night and nothing was done about it. The update was there to cater to retarded redditors who are so terrible at the game they can't even afford to buy a cannon so of course nothing was done about it.
Not even just gaming. Twitter is actually fucking up society.
I can't believe an adulto drives that things.
Go dilate.
What has Discord done?
He's against personal freedoms when they go against """western tradition""", and he's lukewarm about economic freedom. He has more in common with actual communists than he thinks.
this and facebook
>you guys didn't exercise the same journalistic responsibility, that you were expecting out of journalists.
Maybe because we are not fucking journalists.
programmed a generation of weebs and incels to dilate and become the anime girl
This is Yea Forums, think about it.
My face is red of embarrassment.
>What keeps resetera going on?
They made it a cluttered mess
It embraced "much gaymer culture"
Made a storefront for some dumbass reason?
Discord, how is this even a contest?
>before discord
All voice chat is done peer to peer or through privately run servers. You can even run your own if you don't want to pay for hosting. You can set things like encryption for privacy.
>after discord
All voice chat is done through servers that are administered by the company. You data goes through them and they can do with it as they please.
Yeah man pol has some serious influence in the gaming industry. All these national socialist anti semitic racist fascist video games we are coming out must be stopped
>you guys didn't exercise the same journalistic responsibility, that you were expecting out of journalists.
it's like were not journalists
and we still out did them
>nu/v/ hates sargon
>nu/v/ hates GG
>nu/v/ hates quarterpounder
>nu/v/ hates OAG
>nu/v/ doesn't criticize kotaku
>nu/v/ doesn't criticize eurogamer
>nu/v/ like desTINY
>nu/v/ now actively asks for politics in their videogames because "everything is political" and somehow therefor garbage identity politics pandering is acceptable
you faggot were partisans all along werent you
>like destiny
the streamer?
or the game
omg how could they hate on sargon. quartering and one angry incel, what a bunch of discord trannies
I only use discord as an alternative to skype for playing games with my friends
What harm has it done against gaming?
Good thing their "influence" keeps dropping and dropping, and all that just by themselves
while actively avoiding criticizing the cucks that are even worse yes :^)
nah i hate all of them except for probably GoG since drm free is an okay enough meme
>post proof
Are you fucking serious? Goddamn newfags, trying to change the narrative. Give me a minute. It's going to take some time. I don't have the five guys shit saved.
But I have pick related. A classic mistake of an image. Notice how prominent internet aristocrat is. Professional /pol/tard.
>imfuckingplying, all pol did was give Yea Forums a nudge and sit back
/pol/ was constantly pushing Yea Forums. They were occupying the board.
Thank all the election fags and tranny discord fags.
>Yea Forums hates ~10 things/people or so
That's not much at all.
>Have you even played the game you dumb cunt.
Yes I currently am that's why I asked you to explain but you instead told me to google some reddit shit. That's not how it works here.
This is the biggest load of bullshit in this thread.
>nu/v/ doesn't criticize kotaku
They posted ONE good article about Anthem. That doesn't wipe the record.
I hope you're right.
rent free
This is true, /pol/ and reddit were BFFs back then and into 2016. Why do you think they stopped saying "go back to ____?"
they sucking of EA again
Politics never belonged here. Yea Forums was never made to house any kind of political party.
literally where is the /pol/ watermark lmao
Are you stupid enough to believe they don't manufacture this controversy to begin with? All it takes is hire a few marketers to shit on your own movie to garner sympathy points. That's literally what they do. What Zoe Quinn did. They manufactured the controversy. It'show it began with her blaming 7chan of all places for stupid shit they didn't do.
And when you have an angry horde of idiots knocking on your doorstep, feeding their own anger. Do you think you can stop that? I've learned long ago better than give these fags the attention, but my attention is the last thing they need. They only need the attention of their own, and all you need to do is false-flag some fake controversy.
I just use discord to chat with friends while playing and that's it, I really don't get the fuzz around it.
the question is "which has done most harm to gaming" and not "which has done most harm to Yea Forums"
>That's not how it works here
Your lack of self-awareness is stunning, and to think your vote in the OSRS polls is just as valid as mine. At least you got the answer you were looking for.
>If you've ever been in a situation, where you need to escalate matters
Shit, I meant deescalate.
So? You still took a rumor from a spurned boyfriend, and tried to sell it as the smoking gun. You took what was something that was worth investigating, into a giant fucking circus. And the results of your actions, are what caused everyone to go into a frenzy.
>imfuckingplying, all pol did was give Yea Forums a nudge and sit back
By “nudge”, you mean being an actual cancer force here, then yes.
I don't really get it...
Discord came out in late 2015. Hell it was fucking NICHE back then, Yea Forums was actually shilling the fuck out of it here and there, no one knew what it was exactly. Then when people realized it was a superior Skype everyone jumped on board. It was just used for communicating all those years since, until just recently this past year in 2018. NOW everyone is saying it is the devil and full of trannies... What the fuck happened?
Its popular so its bad, also trannies
Its because they banned hate groups after Charlottesville.
Explain discord being any new form of cancer, because before discord there still was IRC channels, vent servers, mumble, Skype, chatango (don't lie you fags used this shitty ass chat service). Discord is just a tool, there's just more faggots having access to the net now than before.
the like to believe they are just as bad as the spergs on the mary sue and kotaku