>[3. Local Defense] Honor Hold is under attack!
[3. Local Defense] Honor Hold is under attack!
Fuck classic fags, burning crusade was way better.
>Killed world PvP with flying mounts
>Killed big raids
>Killed one of the best things about the game, the world
>Started the themepark island expansion trend where you just get some random island in bumfuck nowhere with 7 zones every 2 years
>Complete gear reset for casuals to catch up
>10 man first raid into 25 man raids why
>Started the dumb PvP/PvE segregation in gearing, splitting character progression into two separate paths for no fucking reason
Arena was fun for the first few seasons though, and the raid boss design got a little better in terms of mechanics.
And then there's the part where I just kind of hated the setting of the expansion from zones to characters but that's subjective.
BGs killed world pvp. The only difference between pvp in the old world and outland is you can't kill afks and it's harder to camp people.
40 mans are fucking awful, replacing them with 25 man was a good thing.
PvP gear was a good thing, pvprs were no longer forced to pve for gear. You could still do pvp in pve gear, it just wasn't optimal. Many classes needed seperate gear for pvp anyway, so for some classes things barely even changed.
QD isle was great, future expansions fucking it up is not relevant to tbc.
>expansion that forever ruined the Horde with alliancebabbies
it's shit
>elves on the Horde
>way better
you are kinda right user
>they play horde
fuck [insert any expansion other than MoP]fags, Mists was way better than any of them.
>playing the boring faction AKA humans + the rest
>ruined Garrosh
Nah fuck you
>pvprs were no longer forced to pve for gear
They were. And you couldn't use PvP gear in PvE.
People used PvE weapons since BT stuff was seasons ahead when it initially released, and people would use various trinkets, rings, and even armor sets depending on class. And glaives were absolutely ludicrous.
I've always raided and done PvP but it still felt really dumb for them to be separated. It's just not esports, never was going to be, so just let people use their fucking hard-earned items.
>QD isle was great, future expansions fucking it up is not relevant to tbc.
I meant the entire Outland. You had vanilla with Kalimdor and EK consisting of dozens of zones and you had people going into them for dungeons, or just to buy noggenfoggers etc. Then comes TBC with its 7 or whatever zones and no one ever does anything in the old world anymore. What a waste.
>BGs killed world pvp. The only difference between pvp in the old world and outland is you can't kill afks and it's harder to camp people.
Nah, in TBC the only places where you could do world PvP were places where people grinded for those elemental things, or that dragon island with no flying allowed. In Vanilla everyone was a target, especially people going to dungeons (BRM).
MoP didn’t ruin him. The inbetween expansions books did
>playing literal shit skins
>Started the dumb PvP/PvE segregation in gearing, splitting character progression into two separate paths for no fucking reason
I never understood why they did this. Literally ruined the game for me.
MoP was legit, good taste user
>FLYING making the world small and killing open world PvP
>advanced group finder and cross real battlegrounds killing the social element of the game, because you are playing with anonymous randoms that won't even talk to you and you will never see again
>a "pretty" race for the horde and a "monster" race for the alliance, and the shaman/paladin thing removing faction theme and identity
>the scourge of grinding daily quests introduced on that island what i forgot its name despite spending 100 hours there its so bland
>BGs killed world pvp.
Flying mounts killed world PvP, by allowing people to pick and chose when and whom they fight.
>PvP - PvE gear separation was good
Sorry, I didn't realize you are a tumor, didn't meant to reply to you. Carry on.
isle of quel danas and in the third world bootlegged ass of an server i played on - it was the most social place ever. duels between factions and general cool hang out vibe
>Flying mounts killed world PvP, by allowing people to pick and chose when and whom they fight
That's not how it actually worked out though, there was still plenty of world pvp.
>advanced group finder
People barely fucking used that shit and most people stuck to spamming /2. Are you larping as a someone who actually played tbc?
>see fag
>go to jump him
>gets on his flying mount and just takes off with no issues
It was even worse if the fag was a druid
Way less than it used to be, and on a way smaller scale than it used to be.
Not as many cases of "you fucked me up so i'll bring my bros to fuck you up" escalating to group on group banging.
Really, you don't even need to have played back then, just think about it. Of course being able to run away vertically, and combat not being allowed in the air, reduces world PvP. It created a safe zone.
Not late game for heroics and raids, but it 100% was used all the time for dungeons. You didn't meet people conventionally, and there was no "here have some potions, oh thanks for the scroll of stamina" moment for these groups. Just getting things done with.
I think the only zone where people actually formed groups naturally was Hellfire Peninsula.
How is that any different from spamming /2? The only social interaction involved with that is whispering "invite". And regular dungeons were basically irrelevant most of the time anyway, so who gives a shit?
>Not having /Generaldefense enabled to locate where is world PVP going
How is mounting up on an epic mount and just running the fuck away not a safe zone too? You can't catch up to them.
Themepark stuff and world being dead started with Dungeon Finder, which happened in 3.1 iir, not even at LK's launch
>The only social interaction involved with that is whispering "invite"
Wrong. When forming groups normally, half the people in the group have been in /party chat for 10-15 minutes or more. Conversation started. Even stupid things like "where are you in the world" or "what talents you have" etc, because there is a choice to keep or kick the person depending on them being good/bad/asshole.
Groups being build over tens of minutes means you talk to each other, introduce each other, you all volunteered to be with these people doing this thing and its a very different atmosphere compared to group finder.
You can chase horizontally, and damage them on that axis. Not true for vertical escapes.
Basically a game without Z axis combat has no business adding Z axis movement system thats so easy to use everywhere.
Yeah TBC was still tolerable, but it was the beginning of the end in many ways. You couldn't just sit in the cities and press a button to do content whenever, yet.
Wait do you think that it was like the wotlk group finder or something? It didn't automatically put you in a full group with people. It was just a list that you could list your group on or list yourself on. Nobody even used the automatic invite option if that's what you're talking about.
>You can chase horizontally, and damage them on that axis.
except you can't because they're running away at 100% speed and you can't get to them
>>Complete gear reset for casuals to catch up
TBC wasn't really that bad of an offender with this, every other expansion is. If you had tier 2/tier 3 gear you were pretty much set to enter heroics and karazhan.
>post apoc fantasy on another planet
TBC wasn't the best but it was the most kino.
You can get them off their mounts if you just see them coming. You never see anyone coming in the air.
A lot of the time I'd catch people in a flat out chase before they got anywhere safe just because I used the terrain better than they did while chasing them.
>And you couldn't use PvP gear in PvE.
yes you could, a lot of people did. I even think the pvp weapons were borderline or straight up bis going into some tiers.
I didn't use it much, and I don't play on private servers, but I am 100% certain you could select a role, and a dungeon, and you'd get auto-invited by groups that lack that role for that dungeon. And I am 100000% sure that there was a huge difference in groups formed that way vs groups formed in chat, because I've made comments about that and people have responded that yes, they felt that way too. I strictly didn't use it, and I talked ingame to other people who strictly didn't use it for the same reasons.
flying mounts and mounts in general had double the cast time from what they do now.
Or you can more easily damage them to dismount them.
And in the air they just need to go up and they are safe, on land they have to go around obstacles, maybe mobs aggro, etc.
>MoP didnt ruin Garrosh
>Turned him into a capeshit tier villain
mistafall village farming as warlock was great, like 50k a hour great in time where having 100k was a lot and could last whole expansion
What was there to ruin? Garrosh was a WoW OG character, outside of 2 expansions he had zero character. Just some grunt.
People should be more upset with how Thrall changed from the other games, the novels, etc. He actually had a character to ruin.
What was that demon hunter trainee academy outside of Black Temple called?
I remember grinding with a paladin there, pulling literally 60 mobs at a time, healing with every block.
druids were instant
Burning Crusade music was fucking great. It was a perfect fit to Outland. Subtle melodies,
I think most tracks (song in OP definitely, at least) have been made by the guy who did the Diablo II soundtrack and it's noticeable. He's fantastic at creating music with an oppressive, mystical feel to them.
Garrosh was never ruined and was the only good WoW born character
Garrosh is a child encouraged by Thrall and despised by the other kids(Voljin abd Cairn), no wonder he turned out like that, the problem was WoD, time travel and alternate universes is fucking retarded
also, Thrall cheated
the zone music was still kind of ambient and moody. when wrath came the zone music became way too overbearing and melodic. wrath's music is fucking amazing but I only think wintergrasp did what zone music SHOULD DO which is just create a mood and ambience.
>elves for horde bad!
>every hordefag has at least one female elf char
>playing niggers faggots and emo
>tfw was really interested in the bronze dragon flight throughout vanilla, tbc and wotlk
then cata and wod happened and completely destroyed everything I liked about them
They made Garrosh interesting in Wrath and gave him a bit more complexity with stuff like STone Talon. Then after that he just became generic bad guy
Yeah exactly. I love WoW music but it became a bit too much in WotLK.
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
Instead of having him overcome that petty shit he was getting from the other leaders they decided to turn him into Orc Hitler because they needed another loot pinata and to continue their love of shitting on an semi decent horde leader. Even one of the bronze drakes said Garrosh that in the other timelines Garrosh was one of the greatest leaders the horde ever had. Then of course killed him off because nobody is allowed to be better than Green Jesus except for Sylvanas and Jaina
blessed pasta