...April... I am.... FORGOTEN!
It....IS.... 2019
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Wait until Iceborne comes out.
You posted the wrong image OP.
So this... is the power.... of autism... wow
i feel bad, my friend gifted this to me on a steam sale and i can't seem to even grasp combat, it feels float and unresponsive with the majority of weapons so i ended up choosing the bow but it just isn't "fun" - i don't really want to have to watch 30 min tutorials on how to git gud, is there a quick rundown for how to not fuck up early game? i just wanna grt into a groove and fight stuff
>make a game with good gameplay, cute waifus and superior japanese charm
>people will play it forever
a tale as old as time
except it's getting DLC this year
>550 of defense
>15 of fire defense
>normal lunastra insta kill me
>good gameplay
let's not get carried away here
>he didn't equip the fireproof mantle
>he didn't just autoevade evry attack with the sparkly mantle of skills
A shitter needs a shitter's tool.
t. bootyblasted low rank shitter
you need better decos and food buffs or you'll neevr survive. what platform are you on?
how far into the game are you?
Base game didn't feature my boy Nargacuga. DLC will fix that soon and make MHW perfect.
>i parry every fucking attack she make
>the blue shit on the ground sucks my life
>insta kill one stupid fire roar
>hunt lunastra with randos
>they cart left and right
>hunt lunastra alone
>30 minute fight where I spend the majority of the fight hitting her shitboxes
Nice game
This OPs first MH? The one on Switch has even less people. It will go back up with Iceborne comes out. People have beaten the shit out of this game.
>barely enough story
>never had top of the line graphics
>5th main game
>always sells increasingly well with each iteration
>has a loyal fanbase
>"hurr durr this game has bad gameplay"
Gameplay is literally the only reason people play monster hunter, it is sublime and by far the best part of the series.
>>the blue shit on the ground sucks my life
>>insta kill one stupid fire roar
Invest in Health regen augments for your weapon. What are you maining? Maybe you should try a long range weapon instead.
Yeah it will be shit until MH: World 4 or so when it finally gets all the good monsters. And it's funny how for a loot based game it has some of the dullest designed weapons in history of vidya, almost every weapon is just a piece of bone with a monster part slapped on it in the same way but in different color.
MonHun is peak 3rd person combat. Dark Souls just took it's foundation and dumbed it down.
>pc is very important to us
>iceborne will be announced for pc asap
>pc still catching up
>nowhere near console parity
>iceborne in 2020
>tendie still seething this is the 5th main game
>hunt lunatra with /mhg/
>done in 5 minutes
super comfy. if anyone on PS4 wants to hoont i'm up for it btw
>legiana insect glaive
>20 fucking minutes fliying like a fucking apache
>every other weapon
>cancer floor has entered the game
>75 megapocions wasted
>your skill doesnt work
>get fucked by her random timig tail attacks
i'm only on the 3rd story mission i believe, should i start over with a different weapon or something, is the bow bad for beginners?
>nowhere near console parity
What do you mean? I thought PC already got all the AT monsters.
>he doesn't know that you play literally all MH games on PC because he is too poor to have a good PC
I pity a fool
It deals split fire/dragon you dipshit, bring mantles and eat jerky when your health is being sapped.
>not a single counter argument
>console war faggotry
Your age is showing
Luna is probably the worst monster to hunt in groups, especially with randos. The AI has the attention span of a 8 year old ADHD on crack. ONe moment she attacks one hunter, then a second later she just runs at the opposite of the map and attacks another hunter. And since she does a lot of damage, everyone is busy running away from her in order to heal.
Every Lunastra quest with rando ends up with all 4 of us scattered all over the map, with her in the middle, going from one to the other. It's a mess.
Yeah that’ll be fun for like a week!
Im using the long sword and i have regeneration skills for my legiana tarot sword, i suck a fucking lot of healt per fucking hit and im still needing to use megapocions
I use fire proof mantel and im still geting a damn lot of damage.
>fight Luna solo
>beat her in like 10 minutes
I guess you could always get good.
Shit, Luna with ranged weapons is such a joke.
>tfw no Iceborne release date for PC
They really want me to continue playing on my shitty normal PS4.
>fighting HR Diablos
>it's surprisingly easy, but the fight has ended up inside a section of the cave where I have very little space so am focused
>suddenly hear pickle scream
>run the fuck away from Deviljho and let him do what he wants
>turn around to see what's happening
>Deviljho is FUCKING SUPLEXING Diablos
When such a popular AAA game has mixed reviews on steam you know it failed. Could be a good game with epansion though.
I just bought this yesterday. What am i in for?
any weapon is fine, but you should go to the practice room and look at the movesets before you fight any mponsters with it. each weapon has a few hidden attacks that you'll only ever find by mistake or by watching youtube videos i'd recommend Arrekz. what type of game do you usually play and what weapon do you like?
here's an overview of the weapons in the game
Or it's successful in its niche instead of pandering to the widest audience possible. It's good as is and I'm excited for the expansion.
I use PC for work only m8, MH is a classic portable series, which is the best way to play.
>all those buzzwords
It's not a niche when it sold 10m copies and one of the reasons why it's not that good is pandering actually.
Why is the most fun monster to hunt Barroth?
He seems like such a fair monster. No bullshit mechanics. Hits kinda hard and has decent speed.
What buzzwords? Game is all about weapons, armor and monster roster (and combat that's good in MH World).
>Tfw console and no new content for months.
That's because the new content on PC is shit we've had for ages. PC support sucks dick for MHW and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also the PC community is filled with people who just cheat their way to top gear and decos.
>quest difficulty has been adjusted for multiplayer
Just stop replyin to me, I'm not fallin for it anymore user.
i tried the practice arena but i guess i didn't get as much out of it as i should have. i play many types of games from shooters to rts and rpgs. probably but the most amount of time into souls games and stuff with like 3k hours across the series, i'm high on the pve bloodborne league leaderboards for boss kills, top 300 with like 700+ killed doing mostly chalice hard mode dungeons. kinda thought i'd pick up mh gameplay from how my friend talked about it but it seems way slower and more calculated. I'll look into your links, thanks. I was at first drawn to the proto axe cuz it just looked cool as sword and shield that transformed, didn't even care about the transformation and just liked the heavy shield but trying to use it and cycling the whole heat mechanic while also learning how to fight stuff seemed way too high tier for me since it is my first mh game.
>mfw when i see mustards complaining about decos after AT Jaggy and that shitty Lava guy
>i'm high on the pve bloodborne league leaderboards for boss kills, top 300 with like 700+ killed doing mostly chalice hard mode dungeons.
Hey I'm 140. If you treat MHW combat like Souls combat you are going to be fucking miserable.
>still no tigrex
monster roster seems so empty bros
2019... I live forever in the hearts of true MH fans and not s.o.y ''muh qol'' zoomers....
the game does take some gettting used to be it's pretty easy after a while. just remember that you get locked into your animations which is what a lot of new people struggle with. MHW was my first MH but I just played it like DD and found it pretty easy to get used to. try using the greatsword. i used that and the charge blade early on but i think the charge blade may be a bit much for new players. also never play with co-op until you're in post game or you'll never learn how to beat monsters and will always be bad at the game
We still months away from the Witcher collab
There's nothing wrong with SOSing monsters you've beaten before so you can get materials to craft shit. The bad thing is when you join up just to be dead weight.
Maybe start with some simpler weapon like GS. It will force you to learn monster patterns and learn importance of timing. Not saying it's easy weapon to master obviously but a good starting weapon in any MH game IMO.
Nargacuga has the same skeleton has Tigrex so he's probably coming back.
but who cares about them I want my ambhibianbros back
SOSing after you beat a monster is finem=, but a lot of people use SOS's throughout the game to carry them through everything, and those are the people that keep carting in the end game stuff. they're just a liability to everyone and ruin your hunts. also i still think it's better to grind by yourself in the beginning so you can get better with the monsters and your weapon. co-op is too much of a clusterfuck sometimes
>arctic expansion
Come on bun
unironically no u
>but a lot of people use SOS's throughout the game to carry them through everything, and those are the people that keep carting in the end game stuff.
I don't think those people ever break hr49.
>If a game isn't played for two years straight it's forgettable.
>If it is, it's autism.
What do you want bro?
The sooner we forget this sad excuse of a """Monster Hunter""" game (more like neonu zombie hunter) the better.
Time to go back to real MH
Seen GS mentioned a few times, but I'm going to throw Sword and Board out there too. Animations are shorter, it has decent mobility, you can use items with your weapon drawn, and it has a block for emergencies. Damage is lower, so you need to stay on the monster to get fast kills in, but honestly if you're coming from BB, I think this might give you a more gradual learning curve.
That's Kirin, right? I was terrified going in because of all the shit I read online, but then he was dead in twenty minutes and I was baffled.
Aerial switch axe that actually has some actual style to it is > The same base weapon but with some red fur taped on it
>Akekz gaming
Gaijin Hunter is better at tutorial videos
This. SnS has the mobility that GS lacks, letting you get familiar with monster attacks and their animations while you dance around.
>tfw playing FFXII, Apex and ToV while waiting for Iceborne
>mfw absolutely no fucking chance of even the ground-based Leviathans coming back
RIP my nigga Nibelsnarf, your armor was too good for this mortal world.
I made a HH support set just to carry scrubs through that fight ironically using the Kirin horn. Probably shouldn't have
I was playing it yesterday with a friend, we were doing AT zorah, fucking annoying fight, next is AT xeno this thursday
>play HH
>everyone leaves camp without waiting for me to buff them
fuck anyone that does this. i do this for you and you're all ungrateful
soulslets will never comprehend this.
I'm fortunate to hunt with friends that wait up, because everyone likes buffs. When I play with randoms I usually just queue everything and wait till everyone converges at the monsters location.
PC is the superior experience retard and the support is better than any console could ever have, case on point customization through mods (which is intended by capcom btw because they themselves added the nativePC folder) and HD texture pack that no console has. Also playing bow/xbowgun is infinitely superior with a mouse and kb.
>PC is the superior experience retard and the support is better than any console could ever have
You literally have less content than consoles. Fucking retard.
not sure I believe you considering since the 4th its been AT xeno and AT zorah has been gone since then., also speaking of AT xeno, considering the normal fight takes almost 20 mins, not sure how they want us to do vastly more damage in a much shorter time frame while the monster actually has some good moves And by that I mean he just runs across the whole stage so you can't hit him
It has mixed reviews because early on it had net issues and optimization problems, you can see that's why steam list overall reviews AND recent reviews, recent reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Capcom stated that MHW is their best selling game in history and PC is the 2nd biggest played platform, I assume ps4 is the first
>not skilled enough to war bard while dealing damage
get it together mako
All PC needs to catch up is Witcher and AT Kulve? Sounds like PC is almost caught up with the consoles.
Can confirm. Most of my friends that asked me for help all the time are still at 49.
Why should they wait?
The point of HH is buffing while smashing a monsters head. Buffing in base is wasting time.
user you can log in right now and see it for yourself.. but whatever I did it for you, takes me 3 seconds to boot the game.
mean bullies
cool and understanding HHbro
>Had a community of friends to play MHW when it came out
>Had tons of fun
>That's all gone now, I don't talk to anyone anymore.
>No desire to play because it's just not fun without friends
I even finished my perfect build too.
We're getting literally the same content over time.. This week we get AT Kulve. This is not an issue consoles also had to wait for content, PC came almost a year after console release. Although capcom said they were going to speed up the PC timeline, but eh it's really irrelevant. Also mods ARE content you like it or not, just by that PC is decades above console
>We're getting literally the same content over time..
You don't have the same content. You have less content. PC has less content than consoles, this is a fact. Fuck off, moron.
but that's what I said?
>Ignores the post
Keep seething consolecuck
Enjoy the Witcher collab - you have that, right?
The quest above AT xeno "undying alpenglow" is AT Zorah user.
>lmao game is FORGOTTEN!
>*proves that it isn't"
You're such a fucking sore loser holy shit lmao end yourself.
>corner horner so timid he needs to play in the corner of the entire map
Have at least 20 Fire Def to avoid Fireblight. At 15, you can just eat for Elemental Res S to get over 20. Make sure you're using Cool Drink and Astera Jerky to deal with DOT stuff. Don't stand in blue puddles.
ah, fair enough
i got 100 hours dumped in it. can't say i don't feel like i got my money's worth from it. still, i feel like it didn't compel me to play it like 4u. which is kind of sad, MHW looks and plays great on PC.
memes aside i actually do buff mid hunt, but there's no reason not to go into the fight buffed as well
it has no endgame though.
AT Zorah was extended due to some technical issues. It was originally set to expire when AT Xeno showed up. Probably why you're confused.
>still haven't taken the plunge of restarting on PC
I have everything on my PS4 save. All outfits and BiS gear for GS. I even have 3x attack gems... The silky smooth 60fps is calling though
I would let you buff me corner horney .
If you catch my drift
there's "save transfer" mods you can use to get back to where you were at fast
You could use a save editor tool to replicate to some extend your PS4 progress.
Well maybe if they FUCKING RELEASED THE CONTENT ON PC instead of keeping us behind we wouldn't be in this mess.
PC will be dead as console in a couple months especially since you guys aren't getting all the console exclusive events. The only reason its active right now is because PC version was released later.
>play on PC
>everyone has absolute BiS top gear with all augments done
>multiple attack gems
>they get triple carted to fucking xeno
I hate the trainer community.
The game is still played by a lot of people and very much alive, OP is a faggot. If we got the whole content at once then we would be like console cucks with nothing else to do, we're getting all the content over time, stop being impatient, this week we get AT kulve taroth
I don't want to cheat
the problem is you'll never be able to get randos to sit still for the minute it takes to buff them in camp. When I play with randoms I just do self improvement then war bard till I build the the buffs and use them whenever.
PC gets all events console gets though, there's no console exclusive event besides new ones that PC hasn't gotten yet.
then you're shit outta luck fucko
I play this game on the weekends for 3 hours because I don't wanna get rusty And because I think Nerg is cute. Best flagship imo
Understandable user, and respectable.
How is it cheating if you've already done the work?
It's just boring. Getting gear sucks because it all feels shitty. Any time I play I'm left wondering why I'm grinding against the same monsters I've already fought countless times for some shitty item that looks terrible and is going to provide a nearly unnoticeable difference to my output and gameplay.
Gear skills and the skill jewels are just absolute cancer. Layered armor system and the method to acquire more is shit. Armor and weapon designs are mostly shit. It just doesn't feel worth it to play.
>no console exclusive event
not technically true. The horizon zero dawn quest is probably never coming to pc and I've never seen someone mod it in so I don't even think those files exist in the pc version.
I think you're cute. best user imo
can you read you absolute mong? i said it WILL be dead because PC is running out of events (or maybe it has already) that are not console exclusive. Once it gets through the non console exclusive events there is going to be a huge period of just nothing that console didn't have.
because you need to cheat in order to obtain the items
You might be right, admittedly i can't see the future, however new files to PC get added with some updates, they're localted on the "chunk" folder in your MHW folder, these "chunk" files contain the compressed items that are added to the game (besides textures, sound etc) the latest chunk was added last week, "chunk09" which contains the files for the kjarr weapons. So if there's no files on the PC version for certain weapons or events it doesn't mean they won't be added.
can't wait for 2020 when pc gets iceborne and then we have to wait another year for all the content that was held back on release to actually be put in the game, thanks MHTeam, love the games as a service approach.
Also mantles are stupid and shitty and ugly and I hate that they're a mechanic because they cover like 50% of your character making the shitty limited character creation and customization even more pointless.
Hub area sucks, and to top it off you don't see other people in it online. Only in the gathering hub, which most people don't give enough of a shit to go to and is very boring and empty as it is.
>Everything is shit!
But you already obtained them. It would only truly be cheating if you obtained more than you've had or done.
Again user there's no console exclusive event at all, only events that hasn't been added yet.
Still mad we never got Ala and Oroshi in the base game.
>Iceborne adds g-rank
>Which has traditionally doubled the amount of content and time spent in the game
>"yeah it'll be fun for a week"
Period of nothing is exactly what console has now.
Monster Dante and Vergil?
>game is called Monster Hunter World
>it's actually not a world, still just instanced areas just without 10+ loading screens within them now
and thank god for that, I really hope MH never falls for the open world meme
It fucking sucks, I ended up double dipping because of the better loading times on PC and I don't think I can go back tp console.
>jokes about MHW being forgotten
>Monster Hunter Stories literally exists
>The West still missing patch 1.2 which lets you get Teostra and Rajang
>If we got the whole content at once then we would be like console cucks with nothing else to do
This is some next level PC uck coping if I've ever seen it
>expedition forces spend 50 years exploring the new world and don't even make it through the rotten vale
>player character blows everyone out of the water in a few days and slays every elder dragon
>random npcs chastise you for giving them so much paperwork
This isn't a games as a service approach, it's a get retards to double dip approach like GTAV
U have forgot s and 3 digit number.
Thanks for beta testing the game user, while you have to wait months to get anything new added we will always have a queue of events guaranteed. Not sure why some people even complain about being behind.
>quest difficulty has been adjusted for multiplayer
harder or easier?
Makes monsters have 2.5x HP which wouldn't be as bad (except for AT monsters) but it also makes their stun/flinch threshold significantly higher.
Just waiting for AT Nerg right now. Considering he’s the flagship I hope he will be one of the good AT’s like Xeno.
Yes we will be getting it after ATKT actually.
So that's a no, you don't have it yet.
gear =/= skill
>goal posting
But we will. That's the point. You're not missing out on anything by getting the PC version. They will still have the same official content when it's all said and done. The difference is a few months, sure, but it's not like you're gonna be doing anything worthwhile during that time in your worthless NEET life anyway. On top of that we have HD textures, unlocked FPS, the ability to turn off god awful effects like volumetric fog, DoF, and motion blur, AND we have custom mods and shaders. If you seethe less you could probably see your own argument through your breath and spittle. Enjoy your gobbo handler you fucking mong, she suits you.
There are free cool drinks in the fucking box. Take a stack, drink one. Bring your fire mantle, it lasts several minutes and nullifies fire damage and projectiles. If you're a shitter then bring the temporal mantle as well and switch between the two.
Tail attack has insane range but she looks behind her and shakes her ass so slow you have plenty of time to retreat or push on and roll beneath her legs and even if you're caught in a terrible position the teo/luna tail swipes are so rhythmical and have such clear impact it isn't difficult to dodge right through it.
You don't need any specific build, fuck fire resistance, health boost 3/3 and the mantles are enough.
If you have a low-damage weapon like IG or lance it's going to take a long time. Hammer is perfect for the lions, high mobility and high damage, safe spots are right in the armpit anyway.
>party scattered
Sounds like you're playing with ranged users. Switch to ranged yourself or avoid them entirely. The thing that shits on HR Lunastra is her encounter with Kushala since they forgot to program him to fuck off after the turf war and he stalks the lot of you for the rest of the hunt and blows you right off of Lunastra whenever you have her downed and the party assembles in one spot
Technically the rotten vale was explored by the old lady and the admiral found the elder’s recess, the player is just a big slab of meat that kicks the ass of whatever he’s pointed at and drags either a warm or cold body home when he’s done
>We'll get it eventually!
Then you don't have more content than consoles. You have less, and soon you will have ALMOST as much (you'll never get certain event quests).
>stuck in pubbie hell on Behemoth for a whole day
That was unpleasant. Being a shieldboi can be a double edged sword sometimes since you get to witness people carting to phase 3 over and over again until your sanity starts cracking
Hey, just started this game last week. Any reason to use any weapons other than greatsword? This hunk of metal just kills everything so fast.
The researchers handle transportation. Remember the quest where the handler and the midgets were pulling the cart when you first reach Wildspire Waste? They have to do that shit every time you capture a monster.
he's terrible with randoms, either get a good team or don't bother, or just cheese him solo with cluster hbg
>defeat Nergigante
>check his armor set
I didn't expect him to be the bikini armor set but sure.
>tanking behe with randoms
Give it up. They'll just flash him the moment you gain enmity. Just play DPS so the hunt wouldn't last twenty fucking minutes. If they fail - nothing you can do about that.
Most of World's female armors are battle bikinis, its pretty dull.
To expand your hunting horizons.
It’s weird since bikini sets usually go both ways, but the male set is 150% coverage
As a HH main, just buff during the fight, you donut.
I found a decent team eventually (after like 5 fucking hours). Looking at weapon type seems like a better bet than HR. Lancebro, HBG, and one other saved the day. Nearly perfected the stupid thing with zero deaths until that last Ecliptic but a win's a win
>big deal made over how Rotten Vale is filled with the corpses of monsters killed by elder dragons
>meanwhile your hunter is out there literally killing thousands of elder dragons in >5 minutes and leaving their carcasses there to rot after taking exactly 3 body parts
>constant threads for an year after release
>it will be discussed again in a month or so when Iceborne trailer drops
The other weapons all offer something different, like speed, guards, explosions, etc. It helps to learn multiple weapons so you can pick your tools for the fight and also be effective in a team (if you play online/answer SOS). I would recommend learning at least one of the ranged weapons too, just because they're very different from the melee ones.
If you only use one weapon then people will correctly identify you as a shitter.
what the fucks wrong with a week of fun? it aint games as a service, i finished resi2 in 3 days and loved it
>Massive DLC expansion in September+
>People still evidently playing
time to point at OP and laugh again
>in a month or so when Iceborne trailer drops
>March 11 is MH's 15th anniversary
>almost a month later
What makes you so certain it won't be FUCKING NOTHING in another month?
go back, tranny
DLC is epic launcher exclusive
Realistically when is iceborne going to be released for PC?
like may 2020
AT Kulve is in like a week too. Only thing PC doesnt have is Witcher collab and console exclusive events which are never coming anyways.
Why is the Witcher collab taking so long to come to PC?
asscreed mantle is coming
Ass mantle will be on PC too, and iirc people said the same about the dmc event never coming to PC and it did.
Nice joke
they like to keep a "schedule" to fit the new games as a service model so people don't go through content too fast, everything not including the monster collab events could have been included at launch like all the previous games