Boss battle. Lightning beast and water beast. Very high physical defense and magic offence...

Boss battle. Lightning beast and water beast. Very high physical defense and magic offence. All metal weapons cause damage to user when striking lightning beast. Water beast counters all physical attacks. Your party consists of a knight who specializes in heavy attacks that break physical defenses, a white mage who specializes in healing and defensive magics, and an archer, who has 100% accuracy and high speed but very low defense.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>your mounts can attack the party

I choose a 12 gauge

>bosses heal themselves by eating babies

That's kinda fucked up

>Boss kills its own allies.

Anything short of an autocannon probably won't cut it here

Have the white mage cast reflect on the party. Have the knight take damage and lower enemy defenses. Have archer attack lightning dog and all magic attacks will be reflected back to enemy party, causing damage to the opposite beast.

You just know.

Boss battle. A severely unlucky man who you have to escort through a level without him or you dying. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. The boss isn't physical, but the force known as unluck.

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>Pet goes berserk and you have to put it down

>Please like plus subscribe
ecks dee
on another note he should shoot that bitch already

>be pit bull
>be bread for centuries to murder anything on sight
>get shot
Big think

Wait, so it was his own daughter's dog? I hate pitbulls too but this motherfuckers cold as ice.

*laughs in 20mm*

Can you imagine living in America and some random paranoid cunt pulls out a gun and makes a snap decision.

Nah it's their dumbfuck neighbors I'm pretty sure

It’s not enough to shit up /pol/ with this everyday, now you have to spam Yea Forums with it?

Yea Forumsirgins are afraid of /an/onymous chads.

Can you imagine living in America and some random delusional cunt takes the leash off her badly trained slaughter machine and it sprints towards you?

Of all the pets you can have, why pick this shit breed?

Gimmick battle, force them to attack each other.
Lightning beast will kill water beast due to the high magic offence, suffer miniscule damage due to reflected physical damage.
Knight will then keep the LB's attention and breaks it's defence while the white mage heals him from the resulting counter and direct damage, leaving the archer to DPS freely, perhaps dodging occasional ranged attacks thrown his way.
Assuming the water beast respawns, this fight is primarily a test of healer resource/skill management and tank positioning.

Attached: Whos a good boy.jpg (460x489, 69K)

What about that necromancer and his wench behind the beasts?

>white women

The comments on that video gave me cancer

>escort is suicidal

>Party member becomes possessed

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