Filename thread, post it.
Filename thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>it might be hard to understand
That Yea Forums doesn't like pretty much every other site?
what did he mean by this?
I didnt come here to feel
nice one
What an idiot, that's not how you run a business. He just opened the floodgates and people are going to start abusing his charity.
Fuck. I applied mine wrong.
I feel like a fucking retard. No wonder my pc keeps rebooting.
fpbp, based, and /thread
What is up with Japs having a hard-on for animals races (ie. anime chicks with animal ears and tails) depicted as slaves. I thought they hated niggers.
You know I was thinking how do you apply it wrong, and then I actually looked at OP.
Give sauce NOW
you probably used Kraft instead of the bery best too, you plebian
I used arctic silver.
Based. Fuck redditors shitting up this site with their "le meme culture xd" cancer.
>trigger discipline
Found the cat. Still can't find the owl
I hate this picture, it took me ages to found this motherfucker
Is the inherent kindness of the human soul just anathema to you?
Fuck me I've seen this image a hundred times but I never noticed the deer before
>inherent kindness
>he opened the floodgate
He paid for a kid stealing to help his mom, and fed him. The kid paid him back by helping him years later (because if he hadn't gotten that medicine his mom very well could have died and he would have stayed a street urchin). It's pretty much over.
Maybe not niggers
That's a misrepresentation of what I said, please don't try to dehumanize people to hurt their image. It's fine here on Yea Forums but that kind of attack is bound to warrant counter attacks in the real world.
>wanting there to be console war threads
So these are the retards that ruined Yea Forums, go figure reddit would bring the cancer just as hard as Yea Forums did
OP this filename fucking blows, get better material
People are capable of just as much good as they are evil, user.
Seemed pretty clear you were advocating the guy should put money before people
Humans are inherently selfish. Our morality comes from guilt, because we're taught social norms from birth. No society, no norms, no guilt, no morality.
Quick google says Nicole Coco Austin.
She looks absolutely disgusting.
>No society, no norms, no guilt, no morality.
The subsequent events have not been reviewed by my and are not discussed in my evaluation of the media subject. My initial assessment of the subject remains as my final statement until further information is available to me. if this seems like a heartless decision then I must remind toy that sometimes that's the cost of transparency.
It was never stated that "inherent human kindness" is not of importance to me. I believe that this phenomenon is a boon to moral but must be checked and revised on a case by case basis.
motherfucker, what? I'm asking how he opened any floodgates. It's a kid repaying the kindness that an old man showed him, nowhere is it implied he's going to do it for anyone else.
Bullshit, that is TF2.gif
sauce tho? Google ain't finding shit.
/r/Yea Forums redditors go first on day of the rope
In prior experience it has been shown in events such as the one displayed in the subject scene, that clients expect an equal service and subsequently cut ties with services that fail to deliver on the expected treatment. It may not have such an outcome in this iteration but my assessment stands as it is a major risk factor that should be avoided if possible.
>powergaming as clown
it's all fun and games until the fiftieth time you shoot yourself
>not 99% chance to hit
I'm not mad, i'm just disappointed
I'm sorry, senpai, I have failed you...
i hate americans
No retard, there are inherent structures built into your wiring from the day you're born that govern the existence of things like guilt. Context for these feelings is learned through social interaction, but the blocks that arrange into morality are inside you regardless. You're just a massive faggot.
>in prior experience
in thailand? No, they're lucky to have one hospital per village, and no one's going to say "that old guy got treatment for free I want it too". That's like someone saying "Why does the president get to pardon people and I don't?". It's childish tantrum shit.
>comparing adorable catgirls to feral niggers
Empathy is still a thing, user. Babies will feel bad if they take something from another baby and see them cry as a result. We don't pop out of the womb in full "STEAL EVERYTHING IN SIGHT AND KILL ALL WHO OPPOSE US", that shit is tight. Evolutionary speaking, it makes sense for us to be preprogrammed to NOT be dicks to each other since that has the maximum chance of perpetuating the species
>i should use reddit if i wanted to actually discuss games
lol. well at least that explains why the only games you can actually discuss on Yea Forums are 20+ years old
what the fuck was he even trying to do?
This entire movie is probably the stupidest cool thing I have ever seen, on par with Sam's scabbard in MGR
>redditors were the ones making all those hungergames threads
makes perfect sense. That shit got old a couple days after the site was "discovered" but redditors were making threads months later.
Rather be a heretic than a filthy Smurf
Yeah, I said it!
americans everyone
IIRC it was either for some dumb prank show or an attempt to fake a slip and fall kind of scenario in order to sue the grocery store. Probably a mix of both, desu
That's european for a fact.
Sadly that's exactly the case. Especially in areas where the service isn't abundant. Human nature dictates that we take every advantage we can and so unfortunate people see someone receive a handout and thus expect one for themselves, often at the risk of the provider. It may not be fair but that's why it's important to minimize exposure to people of this description.
Bitches are jelly of my primarch getting shit done!
does china also have american healthcare?
Do I get to see arle rape ringo now
what a fail of a OP
T-the other primarchs will get their chance to fix the Imperium too, y-you'll see!
kek this dweeb thinks hobbes that was right
read some rousseau you ninny
This sounds like grandmaster Yea Forums shitposters who are several dozen layers deep in ironic memes
it was a running stunt were people would film themselves purposefully eating shit with a gallon or two of milk in a store. I want to say it was called "galloning" or something like that and was popular like 2011-2012
Fake and gay
chinesse people dont have souls
Is this what being sick in america feels like?
>not being a Sartrefag
Go get your ass kicked by the furfags again or hunt your "fallen"
Pretty much. If you're not rich and/or don't have good health insurance, more often than not you're the one footing the bill. But even staying in a hospital bed costs a few thousand dollars per night, so your best bet it to not come down with the cancer to begin with
Equilibrium 2
i hate you
t. /gif/
finally found it
They have worse
I am pretty a sure cannot choose whether or not to charge a patient, unless he also happens to be the owner fo the hospital of course.
cats user
>typical Smurf runs behind his precious Codex
Girlymann himself went on record to say his own book was a catastrophic failure! You don't get to use that defense anymore
Goddamn I hope every single one of them got raped
I've been shit posting instead of working out, it went from an hour to seven minutes. I hate being autistic.
is the doctor gonna marry the daugther?
sorry, that I can't remember 790+ Pokémon in two languages
This is fake right?
He probably just paid out of his own pocket like the old man did for him. He looks like a neurologist of sorts, probably makes a small fortune with each paycheck
America becomes china in 30 years?
dumb gwailo doesnt understand chinese comedy act
Just look it up faglord like I do
Also just play in English
Whats even happening here
so they are the cancer that is ruining Yea Forums? why don't we give them a taste of their own medicine and raid those fuckers?
Then why does he still use it for his legions pr the Primaris legions?
Plus, he's writing another version for governors.
uh nanking, pearl harbor unit 731 uncensored genitalia
>I literally cannot believe that worked.webm
Have sex
i never understood it - why the fuck are they all on those hugeass carriers
rape is sex right
holy moly this guy thinks that existence precedes essence
try respecting a guy who didn't suck husserl's dick
nice fanfic
phones exist so that kind of ruins it
>build an entire town on an aircraft carrier
>also build mountains to go with it
For what purpose?
hello zoomer, did you know there was a time where cell phones did not exist?
>Why Sekiro needs an easy mode
You can go harder without locals freaking out.
yes, zoomer, and before that we had other types of phones
it's surprise sex
Are you the kind a guy that has to explain the joke at parties you mother fucker piece of shit?
you dont fucking do that, now all normies that entered this thread are going to know, thank you very much you, i hope a lion rapes you
what the fuck is wrong with americans
that must smell fucking horrible
have you ever smelled burning hair
yes but did you know there was a time where there werent any phones. Also who is to say the dad never called as well? Get your brain checked zoom zoom
i mean how fucking stupid do you have to be to do that
what does it smell like
It's fucking Thailand not China you ignorant fucks
is he burning off all the split ends?
if he is, there's probably less flamboyant ways to do that
if he isn't why the fuck
>be 8
>terminal brain cancer
>make a wish ask me what my dream is
>I want to meet my favourite ghostbuster
>big day comes
>can't wait to meet Bill Murray
>"We managed to get all four of them to come user, isn't that great?"
>4? But Harold Ramis is dead.
>The door opens and I hear shrill laughter and mumbled ebonics
>Four women shamble in to the room wearing cheap cosplay outfits.
>The largest, a barely human looking sheboon swaggers over to me looking like she thinks she's made my day
>"Who ya gun call lil guy?"
>The rest of them roar with laughter
>I hear a voice screaming "Ay gurls, lemme holla at ya"
>A strange negro runs in to my room and starts whooping.
>The 4 women begin to whoop along with him and chant "PHOTO OP, PHOTO OP"
>A camera flashes as I drift in to the abyss
What's the joke? I just watched 30 seconds of boring Overwatch game?
sure thing insectoid
same thing chang.
>did you know there was a time where there werent any phones
I was about to say that's a stupid thing to ask because you must have hair.
Then I giggled thinking the only reason you asked is because you had no hair.
Overwatch has a PC and console version, what you're seeing is console footage where 4 people are missing 1 D.Va, if you've played on PC it looks ridiculous
are you serious lol
you dont know that. Seek help zoomer, pick up and book and read for once.
Well that's because you're supposed to play first person shooters with a mouse
Spotted the consolefaggot
>she will never be real
goddamn user are you on the spectrum
Took me a second but yeah that’s about right
That looks fucking cool.
Why is there a ring of air or what is that?
i want to adopt one
>he wants chloe to be real
is he ok
>MOBA player tries RTS
Because of course it is.
Only if you're an idiot. Nowadays, you just tap on your targets on a touchscreen.
KB+M can't even come close to competing. They just get absolutely demolished. It's so easy to get headshots with a touchscreen it's not even funny. Killing KB+M players is easy as a toddler squishing ants. Headshot. Headshot. Headshot.
If you're not playing with a touchscreen today, you're just gimping yourself.
>Not 'are they okay'
Because your Primarch is nothing more than a one trick pony
That's pretty damn great
that third guy always cracks me up
Fucking genius, you know there's some rich pretentious fuck out there who will buy it as a piece of art/social commentary/ironic statement.
This is the face of autism. Learn to recognize it, so that you can learn to avoid it.
Shut up punk girls are my fetish ok?
her or Kate
It reminds me of this
It always boggles my mind how these people are ok with having garbage as pavement
Just like Space Channel 5
I thought the united states was the only one with the screwed up medical scam
I hate r*ddit so goddamn much.
It's a bubble ring. It's a form of vortex that keeps its shape by spinning real fucking fast (which is why the jellyfish gets rekd like that)
Smoke rings are the same thing.
oh it's a glove
I was worried for a bit there
He adds salt to the recipe while continuing to taste the sample he poured out which is unaffected by changes.
hope he had the abyssal ring
Fucking soccer players are subhuman.
are you blind?
Oh I must be blind
Pretty funny sketch
what a wonderful creature
Holy shit nigger why
>I'll be taking this halloween candy for myself. Reward, hard earned
how the fuck do you turn it off
clicked it, recognized the image, and clicked off before it happened. Fuck you!
what did you expect to do? touch a diseased bird with his hands? he's not the goalie
Wait for the water to run out
Can't help but think of Tellius when I see animal human people in fiction
>three freaking grand for "observation"
The revolution can't come fast enough
it's the ocean. the water doesn't run out, earth water recycles. did you ever take a single dinosaur class?
Isn't the hose infinitely drawing water from the ocean? thought that was the point
not this time faggot
Spotted the retards, guys
thats pretty good
It's not a bad one
>merely pretending
If I were american I'd unironically rather be taken to a witch doctor.
whitey being racist as usual
>when your heart is warmed but then realise things like this don't happen in real life
hiking is fun, duh
>inb4 that guy that destroyed his laptop
Black nationalist group in South Africa protesting whitey, maybe they see trash cans and litter-free streets as a sign of colonialism.
some campus protest with nigs throwing trash everywhere to prove some sorta point and the dude just not giving and cleaning it up
lol, I had forgotten about that version
>we don't need your help WHITE we can take care of ourselves!
but also
>help us white people we need more money for our programs
it's like a dethkok music video
Woah, calm down there Google!
Kek, very underrated
The joke is that it's a parody of slice of life shows like K-ON but with tanks instead. However in this sort of universe it takes an a sizable amount of suspension of disbelief to make it actually work. So it takes some liberties with practicality and realism.
The reflection so dark, is Mario fucking or getting fucked?
>diseased bird
t. user with 10 allergies
its south africa /pol/tard
2 more bombs, please.
Funnily enough the EFF are very millitant and often call for blacks to mobilize and arm themselves to seize SA. Chants of 'Bring the guns' are common.
Why do you thing pseudo science miracle cures and faith healers are so popular in the US?
It's not JUST that their stupid, it's also that they can't afford anything that actually works.
it's a third world bird, it's got something.
>non Americans don't realise you can negotiate those prices down
The prices are that high because they try to milk the insurance companies (who also negotiate the prices lower)
Its a black african thing
Specifically southern and western africa
They just throw trash on the ground, even outside their houses
When I take the domestic worker home I have to drive DEEP into the location (basically the PC african word for slums)
There is trash, kids and stray dogs everywhere
Its disgusting.
i know what gup is, i was asking literally why are they on the ships. was it an apocalypse, computer simulation, mad scientist, "it is a mystery"?
>check out any reddit for a game I'm playing
>filled with literally the most wrong and stupid posts I've ever seen and they're all legitimate and being agreed with
>start seeing that same exact moronic dipshit logic on Yea Forums around the time telling people to go back there became filtered
I also typo'd "think."
>having to negotiate for your fucking hospital bill
whew. feels good not having to argue with jews about whether or not I want to go bankrupt from a hospital visit. American healthcare is completely fucked. It must be an existential crisis every time you hurt yourself.
You know, it kinda loses its impact when it turned out to not be some fucked up cosplay incident and they became the actual ghostbusters in a movie.
It's a bit more depressing than funny now.
>next day 1,000,000 Indian pajeets come to his store stealing everything
It happened to my Dad when he gave ONE kid some free clothing because he was wearing raggy shit.
They live through their diseases and shit, it's in and out, ill in, clean out. In other countries you wait around 20 weeks to finally get seen about your infection that went away before you got those free antibiotics that would made it go away in 10.
Bisically, niggers
The EFF (All those in red shirts), are like black mini trumps, except they hate while people and think that whites stole all their land and they want it back
Theyre basically insane racist communists
Their leader, Julius, is a walking meme who tells his followers to kill while people and take their land and property.
Stupid question but
>get hit on head
>wake up in hospital a few hours later
>"Oh, someone took you here, that'll be 2,000,000 dollars please"
If you never consented, and were unable to consent, for the treatment, why is it considered a legal transaction?
It's even more fucked when you realise they hike the prices up because of insurance companies, but if you don't have an insurance company you don't get to negotiate
>be american
>go outside
>get shot
>haggle for your life with a doctor
ive yet to see this level of cuckold on Yea Forums
Actually my job gives me insurance so if I went to the hospital the most is pay is a few thousand dollars. But I'm not retarded so I don't think I'll be going any time soon.
Kek, nice one
maybe in canada or some other socialist nightmare lmao. i broke my finger and got it set, no insurance, for $30.
2 more towers, please.
I have.
How should I know? I don't live there.
>negotiate those prices
It was promotion for the movie from the start.
Hey man that's insensitive
>one day, my aunt called me saying my dad was about to die of cancer
You want to try that again, chief?
>Now Melts!
I cannot even begin to describe the number of questions that have been raised for me
You don't have to pay, they'll just turn you out into the street so your injuries likely get worse without bedrest and care.
Yeah it sucks having the best medical care in the world and the highest survival rate of most life threatening diseases in the world
Mm, delicious cope.
>Have insurance
>Still be thousands out of pocket if you end up in hospital
>Thinks this is good
This is some Stockholm syndrome shit.
so thats where this image came from
Legally you might have an argument, but the whole Hippocratic Oath business means regardless of your ability to pay, a doctor is obligated to help you. Whether or not he charges you $20,000 for a bandage is another story entirely
You really are delusional.
There's a reason the richest people in the world go to india for their treatments
Don't be silly lad.
They'll check if you have money first, If you don't you simply ain't getting shit.
Even if you look like you have some money, like middle class or such, they'll check if you have insurance first and then you'll get treated.
I'd much rather fork over a few thousand and be in debt for a year or two than pay the full half million or what have you and still be paying that shit off from the grave
people always say this, but how does that actually work? the way i see it happening is
>can you lower the price?
>you already received treatment, this is what it costs
>im not paying that amount
>alright, have fun with your 250 credit score
The fact that the word cheese is nowhere on the package should answer most of them
Enjoy waiting to death in your hospital que :^)
I'll pay for quality, thanks.
>medical bills
hahahahaha do they?
Do the rothschilds go to india for treatments? i bet they do
I'd rather get it for free.
>" best medical care in the world and the highest survival rate"
>meanwhile the whole country stuffs itself to death with food
John Does get admitted to hospitals sometimes though
Awa I was scared I was scared hahaha good job.......
>They'll check if you have money first, If you don't you simply ain't getting shit.
Actually highly illegal, at least in burgerland. Doctors take an oath to do no harm, and allowing you to die because of money counts as doing harm to a patient. The issue lies in that's normally about as far as their charity goes, and it's all on you to find a way to pay for that shit
money is just a number in a computer when you get to a certain level.
The fuck are you talking abou--HOLY FUCK
i'd much rather not pay at all
>live in slav shithole
>public healthcare is free and decent
>can always go private and pay myself
>can always have additional insurance and have private for "free"
step up sempai
you literally just clipped off the end of a whole sentence
original content do not steal
It's more pasta than cheese.
I thought the hospital just assumes you can pay, then kicks you out the second they figure out you don't have insurance. It won't matter if you still have that bullet in your leg. And they'll still charge you for wasting their time anyway.
>They'll check if you have money first, If you don't you simply ain't getting shit.
literally illegal
yeah, and what you gonna do about it, lardass? diabetes me to death?
Wholesome, but it wouldn't happen in real life because it's been scientifically proven that impoverished kids are way way more unlikely to have a successful career, than trust fund kiddos.
This is the worst filename thread in the history of Yea Forums
more like plastic
>perilous attack.gif
That's a fucjing crow.
Fario mucking bowsette.
They have to fully treat you. If the bullet threatens your life where it is then it has to be removed. Aside from that they will discharge you ASAP rather than keeping you around for observation and bed rest to see if your condition changes.
It's a comedy sketch, my fellow dimwitted american.
that doesn't make any sense
You cannot even use that argument in court
Title says Kizumonogatari III - Reiketsu-hen.
It's illegal for the doctor.
Not for the hospital or the staff, that's the loophole that's being exploited.
they can simply not take you in and it's not the doctor's fault and the oath is still being met.
I went 17/2 yesterday on kindred.
Our Ashe decided to memebuild with spear of shojin and never used her ult
that's actually really cool looking
>Binding of isaac
It should be against the natural law of the universe that not one glass fence or window got hit.
I know, I know there's plenty wrong with this otherwise, but those fucking gun sweeps and it takes fucking Chris to break a bit of glass.
Wait dont tell me that second slot was... Not so grump
Except it's not and this never happens
>>haggle for your life with a doctor
Except you receive urgent treatment before they bill you in America. If you get shot and call 911 obviously they treat you before they even bother identifying you. Why are so many people brainwashed into just not knowing things? Meanwhile other countries have systems where the government can deny you treatment even if you have the funds to pay for it.
Fucking renegades.
>if you don't have an insurance company you don't get to negotiate
False. If you tell them "Negotiate or i'm not paying this bill", they'll negotiate
>Aside from that they will discharge you ASAP rather than keeping you around for observation and bed rest to see if your condition changes.
Honestly. I would rather have that than paying three times more for doing basically nothing. Why isn't this an option every time?
Remember to praise our hero every day.
Negotiation goes something along the lines of
>Pay this
>How about... this?
>Repeat until the price gets haggled down to less than a tenth of the original asking price
And they can't do shit about it. If hospitals were making 1:1 on these medical bills, they wouldn't be so bitchy about funding or getting more people on the floor outside of an ICU. The reality is that they don't even get a tenth that outside of the rare uninsured sucker who happens to be loaded. There's a saying: "If you owe someone hundreds or thousands of dollars, it's your problem. If you owe them hundreds of thousands, it's their problem". To beat the Jew, you must also summon your inner Jew.
>South Africa
They're basically following Zimbawe's footsteps
holy fucking shit
It's thailand you brainlet
What do you think filename threads are?
>Legally you might have an argument
no you'd still be liable for payment. maybe not all of it, but the logic is you are believed to need treatment to save your life or prevent grievous injury and any reasonably sane person would consent rather than die or have some permanent injury. I don't remember the exact details since it's been awhile, but I took a business law class and we went over this.
>sens fortress
>its isekai
>america has thailands healthcare
tfw being a brainlet who doesn't notice that it's a thai clip
>Baht as currency
What are you, some kind of a fucking retard?
If your job involves even helping to treat a patient, in any capacity, you're bound under the Oath and therefore would get fined into oblivion if caught
An insured person can also just leave at the same point the uninsured person would be discharged, but the staff will try to convince you not to. If you're insured observation and bed rest are really just not a big deal when it comes to co-pay.
Except yes, and it happens every single day.
These must be old as shit, the numbers haven't been like that in decades.
damn, hippos are assholes
Needs a name
What an asshole.
what was his problem?
>aiming a gun at a person
>not having your finger on the trigger
yikes, kys.
i can't imagine hippos like eating mud covered crap
but those dumb asshole foxes needed that meat, they chased it there
fucking hippos. i'd kill them all, including every woman ever called a hippo.
I agree, and I 'm an authority here
>No way fag
But not everyone working at hospitals are oath bound.
Doctors aren't debt collectors or accountants
>That one kid in the UK that was denied treatment by the NHS because short of a miracle he had zero chance of survival
>Parents fundraise shit loads of money to pay for a private doctor
>NHS refuses to release him from the hospital
>The pope offered to fly him to rome and pay for his treatment there
>NHS refuses
>US doctors offered free experimental treatment
>NHS refuses
>Guards posted outside his hospital to make sure he died there
Mantis shrimp are the fucking dark souls of real life.
Anthony Burch enters the dating pool.webm
That's really only because they can't find your insurance information before you bleed out (and they can't bill you). If you go in on an appointment, it's a whole different story.
thank God I live in slavland and can go to the doctor for free
But it's better because he didn't pay for it you silly Ameriburger ;)
What crime did he witness the NHS committing?
But that's not he was saying.
Yeah its all late 90's early 2000's data cited
and its all correlational bullshit anyways.
Nurses and doctors playing on their phones before going off to another protest asking for more money
>didn't even eat the first claw he looted
What a fag
Doesn't help he's rainbow-colored too.
That's actually pretty metal. Deer are pretty cool in general. Don't ever fuck with a moose. They're like angry buses with antlers.
How the fuck do people not know about Thai commercials? They're known for being sappy like this
He did not get a loicense to live
people have tunnel vision when they're doing this kind of thing. they probably should have spread out.
He was less than a year old and in a coma, so I'm guessing they just wanted to flex on the serfs
Check out Dakar on Google Street View.
Someone explain this to me
what the fuck is wrong with americans
Accidentally renewed his dying license instead
>gamerfuel threads
fun fact: young Africans often goes into debt just to LOOK overly rich and stylish, like in pic related, even though they have nothing else
chances are these faggots are even poorer that niglets next to them
holy fuck what are americans doing
>Only be good because something good may happen to you in return
I hate this logic, just be good cause is good, also Golden Sun
From time to time I send my friends links to Thai insurance commercials, they're always angry at me after
we also invented lies, but every story on the internet is obviously true, right, brainlet?
>riding a motorcycle with no insurance
>riding a motorcycle at all
What a dummy
That's not how you do it
>short of a miracle he had zero chance of survival
>parents still want the kids last days to be spent being carted across the globe and put through experimental and costly treatments
Fuck those parents. The NHS at least let the kid die in peace.
lmao I thought the same shit "uh, did it previously not?"
ok, you got me pretty good
>this study we paid for says we're the best haha suck it fags
Initially they actually wanted to transfer him to hospice, so he could die at home.
Courts refused.
Also, after his initial seizure it was ruled the treatment was unlikely to help him, later new evidence was presented showing he might've had a chance, but the courts said they were bound by their previous ruling
He's got a wikipedia page, for fuck's sake.
desu, goats are pretty fucking cool too.
They can take/give insane hits with their heads.
The one in the vid just kind of fucked up and got stuck in the horns, and then couldn't properly "line up a shot"
>A bunch of jew doctors want to milk shekels out of greiving parents
>NHS just want the kid to die in peace
Based NHS
The problem with this graph is it used subjective attributes where maker defined for themselves what "effective" or "patient centered" means, while the other one charts hard numbers. Literally fake news.
Thats crazy though, surely it would better to suffer some minor permanent injury than be bankrupted by a bill you didn't consent to pay.
HAHHAHAHHAHA so funny these chinese humor videos are the best....
hes doing it over and over again and again xD such a good laugh
I thought 'rend' was some kinda blood tornado for years. Turns out its just a bloody blade cutting through a chest plate. makes far more sense, but i miss the blood tornado.
That's how most non whites repsond to animals without western social influences
If the kid actually had a chance to fully recover into a functional, normal life again instead of sleeching around as a veggie then yeah, denying him that chance was fucking vile
You must be such a riot to know
Medical debt is treated as general unsecured debt.
They can't bankrupt you because no collateral is offered for the service. It's the legal equivalent of not paying your credit card bill, and that's part of why costs are so fucked.
what is this of?
Seeing this, it makes me realize that shootouts from any generic american action movies are pretty decent.
>french system is terrible
>yet they have the most healthy lives
what's going on here?
Hey remember that little girl who died but was kept on life support for years and moved from state to state because parents were in complete denial
And her lungs kind of moved despite brain being dead
Basically real life South Park.
This is fake right?
Modernists need shot on fucking sight.
Bring back Deco
The only thing that comes to mind when I see stuff like this is the faggots on FF11 that cried when you gathered a bunch of enemies to kill at once.
Then why would AOE spells exist dumb cunts?
> It's the legal equivalent of not paying your credit card bill
As someone who never bothered getting a credit card, what does that entail? Do they just pester you about it until the end of time?
>robot has the tetris square
>when in game he has the z-piece
aaaaaaaaa fuck you
Well if your credit card bill gets too bad a bank would pass it on to debt collectors
I think he might mean your credit rating aspect
Hippos are territorial.
>20 year old stats
Only normies say normie anymore fucko.
This is perfect