Is this the most cringey and edgy game out there?
Is this the most cringey and edgy game out there?
Other urls found in this thread:
$100 steak
That's a mighty good steak.
I want to replay it, but I'll wait for Repentance. It's a great game, user, and if you're offendend by its humor, you're dumb.
I'm genuinely curious now. Is there a bot or something that makes the same threads over and over again every day?
Yeah they're called shitposters
Yes. You're actually living in the matrix though. The shitposters are in fact ai programs run by Agents to find those who have red pilled.
Yes. You're actually living in the matrix though. The shitposters are in fact ai programs run by Agents to find those who have red pilled.
Let ne guess your favorite item is the Onions Milk
Nah, it's autism.
I want to replay it, but I'll wait for $100 steak. The shitposters are in fact ai programs run by Agents to find those who have Repentance. Autism, you're dumb. Mighty good Onions Milk
>be edmund
>have a lot of terrible shit happen to him the majority of his youth because of how intensely christian his family is
>Make a fantastic, artistic, considered the best roguelike game ever
>trigger christians like OP hard
>make shit tons of money based entirely own ingenuity
>spread the horrors and destructive nature of christianity across the world
Based muffin
Please stop spamming this exact same image and OP text
I'm a christian apologist and still find the game fun. Lighten up autismo spammer.
Shit see what you did user. You broke the ai. Were all fucked now
Obsessed and triggered.
I don't get why you keep making this thread. Do you expect us to believe there are Christfags on the asshole of the internet?
Is world culture and mainstream thought just an endless stream of contrarianism? Are we going to go back to being spiritual now that atheism is normie, and then go back after a while? What’s the next step?
>makes onions milk in his game shit that fucks your strength to shit and makes you cry more
b a s e d
I’m so glad I’m not a pseud retard like you
you just don't get it. even though it's mocking christianity and the bible and christians and their beliefs it actually isn't about that at all the mom is just crazy for no reason she could have easily been a muslim or buddhist they just didn't feel like making her a muslim or buddhist. wow try to actually think sometime next time.
>be edmund
i dont wanna be fat
>mom i don't want to go to church you can't make me im just going to stay home and listen to black metal at full volume
Based low IQ poster
How do 20-something commies square thinking religion is primitive when people like Einstein call science without faith empty?
did you know that many Christians are white males?
>christianity evil
>basically all of his conception about ‘bad’ and evil comes from ingrained christian morals
I bet edmund is one of those buddhists dindu nuffin retards, islam is basically impossible to criticize in modern context
seething christards
Future is now, old man.
The entire idea of communism being the "end of history" is a faith based argument.
Einstein is on record saying he isn’t an atheist, because he could actually see the whole picture, and be humbled by the complexity of the universe. Genuine genius’ can also admit that they can, and often will be, wrong about things, and that it’s impossible to know everything. The original atheist position actually sort of reflected this, it didn’t say there was outright no chance of a god, just that they wouldn’t take the fact for granted without explicit physical evidence. Modern atheism is basically just a cult though.
Yes. You're actually living in the matrix though. The shitposters are in fact ai programs run by Agents to find those who have red pilled.
There's LARPer Christfags on /pol/.
I’m not seething, it just doesn’t make sense as a position. If you are aware of history beyond an utterly superficial level its clear that “church bad” is nowhere near as clear cut as you think. I mean, common sense can also tell you this. The church was made up of many individuals with many different ideas.
>He thinks they’re LARPing
Forgive him lord, he knows not what he does
I’m not a /pol/fag, I’m a christian anarchist, keep seething
Like you can just as easily point at secular societies and the absolute disregard theyve had for human lives in the past (and still often do)
Based as fuck
>He fell for the Tolstoy meme
idk but the gameplay is fun
so you're a dumb child. understood.
Yep. These people think communist russia and modern china are unironically good. Countries that basically treat people like units of production because any idea of free will or individual importance is destroyed. Almost like religion speaks to some fundamental fact about humanity and is important.
The little fortunes the game gives me only ever said the devil in disguise and your soul is lost in blackness
Keep seething slave. I bet you’re a wagie too
Explain how this works to me. How would this society function?
I'm gonna eat your ass, OP.
all religion is evil
How does it make fun of Christianity, it just takes a story from the Old Testament and is retold in a different way, anyway it’s a Jewish story, not Christian
except islam according to lefties
Another thread won by religionchads
Like it functions Any better with big government? People need to govern themselves. Obviously anarchism is a pipe dream and there needs to be some governmental infrastructure but you know your government is overreaching when its illegal to collect rain water or use self sustaining power on your property.
Where does your concept of ‘evil’ come from? Hint, it’s thousands of years of religion
They're idiots its not even fun to make fun of them anymore.
Einsten had a relatively small brain and he had an average IQ.
Kill yourself Scott
Someone had to fight off hordes of college pussy to post this.
Just think about most politics. People will happily brainwash and subjugate people to push their left or right agenda. When you understand that most normalfags do not give a fuck about liberty, and only oppose authority when it disagrees with them, you have made the first step. You should always be aligned with life itself and of course liberty, the expression of life.
If brain size matters wouldn’t blue whales be the most intelligent animals on earth
I'm here.
The lord said that you cant be a good doctor if you only encounter sane & healthy people...
What about a minimum state like nozick suggests?
look guys I found OP
>implying they arent
Think about your audience. As long as they have their porn, sarcasm and daily corn syrup enema, they don't care.
Ah, the high esteemed atheist debate post of logic and reason
>Reviewers who praised its ""message""
Jim Sterlings video was so cringey
>liberty, the expression of life
most american post I’ve seen today
what terrible things happened to him in the majority of his youth?
Going to church on a sunday is like, so boring
Someone is trying to entertain themselves by trying to gather different reactions through the same post. It's a futaba system phenomenon due to the short life of threads.
it's all true even if you put it in caps
It has to do with the ratio of the brain to the size of the rest of the body, called the encephalization quotient.
Ok, guess einstein was dumb then lmao
A minarchist libertarian state would be ideal. Transition to such would be messy though.
my parents made me pray to some sky wizard before we ate dinner
what a sick and twisted world we live in
Jesus cock-knocking Christ, Kid. You've posted this same faggot thread a hundred chicken-fuckering times.
Don’t know how you survived bro. That’s so evil.
Christians are literal NPCs so more or less yeah.
Look at their program bug out and respond with a fedora picture or "ow the edge" or something.
You post this thread everyday. No.
The most worrying thing is not this retard making the same thread everyday, but the fact that every time it reaches at least 100 replies
Atheists are just as NPC at this point
Because they make it a racial issue rather than a religious one.
Nothing more NPC than a fedora-wearing, neckbeard-growing, mountain-dew-sipping, Richard-Dawkins-reading, sex-not-having, waifu-longing, reddit-ranting, weight-gaining, autism-infected, Rick-and-Morty-watching, cheeto-vape-inhaling atheist
kek, based
>atheists not NPC when they literally don’t believe in free will
And I'm sure you're nothing like that, user shitposting on a video games imageboard
if you have free will then why do you have to follow your god? might as well be a satanist then
Because I choose to follow god, retard. Good is only good if it’s a choice.
then why can't I choose to not believe in him retard?
You can? This is aside from the point I was making regardless, please explain how you have free will at all if you don’t believe in anything metaphysical
because I choose so?
So you choose to believe in something despite no physical or tangible evidence for it? I guess we aren’t so dissimilar
do you ever feel like you're god and that when you die the world ends?
Do you mean you are part of god, or that literally you are god
>le WOKE religious zealotry is cool again zoomer
It’s all so tiring
Not an argument
>Not being an NPC
Wew laddy
>Trigger christians, "cause it mocks christianity"
>Trigger atheists, because it has religious references
Only denominator it triggers is autistic idiots, such as Yea Forums.
My sides
you have problems man
Imagine seething so hard over a fucking game, is your faith that weak?
You also managed to misunderstand the point of the game you imbecile.
>If you are aware of history beyond an utterly superficial level its clear that “church bad” is nowhere near as clear cut as you think
the church did a single thing right: it was to promote education
then again, if you would dare to use your education for anything but ripping the lower class to try to wrestle the power from countries, you'd be burned at the stake
>What is the Khmer Rouge?
aren't they all? i have never watched one but i have seen a picture of him.
I dont see Christians denying it so it must be true
>helping the poor, maintaining knowledge and old books, preserving historical sites, forefront of medical and scientific research through most of the Middle Ages, reigned in tyrants on several occasions, charity etc.
I’m not saying it was all good, but to say it was all bad is retarded. Human beings are complex, and the entire church structure was filled with individuals. They were basically a federal government.
>genocide millions
Yeah great example
And all of them are pedophiles
Same with hollywood. Guess movies are evil
That's what this site says, yeah.
But in the end, movies are nothing more than products. Wait a second....
Get a pill run going.
That’s acting as though the church “produce” the religion. I am not arguing that the church exists largely to profit of of delsuinal people. I am saying religion and the church are separate. The relgion predates the church, an ideaology being twisted and corrupted by greedy and immoral people isn’t the religions fault, it’s people’s fault. Just like capitalism isn’t “bad”, any issues with it are simply those of human nature.
Except atheists do believe in free will? You're thinking of Calvinism, which is like, as far from atheism as you can get.
You seem to be a philosophylet. The vast majority of atheists don’t believe in free will, because obviously from an atheist viewpoint it doesn’t make sense. I’m not criticising that idea, but you should do more reading before commenting. If everything is made of physical matter, it is impossible for you to truly act freely, predetermined patterns of particles are going to inform every chemical in your brain. If you believe in free will, you believe some part of consciousness is immaterial.
Let's debunk this rant.
Don't trash fedoras. Indiana Jones and Freddy Krueger are both fedora aficionados.
That's not unique to atheists?
Who drinks Mountain Dew? Shit sucks.
He's a hack who wrote one decent book.
Says the 4channer.
You literally live by what an imaginary character tells you to do. You are not one to talk.
Not unique to atheism.
Not unique to atheism.
Believing in things you have no evidence for is a symptom of autism.
Most overrated show ever, completely irrelevant to the conversation other than the fact that Rick Sanchez is an atheist
Wtf does that even mean?
>I need to debunk an insult
Peak pseud has been reached
my parents cut the end of my penis off
Yeah, and a Christian insulting an atheist is like a McDonald's fry cook insulting Jeff Bezos.
Yea Forums users are literal bots.
How many levels of irony is this thread on
kek at the responses, it's almost as if people can't help themselves and have to respond to clear bait
Whatever you say virgin
But I thought the whole game was a hallucination?
rebirth and its dlc isn't canon
>Dad's atheist
>Mom's agnostic
>Both just pushed education as being important
>Never had to waste my sunday mornings at church and did well in school
Thanks mom and dad.
I wouldnt know
I dont play trash
>needing the sunday to do well
If you are actually smart you will get straight A’s with zero effort up until college
>partner with Nicalis, who then proceed to ruin his name by pushing out AB and AB+ in garbage states while he was preoccupied with having a child
>even after the booster packs and partnering with modders, people still hate him
The absolute state of american education
Nigger, I was playing baseball and video games on sunday instead of wasting one of my weekend days listening to some old faggot talk about shit that's not important. I don't know why you thought I implied I was studying during that time.
Woah you’re sooooo cool user I wish I could be epic like you
>having cool parents makes me cool and epic
I mean, I guess it makes sense.
Kids have to do shit they don’t want to all the time, I don’t see how this makes you special. Everyone hated school as a kid yet you have to go.
I didn’t go to church as a kid either, it doesn’t make my parents cool. In fact they gave so little of a shit that I had to motivate myself and was depressed and smoking weed every day when I was 14, and they didn’t care. Sometimes it’s good for your parents to make you do things, I wish mine would have.
The difference is that school was useful and prepared me for university while going to church would not have helped me in any way at all.
I didn’t go to church as a kid either, it doesn’t make my parents cool. In fact they gave so little of a shit that I had to motivate myself and was depressed and smoking weed every day when I was 14, and they didn’t care. Sometimes it’s good for your parents to make you do things, I wish mine would have.
I will forever appreciate this game because it triggers the Christian Defence Force so much.
It’s like 2 hours on a sunday, abloo bloo.
Won’t effect your intelligence in any meaningful way.
It’s one guy
>Kids have to do shit they don't want to all the time, I don't see how this makes you special.
I never once said I was special, I was just thanking my mom and dad for not making me do something useless that some of my other classmates were forced to do.
They made me go to school and forced me to engage in extracurricular activities. I was also forced to take every single AP class I could in high school. Sorry your parents didn't give a shit about you, but I wasn't implying that mine were like yours.
>just waste ur time for no reason bro :)
>it’s a waste of time because I don’t care
But some people do, so it isn’t a waste of time for them. Playing video games or whatever is literally a waste of time yet you don’t see people complaining
>Let's debunk this rant.
You didn't choose shit. You were raised to believe that.
>needed all that to do well
you aren’t high IQ, sorry
>just waste ur time for no reason bro :)
>just waste ur time for no reason bro :)
Says the autist arguing on Yea Forums.
You sure you're smart user? Someone with real smarts wouldn't be spending time on a video games board.
Since you're on Yea Forums it's also assuming you play video games, which are time wasters.
Stop being a pseudo intellectual and do something to show how "smart" you are.
>it’s a waste of time because I don’t care
Yeah, pretty fucking much. Don't you consider doing something you don't find interesting or beneficial as a waste of time regardless of what other people think?
>But some people do, so it isn’t a waste of time for them.
I'm not those people.
Yeah, and it's my preferred way of wasting time. If you want to waste time in church instead of Yea Forums then more power to you.
well compared to me yea lol
No I wasn’t, my parents are atheist. Sorry, but when you can’t come up with an actual rebuttal to the free will debate, and just have to stoop to accusations, maybe you should reconsider your views instead of just dismissing people using your own headcanon
Okay thanks for your blog post then.
No worries, seems like a lot of people took interest in my blog posts so I kept posting them.
So you actively chose to believe that shit. You're even more of an idiot then.
>browsing Yea Forums and playing video games is as boring as going to fucking church
Yeah, I'm definitely on Yea Forums.
Imagine being religious
>It's called the metzitzah b'peh. It's when the mohel (dick-tip cutter) sucks the blood from the incision to cleanse the wound. He doesn't use a crazy straw. No, he uses his mouth.
>passive aggressiveness past the age of 16
I bet you're going to deny it too you fucking fruit inhale my balls
>still can’t refute the actual argument and refuses to engage with it
>just calls the opposition dumb
Yeah nice logic and reason bro, you totally don’t sound like a zealot
What part of that post was passive aggressive?
How is that an argument? Should I just bring up weird shit atheists have done and use that as evidence?
I’m not even religious but this “if you believe x you are dumb” is lowering the debate so much. As previously stated, I assume you think einstein was also a retard then?
Isn’t Christianity just a Hellenistic Jedaic cult offshoot that got big thanks to Rome?
>boy I sure am glad I played all those video games and spergged out on Yea Forums before I died. Much better than going to church.
At least religion, no matter what it is uou belive in, gives you hope. Not only that but its factually proven that religious people are more happy than those who aren't.
But you're a blog posting tard, so whatever.
>I sure am glad I played all those video games and spergged out on Yea Forums before I died. Much better than going to church.
There is nothing wrong with this statement.
I wouldn’t even say that, but I think to any non pseud, you should take an interest in religion. Imagine desiregarding something that fundamentally formed our culture, society and thought today. It’s actually way more ignorant and dumb than they say it is believing in it. I’m agnostic myself, but at least I can recognise the bible as
A) crucial to understanding the west and its history
B) a source of human wisdom and thought through time
>Debunking a shitpost
Is this what its like to be a le rational athiest
Go ahead.
Never said I wasn't religious, church is still a waste of time.
fucking kek
>the comments
But still they aren't killing or mutilating babies. They're just embarrassing themselves.
In capitalism individualism only matters to create revenue. All societies fuck people over. In capitalism some get to be rich though, so it becomes a dream for the poor.
I got baptized and raised Catholic, and I think there is indeed faggotry here. However, it's not the game.
I saw it as a nod at zealotry of any kind - atheist zealots can be vile fuckers too.
>atheists dont kill babies
planned parenthood says hello
>realize its a game and have fun
why you niggers have to be mad?
Abortion is mainly pushed by atheists so they are killing babies. Not defending circumcision
Y r u mad tho?
Not saying capitalism is good, communism is just 100x worse. Both curb liberty, but commies do it way more
>all those butthurt christians itt
hilarious desu
no youre just a religious fag
>nobody could refute the free will thing because the average IQ of the board is too low
.>atheists just calling people names and seething
This has been a good thread for religionbros
>be retarded
>have every point of mirroring a biblical story fly over your head
>shit onto your keyboard into /v
>i'm better than everyone else because i'm a contrarian
i bet you must be a very interesting person.
Abortion isn't a religious practice.
>implying it's not just one guy sperging out
refute that you arent a massive faggot
Yeah exactly, you asked what atheists do that’s bad
explain how tarding out all over these threads is good for religionbros
I can’t lol
They’ve genuinely debated better than the atheists here, if you scroll up. I’m not saying that’s impressive because it’s Yea Forums, but still. And atheists have been just as seething, regardless I don’t see the problem if it opens up discussion
reminder that jews have made it okay to criticize christanity but if you dare criticize islam then youll be publicly shamed and forbidden to do anything job related for the rest of your life
neat world we live in haha
>mfw I want to discuss my favorite game but it's an irrelevant shit-flinging thread instead
>Albert Einstein's religious views have been widely studied and often misunderstood. Einstein stated that he believed in the pantheistic God of Baruch Spinoza. He did not believe in a personal God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings, a view which he described as naïve.
>Let's debunk this rant.
That’s still not atheist bro. He literally said “I am not atheist”
He also called racism against blacks a terrible blight
You can probably find my opinions on this game that I have wasted so much time on and the fixes I want in the archives, try searching 'matriarch' or something
I describe my issues with every boss in the game
>"My position concerning God is that of an agnostic. I am convinced that a vivid consciousness of the primary importance of moral principles for the betterment and ennoblement of life does not need the idea of a law-giver, especially a law-giver who works on the basis of reward and punishment."
He didn't like the label of atheist, and he didn't like fervent atheists, but he definitely didn't believe in a theistic god, just a conceptual one for gaps and to keep himself humble. It was pretty retarded of him.
Why is a personal God naive?
Yeah, he was wrong about that. Racism is useful because it's a very visible flag stupid people wave very proudly. Makes it easier to single them out and trick them into doing the lowliest jobs on the planet.
Ruling out gods or a god completely is dumb, believing some human centric dogma shit, literal uneducated Jews wrote down millenia ago, is.
Because morality and ethics are complex topics and anthropomorphizing our own ignorance into a perfect law-giver to give ourselves a fake shortcut is like a kid thinking he can fix his parents' divorce by hunting down the monster under the bed.
Name 3 satanist black metal bands. Hint: Paganism isn't satanism.
But my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandpa found the monster and kept his family together!!!!
Whatever you say, timmy :^)
that's so rad bro, i had to wait till i was 24 to begin mtf treatments
>he’s a retard because he disagrees with me on something despite the fact he is obviously far more intelligent
as I said, cope
when you refuse to engage with someone who obviously had valuable insight because it threatens your views, you are basically a zealot.
I can respect atheists that don’t rule out god, but brainlet ones who treat it like a cult of there is no god are legit pseuds. And let’s be real, einstein is one example. Thousands of scientists, philosophers etc. Have been religious or believed in god. The issue isn’t cut and dry
>god isn’t real but morality exists
what's even the name of this game?
no one ever says it in these threads
Is there literally anything edgier than being religious?
>Dude lmao just kill everyone not like us, they aren't even real
That's literally how it is lol. Reactionaries gotta react, it's a position for the mentally weak and poisoned.
Are all Isaac threads going to be this shit? Even when Repentance releases in 4 years or so?
>have completely one dimensional comic book villain view of religion and history
>think you are qualified to pass any sort of judgement
His statement makes atheism contrarian too
Recognize that Einstein was a smart man living in America at a time when people were pretty much literal zealots. One thing is being agnostic about the god question in general, but being agnostic about the Christian God is completely different, and Einstein knew very well he couldn't outright say "You're all a bunch of retards" and get away with it, but he should've still done it on his deathbed like anybody with real principles and respect for the truth. America's Jesus-fueled retardation is kept alive only because people give the belief undue respect.
who's isaac?
Wasn't Jesus Jewish?
Try the rare ones which don't have this OP. I've made a couple within a month and they've been quite nice.
>There's no such thing as relationship problems without a monster under the bed!
We're talking about modernity, keep up champ.
I remember those thousands of years europe spent under the yoke of the coalition of atheists lol.
christcuck NPCs have detected that this is a bad post and will react accordingly to their programming
Absolute fucking headcanon. There were many prominent atheists at the time, atheism has been in the mainstream since the turn of the century. We already had several atheist senators by that point. Everything you have said is an invention, and is conjecture, the very thing you criticise religion for. You have to understand that if you have to stoop to doing this to defend your views, there is something wrong with them. So either intelligent people, and people more intelligent than you, can have some form of metaphysical belief, even if you disagree with that, or they are correct because intelligent people are always correct. This is such a childish approach to your outlook on life.
Explain that position then, pseud. If there is no metaphysical element to reality, how the fuck are morals real? Surely they are as much a fiction as god in that case?
Look at any communist country if you want to see life under atheism.
oh no, watch out, we have a tough guy over here
He was pretty direct in disbelieving any shit about a theistic god or any manmade religion for that matter, where is your problem you faggot?
>If there is no metaphysical element to reality, how the fuck are morals real?
one has nothing to do with the other
>communist countries would have prospered if they were christian
Want a free ride on an airplane, my friend?
>niggers still cutting their kids dicks as an offering to a jew god based on something a 99 year old man claimed god told him to do
>it's totally for hygienic reasons though :^)
>if you mention it's barbaric roots THEY will shut your shit down and try to discredit you
>"redpilled" niggers selectively pick which parts of the religion is real and which is just for good morals
>not being agnostic in 2019
why are you so intellectually dishonest with yourself user? you know that you dont know and theres no way you will ever know until you're dead
why are christcucks so sensitive?
besides OP, if you post on Yea Forums you're probably going to hell so your best bet now is to be a servant of satan
yes I love video games
Okay, you are a legit brainlet. How the fuck does that work? How is there any sort of fundamental good if the universe is purely physical? Surely there is no meaning or good or bad at all?
following religion is typical NPC behaviour though if you like it or not
Did I say that you insecure schizo? I’m saying the underlying denial of liberty and treatment of people like units of production is created when you completely disregard the values religion has introduced such as personal value and agency.
not even religious, but come back when you're old enough to post here
I really don’t get you people. Many people replying to him gave reasons why he was wrong, and yet you don’t reply to or engage with any of that and continue to hold the same view dogmatically. How are you different from a zealot, seriously?
Only americans do that shit, aka isreals little slave
>religious people
>not retarded
yes, obey your god and never question anything
sounds like modern atheists to me, replace god with twitter “scientists”
Oh boy another rightwing snowflake triggered that someone made fun of christianity
wow user its almost like religious people are stupid. Good job, you cracked the code!
Aren't there atheists just as bad? the typical neckbeards for example?
>Many people replying to him gave reasons why he was wrong
no they havent
>game about shooting at moving targets while being on the move yourself
>the superior input device for this would be a mouse, but mouse control is disabled by default and there's no way to enable it in the options menu
>the only way to enable it is through an ini edit where you simply have to edit "MouseControl=0" to "MouseControl=1", meaning the developers deliberately went out of their way to disable mouse control
>Super Meat Boy originally started out as a flash game. Flash games obviously don't have controller support and can only be played with keyboard)
>Despite that, the startup screen makes fun of players who prefer to play with keyboard
>unlike every other PC game, you can't rebind keys natively
What does this developer have against PC gaming?
This has been refuted a million times in this thread, so either you are the retard or this is bait, either way I’m not replying
>proving his point
>This has been refuted a million times in this thread
Okay, since you are going to pretend like it’s impossible to scroll up and literally see that shit
God, you guys are embarrassingly dumb
why are you so insecure in your beliefs?
Subjective morality is still morality.
I agree that if it makes you happy go for it. But wanting to ban shit like Iron Maiden because they sing about devil is stupid.
Ok, explain why people smarter than you have not been atheist both today and throughout history, people mainly used einstein in this thread but any apply. Secondly explain why you view the church as bad without using a moral argument, since morality is a religious invention. Thirdly explain free will without god, I’m waiting.
starwman "arguments" arent real arguements user
The bible condones slavery.
>calling other people retarded when you're worshipping a god that did a terrible job at creating humanity, doesn't want to fix his own shit and instead let his creations suffer
Good dog. Keep obeying.
Alright cool I found it
At the time I also forgot Mask and Carrion Queen:
Would be a hell of a lot less terrible at a slower speed overall, with a larger area to hit. Also it would be nice if the charge worked properly, it frequently charges past you, stops charging, then turns and charges again
It's just Chub that you can't hit 90% of the time, and drops red shits that stay there permanently. Pointless.
In case you can't be asked to read those two archived posts, Matriarch is the ultimate shitter and is functionally worse than Delirium.
isaac's mom is sexy, post more mom
People can be smart about one thing and stupid about another. Being intelligent doesn't mean never being wrong, because being intelligent doesn't mean you'll follow the evidence every time.
Free will under the context of Christian doctrine points to a malevolent god. Free will is the ability to choose independently from a series of options. The Christian god has made it so that only one option will reward you and not result in everlasting torment. Giving us free will has only given us the opportunity to suffer for eternity. Why present the option at all? Is there free will in heaven?
Honestly, Islam > Judaism > Christianity
I can follow one God, not a "god" that does human things like having children.
2011 called, it wants its shitty memes back.
>subjective morality
Disagreement does not mean there is no truth in a debate. Just because people disagree on morality does not mean there is no answer. Two rational people can argue, and the answer will still be independent of what they believe in. If subjective morality was true, we would not even engage in moral deliberation because there would be no answer to be mined out of it. It also fails to answer moral “progress”. We would be sub medieval as a society is new ideas weren’t accepted, and these ideas would not come about in a society where morality is purely based on upbringing and society. Lastly, why has basically every place on earth developed the same fundamental moral codes? You can argue morality simply speaks to a way it is beneficial for us to live, but that doesn’t explain everything.
The game is build arround shooting in only four directions you faggot.
Like the momentum of tears, one of the most integral mechanics.
The few items that bend this rule still are made arround 8 directions.
Go play Enter the Gungeon if you don't like it.
It's always interested me how this site has swung from making fun of religious zealots and hardcore atheists, to being both and shouting at each other instead.
>morality is a religious invention
it isnt and the bible is often moraly wrong
Okay, so how can you reconcile holding this view and also believing all non atheists are dumb? Seems like a cop out
Never said I was Christian, just that I believe in god. Regardless, your views on creation being bad are purely subjective and based on human perspective, I.e brainlet
Just take the last reply if you aren’t even going to put forward an argument. Literally you are a dumb zealot, programmed to follow your code and reject arguments contrary to it
The average IQ sinking equal to the userbase rising in numbers.
>it isn’t
What is it then? If the bible is morally wrong, what is objective morality? How does that exist without metaphysics?
Doesn’t answer the question. How can free will exist without something beyond the physical?
Nicalis was a missteak.
>won’t actually reply to any discussion and just posts memes
the enlightened atheist...
because being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian is the latest hip
showing your true beliefs is for retards lmao
There was no question in the comment I was replying to you absolute nega-brain.
>How can free will exist without something beyond the physical?
What makes free will impossible without something beyond the physical? A God who knows the future already calls into question your "free will". Is there free will in heaven?
>morality is a religious invention
It's fucking not you retard, it's the conceptualization of the inherit altruism that makes tribes men and fuck even familar, note, not necessarily blood related, groups of animals not kill each other.
>how is that impossible
Holy shit you are dumb as fuck. If everything is fundamentally made of particles, then so is our mind. The chemicals that make us think and feel and do certain things are made up of particles that behave independently of “us”. This is why the vast majority of atheists are determinists, something you’d know if you ever read a book. I’m asking how therefore you believe in free will if you don’t believe consciousness has metaphysical elements to it.
Matriarch is pure garbage and since Kilburn evidently created it I hate to see what new 'surprises' are in store for Repentance besides the Antibirth bosses.
>inherent altruism
AKA morality, but that doesn’t answer what morality is or where it comes from. How can something like that actually exist in a purely physical universe? It is an invention if you don’t believe in such things, there is no way to reconcile that
The wise agnostics laugh as the zealots storm eachother in a tidal wave of shit. They are safe and dry ontop of their intellectual superiority.
If you can argue for why you think that way, sure
I never fucking said I believe in free will. We are the chemicals, do we act independently of ourselves? Rage is a chemical reaction in our mind, but we can control our rage, either suppressing or invoking it. We can have thoughts both spontaneous and purposefully conjured. Being born to dance to the tune of an all knowing, all powerful creator is inherently more problematic towards the idea of free will than being pedantic about where we begin and the "chemicals" end. Is there free will in heaven?
Nah, you are actually dumb. The idea is that you DON’T control it. There are very few instances where particles behave randomly, and in the cases they do, you sure as shit don’t control it. If you weren’t a brainlet, you’d realise this is why most atheists are determinist. The particles are going to behave in the way they were destined to from the domino effect that was the inception of the universe, they control YOU, not the other way around. And no, a creator isn’t problematic there. If metaphysics exist, part of the mind is seperate from physics, and therefore free will can exist. It is the only way in religious scripture that evil and good can exist as well, good isn’t good unless you choose to be that way.
>this exact thread gets copypasted every single day
>hits the bump limit every single day
>monkey no kill monkey
>both monkeys can eat in peace and maybe even fuck each other
It's literally that, only more complicated with Humans.
Killing another human goes against all your instincts normaly for a reason.
Morals constituted by religions usually dogmatise what was seen as good for the people, or leading caste which adds another layer, at the times.
Like sandniggers not eating pigs because the meat went bad quickly in their shit climate.
You aren’t seeing the full picture. WHY is it beneficial that both monkeys live? To reproduce? Why is that beneficial to them, on a fundamental level, all abstraction aside? If it’s all just particles making mathematical interactions, there is no inherent reason why the monkeys should look out for their own or anyone else’s survival. This then brings up other questions. Why should we value autonomy and liberty? Why do we value having our own say in matters? Why do we value things, we including animals, that seemingly have nothing to do with survival and reproduction? Either there is some fundmantal, underlying “good” or purpose, or it is all mental abstraction that means literally nothing
You've been trying to explain what I believe back to me when I have still never said I believe in free will. Even then, the theoretical idea that we can't control our decisions, or thoughts, or feelings on some abstract, psuedo-scientific level is meaningless. It's as meaningless as the multiverse theory. You're also pulling the "most atheists are determinists" entirely out of your ass. I know that I am able to decide at this moment whether I will stand or sit down. Are the chemicals telling me to do that? We, as human beings, are able to manipulate chemicals. We have entire branches of science dedicated to it.
Metaphysics is still just part of the problem. A god that knows the outcome of every decision inherently implies our decisions are already known, making our choices meaningless. Is there free will in heaven?
Luther didn't reform the church for this
You are disregarding science and any sort of reason here. This is not pseudo science, there can be no free will in a purely material universe, only the illusion of it. This is the majority opinion among actually intelligent atheists who engage in debate on the matter, instead of typical internet pseuds. You literally cannot physically explain how you are controlling anything without metaphysics. “I control the chemicals”- no you don’t. If every part of your mind is formed of matter, it was always on a particle level going to behave in a certain way and create the same outcome, and inform the chemicals that make up your decision making progress. Your argument here is essentially “but I FEEL like I’m making a decision” sure, but without metaphysics, you aren’t really. Human beings behave, think like, and for all day to day intents and purposes DO have free will in a deterministic model, it’s just that technically, they are in control of nothing. I advise you to read on this before making up your mind and trying to argue with me when you clearly don’t really understand the concepts
And even though I said I’m not Christian, this is addressed. Compatibilsm is the belief in determinism and free will. God knows that will happen, but we still choose to do right or wrong. If you want to know why god does this, the Christian response is either he works in a way we can’t comprehend or that the process of destroying evil is important
Mental abstraction that means literally nothing because your genes would be sad if you killed yourself.
The power of our minds making up "purpose and will" to drive us forward to accomplish our simple life goals or even break of from them if we go wrong, is severely underrated by your average atheist and theist.
I don’t feel as though that satisfactorily explains morality. Where do ideas such as freedom arise from, is we can reproduce without it? Why do we engage in moral argument, or try to intervene in situations irrelevant to us if we find it an affront to our moral views?
mcfucking get a life
The usual, his local priest was a kiddy fiddler
I can’t believe this shit got this many replies, you should all be ashamed of yourselves for posting ITT and falling for this bait
calm your tits, this is /pveg/ - /pol/ vs edgelords general, the dedicated shitposting thread
I agree. Fuck the Matriarch. You need piercing or you can do practically nothing.
Thread is shit.
Post good Christian theological books.
I think Bible stories are cool though I just don't understand how anyone can not like them in fact I want to see more bible story adaptations than the ones we already with Jesus.
>He's still posting this thread
Rent free.
Genuine autism. When games are announced and released it's easy to find people reposting shitposts or even same-fagging to false-flag. Basically people pathetic enough to want replies on a site that used to have a lolicon board. They're beneath cockroaches and even Anthony Burch.
Agnostic Master Race
All of the Abrahamic religions are garbage and all of their followers are complete idiots who should be physically removed in order for a greater world of true and legitimate freedom and progress and prosperity
abrahamics have stunted humanity's growth ever since their existence, they are a massive burden upon humanity
>periodically kill off the world's intelligensia and neuter the varying religions of this world
>obnoxiously grow to ridiculous lengths and whine about being persecuted because people refuse to listen to your garbage holy textures talking about the destruction and conquering of our entire planet by abrahamics
>shit all over humanity's technological progress by bringing up "muh evel speritz" and killing people who so much as spiritually worked with someone different than their demented war god
abrahamics are all cancer, all types are poisonous to man's soul
they should all die and be killed for the good of humanity
>being religious unironically
That's a yikes from me.
I was raised with absolutely zero religious influence and it was completely fucking insane to me (and still is) how many supposedly intelligent people believe in this shit. Come the fuck on.
because abrahamism is contagious and when you let three in, you're actually letting 30,000,000 in and asking achmed to fuck your wife
boomers discovered the internet between then and now, and naturally they ruined the internet entirely.
I don't have more to post, feel free to post more.
I'm not religious but my parents are. They're the honest people that would gladly give you the shirt off their backs and are loved by everyone in the neighborhood. Growing up I had those values, morals, etched into me but couldn't buy into the existence of God. I also had a lot of very terrible, hypocritical religious relatives and it showed me that faith isn't a marker for superiority and I'd rather be true to myself and do honest actions. They will surely burn should their beliefs be true.
>christian anarchism
so basically something that will never happen in ten thousand years
who cares, it’s better to have an ideal than be a defeatist cuck who accepts compromise
All denoms compromise with the source text though by virtue of interpreting the book at all.
If you actually follow organised religion over jesus himself sure
I agree with this Just because something isn’t popular doesn’t mean you should just accept something you don’t like because it’s popular
Who cares about that
an ideal which is an impossibility on both a theoretical and practical scale
I... see... Uh... I too will become a flying trans-dimensional entity upon death and hope that others will embrace their trans-dimensional hopping abilities and dragon-transformation powers buffed up by the presence of angelic and diabolic infusions injected into their bloodstreams one day too.
>doesn't want to be a cuck
>believes in a divine cuckold story and is a cuckold-baby worshiper
little children believe that a man can visit every home in the planet in one night and leave presents
doesn't make it any less viable than believing in a war god who periodically culls unbelievers and his enemies and demands his holy worship
You can give false equivalent, pseudo intellectual rants all you want, ellul and tolstoy are far more worth listening to than you are, and far more intelligent. All you can do is be incendiary and seethe because you don’t really believe in anything yourself.
Edmund cooks his steaks well done so it'll take a while.
>this thread that gets made every fucking day didn't get deleted by now
>schizo /pol/ brainlet
let me guess some form of authoritarianism is “correct”?
blah blah blah
my religion is for cuckolds blah blah blah
okay, cuckold baby worshiper
>worships a savior born to a woman who was registered to be married with joseph and "magically" got pregnant and the proof that it was divine was a traumatic dream that joseph had
The birth of Rabbi Yeshua Bar Yosef is the story of a cuckold baby being transformed into a savior.
Brainlets and retards often find comfort that their savior is technically the bastard child of some fuck who banged mary and left it for joseph to raise.
How fucking difficult is it to port antibirth with some updates to AB+? I'm already sick of waiting.
But it is
The only religion worth devoting yourself to is the the Egyptian pantheon
because Einstein was a FUCKING WHITE MALE!!!!
>this is your mind on materialism
you are so utterly focused on physicality that everything you say just comes across as banal and derivative
No different from the multitude of drones who want to brainwash society into left or right tribal politics
>schizophrenic /pol/ christian
kill yourself at any time
I’m not /pol/ at all, as it’s just a hive of retards who want to crush liberty to make a world in their own seething incel image. Same as commies wanting to force everyone to be “equal”. I don’t respect people who value agendas over freedom
>no different than drones
>you disagree with me therefore you are an npc
that's cute coming from an Abrahamic
literately, your whole religion declares that unbelievers are all the same and should be dominated and converted to your religious beliefs or else they are an anti-christ and will perish before the lake of fire.
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the definition of "NPC" the religion.
take your pills
have sex, incel
The Catholic Church and kikes said this, Jesus didn’t
This but to you
Is there a mod that makes the first ~10 minutes of a run fun? Because it's such a drag playing for two floors just to find you get nothing good enough to make it to the void.
have heterosexual sex, incel
touching little children or the priest isn't normal sex
Again, why do you think I’m pro church if I’m an anarchist you fucking retard? I think this shit is disgusting too and I hate the church
Seething people who are so scared of their false God that they feel the urge to post this kind of shit in a vein attempt to garner favor.
>Let's debunk this rant.
Are you dense or just fucking retarded? Obviously you cannot claim there is no God. Any atheist who says he's 100% certain there is none is stupid and not really an atheist. HOWEVER, there's no evidence for any interference of a God ever in any of the subjects we have studied. All the previously unknown things that were attributed to a God have been proven to be a logical conclusion of semi-random events. We have never needed a God to explain anything. To think that the missing gaps of our knowledge will suddenly be filled by a God is just plain silly. Why would you even believe in something that has been proven to be false over and over again? All religion is doing is giving ad-hoc explanations of how new evidence still fits old theories, when in reality it contradicts them. That's literally the sign of a "pseudo-science", such as homeopathy or crystal healing.
>jews made up the lake of fire and unbelieves being antichrist
he hasn't read his own stupid book!
No wonder, user, you're arguing about stuff you haven't even read
>1 John 4:3
>And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
so if you refuse christ, you're touched by the spirit of the anti-christ. pretty delusional
>And if your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life crippled or lame, than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into the eternal fire," (Matt. 18:8)
So christ mentions an eternal fire that the profane will be tossed into
>Matthew 25:46
>"Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life." “And they will go out and look on the carcasses of the men who rebelled against me; For the worms on them will not die, And their fire will not be extinguished, And they will become something repulsive to all people.”
So there is an eternal punishment with eternal fire and it is constantly reflected throughout the scriptures as the end place of all who disagree with your homosexual scriptures about worshiping open cuckoldry
>anime incel is dumb
The first two don’t mention hell at all, infact hell is not mentioned in any canonical bible verse. Matthew is not referring to some sort of plans of punishment you dumb weeb, that literally just means oblivion, not eternal suffering. The worms never going away is pretty obvious indicator of decay
Not him but wouldn’t the universe existing be evidence? Yeah there’s quantum foam, but that’s genuinely on the level of “god did it” as far as evidence goes. Same with the origin of life, there is conjecture about how it probably happened, but nothing that can be recreated or proved in any genuine way, yet we are supposed to simply accept it. I don’t believe in god but some current science is literally the same shit
So it's edge vs edge? Is /edge/ general a feasable thing now?
last verse is from Isaiah 66:24
>“And they will go out and look on the carcasses of the men who rebelled against me; For the worms on them will not die, And their fire will not be extinguished, And they will become something repulsive to all people.”
Cope and deny more, Abrahamic
b-b-but actually!
>Matthew 18:1
> Also, if your eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it away from you. It is better for you to enter one-eyed into life than to be thrown with two eyes into the fiery Gehenna.
>Revelation 21:8
>But as for the cowards and those without faithn and those who are disgusting in their filth and murdererso and the sexually immoral and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death.”
>Revelation 20:14-15
>And death and the Grave were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire. Furthermore, whoever was not found written in the book of lifeb was hurled into the lake of fire.
Sorry bro, looks like you don't even know your own gay ass book, no wonder you're proposing ridiculous fantasies like Christian Anarchism, which could never happen for a million years, given the natural state of Christcucks to backstab and kill even their own kind
*cough cough Albigensian crusade cough cough*
*cough cough burning your own country-folk at the stake for disagreeing with cuckold worship cough cough*
>christian calling others an incel
have sex incel
little children don't count
Missionaries often go into shitty, hostile territories.
Isn't the point of this game that she got tricked by the devil, which people view as bad? It isn't that Christianity is evil it's just the Devil is evil which duh?
As a person living in a country with deeply ingrained Christian culture I can say with full responsibility that Christians are the people who are the biggest liars in the whole fucking world. I mean, Jesus Christ left the commandment of love, the biggest of them all, yet they are first to attack people and spew shit at others just because they have slightly different opinion. They lose only to leftists though, to be honest.
>not one of the passages actually mentions hell
>NPC “o-only believe in things that will be popular enough to happen” ideology
I wouldn’t expect anything less from an animeposter, that shit must rot your brain. Let me guess, you hate the idea of religion saying people will go to hell for being bad, but are a typical /pol/ incel who would have people killed for being “degenerate” or whatever. It’s just the cringe, materialist attitude that will keep you a tribalist slave who cannot be part of societal progress. You are no different from the narccistic leftists you hate who want to mould society into their own image, it’s just tiresome. You can take the last reply and continue to seethe at me while still not being able to prove your point. I hope one day you can see the world for what it actually is.
nice cope weeb
at least christians reproduce, you genuinely wont
yeah,, im a God loving Catholic (not God fearing why fear God and not love him like he does you) and don't give a fuck if people believe, don't believe, make fun of Catholic.
like who the fuck cares
>christians seeking debates with people who just only play video games
there are people literally 1 click away who have devoted their whole lives to debating christianity
dont come to a shit whole like Yea Forums and expect "rational calm debates"
you know the Yea Forums meta sucks when acting like christians is the new thing in nu/v
meanwhile churches are hitting new lows in attendance every year
And yet I bet you're the worst scum of all.
There are something like 2 billion catholics to be fair
I wonder if whoever makes these threads is a genuine Christian or just a cultural Christian from /pol/ who LARPs Deus Vult culture. Because one thing is for certain, they don't seem to understand that Jesus claimed that the world would hate him (John 15:18)
I'm a reformed Presbyterian, if you want an Ameribong equivalent to Google look up Presbyterian Church in America.
Einstein was a socialist lmao
>but wouldn’t the universe existing be evidence?
Why? Because you can't explain it? Just like a few hundred years ago they couldn't explain the sun rising? Ofcourse it's not evidence for a God, how the fuck would it be?
>Same with the origin of life
There's already a substantial amount of theories about that than "God did it".
Science not being able to have all the answers (yet) is not the same as having faith you fucking baboon. You're not expected to accept anything, you're expected to wait until somebody has a theory that works and can predict. For instance, if we would have a fairly robust theory on the origin of life, we could predict where we would find it.
"God did it" is the greatest cop-out in humanity. It's literally saying you give up and don't want an actual answer.
No more of a cop out than “bro the universe just happened!!!” with zero actual evidence for particles behaving like that
>Average IQ
He never had it measured, stop talking out your ass
Gee imagine having bad things happen during your youth. Can’t fathom that one.
How fucking thick is your skull? No scientist is claiming they know how it happened. It's an ongoing search. There's ideas on it, based on a lot more legwork than you could ever manage in a 100 lifetimes. If you're so sure it was a God, by all means accept that as fact and stop wondering about the truths in our universe. Your pea-brain won't be missed.
I’m not saying that, I’m just saying it’s unreasonable to not be agnostic if that’s the case
Dude, that's exactly what christians believe and what scientists don't.
>le christianity is evil
>cries when they see islamophobia
Quantum foam literally is that, cope
go home /pol/ tourist
Every atheist is agnostic and every agnostic is an atheist. It's just that the word atheist triggered people so hard, they had to adopt a different word like "non-theist" or "agnostic". You cannot prove an absence of existence, so there's not a single person in the world who can truthfully dat he's a 100% sure there isn't a God. Just as you cannot prove there isn't a flying spaghetti monster. You cannot be a 100% sure about that either, again, because you cannot prove an absence of existence.
go back to resetera
Which is not an accepted truth in any way. It's not even a theory yet. Did you literally read some headline on quantum foam and base your entire argument around that?
>you can’t prove an absence of existence
I don’t have 5 arms, I can prove it by showing you. You mean you can’t prove an absence if the claim is that its metaphysical. But in that case you can’t prove free will exists
who are you quoting retard
Scott is one of those "intellectual" atheists that thinks because he can't see a tree outside his house when he's in the house it doesn't exist.
Shut up Edmund, just finish that fucking cat game already you fat retard.
Imagine only caring about videogames.
fortunately for me I don't think free will exists
our brains follow the laws of physics and our thoughts are determined by our brain state, so our choices are made for us by rules of nature we can't control
If someone claims to have 5 arms, you can never fully disprove him. We dismiss it as untrue, because the burden of proof lies on him to convince us of the truth. However, if he claims he has faith in the fact he has 5 arms and that you're blind to not see them, you must accept there's nothing you can do to prove him wrong.
It's literally the same argument theists use. There is 0 proof. Zero. Yet they claim faith is proof in itself. So when people say there is no God, they mean there is no evidence that supports a God, even if they can never 100% prove its absence.
literally no one cares about pre college
Replace tree with bigfoot and feel ashamed.
based stickjew poster, you tell 'em!
Nice strawman.
Every time this thread is reposed it takes two paths.
Either it becomes BoI discussion where we tell OP to fuck off, or it becomes the prime christian vs atheist thread.
I just wanted to talk about Binding of Isaac
Nice retarded argument.
You should have gone to a binding of isaac thread then. This is a shitposting thread.
Watchu wanna talk about? I'm pretty hype for the new dlc even if we have like no new info for it in a while
American protestanism IS stupid and evil.
Can't even be called christianity because they do the opposite of what Jesus said. It has no morals and it's not better than a regular cult.
Energy is not created or destroyed, that is proof of god
They're equally retarded. Nice of you to point out the hypocricy of hating the one and not the other, like you see in Murrika.
>God doesn't exist cuz atheist said so
>Blackholes totally exist though
>Aliens too
>Big bang also
>Ask for proof
>"Uh, heh, fool, it's a statistical improbability otherwise, duh"
every time
Feel free to connect the dots between energy not being able to be destroyed or created (as far as we know) and a God being real. Is this just a God of the gaps? Or specifically a Christian or Muslim God? Feel free to provide details on your theory and show your work, I'm sure your dissertation would rock the world of science.
>Militant atheism or wishy washy agnosticism is pushed by every major media outlet in the west
>People who hold onto their beliefs are NPCs
never looked at it that way
>considered the best roguelike game ever
lol no
The mother wasn't the one who took the bible too literally.
Black holes are literally observed. How dumb are you?
>Literally being told how to think by a book and your parents
>Being trained to think critically and for yourself so you can come to your own conclusion
Yeah I'd say being religious is a textbook example of being an NPC.
Well the Roman Catholic Church is evil. They have legitimately no reason to exist, and have committed henious crimes across the to e they exist. They should be torn apart brick by brick, in addition to their contrived "traditions" that aren't mentioned by Jesus at all. If you're Christian, Jesus' words should be the only authority you care about - not what gatekeepers of your power structure say.
Nobody who wears a "fedora" is wearing an actual fedora, they're wearing a trillby, you faggot, when have you ever seen some fat faggot wearing a hat like Indiana Jones and not that stupid piece of shit that looks like it was born with an extra hat chromosome
You can do the second and still be religious. Again, the fact you think anyone who disagrees with you must be mistaken or brainwashed is typical liberal dronethink
You don't actually know what a blackhole is if you think that.
You cannot be a critical thinker and religious. I'm sorry, they are mutually exclusive. With all the knowledge we have today, somebody with even the slightest hint of critical thought would frown at the idea of a God. They would start asking questions that religion cannot answer.
>every form of media espouses a very specific and narrow pattern of thought
>this is training you to think for yourself and come up with your own conclusions
That makes a lot of sense
BoI provides both a positive and a negative side to religion.
In the case of Isaac himself, his faith is a driving force for him, allowing him to mount a defense against his inner demons. In his mother is personified the dark side of religion, fanaticism and zealotry.
it's probably edmund himself, he baited PETA into making that stupid tofuboy game.
>Why is indirect observation
>What are magnetic fields
>What are gravitational waves
Move away from your highschool education on black holes and educate yourself user
>Media training you to do anything
Great argument. Just turn off the TV you mutt, or put it on Fox News or some evangelical retard spouting nonesense.
based keep living life my friend
Again, einstein. Countless others, especially philosophers who believed in god and their job is critical thinking. You are an ignorant pseud who is probably average IQ wise and can’t admit it
I swear I saw this thread like 2 weeks ago or something
Based and redpilled
>Albert Einstein's religious views have been widely studied and often misunderstood. Einstein stated that he believed in the pantheistic God of Baruch Spinoza. He did not believe in a personal God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings, a view which he described as naive.
Yeah fuck of with your misinformation. He doubted the existence of a God as much as any atheist does, just didn't flat out say there was no possibility of a God and thought there could be one. Like any atheist does.
So they haven't been observed, you could've just said that earlier.
Say what you will but the part he's rich is true.
>adapting christian conservatism to dunk on sjws
Who knew Yea Forums would be this fucking gay 10 years ago
Albert Einstein
“I am not an atheist”
Genuine quote
Fucking cope from you, brainlet
They literally are. If you're going to be pendantic about words, I'll skip ahead and say you observe nothing because it's just reflected light hitting your nerves which gives off signals to your brains who come up with an image.
Yes they have been observed you illiterate retard.
Because, as we already discussed, there has been an issue with the word atheist. Some people believe it claims to say that if you're an atheist, you deny any possibility of a God existing which isn't true. That would be faith and the opposite of atheism. He DID say he's an agnostic, which is also incompatible with being a theist. Theists are the only people who claim a monopoly on the truth. Questioning that truth makes you by definition not a theist, or what we commonly refer to as an atheist.
No, they haven't.
>be christfag post trump election
>cry anytime anyone pokes you
Explain to me why the church became as sensitive as sjw.
Mormons are pretty based.
>Perfect family
>Get free trips doing missionary work
>Free genealogy websites
>Mormon girls are usually virgins
“I am not an atheist”
-Albert einstein
they've always been the OG pearl clutchers. You have the memory span of a goldfish, or you're extremely young, probably underaged.
I never thought about that, Vanilla BoI truly was ahead of its time and it still takes assloads of modifiers to get soi milk going.
>Mormon girls
>Herpderp if I keep saying "no" I'm going to be right
What part of "indirect OBSERVATION" is not an observation? What part of documenting the gravitational waves or even VIEWING the magnetic fields is not observation?
Redpilled for talking about mormon girls, they dank af
>>Mormon girls are usually virgins
You in a for a surprise if you ever come to Utah
Good sign you've completely lost the argument by just repeating the same sentence. Good show user. Better luck next time. You might want to brush up on your argumentation.
I tripped over their streams right before that incident when they did a Pokemon Y/X marathon streaming that shit for days in shifts.
Their marriage or whatever was fucked beforehand really.
>he thinks BoI is anti-Christian
Top brainlet
>game has some mentally ill chick who uses christianity to justify her bullshit
>christians get triggered
The absolute state of the church
>this thread
It's interesting how smug atheists behave while asking such insultingly stupid questions
>denying something is really because it's never been proven to be true is "faith"
Atheism is literally the exact fucking opposite of faith
>lost the argument
>atheists are all about muh evidence
>yet tries to argue around a direct quote with his own conjecture
My greatest regret is that I can't report a thread twice.
>Christ fags get BTFO every single time ITT
>Hah dumb atheists lost again
It's unironically easier arguing with /pol/
certainly you've got a source on hand since you're going to post these hard hitting FACTS on such a prestigious website
>be me
>havent commited to any religion
>havent done atheism either
>dont ever bother with any of it because i got videogames to play
Are you mad Yea Forums? I am playing videogames RIGHT NOW and basically you are a big silly dork
Literally and unironically not what happened in this thread, nice cope
have sex
>be you
>tell people to cope because you gota cope with your loss
u mad
Why don’t you reply to one of the countless unresolved arguments in the thread instead of making a post replying to nobody hours after the fact? Oh yeah, because you have no rebuttal
Same to you, not an argument.
It's a mix of autism and newfaggotry. We have autists whose purpose in life is to make the same thread over and over, but the 400 replies they get aren't bots, it's just teen newfags thinking this is funny and totally not overdone, because it's just the 10th time they've seen this thread. On top of that there's also literal autists that are easy to bait and will gladly reply every single time.
Look at fucking me, I'm here preaching about those people but I've also opened the thread. Fucking kill me.
I did hours ago on several matters just to be ignored or get "No that's not enough to convince me, you are wrong" or in other words "NUH HUH"
>arguing with someone who copes this hard
lmao you cant even talk about videogames on Yea Forums. You expect me to think you can do something like "argue"
Seething and no arguments, last (you)
Give me one post where that happened
>he gives up
You'll have to catch me furst!
>Trusting that fat cuck for anything other than game industry shenanigans
It's astounding that so few people understand what Edmunds games are about considering they're pretty obvious. It really highlights how inept all the cultural critics who spend their lives blogging about games are. It's even worse when it comes to Edmunds since all his games are basically the same idea.
which is?
Have sex
on Einstein being Agnostic
last post on morals not being metaphysical gobblygook
Again, einstein said “I am not an atheist” you pretending he was doesn’t change that quote, genuine cope
And that second one was replied to and you ignored it, based.
Imagine being so devoted to your imaginary sky daddy that you get mad when other people use him in jokes.
I never said he was retard. I said he was agnostic, each post went against each side in that discussion.
Yeah, because it was replied to with, "NO I don't believe it!"
Ok first off, the argument started as “if all smart people are atheists, why wasn’t einstein”, to which you attempted to argue he was, and have moved the goalposts. Nevertheless it’s a concession, so thanks.
Secondly, his post isn’t just saying that, and you know it. He’s saying if morals aren’t metaphysical, then why do morals such a liberty etc. exist.
Are you saying it isn't? lol
All Edmunds games are biographical, Time Fuck, Aether and Isaac all have the same concept which is basically that being obsessive and self absorbed comes at the cost of alienating you from the world and others around you.
The basement isn't real, it's just a big metaphor for living inside your own head. That's why the deeper you go the more powerful you feel but consequently become further removed from the real world.
You don't say "God did this" or "God didn't do this". You ask "How did God do this?" because that's what actual civilization-pushing scientists do. Now fucking discuss vidya faggots
Okey then
If he can't think the step from "monkey live and let live" to "monkey no like monkey who doesn't let live" but in a bigger box were morals are aided and warped by your country, media and rulers too, I can't help him.
In other words "morals" are still just further abstractions from basic needs and primitive behaviors strapped onto the sheer scope of our societies and they grow ever more complicated and abstract, with freedom being probably one of the simplest of them all. You want to do your shit unprohibited or have you never seen a caged animal?
This really pissed off the Christ cunts. Imagine reading the Bible and believing that bullshit without being an NPC (you can't).
>you want to do shit unprohibited
Why? If that’s not necessary to reproduce and survive then why? It also doesn’t explain the idea of moral progress, is society and upbringing dictates our morals, why are their moral outliers which instigate change? Why is this change seen as good? Why do we deliberate on morals if that’s the case? Why are we trying to reach a conclusion where there is none? This isn’t a satisfactory answer
>Why? If that’s not necessary to reproduce and survive then why?
But it is, we need time to wind down from occupying our, the downside of having such powerful brains.
Try to "farm" people and see what happens.
It's a meme game revered only by art school dropouts so they can boast about it during IPA tasting parties. No one actually serious thinks this game is in anyway exceptional.
All of this is just speculation, nice concession
You've probably seen them the last couple months, really.
retard link instead of the actual paper so you might be able to understand it
I'm not religious but Atheism is the real NPC movement, it's the a default religious belief set of western countries
>Yes. You're actually living in the matrix though. The shitposters are in fact ai programs run by Agents to find those who have red pilled.