So its offical, Yea Forums is literally the stupidest board on this entire wesbsite

So its offical, Yea Forums is literally the stupidest board on this entire wesbsite.

Do you faggots actually think this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Do you faggots actually think this?
yeah lol

You are the idiot for basing your thoughts on one singular post.

Not necessarily, but generally having the means to kill a monster removes the horror factor for me.

He's not wrong. Otherwise Doom would be a horror game.

so after your 10th death in a game like outlast you would STILL find it scary?

But going deeper and deeper into the chalice dungeons doesn't bother you at all?

>someone makes a point against you in a thread
>instead of answering back you run away to make a new thread

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I'd say I pretty much agree with that sentiment, yeah.

Hell, the reason the original Resident Evils worked so well as horror games despite being shooters is their stiff controls, which make trying to actually deal with enemies feel tense.
Can you think of many games that can both invoke a sense of "horror" or "fear" while also letting you relatively easily defend yourself? Obviously any game can have jump-scares or scare you, but I'm talking about the sense of fear you'd feel from playin' a spooky game.

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Both cases are ok for me.
Helplessness and unpredictabilty, that's my cup of tea.

being forced to face spoopy stuff like in bloodborne will always be scarier than running away hiding in a locker, there is no tension as you will either be seen and get one shotted like in most walking simulator horrors or manage to run away

In something like BB you have no idea whats going to happen, when all the cosmic alien shit was revealed that freaked me out way more than being hunted by a 1 hit kill mental patient

If anything it's more about atmosphere than the gameplay itself. A creak or something shifting slightly on screen can mean the difference between a horror game and generic action.

>being forced to face spoopy stuff like in bloodborne will always be scarier than running away hiding in a locker
Not necessarily. Just imagine if you were in a big robot and effortlessly tore through hundreds of BB enemies at a time, complete with comedic oneliners and a sassy sidekick.

pls make that game user I will back your kickstarter

>In something like BB you have no idea whats going to happen
Not really. If you've ever played another souls game you know exactly what's going to happen and how.

I agree on the horror factor, but surprise and helplessness should also be a part of it, i mean if you could run like usain bolt when the monsters are all zombie gait tier it wouldn't be very scary at all no matter how low your HP is.

I think it's just a difference in opinion. Though I get your point about walking sim horror games mostly being 50/50s where you either live or die, I feel the tenseness from not knowing which one of those is gonna happen scares me far more than anything Bloodborne's throwing at you, where I instead just think "How am I gonna beat this boss?"
That is to say, I always feel I can beat the enemy in Bloodborne, no matter what kinda spooky alien character design pops up, I just see it as an "enemy" that you're bound to kill, as opposed to a source of fear. Agree to disagree, thouhg.

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OP probably thinks Dead Space is good horror.

Atmosphere is best conveyed through gameplay.

To an extent. But it's mostly in things like sound and level design.

I'm not gonna argue that Yea Forums on average isn't totally retarded, but
>Yea Forums is literally only comprised of that guy in the screencap

You're just as dumb as he is

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Those only enhance the atmosphere already provided by the gameplay. All the spooky noises and imagery won't mean anything if your game plays like a fast paced power trip.

This. If you're running around with a double-barreled shotgun like you're playing an arena shooter, a creak or moody lighting probably is not gonna impact the atmosphere much.

>Those only enhance the atmosphere already provided by the gameplay.
Not really. I mean, if you had a dead space mod that turned the game into green hill zone then that would eliminate everything that made it tense.

>he doesn't know about Amnesia mods

No it wouldn't.

Well, yeah, but Dead Space is also far more an action game than a horror game, even the first one.
That being said, I don't disagree, though the clash between gameplay and atmosphere/level-design needs to be pretty huge to separate them.

Why do you screencap your own posts and then post them here

Did you seriously just make an entire thread because some user dabbed on you?

Yea Forums could possibly be the stupidest, but it's absolutely the saltiest.

Jesus christ.

Horror literally can't exist without some form of helplessness.

>Yea Forums is literally the stupidest board on this entire wesbsite
is the dumbest fucking board on this website

they actually wasnt responding to me but it did trigger me enough to start this thread

Markiplier and all those faggots have ruined horror for a generation

Wtf bros
I can’t believe Evil Dead isn’t a horror movie

I'd say Evil Dead 2 wasn't a horror movie, but Evil Dead tried to be pretty serious and gritty, at least comparatively.

that kind of makes some sense, but I think it can go either way.

Being forced to face a challenge you're unfamiliar with can be scary
>Souls Bosses
but I think seeing something you know will fuck you up can be just as scary if not more so
>the Mail Box from toejam and earl

The one with the greater consequences will ultimately be the more scary option I think though

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Whoever thinks that is a fucking retard and probably a zoomer at that, having been only explosed to walking simulators like Amnesia and other "games" like it.

Are there any horror games with permadeath? That'd get the adrenaline going.

>being forced to face spoopy stuff like in bloodborne will always be scarier
Except you enter the arena, see the boss's health bar and instantly know here's where you defeat that thing by smacking it enough times. There can still be tension here, but not really horror.

Generally, there has to be a reason to be afraid of something before it becomes scary. A creepy design on an enemy you know you can beat every time isn't scary. Scary enemies need to be a legitimate threat and hard to anticipate.

Difference between playing Doom as Doomguy and playing it as one of the random personnel trying to not get murdered in hellworld

this lol. goddamn snoys.

No it isn't
Until you posted OP

depends how invested you are in the story

I was SUPER into BB when it came out, I had no idea about the aliens and having read a ton of lovecraft in my teens when the cosmic shit started to happen it creeped me the fuck out.

Seeing amygdala on the side of the building for the first time and finding out that the invisible thing in the square that would grab you was a giant insect thing fucked me up, I didn't feel safe anywhere in the game and as its an action game you can be attacked from anywhere at any time

whereas in games like outlast its pretty damn obvious where the bad guys can and cannot go

>I didn't feel safe anywhere in the game and as its an action game you can be attacked from anywhere at any time
Hunter's Dream dude.

I agree with you that Outlast isn't good horror, it's mostly low brow jumpscares.

Games can still be scary if you're able to defend yourself. Also, bloodborne is a fucking hard game where you almost invariably get murdered repeatedly by spooky monsters. Bloodborne guy is only super powerful when you learn to git gud, which is actually a common theme in horror movies (victims learn how to defend themselves/how to defeat the monster and then try to do it).

Yeah but even when that caught fire I was like "what the fuck now"

this is the dumbest thread i've seen in at least a day

>tfw no horror set in WW1

That shit was scarier than any fictional monster

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according to that definition, Thief is horror game

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brainlets conflate horror and scary, splatterhouse is a horror game but it's all about beating the shit out of the enemies not running away from unkillable monsters

There's always Necrovision or whatever.

There was a game that's going to marry WWI trenches and a spooky monster but the dev died off before it's done

I knew it was that tryhard reddit cringe shit before I hovered over the link

Generally atmosphere and sound design is most important, but being weak and incapable really helps enemies feel like a legitimate threat, yeah.

who rustled your jimmies

Also The Darkness had a good WW1 section

didnt clive barker's jericho have a ww1 section as well? I remember playing that game years ago and there was something like that in the game.

>they actually wasnt responding to me
And you are calling anyone an idiot?

I prefer actions haveing unpredictable consequences. Fear of the Unknown is what modern games failed to encapsulate becaise they'll either be too predictable or too absurb.
Doki Doki Literature Club was unironically scarier than most horror titles before the game gained meme status.
I like horror that calls to question your own psyche, but quality scripts don't exist in games anymore.
Devs treat us like juveniles who are still afraid of monsters in the dark. We're adults now who grew up realizing that we were the monsters this whole time

>tfw too desensitized for a War of the Worlds horror movie/game

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The first game can easily have horror slapped onto it and it would be correct.


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I think the actual good SCP game does.

>pre 2010 /x/

I wanna go back when it was legit the best board. I dont think any board except Yea Forums and /r9k/ have fallen so fucking hard.

That game needed a better developer.

So you got mad about something you didn't have anything to do with?
Holy fuck you Sonyfags are petty.

I've never been there, how so? Are they legitimately scared of ghosts or something?

My poor baby! Did he offend your precious Bloodborne?

it would be tough to get any decent dev team for a real SCP game because every single SCP is owned by the writer. That means you can never sell an SCP game unless you got rights from every single persons blessing from using their SCP.

Also good lucky using SCP-173, the most popular.
>copyrighted by the writer
>copyrighted by the sculptor who has full rights over it as well iirc.

>how do I summon sucubus?
>tulpa gone wrong
>I'm being gangstalked!!
>Do we live in a simulation?
It's what happens when most of the board members are women. There are some quality threads, and the board is slow as molasses so a good discussion can be kept for weeks

Literally the entire point of the game is to make you question whether or not you're the evil monster

He is kinda right. Being defenseless is what can make games scary. However, there are multiple things that can make a game scary. In Bloodborne for example it's the atmosphere and fear of encountering an enemy that gives you a second asshole

most gamers are stupid and I've read dumb things like that all over the internet

no, /x/ is so shit because its unironic fucking schizos who think they can summon tulpas to fuck in the ass. Old /x/ pre-2010 was larping, but full of OC.
>people livestreaming spooky urban legend things like bloodymary or rituals
>shitloads of creepypasta when it was in its prime
>movie weekends watching spooky movies with like 60 other people
>SCP was taking off like crazy
>Weird videos that are common now
>The Grifter
>People getting into actual interesting discussions on paranormal encounters that werent batshit insane
>Real life conspiracy shit that was interesting that wasnt dumb shit like "MOSQUE SHOOTING WAS FAKE!"

Pretty sure iceberg threads started there as well.

It's true though, you only fear things that you can't fight back against, or when you don't know how to properly deal with.
Once you can fight back it isn't as scary anymore. And since you start Bloodborne with the ability to literally kill everything you encounter for the first time it isn't really that scary or should even be classified as a horror game.

Actually just went there to see whats going on. This is the first thing I saw. There are lots of literal crazy fucks on /x/ now, none of it is ironic which is pretty scary, so maybe /x/ IS still scary.

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>an extremely strong feeling of fear and shock, or the frightening and shocking character of something

When you are basically immortal there's no horror element, otherwise any war game would be horror.

>pessimistic smooth brains that can't entertain thoughts and concepts
I'm glad you downers don't browse the board

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If you werent on /x/ pre-2010 then you missed the actual shit. Go back to your tulpa fucking, gangstalking, schizo induced shithole you fucking faggots turned it into.

Fuck you mentally ill fucks destroying a once great board.

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>hurr, this board was great when everyone was acting ironic
You "clever" memesters culturally destroyed Yea Forums.

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so does that make a soul level 1 run of dark souls into a horror game since you will be weak and struggle to defend yourself?

Chalice dungeons were just tedious bullshit
There was nothing scary about them

No one was acting ironic, but we didnt pretend that we were actually gonna be successful in summoning a fucking ghost, or even come close to literally thinking we were gangstalked or fucking tulpas.

Dont even know how the fuck you got that pre-2010 /x/ was ironic, it just wasnt literally filled with crazies. Now go back to your spooky images thread where it the same pictures as they have been for years and make sure that one user doesnt kill a pizza man because he thinks its a gangstalker.

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It just boils down to what kind of experience you want. that's what genres are for. Picking Bloodborne if you wanted horror is like picking Oblivion because it has caves with ghosts.




Both types of horror games are fine and one is not better than the other if made by someone talented. It's stupid to even care what style it is when we get so little good horror as it is

you need to go back to r*ddit you scum.

>Schizios get to create their own worlds and friends

I almost envy them

>No one was acting ironic
>we didnt pretend that we were actually gonna be successful in summoning a fucking ghost, or even come close to literally thinking we were gangstalked or fucking tulpas.
>we were not acting unironic
I'm honestly glad the schizos keep you mundane fags away. You're just missing the forest for the trees because there are good threads that pop out every now and then. /x/ and Yea Forums always had crazies, but it's you faggots that are making a shitfest out of it.
I actually like some of the crazies. They can bring up undiscovered perspectives on topics. Go to Plebbit if you want normal conservations

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Truly a board of intellectuals. Jesus fuck /x/ has got to be the youngest of the young, or literal boomers and boomer females at this point. I mean just look at pic related. Fucking unironic herobrine in 2019

/x/ has offered NOTHING of note in almost a solid decade. Everything on it right now, which im looking at, is OLD as fuck shit, or complete retarded faggots.

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Like holy fuck everything here is so low quality and shit, the ONLY good thread on /x/ right now is the one talking about Gobelki, but you would have 10x the fucking quality of that thread on /pol/

Fucking /pol/ of all places has better conspiracy and ancient civilization threads than /x/ could dream of these days, all because of retards like you. You clearly never were part of /x/ from the start, and are probably a 2015+ retard so you have no real idea just how mediocre /x/ is compared to what it once was.

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Classic Doom was scary

>Y-yes officer, this board is full of shitposts
>implying threads on a Sunday night are ever quality
Go back to /r/Yea Forums if you want instant quality

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you arent gonna convince anyone here that /x/ is good anymore.

Implying this cesspool of a site was any good

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Does anyone have a link for a Dvd 5 rip of Siren 2? Game's a fucking bitch to find

Yeah right here

*pfffffftttttttttttttttt* BRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP *pfftttt fssssssss*

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>starting an entire thread just because one user triggered you so hard with his shit opinions
user you might be the faggot in this situation