Capcom generally have two big titles per fiscal year

Capcom generally have two big titles per fiscal year.

2016/2017: Dead Rising 4 and RE7
2017/2018: MvCI and MHW
2019: REmake2 and DMC5

Capcom currently has no big new games announced for this fiscal year, so they'll probably show something this E3. What will it be?

Attached: Capcom_logo-thumb1-2060x806(3).jpg (2060x806, 131K)

Probably Street fighter or MH.
They basically rotate 3 IPs and do a surprise revival every once in a while.

One of their producers said they're making a game that will surprise people. Implying that it would be a dead IP getting revived.

new monster hunter?

they said with the RE engine they can now up production and do 3 or 4 at a time now.

I'm interested in seeing if the RE engine actually will have a notable effect on game development time. I know they invested a lot in R&D to make game development faster and cheaper.

I work at Capcom. The two big titles will be MvC4 (January 2020) and Viewtiful Joe (April-June 2020, somewhere in that range).

it does. its versatile as fuck, leaves very little overhead so optimisation isn't difficult

IIRC, making Dante's coat in DMC4 took almost two weeks, but scanning a coat for DMC5 was cheaper and faster.

Attached: 1549769496282.webm (1000x562, 2.14M)

The coats are most likely an exception, since they're custom made and probably cost a pretty penny to design and make.

They most likely save a shitload of time on other kind of 3D assets though. Detailed human models especially.

Power Stone 3 Switch exclusive

A high budget Ace Attorney

Attached: imagine.png (1139x1079, 470K)


Attached: 367500_2016-01-24_00004.png (1920x1080, 3.82M)

They may count iceborne as a "big game" simply because mh expansions are usually huge content additions and get everybody back on board. Otherwise, I really want to see a new megaman legends game even though it would sell approximately 11 total copies.

Misadventures of Tron Bonne 2

lost planet 4

Dragon's Dogma 2


DD is Itsuno's baby, they wouldn't make 2 without him. We won't see DD2 until like 2022 because Itsuno just finished DMC5.

Attached: Dead-Rising-5-Logo.jpg (1800x900, 115K)

If only

Did they cancel Deep Down? It should be a good time to revive it if they have been working on it despite the fact that the Panty Raid engine is not being used anymore.

Otherwise they really only have DLC to announce unless they have Street Fighter ready or a new IP. Monster Hunter or DD2 is too early to announce but they might have to reveal something early this time.

Oh god no. No no no no.

This but unironically. A big thing about LP1 was that it's characters were voiced and modeled by big asian actors, so there's another reason to use the face scan again. Hopefully it's a reboot.

Super dead.

Capcom Vanqouver is kill
theres a chance it might actually be good now

Another trailer for Iceborne.

MML3 for the Switch.

made by the japanese team that made the original user

They could do something 'small' and finally friggin localize some of the other sengoku basara games, instead of staying on the: 'WELL SAMURAI WARRIORS DIDN'T SELL WELL, I GUESS WESTERNERS DONT LIKE IT OR SOMETHING'

Nothing. They blew their load already. DMC, RE, MH. What can they show?

Marvel VS Capcom 4 is way more likely than people think.

The whole point of MvCI was that it was supposed to be a long-running, constantly updated game; hence the "Infinite" name. Marvel was in for the long haul. MvC4 would be made using the assets of MvCI and its cancelled DLC and be an attempt at a relaunch.

capcom has some ambitious shit lined up more like 9 that i know of

Give me Megaman X9.

Zack & Wiki 2

Phanta Ray is RE Engine with scanning added and new dev tools. Compared DD footage to DMC.

he could have been working on it as well. They dont develop video games consecutively but alongside each other now. I think DD2 is coming out next year.


Also, fuck Capcom vs. Capcom. They could add all those potential Capcom characters into Marvel 4 and it would sell more and be more fun.

MHW expansion of SFV season 4.
Switch ports for older games.
After re2 and dmc5 their probably waiting to til 2020 to reveal something big.


This is honestly believable. Marvel and Capcom aren’t that dumb to let a beloved series like MVC die. It’s one of the few series where people would quickly forgive the previous mistakes if they just put enough love and soul into a new game. Also the “surprising” game has to be something of a more well-known franchise. I would say it’s likely a Power Stone, VJ, or Dino Crisis.

He straight up confirmed in an interview recently that he had the choice between DD2 or DMC5 after he finished DD1, he choose to make DMC5 first.

Viewtiful Joe sequel is pretty likely because it was a moderately successful franchise and it would also most likely be on the cheaper side to make.