You is like a video game

>you is like a video game.
>no matter what you always ends in a game over.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't worry I have an extra man

Through the proliferation of my memes, a result of my ego, I will live forever

Wow, cool frog edit. It's so "original" and "refreshing".

You can get the good end if you git gud enough

>he doesn't know

Nah I invested points in the immortality trait so no game over for me.

We should make the rainbow symbol a symbol of white supremacy now lmfao

That Joker movie is going to be shit.


Nah, guaranteed KINO.

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Unless you use cheat codes amirite fellow gamer kids :)


That Joker movie is going to be the shit*

God fucking damn it I bursted out laughing
It's not even the quote but the "lmao!" part that got me.

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not if you play deus ex and side with helios

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based and lip-smacking pilled

>another shitty frog edit
tell me there's a difference between this place and plebbit when it comes to the same shitty jokes being reused

Pick my cotton for me, nigger

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then you start new game + faggot

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Make your own OC you big whiny bitches :). Oh wait you can't because you're incapable of doing anything right

So it actually is 8fags

hehe society is le clown

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Not posting a frog edit for the millionth time is a right thing to do.

Well I'm sure if you made your own OC it too would be proliferated with such frequency. I mean, it would have to be better than a shitty pepe can manage that...right?

>popularity = quality

why are frogposters so sensitive.

Literally /our movie/

Why does society reject us?

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>tfw some day the Sun will burn out and all life on Earth will end forever

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probably because you are a bunch of retarded life failures

hmph when that happens only a gamer will dare to say that it was one hell of a spicy meat-a-ball

>maniacal laughter know what's really funny?
The pot always calls the kettle black.

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Why are you here?
Honk honk

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>getting this assblasted because someone insulted your precious polfrog
now that's hilarious

Y'know... the trailer had left me unconvinced. I had to watch the whole thing to see if the whole movie delivers based on the mood it's portraying. Else it could be just wishy washy.

Ur gay

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What are some games with clowns?

Attached: honk'd.png (314x472, 159K)