>3 months of nothing to do
Other urls found in this thread:
classic wow soon then we can stop playing this faux-mmo
Level up a different job.
>Only 3 months to finish every thing I'm doing.
Once I get AST and WHM to 70, I want to work on crafting/gathering,and I also have to finish my DRK and and SMN Anima weapons.
>Retainers need 121 18-hour ventures to level from 0 to 70
What the fuck
Is it worth coming back to? Haven't played since arr first launched.
It's faster if you do it hour by hour
Will you change to ronso?
Reminder: the free period begins the SECOND you log-in via the client and is immediately equivalent to subscribing free of charge for 7 days. That means you don't have to enter the game even once for the timer to begin.
Second reminder: if you log in right now, the free period will end before the FFXV crossover event with one of the most marquee mounts in the history of the game, as well as several wonderful Orchestrion rolls. I recommend waiting 8 days to log in.
will the free campaign count as an "active service account" for the purposes of getting a transfer on the dc split?
Most likely not. I'm just going to make the tallest viera gunbreaker I can.
>3 months of nothing to do
Par for the course
I doubt it.
Hatching-tide tomorrow, FF XV event next week.
After that, yeah.
Damn. I really want to like this game but I have 0 people to play with on hyperion, every time I try to join a fc they're so intense and serious about the game that I don't fit in at all. I was hoping to move over to a more populated world.
Heavensward is legit good. Stormblood is meh until moonbitch arch. I don't know what happens after that because I stopped playing
can you chill out with these daily ffxiv threads, you're going to burn everyone out and trigger the mods.
at the very least wait tll the FFXV event drops or patch 4.57
I had a level 50 with all the best gear as of a month after release, I expect that's all worthless now, but the idea of going through more story stuff is my main hesitation. I don't mind story but the story in ff14 is so slow, there's so much boring walking that it's terrible and makes me just not want to play the game at all, and it's fucking required, to boot. Nowadays I fear I stopped for so long that I couldn't do it anymore, I'd need to play for weeks and weeks and weeks to get caught up, and spending weeks on something I hate seems like a bad idea. I just don't understand why the game is webbed up on the stupid story shit.
They cut out most of the fluff in HW and SB's story
>I just don't understand why the game is webbed up on the stupid story shit.
Because it's Final Fantasy you retard
You will hate the lead into heavensward as it is about 100 fetch quests. The story in HW is why it's the best expansion imo. Great characters, great tone, and several moments that put a chill down your spine
>because it's final fantasy
I mean FFX has nowhere near as many cutscenes. Not even ff13 has as much fluff bullshit and "walk here, then back" x 500 questlines as ff14. If the story was good I could forgive it but it's so generic that it's mind numbing.
If them having a wolf face option is correct I'd be tempted. But I'll probably switch to Viera instead. Good faces and animations, no tail clipping. And over half of of the gear in this game is designed to be fitting for female characters. Casters and Healers especially.
i'll see how they look like in the cc once benchmark is released. but they're warming up on me
>I don't mind story but the story in ff14 is so slow, there's so much boring walking that it's terrible
Incidentally, that problem was mostly removed as of patch 2.5. 2.55 onward the story tries to engage as much as possible.
I won't deny that 3.1 and 3.2 were pretty light on content and 4.1 wasn't that big either, but every section apart from that has left me hooked at least.
So, genuine question here, do the RP worlds have actual, regular RP, or is it all just ERP degenerates?
From Heavensward onward it's a straight journey through all the new areas with a clear goal in mind. They even give you a four person "party" like a classic Final Fantasy.
Just ERP degenerates. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because they're lying. It's straight up impossible to find anyone else who wants real RP.
Plenty of regular rp but lots of degenerates too. They usually advertise it though so they're easy to avoid.
I guess I'll give it a try then. It's only $10 a month for me cause I'm a legacy something or other. Only reason I even thought of it was because I just got an email about a free weekend and then saw this thread. If it's decent I'll buy the complete edition thing.
there are regular rps. I have alts on both mateus and balmong, so i come by sometimes to read the rp of people in say. most is tame from what i can see
Maaaaan leveling up is tedious - I'm at the Dragon Snow Area at level 37, how far am I till Heavesward?
Sure am. I've always wanted a bestial looking race in this game.
After you hit 50, you're "done" with regular ARR. there's a boatload of quests that give basically 0 exp, and after those are done, you're in heavensward. heavensward is 50-60, at 60 you get a similar boatload of quests that give 0 exp, 60-70 is stormblood, etc.
Lol sit the fuck down son.
i hope we do get a wolf face option, especially since yoshi acknowledge people wanting to play as Lupin, but apparently that was a mistranslation?
>2 more years until we get lionesses
It hurts...
>tfw no lalafel gf to carry in gf pouch.
>claim that adding both genders for two new races would be too expensive
SquareEnix really do throw them pennies when it comes to the budget, don't they?
I didn't want to believe the rumors but its too likely
>UCOB group falling apart as we near the finishline
hold me
Well, I'm not looking for 24/7 commitments or anything, I guess I'll give crystal a try after the split with an alt, see how people are. Thanks fellers. I just miss the days of RPing on everquest and WoW.
you people act like you'll fucking die if you wait another 2 years stop being so dramatic
Yes, and my girl is going Viera.
We're going to reenact this image, and I'm planning on trolling /xivg/ with it.
>UWU group falls apart practically after the first clear because theyre unable to clear again
not surprising. they said the cgi trailer was done a few days before fanfest. i would not be surprised if the zones in ShB will be the same as SBs zones where you can't enter most buildings
>being this desperate on trying to spread fakenews that Hroth furfags are anything but homos that will be fucking other hroth furfags
Hell fucking yeah. I've had the word "lion" as part of my name (not a cat btw) since ARR. It would be wrong of me not to.
Don't try and act like we're a hivemind here.
If you read my post, you'll notice I'm mad FOR the devs.
If they had more budget from the overlords, then they could do so much more with the game. What they can do with said budget is amazing, but Square are notorious stingy cunts
maybe they'll clear off mroe and I won't get people trying to requisition me for stupid gay shit. I just wanted to be galka 2.0 god damn it
>we're 3 months out, haven't even had a chance to make the in-game image, and it's already working
This is going to be glorious!
I want to reach endgame before Shadowbringers so I can play with my friends, but at the same time I would like to enjoy a good Final Fantasy experience, which is why I asked cause they swore all the good stuff are in Heavesward/Stormblood.
Are they bullshitting me? Cause I read everything and am in tears of boardroom looking for a Cid's Ship.
When are we nuking Sharlayan?
>still playing garbage wow
t. desperate furfags
just admit no one's gonna go after you besides 500 pound bara landwhales.
You should be paying attention to the story now because everything in Coerthas is extremely relevant to what happens later.
I don't know why you cunts are not joining our crusade for equality across all races and genders. You are only cucking yourselves.
upset twink or some au ra with child bearing hips faggot
horned sephiroth looking ass
You do realize that most normal women like big, muscular, hairy men, right?
It's only fujoshits projecting their perversions on the rest that say otherwise.
Hrothgar are pretty much the epitome of "big, muscular, and hairy."
Yeah... Can't wait to put my hands on the game...
I'll be honest, I just skipped past it all, I hated the story and had basically 0 investment in it. You can always go back later and rewatch the cutscenes if you want. You'll definitely be able to hit level 70 and finish the stormblood post-story by shadowbringers if you're consistent in completing the content. At least on one class, probably two. I started playing on feb 14th (Got a free squenix members platinum club code for the complete edition), and I finished everything by mid march, now I'm working on getting 1 tank and 1 healer up to 70 so I can play whatever's in most demand when shadowbringers comes out.
Wrong. All the actual women I know hate how retarded they look. The only people excited for Hrothgar are furfags.
I love how one simple announcement from YoshiP has btfo out of so many different sub group of depravity. Furfags, trannies, twinks, etc. all fucking seething.
And the best part of how the Japs don't give a fuck about all the noise these faggots are making.
>all the actual women
You mean those 2 shitty fujos?
I have bad news for you...
after we deal with Garlemald. After them, they seem to be the biggest threat, good thing they're isolationists. the sharlayans that we know of are capable of doing alot. even y'shtolas sister was able to figure out how to perma kill lesser asciens. just imagine what a nation full of sharlayans are capable of
I'm hyped about Hrothgar, but that's because the horned ones look good compared to the hornless
Wrong again bob, they have irl boyfriends.
to be fair, hrothgar look better than most male highlander faces
They have full access to Mhachi and Amdapori records, so they can do everything those people did. They even created Demi-Ozmas. Plus both Sevestre and Y'shtola have used actual time magic.
Fujos can have boyfriends too, friendo. There will always be some dude desperate enough to go for them.
That still doesn't mean their taste in men is typical or normal among most women.
my first uwu group was like that. 2nd clears of tough content are always more sketchy than the 1st desu.
Everyone thinks they're over the hump now and start slacking off/greeding dps. You also have people lowkey worried the first time was a fluke you won't repeat easily. And it's true in a way, compared to when you were still uncleared and staring at the boss on your first clear pull, you only have 1 more pull of fight experience which is nothing at all.
>the Japs don't give a fuck about all the noise these faggots are making.
2ch and the JP official forums were shitposting nonstop when the new dropped that there's no male viera.
>mfw furfags think their little safe space discords are a majority of the community's thoughts, opinions and desires.
speaking of fucking depravity
I always assumed that was just my retarded clan, good to know it's not. I'm far from a god gamer or anything but I frequently get asked by other fcs (and guilds in general) to ditch my current clan and join them because I'm just a fucking okay tank. I'm not great, but good lord some people are so bad.
Also it's fuckin weird main tanking when I'm usually the offtank.
Im going to rape everyone
>mfw weebs think their shitty little fujo friends represent all women since they've never worked up the courage to talk to one face to face
there's also the sharlayan scholar that created Vivi who can temporarily rewind time on an object/person. one of the umbral/astral era was a time when people hoarded knowledge and i guess warred for it. sounds kinda like what sharlayans are doing. there's already 2 groups that have different philosophies and an ascien can sow chaos between them
Why is everything about eureka absolute cancer?
These threads always degrade in to the different sub species of human trying to out do each other with their disgusting fetishes and forcing them down everyone's throats.
>Garlemald and Solus were only a distraction
>The real problem all the time was Sharlayan
These new races feel scuffed as fuck and the games is looking worse and worse, it really is obvious that they're sucking money out of whales to fund other projects.
I feel bad for you XIVbros.
this amount of denial lmao
Because they wanted to appease the FFXI audience.
>avoid going to the three starter cities because hate sprouts stopping to look at me
Someone redpill me on how Hagakure is a DPS gain. Getting 3 sen takes 8 GCDs typically and midare does no less than 720 potency. In those same 8 GCDs, you can use Hagakure to get 60 kenki gauge which is 2 shinten and ultimately only 600 potency minimum. So those same GCDs and the same sen should be better off spent on a midare.
They also have a pretty small fucking team apparently, but that's just because no one wants to work on an MMO when gacha or basically anything else gets way more money.
Me and mine are planning the same thing.
>Furfaggots talking to women instead of their fat male yiffers at all
t. neverEscapedTheFujoBubble
Why do you think most porn targeted at women features big, muscular, hairy men instead of hairless little bitchbois? It's only the gays who like twinks in any real numbers.
It's Anemos and Pagos that is absolute cancer. Pyros and Hydratos are actually great and logos is a great mechanic too and should have been there on day 1 of Eureka release.
Every single gunblade will look shit won't they?
Midare takes an entire gcd to use while shintens are "free" in that context. Also, it's 2.4 shintens not 2, which is 720 potency. Imagine using a midare as an ogcd and that's hagakure. Being able to kaiten midare helps but the loss of a gcd is too huge.
If you want math and spreadsheets on top of the intuition we can surely find those.
>kissless NEET projecting his shit on the rest of us
I'm not even a furfag. My girl talked me into it.
I also can't wait to give $38 USD to a chink for my Devilsaur set.
These threads are getting just as bad as /vg/ and that's a real fucking accomplishment
Look at the ones already in the game and go from there
Imagine being this fucking retarded, No one wants lion women, no one wants bara faggot cats, and no one wants little twink faggots. Your view has been diluted by your furry yiff discord. Talk to some people in the game. Lmao at ur life.
>most porn targeted at women features big, muscular, hairy men
>Why do you think most porn targeted at women features big, muscular, hairy men
Literally fucking where?
But those aren't gunblades, they're pistol swords, not what Gunbreaker will use.
the subtle bulge OwO
They're all the same shit numbskull. Every single zone you pretty much follow the NM train until max level, suffering because you don't have aetherytes or get full exp yet. Logos are cute gimmicks.
i would have but i'm not a fan of their proportions
they're too barrel-chested for me
Because you have to include the extra GCD you're gaining from excluding the Midare.
This graph shows Hagakure vs Midare usage. Keep in mind this is the absolute worst case scenario where your final GCD is a Hakaze.
>no one wants lion women
Speak for yourself, faggot.
>Logos are cute gimmicks.
t. never did BA
>most porn targeted at women features big, muscular, hairy men
>It's only the gays who like twinks
Logos actions and the BLU Spellbook (not BLU itself) show that the devs are capable of adding fun systems. It's just a matter of them also adding fun content to use them on.
BA is really good, but it didn't need to be blocked off by the entire Eureka grind.
being a twink truly is suffering
Already confirmed we're not getting Garlean gunblades.
Garlean gunblades are so much better than the silly FF8 versions that can't even shoot anything. I wish we got these instead, with Legatus armor to go with them. Much better fit for a tank too.
they might go the SAM route and not overdesign the weapons
join very cute fc on odin
You level up insanely fast in Pyros and Hydratos and the logos are used for NMs and BA. Meanwhile in Anemos and Pagos you level extremely slow even if you NM train and with no logos to add mechanics to fights or speed up the killing process it's just way more boring.
I find it funny how this is the only fan art that is actually correct on how Hrothgar look.... everyone else keeps drawing furry OCs
If we're lucky they'll give us Heirsbane as one of the Gold Saucer monster weapon glamours.
I'm glad we agreed it's GUB
>tfw May for the job info probably means like fucking May 29th or some shit
Logos are great for leveling too. You can use Platebearer/Regen or Bloodbath/an offensive logos to easily solo farm monsters several levels above your own.
Remember that it's canon that even Garlemald is afraid of the Sharlayans and actively shies away from trying to annex them.
EU is completely fucking dead apart from the leveling roulette.
I kinda want to get MGP and collect triad cards. I don't give a shit about BA and I don't give a shit about clearing the savage raids because the glam they drop is absolute garbage.
It hasn't been said exactly why they haven't tried to annex Sharlayan. They don't take Hingashi or Thavnair, for example, because leaving those places untouched is economically advantageous for them at the moment. It could be that the Sharlayan Bibliothecs have some kind of secret agreement with them. After all, Sharlayan was initially terrified of dealing with Garlemald which is why they retreated from the Hinterlands in the first place. The Bibliothecs came to power almost immediately afterward.
Chaos or Light?
Media tour last time was may 18 and I think we got full tooltips on may 31
Chaos. You can't even get a fucking party for Khloe primals. Maybe about 3 groups for each savage fight in the PF in the evenings.
*guitar riff*
I'd say the most likely explanation is that the Ascians running Garlemald know that the Sharlayans are the one nation on the planet (outside of the WoL' inner circle who are primarily Sharlayan expats anyway) that possess the means to fuck their shit royally should they ever come into open conflict.
Shit son. I'm on Light and it's not nearly as bad. I hear y'all got all the French too.
But the Sharlayans were the ones scared of Garlemald 15 years ago. Plus they don't have the advantage Eorzea has of the extremely dense aether in the environment boosting their magic. On Ilsabard, the gold-plated magitek armor is usually enough to act as a shield against spells. In Eorzea, they're basically scrap metal.
I don't know what the hell. Shiva, Cerberus and Ragnarok, Cerberus full all the time, yet the PF is dead. And I switched from Omega to come to Cerberus. I would say Chaos definitely has more players, but people are just done with the content it seems.
The beginning of Eureka is like ARR. Anemos and Pagos are the crapfest parts of the game just like the 2.x quests because SE didn't know what the fuck they were doing and it made people quit and hate the game forever. Then once you finally reach HW/SB (Hydratos/Pyros) you can see how much better it was over the old stuff as they now have feedback and experience.
Might change an alt to one. If they ever introduce them ronso I'll switch my main.
>not melding vit in prog
Not the same user but yeah, it's pretty bad, it's like they multiplied after the split. You often get full parties with 7 frenchies.
People who do content have done it already, it's the absolute tail end of the expansion. Only sprouts are out and about. This isn't any different from ARR or HW (although certainly worsened by the split).
>Hydatos (SB) is basically Pyros (HW) 2.0, but somewhat simplified on the outside with decent new content like BA (Ultimates) at the end
A pretty apt comparison.
Light still has more people doing high end content, I just checked.
>being a raid tranny
Threadly reminder that clearing your savage raids with high parses will never make you a woman
HRT will never make you a woman
Axe wounds does not make you a woman
Savage and ultimate is "content" for the most autistic faggots out there. Don't interact with people who raid because it's all they can talk about
Obviously Light has more stragglers.
You need to fuck off back to the general holy shit. We come to Yea Forums to escape this kind of autistic shitposting. fuck off
I need help Yea Forums, my pc died recently and had to get a new HD. Is there any way I can get a backup of the screenshots folder? My whole adventure was recorded there, I´ll die inside if I can´t recover it
I'm a tall, hairy, built dude IRL and have had no issues finding women to get my dick wet. Meanwhile my pretty-boy friend struggles since most of then just assume he's gay at first glance.
Face it bro, most women like rugged men.
>he's just shit posting
I'm not kidding though. Neck yourself tranny
Got a comparison? How many PFs in each datacenter?
Maybe. The Empire did label echo users enemies of the state, at least that was true back in 1.0 I think. Maybe they don't plan on invading Sharlayan yet due to it being costly? Gaius didn't invade Ala Mhiggo asap since he knew it would be an expensive campaign where many might die. So he opted for subterfuge and fueled the flame of rebellion
who hurt you user
Every piece of anti-Ascian tech we've employed has been Sharlayan in orign. They definitely possess the means to zap the puffcloud motherfuckers into oblivion should the need arise. Their policies dictate that their knowledge must never fall into the hands of another however so rather than risk that happening they fled back to the homeland.
You should write for Forbes.
End of HW wasn't this bad.
This post goes to this faggot
>"who hurt you ecks deeee"
Reddit. Go back
You probably don't look like an atrocious furfag race IRL. Even trying to say hrothgar look like IRL musclemen is stretching.
>Their policies dictate that their knowledge must never fall into the hands of another
That policy only came into being after the Bibliothecs came to power after the withdrawal. The Hinterlands colony gave schooling to anyone who was willing to make the journey there.
Should I play a viera dancer, Yea Forums?
>clearing Savage makes you a tranny now
This shitposting is really starting to wear thin.
For high end when I checked 11 for chaos 20 something for light. Busy right now but I can check again later.
Do you have a single satisfact to snack it up?
Nah someone posted on the /vg/ general that there was a Yea Forums thread and the transphobic discordfag shitposters came to invade this one as well.
I don't know man: I'm so hairy my chest hair connects to my beard if I don't shave my neck. My most recent ex called it fur.
40% faggot fucks I will never stop reminding the cancerous trannies of how much their "muh fflogs" will never make them a real human
You'll just be a dime a dozen in a crowd.
I'd rather give my commend to a Lala or Elezen dancer than some Viera/Miqo'te/Au Ra.
I'm not scared. I just want raid trannies to neck and stop shitting up my game with their autistic shit faggot
>nostalgia fags
it will never be the same. it will never be the first time ever again. face the reality
Are leviathan and shiva weapons rare and interesting? I want a cool weapon but not something just anyone can get from the marketboard. Any other ideas?
>Are leviathan and shiva weapons rare and interesting?
>I want a cool weapon but not something just anyone can get from the marketboard. Any other ideas?
Gordian or Midan
I want to play one but the anti-altism of the game is making it tricky. I am attached to my niglander and I think I want to finish Shadbringers with him then switch to Ronso?
Female fans of geek shit like vidya gaems and fantasy and all that are as degenerate and perverted to a woman as the men are. A little bit more, even, as it's almost always the guys who have the tediously boring hand-holding lovey dovey fetish while I'll find women who fetishize a half-yeti killing off their offspring and knocking them up a'la lions in the wild or hard abuse straight out of a asanagi doujin.
>my game
rare glamoured weapons off the top of my head
alex midan weapons
shinryu weapons
omega 1 weapons
feast weapons(gl lol)
talk to women outside your furfag tranny discord.
>Not playing the game
>Bitches about dead servers anyway
No one cares faggot keep playing doll dress up like a queer.
I can't even play any group content because there's literally no one to do it with. And I'm currently subbed to the game.
Furfags hate trannies, friendo.
Server xfer and stop QQing then.
Like 95% of furfags are trannies or gay
> I don't give a shit about clearing the savage raids because the glam they drop is absolute garbage.
I hate when people claim JP has higher clear rates because they are superior humans with higher skills and faster reaction time than other races when this is the actual reason why. 90% of players in the west use this game as dress up ERP shit. Simply doing content for the challenge is incomprehensible to a lot of people.
ucob weapons
and midans i guess
everything else can get cleared by echofags and uwu is pretty easy as well
maybe leveling dungeon weapons from sb, like the abania ones
since noone wants to farm that shit synched
What the fuck are you on about? The mechanics are the same, the design is the same. Are you one of those retards who never replay games?
All they have to do is make party finder/duty finder accessible across datacenters and it would fix the problem. Keep the datacenter/server exclusive stuff to housing and world visiting.
And parsing gray won't make you a man either
Only about 10% of furries are actual faggots.
Almost no furries are trannies, mostly because they get lynched by even the actual faggots.
t. CardCarryingFurbro
>transphobic discordfag
But I thought thar the discordfags WERE the trannies? This shit is too confusing.
The actual reasons why are
1: for JP this is the only MMO of this type. WoW was never localized.
2: JP don't generally have time to play video games a lot so people who do play MMOs are dedicated gamers, not fucking mentally ill trannies
3: JP respect each other's time and value collectivism. This is a big one that would help them in any MMO environment.
The reason JP clear rate is higher is due to them using a macro that's standard for every Party finder group, so they all know that one way of clearing it, MEANWHILE in EU and NA we have a billion weird ways of clearing the content.
>I hate when people claim JP has higher clear rates because they are superior humans with higher skills and faster reaction time than other races
Uhm, who fucking actually thinks like that?
Do you even know your swords, user?
The real challenge comes down to finding a decently competent people to play with. I raided during HW, the current tiers are not that challenging so I would get no sense of achievement anyway. So why spend hours in the PF do to do something that doesn't make you feel good?
I don't think they'll do that.
>WoW was never localized
incredibly wrong, and other MMOs existed in japan for an exceptional amount of time, like FFXI, to start, they also had SMT imagine, wizardry online for a while, and a shit ton of korean mmos that got localized. Lineage, maplestory, etc.
Why lie? We all know you lie.
Just only Aether/Crystal use this game to dress up ERP. They're a miniority on Primal and EU.
Their better latency and Internet infrastructure is a big deal though.
stfu nigger
>of this type
FFXI requires actual mechanical skill of a goldfish, like many other old timey MMOs.
Seething tranny who doesn't even understand why people play video games. Hint: it's not for emotional reasons.
Japan tends to value the clear above doing cutting edge DPS, so they will go with safer strats that don't risk wipes if people fuck something up. Honestly I prefer that, people are absolutely obssessed with pushing out max DPS even before they get their clears.
Why would I lie about this?
Pretty much any dude wearing a "female" fursuit to a con gets lynched. Do YOU want to find out you just stuck your dick in a dude because he was pretending?
Go to xivg mate.
I know about that but idk, it seems like a lot of people in the west don't even raid. I have trouble making friends that are are even willing to do extremes with me.
>The real challenge comes down to finding a decently competent people to play with
Luckily its not too hard if you use the static finder discord. I've stayed long term with two statics this expac after pugging delta scape and static life is good. It just takes a bit of static hopping and you gotta stay away from the "lol we r casual" statics, which means that the static leader is okay with the static wiping to the same mechanic for over 15 hours and will never attempt to push the static because they're equally as shit.
I am on primal and when I pug, pf isn't terrible, my shit is getting pushed into crystal and I'm transferring the fuck out to nu primal.
Are you implying Final "DONT STAND IN RED" Fantasy 14 is more mechanically demanding?
>tranny meme
yea yea nigger
>it's another "others tanks don't want to pull in a 24 man but spam provoke and ultimatum" episode
>immediately call them out on it
>"uh I'm sorry, I fat fingered the button" excuse me from both of them
>say fine, they can pull the next boss then so it's not an issue
>alliance C: guys we need to wait, our tank left when you said that
I hate this games player base, you fucks told me this wouldn't happen on primal
Yes? How could it be not?
So... It's still trash?
>Go to xivg mate.
xivg isnt people
At least you genetic abominations are a self-correcting problem.
I don't know, on the other hand, I don't really want to have the obligation of being online at a certain time. It's a lose-lose situation basically. I'm too tired from work anyway.
Uh oh you got tricked hard. Primal is exactly the same as Aether but with less people.
>I know about that but idk, it seems like a lot of people in the west don't even raid. I have trouble making friends that are are even willing to do extremes with me.
Here's the issue with the west, they're all stuck in Limsa playing dress-up-simulator and it's pretty annoying.
It's also important to note that were currently in a " afk mode " with no new content for the next 3 months time other than events and world visit.
If anything, just hold out for ShB and PRAY that it will be good, maybe go find a static to play with, you're gonna be fine.
Won't argue with this.
Yeah I feel you on that. Sometimes I raid when I really don't want to.
Because there's less timing necessary for all boss content in all regards. Have you never actually done endgame content in ff11? Even in toau era you needed to be dead on in knowing how bosses functioned versus being able to literally clear savage first try.
Well what else is there to talk about? How pretty your cat/lizard girl is? Game's content is bare as fuck and orange parses and the resultant autistic meta flexing on SAM mains is the only joy I get from it. Also, I play on Primal, the tranny epidemic seems to be an Aether thing.
Seems that way, whenever I see ultros next to someones name I get the same reaction the people on aether say they get when they see balmung
post more ass to trigger the nigger more.
is there a guide on how to do all the wacky floating furniture setups?
It's just seething BFA players upset that classic is going to invslidate their progress.
You make some valid points, but I'm still gonna need some sauce on those fucking massive udders
I've never seen any of this on primal.
Wrong, back to /vg/, tranny.
>clear savage first try.
Good luck with that.
stop it
Why that job attracts so many retards?
>mechanic demands burst healing
>uses Medica II
Only #3 is correct, that and basically every jp player having low 2digit latency to their servers. The other two, especially the assertion that 'most of the good mmo players are stolen by wow' somehow is just a pathetic excuse to explain the west's clearrates.
This game isn't even hard, the west is just worse off due to being poorer at communicating/cooperating, and no standardized strategy macros, a lot of that is cultural.
FFXIV is the MMORPG with most women
B-b-b-ut I'm a regen healer
Plenty of fags don't know about standing in fucking close for cure 3.
FFXIV is the MMORPG with most shitty women
You'll find that in droves on Balmung, especially Quicksand. 24/7 ERPing in public spaces doesn't really happen and most people into that broadcast it in some way like another guy mentioned.
It's happened. The fact it's ever happened is proof enough that the game is fucking pathetic.
Not to mention it's designed with casuals in mind. Which is just sad because even though ffxi was made for ps2, it had more challenging comment.
Also easy enough to show because they didn't fuck the game up so hard it needed to be remade. can't say so for ff14.
Imagine the braps
I already have a static we cleared this tier week four and uwu shortly after. They're just on break and
>tfw no new friends that I can help get into raiding
None of them even want to try ;_;
But they do afk in limsa a lot..
>somebody starts talking to me
>queue to avoid the conversation
Can I romance npcs yet?
yeah, there are a ton you can EB with.
>It's happened. The fact it's ever happened is proof enough that the game is fucking pathetic.
Where's your fucking proof retard?
>less timing
>in ff14 than in ff11
I will register you as a retard
Is there a way to tell which server is a RP server? I'd rather avoid those and I want to play the game and maybe meet some new people.
>responding to wow and 11 fags
You are dumb as bricks.
Oh I forgot I'm NA.
>want to try savage again
>yuropoor playing on burger server so can't get static that doesn't start at 4am
>pugs are nightmarish
life is pain
There aren't dedicated RP servers, if you're on NA the community RP servers are Balmung and Mateus, Balmung is cancer, Mateus has a lot of shitters but community wise is at actually okay in the end it's better to avoid both though
The frogs/krauts are waiting for you.
Some of us want to clear, but we're stuck in "midcore" statics with those one or two people that take forever to grasp simple mechanics. And they are great people, awesome friends who are fun to hang around with, but man they just can't react to mechanics properly.
What should I level next?
>no Lala gf to lovingly dote on and turn into an onahole
you've barely even touched red mage you faggot. that's the most fun class in the game.
pub it up.
That's actually a really great glamour that does a good job of showing off legs on taller races.
Everyone and their mom is RDM
I know what you mean. I was in a static that took over 8 lock outs and people took over 8 lock outs to still fuck up virus on o7s. I loved all of them too but that shit kills your desire to even log in anymore
is it worth it doing 50/60 roulette for exp? anyone know what kind of exp I can expect from it these days?
>hating on a fun job because it's popular
Let me guess, you play elezen
>>it's another "others tanks don't want to pull in a 24 man but spam provoke and ultimatum" episode
I'm glad it's not just me, holy fuck I get these faggots every time I ran Orbonne. Shitters who just sit in tank stance making the boss swerve around every 5 seconds pissing off everyone else. I just keep fighting them out of spite, if they wanted to MT then they should pull first, the fucking niggers. Whoever told you there aren't people like this on Primal were lying to you. They're everywhere. I can't even imagine how bad it is on Aether.
Not the same user but RDM is honestly very boring. It manages to be more boring than DRG at max levels.
more than an appropriate level dungeon, but not nearly as much as leveling.
on the flipside gear makes those dungeons incredibly easy
If you have short queue times yes
No, it gives crap exp. It also has by far the worst players ever. You get to enjoy a 30 minute run with 3 level boosted sprouts that can barely function.
Aether doesn't really have that issue as very few people have the ambition to actually be main tank, and certainly no one to fight over it
Nothing pleases me more than watching some guy who is delusional about real women thinking they all love vanilla sex
all day today I've been getting nothing but sub-1k DPS tanks in my stormblood dungeons while leveling. What's the deal with that?
On my last Orbonne run, I was MTing for half the run until, for whatever fucking reason, one of the other tanks Provoked the Dullahan before Orlandeu from me. I wasnt low on health and that mob section is a snooze but this fucker wanted to be MT so bad I let him take the reigns. And of course, he's the tank that kept fucking up mechanics on the next boss.
RDM is aways using close to all it´s skills and moving in and out of the fight while keeping up the balance of the spells. How is this boring when there´s a class that´s literally a turret?
Reminder that Viera SLUTS belong to Hrothgar COCKS.
Trannies aren’t women
because there's no buff timer to maintain
imagine playing rdm when summoner exists
You ate a lot of crayons as a kid didn't you
>ruin mage
why would we want to play that shit when we can play an actual class
Theres some pants on head retarded tanks who think that its a good idea to provoke the boss away from the OT after dying while having Brink of Death debuff. And those same tanks complain on chat about dying to tankbusters when they dont pop their heavier CDs
>queue for an old 24-man
>get by with Assize and Asylum alone
>AST pips up "why aren't you using medica II??"
>"what's medica II?"
>goes :P
>complains about solo healing at the end
I don't understand why so many suck Medica II's dick so much yet nobody is aware of Cure III's existence at the same time.
This. There's no point to play RDM when SMN has the same level of support while bringing flat out more damage.
>Whoever told you there aren't people like this on Primal were lying to you.
Yea Forums told me this, when I asked you guys couldn't stop tripping over yourself to screech don't go to any aether server and to go to ultros
I never should have listened
So, you get World of Darkness for your Alliance Roulette, as usual.
The 3 tanks are 1 Paladin, 1 Warrior, and 1 Dark Knight.
Who MTs? there is a correct answer
The DRG.
Cure 3 requires your gaggle of tards to be in a certain spot to get hit by it
the paladin because they're always the retards that sit on tank stance
Medica 2 is the absolute most potent and MP efficient spell in the WHM kit.
That said, you see it used more often in pugs because pugs are too stupid to stack up for Cure 3.
You're assuming we give a fuck about which class technically does more damage when optimized perfectly. If we gave a fuck about that, we wouldn't play RDM as our caster.
We play RDM because it's fun as fuck and we enjoy it. And, most people don't play their class optimally, therefore a good RDM will still out-DPS most people they party up with.
It's because medica 2 puts an icon next to your name, there's a bunch of retards that don't know how to play but if they see an icon or a flashy spell effect then they think things are going well
correct answer but wrong reason
Paladin because GUB isn't a thing yet
You guys are retards easily distracted by some bright lights
All 3. Half the melee die to cleaves.
Anyone got FC for my alt in Cerberus?
What's the best class to solo potd with?
Warrior because it doesn't have a DPS stance
Warrior because it doesn't have a DPS stance
red mage is the only one with enough dps output to beat the checks and still have enough survivability
>heal-check in ultima's phase transition
>WHMs run out of mp spamming medica/II
>never see a cast of cure III even though the game practically forces the entire 24-man to stack on a single small platform
If we were retards then we would play ruin mage or fire4 mage instead of a job that actually involved constantly pressing many different buttons.
>the only time RDM is optimal is when it's by itself
But why actively act as a disadvantage for your raid? Just because it's fun doesn't matter when you wipe to enrage.
>t. retarded casual who can only play the easiest job in the game, the job every competent player got bored of after 1 week and switched to SMN, the most skill-intensive job in the game
>there are people who play jobs because its fun
You are a joke. RDM is by far the most braindead job in the game, while SMN has the most different buttons to press out of any job.
what have i just witnessed?
Yeah user, that's why you play the caster that locks half its buttons and then makes them shiny when they are usable just to limit your fucks up, you play with training wheels because you aren't retarded
If I wanted an easy job i'd play one where I only had to spam fire 4 and ruin + some aetherflow dumping once every minute
The BLM who forgot to use diversion
>he doesn't want luscious lion mommies
>she doesn't want to be a delicious lioness
What is wrong with you "people"?
>SMN has the most different buttons to press out of any job
yiff in hell furfag
You know you just told me to get laid, right?
summoner presses buttons once every minute and then spends the rest of the time spamming ruin. try again
Post Pineapple Mango.
yiff in hell furfag
Exactly! Time sensitive buttons. Next level you fucking idiot.
What did they mean by this?
I like BRD because its brainless.
she's probably talking about Matoya and how she'll be possessed by her
>enter final room
>actually watch the cutscene
>rest of my team's finishing it off once I get back
Warrior is main tank because defiance extra healing scaling is broken in lvl 50 content, so you can crit aldo him and he doesn't need heals for awhile. This allows healers to do extra damage which speeds up the encounter.
But of course this is all implying that healers actually dps in duty finder and the warrior isn't a retard with his cooldowns. If your duty finder group is extra bad then it's a different scenario.
>Next level
next level brainlet class maybe
Paladin because the only combo is has at 50 is an aggro combo.
Because nobody got it yet
The paladin because they literally only have an aggro combo. They can't do anything but sit in sword oath and spam rage of balone.
Then you'll love Red Mage too.
finally. someone got it right
WAR does more damage, has better mitigation and can keep aggro even if the OT PLD is spamming Halone
175/370 unique items crafted and 3.5k/10k HQ crafts for the armorer achievements! Gonna be farming mythrite sand all night when I get home, wish me luck v!
With the changes to enmity scaling for tank stances a long time ago, a paladin spamming rage of halone in sword oath will never pull aggro from any other tank in their tank stance
>tfw can't do Fordola for three months
>Blue Mage: 0
Hell no.
Will do, friend!
Professions by usefulness / moneymaking?
Cool. livestream your suicide
Why would the other tank be in tank stance when pld only has an aggro combo?
>pull in defiance, pop unleashed, pop the dh crit attack buff I forget the name of
>watch as your aggro shoots through the roof since your most damaging combo at that level is butchers block and you don't have cleaves
>drop defiance when unleashed ends, never have to worry about aggro because of previous point
It's going to be GNB. If it's not I'm going to go suck my own dick. Dont screenshot this.
>be me
>mouth literally resembles a puckered ass hole
>people say my breath stinks
>Staying in tank stance for longer than it takes to get an enmity lead
WAR factually does slightly more damage with no stance. They should not be fighting the PLD.
The entire group could do more damage if your tiny dick just dropped stance.
Might want to reread that first sentence, champ
You got it wrong
It does more damage than the PLD on the same MT position on top of having Inner Beast and being able to ignore the damage penalty every 90 sec
Rachel Aldana
>Staying in tank stance
Typical brainlet
It's fucking duty finder, who gives a shit? They design that content to be cleared easily by anyone as long it has the standard 1 tank, 2 healers, and 5 dps composition. Whoever wants to MT gets to do it and if none steps up to the plate and aggro goes everywhere then kick them for being incompetent at their role.
>no arguement
>moves the goal post
Noob here. Should I start buying the highest lvl clothes once I've got the gil or should I just wear what the MSQ gives me?
Gonna be a while.
I said will do: not when.
I intend to die of old age.
MSQ. No need to buy shit.
BLM you fool
Because you have it wrong, user. Enmity is so easy to keep nowadays and your typical pug so subpar that even without your them popping Diversion, you'll need to perform one hate combo in tank stance and you'll be good for the rest of the encounter.
So why would you, a Warrior be sitting in tank stance when you could be doing more damage off tanking because the only thing the PLD can do at level 50 is perform RoH (in Sword Oath) on repeat?
I think I would rather be fingered by Freddy the gods damned Krueger.
What is the point of this FC?
Stick it in a spreadsheet, inner beast does not make up for the damage penalty from defiance. Thus you should not be in defiance. Doing more damage even with defiance on is irrelevant because that pld is spamming halone no matter what.
The only thing worth doing is unchaining off cooldown to get some boosted IBs in.
Ok i'll just leave it for teleports
Easy to tell you've never stepped foot in challenging content. Complete ignorance about basic facts.
the sole purpose of mass invite FCs is to farm FC credits and have people put shit in the FC bank and then eventually the leader runs off with it.
Just another example of a cesspool FC that invites everyone. Exclusively for casual shitters.
>don't use the move that negates tank stance damage penalty in content where you dont have a dps stance and don't drop tank stance when that buff is about to run out
What did they mean by this
>egi glamours
About time, but I was kind of hoping they'd do away with egis altogether and rebuild SMN around trances and primal ultimate abilities. But then I guess Blue Mage got those.
And AF4 will probably be another slutglam.
Dont be absurd. Its been months if not years without anything meaningful to do in that game.
>world of darkness
>get to the three anemos
>place the marks B - C - A
>everyone's confused and one was pulled
>people scrambling everywhere, only three people left in middle platform
>nobody hits the pads and everyone falls off
Never fails to amuse me how simple waymark fuckery can wipe in fucking world of darkness.
>no argument
I do savage raids btw
Is SAM fun? I'm kinda tempted to level one just so I can play it while wearing the genta/genji set.
What are FC credits?
Sort of.
fun is subjective. I like it but your opinion may vary.
Is MNK a dead job?
A type of currency the FC gets for doing many things. The more people you have, your FC credits shoot through the roof. You use it to buy items, upgrade the FC level, or purchase FC buffs.
I like it. It's also not busted so the devs spends the entire expansion trying to fix it.
ask again in july
Can't wait for Warrior to get Warcry which is a straight 10% damage up party buff on a 90 second cooldown.
Stone gear sets when lev 50,60, and 70.
There was a pony FC on my server called Moon.
>should be spending time clearing Heavensward since I just got back into game recently
>spend another 10 hours grinding deep dungeons and doing random raids I missed out
God fuck kill me
Why doesn't this game have more "fun items" to use? Like in WoW you got noggenfogger elixer, savory deviate, parachutes, etc.
so tired of the same 3 furniggers posting the same pictures in every thread
More of a dead end job, really.
Reminder to report all people that advertise clear selling in party finder. It's bannable now.
I quit after completing Heavensward MSQ. before then I had been on again/off again playing the game but never stuck around for more than a month. How are things with stormblood and how do things appear to be headed with shadowbringers? Does the game appear to have longevity? I mostly play for story content because I'm an asocial pleb so is the stormblood story at least decent?
Yes. It's like they took the best parts of a being melee dps and rolled it into one. You can also top damage numbers for the ego boost.
I'm afraid for SAM and RDM. The package as it is right now just works, if they're tacking on more they risk ruining it.
The new jobs might be good for the same reason, as might be the ones that are getting the biggest reworks.
I'm still in the 50s. Dunno how you guys level so fast. I've seen people who have leveled multiple classes even. Fascinating.
you get bonus exp when you level up classes that are lower level than your highest level class. if I can recall it's 200% for 1-50, 150% for 51-60, and only stock rates for 61-70. this also doesn't touch on the many other things that boost exp like playing on a preferred world, having the shadowbringers preorder earrings, using fc buffs, etc.
Deep Dungeon you smoker of cocks. You can literally smoke a cock while doing it.
Does it even work if they sell it for gils?
kys SMN tranny
go whine to yoshi p about how you're doing less damage than a BLM and cant summon a primal army
Doing leveling roulette everyday doesn't take long.
It's legal if its gil but it's obviously never gil. You can't trade or mail items to people in cross world parties.
Iunno, man. RDM could do with some extra shit. Their AoE is pretty boring, and more melee stuff wouldn't hurt. En-spells might be nice. I'm more concerned about BLM.
the game has been out for a while now
No one is selling ultimates for gil, maybe for trials you could find someone selling it for gil.
Ikr? Fuck BRD
Waiting for DNC is pain.
off the top of my head, RDM could do without Tether and cross role skills like Break and Drain. Also, Impact could easily be merged with Jolt. If you cast Jolt, your next Jolt cast becomes Impact.
>player with AoE marker chases after player with stack marker and wipes the party
>Ranged Tank
GUN just sounds better to say in chat.
>people still don't know how akh morn works
I quit pretty early on in Heavensward.
Thinking of coming back after I get bored of Division 2
I like bard because I like having a lot of buttons to press
It sound fucking retarded.
Hate PotD because people are retarded and pull things they don't need to and FATE grind is just inefficient. My leveling is dead.
Not as retarded as GUB or GBR.
Gunbreaker's gunblades look to be as much of a ranged weapon as MonHun's gunlances are.
It's GBK dummies.
hell yeah
>pull things they dont need to
This so fucking much, holy shit mouthbreathers PLEASE leave.
Bonus points:
>suicide rushes into a room with 10+ enemies, wiping the entire duty.
Is there anything more fun than purposely Rescuing people into oncoming aoes?
shooting people off cliffs in seal rock
Oh yeah thats a good one. Holmganging/Unmending people into the train in Hidden Gorge is great too.
Welcome back on Yoshi's wild ride user.
what did shadowbringers mean by this
Based. I go out of my to knock tranny au ras off cliffs.
Crystal Tower nigga
Rescuing a BLM after they moved to they're Leylines.
FFXVI will be a service game ala destiny/anthem
I hope it's Comrades but bigger.
kys freak. why are you so obsessed with comrades shit?
How about if it was Monster Hunter but with a Final Fantasy skin?
If Yoshida were to retire as Director AND Producer of FFXIV, who would replace him?
what's that you wanted to farm alphascape parts to gear up an alt class? too bad you get to run the fights several times and lose every roll
>go healer in eureka
>NM popped, place myself in a somewhat safe location with fewer roaming monsters
>see a party member is on the other side with a bunch of monsters prowling about
>rescue him so he doesn't pull anything
>an aoe pops up under me as I do
>he thinks I tried to kill him
I swear I was trying to help.
>Between the Lines
I would imagine someone within the ranks of ffxiv devs.
theres one already on the 3DS, forgot its name
No one could which is why he hasn't retired from those positions. But if you look at the XIV team, it has changed quite a bit since ARR. A lot of people have moved up or moved onto other projects, some while staying associated with FFXIV. What's important is that it seems Yoshida is nurturing a new generation of developers who, I hope, he has been delegating A LOT of FFXIV's day-to-day stuff with. I wouldn't be surprised if Yoshida isn't making a lot of the calls these days. Only the big stuff will he weigh in much.
Final Fantasy explorers. It was bad.
Yes, but making them cast it twice messes up their rotation entirely.
>still loses the match
>timing it during their F1 cast so they drop enochian
lock me up with these 2 sluts
Not for very long. BLM can recover very quickly if anything messes them up. All it takes is a swiftcast or triplecast to get them back into the game and continue as if nothing happened.
Whats a good way to get a hefty sum of company seals fast?
why?, i have it installed but never played it
I'm not sure what that is. I basically only have time to play like an hour or two a day. I'm struggling through msq still. Feels like I have been for a year.
Spam expert
Turn in gear.
1. Ventures, you can hold like 16,000 ventures total.
2. Artisan (level 50 crafter) gear. Desynth it, and hope you get demimateria from it to either sell or use for future gear.
3. Dark Matter, for repairs if you are a crafter and for some reason don't want demimateria.
4. glamour prisms I guess
How's that ultimate clear going? You're not a casual are you?
Its when you put a dick in your mouth and treat it like a cigarette.
I am.
If you have crafting leveled it's the best way, if you get one of those star trade ins at level 70 you get 3.5k for one HQ. Leveling roulette gets you 3k a day too. If you have tomes saved up and not using you can buy rings with them and trade them in for seals.
Burn it with a lighter?
whoops, this is what to spend on. You just need to turn in gear. Roll on everything nigga. Everything. There is no reason to not roll on items. Expert delivery is the easiest shit ever. Current alliance set gives almost 1500 seals per piece of gear. Nobody rolls on it when I do ghimlyt dark, I usually walk out with 9k seals just from that.
>6'1 220lbs 310lbs rep on bench
>enjoy anthro characters like Charr and Hrothgar
>no desire to own a fursuit or go to a furcon
>no fursona, and don't identify as furry
I'm going to play Hrothgar and you can't stop me.
no one is stopping you
they are however judging you
Awful lot of justification there
>seething garlean
>wasting a 150s cd ability to slightly slow down a BLM
the absolute state of healsluts
They can judge all they want.
At the end of the day: they're probably twinky little bitchbois or lardasses, and I'm not.
>6'1 220lbs 310lbs rep on bench
whats up chicken legs?
I leveled SAM mostly so I could wear the Vaan jacket and balance arguments aside it is pretty fucking fun to play. It's easily my favorite DPS job by far and I'm not even a weeb. I really hope they don't do any significant changes to it in SHB, it's damn near perfect as it is.
Same but homo
I squat 410, where you at?
sure you aren't lol
Combat is button mashy without much thought put into actions, suffers from major slowdowns (only way to make it less worse is to use overclock homebrewwith New 3DS), music is forgettable, story is about as generic as monster hunter, overall just yet another bad monster hunter clone Japan seems to love to pump out.
Make healers more interesting. Not like rescue is needed to rescue people because they know the fight. Messing with people is more amusing than casting another broil
you sound really secure about yourself lad
this game doesnt pander as much as wow to zoomers who just want to dick around for the memes. Also a lot of shit like the parachutes downright wouldnt work with xiv's crappy physics engine.
Oh I know it's not high, but it's not leglet territory.
Nigger you're a faggot from a mile away if you need to talk about how hetero you are.
>Saves your run from wiping due to netflix healer
Thanks guys. Ended up delievering 35k seals worth of items.
I pointed out that I'm not gay specifically to piss off all these "Hrothgar are gay furries" bitchbois.
>join "midcore" static
>take nearly 2 months of 2 lockouts per week to clear o7s
>don't even get to god kefka
>every initial clear i got was with pubs on my own time
>motivation to raid at alltime low
>don't even touch 9-12
how do i find people that don't get out dps'd by a red mage while they're on monk?
t. gay furry in denial
Would you like to see my penis?
t. delusions
No but got a discord?
yeah you are pretty delusional
anyone know what song is being used as a base when the sin eater cuts the WoL's bow?
>going out of your way to talk about how not gay you are
confirmed fag
6'1. 310lbs reps. Only 220lbs.
Sounds like you a little top heavy. Chicken legs much?
Start your own, poach the decent players, and kick baddies
That's what I did
Perhaps you should have solicited party members in one of those pugs you joined.
Yeah, sorry I can't bench as much as you weigh.
You can work at being strong and healthy without being a bodybuilder, user.
I squat 410. Not amazing, but not chicken legs.
I'm pretty sure that's just original music at that point.
chiekn leg motherfucker right here. yoship needs to add a bird type race so this faggot can live out his dream of being a chicken legged cock
>being this desperate for validation
hrothgar are the new male aura
don't make fun of his hetero jo crystals
remove tether
give them scatter 2 sometime from 70-80
and yeah, do that jolt bit, that'd be some excellent QoL shit.
oh and give them a way to get mana back besides lucid, anything will do.
Everything in the SHB trailer is original music except for the part where it shows the new town
The reason impact isn't a replacement for jolt is because you might have no other procs while impactful is at
Why is it called SHB? 3 letters?
Heavensward was 2 letters. HW.
Stormblood was 2 letters. SB
Why SHB? You sound fucking retarded.
>oh and give them a way to get mana back besides lucid, anything will do.
Granted, you can now drain your white/black mana to refill your MP. Draining 100 of each gives you back 20% of your MP bar
this could be remedied by letting you finish the spell if you start it before the proc falls off
but that'd be a little *too* generous
to differentiate it from Stormblood dipshit
I think that would be better than the current retarded system
I mean, there *are* situations that would still be useful
but if it was like, 35% it'd be way better
>sound retarded
>calls others dipshit
Way to prove him wrong, jackass.
i just call it SD
but then i get confused and think about dota
Didn't they put him on the board of Managers recently? And he said he would only do it if he can continue doing FFXIV like he does atm? I mean.. he is the Producer, he just assigns people to work and checks off things. I highly doubt he is the one making the design decisions and calling shots. At best he is just the guy who keeps everyone in check, so it doesn't become a bloated mess again.
The thing that makes Yoshida special and that is a Vibe i've never gotten from MMO devs before. He and his team to an extent are all people who play the game actively and see what is going wrong and what is going right. And when people talk about great directors in games, no one brings up Yoshida for having the balls to remake a MMO while the current one is running in just under two years.
He is the madmen we need.
And we certainly don't deserve the pure goodness that is Yoshida
>say retarded shit that you didn't even stop to think about for 3 seconds
>get mad at being called a retard
do i save sheltron for tank busters?
He is director and producer, he talked some time ago about him searching for someone to replace him as a producer.
use it when you're at 100 gauge so you don't waste gauge
I mean you're probably not wrong but first you used an anecdotal argument and second it probably changes a lot depending of the area you live in and the culture surrounding it.
Yes and for AoEs so you can get Shield Swipe procs when you're not tanking for extra DPS
That's a nice butt.