Why is she so badly written?
Why is she so badly written?
i dont like it = badly written
WoW has been badly written all along, especially since WoTLK.
Its quite the opinion though, even Reddit said her character is shit.
reddit is full of retards who cry about anything bad happening
if they had their way the alliance and horde would be best friends and nothing would ever challenge them
If you can't see how badly it is written you have never watched a decent movie or read a decent book. Now this all wouldn't be a problem but this is literally Garrosh 2.0 and its fucking boring at this point.
Metzen left.
>people unironically want Thrall again
Fucking kill yourself.
Bunch of autists inserting their power fantasies into their waifu.
It applies to all modern WoW writing. It all just reads like a terrible fanfiction because that's what it basically is because Blizzard only hires autistic fanboys. All the fucking retconning, the ridiculous "powerlevels"... it went completely out of hand because a huge group of manchildren are trying to come up with an """epic story""" and everyone wants to insert their childish ideas.
I would
The powerup is fucking retarded and nothing makes sense. Both story and in game wise. Just try to level up a new character and you will see what they fuck is this retarded shit. Compare this to FF XIV. Blizzard is really out of touch.
Describe Sylvanas WITHOUT saying what she looks like, what kind of costume she wears, or what her profession or role in the game is.
angry, bad, psychopath, revenger
She's being written by bad writers.
Because she has to be the root of all evil, like they would never show the complexities of the power-dynamics in a coalition of leaders supporting a war and the various interests they pursue. Like the removal of Baine. What we get from this is a bunch of leaders, who represent the all of the horde, meekly bitching to some random hero. Is the command structure of the 'horde' really so stable? Are some of the founding members of the horde going to sit there and take it when Sylvannus just straight arrests a founding member and race leader? Can we have anything? No she was always evil and probably corrupt? K
Like Blizzard just has a cache of main characters they do nothing with, a sclerotic plot that has had nothing groundbreaking happen in a while that wasn't tinsel dressing. Its been hitting the same beats for years, even as the player experience changes the story remains the same.
>there are nu-blizzard paypig trannies still subbed to this game
>they will all reply to this post with "I use my gold to pay lol its free ecks deeeeeeee"
Let's hear it trannies
achieved the vengeance which drove her to survive hardship and is now becoming what she sought to destroy
She’s always been comically evil, it would be garrosh 2.0 of she had some sort of nuance and pulled a 180 into mustache twirling villainy, but she’s always been evil
Angry is an emotion, not a characteristic, and "revenger" is a plot motivation.
"Bad" and "Psychopath" are too vague to really mean anything. That's the same as Christian Bale in American Psycho, Tyler Durden, or basically anyone from Mad Max.
That's her role in the story.
its so fucking retarded that i cant fathom how can they write such a fucking mess.
>arrest baine
>taurens still follow sylvanas for no reason
its just 1 tiny bit of fucking retarded writing. At this rate I could work for Blizzard and shit out a bettter story.
But she is always angry, because she is an angry person. are u retarded kid?
>make a banshee, warchief
>stand surprised by the controversial shit she does
Uh, user?
Name literally one reason why they killed off Vol'jin like that
Yeah there is none they just wanted to make Sylvanas warchief because she's their waifu
Stop treating it like a fantasy setting and treat it as what it actually is, capeshit. Once you realize WoW is now written by and for Marvel/GoT fans and not LOTR/WH fans everything starts to make sense.
>her writing is so bad she can only express a single emotion
i have to cringe at blizzard
>make the fucking zuljin leader for 1 week
>dies to random NPC
>KILLS THOUSANDS OF ALLIANCE AND HORDE ppl meanwhile azeroth dies
So I'll break it down for you: Sylvanas has always been on the darker side of grey, but she has consistently been justified in her decisions and practically minded. Unlike Garrosh, who was consistently shown to be short-sighted, arrogant, and unable to cooperate, Sylvanas at least understood the practical importance of alliances and long-term planning. As warchief, there was opportunity for her character to grow, by forcing her to consider the welfare of the entire Horde, not just the Forsaken, we could have gotten the chance to see her lose a bit of her edge and potentially redeem herself as a capable and effective leader for the entire Horde, which they've been lacking for a decade now.
Instead Blizzard shoehorns her into another corruption arc by consistently making her do the dumbest things possible at the dumbest possible moments, ignoring all her careful plotting in favor of rash impulses and pointless destruction.
Now her character is basically ruined. She committed genocide, and sparked the flames of civil war in the Horde. If you had any hope of Sylvanas becoming a sympathetic, or even heroic character, that's all gone now. If Sylvanas comes out of this expansion alive and forgiven of her crimes, it will be seen as one of the biggest ass-pulls in Blizzard history, and make her even more unpopular with the fanbase. More likely, they're going to pull another Garrosh, have her descend into complete evil and depravity, and kill her off in a cutscene. Either way, fans of her character get fucked.
>That's her role in the story.
no, her role in the story is currently to be the antagonist to both factions
As far as I know, since the blade that Vol'jin got one-shot from, was cursed/poisoned. Therefore, he was hallucinating or someone that was not Bwonsamdi told him to make Sylvanas, Warchief.
>Garrosh slowly progresses from misunderstood to genocidal maniac over the course of 4 expansions
>12 seconds after being made Warchief, Sylvanas burns down Teldrassil because a Night Elf made fun of her for trying to melee a DK as an MM Hunter
Okay, but why the fuck would they write such fucking garbage? This makes no sense. It's literally "*teleports behind u* *kills u*" tier writing.
You mean entire franchise?
Eh it was a little longer than 12 seconds since after having her plans of enslaving Valkyrie foiled she did absolutely nothing for the rest of legion
She burnt that tree to morally grey ashes for a morally grey story where Blizzard has assured me both sides are neither right not wrong.
They killed off Vol'jin, because Alliance players would've bitched real hard if Varian was only faction leader to die in the hands of Legion.
Also it's possibility they're picking a leader who's more capable putting the war in Warcraft. Garrosh did fine with that before going for some of that Old God heart.
Reminder everyone was fine with betraying Garrosh for much less but her fanboys scream "TRAITOR!!!" to anyone who defies their queen waifu.
Because moving away fromt he RTS format was a shit decision
literally the only right answer
I want to marry and impregnate a Night/Blood/Void Elf.
>tfw love Garrosh and Sylvanas, and absolutely detest Thrall
>tfw these people have infected tabletop too.
I would legitimately rather have it be harry potter and twilight fans than this normalfag power fantasy forced controversy garbage.
Shes actually the most consistent and well written character in all of warcraft.
i'm glad teldrassil got burned down because it's an exciting event
the plot twist will be that nzoth is actually the good guy.
sylvanas realized this and is trying to lay a path for both factions to unite under the old god banner against an even bigger threat, the light.
>Character devolves into acting like a retard cause Blizzard wants 3 women as leads this expansion
>"lol crybabies"
Even fucking Jaina in Cata was retarded
>people want peace in World of Warcraft
She had such potential to be a interesting character. But thats new blizzard in general
Because Warcraft itself is badly written. Stop focusing on that retarded capeshit and come to the well crafted Partisan Warhammer club instead.
She has done literally nothing out of character. It's the rest of the horde that's being retarded.
>t. Vanilla questlines
>tfw no warhammer fantasy mmo
fuck mythic and fuck ea
>tfw your idea of 3rd faction made up of Illidan's Naga, Blood Elves, Fel Orcs and Draenei will forever be only your headcanon
Genuinely misunderstood evil faction.
>killing off blue Thrall was comparable to killing off red Mekkatorque
>tfw no playable Scourge faction
The only evil ones of those were Naga and Fel orcs.
>free will
>Warhammer MMO would have been a thing with Blizzard if GW wasn't such a greedy jew
>Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Meme Elves, Worgen
>Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Goblins, Ogres
>Night Elves, Pandas, Vrykul, Wowdraenei, Dragonkin
>Undead, Blood Elves, Naga, Draenei, Nerubians
muh four factions
>blood elves not evil
hello lorelet
Oh, there was one. There was one.
I know that feel. But don't worry Warhammer doesn't need to be tied down to one mmo like Warcrap.
>giving a single fuck about retail story
Also Sylvanas died in the Wrath of the Lich King, everything after that is just SJW bullshit.
hence why i said fuck mythic and ea
>using hero engine
what the fuck were they thinking
Because the writers are bad.
Even Metzen was better than this
For me it's the Dawi, the best faction and race to hang out with.
Fuck off, before WoW became a thing, they were a faction dealt a shit hand trying to make most of it.
>Worgen, Pandas, Vrykul, Dragonkin
Fuck off WoWbaby, these never should've existed
they literally start serving Kil'jaeden at the end of their own campaign
>Arthas wasn't a baddie because you sympathize with him!
your logic rn
>conveniently ignore the task which K'J gives Illidan which is killing Ner'Zhul who is responsible for sacking Quel'Thalas
>conveniently ignore that Illidan went to Outland in hopes of not being found by the Legion
>"Hey, K'J, I don't want serve the Legion"
>*gets Finger of Pain'd
I dunno man kinda gay to fill the night elf faction with furbolgs and dryads. I'd make OC races specifically for this purpose but I pretty much explicitly can only work with canon material for this.
I guess I could just expand heavily on dryads, furbolgs, mountain giants to make them interesting on their own like with tauren between wc3 and wow.
I really liked Worgen and wanted to play as one and was really interested in seeing gilneas, but actually now that I think about it it would be more true to gilneas potential story wise if they were on the undead faction. The problem is what the fuck would fit well on the alliance as their replacement?
I'd say that they should bring Thrall back but now he's just a mary sue.
she had some nuance before wotlk since her motivations weren't really clear and her vendetta vs arthas was her entire character up until that point. but after the wrathgate it became blatantly apparent that she and the forsaken don't give a shit about the horde, and the story had been ignoring that fact for over a decade until BfA. turning her into a villain could've been cool if they didn't already do the exact same shit with garrosh. it feels creatively bankrupt to pull a story beat so obvious that people had been calling it for years while also retreading similar ground with "faction leader turned evil" simultaneously, and on the same faction no less.
i really hate what warcraft lore has become. so much potential just flushed straight down the toilet.
His hunch never should've been there in the first place
Also I'd argue that any pure worldbuilding materials (races and locations) pre-cata is perfectly in line with Warcraft 3. When I played WC3 I always looked up guides for how to get a panda buddy. It's really autistic to say that they're a WoW thing.
>conveniently ignores Kael's fall to evil and character progression through the game
>how he talks to Tyrande and how there is a hunger now that is hardening his peoples' heart and how Tyrande tries to advise him against it succumbing to that darkness
>how he fights against his one time ally Maiev
>how at first he is obsessed with saving the lives of his people and begs Garithos to spare them but at the end of blood elves campaign literally sends his men to die in zerg attacks and fortified demon positions before Akama & friends show up whole Illidan praises his peoples' zeal
>how he literally tells Illidan his people are Illidan's and where Illidan goes they follow
based dialogue skipper
>bring back Thrall
Please, kill yourself.
Just revive Garrosh and have him lead
Thrall only turned to shit in WotLK when they flanderized the character to make him a foil to Garrosh, just like Jaina
At last, a comment saying what's wrong in a clear manner. (Never played wow)
>i really hate what warcraft lore has become. so much potential just flushed straight down the toilet.
They could have gone so many ways with it, but choose the most shitty options at every turn
THERE MUST ALWAYS BE A LICH KING was, in my opinion, the beginning of the end.
I don't want them to because he's shit now. I use to like him before Blizzard fucked him up.
They were a joke and making them playable characters and basing an entire expansion on them was retarded. Also
Only vanilla WoW was in line. Burning Crusade shat the bed with retcons and brown orcs.
>fights against Maiev
Yeah, the vengeance obsessed jailer is so deserving of loayalty
>how at first he is obsessed with saving the lives of his people and begs Garithos to spare them but at the end of blood elves campaign literally sends his men to die in zerg attacks and fortified demon positions before Akama & friends show up whole Illidan praises his peoples' zeal
He and his people fought to make Outland their new home. Some sacrifices are worth it.
>how he literally tells Illidan his people are Illidan's and where Illidan goes they follow
Illidan promised him a way to sate the hunger for magic so duh
The only way to fix warcraft lore is to go back in time and stop them from ever making World of Warcraft
U fuckers always complain about writing. Then I see u fucking cuckolds praising games like Planescape Torment which is easily the most autistic writing I've ever encountered in a video game. Pls tell me what is good writing to you.
>U fuckers
Are you indian or underage?
>missing the point and justifying villain actions
literally muh arthas did nothing wrong tier
Who aren't in wow?
Older than u faget
because christie golden
Id rather have apothecary putress as warchief
non-canon just like everything past sunwell
wow is a bunch of fanfiction written by true nerds back when it was good, ever since it got taken over by SJW onions faggit cuck nigger faggit tranny puke loving homo deranged insane mentally ill scum it gotten worse, so has everything else.
>ignoring the point
What great genocides has Arthas committed in Illidan's name?
I mean Kael
Yes was always evil so I don't see why are people mad over her, like if you want to complain is the troll fault for putting her there
Stop trying so hard and take off your name, retard
>wanting a Green swede
yeah no giv us Garrosh back and a apologize for warlords of draenors and BFA
>Planescape Torment which is easily the most autistic writing I've ever encountered in a video game
Haven't played Warcraft games since The Frozen Throne.
So, what's going on?
When will I get WC4 which continues from where TFT left?
we go to outland and find grom's kid, eventually thrall resigns as warchef and puts the kid (whose older than thrall) in charge. He gets usurped and thrall puts vol'jin the witch doctor who turned rexxar into a wyvern, in charge of the horde, vol'jin gets got by a felguard and sylv becomes warchief
yeah and the forsaken joined the horde
At least Garrosh had a reason even if stupid. This bitch just acts evil for the sake of it.
Waiting eagerly for her redemption arc and her turning into a xel'naga angel
>who turned rexxar into a wyvern
Wait, what
in the bonus orc campaign in TFT you go to the troll islands and vol'jin turns you into a wyvern so you can sink jaina's dad's ships
Here's your lead writer bro.
Did something recently happen with her?
Games like 50 years old, stories gonna get recycled at some point.
I fucking hate Nathanos. Sylvanas turned to be shit but damn... this one goes even beyond that.
I agree with most of what you're saying, but Baine isn't a founding member, he's the second generation Horde Tauren leader, and he's also a traitorous whore who would gladly sell his people into slavery if it meant he could spend more time sucking human cock.
Unironical yikes.
Reminder that 90% of hate is unwarranted because if Blizzard didn't hide the explanation for her actions and actually put them in the game she'd be a completely reasonable character
There's no depth to her character. Describe her motivations in more than five sentences without resorting to a summary of her history and actions taken thus far.
Oh now I understand how the fuck nathanos got to beat Tyrande while she is the literal fucking incarnation of Elune
why were we fighting illidan in tbc?
because the wind chimes told us to. also epic loot.
You mean her desire of killing everything and controlling everything because she knows best? That's what's on her mind according to the pre-quel BfA book.
The whole "undead resist the void gods better" while true, is not the reason why she is being a massive cunt.
>The whole "undead resist the void gods better"
cant wait to team back up with the burning legion because demons resist the void even better than undead (which were created by demons)
Tits do not need good writing.
Because you cant have women characters not be mary sues or its "sexist."
Reminder that Worgen are not a race, they're a curse, and people with said curse would have human children.
Also the animal-like races are still humanoids and would have human dicks.
>Do the Mag'har Allied Race questline
>Get told by the faggy dragon that this is the one timeline where Garrosh goes full retard
>In other timelines he was the best Warchief to ever exist
God I hate Blizzard even more for typing this after fucking him up.
user yo know we're not allowed to have any Horde leaders better than Thrall
They explained away too much of the mystique of the setting in the Chronicle books.
Now it's generic and mundane.
Fuck Night elves and fuck trees.#I'mWithHer
That three women shit was so flimsy. Did anyone give a shit about the troll princess?
that and it showcases how little they care about continuity, like how they establish that the yak people of pandaland descend from tauren, only to do a 180 and say tauren evolved from yak people. or how they made that dumb "boss" in halls of stone that's only there for an exposition dump tell us incorrect information. the only reason to keep up with warcraft lore is to see all the dumb twists and turns it makes like a shitty homemade bottle rocket
>Night Elves were forced out of their home and are now living out of Stormwind, with the most likely situation them being taken in by Human families
>This means they're probably far more open now to Human husbands
Thank you based Sylvanas for giving me a purple Elf wife.
>You'll never have a harem consisting of one High Elf, Night Elf, Blood Elf and Nightborne Elf.
Feels bad.
>The writer is a woman
Forgot a Void Elf.
If they could do it with jaina, I wouldn't be surprised they do it with her.
I'd do it with Jaina until she bears my children.
I actually really liked Warhammer Online and thought it was better than WoW. What the fuck happened?
>literally muh arthas did nothing wrong tier
But it's true. The fact that you wowbabies think it's a meme shows how much WoW story is trash and full of rectons.
Jaina is old and has no children, you'll either have a useless barren wife or a bunch of autists with magic.
One word: Golden, she is one of the worst writers and their giving her creative control. She's literally rewriting the older games now to make Sylvanas and Jaina into super badasses, thus making their arcs even stupider
I still love her.