Rate my UMU

Rate my UMU

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Other urls found in this thread:


>11/10 would bang


An acceptable work of art!

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>Anons automatically think gacha when thinking Fate now

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kys famlam.

husband, what have I told you about looking at other servants

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Tamano is really cute until she starts talking

Nice UMU, going to pillage her ROMA with my anego.

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I want to marry and impregnate Nero!

Bullying Tamamo is the best thing about Tamamo.

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I feel the same way about Nero.

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fake, non-canon saber clone

you know what they say
saberclone a shit

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Hand over that sandwich and any sweets you have on you.

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>muh imperul pribulg

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>Canonically NTRs all Fate GO players who waifu'd/mained her because some shit writer got put in charge of Agartha.

OG Saber a best

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10/10 would kill christians with

Excuse me these maids don’t seem like proper waitresses


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I like to pretend that did not happen, thanks.

That's not Raikou tho

Any young boys around?

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I'm young in spirit

The greatest crime of gachashit is wasting the time of genuinely talented artists

Yes hello, I'm a young boy.


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Flat chests are not important.

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Scathach is C U T E.

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to an artist, they're a goldmine

the whole game is just people rolling for pictures, and people get obsessed with the games because they trigger gambling addictions. You have both the developers hiring more artists to draw more softcore stuff for them, and people that live off of drawing fanart benefit from having more people obsessed with the game commissioning artwork of their waifus. The only ones thrown to the dogs here are the people playing the games, but everything looks good from the point of view of an artist.

Would watch a black man fuck her

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But she's my wife.

violetclone a shit

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My emperor is the best

>mad roastie

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Are you a black man?

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What's the appeal of this generic bland slut? She looks like your average northern swede/finn, nice to begin with but then it gets boring.

That's not even sheer clothing, she's just naked! You can't post the perfect housewife like this, think of the ADVERTISERS!

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I just did.

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I love torpedo tits so much

I only have 1 extra ticket for the LUCHA match.

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Poor Archimedes.

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Too bad her tits aren't that big in the game

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It's definitely better than no business, but there are better ways to utilize that kind of illustrative talent. The worst case is animation being wasted on gachashit promotional material. There's already a bit of a drought there in tv, gacha doesn't help that. Definitely better than no business, obviously. Nobody wants to recreate what the US has done to its illustrators.

Post more emperor and less foxslut

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Archimedes was easily the best thing about this game

The perfect wife

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She's USED GOODS anyway.

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Most women on GO roster slept around, their master is just another man on a long list of dicks they rode. Probably not the best either, so I don't see what's the commotion about.

kill yourself liznigger

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It's because Drake is the complete opposite of that kind of character. In Agartha she's under the control of someone else and this is where she starts acting OOC and goes around having random sex without caring who it is. It feels like some kind of mind control + netorare tagged story happening to a character we know wouldn't normally do this.

I volunteer, where do I sign up?

if you could make anyone from FGO dlc in Extella who would you pick

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>Complete opposite of that kind of character
Mate, she's a fucking pirate.

And she acted the exact opposite of what headcanon you guys want to force about her being a slutty pirate. I don't even care about the char myself. I'm just pointing out that a new writer came in to work on Agartha and made a character act extremely different when she got swapped out, to the point where her manner of speaking is even different.

stay mad

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>Passionlip will never smother you with her enormous tits

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Id love to play as mommy Raikou

loli Jeanne Alter, of course.

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Red Saber > Original Saber

Rich fat old bastard here, why do doujin artists want me to steal their waifus away from them?

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That's a funny way to spell Altera

>Jeanne Alter Loli

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Its self insertion, they're already old, fat and ugly. They just fantasize about being rich too

It's so unrealistic though. I'm fucking rich, what does breaking some random shmo's heart do for me?

Nero is the only good saber

Excuse me sir, I believe you've forgotten about my stupid gay wife.

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>seduces Kishinami
>seduces Emiya
>even seduced Poseidon
how do we stop this lewd woman?

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>sits in your path

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She's real hot but I've never played her game.
Should I bother or just keep jerking off to her and that's it?

I want to RAPE Mordred

What are you a faggot?

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Depends. Do you like chuuni JRPGs with VN levels of text and playing a lot of rock paper scissors? Her game is good, but it's a niche genre and not everyone enjoys games of that type.

Dont bother unless you are a big musou guy

f-fuck you too!

Gilles is a man of excellent taste.

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But Extra isn’t a musou

but if she keeps absorbing the magical energy from men at this rate she'll get to Kiara tier and become unstoppable

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Based, putting all other 4* saibas in their place.

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>at this rate she'll get to Kiara tier and become unstoppable
I don't see the problem.

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this is an Extella thread

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That's a big ol maybe considering I've played my fair share of VNs and RPS can be fun.

Literally never played one.

I wish they had kept Extra's gameplay rather than fallen victim to musou shit. I fucking hate those games and their cancerous easy to port engine. All their games play the same and feel the same. The replay value is always shit and for a series like Fate that relies heavily on story it's the worst possible fit. I would kill for a proper Fate themed JRPG with actual choices that lets you pick your class and starting servant. Closest we got to that was Extra/CCC.

Does she actually have the ability to turn people to stone, or is her blood fort supposed to be her power as Medusa?

I'd let out a hot umu right between her big umus

A hot fart between her lips?

>Literally never played one.
Take a fighting game where every character plays using the same exact combo keybinds/combos. Put it in a large level with tons of useless NPC's that are just there for you to kill. Add a handful of objectives and a couple of "bosses" that are a joke to kill even at highest difficulty. Also, enjoy replaying the same 4 maps hundreds of times. Musou is basically the most stale garbage excuse for gameplay out there. Anyone can make a musou game about literally anything and it works. Most games that use this gameplay tend to be shallow and lazy as hell.

All this said, the first Extella is okay (at least the Altera route was entertaining), Link has better gameplay but is complete shit story wise.

Medusa has been nerfed in almost everything she's in, except for Babylon in FGO. She can do pretty much everything in her legend and her original Gorgon form is demi-god tier which means she can't really be a full fledge servant unless she's severely nerfed or a broken class like Beast. Same thing with Quetz which is also in Babylon but nerfed.

>Does she actually have the ability to turn people to stone
yes, and techincally it should fuck up the vast majority of the cast of servants including most of the combatants in the original hgw. I think technically Bellerophon is her noble phantasm and blood fort and her eyes are skills/magics she can use

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Nero, Tamamo and Loli Altera are the only reason I fuck with Fate. Family vibes. Das da gud shit mayne.

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Nero a best

Any armament of a servant inherent to their person is a noble phantasm. So Bellerephon, Bloodfort, and her mystic eyes are all noble phantasms of hers. People seem to forget that servants can have more than one noble phantasm
t. tsukikek who has spent way too much time reading nasuverse shit

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That's almost as silly as
>A strike from the Gae Bolg that will never miss it's target

Sorry Nero, but i've found better Saber. Our contract is over.

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What classes would Dante and Nero be? Rider and Berserker, maybe?

You forgot "My dick".

Not so fast

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Dante and Vergil both qualify for Saber, Archer, and Berserker. Dante also could qualify for Rider and Caster (utilizing Nevan)

Archer because it's completely unbound by rules and can do anything other classes do.

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Haha, not canon.


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blood fort is just a spell though, its not a suit of armor or weapon like saber's half dozen np's

>luck so bad you miss every single time even though you've technically already hit the target before you start thrusting

>tfw Nasu is a hack who didnt think things through so any hand to hand fighter or axe wielder has to be a berserker or get memed into being a rider/assassin

they dont have to be physical, it can be a concept or even a unique method of attack

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I think the worst thing is how many people get memed into being a caster rather than rider or assassin.

She can, she wears those cute glasses in her casual clothes to block its effects.

assassin was a mistake from the start, 90% of them are just "historical figure we couldnt categorize"
>Cleopatra of all people is an assassin

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At least that has a logic to it, they make intellectuals/scientists into casters because big brain=big magic

There are some who absolutely belong as assassin though, such as Jack or semiramis.

She's an assasin cuz she kills with her looks

Why is she a berserker

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a berserker for ants?

I'll never play gacha but I love fateshit art
A goldmine for footfags like me

Because she makes my dick go berserker

I love gorgon!
Pic related it's me and gorgon

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There's Assassins that are dumb, yeah. But I feel they're generally better than caster which became the dumping grounds for 99% of the artistic servants or Berserker which is now just a class of people with extreme autism. Though Berserker has always canonically been the class with the lowest bare to entry, so it's not that it's incorrect, it's just kinda lazy.

>implying Mordred won't rape you only to then have Artoria barge in and rape her son (female) as punishment for sexually abusing anons

Too be fair anyone who goes into a massive fit of rage pretty much fits the bill for berserker, so basically everyone fits the class, it's just not applied too everyone because most servants get fucked from berserker class.

Why is Gorgon so shitty?

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Post proof.

Anyone got some of that brown sugar stuff?
Asking for a friend.

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whoops sorry, I meant: source

my wife and her alternate versions are perfect

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Okita is shocked Hijikatas a berserker so you aren’t alone

Mechanically? Because they have to remind you that the only Avenger that matters is Jalter.

Too much oni blood, which drives her insane everytime she builds too much divine energy (type of insanity depends on class)

Is Extella Link good? I never played Extella.

""""""""""video game"""""""""" discussion

I like to imagine awkward pairing for Holy Grail Wars.
>Japanese guy summons Commodore Perry
>Devout Christian summons Nero
>Chinese insectoid summons Edison
It would makes for some funny moments, I think.

It's a solid musou with the only problem being that it's ridiculously short. It's probably only worth like $30 bucks unless you're really into Fate.

Really surprising to hear that its short. Didn't the first Extella have several storylines you could go through, didnt they continue that for Link? Atleast I have the liking Fate part right.

Both Extella and Extella link are good for your fate fix. Theyre decent enough musous, and they have a bit of fun writing. Its not pure kino nasu writing, but its enough to hold you over till they release the remake
itll come out one day right?

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Is this game in English? youtube.com/watch?v=N7x3GKAHrtA&t=172s

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Extella had multiple main storylines but they were pretty much the same self contained story line, with the exception that you interacted with a different main heroine each time.

Is that the girl weak to anal?

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I like that your UMU can break the rules of a reality bending entity in the name of love so i r8 10/10

unfortunately not, people have started and abandoned CCC translation projects many times but none of them have finished. Someone translated most of Gil's route and thats about it

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What matters is that you're the last dick on your waifus list for the rest of eternity tho

Then I guess I'll stick with Extella if they make anymore

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dont forget to read the og vn and tsukihime too!

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thats why I said 90% and not 100%

simply killing people doesnt make you an assassin though. The word implies a level of secrecy or a hidden motive/funder


shes not even that bad, she just needs a star weight ce or support

its not even that they have to be angry, its that summoning them automatically places them under a spell that renders them insane to some degree regardless of how they were in "life"
You could get the most lucid servant or someone dedicated to enlightenment like Sanzang and summoning them as a berserker would fuck up their mentality

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Im feeling generous

Shes just thrown off because shes so attached to him from life that she cant see how obviously irrational he is. Everyone knew but her, Nobu says as much

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only her alter variant

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It's too late for me to learn about the series because there's too much lore to read, watch, and play. The only games I've played are the Extella games and only watched Last Encore.

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So in the original VN was sex the only way to transfer mana or was that just what Shirou used because he wasn’t a real wizard?

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Mana is naturally transferred between the 2 contractors normally, Shirou and Saber's bond is just fucked up because their summons was done in a shitty way and because Shirou is not a full magus. Thats why when Rin contracts with Saber in UBW Saber is so much stronger in a normal state with her than she is with Shirou even after they mana transfer

In Babylon she's buffed by the grail and Tiamat's Authority though. In life she wasn't that strong.

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A lot of those likely have other methods of defending against petrification or can attach her fast enough that she doesn't have time to petrify them.

Someone likes Momokun

Yeah Im sure Tawara Touta will use his rice mirror to stop the magic eyes

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oh lawd

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Other servants are important to be part of Nero's (and mine!) harem.

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Really short servant.

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Flopped hard.
No one likes her

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>Nasu saying he is going to wrap up Grand Order soon...
Are we going to get the rest of the Tamamo Nine bros?

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Tama bros how to manage og/cat/vicchi all at once

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It's just something that absolute shitter mages have to do


What a terrifying image

It's just excuse to include sex scenes

>that user that is posting tamamo art

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I hate tamamo

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Why do costume choices always suck with these kinds of games?

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>tfw no non-musou action fate game

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I also took some screenshots.

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holy shit the details

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jesus christ

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Attached: Fate_EXTELLA LINK_20190401173629.jpg (1920x1080, 257K)

Okay, heres an actual answer.
Lorewise, sex was the fastest/best way to transfer mana from a master to a servant.
Shirou wasnt an actual master so they used that as an excuse to make him have sex with Arturia in the original VN. Rin even gives him the idea and help them like the filthy slut she is.
But in truth actual masters dont need to do that shit because their mana easily transfer to the servant, and they never used that sex stuff again because the series didnt need it cuz it got popular.

It's your fault for not showing up when I pulled for you.

Loli Atilla is best Atilla.

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I like how Arturia actually has meat on her ass in this game.

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Not the only way, for instance, Sakura kept Rider well supplied with mana, while Shinji had to kill people because he's even more of a shitter than Shirou.
Shirou had to inject mana manually because 1. he's barely a magus, 2. probably something to do with Saber not being dead. 3. His summoning ritual was fucked as well.

post Astolfo

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Based and Xpilled

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They didnt model a bulge...

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At this point he is just asking for it...

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who is this

Drake Alter =/= Drake
She is a separate entity entirely, like Jeanne Alter is to Jeanne and Okita Alter is to Okita
I wish we could summon Drake Alter though, what a damn shame I love Anego enough to grail both

>blood fort is just a spell though
Did you forget shit like UBW and GoB?

>She is a separate entity entirely
Not really. Drake Alter is just your Drake who had her saint graph fucked with enough that Dahut took over.

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We are living in the golden age of Quick.

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it doesn't really matter, Astolfo is delicious either way

Marie Chan

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I dislike fate but love the girls. Am I the only one?

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literally made for straight male cock

i ended up liking fate because of how much i love the girls and even a lot of the guys

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>and even a lot of the guys

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Negative, she's not your own Drake, she's literally a different person

>shit like UBW
where she got ohk'ed before it even finished?

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Dead weight.

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I was saying that UBW is neither a weapon nor an armor and still is an NP.

Why did they make Nero such a womanlet?

delete this

It was the Drake in (You)r Chaldea. Shez even apologize to her in her interlude.


UBW is infinite weapons

Attached: fateextellalink_2019_04_04_01_07_23_602.png (1920x1080, 976K)

Attached: nero.jpg (720x546, 67K)

would you still love her if she became real?

Attached: 1510794250680.jpg (750x1014, 81K)

>buying all the DLC costumes
I'm jealous




Vergil might qualify for Archer but tis to flimsy, hell Dante qualifying for Rider is flimsy

No, UBW is Reality Marble.

Attached: 1505440729494.png (294x282, 189K)


Attached: Drake.jpg (425x425, 67K)

Rate my MAMA

Attached: 1553324245481.jpg (1678x2659, 1.01M)

Flimsy justifications for people being in certain classes has never been a problem before

Would smash until I passed out/10

Rate my Saber bros

Attached: 5d737132b339e45d3a7e1ef36ff5e994.jpg (564x902, 85K)

Attached: Raiko 11.jpg (555x699, 71K)


Attached: 69836586_p0.png (650x918, 604K)

Well yeah I guess for gacha shit it wasn't that bad in the original series.

Hell you could make a case for Dante being in every class except maybe Assassin

Can you pirate them with the steam version?

Never going to be king/10

Mordred has the coolest armor among the KotR.

Attached: Mordred.jpg (826x1062, 193K)

Attached: 149fe8b23c4e0a47eb889d08291b00d9.jpg (2305x1280, 1.28M)

>Raiko 11
post 22

Attached: 1547118838526.jpg (3472x4093, 1.71M)

> it wasn't that bad in the original series
Remember how Gil is archer because he shoots swords out of his magic portals
Remember how Medusa is a rider because she has a pegasus for some reason

Attached: Raiko 22.jpg (750x950, 103K)


that one is great
and the art is good and so are the details

Attached: 1551346096783.png (1200x1200, 414K)

>it wasn't that bad in the original series.
Gil being an Archer has a pretty fucking flimsy justification


Attached: 7851734.jpg (708x999, 140K)

In the original greek myth Pegasus came out of Medusa when Perseus decapitated her. It's still fucking dumb but it's not like she has Pegasus for no reason.

>it wasn't that bad in the original series.

shittty looking JRPG armour is not cool.

Shut up.

Attached: Mordred.jpg (572x800, 77K)

Made sense to me
Gil is an Archer because is main method of combat was projectiles in the fate version of the legend he is fairly well known for throwing his shit around so it worked.

I actually dont remember the exact reason she has Pegasus in Fate but so I'll give you Medusa untill I remember why tf she does.

>t. Gawain
Opinion discarded

Attached: Caster Mordred.jpg (700x483, 66K)

Delete this.

Attached: Mordred 8.jpg (800x800, 105K)

Nero, Astolfo, Tamamo, Scat and Drake make my pp the PP

Attached: tenor.gif (480x270, 1.05M)

needs a bulge

Attached: 1530960825315 MO.jpg (867x1199, 123K)


Kill yourself

would suck


Attached: astolfoooo.png (1017x663, 1.32M)

How would Marie react if we ever summoned her son?

Uh huh.

Attached: 5cf570dfa18bd8ceabb0a12f4e5e35db.jpg (4500x6947, 2.75M)

Name my band

Attached: 1554243537169.jpg (1200x949, 242K)

How would (you) explain to your parents the sudden presence of a suspiciously evil fox girl who follows (you) around everywhere and alternates between calling herself (your) servant and (your) wife?

Gamers rise up

Jason and the pussycats

Give me it. Go all out.

Mordred and Berserker Lancelot have the coolest armors in the entire series.

Why would we summon him?

10/10 would bang
still the worst fate character in the entire series

Looks like she has severe daddy issues with that edgy armor.

Artoria Lancers armor (along with her helmet) are pretty nice

Attached: 60uGUz0.png (707x1000, 2.03M)


Attached: 1530898107371 MO.png (635x900, 406K)

Now why would you want that, user. I don't get it?

Attached: dc2d5b390b03374b902a6eb9c8180bb0.jpg (1000x1481, 170K)


Attached: ASTOLFHOLE.png (201x479, 82K)

Fateshitters have downright awful taste in aesthetics.

Attached: g57jdlot9gpz.jpg (850x1200, 181K)

you are forgetting who the true worst character is for time and all eternity

Attached: Siegsprite.png (262x500, 71K)

All but Nero's bride costume. I think that was exclusive to the Switch or something.

Neat, gonna have to figure that out

I need to release some pressure.

a straight guy is coming, help me get prepared d'Eon!
all done!

Attached: Astolfo is ready.jpg (850x727, 224K)

>twitter buttons
Dammit I really wish twitter wasnt the favorite place of most artists. I dont like going there.

That sounds painful! I don't know how more is supposed to help you but okay.

Attached: 8267d168b25ce65ab97597e75210004b.jpg (2381x3033, 1.01M)

I don't know why artist have flocked to it. its a terrible platform for art

I jerk off to Tamamo the most out of all the fate girls.

>have both Astolfo and D'Eon in FGO
>need to hold myself from spending exp and materials on them cuz they are so useless

They are so cute tho

Attached: a6575d0bb893ca1e9cd734df434ed734.jpg (723x1023, 156K)

Oh dear. It's a good thing you aren't doing that now though, right? I'm sure you're just enjoying these normally. Nothing going on here, no way.

Attached: e25b2699049c67be90a81a16f899d11f.jpg (1020x1450, 1.4M)

D'Eon is pretty decent though and astolfo can farm hands and a few other things pretty well since he has 50% np charge


Attached: 70593020_p0.png (1000x1000, 997K)

No, not at all. I'm pumping it extra quick and hard to your posts.

there's lots of worst characters, but umu sets the bar for all Roman characters. at least sieg looks decent. every roman character is a complete joke. a shame really.

Attached: Astolfo-Fate-Grand-Order.jpg (844x1080, 255K)

set this as your background right fucking now

Attached: ASTOLFO BACKGROUND 57102893_p0.jpg (1285x808, 1022K)


Drake's new design is so good

Good! You're a well behaved user after all. Don't abuse your mouse that much user. I know you're eager to pump clicks into that refresh button but don't break it with your hard presses. I can only reply so fast too.

Attached: 8a16bd8d7e8894d98e910b8531db543c.png (780x1144, 1.08M)

Have a cat instead

Attached: 1500169663859.jpg (1476x800, 268K)

Raikou should have had a mother complex for Mash instead Gudao
cucking the gf with her mom is patrician tier

Attached: tamamo_no_mae_lancer___shirtless_ver_by_svikey02-dbvm39a.png (1200x1700, 2.21M)

I'm a good boy. I'm clicking so hard and abusing this mouse for Tamamo!

oyakodon is better

I just have much strongers servants I can use instead.
If I ever put exp on those two it would be just because I like them.

also fine

I believe you. It's not like you're doing anything immoral on a blue board. I won't stop you from doing that, it's nice to see an user so eager to see more Tamamo beating up their mouse like that. Just don't break it okay.

Attached: 675898f18acc42efa3009211225a6043.jpg (818x1158, 476K)

>tfw its my birthday today

Attached: mama birthday.png (1920x1080, 1.16M)

The gacha willed it

also D'Eon's birthday line is super cute

Attached: deon birthday.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

I would never do such a thing like that. I'm rough so breaking my mouse is definitely going to happen until I explode.

Thats actually pretty cute. Fate traps really are some of the best.

>rolling D'Eon
Im so sorry...


>ccc will never ever be translated


D'Eon is a cutie though, and i actually pulled him 3 times

>he will never be your girlfriend

Attached: 1554720796633.jpg (1120x1828, 1.12M)

Just confirming because you never know. I may have been aiding in something immodest and I don't that kind of thing! It's okay to be that rough if you're yearning that much to see more Tamamo. In fact, I think it's adorable that you yearn to see her that much that you can't stop mashing refresh. I just don't want your tool, your mouse to break. Instead of exploding with anger from your mouse breaking, why not just finish with a nice post after you've seen all these Tamamos? Being nice is better than being angry.

Attached: 8bf6611fd2829a3456f15f9384da0b9a.jpg (608x850, 628K)

alright, I'm swallow my pride and ask how you did it

Name my band

Attached: 1553445369494.jpg (1843x1292, 303K)

The DLC costumes? It came with the pirated copy I downloaded.

can you do me a favor and take a screen shot of the folder ...Link\resource\common\dlc?
if the game is structured the same way

Attached: 1533768331553.jpg (819x774, 94K)

Greek Weak

Tailors and Alterations

I clicked that Tamamo pic so hard now I'm out of breath and sweaty now. I'll do nice posts from now on!

Attached: 48d0f0771433167746ca0aa446356153.jpg (1000x1387, 1.33M)

Attached: 69466853_p0.png (1200x1625, 2.16M)

Attached: 69736808_p0.jpg (644x957, 628K)

If by golden age of quick you mean literally requiring an old hag to fix all of quicks problems because it's shitty otherwise, than yeah.

Attached: 69838695_p0.jpg (1300x1200, 872K)

Is this Saber altera costume really preorder only? They're never going to release it later?

Attached: Fate-Extella-Link-Alteraria-costume.png (555x328, 205K)

You don't need to click that hard! But I'm glad you did though because now you'll make nice posts. I guess I helped somehow after all! I have no idea how though, very mysterious how you feel relieved now, user but I'm happy for you.

Attached: 85ae7e800f7e30e322eed680a00cac3b.jpg (4212x2882, 1.78M)


Attached: D11urNZUcAU_FxK.jpg (1200x800, 190K)

well sadly this won't be as easy as I had hoped
thank you user

Could Karna beat Gil? He seems just as overpowered.

Thank you cute Tamamo user. I needed that before bed!

Probably, but Karna is almost as much of a Jobber as Gil

You're very welcome, user. Feeling stress and pressure free is the best way to sleep.

Attached: 82edb76daff83885385cfdf283ab0c14.jpg (800x1119, 116K)

Can Karna act like a battery?

Attached: 1551495112415.jpg (1920x1080, 789K)

Depends. Since it is OP jobber versus OP jobber the rules get cloudy.

The safe bet is that whichever of them is closest to being a "good guy" would lose the fight, as the one who is more of a 'bad guy' would be saved till he could job against an MC.

However if one was an MC and the other a bad guy it'd probably end in BOTH of them jobbing and the good one would win but die anyway in a heroic sacrifice fashion.


this picture offends me greatly

why does it offend you

Attached: 1532374993492.png (999x1581, 1.07M)

What happened in this arc. Spoonfeed me please user? :)

Extella link has 3 storylines too, each with branching paths but there's still only 26 missions and the same final boss twice. Then there's the EX missions to unlock skins for most of the servants like Sensei Scathach and Isekander, armored Jeanne, Astolfo casual from Apoc, and not shit EMIYA

>strap on
What a cop-out.

its not a strapon
its a cock ring/strap

nah it's a strapon.

its not


I'm no Nerofag but Last Encore flopping had nothing to do with Nero and everything to do with Shaft QUALITY.

Now it's double gay.

balls mean the loads will be bigger and thicker though

I came here to laugh at you.

Nah those are just guys with breast implants. A real futa produces all sperm internally and in larger lodes. Futa with balls is just gay.

Premise was kind of cool, actual execution and the QUALITY was absolute fucking dog shit. Also Nero suffered hard from flanderization in that series but most people don't care what Nero was originally like.

whatever you think user
the cock makes it gay not the balls

It was nasu's writing.
>Let's make a sequel to an obscure entity in our series!
>Except it's not, it's kinda a remake.
>No it's kinda a reboot?
>Same shit happens as in game with a lot more chuubi confusing shit.

I fucking was so hyped for it. What monkey's paw did I wish on? Fate Extra was actually pretty good. THE PLOT POINTS WERE RIGHT THERE WHYD YA HAVE TO ADD ROCKETS TO THE WHEEL?

Futa no balls is the most hetero thing. If you think a dick is gay then you understand nothing about futa.


Even non fatefags can agree that it has top tier fapbait.

Attached: 1552443737445.jpg (1000x1415, 202K)

see its literally futa

It's triple gay is what it is.

Attached: 64720779_p1.png (1000x1125, 547K)

Attached: 1549317245319.jpg (737x960, 191K)

fucking kill yourself subhuman

Attached: 5a71c7aad08c0cc1a9ad9982a70b4df3-imagejpeg.jpe.jpg (879x1200, 135K)

Doesnt need to. Just strap solar panels to his back

I am half and my wife is Tamamo

Astolfo would have been the meme choice but boys are not for marriage, they are for prostate-bullying

What the fuck is Gil doing? Did he go full retard?

Attached: ehehehehe.jpg (475x693, 69K)

>normally hate Nero
>but tenga Nero gives me a massive fucking stiffy
Can't be helped.

Too proud to admit hes a jobber

Jalter > Umu

Attached: 4_1_2019_jalter_be_4_by_alphaerasure_dd3mizn-pre.jpg (967x827, 69K)

Thread's still around eh? Now why would you need that, user?

Attached: 1508367643008.png (314x355, 142K)

Clearly not the best servant.

Attached: 1554104281852.jpg (1280x903, 173K)

Also the swimsuit Sevants are top fucking percent. Even Nobu

I'll give LE points for showing that Wada's artstyle can look pretty good when properly animated.

Attached: 1521907755119.jpg (1440x810, 107K)


Damn Mikon looks like that now?

Attached: 1549226015833.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

fuck this 4mb limit.

Attached: 1549667817252.jpg (1280x1807, 261K)

even a couple of the boys are top tier fapbait

Fate cannot be stopped

Attached: lc7pi0mtkm321.jpg (2333x1583, 361K)

LE was a shitty AU of the original FE story, that's a big part of why people hated it and why it did so bad financially with BD/DVD sales.

Attached: 1549650530922.jpg (962x692, 265K)

I could use it to hip-to-hip smash best servant until she can't feel her legs, but I am not that user. Fun to give as good as you get with teasers like yourself, too. Have some very NSFW with audio Tamamo webmshare.com/3mZYG

Attached: 7958b61124796757dde47f968aa1d6b4.png (600x689, 256K)

Attached: tamamo_no_mae_by_songjikyo-db00bqc.png (500x766, 370K)

Attached: Cute, normal, athetlic girl.jpg (4266x3014, 3.8M)

Say she was some craigslist add and she's paying me to entertain the idea.

Cute boy


Attached: I CAN SEE A NIPPLE.jpg (1280x1817, 862K)

Attached: 1502026170786.webm (742x476, 2.35M)

I really wish he drew gudao in normal size

he could be a faceless guy but it's a bit too silly to fap to

I just fapped to the other images instead

Vasavi Shakti should theoretically be able to kill anything
its mostly a matter on if
>Could Karna use it before Gil uses lolenkidu and makes the matchup pointless
>Could Karna break free with his eye lasers/kill Gil with them/break out with some other Astra
>who has the plot armor

you know why, pretender

Mordred my son (female) please stop this

Attached: why.jpg (281x262, 27K)

there is no pretending, but their is a growth spurt

i have no problems with girls with dicks, but muscles ruin it

Somehow, I feel like your post might be indecent, but I just don't see anything questionable! I wonder why I thought that. I love having fun, user! I'm not a teaser though, how could you possibly come up with that idea? I suppose I could prove it but I'm not quite sure~ You see quite nice though. Good link, user! I like it.

Attached: 1507612173008.png (700x990, 814K)

stop doing this

Attached: Astolfo-Fate.jpg (744x1080, 267K)

>tfw when NP5 Astolfo and all of them were pulled on non rate ups
I want to fucking die

Well that's good, because most of my posts are liable to be indecent and lurid. Some take the view that waifus and servants should be treated with a gloved hand. I think skin on skin is just superior. As for a discord, it's just the usual dilemma of someone taking the first step. Or moving it to /trash/

Attached: __caster_and_tamamo_no_mae_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_muryou__b46c4980693fa35ee750eef (773x1100, 741K)

Thanks I just threw up.

that has to be the closest thing to exercise it's ever done

What the actual fuck is that body type? Shoulders wider than a goddamn football player.


This should be illegal
Fucking obeast


Attached: Must Fap.gif (221x208, 700K)


Attached: 1551840941889.png (700x700, 427K)

>really hate caster in extra and extella
>love her design and have multiple figures

What the fuck is wrong with me.

I see, well even if yours are, as long as I'm not doing anything improper myself I don't mind! I just worry for your posting safety, that's all. I don't dislike those views, but I think that showing less often shows a lot more. And that preparation is the most important step of any process, even fun things. That's usually what I enjoy most too, the beginning, rather than the end or even the middle. I don't want to go to /trash/ sorry, user.

Attached: 1505768254294.jpg (813x707, 155K)

>get blackout drunk
>wake up next morning

oh master, last night was wonderful

Attached: 17939759416.jpg (2400x1800, 2.29M)

I love Jeannu

Attached: 1531066204244.png (1000x1414, 866K)

I'm seeing double-Tamamos. And the start is often a lot of fun, that's true. And posting safety as well as etiquette is why I'm keeping it relatively modest - which is easier said than done for the bustiest and best servant. Why I figured to see about a way to do so more discretely - let the much vaunted reputation of Tamamo no Mae not be violated at least in public. Something to be said for exhibitionism, though. All good, I tend to not browse it either. I was thinking of it just to arrange a rendezvous, but you can find me at that throwaway f-list.net/c/slamfucking_tamamo if interested in doing what the name implies. See if a mischievous fox can wag her tongue as well as she can wag her tail while being pounded like a drum

Attached: 7690589.jpg (850x1202, 219K)

thats a big boob

For you

Attached: 1510870884019.jpg (1000x1413, 1.21M)

is this cursed

Attached: plankton.jpg (399x224, 12K)

It sure was. Now get back in the second archive you useless slut.

Your UMU makes me UWU

>Your UMU makes me UWU

Attached: headband.jpg (2048x1372, 271K)

I prefer Sakura clones over Saber clones

Attached: 54506762_p0.jpg (2300x3035, 1.82M)

be a good girl and explain the details please

Attached: th.jpg (474x474, 21K)


>you're a real man master... you made me feel like a woman

>Gacha isn't gacha because I say so

well, if that's all...

Attached: d49lcwx-a6457922-60f9-4ecb-b5d9-7169991df96c.png (834x600, 323K)

>All RPGs and musou are gatcha
Tepid bait.

If you expand your definition of gacha to include RPGs and musou then yes, they are gacha you brainlet.

Attached: thousand_suns.gif (200x200, 2M)


Attached: dmc5_mod_padoru_7.jpg (1306x725, 92K)

Original Flavor is better

Attached: 1543529467021.jpg (640x906, 142K)


>not forcing mad enhancement on Dante for Super Crazy Rank Ex+++

What the fuck does Umu stand for and why is this anime girl repeating it?

No one is this retarded, just fucking stop already.

Imagine not being Roma

Attached: 846C96A7-AEF5-431D-AA96-F40C7F627E62.png (666x666, 551K)

>hear spartacus' laughter
>become gay
So this is the power of rebelling.

How about YOU stop posting and get back to playing your gacha shit.

Check your F-list or mosey over to the fate thread on trash!

Attached: f99b3571395d1ebb522bf8932bc023e3.jpg (700x1078, 354K)

It is the formal equivalent of "Uh huh" or "Indeed" for japanese nobles. That girl is supposed to be Emperor Nero. (Other characters in Fate also say "Umu", but for Fatefags it is pretty much a part of Nero)

>Be Alaric the First.
>Laugh my ass off as I burn Rome because Honorius was an ingrateful brat.

So do you even KNOW what gacha is or are you just parroting the reddit and resetera posters?

>the japanese have formal eauivalent for "Uh huh"
Truly the patrician language

Been here since the 2016 election buddy. I'm far from a reddit or resetera poster.

So I'm going to take that as a yes, you're parroting the reddit and resetera posters since you didnt answer the question

Seething gacha weeb

Attached: 1552497823180.png (600x580, 426K)

Just answer the question user
>Yes, I know what gacha means
>Ni, I'm just a shameless shitposter

Stupid saberface.

Attached: 622220_20190324160614_1.png (2560x1440, 3.37M)

Of course I know what it means. I know about gacha shit like Fate after all.

Except Fate is VN shit user.

FGO is gachashit

Eh, two sides of the same coin.

Futashit always looks so fucking dumb

I'll give you that, but try to keep your terminology correct. Otherwise your shitposting loses value

Threads about to pass post limit. I'll just say I wasn't arguing seriously and was merely pretending to be retarded.

Ehhhh, that's kind of a cop out innit tho'?

shit thread senpai

Nope. I was well aware that Fate originated as a visual novel and proceeded to argue in bad faith.

Attached: 371.png (439x373, 345K)

That was also a ruse, I wasn't merely pretending. I am legitimately retarded.

You're on/v/, that's a given