Sekiro > BB > DeS > DaS1 = DaS3 >>>>>> DaS2
This seems correct, no?
Sekiro > BB > DeS > DaS1 = DaS3 >>>>>> DaS2
BB > DaS > DeS
Sequels suck
Sekiro isn't souls
No. Sekiro has better combat and bosses, but worse everything else. The levels, music, exploration, enemies, atmosphere, etc, all pale to BB.
Sekiro is the only From software game where i asked "That's it?" after clearing the game
Its so barebones and devoid of any replayability. What a waste to not utilize the interiors of all the ashina castle and towns we visited. The enclosed space would have benefited stealth
Both BB and Sekiro have amazing level design
Better in Sekiro since grapple hook exists
Actually fun to fight instead of R1 spam
Sekiro's levels are vertical, but they lack any tension. This is what kills the exploration too. The grappling hook robs it of tension even further and harms exploration. The sense of apprehension is gone in level design and exploration.
Enemys are still just R1 spam in both games, please. The difference is not only is the variety better in BB, but they're just more inventive and interesting overall. The enemy variety in Sekiro is embarrassingly low and generic.
As for the music, Sekiro makes use of samples, plugin instruments, and midi and it sounds cheap, it's heavily compressed, things like the timpani is uniform and lacks dynamics, the strings have no vibrato, etc.
Bloodborne is recorded live and it shows. There is dynamic range, the strings have vibrato, etc.
I imagine this is probably correct though I haven't beaten BB or sekiro
what a shit chart
DS3 = Sekiro = DS1 > BB > DeS > DS2
Thinking anything else is objectively wrong.
Oh, it's a sony fanboy.
bloodborne is the hardest though
Explain. I don't even own a ps4.
What? How can you say that BB is better than anything if you haven't played it? Am I being fucking trolled?
I borrowed a PS4 and beat it. Don't you have friends?
Sekiro = Fun
BB = Fun
DS 3 = Fun
DS 2 = Fun
DS = Fun
DeS = Fun
>You can't negatively compare Sekiro to any aspect that a souls game did better because Sekiro isn't a souls game!
>But also here's my tier list of souls games where I put Sekiro at the top
every thread
Don't own BB but from what I have played, it'd be between Ds2 and 1 for me
>DaS2 last
Hey reddit
DaS2 > DaS1 > DeS > Sekiro > BB > DaS3
based and funpilled
>spic grammar
>any aspect that a souls game did better
No such thing exists
BB > "the rest"
Sekiro is a solid 7/10.
Nah, BB is a solid 7/10. Sekiro is easily a 9/10
BB before Old Hunter is a 7/10 after its a soft 9. Sekiro is a hard 8 and will be a hard 10 if the DLC is great.
>Sekiro is easily a 9/10
This. BB was kinda mediocre before DLC
Why some people claim that Sekiro isn't souls game? Main differences are no online and parkour. It felt just like any other souls game.
BB was 7, upgraded to like 9.5.
Sekiro is 8.5 and even with solid DLC will be 9ish.
The difference is the Old Hunters finished what was essentially an incomplete game. Sekiro is a complete game. Unless it adds a bunch of main-hand weapons and other shit the game is missing, I'm not seeing it.
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 2
Bloodborne is undeniably the best, Sekiro is still pretty good even if it absolutely is not and probably never will be the kind of game I enjoy
>actually fun to fight instead of R1 spam
Sekiro is L1 spam: the game
At least in bloodborne you dodge around the enemies, i-frames on dodge and jump are so tiny for sekiro that the only viable option is L1 spam with the occasional red sign over your head
Is Monkey Trouble's wife (the green ape I assume) a ghost? If you beat the ape she just sits back and disappears. The memory also suggests she is some sort of apparition. I didn't ask for those feels after the boss fight.
Matt says I have to hate DaS2
>Demon's Souls
Your list is shit from the get go
BB = DeS > Sekiro = DaS > DaS3 > DaS2
Boss battles are a bigger deal to me than weapon selection. BB has a ton of mediocre to bad bosses but also a handful of the best in the fromsouls series, nowhere near the level of DAS2 in terms of bad but still really divisive for me.
If Sekiros DLC adds more prosthetics and has solid boss selection it will be my favorite without a doubt.
This is pretty much objectively it.
Honestly, many of Sekiro's bosses are sort of crappy too. The thing for me is Sekiro has bad enemies, music, levels, atmosphere, etc, and the game has an overall bland tone.
Second part of DS is too shit to be above DeS
>crappy bosses
>bad enemies
>bad levels
>bad atmosphere
>bland tone
I'm not trying to say you're wrong here but I do find it interesting how I literally have a 180 degree opinion, all of the above was top tier to me.
>DeS over DaS1
did you even play DeS? the regular enemies and atmosphere were great but the bosses were total shit and way too easy and the world design was meh. I'd put it below DS3 and above DaS2 which would obviously be below DaS1
Sekiro is shit, so no.
Everyone still hating on ds2 when it's the best of the series. Disappointing.
i dont hate DS2, it's a good game
but it's still the worst in the series by far
>bad this, crap this
How about using the english language to describe what is " bad " about the level design. Is it the twists and turns? Is it how the secrets side paths are actually hard to find?
Is it that the areas are all different and you dont like change? Are the colors washed out or does the game use a color palette you don't prefer?
How hard it is to say these things? Because when you go " Crap story, bad enemies " You sound like a retard who doesn't know anything. Anyone comes off like that when they can't describe why they don't like something beyond " hurrr itz dum "
Fucking millennial retards I swear.
Bosses were great and some were quite unique especially as it was the first Souls game.
Tower Knight was fun and a great ass kicking right after the first intro boss.
Penetrator was fun and looks cool.
Armor Spider was tense af ( hate spooders, also fight felt sorta cheap tho )
Flamelurker awesome design and intense fight
The dragon god fight might be a gimmick but goddamn does he look cool.
Maneaters were most people's first plateau
Adjudicator was a fun fight with a cool design, his intro where he crumbles the ledge you're standing on was an iconic surprise I never forgot.
Storm king was another gimmick, but fun because its a giant sky sting ray
Dragons and primeval demons were good designs too.
They were great fights with great design and mechanics. Saying Demon Souls sucks is retarded, and so are you.
Nioh > DS2 > Sekiro > Bloodborne > DS > DeS > DS3
>implying Dragon God looking cool is a good thing
>here's this HUGE fucking dragon holy shit this is going to be the best fight ever
>just run and pull 3 levers lol
demon souls
nice rebuttal
>Sekiro at the top
I haven't played it yet, but literally no one I know who is a rational human being believes this, so your list is probably fucking shit.