stay mad dexfags

Attached: 1554582227384.webm (640x640, 558K)

Who the fuck invests more than a small amount into DEX as a non-stealth character anyways?

Thats a mage fag

He summoned his minions at the end

the negro clearly has higher dex than the dancing kid since his hit percentage is higher.

more like CHA < INT

>The clones walking out of the class at the end

>the clones spawning out of the bathroom in the end

Attached: 02b.jpg (1111x597, 145K)

>Yea Forumsgetcuckedbyblackguy.webm

>using dancing moves right before the opponent use his finishing move
What a noob.

YO, why is /gif/ so fucking gay now? Look at it. There is noting but tranny and gay porn there. They even have daily threads of Black man fucking white man. What is going on? I can barely even find straight anymore and if I do, it's nothing but dick sucking. What the fuck is up with that board, it care for nothing but dicks.

You need a quality build

Attached: k.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

nice try, fag

That's not a DEX build. That's pure QCK.

Attached: giyugf8999888.jpg (259x194, 9K)

Im surprised how polished that move was.

The fucking shadowclones walking out at the end always gets me


I have no idea, but it's very fucking awful. /s/ isn't like that, but for some reason /gif/ is just full on fucking homo and race mixing.
Don't believe these fucking shills trying to convince you that you're wrong for thinking that.

He put 40 into STR and DEX my man.
Now this is what happens when you pick the CHA starter build.

Attached: sessler BTFO.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Me too.

I really wanna know what's happened at the end with those dudes walking out of a room because it cracks me up every time I see this

is that how white people fight? it looks like he is just dancing ballet

does the dexkid have down syndrome?

What a fuck is that. Did he seriously got destroyed by a fortnite shitter? At the first round? Who the hell is that guy?

>taunting in a boss fight

>perform weeabo attacks on a black guy
>not knowing that the black guy probably watched the same - if not greater - amount of anime as him, giving the black guy the knowledge in how to counter his anime moves.
That was his mistake

That's a nigger sucker punching a literal retard at a school for disabled people.

Basically a guy who gets fed to young prospects to bump up their record

There's not even the relatively "normal" gay shit, it's always guys with prolapsed anuses, 50-year-old men in chastity belts with razorburn around their junk, scat threads, it's incomprehensible

Do you even know what a sucker punch is you fucking moron?

stock standard whiff punish
kid was just mashing

What board are you referring to in your last sentence?

That looks really gay.

A black did it, therefore it's a sucker punch. Do you see?

I see, some kind of jobber, then.

Ah, thought so.


>white guy fights with honor
>black resorts to sucker punch

kek at those kids walking out at the end

Holy shit, that‘s literally anime.