>shit level design
>every stage is the same
>no build variety
>no replayability
>all tracks sound the same
>nonsensical story
why is sekiro so fucking garbage? what a let down after the masterpiece that is picrel...
Shit level design
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Not gonna lie, you had me at first.
oh you mother fucker you
Sekiro is like if the prerelease shitpost lists for Bloodborne actually came true
>6 areas
>1 weapon
>no armor sets
>30 mins long
All of these also apply to Bloodborne.
let's be real. you can't deny that soulsborne RPG elements were fucking garbage and the games would be better without them
This. Sekiro is the best Souls game.
>shit level design
Blatantly wrong, most of the levels are some of the peak in the series because they arent just hallways with ladders and doors to open. They are sprawling with multiple methods of navigation without need of the From shortcut meme.
>every stage is the same
Subtle differences are enough to make exploration better than usual. Ashina Outskirts is hilly and open, Ashina Castle is clustered and vertical with lots of ground-level secrets, Hirata Estate is modeled after Heian style castles with multi-tiered and multi-chambered housing areas and is quite interesting top-down, Sengou requires navigation of both interiors and exterior mountains and forests creating a great sense of variety. You're just showing how little you played or paid attention.
>No build variety
Who cares? This isnt an rpg, it's an action game.
>no replayability
If you found the game fun that should be reason enough to keep playing. Just because you're autistic and need a collectathon/sims character designer to feel like you're having "fun" doesnt mean the game isn't replayable.
>all tracks sound the same
This is maybe your only argument, though the ost has some high quality standouts (Ape, O'rin, etc.)
>nonsensical story
Lol, this is the most straightforward story they've made so far.
Even if this is bait, its low quality and made to trap brainlets. 0/10
>t. seething xbonefag
>Sekiro is on the Xbone
>BB is only on the PS4
That chart is relatively accurate, though I'd put the BB fall off a bit later (and also mention that the DLC is the peak of From's career as of now)
fuck you and the joke you rode in on.
Sekiro peaks at Senpou Temple and never recovers. Going through Ashina Castle for the third fucking time nearly put me to sleep. Game would be better without such shameless padding
>shit level design
Im yet to find a map in DS/BB as good and interconected as Ashina castle
sekiro is just dark souls 2 again, enemies mob you while the physics jank out, play ninja gaiden instead
I honestly thought it was great going through the Castle as it progressed from war preparation to invasion to being set alight then going through outskirts backwards. I dont think it was a perfect repurposing of a level, but every time it felt like there was some new threat to be aware of
>shitja gayden
Yikes. No thanks.
>tfw sekiro sounds like a great game but i'm too shit to complete it
i wish this current trend of making games as hard as possible would just die already
>there are fewer gotcha mobs in Sekiro and there was pretty much zero physics in either game
Better than going through Yahar'gul again while fighting the same Yharnam mob, Hemwick cunts and werewolves you've been fighting since the beginning of the game desu.
I'll take the Yharnam mobs over five purple ninja minibosses.
All soulsbourne games have shit story, it's more about lore and atmosphere. Haven't played Sekiro yet.
>He fell for the "it's literally impossible" meme
Lol, this game is not that fucking hard bud. There are like 2 or 3 difficulty spikes and that's it
What's the peak point for Dark Souls after which it sharply drops? Anor Londo?
First yahargul visit is optional and you only experience 1/3 of the area on 1st visit anyway
Keep defending no content Shitkiro, drone
>he doesnt address the actual problem
You're giving BB niggers like me a bad name, user.
What problem, reused enemies? Because Sekiro is guilty of that and more (did we really need FOUR Juzou fights?)
I enjoyed the gameplay.
I enjoyed the story.
I enjoyed the characters
I enjoyed the bosses.
I enjoyed Purification ending.
I enjoyed Demon Bell/Path of Hardship difficulty modifiers.
I hated the setting.
I hated the OST.
I hated the world design.
I hated the lack of replay value.
I hated the reuse of boss fights. (Genichiro 3 times, Owl twice, ape 3, monk twice etc)
I hated the returned ending
i already got stuck at the chained ogre for a while and then at the first miniboss right after him, dropped the game immediatly after that because i decided it's not worth learning it
i just can't be arsed anymore to waste that many hours on every single bossfight just to complete a videogame
That Yahar'ghul is a fucking slog with copypasted enemies and laser gauntlets and boring level design. I love BB and even I'll admit that. At least Sekiro has distinct enemies for every area of the game and Ashina goes through three different versions of itself that players new enemy types on top of itself.
I haven't played Sekiro fyi
>he got stuck at chained ogre
Skyrim will always be there for you bud.
>gotcha mobs
Were there any besides the 2 kite dudes atop the castle and the guys hiding in the ground at Mibu village?
Biggest gripe with Sekiro was the absolutely forgettable soundtrack. I think Nioh was a better game than it
There are the Senpou assassins at the Shugendo idol, but they're pretty easy to spot.
>I think Nioh was a better game than it
Because of a soundtrack? Sekiro does literally everything else better than Nioh.
Who else went back to Bloodborne (or another Souls game) after finishing Sekiro, to get the bad taste out of their mouth? I personally decided to run through all three Dark Souls games back to back, and I had way more fun than I ever did playing Sekiro.
Lmao, did you get stuck on ogre?
I'm playing through Bloodborne again and I miss jumping and running fast.
>he likes hiding behind a shield and rolling better than having actual sword fights
Brainlet detected
I actually went back to BB to get a new perspective and all I saw were the flaws. It was my second favorite after Demon's.
The Old Hunters really is what elevates it.
Yea Forums can't meme
why is there so many bloodborne shitposting threads lately?
This is funny to me cause i found the Ogre to be way too easy and BB-like than most other mini-bosses/bosses desu.
Couldn't have put it better myself.
The only major problem with Sekiro is the stealth, namely the quality of the AI and stealth mechanics is not up to snuff. Doing a stealth kill then running away until everyone deaggros is a viable strategy.
You should have only been able to reset the AI if you rest at an idol. In exchange they'd actually operate using line of sight, instead of having x-ray vision once they spot you. If you escape then they'd gain heightened awareness which would make it harder to do another stealth kill (but not impossible). Also ceramic shards are useless and basically reskinned alluring skulls, they needed a lot more work put into them.
I went to BB, realized I don't have PS+ or false depth chalices and now I'm staring at the Dark Souls 1 character creation. Not sure what I want to do right now.
I tried a MLGS run yesterday, but that weapon is absolute dogshit. Claymore +15 does better damage.
You can tell they were trying their damned hardest to make it stealth focus given enemy placement all the way until Ashina ver 2. Then they phoned in the rest and defaulted to Souls because thats their comfort zone.
Game has a major identify problem. Main world is best dealt with stealth and strategy. Bosses are just souls encounters with focus on memorizing bosses movesets and phases.
Sekiro is longer than BB though
>It's another 3 zoomer trying to canonize his subjective opinion episode
my first playthrough of BB was about 20 hours, but for Sekiro it was 25 hours
I suppose it will vary from person to person but the point is that it doesn't fit the 30 minuets long meme
>I made a graph to make my unsubstantiated opinions look objective
I can smell your virginity across the internet.
Yeah but it still would have been better to have a few weapons instead of literally 1.
>opinions can't be objective
I can taste your DS2 fanboy tears from here.
no cuz then they have to put pauses on all the bosses for that retard who insists on using two handed clubs or whatever
Theres 2 :^)