Im genuinly concerened about the future of Street Fighter VI from an artsyle perspective...

Im genuinly concerened about the future of Street Fighter VI from an artsyle perspective. Say what you will about SFV as a game but the artsyle in this game is spot-fucking-on and made me realise SFIV was a decade of deformed ugly trash. Unless they stay the same, how can they ever hope to top pic related? I have seen how they fucked up Marvel, i have seen the calls to censor V for televised audiences, and i think the RE engine would be awful for SF. What if they ruin what they made here?

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Other urls found in this thread:,362216/

>the artsyle of this game is spot-fucking-on

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>and made me realise SFIV was a decade of deformed ugly trash.
Underage as fuck, a lot of people were saying that at the time of release.

>the artsyle in this game is spot-fucking-on

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yeah but fuck Ken no one likes him, im talking about the work of art with 10+ outfits here

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>but the artsyle in this game is spot-fucking-on

IV and V are sorta ugly. They're kinda off. I fear they're gonna go full meme realism next time, which doesn't work.

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>the artsyle in this game is spot-fucking-on and made me realise SFIV was a decade of deformed ugly trash
They're both ugly deformed trash you retard, Street Fighter with 3D models has never looked good

SFV's nicer to look at than IV, but there's a few bad angles like Ibuki's win screen and Ken's character select portrait. I think all the characters look excellent in-game and in motion, though.

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Translation: I like the original art direction, but think all the alternate costumes are ruining the art direction.
Ex. Tf2 before shit like the banana hat.
Anyways somebody post more chunners. I want my head to be crushed like a melon between those thighs.

>Say what you will about SFV as a game
>but the artsyle in this game is spot-fucking-on
if you unironically believe this then you're mentally retarded.

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if Capcom decides to unfuck their fighting game section they'll probably do what they did with DMC and RE, sadly
I love the stylized graphics as much as I like the realistic, but stylized fits SF better imo.

i don't give a toss what it looks like, i just want a good neutral game and not this abomination where anything interesting about a fight ends with the first knockdown as it becomes wakeuppressure fighter 69.

>but the artsyle in this game is spot-fucking-on
I love how SFV encapsulates so many things that Yea Forums hates but this board still manages to dick suck this game's dick bone dry. Embarrassing.

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they modeled the girls perfectly this time

I hope it's like sfv but raytraced with advanced soft body tech

How to spot a zoomer, the thread

You have the shittiest of tastes if you think any Sf3 after 3 has a good art style.

I also don't see sf coming back any time soon since everyone fucker NG hated 5 and most pros play for the money.

>but the artsyle in this game is spot-fucking-on
it's pigfat ugly and repulsive
Shit Fighter IV was already disgusting shit. Turd Fighter V went full retard and made it atrocious fugly with its lard slab proporitons

i disagree i think 4 looks better over all, 5 is pretty hit or miss some things look better, (Chun, cammy) some things look worse (Sakura)

Ignoring the fact that everyone's giving OP shit for saying such a stupid thing, of course.

Thought on Ryu's look in Smash?

Attached: ryu.jpg (700x776, 53K)

Same. O honestly think the only game that might not be rush down shit is the new samurai showdown but it has to be released first.

by all means keep patting yourself on the back for a view that most of this board shares, retard


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>Yea Forums is one oerson
The huge majority of the board hates this game to the core. It is one or two autistas that keep spamming sf5 threads every now and then.

His eyebrows confuse me

Like what? I happen to enjoy V more than IV.


Ken, Ibuki, Guile, Alex, Akuma... They all look fucking hideous in V. It can easily be topped.

god you vappas are obnoxious
can't you let someone discuss something without having to confirm your circlejerk r*ddit opinion of hating a game for dumb reason for years on end?

No I mean usually. SFV threads should not be able to survive. Just the fact that they censored their own game would normally be enough to permanently make SFV a daily shit posting thread. Then ads in the game and all that tom foolery. I'm just surprised these threads get to see life a lot of time.

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The animation is great, the actual art kind of sucks. Most of the characters look off model and a bunch the ones who actually do look good (Nash, Akuma, Ed to name a few) have these really weird aesthetic choices that just make them look stupid in their default costumes. To be fair, they've been getting consistently better each Season (Zeku, Sagat, Menat, Sakura, Kolin, and Urien are all great).
Whenever SFVI comes out I hope they keep the design of over-animating everything. It generally looks really good, even if you usually don't end up seeing even half of the animations most of the time.

Who cares? There might not even be a SFVI.
>made me realise SFIV was a decade of deformed ugly trash
You're the type of person who can only see how good or bad something is when the hype's worn off. Hype blinds you. Sign of being too easily influenced. Hardly anyone thought SF4 looked like shit. It looked average for a 3D game and had a style no one had really attempted before. But the few who did think it looked bad said so straight away, they weren't swayed by the zeitgeist.

In a few years, you're gonna start shitting on SFV's artstyle too, because you're too blinded by hype. Slowly, you're gonna start saying it never really looked that good. Seen all of this before.

SFVI probably won't happen anyway. Capcom didn't care about making SFV even after the success of 4. What makes you think they wanna make VI after V was trash.

The game is fun, that's what matter, not that other dumb shit.

Capcom can only model chinks, everyone else looks disgusting, like Nu-Claire

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No, it's not. They look like they are made of fucking Play-Doh. Honestly they should adopt Arcys 3D shaded art style, imagine how gorgeous the game would look. But that actually requires hard work and this Capcom we are talking about.

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>eyebrows go over the headband
i'll never be able to unsee this.

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he's cool but I wish people would try to match his third strike, alpha 2 and ST look

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RE Engine would be terrible only if they used real life faces again.

Some characters look good in SFV, others look a bit off.
But I agree on the SFIV part, the whole game had this dirty, smeary look that they made even worse in SFXT.

Might as well post Ken too

Attached: ken.png (2500x2500, 3.83M)

They also wouldn't be able to shit out skins to milk the waifu fags that keep their shitty game alive

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Because it fucking sucks, dude. Calling it as it is. If the fanboy apologists would just STFU and stop calling people 'haters', no one would have to keep correcting them. SFV is basically the devs listening to people like the journos begging for Easy Mode in Sekiro. Except this time, the actually got what they wanted. The whole game is easy mode.

If SFV came out pre-esports, it would've died in its first year just like SFIII.

it's because they farmed out the model design to third parties, they didn't have the same team model every character so there's no fucking consistency

I agree that the artstyle for SFV is pretty great considering how buttugly IV was but come the fuck on, this figure is just hot glue material.

Capcom does not have the artistic skill to pull this technique off. Let alone the effort/time/money required would scare off their investors instantly.


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SF4 has and always will look like shit but it unironically had more soul in every other aspect compared to SFV which is especially funny considering everyone was complaining about the lack of soul compared to the older sprite based games. SF4 is trash and SFV is somehow worse. Visually though, SFV ranges from good to great. Like Cammy's model is absolutely god tier but Ken is disgusting, banana hair or not.

I'm not entire worried about the art style for the next game though considering they'll most likely be using RE engine and as long as they don't go and make everything realistic with face scanned characters and shit, it'll probably look really good.

They really outsourced that shit?
Man I had no idea...that explains a lot.

I don't see anything about 4 that was more soulful than v.

V’s art style was ass i wish they made it more like a black oil painting art style kinda lick the box art for 4 and went more in depth with it

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Yeah, SFV even with Sony's support somehow wasn't enough dosh to keep it inhouse or at least go with the same outsourced studio. Consistency hurts this game's look almost worse than anything.

>think Chun looks incredible
>a real work of art
>all the hate itt telling me its fucking shit and that they hate it the most

oh ok...

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Look better than their SFV versions

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Yeah I was hoping they would double down on the heavily shaded, painted look. Kinda like SamSho is doing.

Not everyone is into the mega thicc shit. I am but can admit maybe they went a little far in V with proportions and just texturing muscles everywhere.

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They literally won’t use the re engine, they pretty much said it does not work in more exaggerated games that’s why mega man 11 used mt frameworks

>Not everyone is into the mega thicc shit

Literally dont get how not.

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>One character looks good out of a cast of mostly garbage.
No shit, we're telling you the game looks bad.

It gets even more interesting when you realize key people who made SFIV a success left before SFV... Dimps and SNK are essentially all old Cap and SNK staff constantly revolving over the years. A lot of them went back to SNK.,362216/

Can't be bothered to find the rest.

the word you're looking at is nostalgia or newfaggotry, depending on your starting point with fighters.

>Unique and innovative mechanics
SFV is the only mainline SF game to be devoid of any big original mechanics, literally every SF game adds, changes, and innovates a ton from the previous entry. You can shit on ultras and FA and shit all you want but it's still a lot more original than what we got with SFV
>Better new characters
Not all of them are hitters but i'd want at least half of them to return in another game. Only good new character in SFV is Rashid, G, Zeku. and Menat
>Overall way better roster
SF4 severely lacked SF3 characters but SFV severely lacks more classic characters. It's such a joke it took the game 3 fucking years to add Sagat and had an entire year with only new characters.
>Better feel
I know this one is a bit more vague but SF4 just doesn't have some of the problems SFV has. SFV just straight up does not feel like an SF game, sure you can throw fireballs and do DP and do but it just doesn't feel the game, i've played every mainline SF and SFV is the only one that feels weird to me. It feels like the people who made it never worked on a SF game before.
>better animations
Which is extremely ironic because SF4s animations are still inferior to 3S which game out almost a decade before SF4.
>more fanservice
Not much to be said here. I mean SFV straight up didn't even launch with an arcade mode or anything

It's not nostalgia or newfaggotry, I hate SF4 with a burning passion but at the end of the day, it's still better than SFV. Like I said, SF4 has more soul than SFV but is still inferior to the previous games

How are V trigger not just as innovative as ultras (that is to say not very)
4 had the worst newcomers in the series imo, half them didn't even feel like they belonged in SF.
4's roster eventually became decent but I disliked it quite a bit.
4 had way too many OSes and other bullshit for me to enjoy the feel.
I disagree about the animations.
I don't give a shit about single player in a fighter, 4 launched without a proper lobby system. Vanilla 4 was beyond ass.

Street Fighter V visually isn't great. Character models were outsourced, so a lot of them differ greatly in terms of quality and just style - sure, Chun-Li is fantastic, but then you have shit like ratface Ibuki and el goblino Ken - even Karin isn't particularly great. The UI is serviceable I guess, the backgrounds are pretty lackluster, and the new character designs that Capcom themselves created aren't that great either - ignoring shit like Abigail, are people really going to remember shit like Necalli, Rashid and Ed? Other than maybe Juri, who is very clearly influenced by Chun-Li, Capcom haven't managed to produce a memorable SF character design since 1999.

I don't know - I don't want to fall back on the soulless meme, but nothing about the game really pops. It just feels like everything bleeds into everything and nothing stands out, and everything behind this haze. It's like that meme copypasta about Trish's personality in DMC threads. If it was up to me, they'd do a more anime style game that looked like you were playing 90's Capcom fighter's art or something like the SF2 Anime movie.

They can easily top it by making it look more 2D. It doesn't have to go full blown GGXrd or DBFZ but the play doh style they went for V is awful. SF4s style was good in theory, horrible in practice. It would be nice if they went back to it with better technology and hopefully better modelers and artists.

>SFV is the only mainline SF game to be devoid of any big original mechanics
So was SFIV, which is pretty much a more polished SFEX.

I think some of the new characters will survive. Zeku, Rashid, Kolin, G, and Menat all seem to be pretty well recieved and I could see them continuing to push Ed in the way they did Juri.
Falke, Necalli, and Abigail are going to get dumpstered though. Laura might survive thanks to tit factor (again, like Juri) but I don't see her making anything more than cameos for a long time.

What anime is that

Cont. Also I kinda like Fang but I don't think we will see him again, which is sad because I think he has potential but Capcom always seems hesitant to keep "weird" characters around between games.

You guys are worried about SF6 but we still have like half a decade more of SF5 minimum.

Doubtful with how this season is looking

They outsourced Sfv and Mvci with a Chinese company

Devil may cry and re2 had East European


Nice monkey ears

I want those thighs on either side of my head

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thank you user

V-triggers are literally almost the exact same thing as ultras and some SF3 supers, with the only difference being the meter has stocks you can use for one other mechanic (which is also unoriginal, it's literally just alpha counters). A decent amount of v-triggers are literally just copied from previous games supers or ultras. Ultras aren't the most original thing but what was original about it is how it was a separate meter from your main meter used for EX moves, unique for SF at the time.
>half them didn't even feel like they belonged in SF
You can easily say the same thing about SFVs roster though? I mean fuck, have you seen Abigail?
>4 had way too many OSes and other bullshit for me to enjoy the feel.
I'm not talking about the inner depths of it's mechanics. I'm talking about the feel of the moves and shit.


Could be worse

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This is peak artstyle and using shaded art style it would work perfectly. Chun-Li would need to be made a bit thicker though, but that's about it.

Attached: xmen_vs_street_fighter_chun_li_render_by_infinite_kyo98_db3bwtd-pre.png (597x1337, 710K)

>are people really going to remember shit like Necalli, Rashid and Ed?
You picked literally the one character people like the most from SFV, great job.

The newcomers were fine, way better then all the shitty ones IV added. Having less of a SFII circlejerk is a good thing, it's fine to have genuine favorites like Dhalsim and Sagat but shit like E. Honda, T. Hawk, and DeeJay are not needed in every game just because they're SFII veterans.

Legs arent big enough.

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too bad the gameplay is inherently shite, being a cabinet console fighting game

>being a cabinet console fighting game

a wot

I'm not worried about that. They're too cheap and lazy to go for realism.

>I think some of the new characters will survive. Zeku, Rashid, Kolin, G,
Zeku and Kolin are pre-existing characters that became playable and had their backgrounds expanded of course they have more staying power, it is not fair to compare them with actual newcomers.

Rashid, F.A.N.G., G (even outside of the Q connection), and Menat are all great designs and (outside of FANG who is too shit for anyone to care about) are all really popular. A lot of the "newcomers" who were already in the story but just got movelists were popular too. I think Falke is the only new character nobody actually gives 2 shits about.

They are as big as Akiman made them, Chun-Li only became fuckhuge from SFIII onwards.

To be fair their movelists are pretty good too. Strider/Guy stance character and a strictly defensive (before they just gave up on that and made her rushdown) character who used counters/good damage off jabs instead of the typical DP/fireball are both really good "functions".

only thing wrong about this is the blue eyes

SFV Chun has horse legs, only problem I have worth her model it looks disgusting

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fighting game thread? fighting game thread, does MK11 have any rekka characters like Fei Long or Yang in SF? I legit can't play anything else.

Ken was never good looling

I just want another true pixel 2d street fighter game, but it will never happen.

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>They are as big as Akiman made them

And here is the artist at work. Just because you have seen a few concept/promo arts done doesn't mean big isn't his intentions. I can post literal SFII art hat he took actual time on to paint that show she has massive legs.

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Does Yea Forums like his SSB4 or SSBU look better?

Attached: Ryu_Full.png (373x493, 162K)

Your complainy sounds pretty gay to me user.

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SF4 and 5 are both some of the ugliest "big" fighting games ever shat out right next to MVCI

either make SF6 look photorealistic but with stylized characters or

>chun-li without tights
that's illegal.

Karin is the only true goddess, chunplebs.

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>the artsyle in this game is spot-fucking-on
You have got to be joking me.
The art-style is horrid.

The art-style in Street Fighter has been horrible since Street Fighter 3.
They need to bring back the original Street Fighter 2 style(along with the gameplay) and not this retarded shit.

Just hire StudioMDHR to do the visuals.
Imagine a new game that looks like Street Fighter 2 Original Artwork...

looks like something related to Sora no Kiseki

Were you born in 2009?

Attached: street_fighter_ken_masters[1].jpg (620x614, 47K)

>stylized characters
Just make the models look good like Overwatch (even though I hate that game)

>SFIV was a decade of deformed ugly trash
5 is even more deformed you retarded fuck, just look at the gif you posted.

I like thick thighs but i'm not attracted to horses mate

Tekken 7 is photorealistic but with stylized characters unlike something like DMC5 or MK11 which opts out to make everything 1:1 from real life in terms of human characters

>mfw realizing they're gonna use ugly ass real world models to face scan for 6
>all the cast will get ugly face from now on
>the women will look like coked out whores now

>art vs ingame model/sprite
I know it's from third strike but it's just a portrait

Attached: sfiv-ken-622 (1).png (750x400, 341K)

Not really, though with the way the dial-a-combo system and chip damage works theoretically anyone with a good "poke" string could be interpreted that way so long as it's relatively safe on block. Something like Johnny Cage's Forward 3, 3 or Baraka's forward 4, 4 in MK11, or Superman's forward 2, 3. Strings you just kind of use to apply pressure with and make it dangerous for the other player to press buttons. I can't think of anyone with an actual rekka though.

He was a pretty boy in anything after SFII, in SFII all dudes were rough looking.

I hate these fucking spiky Naruto hair Ryu has had since the Alpha games.
I prefer his regular SF2 hair ffs.
Best Ryu is still SF2. I also miss the voice clips from SF2(pre-Super Turbo) when he went "HADOUUUUUUUUUKEN", that's how a man should sound dammit.

Tekken looks like shit and its character are boring and unmemorable.

How fucking retarded are you? What does that have anything to do with your inability to understand basic terminology?

I've always really liked the art style of SFV. Wish I would have played it but I hate classic fighters. I need autocombos.

Attached: thatfeltgood.png (355x355, 148K)

Take your pills, boomer.

This is million times better, not even a comparison.
This was done by AKIMAN the OG Designer from Street Fighter 2.

You just need to practice and then execution becomes fun

Fuck you Zoomer.
Street Fighter 2 games are still the best and the series evolved poorly.

That just made me realize, what if the next tekken ran on RE engine...holy fuck i'd cum

Also Tekken 7 are definitely not photorealistic, they've been using the same models for like 4 fucking games or something, they just modify them to look a bit better but they're ultimately still very similar to their predecessors

See something you like my man?

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>kills you in two combos
>o sagat

The SF2 voices were all done by random Capcom employees and people they knew. In fact I remember hearing that Ryu and Ken were voiced by the guy who spirited Guile.

REengine is for games that tried to have its characters look partially realistic looking with only some fantasy aspects thrown in, stuff like Devil May Cry and Resident Evil, Capcom didn't state REngine was the future and would use it for everything onwards, I can only see maybe Monster Hunter and a new Dragon's Dogma migrating to it.

SFV has some of the easiest to perform combos in the series history


Forgot pic.

Attached: illust.jpg (425x601, 132K)

Female Corrin is the only character where the smash version isn't the best version.

Nah, it's in this weird ass space where there are very few actually hard combos, but your average combo is trickier than it was in a lot of old games (sans IV). Like, your average combo in 3 was piss easy, minus like anything dudely did.

Or they could just go back to 2D.
Just hire Studio MDHR to do the graphics and you're done.

No one would buy it.

It feels like Yea Forums will bitch no matter what they do. Yea Forums became the most anal place on the internet when it comes to graphics even when people said for over a decade on here that graphics supposedly don't matter.

Thicc Chun Li sucks as does Thicc Ryu and Ken and all these other thicc character.
They're terrible character designs for anything other than maybe SFM porn.


Attached: shingo2000KOF(1).jpg (530x1300, 88K)

What they did to Vega is really disgusting.

Street Fighter 2 style is objectively the best.

It's good for SFM porn but it's not really a tasteful design with broad appeal.

Best Ryu

Attached: 20100601054836!Street_Fighter_II_Art_Ryu_1.jpg (580x580, 38K)

>I have seen how they fucked up Marvel
what do you mean? Mahvel was alright.
But you can kiss goodbye the SF franchise. The only reason we got SFIV, SFV and the CapCup was because of Ono and he's no more. No one else at Capcom give a flying fuck about fighting games or e-sports.

Attached: DKDYMLrUEAAvvtv.jpg (684x719, 101K)

And they were much better than any voice actor ever since.

>but it's not really a tasteful design with broad appeal.

Nigga have you really met anyone who doesn't like how absurdly big of a girl Chun is? They aren't the majority. EVERYONE knows her as thunder thighs. She remains popular and well known enough that she was in Wrek it ralph AND player number one alongside Tracer. She is literally the reason mirror matches exist at all.

Attached: B8021115-F92C-4826-8EA1-5935FF8D4B9A.gif (540x662, 1.99M)

>actually liking V's mutants
>AND condemning IV for being deformed

Attached: 1454884264802.gif (125x125, 18K)

>No one else at Capcom give a flying fuck about fighting games or e-sports
Itsuno still says he wanted to continue Rival Schools, it's the suits higher up that don't care about it.

Git gud.

>was because of Ono and he's no more

As in leaving Capcom entirely? Source?

Umm yes they would sweetie.
Everyone wants a 2D fighting game.

It is not okay!

Does anyone have a 4 vs 5 side by side pic? As someone who hasn't payed much attention to SF I thought they basically had the same artstyle.

That's funny, everyone in my part of the world preferred her before she got on the roids. My anecdotical evidence > yours.

I love this design so god damn much. I never really cared for the character prior, but that outfit, the long hair and those thick bare legs are fucking 10/10.

Based and redpilled.
The proportions are perfect and not retard, the hair is not animu shit.

Not that guy and I like how big Chunners is, but you are delusional if you think it was solely her legs that granted the position she has today, Chun-Li's place in the hall of fame comes from being the first actually notable (not first created) female fighting character.

They really did give it their all. Akiman says he remembered said spriter actually falling off his chair while recording because he was shouting SHORYUKEN at the top of his lungs.

>EVERYONE knows her as thunder thighs.
No they don't. Only hardcore players do.
Everybody else knows Chun-Li as Chinese Ryu/Ken Woman.

>My anecdotical evidence > yours.

How about the evidence that they keep her that way? Only fags complain. Chun-li has always been big. This is SFII official art by Akiman himself.

Attached: BA65012C-478A-4243-904D-7DFBAD95F94E.jpg (744x1000, 253K)

He is talking about how Ono isn't the chief executive of all fighting games at Capcom anymore, he is still at Capcom but now he isn't the boss of all fighting games' planning. Now only he only responds to games he actually directs.

More offical SFII art by Akiman

Attached: 42D842B2-1A00-400F-914C-05DD61AC2461.jpg (498x701, 203K)

Oh, good, I was afraid liking Hugo's xbox hueg physique was unusual. Thank god.

>but you are delusional if you think it was solely her legs that granted the position she has today

I dont think that at all. In fact i can gush on and on about how she is actually one of the most pro female characters ever made and probably the first proper one ever.

*stuns you randomly*

Pffft hahaha, most of those people don't know her by something as retarded as "thunder thighs" or "chunners", and don't even know her name. She's just a SF character on a lot of promotional artwork, nothing more.

Wow never heard of that story before, that's pretty cool. In the new games instead we get this wimpy shit.

On a similar note it pisses me off how Samsho replaced their OG voice actors with 6 too. Samsho had some of the best voice acting in a video game series I ever heard.

I would prefer more Guilty Gear Xrd/Dragon Ball FighterZ approach over artstyle.
Imagine Street Fighter 3 style 2.5D.
I aways though the 2D artstyle of street fighter was way better than the 3D's one.

Attached: file.png (1047x1600, 1.53M)

Nah they know at least her name but I agree otherwise.

Ok retard.


Only good character redesign, a lot of them like Ken were shit.

Attached: 001.png (500x500, 134K)

Ono ruined Street Fighter.

>And they were much better than any voice actor ever since
Fuck off, Guile and Sagat's voices in SFII make them sound like complete dorks.

You are literally only saying that because it gets your dick hard. Do you even like anything besides the artstyle?

>Street Fighter will never have art as good as this again
It hurts.
What happened to godtier japanese illustrators?

I love sfv Ken redesign though the game model looks shit. Karin is also better.

Attached: maxresdefault (12).jpg (1280x720, 156K)

I’m so glad they went with an inbetween of 2 and Alpha. He was way too buff in Alpha and way too skinny in 2. I think this middle ground looks great for him.

He's talking about the CPS1 voices, not the CPS2 ones.

I love the artstyle for sfv, and how chunners look, don't listen to these discord trannies. Though Ken and Ibuki look awful, there's no getting around those.
I'm also worried what the next sf will look like after the whole rmika mini controversy and how bad the western 'influence' has gotten, and how they'll tone down the sexyness for the sake of fighting tournaments.

Attached: 1554482321427m.jpg (1024x576, 113K)

Attached: 1547890378666.jpg (1920x1080, 265K)

>went too far
No they didn't

I think the actual redesign is great and shows his modern approach to martial arts, as opposed to Ryu’s traditional one and makes him unique but also recognizably shoto. It’s his goddamn face in 3D that’s shit.

Based kolinposter

Attached: 1.png (1298x2000, 332K)

>SF3 fags
>Like shitty Xrd/FighterZ garbage graphics

It's some fuckery alright... See

Who is this guy?

Attached: g-story-costumsfvae.jpg (3840x2160, 1.16M)

How can you hate these godly voice clips?

Capcom happened to own them alm as well. These people designed the SFII cast. Would go on to design RE characters.

Attached: 15D4F03B-D689-4335-89F0-EBB46784558A.jpg (2121x1549, 1.22M)

a cool character ruined by garbage gameplay design

Q but better

With people like you no wonder western games in shit.

Sf alpha chunners has big thighs as well, SF3 chunners was the logical conclusion because she got older, v makes since for her legs to be that thick and toned.

I took that screenshot you saved myself rofl

Attached: D9444BE1-5F5E-43AA-A896-5E76509DBEB7.jpg (1920x1080, 314K)

This exactly desu

I do love them in a cheesey way, I just felt it was stupid of him to say those were the best voices.

It's weird having English and Japanese voices now in SFV. Some of the guys like Alex, G, and Sagat sound generic as fuck in Japanese but great in the English version. At the same time though a lot of the girls like Laura, Kolin, and Sakura slund terrible in English as well.
I think G is pretty cool overall, him and F.A.N.G are my two gavorite newcomers.

She was gonna miss anyways

Great screenshot

>Ryu do you love me?
>Be strong Ryu, be strong for Gouken

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

>le 56%

when will we get a real big tiddy character?

Attached: D2v_epp0.jpg (722x1024, 435K)

People mocked the PS4 share button.

>I just felt it was stupid of him to say those were the best voices.
That was me.
It's not stupid, they are the best and most iconic voices by far.

The stupid voices you're thinking of for Guile and Sagat btw are the CPS2 ones. I don't like those voices that much, the CPS1 ones were the best.

But it's you westerners who like this garbage cel shading shit.
Why the hell do you continue to glorify this cheap looking garbage when Cuphead came out and blew these pieces of shit out.

If an indie studio can do 2D right why can't these big companies?


Attached: chunners.webm (552x420, 2.58M)

Is that Anri Okita?

Me at the bottom

The best part about this game is it caters to all. Japs tend to have a thing for boobs but nothing for us ass guys. Well this game is like a waifu buffet. Tits, ass, even feet and pits. There’s something for everyone.

look at his fucking PUDGY fingers.

I kinda hate it when people keep saying that the artstyle in SFV is spot on but keep ignoring how the hair and clothes physics make the in-game look like utter ass.

Also, there is an almost 10 year gap between SFV and SFIV. Stop comparing them graphic-wise, you retards.

>your average combo is trickier than it was in a lot of old games (sans IV).
Not it isn't, retard. Previous games didn't have input buffering along with some of the even older games having more precise inputs ALONG with precise timings. Remember, combos were literally a gltich from the original SF2. It's pretty evident that it wasn't until SF4 where they started designing the type of combos that people would be doing, rather than creating certain rules for how combos work and letting players go wild.

Any babby can go into SFV having only modern FG experience and do most characters combo trials after getting the hang of inputting special moves.

Saying there is 10 years between them only makes the case worse for SFV

Took a vacation in a Hawaii and couldn’t find a swimsuit that fit her

That's what you get when you transition from stellar 2D with mixed results... (looking at you too, Kof & Samurai shodown)

no you idiot

There will be no SF VI, just like there will not be a D4.
Capcom is making good money in their other gaming divisions, the FG division hasn't put out anything financially worthwhile for a long time, atleast their last 4 products were flops.
SFV has been out for 3 years, SFIII and IV lasted 8 years, if we were to get a new street fighter we would have to wait another 5 years AT BEST and that is if Capcom doesn't disband the FG division.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

>mfw everyone tells me SFV is so easy but i cant hit silver with my main Chun
>mfw i dont fare well at fighting games at all and can only hit Warrior yellow rank with Kazuya in T7

Attached: 6DEBEE86-8EE5-40CC-A57A-494D3BC09A4D.jpg (370x289, 39K)

I know that feel, brother. Forever stuck in silver with Gief. I just want to get gold for the trophy, dammit.

No I don't, I say that like I was responding to someone claiming that BnBs were easier to perform in the older titles

Considering she has a kid now she's got lots of time to upload pictures on instagram, hang out with derp mc'wonkytits and go on holiday.

There's hardly any pictures of her actually being a mother

Soooooo what you're saying is that not only have you never played a SF game prior to IV, but you've never read any interviews with their developers either. Gotcha.

Its weirder for me because i actually collect SF shit despite being garbage at it because i love the art and characters so much. I have artbooks and manga too.

Attached: 1875BB2C-B15E-4762-A3C8-2C5D37BFC8D4.jpg (2048x1536, 598K)

I'm not concerned, they could hardly make it worse than it is, and I've given up any hope that we can go back to beautiful 2D sprites.

No, it’s weirder for me because I’ve spent 120+ dollars on this game, have most of the costumes, almost all the stages, and I don’t even play with anyone local on a regular basis.

See me in Super Turbo right now. I can do alpha 2 or 3s as well

I'm still waiting.

Attached: 1554719833403.gif (196x298, 75K)

>There's hardly any pictures of her actually being a mother

IMAGINE being that baby girl. So much cock and cum hit her mothers skin before she arrived and its ALL documented online. And she carries the Anri genes. Holy shit.

You know they’re going to monkey paw this shit
>completely different play style
>out of school, wearing a business women outfit

We've discussed this before.
Some kid in school is going to figure that shit out and show them, then Anri will either ara ara~ or commit sudoku

>We've discussed this before

Have we? Where was i?

I wouldn’t care if my mom was the biggest slut pornstar of all.

To be fair a parent shouldn't post their child online, parents who do that are just attentionwhores. Posting a cute pic of them once in a while is fine, you don't need to have people watch your child's entire life.

Well she blurs out nipples all the time, bluring a face isn't much different

>Doesn't reply
Nice dodge faggot, try to call me out but won't even see me in a game

They dont need to top shit

Turkey legged Chun Li is ridiculous

Go back to SF2 proportions

>But that actually requires hard work
So does making diverse characters but DBFZ can't

You might if you were a normal Japanese girl with Anri genes hitting puberty with every slack jaw in the school looking at your chest hoping you too become a whore meanwhile they all tell you how much they spank it to your moms vintage vids and remark how alike you are.

>looking at you too, Kof & Samurai shodown
God, that makes me sad.
Samurai Shodown went from god-tier sprites/backgrounds in 3 to downgraded shit in 4, to disgusting trash in the playmore games(5, 6, Sen) to this travesty.

I mean, just look at pic related.
Fucking Kino.

Attached: Ss3basara1bgalt.gif (640x464, 201K)

So are you just stupid then? Because ST has an input buffer that nishitani purposefully added into the game. Like, how can you play a game but be so fucking ignorant of basic fucking system mechanics?

>Go back to SF2 proportions

Shut up clueless faggot

Attached: 726863A5-E932-490E-A2D8-05F5E06C50D9.png (384x224, 26K)

Nice dodge.

Holy fuck you're autistic, I don't spend literally every second refreshing a thread just in case an absolute retard decides back down from actually defending the shit he says.

This is a great idea, but Capcom is way too lazy to pull that off, and Bengus art style had degraded beyond salvation.

The Alpha games were anime as fuck, so going this route won't feel unnatural.

Attached: 1554481328913m.jpg (691x1024, 99K)

She posts pics of her kid on her ameblo blog

>completely different play style
Please no.
>out of school, wearing a business women outfit
Please no.

I would be fone with some casual clothes or her farming gear.

Attached: 50562346_p0.jpg (1158x1637, 711K)

I'll fight you when you actually know how the game works sweetie. No need to waste my time with someone who doesn't know basic mechanics. :)

How is he clueless? That leg is nowhere as chunky as it is in SFV.

Attached: B251A59B-7E54-4C23-9CA2-0CB5D4B45471.jpg (214x329, 11K)

Chun-Li is so out of proportion that she literally looks like a pin head


>still dodging with no excuse
So not only are you ignorant but you also don't play video games, extremely epic sir, good day to you then

Who do you main in the games Yea Forums?

Always the king for me. Only exception is Third Strike obviously, mess around with Makoto and Elena there.

Attached: 70117401_p0.jpg (831x1000, 257K)

No shit but it was never far off. Her legs were always big and V is literally the closest to how all of Akimans art looks. IV made her tits smaller than II. That is something to complain about.

Attached: 91DF8046-20ED-4732-ADBB-2062CB6CF92E.jpg (430x523, 74K)

Why the fuck would I play a game with a retard over netplay, to prove to him and only him that he's retarded, when he has obviously already figured out how stupid he is because he has stopped arguing and is just deflecting?

What you have posted shows you lack even the most basic knowledge of how SF system mechanics work in any game, and nobody should take your opinion seriously.

who you callin pinhead?

Attached: 1554459285384.jpg (600x941, 92K)

I got into 3s like 2 weeks ago. My yang is sick. Not sure who to pick in SFV/MK11 and I dont want to buy before I settle on a main. Thinking Sakura for SFV.

SF6 on RE engine

What would your ideal SFVI play like?

Attached: 45bbad9.jpg (768x1024, 79K)

>her legs were always big!
>post a image where her legs look much smaller than V
Hm I see I see.

I dont care, just give me Fei Long/Yang.

It'll never happen. They'd have to scan a real person for every character on the roster, and if you're not using the RE Engine for getting as close to realism as possible, then why even use it?

Attached: 1543100739171.webm (1080x608, 2.4M)

SFIV without Ultra autoblock and tech OS. With a new game system instead of focus to have something new.

Attached: Db150-03.jpg (576x432, 46K)

She posts pics of the kid sometimes and talks about doing stuff with her I think she’s fine


Best proportions.
But that image is not very accurate since the game was in 4:3 and the added resolution was used in a very weird way to give more detail to the sprites.

I think tech os is necessary. Either that or very generous throw invuln on wakeup/etc.

SFV has shown what throws in SF look like when you get rid of tech os.

Why han han sad sad?

Attached: 111.gif (499x281, 1.55M)

Like 3rd Strike


Attached: F7306C6E-9F7C-4F34-B1F4-A9DDCF0ADD01.jpg (450x400, 45K)

Alpha style was never my favorite but at the least it's better than everything that came out since then.

However stop with this Xrd/DBZ bullshit. Those games look like fucking garbage.
After Cuphead came out there's no fucking excuse for these big developers not to do 2D right and you fucks need to stop enabling them to get away with cheap shit.

Capcom maid her trash in V

>but it was never far off.
Uh yes it was.
The pic you're posting right now is from Turd Strike when all of this "HUEG THIGHS" crap started.

Before that they were big but far more realistic.

Attached: 1487090143213.jpg (480x180, 15K)

That image is her Alpha design you retard.

>The pic you're posting right now is from Turd Strike

Uh oh. Dont you look silly now user. No its not.

>No visible pubes
You need to go back.

Don't worry
Now that Capcom """is back""" their next fighting game is going to be Darkstalkers holy shit run for your lives

You fucking retard


Are you absolutely blind?

The sprite in the left is based off of the incorrect widescreen emulator look rather than the 4:3 aspect ratio you would see in a real cab.

The way she looks in the magazine in the right was the intended look and closer to how she looks in the original 4:3 ratio.

Thats Alpha you pleb

I wonder, would modern darkstalkers lean more heavily on it's footsies element or embrace the anime genre that it spawned?

Also how she really looks pic related

Attached: il_570xN.1567902734_e01w.jpg (570x1013, 81K)

Incoming "I was just pretending to be retarded" post

excuses, excuses, excuses. Dude, just say you're dodging because you're a pussy who doesn't even have fightcade installed and has never once touched an FG that uses sprites prior to 2009 let alone see an actual arcade cab? It's simple vro



Guys how do i delete someone else's comment?

Lol, the dumb faggot probably won't even admit his stupidity.

And yet here is SFII promo art by CHUN-LIS CREATOR AKIMAN HIMSELF. Capcom didn't just decide it would be funny to give her massive legs and tits one day user, it was the intention.

Attached: 7162342D-8D2E-40D9-96FE-EECEBA151DF9.jpg (1053x1400, 1.36M)

>clipping in 3 separate places

Attached: 1542781804565.png (463x660, 275K)

DoA and Tekken have shown that the somewhat realistic aesthetic works. Mocap like MK and Injustice looks like shit still

Sex with Juri

Video games didn't have proper armpit tech until the RE engine user. im kind of not kidding

Attached: 9969D259-4795-4559-8781-D9BEF4AE770D.jpg (1024x576, 44K)

Attached: D220mSBWsAAvnYB.jpg (350x350, 21K)

Whatever, fags.
Both games have awful art-styles.
Anything that isn't the Street Fighter 2 series have awful art.

Just to add onto this, there's an interview with Shimomura where she discusses talking with Akiman about Chun-Li's thighs during SFII's development
>Chun-Li has big thighs, right? So back in the day, I asked Mr. Yasuda, "Why does she have such big thighs?" And he started shouting and went off and was like, "I can't believe you don't understand the appeal." And he started explaining the attraction. And you know, I'm a woman and I asked the question but it kind of got awkward when he started explaining his fetishes. I mean, he has really strong feelings toward his creations. There's a reason for everything being the way that it is. When I heard that, I thought maybe that's something that everybody thinks, but everybody doesn't go out telling everybody. But he just told me.


Attached: DzkTShwU8AAyPuf.jpg (1024x724, 70K)

I agree. It's certainly not better than 4. 4 is the one that really broke through and popularized esports. I wish that had not happened. good for the competitors, good for the sponsors, good for the spectators, but bad for the quality of the game.

Get fucked you are wrong and your opinion is shit.

She has smaller breasts than V and her legs are more angular and muscular instead of being just sexy and thicc than V.
The Sprite posted on her SFA design capture her proportions almost perfectly (her legs are sightly less thicc than this art, but they are angular, muscular).
In conclusion: V Chun-Li is not as close as Akiman original vision, stop spreading this falsehood.

Her tits in II were fucking huge. They literally expanded as she breathed. There is only so much you can do with old limited sprite work you tard. LOOK at that thigh.

Attached: B6335608-464D-4D76-8786-6793302084AC.jpg (323x538, 73K)

Yeah, SFII truly is the peak of art.

Attached: sagat-sf2ww.gif (128x103, 3K)

The feel of SF4 (as far as movement, hitboxes, etc go) with the ease of use of SFV (input buffer, inputs aren't as strict but maybe toned down to not be AS easy as SFV) with the combo system of 3S.

As far as game mechanics, I dunno but I want it to be fresh and new. One idea I have I think would give people the best of all worlds where there are styles/isms but there is one that is based off of each mainline game or at least 3 that represent a combination of stuff from certain eras. I think it would be a really good idea to get people back into SF after SFVs abysmal sales and fanfare. They'd also have to go in hard on the roster trying to fit in as many fan favorites as possible with maybe 2 new characters, 3 max.

I like what SFVs initial roster was trying to go for, bringing back less popular characters and revamping their movelists but it's not what people wanted in the BASE roster. My ideal roster using 16 characters as a base would be
Akuma would be a secret character

Sf5's art style os trash and lithe chun li is superior to fat chun li

Still nowhere near as big as in SF4 and 5 and that is not artwork reflective of the game.
This is alternative artwork ala early Final Fantasy if you will.

This is her original SF2 design.
Her thighs were big but realistic.

Attached: Chun-Li_(SF2).png (312x580, 130K)

More original SF2 artwork.

Attached: SFIIChunLi.png (581x365, 159K)

And here's her early concept art(alternate costume as well)

Attached: Chunli-characterdesign.jpg (583x856, 197K)

Sakura is shit. The whole character.

Attached: __chitose_kei_kasugano_sakura_and_ken_masters_street_fighter_zero_series_and_etc_drawn_by_cornelius_ (872x535, 214K)

I miss CPS2 Blanka

Attached: Blanka.png (128x112, 4K)

>The Sprite posted on her SFA design capture her proportions almost perfectly (her legs are sightly less thicc than this art, but they are angular, muscular)
To me they're too muscular to be appealing in Alpha.
I have the same problem with Ryu, who looks way overly muscular in every game after SF2 when he's supposed to be a fucking Martial Artist not a fucking hambeast like Zangief.

The proportions got out of hand with after 2.

t. zoomer who wants le thicc 3D Chun-li thighs just so he can jerk off to SFM porn of her.

>my official artwork counts but your official artwork doesn't

t. boomerzoomeryoomerdoomer

He looks too human like. The original portraits for him have a "so bad it's good" feel.

Attached: Blanka-SF2-Defeat-Icon.png (124x100, 24K)

is your argument.
the character is appeared in more things now with muscular thighs than with non muscular thighs. this is clearly the direction the creators want to go with the character.

Im 28 you cunt, how are you not so embarressed hat you didn't leave the thread? Fuck off.

omgez chun li's leg is SO fucking thicc and huge in this figurine i'm gonna buy it so I can coom on her hot hor-I meant thicc legs UNGH they're so hot

Attached: thicc cun leg.jpg (219x386, 14K)

>This makes Pornfags mad

Attached: Street_Fighter_II_Art_Chun-Li_2.jpg (1100x1800, 240K)

I want her to forcefully fuck me

Where are Chun-li's meme thighs?

Attached: Street_Fighter_II_Art_01.jpg (1407x1999, 537K)

>Praise one of the best Street Fighter artstyles to ever exist
>People proceed to post the same Ken and Ibuki screenshots that literally nobody disagrees about them being hideous

This place is so boring.

Attached: 1553190042571.gif (500x452, 987K)

Attached: b66cbf58-b15c-443a-9f6b-803be93ad016.gif (350x197, 2.86M)

It feels like there's autistic screeching from both sides because official art and creator statements keep contradicting each other and people here unironically get bent out of shape from that sort of thing
But what do I know, Chun-li is super boring

Attached: 1455842406789.gif (200x200, 53K)

bro seriously bro giant fucking huge legs that are longer than her torso and head combined and sexy tiny waist the size of my wrist it's so attractive and definitely doesn't look deformed and gross

Attached: UNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGH.jpg (900x1200, 232K)

those are still pretty thick

you're own argument can be used against you. you just want her thin because that's what you find attractive. you're the same person who calls people gay for liking any degree of muscle on a girl.

It truly is.
Everything after was a big downgrade.

>this is how Chris and Jill need to be thought of forever despite all majority canon because one mans autism cannot accept change

Attached: 45FF6388-1580-4DE2-B7D1-70C63448A7F0.png (488x600, 378K)

>torrented this because I wont spend a cent on a censored game
tell me the west branch localizers learned their lesson

Attached: 1453597104630.jpg (333x333, 21K)

>nu Yea Forums hates thighs

SFV isn't censored you retard.

The one you posted is what video game artists used to commonly do at the time. It's alternative artwork where the artists are given freedom to interpret their designs in different and sometimes more detailed ways.

>Say what you will about SFV as a game but the artsyle in this game is spot-fucking-on
Maybe if they got rid of the giant hands and feet.

He looked too much like a Brazilian.

Majority of male characters look bad. Sakura looks stupid and not even like the same character as her previous entries, juri's feet are extremely disproportionate and gross like I get that's SF's style but juris is done to an extreme to the point her feet are bigger than other female characters shoes. Also Abigail exists

Don't get me wrong, I think some SFV characters do look pretty good but I think there are too many bad for it to be said that SFVs artstyle is "good" when it's such a mixed bag

yes it is, you retard

>Capcom can properly translate Ace Attorney's 2D artwork into 3D almost effortlessly
>Even Megaman 11, despite being an Unreal 4 game, still manages to do a pretty good job making the characters and enemy models faithfull to their artwork
>The fighting games trip and crack their skulls on a loose rock in the pavement trying to do the same

I don't understand, how is their fighting game division so fucking inconpetent?

Attached: pic_01.gif (400x240, 1.82M)

Hey guys this is what Hehachi from Tekken first looked like once 20 years ago so forget all the other shit you know, this is the only canon.

Attached: B56F434A-692B-43B1-AC6D-69ECA8AF41C6.jpg (210x240, 8K)

Attached: hqdefault (1).jpg (480x360, 30K)

Looks the same to me: like shit.

>Majority of male characters look bad. Sakura looks stupid
Neither of these are true.
>juri's feet are extremely disproportionate and gross like I get that's SF's style but juris is done to an extreme to the point her feet are bigger than other female characters shoes.
It doesn't count if you're a foot fetishist. Hands and feet are big in Street Fighter for readability, and it works.

You can like whatever you want just don't pretend she was always that way.

Lmao you weren't even around when World Warrior hit the arcades.
Fuck off zoomer piece of shit.

I'm arguing over the original intent.
The reason why I want the original SF2 designs is not because of Chun-Li's retarded thighs in the new games.
It's because they were more appealing character designs with broader appeal and more fitting for their characters.

Ryu in Street Fighter 2 looks more like a believable martial artists than the retarded steroid junkie that he is nowadays.

No, I think Chun-Lis thighs are just way to fucking big in SFV and they look like they came straight from a horse. Slightly bigger than what cammys legs are like would be perfect.

They removed the ass slap during Mikas super animation along with the very subtle nipple bumps from cammy's costume.

Attached: vaWBE6b.jpg (1112x605, 653K)

sfv looks great
also it came out 3 years ago

you retards that like all the current anime garbage games, samsho and dbfz are blind and stupid

Different guy here, Sakura's problem is the head. The hair looks too big and the face is weird.

Yes, but not cartoonishly huge like in the new games.

>Neither of these are true.
Nice shit opinion.
>It doesn't count if you're a foot fetishist.
I literally have a foot fetish, retard. Juris are not attractive in the slightest biggest of how big they are and it makes the style inconsistent when some people have big feet and hands while others don't. Like I said I already know that's SF's style but it's extremely inconsistent.

This. SFV Sakura looks like someone cosplaying her rather than it actually being Sakura. She's the only character that has this problem too for w/e reason

Attached: 7PlG3yW.jpg (886x463, 42K)

He isn't, but he might be on the way out

Attached: 4.png (1251x1038, 595K)

>Comparing 2D anime artwork to their realistic renders
They didn't even look anything like this in-game(and they could have made them animesque if they wanted to but they didn't)

The in-game design wound up being more inspired by the original concept art(pic related) rather than the final anime designs.
You can also see the live actors they cast for the FMV sequences were similar to the concept art as well

Speaking of Resident Evil, everbody agrees that Nu-Chris(starting with RE5) is dogshit and that peak Chris was in ReMAKE.

Attached: Chris_Concept.png (248x538, 172K)

Chun-li's boob jiggle was censored outside of Japan.

Attached: 1447109182187.jpg (450x450, 30K)

I cant believe this thread actually conned me into redownloading jive only to delete it again after two garbage matches

jesus FUCKING christ I cant believe some actual retard actually wastes their time into this piece of dogshit. It just feels aggressively bad to play even on the instant surface level, it feels like you literally have to be hugging your opponent at all fucking times if you want to connect your two MP into special "combo"

there is zero creativity and the fucking footsies are literally nonexistent T rex wankfests, fuck this dogshit

I honestly urge the JUST eyed street fighter OG's to legitimately try MK11 instead of sticking to some ancient brand loyalty, its actually insane how good that game feels. Its almost like a complete answer to everything about jive right down to the fast walkspeeds and giant weapon fighter normals most characters have

>Speaking of Resident Evil, everbody agrees that Nu-Chris(starting with RE5) is dogshit and that peak Chris was in ReMAKE

Ok? And im telling you peak Chun-li isn't a bunch of early concept art from SFII. Well done for breaking your own rule about how later changes dont count.

>Praise one of the best Street Fighter artstyles to ever exist

It isn't.

SF is one of Capcoms BIGGEST and most well known IPs. Also if no one gave a fuck about esports Capcom wouldn't have done it for the 6th year in a row. There will definitely be an SF6, just who knows when. The new head of the FG division is apparently Capcom CEOs son or something and worked on monster hunter a lot so he's probably less likely to fuck up like ono did and hell, might even be the reason SFV isn't getting another season right now

I hate/love ono so much. I hate him because he's probably the reason SFxT and SFV were so bad but he also seems so genuine on trying to do the good thing and loving SF and the fanbase.

Stop using Lain for your shit-tier opinions.

People claim Capcim outsourced some of the models, I'm not sure how true that is, but if it is Sakura's looks like they did. If they just fixed the head it she would look fine, just make the hair less poofy looking and fix the face.

Attached: skr.png (659x543, 437K)

Peak Chun-li design was Chun-Li in the Street Fighter 2 games.
Just like with every other Street Fighter design. They all look far more wrose in other iterations of the series, especially Ryu.

Those aren't SF 4 or 5 thunder thighs tier massive, though. Why do you think they are?

Ken yeah, but Ryu? lolno

>Just like with every other Street Fighter design.
Including the ones not in Street Fighter 2?

>Capcoms BIGGEST and most well known IPs. Also if no one gave a fuck about esports
SFV was a bomb and the esports has repeatedly been successful. In their yearly reports capcom has said they not only want to keep doing esports but expand it. Including letting them get big deals with esports companies. You think UNIQLO got ads in game for the few people still playing or for the thousands watching?

The prime reason SF6 would happen is esports. Not because SF has been such a successful brand for them lately.

>Peak Chun-li design was Chun-Li in the Street Fighter 2 games

Nah. You can fuck off now.

Honestly I dont care how long it takes for SF6 to be made so long as it releases in a similar state to SFV AE

meant for

Attached: sfv parry.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Thats a bug you tard. It only affects player 2

>so long as it releases in a similar state to SFV AE
that's a pretty low bar, and I still doubt they'd reach it

well there's your answer

SF6 with NRS artstyle and animations, directed by Kojima, SFV netcode and Epic Store exclusive.

>NRS artstyle and animations

I know its a shitpost but i still threw up a little

SF5 iirc has shit outsourced to artists all over the globe and was rushed out the door to meet the deadline Sony put on them since they paid for most of the development

Are you supposed to be disagreeing with my comment or are you adding onto it? Because I agree with everything you said.If the people who are going to develop SF6 have ANY sense it would honestly be very easy to figure out how to make a successful SF least financially.

>Ace Attorney
Compare how many animations and the how detailed the models have to be

I'm saying that all of the character designs after the SF2 series became worse.

Go jerk off to SFM porn underage loser.

I still want alt costumes in guilty gear though

Attached: 1525839692448.jpg (600x600, 271K)

what do i think of kolin?

Attached: 1516064820327.jpg (532x731, 161K)

It's not a bug, it was found through the bug.
That was the original animation that they censored before release in fear of SJW's.

Now Chun-li's boobs look solid as if they were fake boobs.

>the artsyle in this game is spot-fucking-on
See: Street Fighter 3

>hates SFV
>shills MK11
Kill yourself. Or better, give me your address so I can choke the life out of you for being such a retard. Think of it as a delayed abortion.

Not a fucking argument you cunt. I have never met a faggot this BTFO about Chun's design.

I dunno, I think Adon got a pretty fair overhaul compared to SF1

Attached: Street-Fighter-Alpha-3-Game-Character-Official-Artwork-Render-Adon-2.jpg (950x900, 131K)

>Now Chun-li's boobs look solid as if they were fake boobs

but they dont. Play the game sometime because those fuckers move.

She is the best "new"comer

Attached: Gill_Entrance.gif (168x186, 541K)


Attached: 1550365395253.webm (1920x1080, 2.74M)

Street Fighter 2 is one of the top 5 most profitable games ever.
It's sad to see what Capcom has done to this series.

How about you watch the video in here They were supposed to jiggle far more in the character select screen and then they were censored.

>It's sad to see what Capcom has done to this series.
There's nothing wrong with street fighter swimsuit magazines and it being in a power rangers game. Forgot some of the other embarrassing shit they've done in the last few year to tarnish the brand, I try to block that shit out of my brain

>If I say you're BTFO you're BTFO

SF3 bombed even harder than SFV lmao.

What's wrong with NRS?

Attached: InfamousSereneBinturong-max-1mb.gif (360x203, 745K)

>How about you watch the video in here

No cunt, because i actually play the fucking game and that video is so old that the vs screen was still a globe of the earth. If the tits stopped moving then that shit has been patched out. Her tits still move. Not like the bug but they do jiggle. Stop telling people who actually play the game now how it is.

You are though. You have been crying for hours that the vast majority of games that feature Chun-li show her much bigger than SFII. You are BTFO and your reply is embarresingly mad.

They should go back to the Street Fighter 3 art style because it doesn't look like a piece of shit.

Looks like generic anime shit compared to his SF1 artwork.

Attached: AdonSF.jpg (600x800, 67K)

I hate her, but I can't deny dat ass.

this will never happen. it's too expensive and time consuming to make sprite art. also you cant sell costumes.

So you concede that her boobs were censored then?

When SF3 bombed in 1997, Tekken 3 became the most popular hardcore fighting game.
When SFV bombed in 2016, Tekken 7 became the most popular hardcore fighting game

It's like you want them to fail.

>Posting on a board
Underage zoomers everybody.

yea they patched out the jiggling coz capcom usa were affraid of backlash

No it was a bug. It only affected player 2. Show some proof it was censored and the original intention as a default for all modes or fuck off.

And is it because of the design or the art style?

I dunno about that.
SF3 was a bigger bomb but it probably made more money than 5 overall since Arcades were still big then.

>he's still posting

jesus christ my man. Glutton for punishment. Now all you have left is "look everyone its the enemy"

Kill yourself

Attached: claire face.jpg (1080x1080, 384K)

>SFV isn't censored!

Attached: CnB2SrxWAAA2f2f.jpg (1920x1080, 317K)


like they didnt censor juri default costume?

Agree 100% SFV (next to GG) is the best looking modern fighter. The odd crap model was Capcom being cheap and outsourcing to shitty artists.

The amount of people who hate on the style but love the boring plastic look of tekken and MK makes me worried they'll pull a 180 and do something like DMC 5.

That's what I was arguing about in the first place.

The controversy is very fresh on my mind.

Arcsys games only look good in stills, the animation is fucking atrocious

Ass too big

Attached: sf butts full.jpg (2044x1149, 697K)

>deflecting this hard
You lost, lol

Well both of them.
But allow me to add on a bit more.

I like the SF1 and SF2 style more because it was more distinctive and less generic anime, like they faces were more unique and stuff.
Also I like them more because of the more muted colors and the shading and the fact that they had a lot of more detail to them.


He has the coolest looking combos in the game and his gameplay design is great though?

Attached: sf trump.png (2148x1200, 1.72M)

Attached: SFV-Changes-Shot-02.jpg (1440x405, 128K)

what's your favorite thing about kolin?

Attached: 1530672110868.jpg (956x1080, 235K)

You are mentally ill
A bug does not create such well crafted animation

I think Chun's been eating too much guys...

Attached: chun old hag.jpg (800x1000, 418K)

>the artsyle in this game is spot-fucking-on
Enjoy your banana/french fries-hair

ass perfect size

Attached: 1540506569997.png (835x1080, 1.94M)

stop being a bitch and play the man

>Glutton for punishment
pot kettle

So what you're saying is that you only liked the really early SF2 style

Attached: Ryu_(SF2T).png (315x563, 181K)

Post proof or fuck off.

It's called a physics engine, you dumb nigger. None of it was animated. All they did was tone it down because believe it or not, it wasn't supposed to do that.

>people dont think this is peak chunners
o i am laffin

Attached: 1547503012425.jpg (744x1080, 200K)

> how detailed the models have to be
You're implying that Street Fighter models have to be needlesly detailed despite the fact that SF as a whole probably have the simplest character designs in any fightan bar Virtua Fighter.

And animations have nothing to do with artstyle quality in this case, this isn't 2D sprite animation where the lower the amount of details, the easier and faster is is to animate individual frames, because there's no need to make a new model for each farme of animation.

well i don't wanna support that guy but it's literally one checkbox in unreal engine to enable pshyics bounce or not

I fucking hate this image. Makes me feel akward and sad.

Attached: 1554750538205.png (562x562, 460K)

Looks like Kiryu


Attached: 1543364278293.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

Except im right, most people like bigger bodied chun and thats how they kept her design for the vast majority of games going foward.

Attached: DD498EA4-0877-4AB3-869C-7392F0DB9BC7.jpg (625x923, 165K)

>releases in a similar state to SFV AE
You know it is not gonna happen user.

he same will happen.

>Game launches bareboness
>take 3 years for it to be decent at least
>the maority of the playerbase has moves on to the next fighting game.

Yeah, she looks like a fucking goblin. Your modded models don't change that fact.

Her idle animations.

Attached: Come get some.gif (540x542, 2.73M)

Its a minority of crying babies.

Attached: 72426488-63AC-46E8-B14E-A560DA8819AA.jpg (640x892, 330K)

This was definitely NOT animated by hand.

Attached: 1519629722634.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

SF4 but without a second bar for ultras, also without shit like kara grabs and crush counters.

It is all they ahd to do and they still pailed.

Attached: 1548472606534.jpg (1322x1823, 1.84M)

her backwalk animation is the best

Are you gay?

Attached: claire anal.webm (840x648, 3M)

Can you imagine that, a Dragons Dogma for the new gen with that engine, probably 60fps on consoles too.
oh man i would love that

>You're implying that Street Fighter models have to be needlesly detailed
No, but they are more detailed than models made for a 3DS game or simple platformer with cheap graphics that the switch can run. Also animations are a lot of work even in 3D, that is time and resources. You are acting like a 3DS game is the equivalent of making a console fighter.

Her jew nose

Attached: sf kolin butt.webm (720x1280, 726K)

I would explain why the current style is still bad. But you guys would call me a nitpicking autist.
So instead I'll just say, artists are never satisfied. And although you might not see the faults in the style, over at capcom, they're thinking about how to improve it. So when VI comes, don't be surprised when the new style makes V look ugly by comparison.

Attached: 1339032-chunli_fixshoe.png (450x987, 429K)

Even the Kolin spammer doesn't want to be in /fgg/ any more

Such a slut (for Gill)

Attached: sf kolin bend.jpg (2048x1152, 193K)

Man the art style is one of the worst aspects of the game. It's so fucking ugly to look at. I figured the gameplay is holding it up since people are still playing it.

not even close


Attached: 1522992511072.gif (318x480, 3.9M)

They should also have all brand new characters outside of 4-5 returning

The how the fuck did Marvel vs capcom infinite Chun-li happen?

what's wrong with /fgg/?

You sound like a max drone

Yeah, because that worked so well for SF3.

You may hate SFV all you want, but its roster is the perfect mix between classic characters, new characters and obscure ones.

>muh tekken
>no one gave a shit about competitive Tekken 4-6
>now that Tekken has some time to shine they never shut the fuck up about it
Aris and his stream kiddie followers have ruined the online FGC

From SF1 to SF2, depends on the character though(I don't really like SF1 red-haired Ryu)
CPS1 era is my favorite and imo it peaked at Championship Edition.

The photo you posted(from Turbo Hyper Fighting) is more of a middle ground between the prior designs and the more anime-ish ST/Alpha/3 designs. It's ok but to me this was the peak.

Attached: Ryu_(SF2CE).png (276x600, 152K)

Chun-li has literally never looked better. IV was the fucking trash one and thats AFTER they made it look more normal, early concepts were horrific. They nearly gave us this.

Attached: 716E018A-D7E1-4592-BF8D-4D84A37E754B.jpg (1272x826, 359K)

isnt it great that default gigantic titty monster is no longer uggo faced hitomi. now we have even bigger tits with an even prettier smile

whats like in fgg nowadays

Different art director.

Even that looks better than Jive.

Looks like shit.

SFV being bad drove many away, this left dedicated capcom fanboys and other series. The fanboys got more angry, which attracted people who just wanted to shitpost. This eventually drove every other game to make a separate general. SFV didn't really get better and now if or when capcom will update the game is unclear. So they have nothing to talk about. A lot of the fanboys, shitposters and now trips left. Which just leaves people repeating the same stock phrases and posting the same few images while occasionally entertaining the flavour of the month game.

You're a fucking cuck m8, shut the fuck up with your shitty bait and go away.

If they refine what they have and hire some better character designers + modelers were golden, the worry is they try to "impress" with realism.

I want her to crush me with those legs.

Attached: nasimlikesthis.jpg (411x467, 44K)

Hey screw you Heihachi is awesome

Capcukk mad.

>Chun-li has literally never looked better
She looks like a poorly translated version of her SFIII sprite. Where before they would alter proportions so she always looked amazing from any angle. Now, she's this chunky disproportionate monster. Sure, it's better than IV. But there's still a lot of room for improvement.

6 cant come soon enough

Attached: 1456863692913.jpg (640x640, 63K)


Only zoomers call her chunners.

Soulless . Sf4 was better

How could Capcom let this happen. I hope they never release a game in the west again. Tho they will because money. But I hope they fire everyone involved with this. and mika stuff

Attached: IMG_0121.gif (320x225, 1.56M)

>1,3,5 were mediocre and killed fighting games
>2,4 were revolutionary and brought back fighting games from the dark ages
It's only customary that Capcom revive the industry again with another numbered title. Especially now that they're on a roll with DMC V, RE2, MH World

Attached: sf ken guy.png (720x545, 557K)

BLAH BLAH BALH you are fucking BORING user. Do people let you know that irl? You. Are. BORING.

the strongest manlet

If most people liked bigger Chun then SF5 would have sold better than SF2.
But they don't, hence SF5 is a flop.

Listen here you fuck, I've fapped to SF5 Chun-li just like any of the other losers here and I've fapped to almost every other iteration of her as well but the newer designs are not good from a technical standpoint.


I sincerely wish you killed yourself. Your existence seems so miserable, it's only a matter of time anyway.

Don't act silly to try and cover up how dumb your opinion was.

Why are you feverishly defending censoring? It mutilates the games art.

Notice the context I was replying to, retard.
God the people on this board are so fucking dumb nowadays

Someone hasn't seen DMCV

You never had a meaningful encounter with a woman and you never will have one. You are a simpleton, a full-blown retard. A disgusting pile of trash that has taken human form. You should have been aborted.


>I was only pretending to be retarded.

sorry class we could not get the tv but we did get the projector

Attached: 1475895465062.png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

Max loves every game except for SFV.


You really shouldn't be on Yea Forums if you feel this passionate about censoring and other SJW stuff, you will give yourself a heart attack. Your childish words hold no weight on anyone sensible btw.

Attached: mam.jpg (417x480, 24K)


>CG shit
>Animated by hand
That's impossible.
But it was manually animated by somebody because it seems way too high quality to be a physics engine screw-up.

Then why are you replying? ;)

can I cum in your bum?

Can you people simply accept that sprites are the only way to make games look good and anything that isn't sprites is the ugliest shittiest most zoomer thing to exist?

I know a girl with huge thighs like that. Shame she's Arabian.

>Chun-li has literally never looked better.
Did you say something?

Attached: chunny-dash.jpg (600x800, 48K)

I'm afraid to look.

>first entry kill fighting games
>4 revolutionary
Only because online. Everybody know 2 and 3 are better.

4 was shit.

If shes hot I dont' see the problem

I think boomzoom is a pretty amerifat-flavored nu-meme, yeah

Not him. But see, that's all well and good now. Now, years later, and the truth is out, and all but the most delusional fanboys have admitted SFV is trash. Now it's safe to criticize it, now it doesn't take any balls.

But everyone who knows SF knew it was crap from launch. That's all it took. Where was he then? All those FGC ecelebs shilled the game for almost three straight years, even though on the ground level, people were saying it's dumbed down crap.

It was lower quality than any other SF launch prior. They removed almost everything that made the franchise stand above its competition. But these fuckers still promoted it. Now they wanna turn coat and say they never liked it.



You're not welcome here.

Nice retard forehead

>dodges and deflects

I want to be fucked by Cody

Attached: cody.png (1200x675, 920K)

She's Arabian. She might be attractive but she's not white. She's brown with abs.

I'm sorry boomerzoomerdoomeryoomeruoomertoomerloomer

This but Karin

Yeah not worth risking your life for.

>everyone who isn't a hopeless incel like me is an SJW
You're only proving that you're a waste of resources.