Death stranding kojima

I-is the game finally done?

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Its been in a state to show off for awhile it seems, and they are in the state of cutting things out that don't work well. I'd still be surprised if it launched this year. January maybe

It's pathetic how he actually thinks he's friends with these TV celebrities they pay to hang out with him.

Norman Reedus said hes voice acting work is about to be done, dont know about the game tho.

The games officially behind schedule. You'd have to be a mouth breathing retard to not see it coming given how badly he fucked MGS5. Kojima cares more about jerking off celebrities then making games.

>there was a point in my life when i thought this man is not only a professional but actually good at what he does

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is kojima gay for norman?

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Show it off fucking nips man. I wish bloodstained was finished fuck iga too man. I have been waiting years.

A delayed game will eventually be good, a rushed game will forever be shit.