I-is the game finally done?
Death stranding kojima
Its been in a state to show off for awhile it seems, and they are in the state of cutting things out that don't work well. I'd still be surprised if it launched this year. January maybe
It's pathetic how he actually thinks he's friends with these TV celebrities they pay to hang out with him.
Norman Reedus said hes voice acting work is about to be done, dont know about the game tho.
The games officially behind schedule. You'd have to be a mouth breathing retard to not see it coming given how badly he fucked MGS5. Kojima cares more about jerking off celebrities then making games.
>there was a point in my life when i thought this man is not only a professional but actually good at what he does
is kojima gay for norman?
Show it off fucking nips man. I wish bloodstained was finished fuck iga too man. I have been waiting years.
A delayed game will eventually be good, a rushed game will forever be shit.
My fear the game is basically a walking simulator in an open world. Open world is GARBAGE. Kojima's games worked best when they were level driven.
Metal Gear Solid has always been open world Kappa
>Metal Gear Solid has always been open world Kappa
There's a big difference with MG1-2, MGS1-3, and V. V is giant empty fields. Old metal gears are wide open Zelda like stages where you get stuff, then move to the next stage.
So yes, you could backtrack in older games, sort of like most of the early Resident Evil games, but that wasn't "open world" in the modern sense.
He's like George Lucas. He needs other people on the design team to reign his retardation in line and actual help write. Namely Tomokazu Fukushima
Is Norm Fetus even that popular outside the States?
>A delayed game MAY eventually be good.
the boondock nigga looks tired
is having homosexual relationship part of his plan?
yep, I too was 14 in 98'
I'd sooner believe Norman has officially finished his lines and mocap work.
Kojima, Norman and Mads are all gay for each other. There are reports of weird noises coming from Kojima's house at night. Local people attribute it to many things.
But the truth is that Kojima buttfucks them both while screaming "KEPT YOU WAITING HUH? KEPT YOU WAITING HUH?