I love shield!

Attached: 1554403095219.jpg (1159x1481, 188K)

Other urls found in this thread:


so the boy is sword?


How are they gonna justify the kids this gen being named sword and shield when being named after colors and jewels is a plausible thing?

post this slut's feet so I can jack off already

Is this the latest Twitter Nintendo girl meme?
Is bowsette already dead?

All of the trainers since gen 3 have had actual names bro


Attached: 1550609763828.jpg (700x1050, 341K)

Yes, daddy.

Attached: 1551487425658.png (554x873, 367K)


Attached: 1552971982007.jpg (1536x2048, 287K)

You cheeky tart.

Fuck off

I wonder what her feet smell like haha just curious


I only love her because she’s been memed into having a Scottish accent.


I wanna FUCK Shield!

Attached: 1552285823187.jpg (999x1277, 103K)

I want to falsely accuse her of raping me.


someone post THAT image

I want her to actually rape me!

Attached: 1551664558648.jpg (4096x4096, 1.86M)

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Original Color Fuuka.jpg (518x841, 59K)

probably not very good haha

Attached: 1534308385127.jpg (2437x3047, 2.03M)

Attached: A0F187B1-0890-43A2-9B7C-9106BDD488AF.jpg (1540x1617, 205K)

stop that

based fuuka poster

Attached: fuukaboomer.jpg (558x700, 233K)


Kusaka better make Shield the main MC of the next arc and give her all the screentime. Oh, who I am kidding? He is gonna give the spotlight to that generic faggot Sword.

Are Scottish girls cute?

I see what you did there...

Attached: 1552569717475m.jpg (1004x1024, 304K)


Attached: 485D1D3C-9ED6-4157-892E-E03285EAA213.png (930x941, 591K)

hahah imagine how embarrassed she'd be if you sucked her toes hahah lmao jk

Attached: 1553042994254.jpg (1681x1190, 401K)


Has a male MC in pokemon history been so overshadowed before? Is unprecedent how ignore Sword is.

Attached: 1500992103118.jpg (377x264, 12K)

I love cryptocurrency


Manga chars are always named after the games

after Brendan things have been going downhill anyways

Best fanfic I've ever witnessed

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Attached: 1551894156596.jpg (724x1024, 135K)

Jesus, I managed to decode that mess.


tfw no qt scott gf

W-well I'd like to see that embarrassment


Attached: 345453354345345.jpg (2834x2273, 457K)

>Tfw I find pokegirls hotter than most any other vidya girls
>Especially the plain looking ones like shield
Do I have brain damage?

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Lies all Scots hate the English. If a bloke saw those holding down her kidshitter she'd get a hard fucking for sure.

no you just want a normal girl

Attached: 435435453435435.jpg (1200x938, 105K)

Attached: 2f38b28e9836a8e3a1edb28b586f434c.jpg (550x310, 20K)

No, it's scientifically proven that pokegirls are the best girls in videogames.

Attached: 73515655_p0.jpg (876x918, 159K)

She better be an actual character now and not just a generic lass design.

Stop posting this pedo artist

Attached: 1551633198352.png (1264x1860, 913K)

What is my tank wife doing there

yeah, that took a while

Learn to differentiate the art from the artist
It's an enemy trainer from the SwSh teaser trailer

>hi i'm skyler
I knew it was coming

Attached: 1551808757105.jpg (838x1200, 159K)

Probably blackmail.

Attached: 54353543544353.png (3079x3024, 3.93M)

I don't fucking care about the artist personal life, i only care for the art.

Attached: 35435435345435.png (3807x4134, 2.33M)

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Attached: sides 32.png (500x503, 124K)

>Has a male MC in pokemon history been so overshadowed before?
how old are you?

I wish the new game gives the option of personalize the "rival". Instead of a hau faggot, you are given the option of choosing a trainer class so that character becomes your rival.