Perfect games don't exis-

>Perfect games don't exis-

Attached: Witcher_3_cover_art.jpg (292x414, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


or it certainly isnt that fucking bland shit with shitty combat

>a perfect game exists
and it's called bloodborne

Attached: BB.png (468x574, 386K)

Why did you post a game with mediocre gameplay and soundtrack? You know "a perfect videogame" would be mostly based on those two things right?

how is the soundtrack mediocre and could you provide a game to base this critique off of

Mediocre gameplay is definitely arguable but mediocre soundtrack? Hang yourself.

>moaning bitches
true masterpiece, kys

>Mediocre gameplay is definitely arguable

deluded sony nigger

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>mediocre soundtrack
this is bait
W3 has one of the best soundtracks in gaming history. Most of the complaints about combat and shit are legit. This one is just retarded.

>ambient shit in videogames

Go watch a movie son

>mediocre soundtrack
Pick only one you double negroid!

Attached: tw3.png (1024x1453, 1.79M)

>shitty gameplay

Attached: pr1-1.jpg (235x233, 10K)

>The combat is shi-

Attached: God Tier Witcher 3 Combat 2.webm (853x480, 2.69M)

i take offence to that statement, fallout 1 is a good game!

is this a bait i cant even tell

>he thinks the gameplay is good

This shit doesn't engage the player at all,its just filler but PC/western fags that only had to listen to boring generic soundtracks all their life lap it up.

>tw3's soundtrack
??? have you even played the game?

gave this a try because one of my discord friends loves it.
boring story I don't care about
boring side quests I don't care about
boring combat I don't care about
truly the perfect game.

>knows nothing about videogames, ambient music or movies
>tries to post anyway

It's not the game's fault you're soulless.

It's obviously b8. I mean look at this shit.
If this is not b8 this person should be hospitalized.

>discord friends
Go away tranny faggot.

great fucking game
if you don't agree get help

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Play more games

>not even the best game of 2015

whats the best game of 2015

>follow red line
>spam X to win

Attached: df9.png (1920x938, 2.78M)

This is literally not Geralt from the books
I get why somesomethingkowski is mad



witcher 3 of course


Modern AAA game soundtracks are all
interchangeable,just rip offs of movie soundtracks with no value whatsoever.In 5 years not a single normalfags like yourself will give a fuck about The Witcher III soundtrack because a bazillion of other generic sounding soundtracks will be released that will sound exactly the same.

If you are into waifus an cutscenes I suppose.

That ungrateful cuck had his choice, he should've asked for royalties instead he was dumb enough to take a flat fee because he didn't even have any faith in the success of the series translated to video games.

Mine glitched out at the 3 Hags and the Tapestry mission. Totally unplayable, so I guess I’ll never know.

>Throw Quen
>mash button
>press space2dodge

good branches on story thats it
story itself 7/10
art/world design 8/10
combat 6/10

10/10 Lore
10/10 world/art design
10/10 combat/bossfights.

you where saying?

>combat is easy

>rinse and repeat
stay mad nigga


sekiro has objectively better combat than bloodborne or soils

What game are you quoting? Because i don't play flavour of the week Yea Forumsermin games

AHAHAHAHAHAHA bloodbabs literally cant ignore goty 2015, why u mad bro, its been 4 years, maybe go see a doctor lmao

And NGB has objectively better combat than anything From have or ever will do.

fuck off TW3 fag everybody knows that Yea Forums recognize bloodborne as all around perfect game over witcher 3 and there is no counter argument for that.

It has, but i have enjoyed bb/ds more

u know the one that like bb will not get goty :)

a perfect game does exist

Attached: Ape Escape 3.jpg (1128x1600, 618K)

Well, it can be argued that gameplay is not mediocre but total shit.

How is bookgalt different? Will probably never read them


nobody cares about whatever game that is

>he said that

Oh boy from generic western shit to generic AAA japanese shit that are really desperate to be western,never seen that one before.

Attached: 54.jpg (681x162, 48K)

ngb got full on game breking moves you can spam to beat the game, sekiro got few too. sekiro really got its combat right and on some aspects can be better than bloodborne but bloodborne got great weapon variety .

and ill say it again witcher 3 is GOTY 2015, it wasnt even a contest or neck to neck :D

Should be way less handsome looking, also Geralt has a really silly accent. He is basically a freak but his skill and knowledge alone make him respectable and attractive. Game Geralt just has it all.

fuck, its already been that long

>in 300 hrs of W3 all I did was follow a line to X
Wow, I can't believe how fun following a line can be. Why aren't devs saving money on all that unnecessary shit and just give us a line walk simulator?

I never heard of this acronym for God Hand

>look for new game
>skyrim special ed
>decide to give it a try
>cool story
>cool map
>cool npcs
>combat system kinda bland
>overall great game
>finish it
>replay it
>done with it
>want new game
>a wild witcher 3 appears
>try it
>gay story
>sex bait everywhere
>combat system is overly complicated
>makes skyrim combat system seems based
>dropped it after a couple hours
>never touch it again

>Perfect games don't exis-

Attached: sekirosdtboxart.png (408x480, 310K)

witcher 3 is on same boat with fucking skyrim, BOTW, and Nu gow wich actually got good combat unlike TW3, all you casuall peasants actually got is pretty much doritopopes 2015 award show.

fun game, great soundtrack and enviornments.
I would say We Love Katamari is the best game on the ps2, however.

le follow red marker the game

Based and redpilled.

Utterly based. New ape escape when bros?

Attached: Drake_Doll.png (429x429, 131K)

>300 hrs
Nigger I got a steam refund after 20hrs of gameplay.
I gave it a fair chance.

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lore makse actaully 1/4 of the from games charm, on that part sekiro is not that perfect.

I have tried to play this game 3 or 4 times and every time I play it I drop it after 2-3 hours. Do I just need to give it more time or is it just not for me? I generally love RPGs

The thing i hate most about this game is not the mediocre combat but cutscenes that are not cutscenes.

Like when they make Geralt follow a character on a horse and all that happens is just some dialogue. I cant skip it like a cutscene, I just have to follow another person while they both talk. Why is this in the game? Why not make it a cutscene so I at least have the option to skip the dialogue. TW3 is guilty of this on so many occasions.

>actually preferred Skyrim to W3
Imagine being such a no-taste zoomer faggot that you can't appreciate W3 and actually liked Skyrim. Like, I can sort of get not liking W3. It's so unbelievably good that it just gets shit on endlessly, so maybe you go in with both a really inflated expection and a really low one. That can fuck with your ability to perceive it fairly. But Skyrim? That shit is grade-A tripe.

Bloodbornetards are STILL seething

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its the same shit it doesnt get better

How the FUCK did Fallout 4 win any awards, let alone 36.

goddamn out of those games fallout 4 is clearly the most enjoyable. what a year

muh slav sex simulator. with shit gameplay.

Bethesda pays jurnos. Same as Rockstar and EA.

Fallout 4 did well with the more reputable ones.
Witcher 3 cleaned up with the Dorito Pope tier awards.

>Fallout 4 this high
This is when you know there's something wrong with this show. Irredeemable garbage getting that much praise should raise red flags for everyone.

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>casuall peasants
why u mad bro? maybe if your japs made good everything else except difficult combat, which isnt even the hardest in the world, you would get a chance to be nominated :D

MGSV was pretty gud up until the whole LOL PARASITES EXPLAIN EVERYTHING bullshit.

Attached: Whoahoah.jpg (544x626, 68K)

Xenoblade Chronicles X

actually no. though i never played bb because i dont want to buy a console

absolute fact you onions hobbit. if you think tw3 is Gotd oe even Goty you are retarted as a cucumber.

Post soundtracks that you deem worthy.

keep crying you seething weeb

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I don't care about Witcher 3 winning awards. I'm just shocked that Fallout 4 won any. It's unironically one of the worst AAA games ever made.

like some romance options and big titty bidya to make your little diglet twitch?

For anyone curious about whether W3 is good or not:
It's an open world action-RPG. It's got mediocre combat. The main attraction is the world. It has some very good side stories. The main narrative can be very good if you follow it/are a Witcher fan, but otherwise should be mostly ignored in favor of the side stories and exploration.

If you don't go in expecting a traditional RPG, but more of an open world action game with heavy RPG elements and an emphasis on immersing the player into a living world, it's the best game ever. It's got the Game of Thrones thing where it teaches you about the culture/history/politics in a believable way.

It's better than fallout 3 in literally every way.

TW3 is western version of a fucking weeb dating sim you absolute retard.

Bait or not, post discarded.

Story in this game sucks

Attached: Truly_sad.jpg (282x400, 29K)

Except that that is 100% opposite of reality and I quake to think of the mind that could say such a thing. F4 sucks absolute dick. Everything post-Oblivion does.

Lol, the game has maybe half an hour worth of romance content.

Not me but Undertale soundtrack is indeed superior just for the fact that its not audio filler.

>t. never played tw3

Just to stick to your weebtrash you insufferable loser

stay mad and bad, go play I wanna be Boshy or whatever its called, 100x harder than anything fromsoft made

>you have the option to genocide everything
ok bud

ost that actually fit into game.

Hotline miami
Silent Hill

dont know about undertale it looks and sounds like it was aimed for furries.

No it doesn't. The main narrative gets lost in all the exploration and side questing, but it's not awful. Plus the side questing's narrative content more than makes up for the lacking impact of the main story.

>thinking fo3 is better than fo4
fucking yikes

>dating sim
>2 or 3 romance options that take up about 5 minutes of the player's time

played tw2 and it was full of it. dropped tw3 on halfway i think

yes i go play my weebgames like resident evil.

What difference there is between Neptunia and The Witcher? They both seem the epitome of generic fantasy to me.

>audio filler
What is this epic new meme?

Is there any reason in particular why TW3, four years later, still gets Yea Forums hot and bothered?

>Slav sex simulator with shit gameplay
Modded Fallout 4?

hard dont equal good, i play only good games and drop the boring stuff like tw3 and botw.

Mad that a game won the more prestigious awards?
Not following your logic.

W3 is absolutely NOT generic fantasy.
It's dark and realistic. It's like if GOT was more fantasy-oriented than it is. The magic and monsters and stuff usually have practical explanations/implications. It's all very "grounded." A lot of the fantasy elements are handled in a very mundane way, which adds to the exceptional world-building.

because there is huge army of CDPR fanboys who actually think that shit is GOTD

t. There can never truly be a perfect game. It's all subjective views and opinions. Just play what you enjoy and find fun because that's what games are about.

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>hard dont equal good
if you read soulsbornefag posts id say thats how you view games

Because it's exceptionally good, but also objectively flawed. It's also unabashedly western in every way. It's an eay target.

because there is huge army of weebs who actually think that bloodborne is GOTD

Fug off.


>follow the dotted line to beat the game
Literally no difference between this game and all ubisoft game

literally nobody likes soulsgames because thy are hard, they are just challenging and you can yourself rank up the difficulty from easymode to very hard. also FUG you

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This is the most shallow "critique" about this game.

>literally nobody likes soulsgames because thy are hard
guess ive stepped into a parallel universe

uh what? i don't speak chimpanzee.

>full of it
literally one girl for every chapter, 2 in chapter two if you follow Iorweth's path and none in chapter 3

fug off

it makes FromDrones seething because it hurts their precious BB


Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 47K)

its even more generic than LOTR could evn hope to be

That was human English. I know chimpanzee is advanced for monkeys like you, but that's a bit more advanced still.

>4 years ago

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>its even more generic than LOTR could evn hope to be
lol no

if those games are hard for you then of course you think that way, nobody that has beaten those games dont even think they are hard, just challenging.

sonys killer app is 4 years old and nothing has come since
jesus christ

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>if those games are hard for you
HELL NO, fromsoft games are one of the easiest games ive ever played, they arent even challenging

spiderman and gow disagree (i dont even like gow)

*blocks your path*

Attached: GoW Combat Trial.webm (600x338, 2.86M)

Are you even capable of making an honest post?

I like previous GoWs and this is dogshit.

>Looks like rain.

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Sony sucks absolute frozen shit, but getting a ps4 simply for BB was a good decision on my part. I thought it was hyped up exclusive garbage, now it's my favorite game of this decade. All it needs is a performance patch.
Which will never come.

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I too love that infinite invincibility frame Bloodborne combat.

24fps is why im not buying a ps4 to play it

>Sony killer app
>also on Youtube

The Witcher fucking sucks, graphically it’s nice and they portrayed the story pretty well, but just having to run around a big half empty map for little locations and whatnot is pretty bland


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souls combat is just infinitely better than any witcher game this isnt even up for debate

performance patch will be the pc release

are you implying they are hard and challenging for you? fuck out of here, games from the 90s are harder and more challenging than anything fromsoft can muster

Ironically that's also basically what witcher 3 combat is

>same combat as witcher 3 except clunky and slow
>somehow is better

name a challenging game, and if its some loli metroidvania type shit then kys.

mediocre bait

Ironically that's also Souls combat.

Attached: basically QTEs.webm (800x500, 2.86M)

Battle Garegga

not an argument and stop using big words like infinitely, godlike and masterpiece, when everything from fromsoft is barely above average

shallow combat? even of a most shit scrap mob can evolve to be bosstier if you dont manage your kills wisely, nu gow is literally only westerngame that got combat good as NGB, godhand, nioh, or bloodborne/sekiro.

>FromDrones will defend this


try being a little less obvious and i might take the bait next time

>not an argument
Also no an argument

Ah...yet another reason why DS2 and 3 are superior to 3....

Even Matthewmatosis, an avid fan of the series, has acknowledged that Souls combat is shallow.

>awful chalice dungeons that are just rerranged lego rooms with different ground textures
>no worthwhile NG+
>trash covenants
>awful online pvp and invasion system

Sorry sweetie as much as I love Bloodborne those things keep it from being perfect. It's a 9.5/10 though with the DLC.


shootem ups are pretty simple games in the end

>get called out
>think im supposed to give him an argument for his non argument
lmao, stop watching anime, your brain is rotting fellow weeb

Thing is, this is just the starting area with your typical mooks you can kill in a few swings. I also don't remember Souls having bamham auto-homing like witcher 3 or nuGoW.

Attached: auto homing for soylents.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Why is he doing the backstab from the front?

You could've at least mentioned the shitty world design or healing system. Everything you just listed is 100% optional and has little to no bearing on the game.

god i hate third person action combat, if you arent fromsoft dont fucking do it

it's called a parry, newfag

They aren't unless you are a subhuman that watches other people play to know the patterns.

>perfect game
>white protagonist
Choose one.

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FromSoft can't even program their way around circlestrafing.

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>oh no how dare you making TP combat only my mediocre company is allowed to do it
lmao, grow up zoom zoom

Is 6th gen Capcom the most patrician developer?

Attached: God Hand - Crowd Control.webm (640x480, 1.1M)

If you want some valid criticism try Geralts characterization.
>w2: mc is rather friendly with a bit of humility and playfull character
>w3:I am the mistreaded professional always having to lecture the peasant folk. I am also hard tough and always have a cool quip or oneliner on my lips. And this for 143 quests.
The writing problematic seems to be he IS always the mistreated professional who is always right. This attitude can be felt through the entire game. t's like witcher 3 Geralt was made for boomers entire wet dream. When the boomer shows up he clears up all the problems in the workfield he sees, with a simple look. All the coworkers have been haggling and arguing for 2 hours. Oh here comes the boomer, distastefully he looks around the room. See that thing he says thats responsible for all the problems. The coworkers shout thank you BOOMER!!!

The vanity in this kind of writing to create some feel good moments for the player is abyssmal. It's taking itself too seriously. You run around as pseudo doctor house and everyone is trying to crawl into your ass while your ego gets pumped up and you start to think this game is good.

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Redditors fuck right off and take your mediocre WRPG franchise with you.

>backstab from the front
What? It's a parry/riposte. There's also an element of risk involved: if you don't time the parry correctly you sustain both stamina and health damage. Though, that doesn't there's mastering involved, it's just a matter of understanding timings and you're good. It'll click in a couple playthroughs at the most.

>no backstabs
>no ripostes
>no builds
>no lore
God Hand is trash

only think that makes patterns hard to learn if you have to start game from the beginning thats why battletoads is pretty "hard"

>WRPGs forget the gameplay
>JRPGs forget the story, lore and atmosphere
Where did it all go so wrong bros?

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>if the game isnt the same as my shitty ass bloodborn it sucks!
go back fo fucking reddit you nigger


More like Clover

Attached: clover-studio-logo.jpg.optimal.jpg (600x349, 11K)


WRPGs also forget the music, but that's endemic of Western games as a whole.

git gud, scrub

oh who am I kidding, you don't even own a PS4

Of all the things you can legitimately criticize about W3, the OST is a very foolish one.

>console nigger
>reddit spacing
holy shit.

>JRPGs also forget the music
fixed it for you bro

>Sjw propaganda
>The dwarve isn't the master blacksmith!! It's me, a woman!! But with all these sexist men! They wouldn't believe me!

you need to go back


Terrible bait.

Exception, not the rule, dipshit.

Geralt is definitely not always right though. For instance he thought that the gay hunter is a werewolf or when he helped that elf woman in Novigrad he basically just got spat on.

I loved this game, but it wasn't perfect t. Mounted and underwater combat sucked and it could have used a stealth system. Witcher II had a better main story and.boss fights too.

>Games with blatant SJW propaganda can't be goo-

Attached: MGS-HD-XBO_10-09-18.jpg (600x337, 77K)

Unironically, it's biggest flaw is that it's too long. It has like three climaxes and if you choose to do all of the side content on top of the main quest it will easily take you a hundred hours or more.


>JRPG forget atmosphere

SMT Nocturne is the most atmospheric RPG i have ever played,only FF8 and Gothic 2 came close to it.

Modern JRPG all suffer from the same disease as western games do

Attached: truth.webm (1080x606, 2.99M)

How about I post literally anything from DQ11 or NNK2? JRPGs had great soundtracks in the 90s until the early 2000s. Now they're fucking terrible.


Attached: japBait.png (600x600, 93K)

*proves you wrong*

Attached: SMTIV_OST-3.jpg (1686x2251, 2.29M)

FF8 soundtrack wipes the floor with whatever trash is posted here,it's the prime example of a soundtrack that is memorable and soulful.
And let's not forget about the pre-rendered visuals,they are some of the best that videogames ever had and the masterfully crafted game locations only add to that,why do you think so many people want to live in the Balamb Garden?

Shani > Ciri > Iris von Everec > Priscilla > Anna Henrietta > Vivienne > Ves > Eveline > Fringilla > Margarita > Salma Lilith > Carthia van Canten > Rosa/Edna var Attre > Avallac'h's gf > Corinne Tilly > Yoana > Keira > Lady of the Lake > Saskia > Syanna > Philippa Eilhart > Molly > Tomira > Cerys > Tamara > Síle de Tansarville > Adda > Morenn > Abigail > Carmen > Margot > White Rayla > Vesna Hood > Toruviel > Loli Ciri > Kalkstein > Elihal > Vesemir > Lambert > Eskel > Fisher King > Johnny > Vodyanoi Priest > Morkvarg > The Crones > Uma >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yennefer and Triss

you can't debate me on this

Attached: shani.png (1920x1080, 3.25M)

>Games journalists prefer cutscene simulators to actual gameplay

Imagine my absolute shock.

shani is best girl but nigger Syanna > Anna Henrietta > Ciri > Triss > kalsketein >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yeneffer

Bloodborne's OST is leagues above any Final Fantasy game's.

>men on the list
>no Siegfried one place after Shani
Your list is bullshit.

>mfw i had to kill him during Wyzima's siege

Attached: wdwfggr.jpg (276x183, 8K)

>siding with filthy non-humans
You broke his heart long before you ran your sword through it.

witcher 3 has some pretty top tier music for a video game though

Attached: 3gbtcyyrd2ky.jpg (1920x1080, 496K)

Nah man, Witcher 3's OST is extremely memorable, even if I don't regard the game as the best thing ever. It's been well over a year since I played that game, and I can hum to its OST no problem.

Only one arguably perfect game has been made, and that is portal. That doesn't mean it has to be your favourite, but think and you'll realise it's true

it and skyim were definitely the perfect games that brought waves of normos into bideo gaymes

And yet Bloodborne was inducted into the american modern art museum

Fucking this, why is Sony so incompetent with their games, Ape Escape is the most golden thing they have along with Patapon

>it and skyim were definitely the perfect games that brought waves of normos into bideo gaymes
>it and skyim were definitely the perfect games
>skyrim were definitely the perfect games
holy shit Yea Forums is an 18+ board, you little faggot

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forgot to add /s at the end fellow zoom zoom

>american modern art

what? skyrim is mediocre at best. you calling it perfect is fucking laughable.

are you pretending to be retarded now?

Shit taste.
Triss>everyone else.

Dwarf Fortress is also there. You gonna make fun of it too?

Game sucked ass.

>tfw half a decade after you release you give every Sonygro PTSD even though you're a multiplatform game

How did they do it, bros?!?

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>open world that's just a fuckton of empty space with procedurally generated bandit camps and monster dens every 30 meters

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Svanrige = Cerys > Hjalmar



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How they could be mad if Witcher 3 is PS4 game and also they had all GOTY games contenders?

There are plenty of quests where if you don't know the outcome you can easily complete a quest and fuck something up for some NPC or a group of them. There are also quests that end up with someone is getting the short end regardless of what you do.

for me its Svanrige > Hjalmar > Cerys
but quest wise Cerys > Hjalmar > Svanrige
Cerys quest is very good, almost HoS tier, seeing the shadow for the first time can give a scare, but Hjalmars quest is so funny, when the Loon comes up and kicks the giant to wake him up lol

its not a weeb game exclusive to a poorfag weeb console.

i dont even know what site that is

Just done playing TW2, playing TW3 now. I don't understand the lore. Someone who has read the books, can you explain to me what happened inbetween the two games that made Geralt deathly allergic to not being sarcastic at all times of day?

>talks about perfect games
>doesn't even post the best game of the series
user, at least try

>Being this new

>Perfect games don't exis-

Attached: Virtualprowrestling2.jpg (748x2000, 625K)

>I don't understand the lore
whats there not to understand? everything is in the open, you dont even need the books

Book Geralt was a perpetually negative edgelord, I assume they made the change so players have easier time trying to identify with him.

that doesnt answer my question

He got his memory back. He remembered that he was a brooding egotistical doomer in the books who had an autistic fixation on Ciri.


imagine thinking that game with a gameplay loop where you:
>engage in literal 'Yes', 'No', 'Gwent' -tier dialogue
>follow step-by-step onscreen quest instructions
>use your witcher senses to find clues
>engage in some mediocre shallow combat
is a perfect game.

Attached: 1552073561651.png (1276x714, 788K)

>Bottom geralt with the cuck stamp

>engage in some mediocre shallow combat
Confirmed for not playing the game.

Attached: God Tier W3 Combat.webm (640x360, 2.71M)

its not witcher 3s fault that other games are still worse :)

wrong on all counts.
weebtards are cancer.

Imagine thinking a game made for 15 year olds with mobile game -tier level design is good.

Irrelevant, I can play it anytime, only losers are Nincels, PS4 fags have both Witcher 3 and Bloodborne on their superior system.

DMC5 is arguably the best game ever made.

LITERALLY hold mouse 1 down

lmao """""""""superior"""""""""

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WHY would mgsv be in that list. You literally repeat earlier missions to proceed with the story. On top of that, the open world design sucked because there was nothing to do in it other than the main ops and a couple side ops.

>parasites target certain languages
>many words including names and titles will carry over between languages
Plus the whole concept of parasites that hate certain languages was dumb. It was a little on the nose when codetalker was like
>they hate the negro languages the most

2015 was not a good year for vidya.

>Witcher 3
>having best games
>not superior
>being this salty PC cuck/Nincel

It's mediocre, but it seems god-tier because almost everything else is a pile of flaming dog shit

>A story so bad it would look out of place in a weekly capeshit comicbook, something even it's fans admit while boasting about muh stylish action
>don't need any instructions because all levels are a single threaded line (with half of them looking exactly the same with some shitty demon large intestine design) leading you to an easy boss fight with unlimited mid-fight revives
>every single secret is obvious as fuck hidden behind a single corner so no witcher senses needed for even the most casual player to find all the blue. purple and gold orbs as well as the secret missions
>engage in a few repetitive combos every fight to get an S+ rating, unless you're playing the hot topic Adam Driver than just pull your devil trigger for instant SSS.

Witcher 3 is not exclusive you retarded sonyger

It's best experienced on the ChadStation 4.

kys retard

>t. hasn't played the game

I never said it is you dumb, anally devastated Nincel/PC cuck.

played on death march, game become hilariously easy after getting first set of witcher gear, managed to slog it out until i need to "gather my friends" but eventually ran out of steam

if i wanted to watch a movie, i'd just watch a movie.

>12 fps

Attached: 2019-04-08 20_51_43-Steam.png (929x69, 16K)

>he thinks PS4 play games like his PC


the sound track is literally perfect in the witcher 3


Attached: dmcfinal.png (619x194, 48K)

Witcher have one of the best and authentic soundtracks, its fucking unbelievable that bunch of vodka drinking poles just beat up a great composers so easy.
It seems to me that this is simply the result of the fact that the money was only the very last thing that everyone thought about.
Art as it is.

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I don't even need to look at the thread. Why do you fuckers do this shit every day?

>Bait title with popular game
>GAME SUCKED BECAUSE (insert weak part of game I will focus on and ignore other good aspects for my argument)
>bait posts that make terrible arguments but get twenty replies
>Some people getting actually mad
>A infodump on why a game is bad

Doesn't it get old falling for bait every day? Are you people fucking retarded? Do you need to rehash the same shit just so you feel something you fucking degenerates?

Attached: tito.png (1130x900, 17K)

Come here muh darling, come here.

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you are on Yea Forums and we live in an age where retards can share their opinions with the entire world.

what did you expect?

yeah, the music is phenomenal


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I started my life anew after this game, I learned to ride a horse, I even went to fencing lessons, simply because it became suddenly interesting to me. I don’t know what these Poles have done, but this game caused me emotions after years of depression. It was like defibrillation for me.

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>things that never happened

I found the beginning really boring, then I got really engaged in the Baron's storyline but as soon as it was over I lost all interest, I just made it to Novigrad and completely stopped playing. Can't really explain why.

You clearly don't know what user is talking about. You have to play the game and see how it affects you

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Just because Marcin Przybyłowicz did not have a conveyor-based commercial approach, unlike those who usually write music for games / films. The musicians themselves are just cabaret performers even without any special university knowledge.

The game would have been a million times better if CDPR hadn't nerfed the everloving shit out of Sign builds before fucking off from further patches forever. As it stands, signs become useless after you break the original level cap. They break if you play on higher difficulties, and ESPECIALLY when you do so beyond level 70. A fucking moderator on CDPR forums admitted that signs and other things don't work right after level 70 because it wasn't originally meant to be that way.

Now I have to install five different mods to make New game + and Signs not completely worthless.

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true and Marcin is gonna make music for CP77 too, so i cant wait

>tfw never meet the duchess and master mirror
That sad.

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>The game would have been a million times better if
There will be no cutted content at all. Easy-peasy you know. This is main mantra of all gamedev fails.

The game ain't perfwct, but it is still one of the best games I've ever played.

Thats not a game, thats a movie

It's a game.

Undertale has godlike music that far outstrips the content of the game. But MEGALOVANIA is mediocre and doesn't even make the top 10.

Attached: adam blasco.png (472x539, 32K)

>shit gameplay
>shit story
>okay music
>popular as fuck
>Yea Forums loves it

>shit gameplay
>shit story
>great music
>popular as fuck
>Yea Forums hates it


>Good music
Go back.

U mad?

