Classic Doom is going to be remastered

Finally, in 2019 a Bethesda announced a remastered version of Classic Doom (made by Nightdive Studios), a labor of sweat, tears and coding designed to give gamers the truly re-imagined experience they'd so desired. The remastered version brings full 3D into an old 2.5 game. The launch version will feature the entire Doom experience, starting from Doomguy's initial accident in the UAC Labs to his desperate leap into the unknown dimension of Hell.

The remastered version adds fresh features, like High Definition Textures with PBR materials, Dynamic Lights, shaders and postprocessing effects. The new physically-based rendering (PBR) brings a new stage of realism by allowing the light rays to interact with the given surface matter to the textures, for example the environment made of metal realistically shines as it would do in real life. All the new 3D models are professionlly made and replace every single flat boring obsolete 2D sprite. Doom: Veteran Edition also adds more brutality into the game by allowing the player to disassemble corpses of the dead enemies. For fans of the Doom series everywhere, remastered version is a glorious moment of triumph, where the passion of the fans triumphed over the cash-driven realities of the gaming industry to breathe new life into an old classic.

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Other urls found in this thread:

As remakes go, Doom: Veteran Edition stays almost totally true to its roots as an old-school shooter in that there is no upgrade system or collectibles to speak of; only raw action and quick thinking. Like most 90's-era first-person shooters, the core loop of gameplay revolves around the player being given an arsenal of increasingly destructive and weird weaponry while being pitted against ever-more difficult enemy encounters and ambushes, forcing them to employ their wits and cool to stay alive under fire. Regarding the guns, almost nothing has changed save for stylish 3D models with high texture definition. All the old fan favorites are present, including the Plasmagun, the Rocket Launcher, and the BFG9000.

Doom: Veteran Edition is a good game, not just for long-time fans, but for new ones too.

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Some early leaked screenshots.

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Is this a late season april fools joke?

Cacodemon - one of the most iconic Doom monsters.

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First they do System Shock remastered, and now this? Do they think that they can make massive bank completely off of boomers just by scrubbing the bum fluff off of games only boomers would like?

The answer to that is yes.

Plasmagun. Now in Full 3D. No more boring flat sprites and ugly pixels.

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>remastered boomercore.
Does anyone care?

The only reasonable conclusion i can come to is you want to fool retarded game journos

But nightdive studios are still working on the system shock remake

New cool effects, lighting and reflections in the remastered edition

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wow it looks terrible

this is a mod you fucking brainlet

doom has been remastered many times already. many sourceports look better.

Only a PC gamer could play something so vapid and trashy

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Nightdive? Ok...

>there are people that spent countless hours creating... this
How can anyone look at this shit and think "yes, this looks good", "much better than the classic graphics", "this is totally how you should play Doom"?

Mancubus. Is now full 3d with cool reflection effect.

Attached: 32285831.jpg (1600x900, 215K)

Hey that is exactly my skill with texturing models

Thats what I wanted to say. Looks like shit. Looks like a Quake 3 mod.

>Mars station built from stone like medieval castle

Attached: 400.jpg (315x400, 95K)

can't wait to not give a fuck about it once again

It's a mod.....

>All the new 3D models are professionlly made and replace every single flat boring obsolete 2D sprite.
This is where you unquestionably outed yourself as a troll. Given the cult following Doom has, Nightdive would be a bunch of idiots to call any element of the original "boring" or "obsolete".

>Mars station
thats the first level of plutonia experiment

wow look another troll thread

>he's posting it here since he gets banned everytime he tries in doom general
kill yourself

New remastered levels (Doom 2 map01). With new lighting effects.

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All this text just for a bait thread.
And you know what's the worst thing about it? These idiots actually felt for it

>low poly models mixed with high ress textures
>less colorfull, making levels and areas hard to tell
>reflection on everything
>effets aren't even well executed
>tiny as fuck hud
>fire looks like it was put out but there's still smoke coming
>clay bricks

some fag literally just compiled a bunch of other mods to make this, it took no effort

HOW ARE YOU SO FUCKING RETARDED THAT YOU ACTUALLY FALL FOR THIS???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

big shock. nobody on this shitty board plays doom theyre all 18 year olds

The city level is now remastered.

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Hey it's that one russian tranny obsessed with turning Doom into an awful soulless 3D game and shill his shit work everywhere

You're possibly the only person here taking this seriously.

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New full 3D metallic BFG with shaders.

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you've been trying to troll /vr/ with this for over a year and a half now
let it go

This is HL2 Cinematic mod tier

wow looks amazing....

The remastered edition will feature realistic dynamic shadows.

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nigga looks like a deflated blow up doll

New realistic shaded lighting.

Attached: 543678.jpg (1920x1080, 142K)

If they're really going to remake DOOM, they should actually try to use/push tech.
Sure, a complete overhaul of the classic would be nice but that's nothing major. The classic is still fine anyways

All this effort to make garbage instead of just recreating Doom in Quake

A new realistic fuck off

This thread proves once and for all that this board is full of console retards

>falling for bait this obvious
Shiggy diggy frens

New Realistic blood!!! No more stupid flat "blood".

Attached: 6436367.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

its been done and its shit

New cool explosions.

Attached: 64363467.jpg (1920x1080, 119K)

The remake will feature extra gore and 3D gibs.

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>Nightdive Studios

they are not real devs

The game will have low poly aesthetics (like in Quake)

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Nice dude! 1+ plus upvote. : D Epic, man.... Epic. :)

Lowpoly + RTX on.

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Why? Because they don't appreciate your shitty mod?

Because they think it's a real remake of the game retard.

>He thinks that anyone took this obvious bait thread seriously
>calls others retards

Attached: Slightly retarded.jpg (248x244, 15K)

He is right it looks like a shitty mod

It IS real remake. Officially published by Bethesda.

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Pinky demons.

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This looks amateur as fuck.

Nice try.

imagine trying this hard

It's officially man

Classic Doom gets a 3D and HD remaster

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I played with this model pack back in 2007 I think. It looked awful.
It still looks awful.

I'd prefer STINKY demons.

Attached: vQokr-_W7vc.jpg (1004x586, 281K)

Nobody fell for this shit. It looks like garbage.

New shaded water + new 3D modelled Pain Elemental.

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OP please stop

No one cares

New chainsaw.

Attached: 666634678.jpg (1920x1080, 204K)

your bait thread has failed, just stop posting

New corpses.

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nice. Sort quake looking, like promotional art you'd see in magazines for ps1,n64 and pc era games around that time. I would buy it

Just stop

Attached: stop-stop-its-already-dead.jpg (500x368, 134K)


>smeared with vaseline
no thanks

Doom 2 map18 remastered. Looks better than old pixels.

Attached: map18.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

Still better than Brutal Doom

Brutal Doom is old pixels

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Chaingunguy will new cool shooting effect

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Imp. The most common Doom enemy.

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It's dark, it looks like shit, HOM and the wrong pistol model, A++ modding pajeet

>that imp bussy
is it hdoom compatible?

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>courtesy of the fans

It's a shitty mod, it's in the title, deal with it.

Holy shit this looks absolutely horrible. It looks like someone forced Doom into having sex with Quake and a baby comes out looking like QUAKEDOOM. Throw this shit in the trash bin please.

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does it do that awful wobblycam headroll shit that people stuff into quake-likes?

Original Doom is dark as well. All ports tend to be brighter.

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this is awful.

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this is still better than the garbage modern id is putting out


>Look it up
>Just a Remaster Mod

Doesn't look that bad guys.

Yep. The movement is changed to resemble Quake. No slippery Doom-like movement anymore.

Fuck I don't care about this. Give me my new Blood and PowerSlave remaster already.

>PowerSlave remaster
Of the console or PC version?

blood is soon like june or july probably
powerslave might happen eventually but you can always track down powerslave ex somewhere as well

Meh quake1 would be better.

Why do this remake that has more guts and gore with weird 3d monsters when there's already Brutal Doom


Too bad, the upcoming remaster is of the PS1 version.

this is a joke, right

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Oh well, I guess I'll take it.

Brutal Doom is ugly pixels for retrotards. This Doom remaster is for everyone who just wants a old school shooter game with good graphics like in Quake 3 (even with some modern effects like PBR).

Brutal Doom is fucking trash, and so is this whatever the fuck it is.

>blood is soon like june or july probably
Holy shit WHAT
Blood is being remastered?


This has original gameplay with standard weapon set and no reloading. There's only graphic upgrade.

OP do you honestly have anything better to do with your time than this?

nightdive and kaiser is doing it with his kex engine same as turok/doom 64EX etc

It doesn't need remastering ffs

>Some early leaked screenshots.
from 2005?

Yes it does. Original Doom is ugly pixels. A normal person would vomit from the graphics like in original Doom. Only a retrotard would like such a shitty graphics



Actually it was created in 99, but then abandoned and never announced. Then id Software gave this project to Nightdive Studios.

Not shilling especially for a free game but I just installed this remake mod and it's actually not that bad



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>Both have soul but just in different eras

Nice, remastered version has Brutal Doom compatibility?

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No Brutal Doom is shit. Only original gameplay.

>It looks like garbage.
That's exactly what gives it credibility. Can you honestly say you'd be surprised Bethesda would hire some nobodies on a shoestring budget to take a shit on Doom?

>implying this isn't a paid advertising thread

>It's a vasyan thread

Attached: draw2keks.jpg (544x544, 136K)

if this was released in 2000s you all would call it soul. Fucking hypocrites

>Only original gameplay
C'mon dude, now not 90s.

Name one widely beloved game that looks like that.

People have to be really dumb to think this is an official remaster from Bethesda.
While it's quite an effort to do a 3D Doom, I can't help to think the models and animation looks like complete shit. The shotgun is specially the worst, sound doesn't sync and it lacks juice.

>People have to be really dumb to think this is an official remaster from Bethesda.
>I can't help to think the models and animation looks like complete shit. The shotgun is specially the worst, sound doesn't sync and it lacks juice.
Just like a Bethesda product then?

looks like shit

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Nice screenshots, I'm not bored to play this game now

fucking quake

Your "doomguy" is not Doomguy. This is real Doomguy!

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I don't recall Quake having fucking chromatic aberration.

this just killed my day, thanks OP

reminds me of this

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This is JDoom or Doomsday or some other variant of it. A sourceport.

It looks like shit. You know what looks really nice though? Pre-rendered models converted into sprites. Doom 64 is pre-rendered kino.

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It's actually a real guy.

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I can't believe that every single poster above me believes that this is commissioned by Bethesda. Literally every one of you is stupid and only I am smart.

Go to /vr/ retrofag. A normal lad would puke from seeing shitty piksels.

wait is that fakefactory?

A normal lad doesn't even like videogames, why should I care?

Everyone is just being ironic you autist.

>Bethesda would never commission a technically and artistically shit game
The absolute state of this shill ridden cesspit.

Finally we get to play the game as it was meant to be seen!

Attached: 800px-Dzone_fake_screenshots[1].jpg (800x390, 59K)

Come to think of it, D-Zone is a better name than Doom

>falling for 4th level ironic b8
Lurk Moar
This is 5th level ironic b8. I will not fall for it.

Eat shit, underpaid pajeet.

what the fuck....Doom 2 ported in Gmod looks better than this..

>It's an Unreal Engine fan remake episode

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Op is based. Working you weebs into a shoot

I mean sort of

Nightdive Studios are good though.

>doom 1 remake


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Doesn't have the same impact

Overly shiny surfaces are the sign of a novice.