

Attached: 1548618852486.png (680x680, 290K)

>be fromsoft
>make same floaty dodgeroll game forever
>retards eat it up

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Why would anyone be mad that fools are easily tricked?

care to explain what you mean or are you just using it as a buzzword like 90% of the idiots on this shithole?

>dem dark souls games but also sometimes you get a gun and other time you're a samurai
that's what we all should call them from now on

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play the game

sekiro > BB >>>>>>> DS1 > DS3 > DS2 > DeS

huge unreliable hitboxes, hit-or-miss animations that almost never show where your character or the enemy are actually positioned, shit use of i-frames, laggy animations and input lag that makes you feel like you're piloting a blimp.

In a game that's basically based all around your inputs and how quickly/accurately you manage them, it's a fucking disgrace that every soulsclone fromsoft shits out still has this problem. It's fine if you look past it because you have a fetish for the genre, but I'd rather not feel like my character was wading through a pool of marshmallow every time I went to press a button or move the control stick.

t. filtered by ogre

you are supposed to use fire retarded cunt

git gud

have sex

git sex

learn to play, it's all your fault not the game.
Are you blaming your parrents you are such pitiful little cunt or is it all your fault?

I love doing acrobatics in full plate Metal armor constantly and continually while widdling down health bars and grinding for levels
Thank you Fromsoft, VERY Cool!

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>it's your fault the game is poorly made

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you are bad at playing it, stop being an idiot and learn to play instead of complaining how shit you are at this game


>learn to cripple yourself when other games have infinitely better controls

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>No complaint against a Soulsborne game is valid
>G-Git Gud!
Mental illness

post examples

dude even hollow knight has better controls, don't act ignorant just because you're mad

>only one
>its not even the same kind of vidya

I agree with them pretty much recycling their formula but if you like those type of games, it's absolute candy for those who want more of the same but just with different twists
The Demon's Souls and Dark Souls games are pretty much one and the same with slight differences but bloodborne and sekiro improve upon the foundation.

You'll know by default that someone is a fromsoft asslicker cocksucker if they even dare to suggest that these games aren't EXTREMELY similar to one another, because that's a fucking lie.
I am not saying they're bad games, I've enjoyed each and every one of them, but for the aformentioned reason, they are all more of the same but with different twists, and I like that. Still doesn't excuse the blatant copy paste.

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When does this become fun? In the undead village, just beat the Vordrt, he was piss easy. The blue knight in the Castle was harder than him.

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No no no From Software please stop adding so many games

It's a B+ platformer at best, and even that has better controls than any fromsoft game. Even RDR2 has the same problem as soulsborne games - shit lag with shit animations that take control away from the player and cause you to feel like your character is an unwieldy blob. Hell even Witcher 1 had tighter controls. Sorry that you're blind though.


Not a retort, thanks for playing.

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Nintendo has been doing this over and over again for more than 30 years and they're the most stable vidya company as far as long term goes.
Literally just rehash the same game and change some mechanics, it's the golden formula.

Maybe it's a japanese sickness, then.

it doesn't really, DaS3 is by far the worst of the games.

you're delusional. witcher 1 was garbage and the combat system just by itself was awkward as fuck. comparing a 2D platformer to a fully 3D action game is also delusional, not to mention that hollow knight is also a shit game. this is why its always hilarious when fags like you actually post examples, because predictably your examples are shit. now back to your weebshit pantyquest games queerboy

>don't like examples
>can't refute that they have better controls
>get asshurt and sling baseless opinions
u mad?

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What's it like sucking this much corporate cock?

