is this the truth?
Is this the truth?
Not really because the majority of "gamers" play games that are designed to require minimal problem solving and are prone to bruteforcing
fpbp, normies play yearly AC and Anthem
Hard work to get results is certainly not the leftist ideology. More like if you fail it's not your fault and you should get free shit.
Reminds me of the /fit/ statistic that bodybuilders are more likely to be right-leaning since they are used to work for their gains.
Normies aren't gamers you idiot, they're the lefties that hate them.
Problems that are created to be solved aren't real problems.
>solve problems
>by sitting inside while staring at a screen
why do you think they constant;y whine for easy mode? they want everything to cater to them rather than improving themselves to meet any kind of standard.
that's just leftism in a nutshell. it's inherently self centered. "I shouldn't have to get good at this game, the GAME should be easy to accommodate ME"
Male leftists are honorary women so of course they hate challenges
I think the left hates gamers because gamers really fucking hate women
Do political spectrum retards really believe they are better than the other side?
so is this the circlejerk thread?
The games are literally programmed to be overcome though... Really makes me think
No the original paper said that class AND bodybuilding correlates with economic redistribution. If you are poor and fit, you are more likely to be left-leaning in economic redistribution and vice versa
How about the alternative: if you pay full price for a game, aren't you entitled to experience all the content on the disk?
>by sitting inside while staring at a screen
that is how one game, yes
Leftists hate video games because they're capitalist bourgeois distractions intended to keep you docile and compliant instead of strong and revolutionary.
Did you not learn from the Sekiro spaming?
>"gamers solve problems"
everything about this image is fucking hilarious
liberals solve problems, trumptards/gamergaters leech off of liberal prosperity
That is about the dumbest thing I've ever seen or heard. Damn, if this is real, it's shit like this that actually gives conservatives and centrist bad name.
Games in vast majority are a process of ignoring actual complex problems in favor of very simple hoop jumping divorced from any reality, and in fact precisely engineered to distract from reality. Gamers are generally the least competent problem-solvers in the world.
Left hates games and gamers simply because it does not have control over them - it has not yet sufficiently weaponized it, and much of the culture - precisely due to it's isolated and detached nature - is relatively conservative and has been resistant to large scale social shift the left is trying to herald.
But that is really it. It has fuck all to do with achievements or accomplishment, or problem-solving capacity. If anything, gamers are the place where you'd find least of it.
this is the problem. they call us entitled and yet they are the real entitled ones
instead of spending time to get better at something they want to be served everything on a silver platter with no effort whatsoever.
fuck off. people like you ruin everything you touch. dont fucking care if this is bait
yes, that is how scientists work
>b-b-but i'm solving problems by holding a BLM sign on the street! my women's studies professor said so!
>normies are leftists
Excuse you? You mean the purple-haired freakout-prone basket cases are normies?
Why are you here, discord tranny?
If they are created to be solved by someone smarter than me then I can at least claim to have learned something. Most puzzles and problems sre created for complete retards and so solving them is no achievement at all, but there are some out there.
>equating gamers with scientists
please be bait
>liberal prosperity
please kill yourself and let me enjoy vidya in peace
This meme is about as stale as the NPC meme, get some new material.
inb4 you post a pepe/wojak
>if you poor you want welfare cause you need it
that's just rational, what's interesting is if fit poor is more right than fat poor.
but i dont want to solve problems
i play vidya to get away from problems
>liberals solve problems
social "science" is a scam and literally worse than gamers. Fuckers can't into math but try to argue using statistics.
i was here long before you, phoneposting trumpshitter
go back to t_d where you belong
yep, liberal prosperity. liberals create wealth, conervashits in all their forms leech off of it and claim they earned it LOL
>playing with toys
>solving problems
This just sad.
You don't actually know any leftists.
Rubin said the same thing about NFL players kneeling
>why do I have to be reminded that black people are shot can't i just watch sports in peace ;((((
>Stop putting politics in games except when we do!
These are the words of someone who inhales their own farts on the reg. How far up your own ass do you have to be to tie games for fucking children into something conspiratorial political statement.
It's just fucking videogames, people have been complaining that they are too hard since the inception of them. Making them easier isn't a political force it's an economical one.
There is good reason to hate fucking retards like this that inject shitty philosophy into hobbies and toys and take what is literally something strictly for entertainment as some soul defining part of their being or foundation of their ideology. Or that for some reason someone is out to get them when it's literally just fucking market forces changing games to sell more of them.
>literall every scientist is liberal
>every engineer is liberal
>every doctor is liberal
>every video game designer is liberal
consershits cause problems, liberals solve them
that is the way the world has always been
Maybe do some research before slapping down 80$ like a good little consumer.
Never finished high school? Math problems?
Riddles? Puzzles?
I'm playing through Sekiro steadily but surely. For me the challenge is part of the appeal. But I recognize that that may not be the case for everyone. Some people don't have the time to invest to git gud, or may even have disabilities from playing the game well enough but still want to experience the fantastic world design, the story, etc etc.
To be clear, I don't think there's a right answer on an "easy mode", and actually lean more on the git gud side since, to me, the difficulty is what establishes the FromSoft games' worlds so effectively. But at the same time, I think people should get what they pay for.
I'm an engineer and I hate liberals. What now?
okay what the fuck does that have to do with anything? I'm not even american, I don't give a shit if niggers are getting shit in that shithole
imagine being so braindead that you vote for a russian spy
That's how the modern world rolls, grandma.
Oh my mistake, sometimes I forget that people on Yea Forums have autism. Carry on.
Imagine being this retarded. How do you know what political views every scientist and engineer in the world has? You probably think sociology is a legitimate science you fucking lemming cunt. Not to mention openly expressing right wing views in the modern political climate will literally get you witch hunted. Fucking idiot.
>this one field of meme science somehow means gamers are equivalent to actual scientists for fields that aren't retarded
>>literall every scientist is liberal
>>every engineer is liberal
>>every doctor is liberal
Prove it.
Russian here, we hate Trump for being a Zionist shill just as much as you do
>or may even have disabilities
oh boy this shit again. using disabled people as an excuse because you are too lazy to put in any effort
fuck off. not even reading the rest of your post. even disabled people can play better than your type.
I'm an engineer and I'm liberal
Get the fuck out of here you election tourist
>liberals create wealth
To bad they can't create food
>you're autistic if you aren't an amerimutt
fine by me