Do people really act like this in Vrchat or whatever the fuck this VR game is, fucking white knighting in a videogame.. yikes.
Other urls found in this thread:
forgot the source, woops
20 years later and people still haven't figured out the ignore/block user function
All games are like this now, if you're toxic you get banned instead of the player just muting and blocking you it's pathetic.
Look at games like Rainbow six, overwatch, LoL and various other games you get punished for "toxic" behavior.
Is that manlettears?
>forgot the source
i wish your mom forgot you at the hospital and the Chinese organ harvesters got you
fuck off retardtears
no idea, fucking keking though.
Saw it on sams feed yesterday, good shit but what game is it?
>Do people really act like tough guys over the internet??
Gee I dunno man, maybe we should ask the rest of 4channel.
>why yes I watched vinesauce and decided to copy his content lol
>Whiteknighting a middle-aged neckbeard pretending to be a young girl
>forgot the source, woops
youve posted this exact thread like 3 times in the past 3 days
manlet faggot go jack off to your nannys panties
>VR chat?
The guy who made ralph pootwan is the same person who made the VR video lol..
This reeks of a certain midget trying to shill his youtube channel
It's on a 3 million follow instagram page retard?
Sansar apparently.
Jesus Christ don't tell me you watch that cringe.
Vinnie ripped it off from ralph you retard LMAO
>dude back off
oh my god
VR chat really went to shit when they let poorfags who couldnt afford vr in. Before that it was actually pretty good because there was a major financial wall keeping normies out.
Big fan of MrBTFO, glad to see he's finally getting some recognition. He's so based and handsome!
He's probably a furry
It's just streamer bait
Do do you have a you tube channel? I'd like to see more
fucking faggot needs to rebrand cause he cant deal with his own consequences eat shit and die nigger
Siege has downright removed the option to report a possible cheater in favor of reporting "toxic behavior". shit's nuts yo
full vids here
Why thank you
*mom opens door and starts shouting*
>"b-but muuuuuuuuum"
*clicks* that's going into my cringe comp
He literally copied Plinkett and Ralph Pootawn
>people still crying about manly in 2019
Do MT not have a drop of self awareness? Do he think the internet forgotten when he was literally cucked and cried on stream? Then proceeds to act tough again?
wow its the creator of the famous meme "forever alone"!
le epic!
>tfw he went viral and Yea Forums and his stalkers just sat back and SEETHED.
Whatever happened to manlytears? I forgot about him. I'm so used to the shit trolls here these days.
He goes by the name MrBTFO on YouTube nowadays, that channel is a goldmine for hilarious content if you ever want a laugh.
Imagine shilling your own shitty videos on Yea Forums and then defending yourself with anonymity in the most obvious way possible.
>42 posts, 20 IPs
Imagine obsessing over a random gamer you've never met before on the internet.
Have sex kid.
He doesn't forget about us little people, he used to be one of us and now he's giving back.
They are trying to shut him down and deplatform him while pretending they aren't mad, pathetic really.
>more replies
>same amount of posters
Really makes you think.
The white knights are always the real creeps.
>mods please shut down this videogame thread.. but not the other threads
Accurate portrayal of that stream
>manly doing well
Brings joy to my heart it really does Yea Forums.
He got his shit pushed in when he tried to fuck with keemstar
>VR chatroom
Don't you have to be short anywhere else?
>airplane mode on/off
Heh, nothing personell, advertising targets
Sorry MT, it's been so long you've not caught up with current Yea Forums vernacular
>fuck with keemstar
>asking him why hes threatening to dox his family
Go back to your second life furry discord.
Keemstar is a middle aged man. He is not capable of pushing anyone's shit in Yea Forumsirgin
OP your video is hilarious. Make more.
what the fuck is this thread, since when does manlytears have schizophrenia?
SAM HYDE retweeted his video, how much more based can he get?
lmao he got btfoed so hard he had to change his name to mrbtfo
Dude the guy who made it is actually pretty hot desu look at his drunk stream
Lmao so bitter you have to pretend the videos not trending because some guy bullied you on Yea Forums 10 years ago.
What a manlet
Make more seriously
Holy shit my sides
so is this our ralph pootawn 2.0? we really need a second ralph pootawn right now especially in the vr age of these kinds of games
>YWN be so based that you have people obsessing over you for years because they couldn't handle turning off their "second life" game for 2 minutes so the troll gets bored and leaves
>63 posts
>25 ips
hey midgettears, moved out of your mom's house yet?
How tall is the guy who made this video just wondering haha
I hope he won't forget about us when he hits the big time
>63 replies
>25 posters
Dominic you are so pathetic
Wait is this the same guy that owned forever alone? Holy shit this guy is like a Yea Forums legend
>people stealing his video everywhere
>he asks for permission
>they block him
DMCA bombardment incoming
Is that fucking britbong?
You must be raging that he went viral LOL, little gremlin cunt
Move aside Daniel from SL We got a new memer in town
Where's the whole video, brit?
>when a portion of Yea Forums doesnt even get humour and destests this video because they recognize themselves in it.
whatta shame lol.
>this entire thread
Britbong who? The video is in this thread or his YT channel
hello mrBTFO discordians! epic thread guys we made here lads! cant wait for next stream its gonna be epic !
It's sad but it's the truth. These dweebs are seething. I found the video fucking hilarious.
Right here, dawg
>guy being toxic masculine
>someone with actual balls(metaphor for having courage and bravery) steps in to tell this asshole to fuck off
>Yea Forums mocks him for being a good person
jesus, when will you children grow up? you wouldn't be celebrating this kind of shithead behavior if that was your mom or sister playing the game.
really projecting there manlet
He always returns baby
>Implying MrBTFO doesn't have fans on Yea Forums of all places
VRChat is the Yea Forums of VR social games. SJWs play sansar or whatever
Brave on a videogame wearing fairy wings?
It's like every second post in this thread is carefully constructed to sound as artificial and fake as possible.
Thanks, man.
Vrchat is for anime pedos
Sansar is for real pedos
It's a good video though.
Is the midget still going at it? My my how embarrassing
Let's see, blantant praise on a board that generally is negative to everyone, outdated lingo and meme speak, generic MT structured posts he used when he was active. The whole works.
Quite sad really. Like all youtubers he failed to keep up with the times, and time itself is taking a toil on him
This lad gets it.
Whole lotta samefagging going on here
Fuck off
my mum wouldn't play this shit and if i had a sister it'd be her own fault for playing this garbage
Nice essay dude. Have you ever kissed a girl?
yikes.. cringe much?
Imagine getting this buttblasted over a VR game.
>courage and bravery
I'd actually forgotten this little man existed.
>britbong samefagging on Yea Forums under a new name yet again
time is a flat circle
Remember when bongboi posted cp of a girl who rejected him, and got banned across literally everywhere? From shadman's forum, kiwifarms, 4 and 8ch? Fun times
Clearly not loser.
What I like to do in VRChat is pretend I'm easily offended by everything and when someone says the word nigger I go, "PLEASE DO NOT SAY THE N-WORD" and like 5 or 6 other dudes swarm me and spam the word nigger. It's pretty funny.
>"Failed to keep up with the times"
>Gained a massive amount of views on his clip, all your favourite e-celebs retweeted it and it went viral and he got loads of new subs and stream viewers because of it
no you didn't
>believing 8ch
>a site ran for and by pedos
>mods who run the site are actual pedos
>stickying threads on a troll youtuber with no lolcow content
>all your favourite e-celebs retweeted it and it went viral
God, you zoomers are so sad.
God tier
Great tier
dogshit tier
manlet tears
Who else?
>Manlytears has only ever had sex once in his life. With a girl he met on Second Life. His one sexual experience was a very awkward one for his sex partner whom afterwards felt the need to repeatedly wash herself. Losing his virginity to a girl he met on SL caused Manly's USI to skyrocket and he suddenly believed himself to be a glorified Adonis. When his Second Life lover dumped him in favor of an elderly gentleman whom she found to be much more intellectually stimulating, he cried for 5 minutes and then forced himself on a girl who was dating known homosexual chantard KrappleGuy. In real life. Despite his repeated and very vocal bragging about his sexual conquest (even though he never met this girl in real life), Manly's thirst was still not quenched. Unsatisfied with having only Krapple's sloppy seconds with which to typefuck, Manly went behind his internet lover's back and tried to hook up with a transsexual on (surprise, surprise) Second Life. Manly hit it off with his new secret squeeze until he found out that she was friends with his arch-enemy Boyd - the geriatric fellow who had previously cockblocked him out of an internet relationship. Furious at this revelation, Manlytears blew up at his new penis clad lover, going so far as to make lulzy empty threats of violence. The result of the whole ordeal was screenshots and chatlogs of Manly's autistic infidelity being leaked and spread around the internet. In an attempt to cover up his embarrassing predicament, Manly has since resorted to spouting transphobic vitriol and proclaiming his faux hatred for trannies in an attempt at damage control that would make even Chris-chan utter a giggle. The full chatlogs and screencaps can be viewed below.
>imagine being this retarded and claiming I am somebody who I am not.
Still pushing that lie, MT?
Go back to bed Old man Campbell. You shouldn't even be saying those words at your age.
Can you spot manlettears in this video?
Naturally, bong thought he had found a home, and in his foolishness requested CP and shared CP.
Sucks to be this stupid.
You're a small guy
So this is the power of VR...
Isn't that the loser who died to a drug overdose and has a kid, epic troll!!
You mean the dude who quit SL because one furry bullied him?
You mean the dude that scripts his troll videos and has a moderator of /r/gaming as a personal friend to shill him
He used to be better.
Nowadays he's just doing his boring af big brother shit on twitch.
I wonder who could be behind this blatant shilling?
Except there's no "team". Just a single sad midget.
>boyds blog font
>60 year old SL pedo who manly cucked
Jesus Christ
Sup, ManletTears
Now boys and trannies watch closely as the shill infiltrator reddit crossposter tries to pass off as "one of us".
>unironically using toxic, BALLS (no homo ofc) "good person". Anybody who is on image boards and is concerned about being a whiteknight dweeb will feel more at home on reddit like from whence he came
hello britbong
Ah yes, wayback and archives don't exist. Zoomers are still too fresh to know. Now go yiff with your dolls.
>19 year olds are now "cp"
Fakes his videos like LT. LICKME. BTFO's trolling is unscripted, live and real. Everyone else on that list is total cringe. There's no contest.
>He literally copied Plinkett
You know, i always wondered what Dominic suffers from. Some form of narcissism? Sociopathic delusions? Whatever he is, he's one step away from going tranny.
Imagine being short and male
Danielfromsl literally streams himself being an admin abuser on rust, not really trolling to mod a server lol
hello shitbong
MT have you ever stopped to consider the fact that you're 30 years old and that you've spent the last 10 years of your life posting on imageboards, NEETing and unsuccessfully trying to make a career out of streaming? and that you end up antagonizing and pissing people off in every single online community you post in?
Imagine being an anglo but given a spanish name. Wonder what mommy is keeping a secret..
I keep hearing about VRChat having less and less players , what do you think the devs should do to keep the regular people interested?
>There are furries, bronies, Yea Forums bully victims still crying about manly
>it's been 11 years literal PTSD from him
>still stalking and trying to "get rid" of him with sjw tactics
I really like Britbongs videos, but his shilling is so fucking blatant, does he have autism or something?
Come on Dominic, its been over a decade. Learn to put things to rest. Even Quentin and Toady gave up after a time.
>Try to shut him down, deplatform and slander him at every turn
>no one cares about manly bruh
They can't do anything, really. The whole thing is a gimmick that gets old quickly
Don't hate him, every time he is lucid, he cries for help. But then the alter ego takes over again.
>only one guy just mentioning manly tears constantly and shitting on him every other post
are you sure you're alright, my dude?
like i make fun of manlytears too, i have filenames and shit, but at what point does joking around come to literally wanting someone else to suffer?
>lmao Yea Forums
Cater to desktoppers obviously
>what do you think the devs should do to keep the regular people interested
fix the game and stop breaking it? im sure that sooner or later they will still get fucked over when someone releases a better vrchat style game, just like with pubg getting cucked by fartnite
definitely narcissism. i've been here for a decade and I've never seen him having a normal conversation, all he can do is talk about himself
Can you prove he’s samefagging
>Manly Tears is a furry
That was a small detail he didn't want people to find out
>see clip
>think it's kind of funny
>guy posts the full video
>immediately starts yelling like an autist
I can't believe I'm saying it, but were trolling videos more nuanced back in the day? This new shit is fucking gay.
>Next BTFO stream is not until tomorrow
Bros... I can't wait, gonna rewatch the VODs. I'm too excited!
He's 31
>Literally barely reaching up to the door handle
If your fake self promoting posts are meant to make us feel like we're better than you then you're doing a fine job.
Small body, small brain.
the question remains, "literally who?"
I'm not going to bother because it's painfully obvious you are. I don't know why you even bother with Yea Forums when you could have moved on and gotten a better deal.
Self hatred just keeps growing you know.
Anyone who attention whores and tries to have some presence on this site like they want to be an eceleb gets mocked and laughed at. You are not in good company.
They attempted to have him swatted in Turkey, merely because he trolls on a videogame lol
nice filenames dude
>Skeleton kigurumi is now a fursuit
>Wore it on stream 3 years ago
Imagine seething over someone so much you lie this much, i wouldn't trust a single thing said about him.
I mean, i just came into this thread for some VR youtube video but, y'know everyone started shitting on manlytears for whatever reason, what has he done to garner so much hate from a select few?
Old Boyd almost had a heart attack when he saw how many views MrBTFO's new clip was getting.
>just when 2019 Yea Forums couldn't get any shitter
>MT returns
You're no less pathetic today than you were eleven years ago. Incredible.
small man who craves attention. report and ignore like usual.
What doorhandle?
Cute tranny
>Manlet Queers is still on Yea Forums waiting for someone to post about him
>want to have comfy griefing threads
>manlytears and his cronies always come shit them up
I actually like a lot of the britbong sl and gta stuff but I don't understand why the guy has to be such an insufferable cunt outside of those things too.
Me and my friends used to piss ourselves laughing to this guys videos when we were 16/17, now I'm 21 and he's still a NEET in the same fucking bedroom man, kinda sad to watch.
>that hairline
Only ugly incels hate BTFO because they are jealous of his good looks, the man has got it all
He never left. His threads are fairly easy to spot. Outdated memes, "lol" and "cuck" in every sentence, samefagging and trying to shill his videos.
MT where do you see yourself in 10 years? why not try something else?
He exposed the ((wrong people)) and they happen to be 4channers and organise a discord to raid/flag anything he does.
>tfw you've been here so long you can instantly detect MT samefagging
no dude you used this picture as a thumbnail on your vod already you gotta change it up wtf!!!
>select few
wew. i can tell you're new. just google his name.
yeah it's not really hard
For someone who loves "trolling", he sure seems easily trolled himself
holy fuck I think I had a palpitation from cringing
fucking hell
eh i think it would be fine if people wouldnt cry about the manlet in here
Thanks for spending the last 30 minutes bumping the thread, appreciate it bro.
Notice how actual shill threads don't get deleted but these always get attacked, the more you know.
Imagine being banned from 8ch. The single site where pretty much anything goes.
>been here since 2006 but don't browse 24/7
>must be new, lol
sorry for not being baited into caring about some random fuckboi who makes youtube content, do you do this every time he makes a thread or just when you feel like it?
That's what people who "troll" are like to begin with. Those kinds of people are never stable or sensible.
>dude back off
Well the board owner of 8ch/cow/ is friends with 4 of the people manly bullied on second life so yeah, no shit.
That's not why you got banned, laddie.
People lie and slander Sam Hyde calling him a pedo, scammer, tranny fucker etc
People say the same garbage about manly but it’s “ok” because Yea Forums dislikes him and thinks spreading rumours and gossiping is trolling.
u pist?
nobody calls you anything but a fucking loser, dominic
because that's what you are
Uh oh, looks like someone's getting "trolled"
if you were actually here that long, you've seen his posts. just because you didn't browse 24/7 didn't mean he wasn't posting 24/7. dude has entire lolcow pages and boards dedicated to his concentrated flavor of tism. he's not some literal who that posted here once.
Guy is the proof that with age does not come wisdom. Once an ill faggot always an ill faggot.
>it's true because the board owner with no actual respectable authority says so
>claims a 19 year old is CP "as a troll"
>makes 12 word filters for manly alone
>stickies his thread with no content for a year straight
>lets people samefag his threads
Yeah, totally believable bro,
all those years of marvel and tekken tag paid off. that was a clean as fuck double strike.
Have you ever touched a woman?
I understand that, but I don't leave Yea Forums to follow it's bullshit to go somewhere else. It just seems from an outside perspective, all of it is fake and scripted, including this thread.
>lets just insult x for 30 minutes and keep a useless thread alive
>only a couple people actually talk about VR
I find it fucking hilarious how MT managed to get some youtube bucks to keep living the NEET life, but he stills comes to Yea Forums to see if he accept him yet.
(God, you're pathetic)
>One more day until the next stream
I don't think I can hold on, lads!
here's op having his mom kick down his door and yell at him for fapping too loud
Of course his biggest fan still love him.
imagine making 40000 renamed gifs/webms of your internet bully getting taken down in spectacular form, literally living vicariously through a gif.
is there a whole video except for the twitter excerpt?
Literally fucking who
Me on the right
Imagine being 31 years old, and still live with mum.
>I don't leave Yea Forums to follow it's bullshit to go somewhere else.
it's the opposite. the bullshit keeps seeping back in.
manlytears is more than welcome to fuck off back to his tranny erp discord
This is it, man. It's fucking hilarious
Ironically the people he trolled are tranny furries from SL organising stalking raids on him and trying to deplatform him out of spite
>7k subs
>spams video and acts like vinesauce for attention
fuck off with your shilling faggot
Just a reminder Yea Forums you got trolled again.
1) The top four comments are all anyone sees
2) They checked out the video/tweet
3) All you did was bump the thread
Thank you come again * dabs * I am only telling you this because there are constant shill threads and no one says anything about them and quite frankly it's because the mods/jannies know the youtuber shilling.
oh no no no
that's honestly pretty sad, man.
I couldn't sit through more than 15 seconds.
How old is this guy?
>Imagine being debt-free
>Imagine having no job, no worries
>Imagine looking like he's in his early 20s when he's in his 30s
>Imagine having loving parents
Y-y-yeah, that sure s-s-sucks, man, w-w-what a loser!
>Check out the board dommy made on 8ch
>Dead, just 5 threads, 15 posters since 2017
How sad..
>it's because the mods/jannies know the youtuber shilling.
>manlytears is permabanned from Yea Forums
game grumps are more your speed.
>manly tears is still around trying to be e famous in 2019
Yeah, for exposing the mods.
Also when the janitor/mod IRC logs got leaked they were constantly crying about him and letting people dox him, something that could have got them in legal trouble.
I watch Sassy and Opinionated, E;R, and Sseth.
I'm no stranger to le redpill culture but this guy is just infantile. It isn't entertaining in the least. He's griefing women by shouting REEE like a child.
>debt free
>Took a loan to buy his ebin youtuber gear
>no job no worries
>Hates himself and is depressed every week
>looks young
>literally JUST hair receeding
>loving parents
>Mom cuzz him out every time she appears on screen
Coping safety bubbles is a common trait among the ill and weak.
whos manly tears?
Lmao le pretentious pseudo intellectual channels that all try to sound like total biscuit.
That's actually pretty sad.
What a bunch of niggers.
some weird dwarf fella
>I'm such a nice guy
>Why don't girls like me?
your channel sucks and your brand of humor has been stale for a decade now, hate to break it to you.
What the fuck's going on with his nips
Someday soon Dominic's gonna spend years in jail for "hate speech" by slipping up.
The only time i can applaud UK for their draconic laws.
It is him.He's a cringy fag that still lives with his parents at the age of 30 or whatever the fuck age he is now. He's gone by many names before Britbong/Eggbong/Manlytears.
He used to do a LOT of Second Life trolling videos.
A guy that trolled these boards so hard the mods had a sticky to not reply to him "or else"
how the fuck does Sseth sound anything like totow biscwuit retard?
Who does this guy think he is
He’s trending atm
>liking and bumping only comments that suck his dick
faggot probably deletes all criticism too
lol I remember when Yea Forums lost it's shit when you posted that. They're still mad after all these years huh?
probably because it's uncomfortable to watch.
This isn't teabagging or griefing kids in minecraft, It's legit creepy.
more like Pretending lmao
>call his house pretending his grandfather died of cancer
>his mom interrupts the stream
>people lie claiming he was "making too much noise"
pathetic really isn't it, the same people who tried to get the police to arrest him in turkey for having an elliot rodger sticker on his laptop.
He’s trending and people are subbing, get mad
I don't think you know how YouTube works there buddy. Stick to Yea Forums
how many subs you got pal?
>people love cringeshit
>i'm just sitting here with my empathy like 'oh god those poor fools'
feeling other peoples feels is true suffering
>Appreciating fans is somehow a bad thing
>Literally just single bills, not stacks
We got a big playa here.
you know channels can hold comments for review, right?
ah yes, treding by that you mean catering to the le ebik cringe crowd and spam your video to as many people as possible or trigger people to get clicks
more like Sobbing lmao
He made his channel at xmas 2018 and he gained 2000 subs in the span of a day, i am thinking he's back.
He mostly streams anyway so why do you care so much?
>guys been doing this gay shilling for years now
>has barely any subs
3 million instagram account
sam hyde
and a few other e-celebs retweeted it
Guy really is sounding more like CWC every day.
whoa holy shit 2000 subs? damn you'll be a star soon
what can you say zoomers love this shit and it's easy money. Zooms were the best thing to happen to youtube
wowee look at that trending
it's more just that his trolling personality also seems to be his actual personality, which is great for griefing but bad for everything else, the guy needs to get his shit together
what are they
You have really riled up the nu/v/irgins today OP. Keep up the good work sir.
Don't be stupid. He blatantly runs RLM jokes into the ground on a weekly basis.
He made his channel this year and had a 99k channel banned, doing better than you faggot.
>sam hyde
>butthole pictures
post em
Yeah i'm thinking he's back
Holy kek what a baby.
His channel is mostly a streaming channel and also that's clearly outdated, owned again.
Just get a job midget, this shit isn't working out for you.
>making an absolute max of $3000/year
if i was flipping burgers parttime id still be doing better than him
>stream snipe manly
>no reaction
He keeps growing regardless of how many bitches whine about him, OMEGALUL
Cringe as shit. Dropping some how do you do fellow based gamers" lingo just makes this worse."
I think MT is a few fries SHORT of a happy meal
It's like $340 total. That's fucking nothing.
he earns money from donations via streams, he does not monetise YT.
you wull still be lonely while he has a dedicated fanbase you fag, you're nothing like him. all alone
Even in video games you can't escape chad.
Drop the shit
I thought shilling was a bannable offence ?
This. Being annoying and then being called annoying isn't funny. Nothing out of the ordinary happened in this video, people are just such social retards that people acting like people is unusual to them.
Yeah those are jokes mate. He didn't copy them. Have you never done a fucking impression before. Jesus. He likes and talk about RLM often. He never tried to pass it off as his own.
i'd almost prefer to wake up one day and i find i was anthony burch
So is ban evasion, posting cp and a bunch of other things MT is guilty of.
That VR game is nothing like VRchat.
On VRchat everyone is a fucking whore and anyone and everyone with full body has virtual sex with each other in private rooms in loli or female anime models while jacking off in real life.
>that one time manlytears posted +80 samefag replies in a thread with only ~120 posts
When will manlet tears learn that he's just asking for more abuse when he posts his unfunny and uninspired garbage on a website that hates him?
that time you got mad and bumped a thread.
>manlet tears
Hey manlytears, how does it feel to be so short that your name is synonymoys with manlet in Yea Forums and newfags don't even know who you are but they do know manlytears means a fucking manlet?
He did it for the past 12 years on Yea Forums. I don't know how he is even alive with his mental illness. Quentin and that jack dude at least stopped.
we don't hate him faggot he's /ourguy/ i mean just look at his yt thousands of comments and likes and views. hes doing well and your just salty AF
To be fair, there's not a single website that actually does like him.
>he doesn't know what noko is
how do you get hated by Yea Forums and *ch of all things
>Talks about MT in 2019
>But SOMEHOW refers to Quints, the shitty copycat wannabe in 2013
>bumping a thread to shit talk someone who bullied you on Yea Forums 11 years ago
>21.5% of this thread is samefagging
Is that fucking manlytears?
For being original and funny. Most spergs here just want Pepe and Wojak recolours, MrBTFO is bringing in genuinely funny content.
By being a midget with mental issues who just doesn't learn and fancies themselves far more important and above anonymity. Even grand autismos like lanced Jack, Taiga, Quintin all learned their place eventually and moved on.
Can't you see how mt is samefagging in this thread? He's trying to get underage retards who have never heard of him to start watching his shitty content.
fuck off mrMidget
jealousy perhaps?
Wait so is this guy really in this thread samefagging to promote his YouTube?
He's basically done this for the last 12 years
Butthole pictures? Lmao
I am OP. I posted the link a few hours ago and came back to a bunch of people whining. Crazy.
No, three people hated him from Yea Forums and they are spamming the thread themselves.
to a point of being perma banned yet still evades it for e-fame
ye guys been doing it for more than a decade, still hasn't gotten an actual career out of it.
Is Dominic and Todd Howard the same guys? Height checks out, and both thrives on attention, any attention
>YouTube likes him so he's our guy!
go back
I'm 250 lbs all muscle I would LOVE for them to try that on me.
This has to be bait. Its unreasonable for you guys to be this pathetic.
Man, I thought he faded into obscurity and killed himself or something. Maybe it was just wishful thinking.
How do you know it was 11 years ago?
Damn, that gotta hurt when the total dislike/like ratio for you is 75% vs 25%
Did you decide to put your discord link back on your site Dommy after you took it down because i made you purge your discord?
He isn't brave enough to end his miserable existance.
You're obviously not doing well enough to sit back and let others share your content for you.
Ever worry that you'll get sick of promoting yourself full time?
I can guarantee that you will always have to.
jesus christ this thread. I was added to a discord server filled with the reddit Yea Forums half breeds and this is exactly what they do. They get everyone in the server to create and spam threads like this to garner attention to the shit they make. Discord is seriously awful.
Clinical narcissistics don't kill themselves.
Imagine having to abandon your identity and change your online handle because not a single person like you.
exactly what i was thinking
his yt and stremas highly disagree
Like I said, wishful thinking.
MrBTFO is /ourguy/, the majority of posters who dislike him in this thread come from a tranny discord. Tell them to fuck off.
Wow you’re bitter
You kidding? He's ill. He'll never ever get sick of promoting himself as some beloved eceleb rockstar to his sock puppets
says the nigga from a tranny discord shilling his favorite e-celeb? fuck off
god VR chat is so fucking cringe, why play it when you can play actual good games like Pavlov
Manlet considering how often you change your identity you're basically a tranny yourself
Yeah it's pathetic.
Can I get added to whatever discord you guys are coming from? I want to get some screencaps.
Same three people aggressively posting negative comments need to go back to 8pedochan
they don't even want the dwarf why do you think he's getting shilled here
I thought Yea Forums was all about trolling and banter. When did everyone get so soft?
Holy fuck, MT, rethink your life, this is just fucking madness
Acting like tough guys on the internet is something both /pol/tards and SJWs love to do
nu/v/ are losers laughing about other losers for being losers while genuinelly thinking they themselves are fine.
They got bullied and can’t get over it
>I thought Yea Forums was all about trolling and banter
you thought wrong faggot, you're worse than 2008 Yea Forums tards who thought the same thing
He already started crossdressing some years ago and helped an old guy nut. You know, as a "joke"
This thread is currently trolling a wannabe eceleb midget how is that soft?
Dominic Vanner my friend youre making a small embarrassment of yourself
they are trolling the wrong person it needs to be the soi boys in his videos
Probably just about everyone itt got trolled by BTFO at some point, some people just can't get over the fact they were made a fool of and dedicate their entire lives to stalking him.
So how tall is manlettears any way? I'm a really short guy and I want to feel good about myself.
People who plays these games unironically are always cringe
I do that too, but I pretend to be a little girl and not as a joke either.
5'10 legit, autists just lie about his height as a meme to 'troll' him.
>they are trolling the wrong person
You are the soft one.
MRBTFO is /ourguy/ confirmed. Yeah I'm thinking he's back.
1.52 cm
Growing up and realizing videos like this are childish. Anyone can say "REEEEEEEEE I'M A RETARD WHAT YOU GON DO ABOUT IT KEKBOY" I probably would have found it funnier when I was younger and this was more novel in general, but now it's just like watching people my age imitate shit I laughed at over ten years ago.
Then what are you doing on Yea Forums, retard?
I still find griefing videos funny when there's an actual game being played instead of two autists screaming at each other in a 3d chatroom.
These expensive to set up? I don't have a VR but really want to try this out while drunk as fuck
No, shills should be trolled. The video is especially cringy because while "dude back off" is funny, no normal person would go into hysterical laughter over it. Being annoying and someone saying "fucking stop" is slightly amusing, but hearing a man in his 30s act like it's the funniest thing is just sad.
Yeah I agree. DanielfromSL is a good example of what funny griefing is
Doesn't matter what you think, the video went viral and was reposted by accounts with millions of followers. Millions of people found it hysterical.
Its manly tears notorious manlet.
Yeah, the guy who fakes his videos is a good example. Suppose you like LT. LICKME too?
Why does every single post in this thread read like they came from the same 2 people. Is this entire thread manlet tears vs 1 other autist? it’s like I’m the third person to post itt
Zoomers love it though, they need the cues when something is "funny" since they're incapable of having their own opinions. It's basically american laugh tracks, but for kids raised on the internet instead of the tv
I knew that would make you faggots angry
Holy fuck it really is Manlytears.
It's manlet vs himself on his mobile
>400 posts
bro stop posting
get the fuck off this board I'm not kidding around
>with only 90 ips
Video games.
I agree, which is why this video is shit by comparison. There's hundreds of options better than a memeing faggot annoying people without being creative (except for the trying to put the straw in the mouth, that was funny).
At this point it's just a bunch of fatherless teenagers doing the bidding of an old man pedophile from Second Life. Search Boyd Campbell and you'll see what kind of creeper he is.
>30 year old midget that lives in his mother's attic samefagging for attention
classic eggbong
You already made this thread.
Manlet this is a bit ironic coming from you....
Keemstar bragging of deplatforming is the scummiest thing I've ever heard and bragging of "power" on the internet, the state of Yea Forums praising deplatforming I knew this place was taken over by trannies and bronies but YIKES.
>watch immabout to troll thesre nerd virgins
>hey join my discord so we all can hang out
>in a group call with 5 friends calling everything cringy
andy they refuse to believe they are the same as the people try troll. whats wrong with them
Millions of people like Tekashi 69, I guess it's time to concede that he makes good music. Idiots.
I'm sure they do, they're my age when I found ventrilo harassment hilarious and that shit is still funny compared to this.
DanielfromSL's long streams where he abuses mod powers are still a thousand times better than your videos Manlet.
You see he's actually funny and doesn't need to be a crude antagonistic idiot arguing on the same level as the people he's poking fun at.
manly has made all types of trolling videos
Not subtle
The not subtle ones are the best, danny from SL only took off because some boring redditor mod saw his vids as kid friendly content and no cussing.
whens next stream lad
DanielfromSL is a scumbag
>demands to be paid to advertise Rust and DayZ servers
>used to cheat on livestream on Twitch and got caught and managed to snake his way out of a perma ban
>Now admins a rust server and calls it "trolling" most lukewarm boring shit I've ever seen
>Scripts videos and pays people to do the trolling for him
You are the reason trolling channels are dying, go watch some ltlickme kid with some troll face thumbnails.
>muh stalkers
you sound like those paranoid gang stalking schizophrenia cunts that thinks all the red cars are out to get them
Saw this on reddit, epic meme
lol why would you post a video of a middle aged man sperging on webcam as some kind of ammunition against Britbong? That's a big cringe from me lad.
anyone that uses 8ch is a pedo.
Except there literally is a few autists creeping on him, look at the spergs on twitter who reply to every post he makes. All because they got trolled on Second Life years ago.
yeah looks to me like keem got trolled then started threatening him, not the cool calm and collected gnome we've all grown to love.. bit of a scummy turn of events.
>muh deplatforming
Fucking kek what a crybaby
Keemstar sucks off niggers
Dude's got no balls so he's gotta have his personal army on call.
>we can dox you but we cant manlet
>we can lie about you but you cant manlet
>we can deplatform you but you cant manlet
>The guy who made the video is the only one actually using VR
You cry when your favourite streamers and celebrities get banned, but you love it when he gets banned. Double standards much? Don't complain when no one is allowed to make trolling videos anymore because it is "harassment".
Yeah you sure owned us
Sorry I don't watch tranny "ecelebs"
That's not VRChat. It's Sansar, official sequel to Second Life.
They would rather see trolling die than actually let someone good make videos out of jealousy.
you guys hate fun. i mean look at all these cringy faggots brit is doing us a favore
Not that guy, but you're assuming too much.
And trolling videos like these are harassment, that's what makes it funny. Ventrilo Harassment was harassment, why is it bad to call things what they are?
hahaha what the fuck. look at this dumb subhuman nigger crying about how unfair the internet is to him what a fucking baby.
>your estimated revenue
Not to mention he's in his early forties and wears a fucking snapback.
>436 replies
>96 posters
It's obvious who you are when you aren't calling yourself by your current name.
He looks like Richard Hammond except shorter
Manlet you really need to get a job.
Your parents are gonna die one day and they can't support you forever.
>parents die
>can't reach the doorknob
>nobody around to let him out of his room
all these people thinking i have no money. My fans will support me like they always have been, you bitches are jealous. I hit stream highs, youtube aint making money but streams are so you all can sit here all but hurt while I still make bank
>bb-but manlett tears would never try to get people banned like keem
>manlet thread at 400 replies
>porn thread at 100 replies
mods are really asleep it seems
I have more money than you just by working a piss easy part time job lmao.
nah it just got 404'd this thread is okay, since drama and shilling is now Yea Forums approved
>Mentally-ill stalker accounts whose only purpose was to try and fuck with him and share personal info about him
Yeah, there's totally a comparison, dood.
Is the VR community the lowest of the vidya World?
Hey, didn't ManletTears was still on Yea Forums. How you holding up, you fag?
lowest common denominator. easy trolling easy money
i fucking doubt it, I have 60k in my bank Im doing fine, just look at my donations page they will give me anything I fuckin ask, can you say the same nerd?????
Wrong usage of Clown Pepe
It's the same song and dance as it was a decade ago, where dominic talks to himself and desperately tries to get Yea Forums to like him.
>so buttblasted he's completely gone out of character and revealed he's been samefagging this whole time
He crossed that line years ago.
/r/ing the screencaps of his ebay account with all the sissy shit
now's the best time to do it. New kids coming on Yea Forums that like these type of videos but are too young to remember your old stuff
>*makes monkey noises*
>"Fuck off retard"
>*makes airplane noises*
>"Back off faggot"
I had a friend who used to be normal until he started streaming and now all he does is just annoy the fuck out of other people.
I'd like to know more.
People take this type of shit so seriously. I believe it was called Playstation Home, and I made a big fat black guy with a fro and a beer stained wife beater, and everyone else were these super edgy emo demon angels. And I'd say some dumb shit joking about something because these people were edgy and they'd be like "omg you're just some fat ugly black guy, get out omg"
Fuck off manlet with your advertising shit. You should stop spamming your trash after half a decade of being banned for it.
True. Did you know Sam Hyde actually retweeted this video?
man i miss playstation home. that place was a goldmine.
well guys its been a good thread, time to nuke it
I think OP isn't actually MT. But instead, just a bored guy who wanted to reminiscence back when the entire internet kept BTFO the midget
Nah, I saw that after I posted that, was a funny coincidence
This is how we know it's you. Everyone who calls you a fag is always one of the four or so people you're obsessed with, no exceptions.
It's the right usage of clown pepe.
Also the right use.
Sam Hyde stopped being funny like 5 years ago
Why would anyone advertise video proof of getting blown out by a manlet?
Is this how the male thot operates?
>Can't even have second life-like threads anymore on this board
Why did this board become so fucking shit
Hahaha what the fuck, is Tiny Tears still trying to make Yea Forums love him after all these years of being shit on?
Would be fine if not for manlet constantly begging for attention.
No it's not hes supposed to become a representation of the other side of an pointless argument
I haven't heard of any of these "eceleb trolling youtubers" you faggots discuss besides manlymidget. How young are you faggots?
More like Daniel. MrBTFO is too busy to care about what people are posting about on here.
most likely below 20 but above 18
The whole thread is just manlet talking to himself.
Aka you.
>Realized OP was Manly Tears
Holy shit I thought all the old major trolls were dead.
The only one name dropping here is manlet tears himself. Nobody else cares
Trips wasted on an attention seeking faggot
Manly Tears wasn't never a "troll". Remember the old saying "pretending to be retarded is not trolling"
Clearly not since I got him to respond to me directly in this thread
He sure likes to talk big game until people push back, then he jumps into the victim hole for pity attention
Yes you are
why the fuck is this thread still up mods?
nothing here is vidya and it's just samefag shilling. maybe I can post some hot pockets so you fat fucks might start doing your """"""job""""""
Guy has no self awareness.
Yeah, I'm thinking MRBTFO is back.
Seething clown. MrBTFO is /ourguy/ and always will be, he is the patrician's troll.
>Someone with actual balls
>Toxic masculine
>Courage and bravery
>Good person
Retard, he literally just white knighted for someone over the internet, stop acting like he's a fucking hero.
This lads will never make it.
>That time he posted 350 times in his own /cow/ thread
Are the mods finally based?
what are you gonna do faggot lol
This has to be the saddest attempt at monitizing himself
who care hahaha
So Sansar is basically a better looking VRChat? Looks pretty potential for some fun to be had.
What is it with short people? Both Destiny and MT have this weird sociopathic look on their face all the time and make asses of themselves for a pittance. The only cool one I know is Jerma but even he still does the latter.
since this is a shilling thread post some of your merch,your channel or your favorite youtuber
He never made them you autist, his retard stalkers did that and he got the page pulled down.
Be honest. You bit the bait knowing it's bait because you wanted to own someone on the internet didn't you
I heard manlet tears got shorter since he hit 36. All that sitting in his single moms house isn't doing too well for his health and height.
Even for the Jannies at the hot pocket trough, Manly Tears is still too small time
This is a MrBTFO thread, you wanna shill Game Grumps, make your own thread.
kek, that's the angle these days? Nah, you pulled it down because EVERYONE laughed at you and broke your fragile ego
>just pretending lel
It's funny how in every single MT threads there's a person who knows every single fact about his life and reply within seconds anything that might sound bad about his past.
You'll still be doing this when you're 50 and nobody will like you any more then. How does it feel?
Thread is just one shitpost too short
Special thanks to the mods, the thread has been up for 3 hours and didn't get taken down, based.
>just pretending
do you actually believe that he posted that seriously
genuine question
Settle down manlet. Just enjoy your samefag thread got to page 10.
Nice try, autismo.
between 5 foot 3 and 5 foot 4
Good thread, can't wait for the next one!
I was pointing out how utterly transparent his attempts of samefaggin are.
The IP counter went up with my post.
You do realize this is why the board sucks now, right? Because people post bait, and people like you keep falling for it. Report, filter, and move on.