What the fuck? This game is awesome. Why did you guys just straight up lie to me about it? Why would you do that?

What the fuck? This game is awesome. Why did you guys just straight up lie to me about it? Why would you do that?

Attached: 148616CE-37FD-43F0-84F6-09F31AD9D597.jpg (1052x1488, 901K)

Other urls found in this thread:


ds2 is hated by those who care more about the world than the gameplay and those who play it like its ds1

I'm sorry to hear about your shit taste

Did you honestly expect Yea Forums to be right about something?
Only real flaws with 2 aside from poor world design are soul memory and the fucking ice reindeer.

This is bait.

Better than Sekiro,at least the levels are distinguishable.

The jig is up retard, I know the truth now. Shame on you for trying to keep me away because... reasons? Why the fuck did you all lie so much about it? Because some YouTuber or r*ddit bandwagon told you to? Fuck you.

The game is fucking rushed, soulless dogshit and a step down from dark souls 1 in nearly every conceivable way.
where's the lie?

Attached: 1550365390503.png (1422x800, 2.24M)

its cool to be contrarian

I told you it's good. You didn't listen.

>Why did you guys just straight up lie to me about it?
We assumed you had an IQ over 70. We'll keep your retardation in mind from now on though.

"Wow this is so cool, why did nobody tell me?"
-user in an elevator up to lavaland suspended in the sky

Anti-DaS2 people generally make weak arguements about the game before breaking down into personal attacks.

They usually just reference arguments from some stupid youtube video with a million views because they’re susceptible to groupthink. Most of them never even played the game.

>weak arguements
Weaker than DS2's Hit detection?

Attached: 1546759507071.webm (800x450, 2.51M)

You literally got that non-argument from r*ddit lol

its literally just because of the matthewmatosis video.

dark souls 2 is the worst game From have put out since Demon Souls but it's still better than 90% of the games out on the market and is an 8/10 at least

>posts a webm of the original release
Yeah, weak arguments lmao

You're literally a mouthbreathing mongoloid if you actually believe that.

You seem awfully familliar with Bribbit user, perhaps you'd better return there?

Attached: 1547810758893.webm (646x520, 2.45M)


Attached: DARK SOULS™ II_ Scholar of the First Sin_20190406080839.jpg (3840x2160, 1.18M)

When we told you to go in blind we didn't mean that literally.

>dark souls 2 is the worst game From have put out
It is the best game From have put out ever. You simply have shit taste.

>muh hitboxes
Yeah we all know DS1 did so much better, with arrows getting caught on invisible walls and shit

Because autism

>I know you are but what am I
Why do r*dditors like you get so scared when you’re called out? Embrace who you are. We’re all anonymous here, there’s no reason to lie. I won’t “downvote” you I promise

>Better than Sekiro
woah hold up brainlet


Attached: Aldia.jpg (269x269, 16K)

Wow it’s almost like video games are absurd and fun

you can find webms that show buggy behavior for literally any videogame in existence.

and you’re “literally” a faggot who lets shitty e-celeb videos influence your opinion because you can’t afford to play the games yourself.

well, trash attracts trash so I'm glad you enjoy Dark souls II faggot

Attached: h-he's fast.webm (720x404, 1.51M)

i agree, Yea Forums mostly just circlejerks about how DaS2 is bad because most of Yea Forums is underage and for some odd reason they have this weird need to fit in on an anonymous messageboard for weeb incels.

its a far cry from the best of the franchise/bloodborne/sekiro, but it has the best RPG elements as far as gear variety, build variety, nonlinearity, etc. and it also had the best PvP of all of them by a landslide.

Retards overhyped hyped it, and then when they got disappointed they over corrected their opinions and now DaS2 is the worst game ever.

I understand some complaints like the disjointed world, downgrades, and general jankiness, but it’s still a good game.

It has;
>Best covenants
>Best magic
>Best hexes
>Best build variety and viability
>Most content

I didn’t play the vanilla game, but got SOTFS a year or so after, and enjoyed the game enough to 100% it.

I liked dark souls 3, but it didn’t hook me as much, and I haven’t even played any of the DLC

I liked first two souls.
third one was a little disappointing, but i was spoiled by then

>the passage from Ashina Castle to the dilapidated temple is ok though

Attached: laser.webm (1920x1080, 2.28M)

people who say DaS2 is shit just overdosed on memes

A series of secret ninja tunnels is different than a quantum tunneling elevator

I know a lot of anons are going to call you a troll, but I love sotfs as well and I support you

garbage level design
garbage bosses
entire game feels like a cheap fucking chinese bootleg with its awful deadzones and ADP stat

i never understood why this bothered Yea Forums so much. literally who fucking cares

nothing personal kid*

That is such a cool move. It is like dbz

Attached: 1552257080705.webm (1280x696, 2.83M)

Because DS1 is a masterpiece of interconnected intelligent world design and you go from that to Mega Man tier "spokes on a wheel" where even the individual linear progression of the spokes doesn't make fucking sense

The door is on the side of the castle, you can see that it goes nowhere

It’s not shit but Janky and some levels art direction is gross

Fun and has a lot of replay ability

People are salty because the dodge i-frames are locked behind a stat.
They are retarded and think that a glass cannon mage should avoid attacks the same way a melee character would.
The only real downside compared to other souls are NPCs and some areas.
DS2 is a great game and had the most freedom to try the most extravagant builds and it had one of the best pvp of the series

>people crying about levels in a videogame being videogamey
Oh boo hoo, cry me a fucking river. It’s still fun.

The only people who like DS2 are PvPfags, aka mouthbreathers.

From what I can tell, mostly from this thread, is that people are upset because it’s not a carbon copy of DS1. Well, DS3 is... and this game has more soul than DS3

I pity the people who dislike DaS2 because they only have 5 great From games to play instead of 6

Wow an exploitable enemy in a souls game!
Awful game 6/10

DS2 is fucking soulless

DaS3 is negative soul

DS2 is an unfinished piece of shit

>misunderstanding the webm entirely
DS2fags are so goddamn dumb

Attached: 1546757712840.jpg (700x812, 64K)

No, you are. You don’t even have something called a “self.” You just parrot bandwagon opinions, because you are a soulless bug man.

t. filtered before castle gate

Soulless anti-ds2 bug men btfo

>A hastily cobbled together mess that's a good example on excessive wasted potential

Enlighten me, is it the red phantom dying like that that made you stop enjoying the game?

looks like a weapon art from ds3

>it's another ds2 thread full of webms from release and not the current version

I think the poor quality of the game is greatly exaggerated, but I'd still play any other game in the series over 2 any day. Maybe scholar of the first sin is better than the original release but I didn't like dark souls 2 enough to buy it again after getting the base game and dlc.

You spin me right round baby, right round
Like a Dark Souls 2 enemy, baby
Right round round round

Attached: 1535895339924.webm (640x480, 1.29M)

>implying ds1 wasn't unfinished either, with le epic puzzle boss and literal copy pasted dragon asses

the devs never patched shit regarding the hitboxes. the're still just as horrendous as ever.

Attached: 1550358261002.jpg (700x739, 101K)

Dark Souls II is awesome. And anyone who disagrees sucks cock, likes semen and is retarded. Period.

Attached: 377df3110378c0127d0bcd676f761f8cfa485588.jpg (616x353, 34K)

i agree that DS1 had better world design, no one is arguing that. but the idea that 1 elevator somehow ruins the whole game is underage-tier faggotry. it's a fucking videogame

It’s kind of heavily implied that ninjas can into some kind of esoteric magic too

People use the "one elevator" because it's the epitome of DS2's overall issues. The entire game feels cobbled together, because it is, because it's a rushed piece of shit with no thought or care put into it.

It doesn't ruin the game, but it does ruin any semblance of drangleic at least having the illusion of possibly being a real place. Dark Souls 1 isn't perfect either but it's much more believable as a real location than 2. A little immersion can go long a way, and dark souls 2 shatters any immersion I had at the pile of rubble you need to slay the 4 strongest entities to get around.

>one example
Wow you sure showed me wrong, it's a good thing that neither ds1 nor ds3 EVER have anything like this

it's literally the largest of the games, like i said i prefer the other installments as well (except for DaS3) but it was still a great game relative to most other vidya. it's also one of the most replayable IMO,

Looks to me like you got outplayed, kid.

>They are retarded and think that a glass cannon mage should avoid attacks the same way a melee character would.

Which they do since Attunement also raises Agility.

>Yeah the base game isn't so good, but the DLC fixes its probl--

Attached: 1456278295401.webm (1280x720, 1.81M)

You're free to post webm examples of your own. but you won't, because you don't have any. :)

Attached: 1552256645772.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

You don't even need to kill the four old ones, just murder enough hollows and other crap to raise your SM by 1 million, that'll also open the door

It's a good game, but it's not the best Dark Souls game. There are numerous flaws, between dodge i-frames being tied to a state, hitboxes being wonky in so many ways, and the general world layout. The "Remaster" which should be the definite version of the game is just remapped with new enemies that serve no purpose other than to throw more enemies at you "for a challenge" instead of making sense at all. Not to mention the biggest problem in my opinion


That being said it's still a fun game that I go back to. Retards will pretend it's the shittiest thing to ever come out. They're wrong, but it's still not the best Fromsoft game by a mile specifically for these many many many problems.

Attached: 1446564860188.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)

I know but more often than not people will just go slap up the big bads instead of farming 1 mil souls.

>it's the epitome of DS2's overall issues
wow so it's fucking nothing

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Attached: advanced shadow casting.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

When will they learn?

Rom does this too, guess bloodborne is bad

>the absolute STATE of ds2 cucks itt
Can you guy only get off by being humiliated or something?

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Only brainlets dislike ADP. It enhances build customization by allowing you to choose whether to use a big shield and tank hits or put points into ADP and roll through everything. Granted, most will put points into ADP anyways because evasion is more fun and rewarding than blocking, but you get magnitudes more souls in DS2 to easily allow dumping 30 levels into it.

Still an alright game, but the worst of the soulsborne games. Rat Covenant is godly though.

DS2. Now there's a game with SOUL.

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I can't imagine the autismo powerlevel needed to save and repost the same exact webms every thread trying to prove that a well liked videogame is bad.
Stay pathetic, Yea Forumsirgins.

Attached: opinions.jpg (500x628, 102K)

But you can already do this in other games, you fucking idiot. Go heavy and tank or stay light and roll. The game already had separate roll speeds and i-frame windows based on weight. It didn't need a stat.

The moment people started to appreciate DS1’s world design, DS2 happened. The ‘downgrade’, the community dealing with ADP for the first time, only one average NPC, blander lore - DS2 was great in putting DS1 on an even higher pedestal and it even has Bed of Chaos. DS2 was rushed like hell and far from realized.

I played Dark Souls 2 last expecting to hate it but it's honestly my favorite souls game

Stay seething you mentally damaged ds2nigger

Filtered by Ogre kek

Its cause you have shit Internet

>we get ADP instead of fast-medium-heavy rolls + walks
Anyone who tries to tell you ADP is better is a fucking idiot - and it being an “interesting choice” for builds is nullified by having matchmaking based on soul memory so it literally turned into a dumpstat.

DaS2 is probably Yea Forums's most hated game of all time, so I wouldn't expect much nice said about it here.

how contrarian can you be to defend ADP

there's a reason it never came back in any form. hopefully the numbnuts who thought it up in the first place got fired, along with the stooge that created soul memory.

>only pvpfags like ds2
>adp is bad because of pvp
make up your mind lol

Reminder that DS2 is the only game with bonfire ascetics and good dual wielding

I have the same question but for ds3.

Yeah power-stance was also shit that's why it never came back and was instead evolved into the DS3 special attacks :^)

Who are you quoting?

Dark Souls 2 is a better game than Dark Souls 3.


>The DLC areas

Attached: Noice.png (705x480, 342K)

>t. bandit

Just as garbage as the areas in the base game

Sunken City was great. Iron King was pretty good. Ivory King was complete and utter dog shit.

The internet has nothing to do with it buddy, note that he's not a phantom so it's all happening in his own world

the only people who whine about soul memory are buttblasted twinks who can't invade someone who's just starting a character for an easy win
there's even a ring that eats some of the incoming souls to combat soul memory

You have to be doing this shit on purpose. The room in the second image from the top is designed that way. The painting is the only interesting thing in the room, and when you approach it, it kills you/curses you.
This would only work on people that have never played the game before and don't understand the context.

>A little immersion can go long a way, and dark souls 2 shatters any immersion I had at the pile of rubble you need to slay the 4 strongest entities to get around.

DaS1 uses the exact same plot device/mechanic, its just in the 2nd half of the game instead of the 1st.

Literally everybody with a brain told you this game is the best Soulsborn game.

Attached: 1550972237842.jpg (240x240, 6K)

>The other games are better because they're PRETTY!
Literally the only way someone could like Particle Souls 3


And yet the seeming randomness of architecture in ds2 is part of the plot and is literally explained in the opening cutscene. Therefore when people complain about it you know they didn't actually play the game they're just repeating what their favorite youtuber (who also didn't play the game) said.

haters of DS2 have selective memory when it comes to things that DS2 did better than any other game in the series.

someone post sekiro ogre hit box webm.

>oh fuck sir we made a terrible game and it releases in one week, what do we do
>shit just add some lore that says it's bad on purpose


This thread made me realize how much I miss Dark Souls. Sekiro was a dissapointment

What's the incentive for invading in ds2? I tried it but only got some gay ass token of spite. Thought you would get an effigy or something. And why is there no red eye orb?


Why is this board so contrarian

You realize that having fantasy elements in a fantasy rpg game is a good thing right?

People aren't playing these games to have fun and that's why they're bitching. They're still mad the game looks worse than the E3 footage and can't grow up.

fight clubs and watching malcolm reynolds fucking around with DS2's files and hacking other players

It's not like the rest of Drangleic castle is much more detailed. That entire place is just a series of grey featureless cubes with a repeating stone texture that looks like plastic. One of the ugliest places in the entire game imo.

Attached: 1550368358699.jpg (1920x1080, 209K)

You realize that internal consistency helps people become invested in your fantasy world, right?

how is it contrarian, it shits on ds2 all the time

Unfortunately there is none, other than the satisfaction of invading. It's always been joked about how DS2 has the best pvp in the series and yet the worst matchmaking and incentives.
Some of the rewards are pretty cool but not worth the inhuman grind it can take to achieve them.

There's not a single DS2 interior that can match 1 or 3. They are all fucking ugly, low on details and with zero thought put behind it.

>This thread made me realize how much I miss Dark Souls.
You realized that you like eating shit?

No it doesn't. You're just shit all the time.

Rom actually moves his multiple legs in a believable manner to show him turning. DS2 enemies just exist on a record player.

>where's the lie?
in your image


>the only people who whine about soul memory are buttblasted twinks who can't invade someone who's just starting a character for an easy win
Or anyone who likes to make builds for certain soul levels. Remember that SM is Souls acquired, not spent, and the game throws you hordes of Souls so you’re pretty much forced to constantly level like some weird MMO.

2 has the best environments. I hate all the "DUDE DARK AND GRITTY, GRAVESTONES BRO" that happened with Bloodborne and 3. 1 was great too but I just prefer 2. The game doesn't have to be entirely made of wet dark gritty gravestones and dead trees littering every square meter of the game. The first half of Dark Souls 3 pulled that shit too.

Joke's on you, nerd, Sekiro was meant to be one long level.

Got 'em

Because I don't waste my time trying to fit in acting like this game is any different from the others. Grow up, do something productive. Nobody will remember this. Nobody will remember you. Or your anonymous epic trolls. When this thread dies, so will your memory.

ADP wouldn't be so much of an issue if not for the fact your hitbox seems to linger in your original location. Having less iframes is one thing but having the enemy attack clearly miss you but you take damage anyway is something entirely different.

The people that pretend ADP isn't an issue are all havel scrubs that just tank damage, frankly I'm glad the past 3 games have made that faggy playstyle less and less viable.

Well he did get stabbed. You can see it. He just flicks to it like that to fit in the animation. It looks weird but it's fair, he got hit.

The environments are barebone, flat, filled with crazy tiled textures with gross lighting. DS2 made me realize how great and attentive the world and environment were in DS1.

Imagine seething this hard

Fucking Adaptability is enough reason to shit on the game. Pathfinding issues, shitty boss fights, stupid location placements. It's literally a cashgrab by a stupid game director trying to make it "Dark Souls but bigger" and he failed.

DS2 obviously has its problems, but I'm with Yahtzee on this one. I value originality. They made good design choices, too, to the point they have been carried over and played with in all subsequent games. ADP makes sense as a stat, it just needed proper explanation. Good level design. Perfectly fine world design. World obviously isn't DS1 tier, but neither is any other game. All the people who whine about how janky combat is are literally lying. Overall, perfectly fine game, just had some growing pains.

>mentally damaged
>youtube video instead of typing

You're a parody of a human being or maybe just a child, in any case, a wimp.
DS2 is not the greatest videogame but it's very far from being bad. I don't expect you to understand this since you seem handicapped in some way.

does SOTFS fix the deadzones that render the game near unplayable?

I don't know what you're referring to, 100%ed it a few times on PC no problem so I guess so

Attached: 1450414215955.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

>"It is my mission to make sure these anonymous people I'll never meet like this game"

Attached: v.jpg (1920x1080, 419K)

Just a friendly reminder that every single starting class in the game has lower i-frames than a DS1 fatroll if you don't level ADP, and assuming you're not leveling ATN, you will need at least 32 ADP in order to match a DS1 fast roll and 76 ADP to match a DS1 DWGR flip.
Even the DS1 hitboxes look like they're garbage if you play with fatroll, keeping in mind that the DS1 fatroll is still better than DS2 rolling without ADP.

>people consistently do no hit runs
>wooow this is impossible


*hate this game
Whoops I'm on the wrong side

This is fixable in like 2 minutes if you play on PC, but I can understand how console players would be frustrated.

What was your favorite part of DS2 guys? I have a hard time choosing, myself. It might be the hilariously off model attack hitboxes. Maybe its the boss fight with the giant dude in armor, you know the one. It might be soul memory, or the god-awful texture work, or those giant mace knights that literally do not stop attacking, or the complete absence of a complete red eye orb. It might even be the incredibly awful lighting! God, I just can't decide!

dark souls 2 is the game that taught me to never preorder anything, and killed my hype for any future release before playing it myself. I beat demons souls right before it came out in order to hype myself up. turned out to be three times better than 2. just what the fuck. the slow, creeping dread of "oh. this is the game...? this is all for real?" and seeing all of the garbage. now I am always extremely skeptical of all sequels and releases

I found DS1 far more original than DS2. It starts at little things like Shannolete, replacing the cat standard we were introduced to in DS1 with just a regular cat. Other original ideas like introducing amnesia because you’re undead and need souls seems generic and misunderstanding what it meant to be ‘Undead’ from DS1.

Then you have things like Ruin Sentinels, a multiple-mob boss fight - yet they still seem to be ‘nice’ about taking turns. You have the Amana Shrine snipers who pose an annoying threat - but then they just die to a few arrow snipes. It’s like they didn’t know what made things like Orn & Smough and the Silver Archers interesting.

>Perfectly fine world design. World obviously isn't DS1 tier, but neither is any other game

World progression was essentially Demon’s Souls disguised as Dark Souls which is both neat and misleading.

Soulfags are unbelievable retards. That's what's up. DaS2 is a superior game in most respects when compared to DaS1.

DaS2 haters are casual retards who blamed the game and the devs when they died. DaS2 haters are autistic fuckwits who think Dark Souls' biggest strength was it's level design. DaS2 haters are nostalgia retards who don't remember exactly how mediocre the majority of DeS/DaS1 are.

Well said

Dark Souls 2 is so fucking ugly. Every time I see it I want to gouge my eyes out.

Attached: 1523316043477.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Nah it's true. The narrative surrounding DaS2 was mostly focused on "artificial difficulty" and the graphical downgrade.

It's that shitty pretentious mick who managed to give these people more nuanced and varied complaints to echo. The MM vid absolutely fueled the hate around here. Plebs LOVE it when they have a knowledgeable fellow like Mattosis to tell them what to think.

Attached: Dark Souls 2.webm (1440x900, 2.26M)

Can anyone actually explain, logically, how Earthen Peak connects to Iron Keep?

Yeah. The game was deeply troubled during development and so near the end Tanimura came in and forced them to stitch together whatever levels they had finished at the time to make the game. That's why The EP elevator leads to IK.

>DaS2 is a superior game in most respects when compared to DaS1.
Just build variety if at that. Enemy design, bosses, lore, all better here. Summoning was more straightforward but hampered hard by SM, Bloodborne and DS3 fixed this.

>DaS2 haters are casual retards who blamed the game and the devs when they died.
It’s all on ADP, DS2 is debatedly the hardest when it’s barely leveled and it becomes absolutely the easiest when it is. It’s what really spun up the ‘dodge dodge attack’ gameplay.

I agree that DS1 is more original. But in terms of originality as a sequel, DS2 feels like DS2. DS3 feels like Dark Souls: Again

The area that went inbetween, the one from the trailer, was never made/finished.

Compare the Demon of Song room to any room in Undead Settlement or Profaned Capital

This webm reminded me that im still not over Das2's lighting downgrade. Fucking piece of shit.

with an elevator, I believe

Dark Souls 2 felt a lot more like a King's Field game with the Dark Souls engine to me, with DS3 being the "actual" sequel (overly reliant on callbacks though it may be). But maybe that's just the DS2 jankiness talking to me. Anyway, I like all of them.

>why did you guys just straight up have a different opinion than me? Why would you do that?

Yes but ADP is dirt simple and very intuitive. Want to dodge? Spend stats on the dodge stat. Only fucking morons have trouble with that.

I appreciated DS2 for dual wielding and how it gave so many weapons new movesets from 1, whereas DS3 just copied all the weapon movesets over directly from 1 aside from the weapon arts.

your characters animation in general are just better than in 1 and 3. see backstabs especially

There was no such area as originally Earthen Peak was supposed to connect to Undead Crypt

DS3 was just as disappointing as a sequel but was missing much of what I wanted out of DS2. Things like Segweridmeyer were disappointing but not the details like Nameless King or showing how Carim came to take over the Way of White.

DS2 doesn’t do anything interesting until SotFS, and this coupled with the misunderstood gameplay makes it feel a weird, alien knock off.

All the games are shit and good in their own way
Your preference is entirely dependent on the one you played first

>the misunderstood gameplay
user, Fromsoft literally CANNOT misunderstand a thing they created. YOU misunderstand the gameplay. Not the other way around.

not him but pretty sure thats what he meant? people are misunderstanding ds2 combat and playing like its ds1

My point being that I value the attempt/intent behind changing up design philosophy and trying new things in DS2 more than the refinement/polish of DS3. To me, DS3 is kind of like the video game equivalent of smelling your fart. Sure, it's great to revive the memory of when I ate DS1, but you can only huff so much ass gas. DS3 is the only one I haven't finished

>not him but pretty sure thats what he meant?
I'm pretty sure he's saying it feels alien because it misunderstands Souls combat.

What's a good faith build/setup to run?

I feel like I fucked mine up. I have like 30+ faith on a quality build and lightning spear does dogshit damage. Even my lightning infused battle axe is kinda meh.

Attached: 1554148505127.gif (270x188, 1.78M)

DS2 is easily the worst Souls game and if you think otherwise you need brain surgery.

Oh yeah, the backstab animations in 2 were brutal.

Attached: 339784.gif (400x225, 1.22M)

Multiple other ones from the trailer have been found inside the unfinished maps like the sleeping dragon being in the Dark Chasm map and the sewer part in the Gutter map.
It wouldn't be unthinkable that this area was also planned, given that it features the Earthen Peak Manekins in a volcanic landscape.

Attached: trailer.jpg (1443x835, 163K)

>Yes but ADP is dirt simple and very intuitive
You’re confusing it with DS1’s rolls. Wear too much and you can’t roll or run as well. Wear even MORE and it gets worse. Simple!
ADP is just as abstract as resistance and is just as mundane because it just gets dumpstated.

Lightning Spear is dogshit. You need to look up which miracles are actually good. The ones that are good are GREAT, But Lightning Spear is perma-nerfed because it was STUPID good in version 1.0

If I recall, Emit Force and Blinding Bolt are stronk.

There is none as From overnerfed miracles and never undid their mistake, miracles are objectively the WORST magic available and you're better off with hexes/pyromancies (both use same stats so you can interchange them based on the situation at hand)

Nice bait

Wrong. I care way more about the gameplay. Don't lie, you fucking faggot. Hang yourself.

>You’re confusing it with DS1’s rolls.
No I'm not. DaS1's rolls are insanely overpowered and undermine the very core of the game's stat systems and RPG mechanics.
>ADP is just as abstract as resistance
No it's not and Resistance isn't abstract, it's just useless. It's obviously a stat intended to make you resilient against bleed/poison etc. Back to ADP though, making dodge rolls cost stats investments was the only sensible choice they could make. Every other defensive tool was gated behind stat investments. Rolling needed to be that way too.

You're literally just an entitled fucking casual retard.

It's at least better than the cash grab that was 3, and once you remember the second half of 1 the competition isn't all that stiff.


>user, Fromsoft literally CANNOT misunderstand a thing they created
Well I certainly hope so because otherwise that means they’re intentionally making WORSE gameplay for no reason.

But we also know how horribly rushed the game was, which makes far more sense of these boring decisions.

It's not like the gameplay is hands-down better than the rest of the series. It has pros and cons.

No it isn't. DS3 is a great game.

I can compare Demon of Song room to many places in 1 and 3 and it will get BTFO'd every single time.

Item use speed is an interesting mechanic y'all are leaving out. I quite like that bit

No, it really isn't. DS3 only has 1 or 2 bad areas. DS2 is trash the whole game.


Attached: 1538649329235.png (500x406, 179K)

its still better than 95% of any games in this decade, its still goty of its year
but remeber that fromsoft got absurdly good quality in their games so its easy to fall behin on fromsof ladder.

It's mediocre Bloodborne DLC at best, with rehashed 1 content

No, it really isn't. DS2 only has 1 or 2 bad areas. DS3 is trash the whole game.

true. however i fail to see who would prefer ds1's combat over 2 unless you were a shield turtle

But ds2 before the dlc objectivity played worse than the rest of the bunch by a distracting margin.

The point is no one cares about you gushing over your cherry picked scenery.

what is with the fucking garbage optional bosses in dlcs with terrible run-ups and full rehash
>smelter demon 2: magic bogaloo
>the trio of stunlock
>lmao 2cat

especially the last one, fuck the runup for that area

any time anyone brings up how bad ds2 is all the contrary fags go something like
>muh release version doesn't count
>muh dlc

watch out, mauler's here, guise

Attached: wojak-brain.png (500x590, 19K)

DS3 has the same areas over and over. Swamp and grey castle with an abundance of bonfires defeating any difficulty.

What's so special about that room?
The whole area sucks and it's an ash lake knock off.

They're mandatory co-op areas, why else would there be pedestals for remote signs that can be used even by people without DLC

>No I'm not.
You’re saying ADP is more intuitive and easier to grasp than DS1’s obvious roll animations? You’re now saying they were “too good” which is completely irrelevant to what you were initially saying? Because if that’s the case, why would DS2 allow you to level up ADP at all - especially when DS2 becomes the EASIEST in the series without question when you level it?
>You’re literally just arguing with someone sperging about nothing
My bad, I’ll leave you be

thank you for explaining how ADP works, literally everyone already knows

cope faglord

>why else would there be pedestals for remote signs that can be used even by people without DLC



shrine of amana is visually amazing, too bad the area is bullshit incarnate if you don't cheeze with poison arrows


>fight smelter with shit adp
>cant dodge, cant sip quick enough between his swings
>read up on adp
>consume all souls
>can dodge his attacks and if I goof, can sip in time
10 loses straight and then that.

honestly my favorite souls game, well guess i'm gonna play it again

DS2 was my first souls game, I honestly hated it at first until I came back to it and had that "was I fucking retarded" moment.
It's still my favorite in the series despite the hate. I wish they hadn't ditched powerstancing because it felt like it opened a lot more gameplay options.

Give us a single example of a DS2 interior compared to DS1/3 interiors.

you will be at 4:16:32 of the third video in my critique of why ds2 contrarians are the worst

>Trusting Yea Forums of all things.


Great, so he'll be mentioned during the introduction.

they only good thing about that abomination

I've never done any magic outside of miracles before. What kind of a build compliments pyromancies or hexes? Just for PvE, I dont care about PvP and hate twinks

Unfortunately this. Reused Anor Londo and the Champion Gundyr area. Catacombs, Demon Ruins, Smouldering Lake, Irithyll, Royal Gardens are all tiny. Cathedral has a too easy boss and Dragon Aerie is hidden. It's a mess.

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So it's wrong when DS2 has its own lake levelBut when DS3 straight up recycles Anor Londo, it's okay?

el oh el, user. very good

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Usually DEX since there's several weapons that are dex and fire/dark scaling such as Chaos Rapier or Roaring Halberd for example

>"worst" game has best fan content


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What is this cringy reddit shit?

I recently finished a pure sorc/hexer build, but by the second half I was swapping in and out between all four schools of magic depending on what I needed.

>pump int and attunement to a good amount
>attunement is more important early game because you need more casts and you get more damage from upgrading your staff anyway
>aim for 20 int/faith asap for the sweet hex staff
>upgrade that bad boy to +5 asap
>dark orb everything

In the end I had like 50 in attunement, int and faith, switching between the sunset staff and the staff of wisdom, rocking the black witch set, it was amazing

>only very few weapons have swings that can be rotated more than 90 degrees when you're not locked on
>this means that if you're not a lock-on baby the combat turns to absolute dogshit
>everything is slow, the animations and sounds are flaccid
ds2's combat is so fucking bad

Oh I forgot, for melee just get 13 STR and 15 DEX for the blue flame, and great/crystal magic weapon that shit.

bad bait

NO TIME for cringey reddit shitters like you

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the back of earthen peak is inside a mountain, and the elevator brings you up into the volcanic crater
the elevator doesn't come straight out of the "head" of the windmill like that one image makes you believe, the fight against Mytha is pretty far back into the building, and the elevator is even farther back than that

>something is playful and innocent

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bad retard

The people who unironically think DaS 2 is better than DaS 1 are the same retards that are too brainlet to understand why DaS 1 became popular in the first place. Lets just say this: if DaS 2 released before DaS 1, there would've not been a DaS 1

>only very few weapons have swings that can be rotated more than 90 degrees when you're not locked on
Nioh did this as well, and even put in a weird ‘turn’ while you’re running, it makes playing unlocked especially insufferable.

tying rolls to a stat is fucking retarded, user. It leads to the same problems that people have with morrowind- you clearly see your character perform something, but since your skill is too low it fails. At least with morrowind, it's a traditional dice rolling rpg. On top of these issues, the player never really gets a concrete sense of when to roll since your iframes are changing whenever your stat goes up.

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>ds2 is hated by those who care more about the world than the gameplay
>the gameplay is worse in 2, but the world is more interesting


What mountain? There’s only the ones way far back, and none of them look like volcanoes.

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World desgin, enemy spam, and an over use of bosses has still been the worse it ever has inds2. Still has some great moments though, the Burnt Ivory King fight and Sinh are some of the best fights in souls.

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miracles/faith kind of suck in DaS2. hexes are god tier though. since early levels come so fast you can get 30int/30fai + the hex hood + roaring halberd super early on and just manhandle like 90% of the game.

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That's because playing unlocked isn't and never was intended to be a viable/valid choice.

> the player never really gets a concrete sense of when to roll since your iframes are changing whenever your stat goes up.
Wrong. The i-frames are always frontloaded. All that boosting ADP does is make it more lenient with mistakes.
>you clearly see your character perform something, but since your skill is too low it fails
That's how ARPGs with in-depth stat systems SHOULD function. Getting shitty results like that should tell you that you're a fuckup who built himself wrong. But instead, casual bitches like these people asking for Easy Mode Sekiro just blame the game instead.

>first sentence is hbombercuck's theory of why nothing makes any fuckin sense in the world
pot meet fucking kettle

Not only is Kalameet better, he gets built up by Gough

dodging with low ADP is perfectly viable, you're clearly just as scrub who cant play the game without gratuitous numbers of iframes. faggot. look up low SL runs, it's been done a million times.

the elevator actually loops around and goes upside down, but very gradually so you can't tell

>dark souls
>shouldn't be dark

>arbitrary stat determines success in an action game about timing and player skill
>"wow that's so fucking hardcore these little easy mode bitches just don't know"

please, for once, try to put some thought into your arguments

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>legitimate criticism
"Youre a fucking cashul game journo"
ok, faggot

>Because I think Singh is one of the best fights in the series means I can't think Kalameet is either
They both are dude, so is Midir, what can I say I fucking love the dragon fights

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that's like complaining that your attack animation clearly goes through an enemy's neck but because your damage stat isn't high enough it doesn't kill them, or that swinging weapons that you don't have the stats for in DS3 is misleading because you can swing them properly but it actually only does chip damage if you hit something
every souls game has gaping flaws but only dark souls 2 gets shit for them

You first

Blaming the game instead of yourself makes you a casual.

>das2 fag is a tranny
not surprised

>Sinh "i'll fly away just as you reach me to dive into the other side of the map" the Slumbering Asshole
>good boss fight

Attached: fuckthesedoubles.png (551x550, 415K)

>That's because playing unlocked isn't and never was intended to be a viable/valid choice.
It is in DeS/DS1/DS3/BB/Sekiro, with the occasional facing lock-on when you need to block. DS2 has the double downer of being stiffer AND easier to play, this just makes it more boring than the rest with no benefit.

>dark souls
>game isn't souls

Nice strawmen, but I never implied any of those things. Weapon stat mechanics are explained in other souls games, but ds2 never points out the fact that rolls are tied to an arbitrary stat. Im sure youll explain to me why this was a brilliant design choice.

>an action game about timing and player skill

So now Souls are action games and not RPGs?
Screencapped for future arguments.

DS2 is simply the worst from game among soulborne and sekiro
By itself it is not bad of a game, still slightly above average. Anyone saying it’s above ds3 is absolutely retard because sequel of a good game should be an improvement of the mechanic, not completely unecessary overhaul of mechanic of and introduce a bunch of new problems in the sequel.
The only thing ds2 did right was power stancing, unique loot in ng+ and some new enemy placement for ng+. Sure built variety is cool but soul memory and abundance of soul means that you don’t have motivation to confined yourself in a limit for the build as you can get w/e stat you want and level forever. Pvp is “good” but all pvp in soulborne are kinda shitty so I don’t hinge my judgement of the game on it. I personally hates how cancerous hex and pyro are and straight up make pve easy made as well, as if dark magic wasn’t obnoxious in ds1 enough.
And when it comes to gameplay, ignoring adp, has the worst gameplay among all soulborne from regular enemy to boss designs. There are piss easy bosses that are punching bags and “hard” bosses that are just stupid gimmicks. Say what you want about ds3, it still have the best gameplay and best boss among all soulborne game.
Of course, contrarian on Yea Forums went too fucking far and praise ds2 and even put it on top just because reddit or some youtubefag also point out the flaws in the gamr as if it isn’t common sense already.

Why is lying not a bannable offense?

There comes a point when it gets repetitive, mainly Bloodborne.

Can you really not see the logical disconnect between trying to be an easy-mode disparaging elitist while advocating for stat-based success checks in a fucking souls game? Are you genuinely retarded?

That's in every fromsoft game ttytt u think the worst instances of this happened in DS1

They're action games with rpg elements you dumb nigger. The core combat mechanics, at least for melee characters, revolve around punishing your enemies for leaving themselves open. Here's another (you).

This will help you decipher things:

Demons Souls was ok
Dark Souls was good
Dark Souls 2 was great
Dark Souls 3 was ok
Bloodborne was good
Sekiro is perfect

The iron keep pissed me off in Scholars edition because that giant metal grate wasn't their in the original and you used to be able just go up the ladder and run off the ledge to get back up the chest high wall.

They’re definitely closer to action games than any other in-depth RPG, that’s for sure. BotW is certainly no RPG and the Souls games aren’t much more in-depth than that. Action/adventure with light RPG elements feels best.

Ash lake is unique as fuck. You don't try to recreate the most captivating place in the franchise, it's a tryhard move and it's especially sad when you fuck it up.


And ADP is the RPG element. Get more mad.

>It is in DeS/DS1/DS3/BB/Sekiro
Not intentionally. The lock-on mechanic exists specifically to discourage/remove that style of play.

>Can you really not see the logical disconnect between trying to be an easy-mode disparaging elitist while advocating for stat-based success checks in a fucking souls game?
No because I'm not a retard like you are. In a game like DaS2, part of the "skill" required to succeed is in the realm of stat management and character building. That's perfectly valid. You're getting this mixed up because you see Sekiro's lack of RPG elements as a way it makes itself harder and view the RPG mechanics in Souls as a secret backdoor easy mode. You're wrong. Overleveling is easy mode. Knowing how to distribute stats is not.

nostalgic jank with character
populated by giga-skill chads who appreciate build variety, and weaboos
super-polished re-cycle with no character

>easiest dark souls game
>shittiest level design
>worst music
>worst boss designs
>majority of texture work in levels are copypasted
>gutting the torch mechanic actually being useful
>super auto tracking enemies even for a from software game
>useless covenants like the rat covenant
Only saving grace from this absolute trash game is the company of champions ring before the nerf

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>the EP elevator is actually sending you to hell
You’re right in more ways you could ever imagine

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really? you gonna say a game is rushed because of a shitty texture?

you're gonna overlook the immense amount of improvements it made over the previous game (that most were held for future games) and the immense amount of content, weapons moveset, builds and combinations it has?


this seems rather unfair, haven't you seen the Dark Souls any% run? it's basically glitch demonstration of the game

>grind enemies
>dump points into stam, vit and strength/dex
>win game

wow, really hardcore.

>there are people in this thread right now who still think the Tenchu game in disguise is a souls game

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Again, overleveling is not what's being discussed. Of course overleveling is the most casual way to approach any game with RPG mechanics.

never take advice from Yea Forums, half of the people here are trannies who make blog posts and thinks their opinions matter

>because sequel of a good game should be an improvement of the mechanic
"A good sequel jumps off from the original, a bad sequel wallows in it."
See: Far Cry

>Not intentionally. The lock-on mechanic exists specifically to discourage/remove that style of play.

It’s there for people who can’t play unlocked or else they’d remove the ability to attack while unlocked. You’re really going out of your way to highlight the overall mistake that was DS2.

I like how you put "skill" in quotations because even you know that's bullshit. Fucking grasp harder retard.
>duuuuuuuuuh i put da plus 1 in dere!
>god i'm so fucking good


if DaS2 had lost izalith in it or the golem's hitboxes there'd be fucking endless webms and pictures posted of them

people really hate das2 for no real reason

Contrary to what they want to believe, Yea Forums generally cares a lot about muh graphix and minor technical issues. The hitboxes are bad (not as bad as release version webms indicate though), the lighting is trash, animations are awful with no hitstop, etc., the flaws are obvious, but it has the best rpg side gameplay of the whole series with great customization of skills, magic, weapons, armor, tradeoffs everywhere, no single best tier for equipment weight etc. The content is lacking but there are some good levels and bosses early on and the DLC is the biggest of all their games and is almost all good (ignore co-op bosses if you're offline). SL1 is at its most interesting, there's little interconnectivity but still a lot of different routes you can take through the game.

Attached: Dark Souls linearity detailed.png (4844x1728, 360K)

The entire design of Drangleic Castle is a fucking joke.
It's not a castle, just some video game corridors

way to avoid my point, faggot. The fact that you think that "building your character" is a source of difficulty shows how braindead you are. Just put points into your weapon skill, vitality, and stamina and youre fine. The fact that all three games can be beaten without leveling up once shows that it's not a traditional rpg. Cope harder.

Still not as bad as Aldia's "Manor" which is basically a straight corridor

God, I love Dark Souls, why the fuck couldn't From recreate that world in any of the following games. Someone should do one for Sekiro.
Also, teleports should be represented in a different way

the first thing you should do when you pick up a new game with leveling and stats is check what each stat does
in the level up menu, even before committing to the level, flicking up ADP raises all resistances, poison damage, and agility
if you open the in-game help overlay and check what agility does it says "Boosts ease of evasion and other actions."
I know reading is hard but everything you need to know about it is in game

If you seriously think Dark Souls 3 is better than Dark Souls 2 and not just blatant "'member Darks Souls 1?!?" nostalgia bait, I can not respect your opinion. Don't @ me.

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I don't know. I was absorbed by Sekiro and had 4-5 areas to explore at any given point at first. Then second playthrough I realize that there are just three different linear paths that are all required and can be done in any order, and you can do Senpou early but not its boss. Not that interconnectivity and non-linearity would matter much when there's nothing to find in the levels.

Attached: World vs Boss Difficulty across modern From games.png (990x635, 32K)

You clearly weren't here in the release week, cause everyone was confused to what the fuck adp did.
>Boosts ease of evasion
such a generic description, does it increase you roll speed? cause that's what I tough it would do
>and other actions

Iron King > Ivory King >>>>>>>>>>> Sunken City
Fuck Sunken City, fuck the Mini, boss summoning Nashandra and fuck poison in general

A "bad" Souls game is still britty gud.

What a cringey reaction. Shouldn't you be in school today, kid?

So the Drakes , Sif and Queelag were exactly like this i just beat them yesterday and this sorta shit happened with each one

>Agility increases the speed that a character performs certain actions, though the full extent of these changes are not yet known
>Updated: 12 Apr 2017
>not even the wiki-nutjobs know everything about this stat

if it had said "boosts dodge iframes" people would bitch that it shatters immersion
Yea Forums is full of bandwagoning shitters so I'm not surprised most people don't read attribute effects and consequently were confused about it
if you actually read the description and had trouble evading attacks and didn't put 2 and 2 together I have a nice rock over here that you can suck on if you want

Nash+Velstadt is a fantastic duo boss, possibly the best in the series. Sinh is also better than Aava. Also the best level design in the series with the switches, even if the other DLCs come close.

Hit boxes are shit in every single game in this series, Ive been playing Ds1 for the last two weeks and ive been hit through walls, arrows hit me and be floating off my body (cause they didnt actually fucking touch me) and ive been backstabbed by enemies who are fucking in front of me multiple times

get off the lazy susan lizard's back, will ya? ornstein flies across the room and he's the best enemy in all of DS1

Dark soul 2’s “remember dark soul 1” was even worse because it tried to set itself a part as an event gazillion years and hundred of “cycles” but every single thing has “subtle” ds1 reference without a straight name drop. It was kinda awkward. DS3’s plot has more directly involvement with DS1’s past characters so its reference isn’t as awkward. Idk why DS3 hater hates any mentioning of DS1 so much when ds3 is a sequel in the first place

Lightning infusion + Sunlight blade is pretty good. If you want to use lightning spears you gotta go all in pure faith though, otherwise they're trash.

you can stat reset with the salty old hags at the beginning of the game, assuming you're talking dark souls 2

Ivory King was WHAT? are you insane?

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I liked all of the DLC.

So have they fixed the controls after all those years or is there mod for it?

All this” ADP/agility” nonsense instead of DS1’s infinitely more straightforward and more fun fast/medium/heavy rolls. What a joke.

I remember things for DS1 being weird to figure out as well, there was the idea that STR and DEX would increase attack speeds as well; I think an early dev comment started that.

breddy shit take m8

equip load still determines roll speed in DS2

What armor is that?

This chart is not accurate at all. Some faggot just thought it would be a cool graph or start conversation, but no, this is just dumb.

>sequel gets simplified
"wtf it was so much better when it was more complicated"
>sequel gets more complex
"wtf it was so much better when it was simpler"
I guess you can't please everyone

Well it's still better than 90% of the shit that gets pushed out, it's just not quite as good imo as the others in the series, retards who are retarded and not particularly smart like to say retarded things and call it a bad game, but they're retards.

I don't understand why they started throwing hordes of tough enemies (or annoying combinations of various enemies) your way in DS2, a trend that carried over to 3. They didn't make the gameplay any faster compared to DS1, nor did they significantly expand your crowd control options, besides some new spells I suppose.
>lol just dodge mindlessly past all these faggot dogs or endlessly tracking big guys until you get some hits in
...is more or less what clearing certain areas in 2 and 3 feels like, as a melee player at least. Having a shield hardly remedies the boredom factor of waiting for enemies to do something retarded.

Having obtuse mechanics in souls is quite common, and figuring them out is part of the fun.
But locking the ability to properly dodge the awful hitboxes, behind some obtuse mechanic, is fucking retarded.

The problem is that trying to play the game, without leveling adp, is simply not fun.
The controls of 2 are already a lot worse, and adding to that some terrible i-frames during dodges, of course people are going to complain.

It's not entirely accurate but more than I'd think. DS3 and Bloodborne are pretty easy to run through, not to mention Sekiro which is braindead until you get stopped by a fog gate. The bosses in DeS/DaS and base game DS2 are simple and easy for the most part, and going through the areas to get there is part of the challenge, while later games gives you checkpoints before almost every boss with multiple phases to make the fight itself more of a challenge. I'm curious what you think is particularly wrong about it.

Das3 was a sequel to 1
DaS2 was a fanfic

>4 directions is better than omni directional rolling
>3 roll types are better than a linear increase in i-frames (+3 roll types)
Are you sure bro?? Also there are people in THIS VERY THREAD who never learned to play unlocked in ds2 lmao

>most content
Having 60 hours of shit content doesn't make it good. There's bosses in the base game excepting the mirror knight that are good at all. There are good bits like the gutter and the mist forest, but everything else was complete ass.

Having magic for shitters isn't really glorious.

>Best covenants
Did I miss something? What covenants? You mean the arena for the red autists? The blue guys to help shitters? The "covenant" hiding the hidden boss? The covenants were mostly disappointing with barely any satisfying reward. I don't understand this post.

> oh wow look at big brains using a word like “objectively”!

>4 directions is better than omni directional rolling
>Also there are people in THIS VERY THREAD who never learned to play unlocked in ds2 lmao
This is funny because when playing unlocked, "4 or omni" doesn't fucking matter in any of the souls games

But I won't pretend that 4 directions is better than omni, cause it isn't.
I also won't pretend that DaS2 didn't have any improvement over 1. DaS2 improved any many aspects, and even had some better mechanics than the following games (powerstancing and bonfire ascetics). But overall, it's controls, animations and gameplay were a huge downgrade when conpared to DaS1 and even DeS.

All souls games are shit though.
>inb4 git gud
Don't know if I did, finished the frist and stopped midway through both the second and third out of boredom.

At least in ds3 they have decency with enemy placement and type of enemy mixing that allow you to manage them if you are efficient. DS2 straight up throw group of armored high poise gigantic hit box enemy together or straight up cancer area like black gulch and amana. You basically just want to run through many of the areas in ds2

>the dlc objectivity played worse
>dlc objectivity played worse
>objectivity played worse
>objectivity played
much brain such big very word

Choosing between the different rolls is way better than just leveling a stat for one.

Ds2 haters come in two flavors.

First is iframe scrubs who can't get good without abusing roll.

The second is the gankfags who wanted to pick on new players to boost their ego becuase they suck too hard at fighting and fps games to get it there.

Attached: 1552331451289.gif (467x480, 442K)

You still have the different rolls based on equip load

you still choose between different rolls in 2

And the third is the well adjusted individual who appreciates good art direction, fluid combat, technical soundness, and doesn't give brownie points for being the least liked.

The atmosphere sucked and somehow it looked worse graphically as well but I had the most fun in pvp by far with 2. Never got around to playing it with the dlc after getting Sotfs, heard that fixed some issues.
I had so much fun with a vanquishers seal build in both pve and pvp. The bell gargoyles fight with fists and no summons was one of the best experiences I've ever had in a soulsborne game.

Or people who like prefer coherent world design to half-assed B-team projects

and third are the people that enjoy well crafted worlds and good gameplay

>any souls game past demons
>having coherent level design

Im sure the unfinished last third of dark was just peak level design for a brainlet like yourself.

I forgot to add, the monument in Majula with your death counter/global deaths was something that shouldve stayed even if it was cheesy


woah, you can dual wield broken straight swords while wearing a butterfly outfit, and now your R1 has TWO strikes! such variety!

Attached: 1508199132155.png (645x729, 62K)

>good gameplay
This is how you spot the iframe fag


> The second is the gankfags who wanted to pick on new players to boost their ego becuase they suck too hard at fighting and fps games to get it there.

But PvP fags love ds2

>he thinks dualfags and gankfags are the same thing

That's why I said world design, not level design

the dlc is great because it also adds to the base game experience
if you beat all 3 DLC kings you get the ability to create an item that cures you of the curse, achieving what your character sets off to do in the first place

>I take youtube theory crafting videos as lore and not fanfiction

Ds2 is also iframe fest but it just tied to a stat that the game gives you shit load of soul to level up. The difference is that ds2 bosses shit the bed if your character has any decent amount of adp while ds3 bosses are made to punish bad rolling

If it doesn't bug you, then why are you debating it?

Retard lol


Attached: wojinko smol braino.jpg (720x843, 73K)

people expected dark souls: more edition instead they got a brand new game and they got pissed

now, if you take it as a sequel it's not super great in the world design and what not, but as gameplay? god damn it feels super good once you adjust and get into it, I remember one of my biggest "holy shit" moments was when I got the eyes of the priestess in the ivory king DLC and realized I could now SEE and lock on to the shades hiding in the shaded woods, that was fucking cool, also the boss fight with Sinh was amazing

And they’re as profound as DS1’s three rolls? Because it’s not just the “rolls” they’re affecting but each roll has its own walk/run cycles. Much more fun to choose and balance poise around that than a vertically increasing “super roll”.

I'm pretty sure they all have the same walk animations but equip load % impacts move speed, roll distance, and stamina regeneration

What do you mean profound? You either have fat rolls and never roll, or med roll if you're a noob/tank, or fast roll in 90% of cases once you know the game. DS2 gives you a choice between poise + defense and stamina regen + roll distance, as well as stats for how good you want the roll to be from decent to spam worthy. Running is also affected by equipment weight in 2 because of the stamina regen decrease.

game was tailored to mouse and keyboard WASD movement

>playing with a cucktroller


>unironically trying to argue with ds2fags
they are mentally ill. No matter what evidence you present to them they will absolutely deny it

that's literally true of arguing on Yea Forums about any game
people who like that game will still like it, and people who dislike that game will still dislike it
it's pointless but we'll do it ad nauseam anyway

Do you genuinely believe Dark Souls’ gameplay is closer to something like Pokémon instead of Ys?

It's just that I've never seen people defend a downgrade so much.
I respect that some people like it but can you at least admit it's a downgrade?

>tying rolls to a stat is fucking retarded
lmao cry more roll babby


its a downgrade in certain aspects and an upgrade in other aspects
I could argue that dark souls 3 is a downgrade from dark souls 2 but that doesn't make dark souls 3 objectively bad

git gud faggot

Check out that ninja flip. And they said they nerfed the DWGR....

Yeah, and "the flow of time is convoluted in drangleic".

That said I think you are supposed to assume that the door in the castle leads to a ladder down and Sekiro follows a big winding underground tunnel.

DS2 is hated by people that actively avoid, or just don't enjoy pvp

how is it not accurate? bosses were a joke in DaS1/some in DaS2, and the bosses definitely got progressively harder with each game. it's obviously not a perfect linear relationship, but in DaS1 + 2 there are at least a few areas that are hard to simply sprint through/manhandle, whereas in DaS3/Bloodborne you can easily sprint through big chunks of the game except for bosses. sekiro of course takes it to a whole new level, pretty much all parts between bosses/minibosses are totally trivial (even moreso if you choose to abuse stealth), but some of the bosses can be brick walls.

Who cares if you don't have full 360 control over your character or the camera instantly speeds up fully at a single point or that the combat is slower than fucking DeS or that agility exists or that it has the most hackers or that all armour and character bodies are ugly as shit due to fucked proportions or that this game thinks quantity>quality or that it's the one that threw convenient bonfire leveling out the window
I could go on but then I'd be here all day

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One day the fire will fade and Dark will become a curse.
Men will be free from death left to wander eternally.
Dark will again be ours
and in our true shape...
We can bury the false legends of yore.
Only, is this our only choice?

Seeker of fire,
coveter of the throne,
seek strenght.

The rest....will follow

Attached: .png (1920x1080, 3.62M)

>le bee team grayon faec XDD


>muh feelings: the post


I actively avoid and hate PVP and loved DS2.

It’s easy to sprint through any unless the path has extremely narrow platform. Tbh, DS3, bloodborne, and sekiro makes mob in between bonfire and a boss easier to handle, especially in sekiro where it is designed so that you can stealth them. The path to that bonfire in the normal world is equally hard to other games though. They went too overboard with how ridiculous the enemy from the bonfire to the boss in ds2, even with shortcut open, that players would just straight up run through. When is the last time you remember clearing everything in black gulch, or clear all that shit in dragon aerie on your way to ancient dragon?

Okay so you're an exception. Am I supposed to be impressed?

Ice Reindeer thx for reminding me user, real nice of you.

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I think we can all agree that the ruin sentinels were the stars of the game.

who cares if they slashed amount of playstyles or the amount of weapons or the amount of armor or different types of magic or made the game much more linear or make teleporting back to the hub the only option at checkpoints or that it gutted the convenient healing charge regeneration at checkpoints or that its short or that there's only 1 dlc or that they added procedurally generated shit to pad out the game or that its stuck on a console that makes it drop to 20fps
I could go on but then I'd be here all day
also Yea Forums constantly calls it game of the generation

Demon Souls is the only good game in the series anyway

>iframe scrubs who can't get good without abusing roll
Could you explain? That one is kinda confusing since roll iframes are tied to a stat in ds2

>implying BBs flaws are anywhere near as bad as DaS2s

I was told the DLC would at least make up for Dark Souls 2 being shit. It didn't.

nice post.

Recycled gargoyle is a better fight mechanically than ruin sentinels. Pursuer is the first “good” boss of the base game even when his mechanic keep getting recycled the whole game. His intro throughout the level before the actual boss fight kinda cool as well. As overused as the big dude swinging big weapon are, those are the only memorable fight in ds2, except for dragon rider because that nigga suck

Temple passage
>physically possible
>fades out, loading screen, passage of time implied
>thematically consistent, reveals origin of something hinted before
Iron Keep
>physically impossible
>no loading screen, visible the whole way, no passage of time implied
>thematically inconsistent, makes no connections to previous story points
Yeah, it's a mysterious double standard.

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they are if you valued the parts of souls that BB cut

>Because some YouTuber or r*ddit bandwagon told you to?
literally the week this came out Yea Forums hated it lurk mor before chatting shit

>implying everything past Sen's Fortress isn't rushed either
DS1 is more an offender than DS2 in that regard.

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>everything past Sen's
more like everything past Undead Burg

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there is a lake with trees holding up the world in DS1 why is anything in DS2 questioned..?

Why do people like DS2? What do they see in it?

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especially when you drop 100 feet down a tree and suddenly you're a mile below the world

>No Soul
>No Soul
>No Soul
>Some Soul
>Full Soul

i had to
i fucking love dark souls 2 and the memes hating it

Attached: earthenpeakIQ.png (1358x1720, 691K)

Dark Soul's 2 world is way better than 1.

Attached: Sunbro Majula.jpg (1600x902, 190K)

Go ahead and try to kick the enemy, then. I'm waiting. Press forward and attack at the same time, how hard could it be for a pro keyboard surfer like you?

People spoeedrun Sonic 06. What's your point?

BB stills feels nice and smooth to play with it's gameplay, DaS2 feels like a broken mess you're constantly fighting with until you get used to it

Explain this then faggot.

Attached: heavengate.gif (970x606, 420K)

Its literally the best souls game in every way.

So all fromsoftware games are bad?

I agree completely and I like BB and DaS2 almost equally but they both still have flaws

Why didn't you dodge?

>I like BB and DaS2 almost equally
I don't understand how you could when one plays infinitely better than the other

>terrible animations
>slow ass combat
>terrible hitboxes
>90% of bosses are dogshit and stuff like the ancient dragon is enough to call this game trash
>mediocre graphics
>awful level design
>incoherent world design
>90% of enemies are humanoids, some with infinite stamina

I mean, there's a reason it's widely considered the worst entry


Attached: kick.jpg (702x482, 45K)

Got anything to show other than majula? It's always fuckin majula.

>the worst instances of this happened in DS1
DS1 doesn't even have as many grabs

A wizard did it.

>DS 1
>item descriptions and chatacter dialogue loaded with important facts, context clues in map design (such as the dragon heads and different human/giant staircases in Anor Londo), player clearly understands who Gywn is and why he is an antagonist
>DS 2
>item descriptions are vague bullshit, different areas barely connected by any sort of logic or reason, chatacters are so cryptic and weird they make a Samuel Beckett play seem like easy reading
>never get past 50% completion because I just don't know what the fuck I'm doing or where to go in the stupid N64 forest

Am I just a brainlet or what? After The Last Giant, I just have no idea what the plot significance of anything in this game is. Why is a random pile of ruined debris guarded by sentient statue warriors? Why does the Smelter Demon get ressurected? And why is leveling up depedant on some woman who sounds high as fuck 24/7??

there's something to be said about greater build variety, more viable playstyles, more experimental/goofy bosses, and more varied pvp covenants
I can completely understand why people don't like it and why more people fellate BB though, gotta go fast action is definitely popular

I don't know whether to be mad at you for going to the trouble of making a macro for it or to just laugh at the absurdity of it all. Thanks user.


>Am I just a brainlet
It's this.

I'm not the dude that made the macro but why the fuck would someone cleverly overcoming a technical flaw for an input method make you mad?


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"gameplay" isn't synonymous with combat.

Oh boy I haven't seen this thread before!


I wonder for how long discussions on these games will last. I'd wager until the very day this site goes down under.

Immersion what? Try whole sentences.

>"DS3 is too much of a soulless rehash, I much prefer the original unique content in DS2"

Attached: file.png (1158x648, 1.12M)

We're almost there. Oje day closer to the day this will be declared the F:NV of Souls

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I can actually believe this happening.

>GAME : 2
>Not a Rehash

>dark souls 2 is a rehash
>no solaire armor
>no solaire symbolism
>only a vague "grossly incandescence" referral in an item description


>dark souls 3 is not a rehash
>solaire symbolism everywhere
>warriors of sunlight covenant sitting in a kitched in the undead settlement because fuck you
>crows gives you his armor because fuck you
>lothric castle fucks dragons daily, worship the sun's firstborn and enshrined the warrior of sunlight statue in their fucking keep because fuck you
>solaire sword kept as an heirloom and guarded by a man eating mimic because fuck you


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This is why Dark Souls should've been the ONLY Dark Souls.
>I clapped when I saw the sun monument!
>I clapped when I saw Ornstein!
>I clapped when I saw the onion knight!

>bear seek seek lest
the only good thing about ds2

i'm going to do a dex build and you can't stop me

Dark Souls 2 and Demon's Souls are for boomers


I'll be honest, the wonky mechanics, fashion choices, build variety, combat (power stancing was the biggest step back in DSIII), and the fact that you can play almost the whole game coop have made it stand out for me. It's really fun to play with friends because it has just the right amount bullshit to balance with the fun you can have. It has aged better than I ever imagined it would have, especially since I hated it from trailer until when Scholar came out.

Attached: Seek seek lest.png (800x400, 578K)

But Fallout New Vegas is a good game.

You're both retarded and don't know what rehash means.

ADP even allowed you to heal faster, which meant that Soul Memory forced you to be stuck with level 799 Havel mages who were effectively unpunishable compared to you.