This is gonna be so fucking good

This is gonna be so fucking good

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Other urls found in this thread:

I just hope it doesn't devolve into the same characters into the high ranks or a few months into the game's life like most kart racers with character stats have unfortunately devolved into.

Because of the boost system being able to permanently alter your character's speed, you'll see the best track picks only 1 second ahead at most, and while online with weapons and such that's pretty much gone. Handling karts aren't OP on leaderboard times in CTR and speed karts are inconsistent to drive fast.

CTR is pretty balanced I think
The handling characters are the worse but even they aren't too bad and have their uses
I think acceleration characters will be the most used though (Coco, N. Gin, and Pinstripe)

To the guy that posted pic related, that's Navy Brass, a Brass with Tin mixed in for salt resistance and extra strength. Technically both a Brass and Bronze but eh, autism triggered.

Here's some Dean Takahashi ''gameplay'' that's the guy that needed half an our on the Cuphead Tutorial.

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Will they go the CNK route and remove all "well-rounded" characters?

How does one man manage to suck at so many Vidya genres at once? Jesus that's so painful to watch.

I'm bingewatching all these splitscreen matches

We fucking back.

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Assuming they keep balance the same, but fix bugs, time trials will be massively dominated by speed characters, online multiplayer will mostly be acceleration characters with speed/balance being playable but suboptimal, and handling characters will be trash tier.

shall we list his faults? I'll start from Obvious to less Obvious

Polar Pass obviously:

>No sliding/boosting
>Not hopping at jumps
>Not using Bottles to block the 3 missiles he took, he had bottles EACH TIME.
>Not using powerup when a new pickup is near
>Not using every wumpa/powerup pickup
>Not farming 10 Wumpa for all the Uka Uka's he got
>shortcut irrelevant with his ''speed''

Did I miss any of his faults?

it's gonna be so fucking shit

I could understand some of them for a first time player but not even a fucking hop? He didn't think to ask about the basic controls before getting into it?

Hope for a PC release down the line.

He couldn't even space himself a bit ahead properly to throw his bombs & missed one on Crash Cove. That shit is basic Kart Racing knowledge, which is something everyone's played. Why does someone getting paid to play Vidya is allowed to be so incompetent.

Nah it's already confirmed there's all-rounders

How about tossing him a manual and demand 1 hour of practice before going live?

>caring about FPS this much
>not get PC version for this

what did babby mean with this post?

Wait for the inevitable PC port. If you don't care about online multiplayer, that is.

Pro and X will be 60

I'm so happy Beenox are actually giving a shit since it's my favourite Crash game, I can't wait to play it on PC in nine months

I hate how he LINED UP with an opponent and STILL DID NOT DISCHARGE. Jesus H. Christ, did this assfaggot ever play a shooter? I can forgive not using remote detonation, legit begineer's fault.

not sure if I want to see that

Looking forward to it because I never played the original and just got into Crash through the remakes

>games in the year of our lord 2019
>having a manual
sadly, pick one

They should also remake Tag Team Racing. I loved exploring the damn carnival or whatever it was.

You're telling me WR in Dragon Mines or any of CNK's harder tracks will be Tiny and Dingodile? Not likely.

It should be there somewhere… hm, virtual one ingame? Buried in options > help or something?

The novelty of double car combat is long gone, son. CTTR was riding the Mario Kart Double Dash's meme train.

It would make battle arenas less gay and worth having though?

CTTR was actually based on Jak X Combat Racing.


Which was based on MKDD. It's a long dead meme, let it rest in it's grave, please.

Tag team racing was one of the worst games I've ever played. Latch onto a car, mindlessly shoot enemies for 5 minutes, then detatch at the finish line. The platforming was pretty terrible and the humor was unbearable.

Guys, this is the onlt victory animation we got on Oxide, ever. 7:20

what do you think? shite or keep?

then either wait or cope with something that only matters to you because you paid close attention to it.

…. why is Oxide permapissed? Do we even got a pic of him smiling for once?

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>all skilled players
>everyone is planning around item choices and using shortcuts
>players griefing each other

Yes... Now we spread the carnage and destruction... worldwide.

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If only we got no illegal shortcuts and make extremely easy ones like Papu's Pyramid Pillar get spiked in difficulty. a speedster has less difficulty hopping on it than taking the turn. Then there is the hairpin skipjump at the end, again, easier for a speedster. shouldn't shortcuts be harder?

I want to know this as well, Does his hovercraft perpetually inject him with Laxatives to make his 3 butts hurt?

There's no telling how many are getting cut but I imagine at least some of the ones Oxide's ghost uses in the original to return... some of them.

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with illegal I mean unintentional stuff though, you know, what the saffi firing autists use to skip 70% of a track.

Why did the kart racing genre die (except for Mario Kart)

Same reason platformers went into hibernation: they no make moolah. Ironic how one of the murderers of these genres now comissionsoned their ressurection…. I forgive you for ''legend'' of ''spyro'' and cancerlanders, Activision.

Honestly CTR characters were pretty balanced (aside from Penta in the PAL version who was a cheat character anyway.)
I get the feeling that most character picks will just come down to personal taste since overall skill matters way more than stats

>3 butts

Oxide has 4 leggs, yes? every line is a leg and every star is... uh, guess.

we need this confirmed by Beenox though.

Too bad I'm boycotting Activision right now, along with other publishers

The Beginner tier characters are all crap.

Except Activision have displayed they have good intentions with us now. So why? CoD is a whale, it's to keep a stable income and I doubt Activision holds any passion for it.

The mass layoffs with record revenue, also for just being one of the biggest reasons western AAA games are in the state they are. The other companies are EA, ubisoft, bethesda, rockstar/taketwo, and 2k

>tfw you don't give a shit about fps on consoles because you're not fucking retarded.

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They brought my childhood games back so I don't care about the former, the latter? CoD is a cash cow, not a game.

Based, but they can't help being retarded. Please be more considerate with your posts.

I wonder if his colon has traffic lights as he needs 3 exits….

Which one would win, Yea Forums?

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Wizpig. Oxide isn't even the hardest boss in crash racing games, Velo is.
Wizpig is just a supreme cunt though

>Playing Crash Team Racing

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The new Sonic racing game looks so soulless.
It makes Sonic R look like a masterpiece.

>Playing Sonic anything

I just want more female playable characters for more lewd images of them

3 butts should smile for once, can his trunk muscles even let Oxide smile?

Should get Tawna at least.

There's Coco, Tawna and who else? Nina Cortex? But she's a nu-Crash character.

>dean takahashi
Reminder that this guy got shown up by a 5 year old. The player on the right is a guy who has worked professionally in video games for four times longer than the kid on the left has been alive.

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>He's not getting both
I'm ready for Kart racing kino

How are those Generations assets treating you?

>implying they give a shit if their player is competent

If cuphead and sekiro prove anything, it's that journo retards whining is a good booster for your sales.

You know what really sucks in CTR? I'll tell you, it's the music. I just bought it since I've had it on my list for a while, and goddamn, the soundtrack (outside of maybe the main hub world theme) is so forgettable. I wouldn't mind if they redid the entire thing.

Ideal timeline:

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Gotta admit that seeing a full grown man with a learning disability is hilarious. What would happen if Dean Takahashi and Darksydephil go to battle?

>Switch version will look like hot shit and run at 30 fps
>Don't want to get PS+
>No PC version yet
>Want to support this so badly it hurts

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Even DSP would break Dean, the D man is fucking incapable.

There's no way the skyway shortcut is going to survive when online's in consideration, doesn't matter how easy it is to fuck up.

Yup, that's me.

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We'll be lucky if the trophy girls appear at all. At this age of SJW hysteria, you can never know. But I'm optimistic, as they didn't censor Tawna or Pinstripe's gun on the N. Sane trilogy.

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LTG beats both of them then GTAB

isn't the rail jump skip super easy? also, Heteluchtweg will be themed as a Casino. If I don't get my Dutch option or Pinstripe voiced by a wimmin, I will cancel.

All they have to do is to play the competitive version of Hot Air Skyway, Thunderstruck. No shortcuts there whatsoever.

Sonic is in such a shitty laughable state he can barely be used for shitposting, it makes you look desperate.

it really is going to be dead in a couple weeks on PC isn't it? Why do PC players never stick with anything that isn't a moba?

Guys, enjoy the Dutch Aku Aku. It's so bad it's beautiful.

Sonic transformed was alive for awhile, quit talking out your ass.

this, it's fucking AAA man.

Then stop being a faggot and play the game on something.

Uka Uka's voice holy shit. In my memory it wasn't this bad.


I'm gonna get the Switch one then double dip when the PC one comes around.

Worse than that, it's gonna be dead on arrival. Because when it finally comes out, it will be old news, people will have moved on to the next shiny stuff, and also, this type of game appeals mostly to consolefags, not PCfags.

lmao s u r i n a m e r hahaha

nitro kart/tag team worth playing?

>nitro kart
It's alright
>tag team
Not really.

CNK is pretty much a CTR clone, there's some differences but it's pretty much identical overall. CTTR is like Mario Kart Double Dash. Make of that what you will.

>30 FPS
And don't "but the Pro/X!" me, because in multiplayer you're going to have to match the frame rate of the weakest machine

>in multiplayer you're going to have to match the frame rate of the weakest machine
If that's a problem, then how can PC players enjoy ANY online multiplayer game?

Why is there no mod to fix Crash 1's hitboxes?

doesn't look like they'll be going up in price soon so ill wait on them.

he's thinking of peer-to-peer, an antiquated networking tech that's out of style for years now.

So if N. Brio gets in, he'll be on Aku Aku's team right?

Guys, Ripper Roo's VA is dead :(

It has a pretty good deal of soul, no idea what you're talking about

Oxide / Komodo Joe / Papu's too….

Get out, SoJ shill.

Is this confirmed for PC? Dont want to play it at 30fps. Speaking of which did they ever announce Spyro for PC? I’m waiting for that.

Eh to both

The OST and references alone are soulful, even some of the renders.

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When the Pro came out, Sony enforced a standard that said multiplayer games can’t have a higher locked frame rate on the Pro for advantage reasons. I’m not sure if they relaxed this but I doubt it. If they didn’t then that would explain why, 60fps is too much of an advantage online.

Cortex' old VA is alive and well, why didn't they cast him?

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No to both

It's 20 years my dude, that does a number on your instrument. This is why you should keep uncompressed VA files!

He doesn't sound much different though
He's been voicing Mr Krabs for about 20 years as well.

he was probably occupied

He was also in Detroit: Become Human and he sounded the same as he did when he appeared on Star Trek: Enterprise.

>I wonder if his colon has traffic lights as he needs 3 exits….
It would be useless, he'd start shitting like 3 seconds before the lights turn green.

Reminder Nitros Oxide was intended to be a mad scientists obsessed with speed at first.


HE CAN SMILE! OXIDE CAN SMILE! a sadistic smile but still.

the irony of this post

He has a great voice and he seems like a based dude
D:BH would've ironically been much worse without him


Cortex's VA was replaced as far back as Twinsanity. Not sure why, though.

say, Beenox gets their hands on an archive with uncompressed voice files.... The dude is dead, how's etiquette in the industry on using a dead Guy's voice? Or is it all fine and dandy to do? Simpsons for example retire characters that the VA died of. (non-mains)

It was apparently because kids' moms thought Clancy Brown's Cortex voice was "too scary". Also probably because Twinsanity was a lot more humor focused and Cortex's old voice didn't fit too well.

Apparently the rates were shit and Clancy was mistreated by the recording staff.

When Lex Lang was brought on as Cortex, they wanted a lighter portrayal because of one soccer mom or something.

I would've agreed if it was about Aku Aku (who he also voiced) but Cortex? Come the fuck on now

Mistreated as in?

I found Cortex spoopy as child too, but that made the road to him in all 3 games far more epic. Am I the only one?

What did (((We))) think about N. Sane and Reignited? Do you think the current consensus on Nitro-Fueled is BTFOing the reception of the former two? It is funny because Beenox is the least reputable between them, Toys for Bob, and Vicarious Visions, so people were more apprehensive about Nitro-Fueled during its announcement.

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Beenox sounds like Peenox haha.

haha benis :DDDDD

Haven't played Reignited yet but the N. Sane Trilogy made me a Crash fan, never played the originals

>tfw PC port in 2020

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He's fucking IN.

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N. Sane is great. Reignited is alright but Spyro was always a bigger in scope series than Crash and to get the game out on time (still got delayed) they outsourced the third game to another dev and it kind of shows.

>"You're gonna main me, right user?"

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Not at all. Clancy Cortex was the right amount of scary in 2 with his ass smooching scheme tricking Crash and still intimidating in 3 while being "replaced" by Uka Uka as the main baddy.

Nope, if they're playable I will main Megumine.

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So what the fuck was this guy supposed to be? I never played the non-racing games he appeared in so I assumed he's some kind of sentient egg?

Yep, I'm thinking he's in

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5th dimensional cybernetic egg-shaped master of hypnosis with swappable arm attachments

His whole game is weird, Cortex doesn't appear at all and N. Tropy is the main villain

no PC, no buy

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Remakes that include content from exclusive editions and whatnot usually get my attention. I might be interested in this.

Might be trying to stay behind for the powerups or something

Any Dutch dubbing is awful kino.

>mfw God Of War 3

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God that game was shit

Yep, I'm thinking they're in

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I always thought it was neat that they gave Fake Crash a backstory in this game

I actually really hope N. Brio gets in.

All of the new characters post-ND are desperately hit or miss, mostly miss. And the characterization of existing characters got really fucked up too. Honestly, the only new character that I really liked was Crunch.

I swear I will be so mad if the CNK characters are in but they miss out OG characters like Brio and Kong.

Who /n.gin/ here

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Are they actually adding racers or are we just fucking around here


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>Pinstripe goons having a shootout
>Brio blobs slithering around (including a giant one at the midpoint of the track)
>Crash 2 sewer scrubbers scrubbing the walls
>pipes spewing steam, exposed wiring shooting sparks of electricity
>entire last section where the lights resemble gleaming sunlight peeking into the sewer
>giant fucking gator because why the fuck not

It's so kino lads. They could have fucked it up so much.

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They are adding tracks fron Nitro Kart and have hinted AND confirmed new playable characters.
Crunch was straight up confirmed in an interview by a youtube e-celeb.
There have been hints in twitter about a Spyro themed race track and speculations about Spyro himself being playable.

They confirmed there will be new racers.

now we wait for Crash Bandicoot: The HUGE Adventure (Also called XS for the European release).

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Gator is too much and the goons are gigantic.

That's some good shit, but yeah if they're adding later characters it'd be a shame to skip the guys who at least made Bash

I hope they make Papu's Pyramid more afternoon-y, it's currently too bright.

Wasn't this character made just so that there would be a second "Dingodile-type" in Crash Bash?

This has to be a pasta right?
>this is the guy who used the three clocks on the Dingodile from
>it was all the same guy

holy shit LMFAO

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Am I the only one disappointed by Gin in the remaster? I don't have any problems with Corey Burton, but I feel like his portrayal was off-point. Needed to be more angry, less creepy.

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This is a special type of bad
Holy shit

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>been playing MK8D until Team Sonic Racing
>will be playing TSR until CTR is released

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I overall dislike how characters became more cartooney/goofy/child-friendly silly villains and lost their composure and menacingness


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Same but I'll probably play both over Mario Kart 8 at that point, I've gotten kind of bored of that game

>>will be playing TSR until CTR is released
this desu

Yeah, I'd love for them to exhaust the Naughty Dog characters before going to the post-ND well. It's not like there's a whole lot either. Koala Kong and Brio like you said, plus Tawna and that's basically it.
