Kaguya > mokou

kaguya > mokou

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Call OP out for liking Teruyo only because Space "tfw no gf to bust my blue balls" Zin
I see, so the jannies are into it too.

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Why not both?

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Your retarted

Okina > Yukari

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They should just fuck already

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I disagree

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mokou > shitty moon whore

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>Favorite song
>Your fav remix/arrange of that song

youtu.be/JVuHxCCtL9I & youtu.be/oy6h94s_w5E (Kind of cheating with this)

Active NEETs did such a good fucking job with this I love this too damn much

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reminder mokou is a fucking murderer

That was like 3000 years ago no one fucking cares anymore

Are you a cop?

Attached: Lue Lue Lue.jpg (406x499, 119K)

>no one fucking cares anymore
mokou does

Mokou probably doesn't even remember what he looks like, she cares more about fucking up Kaguya

this is Hinanawi Tenshi, say something nice about her

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How about a remix i despise instead?
>It's a wub wub wub episode
I hate shit like this

tenshi a tenSHIT

>Stuckup moon neet princess
>Smelly hobo that dresses like a man
They're both shit

Get off the internet you filthy NEET

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Kaguya is a hundred thousand murderers, unless you believe excuses like
>She only ordered people to kill others/themselves. She didn't do nuffin' herself.

I honestly don't get the appeal of Kaguya.
Hell. even Eirin is more interesting

The one that is playable is objectively better. This is undisputable on vidya board.
What do you say about this statement?

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Her mouth can fit a big corndog in it.

Crownprince > Byakuren

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Meet your new highly qualified shrine maiden and her dumb sidekick.

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Post the corndog one

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Bloomers > Pantsu

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Isn't this futa?

Your opinion suck because Yea Forums is not vidya board and no one cares about Touhou games, even Touhou fans.

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There, now the unholy Tenshitrinity is complete

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reminder to read the best 2hu doujin

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I wish Tenshi would eat my corndog


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The Remilia

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Who the fuck actually likes Kaguya other than CBT fag?

I am a creepyfag and I like jins faces.

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Aw shit really? That's a shame, I really enjoyed that one

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can't forget tenshi butt

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Finally, a new 2hu thread! Get a big orin for big fun!

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China butt

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Yeah, i don't get it either, i prefer this kaguya instead.

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>only appears in one game
>mostly passive in any stories she's in including backstories, barely does anything
>little to no personalities

Is there even any reason to like Kaguya other than flanderization from nip fans and doujin community?
You can like her spellcards, theme or concept but there are many 2hus that are better in all these aspects and has more relevance than Kaguya. Same goes for any character who only appears in one game.
I can't see why anyone would like them over more relevant characters.

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The truth of the world, made manifest.

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>flanderization from nip fans and doujin community?
That's most characters. Go 1cc a game if you don't like it.

Comfy with the bird!

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>Go 1cc a game
Duh, that's what everyone should've done by now instead of worshipping irrelevant characters because of doujins.

>Not naming your character

good taste

Radioactive poisoning from the bird

Meiling's ass is a miracle of the universe.

Kaguya x Mokou

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Imagine how warm and fluffy Okuu is.

/u/fags out

It's not like a lot of characters have a lot going on in the games, she's cute and her bossfight is fun.


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How do we stop Sakuya, Yea Forums?

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Imagine all the bird fleas and diseases Okuu has.

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Stop what? She's just telling the truth and warning all the other residents of Gensokyo.

Now THIS BITCH is who we need to stop!

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Satori takes good care of her pets I'm sure she's very clean and healthy

>It's not like a lot of characters have a lot going on in the games

This is not really the case of characters who has more than one appearance, especially ones who made it to fighting games or have a role in manga. In Touhou, more dialogues/endings usually give more light about the characters.
Take Nitori or Byakuren for example.

Wipe this meme from the face of the earth.

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Oh is this the “opinions only secondaries have” thread

And let's not forget the comics.

user, Mokou will outlive her. Only Kaguya can make Mokou happy for eternity.

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They are called manga, you baka

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Sex with the jaku!

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>she's cute
I mean, is there any 2hu character who isn't?

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Secondary spotted

Sorry, I don't speak japanese.

Good taste


Mate, that's the entire point of Touhou. It's practically run by the community. No one gives two fucks about the games.

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The one you just posted

Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. No one can love Kaguya.

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Mokou x Keine is the best ship

It's the same. Manga is japanese comics.

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OK user.

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>Not yeeting off into another faction the moment you impregnate the officers to the point where everyone has at least one of your children and you can easily unify the nation with the power of your dick.

Truly pathetic

There is literally no proof that people died during her tests


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MokouxKaguya is literally the cutest. Keine is boring.

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You wear pantsu under the bloomers, user

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Then why are we on Yea Forums?

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Because no one gives a fuck about games here either.

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Tenshi > all

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Meiling is a miracle

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Kaguya is just as cute as Sumireko. Both are pretty stereotypical apperance-wise.

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Sorry kaguya, I can't hear you with your head under mokou's boot.

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can you touhou fags tell me why there are always like 10 kaguya posters at any given time on Yea Forums

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At least 5 are due to space jin drawing really good reaction pictures.

Keine is icky

Because Kaguya is a dirty unwashed NEET who does nothing but shitpost all day.

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Sumireko is gross and her game sucks.

She is their spirit-aNEETmal.

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>Is there even any reason to like [character that appeared in 1 game]

People like characters for a combination of design, personality, spellcards, music and powers. 90% of 2hus are appear only once anyway.
I'd take people who appreciate the characters for that one-shot appearance, because I'm ready to bet that whoever likes the flanderized characters don't even play the fucking games.

>letting secondaries dictate what Touhou is or what characters are supposed to be like
Fuck off. There is a reason if 90% of doujins and fangames are shit.

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Now I'm sad

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I'm not sure how myself. Spacejin is a pretty old artist yet now even people outside of Touhou thread/board recognize him now. He truly has become Shadman.

ULiL is fun tho

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the picture one

So is your favorite 2hu, my dude.

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>He truly has become Shadman.
Spacejin is a good artist though, he just has really shitty fetishes.

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It's just one guy with a ballbusting fetish who spammed spacejin and made it a meme.

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Oh well her reputation is ruined now. Might as well headbutt you.

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Both Mamizou and Sumireko suck
>The Grimoire of Usami

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Don't bully Futo, she might burn down your house

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The scenario themes in Touhou fighting games are underrated


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actual boyhus when?

Play the PC-98 games.

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Because you're the one with shit taste

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The bug is good enough.

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>tfw too cool for iosys

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I finished LLS but the rest are meh

Why? So I can be reminded that ZUN will never bring Mima back?

I like PC-98 games, especially PoDD and MS.

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oh boy time for more "marisa stole the precious thing" and "overdrive"

Reminder secondaries are subhumans and should be treated as such

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Glad you're excited.

redpill me on touhou.
where do I start and what girl does have the cutest feet/pits?

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weird t-shirt

Windows games in release order.
Remilia and Reimu

IOSYS isn't that bad when it doesn't make meme denpa song

Try Subterranean Animism.

>where do I start
>what girl does have the cutest feet/pits?
Get better fetishes

For me it's the crow tengu

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Aya is the best

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There's also an omnipresent Sanae-poster

If you're looking for cute pits you've come to the right place because there's no shortage of Reimu and Sanae.
Start with imperishable night because it's good and not too hard. Start the comics from the beginning.

Reimu's armpits are famous throughout all of Japan and have their own Pixiv tag.

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Overdrive is pretty bouncy


the one where mokou and marisa get absolutely smashed on magic mushrooms and mokou starts a cult is better desu

Wow why are you hurting her

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EOSD and you keep on going til you're done. If you want more, you can read the various manga & play the PC-98 games: They're not canon but they're still pretty good.
I'm assuming your experience in shmup is limited, so start on Normal or Easy: Don't get baited by the fags calling everyone below 1CC Lunatic casuals. They're right, but they're also autists who have spent a massive amount of time. Throwing yourself right into this is just gonna make it not fun for you. Do try to raise your objectives with each game you play, at least a bit.

Who the fuck would pick Aya when Hatate and Okuu exist?

You can dive from the top down 16->6 or go bottom up 6->16, really up to you my man, just don't go back to the PC-98 games for 1-5 unless you really like the others.
cutest feet is Mokou, pits is reimu

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Nobody likes Hecatia's shirt

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why do I find those scars hot?

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You forgot best birb. She runs her own food stall and is the guitarist in a punk-rock band, how can other birbs even compete

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>don't go back to the PC-98 games
fuck you LLS and MS are basically windows games, and they're two of the best games in the series

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I don't see any other birds in bands, so this one must be the best

Give these introductional vids a go for some basic information

Try starting with 7 or 8 as they are generally more easier
And here's the 2hu all-in-one torrent

Just have fun and get gud

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It's part of her plan to run a tabloid that debases humans by saying they're all violent mongoloids. Don't worry.
She's also into it

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the smell

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Everyone looks better in her shirt than she does herself.

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I like em too Inanimate Dream is my favorite song in the series, but do you want a new comer to start there do windows first then the PC-98.

Hecatia has a hard life

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Many thanks for the detailed replies broskis, gonna check it out!

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Jokes aside, how well would they perform on each other's roles?
>Marisa is the average human village girl who becomes a shrine maiden after discovering her spiritual potential
>Reimu is the orphan, lazy witch who lives by herself in the woods
Seems like two trainwrecks ready to happen.

You forget the MV version

You forgot that she's also a conartist who enjoys harassing humans.

this artist is fucking gorgeous
I'm banned from image posting on Yea Forums though so just imagine I posted this in this thread

I think Marisa would do fine since she's actually quite diligent. Now Reimu on the other hand...

And? Who cares about humans?

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kero kero

Marisa makes the hakurei shrine successful again
Reimu starves to death in the woods

Imagine if MS came out later. Alice's family would be the biggest meme.

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Good, humans suck anyways

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Marisa is too nice to let Reimu starve.

Eh, depends on the incarnation. Marisa is persistent but lacks Reimu's indifference, she would definitively be more active as a shrine maiden but would crash and burn when it comes to juggling the different youkai factions.

People with high quality taste, I assume. Utsuho is good but Hatate is definitely a bottom of the barrel hu compared to Aya.

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>I'm banned from image posting on Yea Forums though
What fucked up shit have you posted that to be possible? Who gets image banned on Yea Forums of all places?

I was away for like three months and came back to find an IP range ban in place
gonna assume someone else got me banned and I'm just stuck with it

Know your place youkai scum

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"Secondaries" is /jp/'s boogieman term.

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Marisa would be a shitty shrine maiden who only does her job if it interest her or if she gains something from it.
Reimu would be a shitty witch since she is way to lazy to study or do magic stuff and just drinking tea all day because she is free from any responsibility.

It doesn't have to be him, your IP range can be banned without you doing anything. One of his neighbors is a top-tier shitposter though.
I myself am banned from Yea Forums though I post there maybe 2-3 times a year.


You can only do that so many times before you get bored of it

Nothing wrong with youkais

t. secondary, /jp/ is crawling with them anyways

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I don't care how people enjoy touhou, but you have to admit that secondaries are about as much boogiemen as /pol/ posters are boogiemen on Yea Forums. You best start believing in boogiemen because you're surrounded by them.

Reimu would unironically be dead
it's canon that she's terrible at taking care of herself.
She outright killed herself in WaHH through negligence and was only saved by medicine from Eirin.

I can't really imagine Aya with big titties

Thanks for proving my point.

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I will need to flush your taste away.

Cope, secondary

>Being a dexfag

please don't shitpost with my wife

Reimu is only lazy because she knows she can rely on her natural skill. In WaHH she has her moments of genuine persistence which make her unstoppable, they happen in waves and she goes back to being lazy after achieving her goal. I can see her not taking her studies seriously but getting her shit together in times of danger.

When's Tasofro gonna get good at doing netplay? I've had my fun with the floaty fighters, but not being able to play with friends is suffering.

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By its definition, /jp/ is a secondary board. There is no reason throw around that term there anymore since the main reason the term is made in the first place (the rampaging Yukari powerlevelfags and IOSYS/Cirno memespouters) were already subsided.

Discouraging secondaries should be preserved on Yea Forums, though.

Attached: yukari 17.jpg (960x539, 90K)

That's fine, Aya would still be good regardless of her chest size.

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Which one is the best rhythm game for touhou
>Sound Voltex
>Groove Coaster

Which one is that

I'd ask how the hell did you get banned on Yea Forums, but from what I've gathered it isn't that too hard. Had a friend who's banned for life because they instigated a super large flame war.

That's WaHH Reimu, it's a miracle she can even remember to breath. Her other incarnations seen more aware of their surroundings.

Fuck you.

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No, only Endless "Endless Tewi-ma Park"

>a super large flame war
How fucking bad was it to be banned permanently on Yea Forums for THAT?

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>the rampaging Yukari powerlevelfags
It's funny because I saw one not too long ago on Yea Forums, they just can't stop even after getting BTFO by Hecatia.

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Sorry, I meant my IP range is banned from Yea Forums. I dindu nothing.
Hell I used to translate manga for Yea Forums back in the day before it turned into a zombie board.

I frequently get banned for replying to you-know-who, it's stronger than me

ALISON's latest doujin. It's translated on danbooru, and in the last page Mokou is forcing Reisen to take what she's calling 'the praxis of truth'


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>chill goddess who does things because she wants to

>is a super powerful godess
>chooses to dress like a slutty street girl

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Lunar war when?
Blowing up the moon when?

I think the author calls himself Alison Airlines because every doujin is a trip to the weird

that's why she's so great
love the way she speaks too

Yeah, but unlike as shrine maiden, witch Reimu would probably ignore most incidents like MoF, TD or Fortune Teller.

It sprouted like several threads or something dumb, which is pretty believable from what I know of Yea Forums and the fact that he's pretty good at baiting for those sorts of reactions. I wish I could remember what he actually posted to get it started, but I can't even remember what I ate last week and its been like two years since he told me about it.

Pretty much one of my favorite EX stages alongside Raiko and Ran.
Yukari too if she counts.

The best birb has arrived

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I memed but its true. I even rarely do dicking shits anymore, I just throw all the touhous into the tentacle pits and see how fast I can claim the map all by myself these days.

Wait, Jo'on has actual lore with birds?

Not dirty enough

Good point, now I wonder if they would even be friends in a scenario like this
>scarlet mist incident happens
>Marisa tries to solo it because it is her duty
>Reimu doesn't care, it doesn't directly affect her
Not being a shrine maiden also means Reimu doesn't have a no kill rule either, so she can go mental on the small fries like fairies if she wants to.

No, she doesn't
Stop believing every piece of fan art you see retard

Yes, I'm sure it would be very simple for you to blow up the moon, user. You would certainly succeed. Gas the Lunarians and so forth.

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>he unironically thinks sagume is big shit
Reminder that the amatsukami fear the kunitsukami

They ALWAYS be together, like damn bitch i know you two hate each other but like you never leave each others sight.
Christ they might af well be joined at fing hip now, damn son just tsundere up my sundae on sunday for my son one day.

Meh, I already Nickname Ho-oh "Jo,on" (gen 2 doesn't have " ' ") and EV trained her to level 100. I thought an actual bird relationship would make my pokeman more funny. (And yes, Lugia is Shion).

No, but she is, fittingly enough, tied to Hebrew Mythology

So Reimu without responsibilities is literally ANCAP?

Her name is Joon.

Which one?

Oh boy it's you, did you get the right nature

Friendly reminder that in canon, Mokou cares for Kaguya deeply

I agree though, Lunarians deserve death, the only three ones worth preserving reside in Gensokyo anyways

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Pretty much a loose cannon who sometimes joins the ride for personal gain.

Another point is how she would perform on a job where the money doesn't just come to her. We saw her bad business sense in the past but this could be blamed on lack of experience. She seems interested enough in making business so I can see her being a decent merchant as a side job.

No it's not. It comes from the himejoon flower.
>replying to bait

Eirin, Reisen, Ringo right? Seiran isn't that bad so make it 4

Yes, manipulating natures thought virtual console pokemon transfer is easy as fuck. Both Jo'oh and Shion are already level 100 wall+toxic stallers, quite fitting.

Interests rates

Please show the NEET some mercy

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She can do a job businesses work...but if someone praises her for that she gets full of herself, drops everything and become lazy again.

ehh, it's more like she only cared that kaguya might have been about to go back to the moon, leaving her as the only immortal on Earth. It's a complicated relationship where she hates her, but can't stand the thought of losing her.

Kaguya is better than all of those.

Attached: 1552946921156.jpg (902x1200, 174K)

Then why is her name a corruption of the word Jew?

Objectively wrong, pic related will always be the better Lunarian

Attached: 1543053249329.png (800x600, 382K)

Mokou should join the Taiost so she won't be lonely. Mokou already consider it anyway.

Attached: __hakurei_reimu_kaku_seiga_mononobe_no_futo_soga_no_tojiko_and_toyosatomimi_no_miko_sazae_san_and_to (1250x1100, 828K)

>impregnated all the rulers
>impregnated everyone but the rulers
>gobbed the SDM
>made Sakuya mate with dogs
>enslaved Yukari
>made Moriya Shrine my personal breeding ground
>had the Moriya Shrine breed with each other
>started wholesome family with Sakuya
There's really just nothing left to do, I've played it like 50 times, I'm positive I've seen all the events so far

Attached: 1533377108837.jpg (200x200, 10K)

Mokou is a loner by nature so I doubt she'd want to

Attached: 1537635732345.jpg (700x700, 385K)

Give me one good reason
>s-she is cute!!
Every 2hu can be cute, but even she isn't any cuter than any himecut character.

>helps kaguya become immortal
>betrays her to be executed over and over again
What did she mean by this?

wtf eirin

She ultimately redeemed herself in the end

Attached: 1549225238123.jpg (1920x1200, 1.6M)

女菀 (Joon) is from 姫女菀 (himejoon), the daisy fleabane. It's pronounced "joh-on", not "jewn". Here's your last (you).

i love anime girls

Because she's the epitome of individual freedom. She betrayed her own state to become immortal, disregarded human society's standards by turning down every one of her suitors, and eventually landed in her own shut in haven. Throughout it all she never actually outright murdered anyone either.

Attached: Kaguya.png (962x1170, 739K)

Their family is wacky enough as it is, I'm not sure Mokou would feel comfortable getting involved in all the lesbian sex that would entail. But Miko would accept her of course.

Attached: f41cddb6bd76b1809b4fd74e48c3cdc3.png (800x730, 659K)

All characters past Imperishable Night are irredeemable trash, and if you like them you are also irredeemable trash. Thank you.

Attached: 5139eca189e227f70bd1b222a7a55db4.jpg (1000x1399, 127K)

I absolutely despise this art style

Based buttposter

>She betrayed her own state to become immortal
Her state was full of asshole to begin with.

Here's a full guide if you want to go serious mode.
If you want to know the lore, the story books are essential. People rarely mention them for some reason.

Attached: 1549238852181.png (832x1793, 72K)

I like Aya, Hina, Sanae, Suwako, Satori, Utsuho, Tenshi and Hecatia though.

Attached: 1533141429845.png (800x473, 129K)

True enough, but the point is that she has no loyalty that kept her tethered to people that she owed nothing to. She even declined their invitation for her to return.

That make her sounds horrible, though. Being whimsical is one thing but causing conflicts that may have ruined people's lives (Eirin, Mokou's father, Mokou, etc) because she feels "free" to do whatever she want is not a good trait.
She may have redeeming qualities but maybe you haven't managed to point that out.

based retard

other people's lives are a spooks.

>Eiki is trash
Straight to hell if you go down this road.

What game is this?

>but causing conflicts that may have ruined people's lives because she feels "free" to do whatever she want is not a good trait
And being forced into marriage isn't?

Attached: kagujin.jpg (689x800, 76K)

Conflicts don't occur in a vacuum. The only reason any of her action caused trouble is because others wanted to control her. Both her own country and her would be suitor wanted to restrict her choices to what they deemed acceptable, even when her choices had no malice in them at all. The only thing she did was buck them like a wild horse would it's rider.

Dumb PCB fag



t. seething yukarifag

Attached: angery tenko.png (600x480, 349K)

christ that's a lot of material, thanks user!

Send yourself to Best Korea and pee on Kim's portrait

Alice’s boots!

You're 90% right desu.

Irredeemable. Fucking. Trash.

Attached: 9db93ae72565755f6c2b1e096d5e9e73.jpg (1216x1712, 308K)

thanks anons

Attached: a0dd3db1cc4f3b3f642e5c83a9721968.png (1000x900, 990K)

Here's extra (You), buttfag

Attached: dab doremy.png (350x374, 8K)

Christ stop reminding me that Alice exists ;_;

Please go away with your shit taste

Attached: 1553536974673.jpg (620x406, 258K)

Dumb meido

Attached: 1551899080962.jpg (200x200, 15K)

Attached: fuckness.png (491x365, 262K)

Don't use Sakuya to represent your trash taste.
Use Flandre instead

The absolute state of Sakuyaniggers

Why? Alice’s boots let off a lewd scent.

Quick, someone remind ZUN.

Attached: 1546979983393.png (680x1008, 395K)

>le female dio with pa-*knifed* xD

Sakuyafags are 90% cancer

Attached: sweat.jpg (332x444, 85K)

>Make a giga nigga oni
>Gather all the oni 2hus to flex oni superiority
>also grab Tewi and Seija for shits and giggles
>Accidently get them both pregnant
>Get two kids with stupid high ambition because of it
>The moment they grow up they both fucking backstab me because I didn't bother spending time with them
>Spend half the game trying to fucking deal with their bullshit because they were for some reason gods at escaping

It's dumb shit like this that kept bringing me back, but yeah. tenth playthrough you've pretty much seen or done everything.

Attached: 1366735586546.png (800x473, 175K)

Remove the chinks

Not even her deserves that, just use Cirno

Looks like Sanae's got something for (You)!

Attached: Sanae1.jpg (761x810, 103K)

Attached: 1540378541934.jpg (1280x1813, 536K)

don't you dare attract /bant/

I love Reisen!

Attached: 73929610.jpg (1700x2400, 1.24M)

Yeah, but I always end up going back to it.

I remember seeing this page for the first time and getting hooked on alice’s boots ever since.

What are the 10%
I fucking hate that PAD meme


Attached: ur_a_faget.jpg (600x600, 43K)

Cirno has a lot of appearances past her initial game.
Cirno is as much of a newhu as she is oldhu.

When was the last time you saw an ironic PAD meme?

All Windows characters are iredeemable trash, sorry

Attached: 1550085161539.png (1024x1024, 425K)

People who main her on games.

Only in threads like this this year.


Attached: __mima_touhou_and_touhou_pc_98_drawn_by_kagosumi__66176f8caf4b942699bdfb4c460f8e76.jpg (700x525, 215K)

PCB SakuyaA/B and DDC SakuyaA are amazing shots, but DDC SakuyaB does have the benefit of being a scoring machine.

IN Sakuya is trash, but she goes wonderfully with Remi which makes Scarlet Team really fun to utilize. Game wise she has a lot going for her.

>SWR Sakuya
Thoae are tryhards.

Who has the lewdest boots between Alice, Tenshi, Hina, and Kosuzu?

Sakuya in PCB is broken, can't help it

Whenever Sakuya is parodying Dio on Niconico the japs still call her "PADIO"

Doesn't SakuyaA in DDC fuck a lot with bosses & makes things easier in general?

She has an exploit where she can speedkill a great portion of patterns before the bullets can even reach her, if the pattern even shoots anything at all by then.

Good thing we're better at being touhou fans than japan.

Attached: tenko boots.png (941x505, 470K)

Which 2hu has the most gorgeous smile and why is it Marisa?

Attached: f6a2eee4fea512e8ee5578424b5a81fd.jpg (1200x1920, 1.09M)

Tenshi doesn’t even wear socks in them...

Attached: mima.png (717x595, 463K)

Yeah but she's a meme character that secondaries worship so she deserves it


Attached: 1540196321724.jpg (650x920, 702K)

Who's your momhu?

Not really. There are more than one type of fans on both sides.
Doujin artists >>>> western primary fans = jap fans > western secondaries >>>>>>> western DArtists, tumblerites and other deformities.

Both we and jap has good share of good and bad meme, but japs really just enjoying themselves unlike us who too often make a fuss about it.

People who gets Touhou through IOSYS?

I want Sakuya to sit on my face.

I was being sarcastic. I know Yea Forums is the autism capital of the english speaking internet and touhou is the autism capital of Yea Forums, but we're too anal about a not so super serious game.

>Doujin artists
Really depends on quality

Do the Jap have more cohesion as a whole? It really seems sometimes that Pre & Post TD Western Touhou fans are a whole different bag of worm that don't really want to share much with one another.

Can someone get this strange horned girl away from me? I am trying to sneak into the SDM to kill the Goblins there and this girl keeps giving away my position.

Attached: 71968447_p0.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Which 2hu would you main on Soku?

Attached: __kochiya_sanae_touhou_drawn_by_sasa_kichi__3f15184e865584cb930e42e9320b755c.jpg (1000x1200, 135K)

this might be one of my favorite pictures ever

Attached: Cutest.png (742x800, 800K)

It's hard to say whether there's that stark of a divide in the west. Be careful not to let a small group of loud people speak for everyone.

Doujin bands>>>doujin artists

Coming back to the game once every month or so to get my ass handed to me is a rather painful experience considering Suwako can't even just dash on the ground without commiting. That aside, fun character, and fun game. Would love another expansion or just a new grounded fighter.

Attached: suwako.gif (120x152, 12K)

I can't even beat sanae's story mode on normal so I don't think I'm qualified to main anyone

They seem more cohesive.
you can get a snapshot on Japan's 2hu fan culture by looking at Futaba's version of /jp/.

Oh boy, you're pretty much going to get punished, especailly if the opponent is a Yuyuko or Sakuya.

I play Utsuho and Meiling mostly. But I can play almost everyone. Yukari is pretty fun too.

Worst part for me from my limited experience was the corner game. I find it just difficult to get back on my find & get out of disadvantageous positions.

I've never heard about such divide between fanbase of certain era in nip fanbase. If you're tired of it or don't like the direction it takes, you leave. You can complain but don't turn it into some kind of identity.

You know that the divide in the west is determined between the year 2hu was booming from IOSYS, Bad Apple, etc and the time the fever was subsided right? It's always between pre-UFO and past-UFO.
I doubt nip fanbase experienced the same phenomenon.

They seem like they're having fun. Why is everyone on /jp/ so upset and angry.

Attached: 1554717620212.png (400x300, 84K)

/jp/, especially nu/jp/, is full of faggots

They're still so wonderfully weird. Yea Forums will never come close to that again.

Because they are elitists faggots.

Well at least the thirst for fairies seems universal

Literally the second most incel board.
Right behind /r9k/

No, seriously, they're confident in what they've got and they just have fun. Yea Forums isn't allowed to have fun because we're drowning in irony and other image boards are slow and spend half their few posts pining for the good old days. We've got a cultural neurosis in the west that they don't.

/jp/ is not only dead half the time, it's full of shitters
I swear if you make a Yuyuko thread, about half the posts would be "LMAO FAT HUNGRY GHOST"

Attached: IMG_20181102_100146.jpg (1552x2048, 343K)

Western fanbase is more cancerous in general so a board need some kind of defense mechanism. But of course, necessary elitism can be abused as ego-boosting tool for bandwagoning idiots and autists.
The current /jp/ has no power to stop them.

Yeah I'm gonna need sauce on that crop please

>yuyuko has been part of the hag crowd literally forever
>despite youmu calling her 'young mistress' twice in PCB
90% of fan canon is shit, like eiki being a womenlet or meiling being a lazy shitter

And holy shit we do way more meta posting than they do. Like what I'm doing.

Attached: Fairies.png (928x734, 497K)

>it's full of shitters
aka secondaries

I like fairies.

Attached: 1553621443106.png (878x1000, 974K)

If you mean that one poster who is upset at "Kasen is human" meme and "Aunn is a dog" thing, it's the same dude from Yea Forums who spergs at little mention of Soku and TPDP. It's probably just one dude.

>tfw Space Zin gave me a muscle girl and hime cut fetish
i wont get off on castration next, right guys?

Note that the 2chan threads aren't exactly full of people comparing their 1ccs.

But Yuyuko gets mad when people imply that she's old.
And Meiling falls asleep in PMiSS and Soku.


Attached: pocky.png (800x560, 513K)

She is old enough that she forgot her past as living human.
I say she is still very old, but appearance-wise ghost doesn't age (duh) so she always looks young enough to be called "young mistress" I guess.

Sure, the Jap fanbase is full of secondaries as well, they're just appear less cancerous than the Western one, currently at least
>people comparing their 1ccs.
You can discuss the game without playing a dick measuring contest

>And Meiling falls asleep in PMiSS and Soku.
And it's pointed out she's good at her job despite that.
Only Patchouli takes issue with her.

thanks fampai

Attached: 1547573945038.png (1080x1440, 1.27M)

Now that I think about it, 2chan probably has a moderation staff that is acting in good faith. That helps a little.

At least the couple few threads on Yea Forums for the few days have been alright. I'll just enjoy the comfiness while it lasts.

On futaba's version of Yea Forums, the OP of the thread can delete off-topic posts as well as choose to have IDs or even IP addresses showing if they so choose. So moderation is less dependant on an unseen group of others.
Not sure if the 2hu board has that same system though.

They have an alice thread without a shovel meme in it. I'm not sure that's possible on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1553068095152.jpg (985x794, 113K)

>Implying Yumou is not careful of not angering Yuyuko.
Is so simple.

>couple few threads on Yea Forums for the few days
Try few months

Interesting. The only thing Yea Forums could lose from that is people upset that they can't shit up everything at their leisure.

I'm pretty sure that's a western meme, I don't even know why it exists

shills would just love it. Yea Forums is just too big.

>Reimu in Smash rosterfagging bait threads turn into unironic Touhou threads in a few months
Sometimes Yea Forums is decent

I thought they were supposed to be thinly veiled touhou threads.

Attached: 1545755634173.png (640x480, 23K)

I really need to get back to playing her

Attached: Remilia.Scarlet.full.1961296.jpg (719x748, 268K)

This any good? I haven't ventured into popular 2hu fangames, even the most known ones.

Attached: MarisaWorld.jpg (400x300, 35K)

The last one I've been into quickly turned into an imagedump thread and porn links, so I bailed out. Were there others that were actually good?


It's a mix of both. There is a small group of Reimufags who want her in smash but the threads also get used for general Touhou discussion since it's related.

there was a lore user in one of the recent ones who told us about okina

If the smashfags don't take it first.

Why do people need to sneak around to make video game thread on video game board?
Could it be they don't want to talk about games in the first place?

Attached: reimu implying.jpg (900x810, 124K)

This one? It wasn't a Smash thread though

There's at least one touhou hating janny on this board who deletes thread in euro morning hours

Touhou has always been an exception to the rule on Yea Forums. Mostly because moot personally didn't like it for a long time.

Well jannies are pretty fickle at times

I agree but I hate all of this space jin posting. I don't even dislike his art, I just hate his stupid fetish.

Then we we just 2hu hijack it again. Speaking of which, if you are here tenshi-user, good work.

Depends on who takes the thread first. If the smashfags take it you could probably rerail it be asking how hard you want to snort Sanae's armpits or something.

Not even when you use game screenshot as OP?

Yeah, that's one of the important ones.

Be thankful most Jin posters rarely post the more "detailed" pictures

It's all blocked by the R-18G filter.

You called?

Attached: HEY.png (238x257, 59K)

Luna Nights OP pics were allowed I think

>tfw stuck loving his Wriggle design but hating ball busting
I love his Marisa too because she both hates and is terrible at ballbusting so when she's forced to do it it becomes pretty cute

I haven't tried but I doubt it matters. It's literally the fact that it's touhou that makes the threads getting 404s.

Long straight black hair.

Attached: d1a677c11cd1d35acc23aafe5b780513.jpg (900x700, 207K)

Sure, if the thread were actually nothing but gameplay discussion it'd be tolerated. How often does that happen? The problem isn't that touhou threads don't talk much about the games, the problem is that Yea Forums is filled with threads that don't talk about their games and those threads never get deleted. Persona, neptunia, every fighting game waifu thread, the list goes on.

How is it? I'm not that good at platformers. How difficult is it?

Yes, good work the other day. Now i gonna prepare a dragon dance/earthquake female Mega Altaria and call her Tenshi.

One thread got deleted once so I immediately made a new one and threw in a big reminder in the OP that touhou is video games and it's hypocritical to delete it if they're not gonna delete shit like vidya tits threads
that one archived, which I thought was pretty nice.

>Sure, if the thread were actually nothing but gameplay discussion it'd be tolerated.
You are implying that the jannies actually look inside the threads they delete. It's just their personal bias talking.

Super Mario World with Bullet Hell.

I'll give it a try, thanks. Lots of good Touhou fangames to sink my teeth into, but don't have much time unfortunately. I played pic related & really liked it, anyone else?

Attached: mysticalchain.png (600x568, 582K)

I think only moderators can delete threads. Becoming a moderator takes significantly more effort than becoming a janitor and what mods do is effectively policy. That's why it's so disappointing that it happens.

We had pretty good SoD threads.
Too bad the game died fast because
A. Way too late by the time translation was released to play online
B. Hemo disappeared

Jannies can delete threads. The only difference between mods and jannies is that moderators can ban users and have moderating powers across all boards.

You're welcome and good luck with that Altaria

Attached: happy tenshi.png (424x449, 229K)

I'll get back into TPDP later. I had gotten into the original already & almost completed: I got burned out before reaching Makai unfortunately. I really liked it, but it's one hell of a long game.

Then just talk about games, then. Threads that don't discuss games are bad regardless whether it's deleted or not. Why should we follow bad examples?
Seriously, things would be better if faggots don't talk about 2hu cunnies with lewd image every 5 posts.

Attached: reisen what the fuck.gif (500x283, 1.99M)

Holy shit, this game.
Why the tenshi game didn't have a final boss as crazy as this one?

Even assuming this happens, this probably won't solve the deletion problem because 2hu has been a specific case ever since /jp/ was created.

>tfw suwako main too
I understand your suffering.

This is a true gem but by god am I bad at it
My favorite part is the Kaguya vs Mokou fight where youre pretty much just a bystander

China is MY WIFE

Attached: 594cdfefaae76a49593b12043ad97e1b.jpg (480x800, 149K)

At least we can make them hate the tree.


Attached: 6cbe57fc601f27e2234ef113440d0873.jpg (600x600, 313K)


Is it chinese domination time yet

>Sure, if the thread were actually nothing but gameplay discussion
Literally no fucking thread does that on Yea Forums, regardless of game.

Attached: Alice ur a faget.png (1100x1100, 96K)

While this is ALISON's greatest work, my favorite is the one where Cirno steals the drug money.

Is this the soku thread?

Her and meilling, my wives

Attached: a8oNyZe_460s.jpg (460x350, 65K)


The immortal kind, the worst one, save for Eirin she's cool

Yes but it's China who gets dominated

Attached: 1530000476728.jpg (1600x1200, 306K)

Is not that hard, just a ditto and some bottle caps which are easy to farm with the lottery shop trick.

Did he ever find a worthy opponent?


Attached: reimu alts2.png (1972x1213, 117K)

>Yes but it's China who gets dominated
So Meiling, Seiga and Junko

kaguya is a stupid bitch i bet she enjoys her feet being worshipped what a fucking waste of oxygen

>touhou threads start becoming smash threads

Yes, fuck China and fuck Junko

Attached: 1551979529686.png (680x710, 730K)

>That doujin where clownpiece actually fucks junko.

Attached: 1552859386917.jpg (370x320, 28K)

We've come full circle.

Attached: 1527180926411.gif (500x500, 1.68M)

I ordered free mousepad and cigarette lighter from craftbull with picture or mokou smoking when free mousepads were a thing.

Fuck all three of the chinks in bed without a condom.

Fuck off fatty

Attached: e37.jpg (850x707, 211K)

Is Okuu supposed to destroy my eyes with her dumb red glare everywhere?

>posting a greek pretending to be american
>a greek allied with Junko
Pay your debts.

Yeah, every thread on Yea Forums is nothing but waifu shitposting, faggot.

In heaven.

ancient greek.

People do talk about the games in these threads. You have to understand that it's a shmup, there is not much to discuss unless you play for score or want some forced discussion by asking about favorite x/y/z.
Character design is a very important part of the games so obviously that's going to be brought up a lot. Just look at fighting game threads, another pure gameplay genre where character design is top priority.
Also you said nothing but gameplay, not nothing but waifus.
Stupid fuck.

Do you want STDs?

Attached: 1539823002605.png (367x345, 66K)

Being an ancient goddess of the underworld is not an excuse to pay your debts, Hecatia.

Do you have STDs?

Attached: 14569256314.jpg (200x200, 9K)

Junko is pure!

>at least 2 of them are not virgins
I don't think user even cares about STDs

This girl is clearly too cool for rules

Attached: 1545505367197.png (600x600, 197K)

pure evil

Attached: 16882dd344b71f7c389f99ed1d832e18.jpg (1000x1425, 1.1M)

It's not her debt. Those are other greeks. They peaced out to fantasy land a long time ago.

I'll be honest, Hecatia, along with Doremy and Sagume, were the ones who got my attention for the LoLK cast.

Pure fury*

pure love

Hecatia is pretty unique in her own way desu

Attached: 1529764241929.png (800x880, 372K)


Attached: __junko_touhou_drawn_by_hemogurobin_a1c__130da8a764156d9ade6f6a8a15989122.png (600x800, 491K)

Isn't that the guy who did a tentacle sleep rape doujin with her?

I think Alice is the cutest touhou!

Attached: 1554480908264.jpg (837x1280, 108K)

I think Alice made this post!

ZUN peaked too early.

Attached: 1533825917244.png (1200x1706, 1.72M)


Attached: __tatara_kogasa_touhou_drawn_by_rin_falcon__06f56a9bebaa39f8ac40ca0a1e6617f3.jpg (1651x2048, 194K)

My daughter Clownpi is so cute!

Attached: 1552260513737.png (2000x2600, 2.02M)

let's see how cute Alice is after beating her with a shovel!

I'm gonna have sex with your daughter user

My daughter won't marry anyone who can't NMNB her on Lunatic.

Alice is the most-likely-to-wet-the-bed touhou!

there it is

I will protect her from bullies!

Attached: 1554499240709.jpg (1000x1200, 279K)

>You have to understand that it's a shmup, there is not much to discuss
There are fangames and lore stuff. Touhou actually has lot of things to discuss other than "wch 2hu wud u fuk" even if it's fan stuff, not to mention it has several games with netplay. I take music circles or even non-H doujin discussion like Alison everyday over imagedump and lewdposting, if you really want to take non-vidya stuff.
Then again you don't have to force discussion to reach bump limit. This isn't /vg/.

>Just look at fighting game threads, another pure gameplay genre where character design is top priority.
The thing is waifufags don't really talk about design. Waifu circlejerk and talking how you beat your meat to 2hus are barely discussion at all.

>Also you said nothing but gameplay, not nothing but waifus.
I'm different user. It's just that saying Yea Forums is 100% unable to have game discussion really a lame excuse to spam waifuposting and lewdposting.
I've stopped giving a shit a bout them, but just saying they don't have to complain that mods deleted the thread because of them. It may be unfair compared to other shit threads but they still deserve it.
Waifuposting/lewdposting barely contributes anything and sometimes even hinder discussion on top of being secondary enabler and giving more excuse to anti-anime shitposters.

She has the smelliest feet!

>100% unable to have game discussion
Literally nobody fucking said that. That mongoloid said these threads should be about nothing but gameplay. Learn to read.

i'll go easy mode which is rape

Truly a monkey paw effect

I like the way he draws Kaguya, sucks it is a shit fetish

Which 2hu is best for feet kissing

Barefoot 2hu

I'd love to discuss Strawberry Bose's RPG games but besides GoS they will NEVER EVER be translated and I'm an EOP.

Start by touhou 8, is easier but read before about the hidden mechanics because game don't tells you a shit

You're a skilled game dev with competent team consist of dedicated 2hufags and enough budget to use any graphic engine (you don't have to make AAA game though) and anything you need.
What 2hu fangame would you make, user?

Attached: jp meetup.jpg (640x480, 49K)

Shit taste detected

Attached: 1530524593482.jpg (495x495, 21K)

Touhou Risk of Rain.

MGR style Youmu game
God Hand style Yuugi game

2hu Harvest Moon

Touhou: Isolation. Set in the Scarlet Devil Mansion maybe.

A touhou Kart Racer. Don't know why, but the genre is generally pretty light hearted and I think would sort of fit well to the ultimately not that eventful antics that Gensokyo can go through.

Gensou Skydrift.
It's getting re-released with more content later this year, too.

I'm aware, just that it's not as good as I'd hope. A good effort, but you can really feel the set backs of 3D fanworks.

>Switch only

Attached: 1506548938881.jpg (709x945, 278K)

>hidden mechanics
ah, lovely. thanks for the tip!

it was a stupid image reference, and i fucked up the text. kuso post, no rebuttal.

Reminder MokouMarisa is the patrician pairing.

Attached: __fujiwara_no_mokou_and_kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_souta_karasu_no_ouchi__7cf1bba785c50c0dc398d (596x666, 445K)

Touhou Sekiro

Attached: __inubashiri_momiji_touhou_drawn_by_bukimi_isan__32010e336302e4fee8a68cfc8d941238.jpg (1270x1505, 743K)

Mokou and Marisa as absolute bros is the best pairing, miss me with that romance shit

At least one did in the original myth and that was out of 5.

>pairing Mokou with anyone but Keine

Attached: 1549206366696.jpg (2007x2048, 1.15M)

Attached: TENKO FOR SMASH.jpg (1200x675, 96K)

>not MokouSumi

At least post one that is close to canon

Attached: __fujiwara_no_mokou_and_usami_sumireko_touhou_drawn_by_azuma_aya__a2d12b2fb2384b9aa35afe89968cb36b.j (700x1000, 738K)