This is the best era of RuneScape

>This is the best era of RuneScape

250k players everday..

Attached: Best log in screen.jpg (1920x1080, 224K)

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got 120 slayer two weeks ago, only need reaper and dung for comp cape :D

Attached: 120 slayer.png (1365x702, 1.18M)

>playing old version of games
You think you do but you don't, you just think its fun but its not.

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Ice barrage

80k humans, 170k bots

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Every MMO has a fuck ton of RMT bots to inflate player numbers.

Summoning was based

more than WoW

any osrs players here?

Attached: All Hard Task complete. Time to get based 75 stats.png (1016x590, 289K)

play the superior game

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you're right.

honestly, why did EOC have to happen? Why were they even allowed to flip a game so hard? i spent years on my account for membership, then they just change the game?

Jagex were and still are the gods of bad business decisions.

Its better now. And they had to do eoc to change the combat system.

Anyway its done.


why do the character models look like playdough?


RS2 circa 2007-2008 prior to Grand Exchange was by far the best iteration of Runescape. Everything after that killed the community and then killed the game's own unique feel.
>no longer have to interact with people
>even when you do there are no real consequences to anything since stuff like wilderness got fucked
>simplistic and effective medieval fantasy aesthetic gets changed to bullshit high fantasy with overdesigned crap everywhere
>old music that was perfect for setting the atmosphere and sounded comfy as fuck changed to more generic music that isn't memorable at all
>lootboxes and gambling mechanics added

poll:do you want critical hits
playerbase: no
poll2: are you sure you don't want critical hits?
playerbase: yes!
poll3:how about now?

eoc - patch notes 11.2 added critical hits!

Attached: 68468484.jpg (455x750, 90K)

Dungeon/boss music is just the absolute worst in RS3. It sounds like some "epic" copyright-free music on a shitty indie game.

EoC would be bearable if they also removed the absolutely awful tick system and allowed movement with the keyboard. It straight up feels like playing with 600ms ping in addition to your regular latency.

Looks like WoW, RS3 is fucking souless

No they didn't, no one wanted EOC & it's not better, it pretty much killed PVP

Why the fuck do people still complain about EOC?
You can literally play the game with the old combat system now.
And even if you wanted to use the new system, combat is completely afk with revolution.

Runescape 3 has so many things wrong with it, I just cant understand why people keep bringing up something that has been fixed for years.
I get that it was a shitty update at the time and ruined a lot of player's enjoyment of the game, but so was removing the wildy and I dont see people complaining about that since it got pit back in.

>bring back old version of the game
>vote to add in everything that made the game shit
what did they mean by this?

Fucking zoomers in this thread

It's a fact that 2004-06 was the best era.

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It was a gilded age

true I mean look at this horrible jester theme for the jester boss

or this atrocious vampire dungeon ost. Such horrible ost

the worst of all must have been the desert sound. I never could have imagined such horrible notes played in that order

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I remember doing that as a kid and thinking that the chef is actually retarded
Like how does he keep fucking up that bad

Because it changed the focus of the game completely. Most of the significant content updates are new bosses/raids. The only things that give actual money in the game is bossing, bosses are forced in quests and bossing requires heavy use of EOC.
It also added a lot of side issues like horrible fucking accuracy which forces you to buy auras to actually hit your fucking target even with top-tier weapons and potions.

Because Jagex are incapable of making convincing textures.

People want RS without MTX & EOC

>if they also removed the absolutely awful tick system
The tick system isn't there because it's a design decision, they can't just "remove" it, the game's entire netcode is based on it.

They could, with a big enough revamp. It's not like the backend is dark magic or anything. But instead they did things half-assed as always.

They need to remove EOC entirely, add a hotkey bar with a limit of like 4 quick hotkeys, for prayers, special attacks, magic etc, cycling through tabs & clicking on shit is out dated, but EOC was the wrong way to go about it for RS, they also broke the balance by letting you hotkey everything, among other things

I'll be the first to agree that the game focuses way too much on bosses, but I wouldn't blame that completely on EOC.
Osrs has released it's fair share of bosses without any EOC, for example.
I think ultimately the type of people who play MMORPGs changed and jagex attempted to accommodate them.

As a side note, the accuracy issue and equipment power creep are only really issues with the SUPER high end PvM.
I completed the quest with the hardest bosses (Sliske's Endgame) with only God wars equipment, no soul split, and like 70 summoning. It was really difficult, but I did complete it.

That being said, there have been way too many "SUPER high level" PvM encounters released lately.
I'm hoping that stuff like the mining and smithing rework keeps pushing the game in the right direction.

Because the office of Lumbridge Castle chef is an inherited position that his family was given long ago

Attached: rs desert quest.jpg (446x3795, 357K)

>can't be arsed to bring waterskins
>when there is a bank located right at the single entrance into the desert
I never got how players could get so far in the game while being so retarded

The mining and smiting rework was good in theory but the results were pretty garbage. Everything sells for the high alch price and there is no profit nor experience to be had smelting so no one sells the bars. Maybe it'll stabilize eventually but right now the economy side of it is fucked.
Making nails/bolts/arrowheads is pure cancer too.
Not to mention that they sell waterskins there too.

I miss dclaw rushing in bandos

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Yeah, I think the value of things in the mining and smithing rework is heavily influenced by the fact that melee is kind of a shit style in most situations in rs3.
Regardless, I think the whole thing is a huge step up from just being able to make rune equipment at the highest levels.
Hell, I dont think rune equipment sold for much more than its alch price either.

I imagine the rework was a big deal for ironmen, too.


both OSRS and RS2's graphics were cozy

I'd play that shit again in an instant, but I can't find my old account

Yeah, magic is pretty much the only style for EoC, it is pretty ridiculous. It was already pretty good pre-EoC, now there's absolutely no reason not to be a mage.
It probably was a big deal for ironmen, but ironmemes are a meme. There are so many ways to abuse that shit that it's not even funny. I don't know any ironmeme that played it legit.