Will DICE ever make Battlefield great again?

Game sold poorly(gee i wonder why) and steadly losing players becuse of lack of content and no premium.
So can they redeem themselves after this shit?

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God knows, but sadly they'll have to scrap some of the good changes that were included in BFV in favor of shitty gameplay gimmicks so that normalfags will buy their game

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>gee i wonder why
because it didn't really have anything resembling a strong hook?

It's a battlefield game. My friend adores it for having no frills because they hated BF1's fun gimmicks, and while it's a solid game, certainly playable, it's still just a battlefield game in an industry that I'd argue has a massive problem with stagnation.

It's also weird in that while it's set in WW2, they decided to go after "lesser known equipment and battles" but they also want it to be recognizably WW2, so what we've ended up with is a WW2 game missing a large chunk of WW2's iconic battles and equipment, but it's still set in Western Europe, exclusively between Britain and Germany.

The women are literally nothing. I admit that their addition was kind of a weird choice, but most people don't use them, and you rarely ever actually register them being there in the heat of the moment, and it's not even super immersion breaking, it's just like, oh right, this is a multiplayer game. The only reason it ever blew up like it did is because DICE is fucking awful at PR.

Firestorm is good, apex is literal nigger fagfest of triple jump hill slides ult no scopes which is just a cluster fuck of shit. At least I can play tacticool and the Firestorm has some actual consequence of being outside / around it.

However requiring money for the half decent cosmetics is just straight trash. But it doesn't matter that much anyway given it's not the main focus of the game for me.

Also MMGs for life nothing beats laying down and mowing down Britfags with an MG34. they have the worst voice acting.

Firestorm is okay but it's really apparent that the guns weren't really balanced for BR health and engagement distance, especially shotguns which got heavily nerfed from BF1, they're useless in Firestorm. It feels unfortunately kind of tacked on.

I feel sorry for DICE, from the past few games I've played from them it seems like they're being run ragged, put through the grinder on some quadruple A shit EA is riding on being their best selling game ever and then as soon as it comes out to lukewarm reception, they're thrown on another project.

I wonder what they're working on now? They still have people on Battlefront 2 (god knows why) and BFV obviously

Fix the bugs and add more maps ffs. I don't give a fucking shit about battle royale.

I won't be coming back until the game has more content and they sort out the bugs.

How do you go from a game as polished as BF1, to this fucking mess.

Fire the sound guy, he's shit.

All they need is to remake BF 1942 in Frostbite. That's it. Boom. Period.

more importantly fire your UI guy, holy shit

It's vaguely pretty but it's ridiculously non-functional

My biggest fear. BFV had the best gunplay in recent entries, even beating out BF4. But BF1 sold so well that EA is going to make them dumb it back down.

I wonder how many cosmetics they ended up cutting as a result of the backlash, though? We STILL don't have custom hairstyles, the hook, facial hair, that wifebeater, anything like that.

I actually played a few games of operations in BF1 with the UI guy for that game. When I asked why he went for a very static, no frills UI compared to other guys, he said something along the lines of "I wanted the player to be able to see the key information they needed without it distracting them from focusing".

I actually liked the BF1 UI, i think it worked.

He wouldn't let me knife him for a DICE tag

did he tell you why it regularly breaks in BFV or why it sometimes fails to update or why it took ages before they allowed you to change weapon specializations mid-match or why it's genuinely faster to close out of the game and restart than wait for the main menu to load after a match sometimes?

It looks pretty, it rarely works.

>got rid of 3D spotting
>vehicles don't have unlimited ammo
>no health regen even to a low amount like 20 or 40 like past games
The game finally did a lot of good shit for the franchise but the weapon upgrade system, the Grand Operations being shit, the awful press the game had really makes me not able to see what Battlefield can do in 2021 to unfuck itself.

I don't think gunplay is that much better. It's so much easier to use full auto weapons now, and rifles seem less satisfying, plus i miss off center scopes and reloading with clips

Is this a reddit post?

I don't think they had him do the UI for V, infact, i think they got a girl to do it

I recently got this game for free for buying a graphics card and I didnt find a firestorm match after searching for 15 minutes so I didnt get to play that and there wasnt a single American server only EU and Japan servers so playing the normal game was laggy as fuck.

This game is dead as shit

Swapping to 3 year dev cycles from the 2 year dev cycles they're currently on will solve a good 80% of their problems right now.

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You forgot to mention
>no kit swapping
>b-bloody screen so real at low health
>removes your ability to hear anything at low health, when you need it most

Grand Ops in BFV are such a blunder compared to BF1.
>BF1: rush set over two-three maps with each faction getting three chances to take/defend all three, offers that great comeback feeling where you can really fuck yourself early on with a poor performance and have to make up for lost time with flawless teamplay in later maps
>BFV: basically just three separate matches with no impact on the next, only the final map (which will come no matter what) has any impact on the overall outcome

the only fun idea was final stand, which almost never happens.

looks the same to me.

Semi autos are super rewarding to use, and bolt actions are a good level of velocity but required precision. Probably the best balanced snipers in BF history.

M1A1 carbine is easily my favorite to tear shit up wit.

too bad the shotguns are fucking LAME compared to bf1

maybe she tried to copy him

DICE needs 5 years to make the next battlefield game amazing. Two fucking years is not enough anymore. It was obvious Battlefield V was a RUSHED DEVELOPMENT. This game only start production as late as 2017. Just as they wrapped up BF1. They should have delayed BFV to 2019 but hell no, They want it out ASAP in 2018. Well guess what? It was launch with barebones content with Singleplayer not even finished!

>gee i wonder why
People are sick and tired of World War 2 and all shooters are losing players to Battle royal games?

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They arent. Battlefieldfags absolutely deplore anything that's modern or futuristic.

Correct senpai. People are finally tired to see national socialists villified.

i hope so but probably not

No you should be use to disappointment from the AAA game studios by now user

>People are sick and tired of World War 2
There hasnt been a good ww2 shooter in years, of course murican mutts dont care about it so its always less sales

>most people don't use them
I don't know what servers you're in but I'd say that about 50% of people play as female characters. It wouldn't matter that much or even be noticeable except for the fact that they let out high pitched screams and blurt out shit like "righto chap, here's some ammo" in female voices.

>there hasn't been a good WW2 shooter in years

Because every publisher on the planet responded to the success of MoH and Call of Duty by violently beating it to death, and unlike modern shooters and futuristic shooters where you're free to innovate and play around, you have a set list of historical weapons and equipment you have to use if you're making a world war game. It's played out, unless devs want to actually make an effort to show some unconventional theaters like the Soviet march on Manchuria, the Winter War, or the Second Sino-Japanese War. Fuck, the Japanese invasion of the Aleutians. That'd be neat.

Shooters as a whole have been horribly saturated by iterative, boring sequels pushed out in two year dev cycles though, most settings feel played out.

as an admitted BF mark, this game is by far the least fun battlefield i've ever played. they've utterly botched the game modes, only half decent one is breakthrough.
also i miss choppers. jets suck dick.

If they stopped releasing early access garbage, or casualized shit with 5 guns and 1 vehicle then maybe it would be more popular. Id love if something like forgotten hope got ported to new engine with all the content.

>Remake 1942 in current graphics and gameplay innovations
>Add interesting innovative elements such as bf 1942 secret weapons
>Add true to life interesting campaign stories such as the white death in Finland

>make it a boring "progressive" bland fuck fest instead

Why is Dice retarded?

They will probably double down on copying COD or some dumb shit like that.
I still just want battlefield 2 with huge maps, vehicles and bots but dice has all these researchers telling them that if a player kills someone every 10 seconds they get a constant dopamine shot and you need maps the size of bathtubs for that.

>It's played out, unless devs want to actually make an effort to show some unconventional theaters
That's sort of what DICE tried at by starting in Norway/Netherlands but they fucked it up so much by having the factions be Britain vs Germany. Where the hell is the Dutch/Norwegian soldiers, their unique gear and vehicles.

Conquest, you know the core BF mode, has been restored from the bastardation in bf1.
>muh linear ops isn't in bro
rope yourself zoomer

>i miss reloading with clips
half the fucking rifles have fixed magazine, what are you on about?

I can't believe this still isn't at/below $20 from key resellers considering it was $30 from legitimate places like a week after release.

Yea, and still not in origin access basic

Reminder we in April and game still havenĀ“t got new maps but ey, remember to log in to do your weekly challenges. It's content, goy.

we got panzerstorm you faggot

Like I played the recent Battlefront 2 game and the area the AAT tank had to maneuver was like the size of a swimming pool. In the old 2000 games I could drive everywhere on the map.

There's going to be a Crete map at the start of June, which isn't exactly great but it seems things will speed up from there, with a Greek map and a remake of an old one coming in the chapter after that, followed by the Pacific theater.

This game is just another example of DICE listening to the wrong people.

BF1 was actually pitched to have women because "it's 2015, who cares", thankfully most of the people there didn't agree with this so they removed this aspect, this unfortunately made certain individuals very angry within in the team, which is why we now have playable women in BF5.

Also the biggest source of interaction is on reddit. And those people really don't know what makes a battlefield game battlefield. They would still defend the decisions made even if they were served a pile of shit on their plate.

In BF1, all rifle scopes are off-center, meaning you can reload any rifle that doesn't use magazines with stripper clips. It just looks and sounds quicker, not to mention it speeds up combat.

>They would still defend the decisions made even if they were served a pile of shit on their plate.
I doubt it, they're producing salt daily.

>buying this shit in the first place

Crazy how many games they could have added women into, I really thought they were going to add them in Battlefield 4 when you had the sniper lady in the campaign but then they didn't. They could have added them back in Battlefield 2 for all I cared. I had no issues playing a female in Rainbow 6 Las Vegas but WW2 was an unreasonably bad choice for introducing them and especially in that unrealistic fashion they did compared to having them as members of the resistance.