Are you enjoying your Switch, Yea Forums?

Are you enjoying your Switch, Yea Forums?

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Yep. Need that Animal Crossing and Pokemon badly though.

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Is this the comfy switch thread?
And yes, I am. Playing BABA IS YOU right now. After that, I'm going to finish mario + rabbids.

>10% of games work
>1% of that at full speed

Wew. So that is the power of switch emulation

>Not FES
i'll buy a switch when i'll see ps2 emulation on it

waiting for it to be fully hacked and with fully working emulators

So your waiting for June 2018 then?

Honestly thinking of selling it even though I don't need the money. It's been collecting dust since I bought and hacked it last year. No games aside from the upcoming SMT or Fire Emblem, and I couldn't care less about ports, remasters/rereleases, multiplats, or emulation. The only reason I'd use it at this point is for VNs but I already have a Windows Tablet for that which can, unlike the Switch, play eroge.

Tell me why I should keep it.

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I was just playing HOLLOW, don't know what to think of it yet.
As for the console, I like portables, what can I say...

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I bought this. I hope it's alright though I haven't tried it yet, looked like a comfy puzzle/platformer

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>fully working emulators
nah not even close

Yes. Playing through FFVII again. I also started playing Enter The Gungeon last night, for the first time since i picked it up and only did the tutorial. Man, that's a fucking great game.

Emulators already work on it just fine. Unless you're wanting shit like gamecube and ps2 emulators.

dude, why would you buy a game which looks like shitty shovelware?

>Tell me why I should keep it.
just sell it retard

You should honestly sell it. As of right now the Switch is a glorified indie, sloppy second, and bing bing wahoo machine. It's amazing if you love those, a waste of money if you don't. Give it a few years, and there will be a much larger library and probably a upgraded model too. Unless you want to keep up with FOTM discussions on Yea Forums (who unironically does?), consoles are best bought at the end of their life cycle when they're usually fully hacked and cheap to buy.

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I don't speak chink

>switch is so ass it can only emulate the psp version
hot garbage, OP

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>Entire store is Xbox 360-tier indie games, mobile games, and ports.
imagine paying money to play shit like brick breaker, the store is fucking ABYSMAL but retards keep pushing the only 4 full games the Switch has.

How good is the CFW route now?
Feels like an expensive indie machine currently

Thanks for your advice user. I'm probably just going to lend it to my friends for now and take it back when new stuff comes out. And I agree, grade schoolers truly are the best!

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After almost 1400 hours it's still a splatoon machine.

centered text

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hows the psp emulation? cani play monster hunter yet?

Isn't retroarch already have PS2 cores?

I'm still baffled how well remote play works. Playing Persona 5 and Yakuza 0->Kiwami 2 on my Vita away from home was a mindblowing experience. If only I didn't have data caps on my cellphone plan.

i have three vitas and i'm just now finding out how good remote play is. can't wait for phoenix wright for this reason

It's okay. I'm playing FF7 on it and it looks horrible in docked mode on a 1080p display. Looks alright in handheld mode though.

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The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa has to be the most overlooked indie game on Switch this year, holy shit. How has there not been any threads about this?

>A River City Ransom inspired game where you hang out with delinquent friends, beat people up and try to make sense of your life

>Persona 3 on Switch
Sorry, not a single game using the RenderWare engine is available on Switch. The engine was supported on Gamecube and Wii but Wii U and Switch don't support it and can't play games using RenderWare.

They could make a Wii port, the Switch probably could emulate the Wii and it could run through that work around.

No threads because it's an old game that's been out on PC for a while and sidnt require a good system to play.

>I'm playing FF7 on it and it looks horrible in docked mode on a 1080p display.
It's the same on all modern platforms. Square only touched up the models. They left the backgrounds the same as the original PC port. You get used to it.

I've been thinking of getting one partly for the multiplayer aspect, to enjoy with my flatmates. here are the games that entice me:
Mario kart
mario party
rayman legends
rocket league
(single-player but looks cool) BotW and Mario Odyssey

We have an old xbox on which we still play halo and bad company 2 a decent amount so we're fine on shooters, but a couple of us have had that nostalgic "we should get a gamecube" feeling, hence why I was thinking of suprising them with this.
Honestly I'm sort of hesitant on getting it and thinking I should just go for the gamecube, somewhat because of the $$$ ofc. any opinions ?

>Playing on a vita when you can play on a ps4
And don't say because you play videogames outside

I fucking want to play it but I can't stand the music bug reeeeeeeeee

How high are the chances in April of 2012+7 to still get my hands on a hackable Switch?

The colors just seem off. Like someone spilled pasta sauce all over it. That may be the fault of my screen however, as it doesn't look like that while docked.

What bug? It's my first playthrough.

I have a lot of private downtime when I'm out so it's pretty easy to play video games outside. Also, who actually fucking cares?

>implying I don't play mine at work
I work at an auto repair shop. Half the day I'm just sitting in the back, waiting on shit to do.

You somewhat get used to it. What is baffling is that it's the same with IX, and i know that, with IX at least, it got fixed through a patch. They didn't seem to deem it worth the effort of putting it in for the Switch and Xbone versions.

Shut the fuck up you dumb ESL spic

Just play videogames on your phone you degenerates

Even if it is your TV for some part of it, the backgrounds are still pretty bad.


>What bug?
Whenever you leave battle the overworld music begins from the start instead of continuing where it was before you had the random battle, meaning you hear the first few seconds of the BGM over and over and never hear the full thing.

Hmm. That's odd.

A little disappointed but whatever

I'm waiting for the upgraded model, hopefully it comes out this year.

Persona 3 POATABLE?
WTF is with that font?

>A little disappointed but whatever
With it being super early 3D, it's not that bad. IX is absolutely jarring though. I'm just glad X and XII won't have to worry about this kind of thing.

Yep. Can't wait for new Switch with based Xbone spec.