Want to play through all the Pokemon games

>want to play through all the Pokemon games
>can't justify spending 240 hours on what are basically children's games

Attached: Pokémon_box_art_-_Red_Version.png (300x301, 169K)

>Want to do something
>Don't want to do something

Here, I'll save you time
>Black and White 2
There, you've played all the ones worth playing

That's still 90+ hours which is a LOT of time, should I just watch a ton of movies instead? Since most movies are 2 hours long instead of 30 like Pokemon games

I mean sure, go for it, do want you want

you weren't gonna do anything productive with those 240 hours anyway. just do it.
or pick a better series.

You posted this thread yesterday
Just use speed hacks and disable animations, you can beat each game in about 10 hours

along with what the other user said you could also hack in your favorite team at a high level from the get go and really steamroll through the game if you'd like

I've thought about doing this before but if you disable the animations you're missing out on content and if you use speedhacks it fucks up the audio

Guess you're fucked then.

>basically children's games
If you have this mindset going into the games, then I suggest that you don't play them. That will make the entire experience leave a sour taste in your mouth. They're incredibly entertaining games and you're letting a self-imposed title get in the way of that. They're RPGs, what do you expect, they're going to be long. Also, you're on the wrong board nerd.

Attached: wonder.jpg (1024x725, 216K)

Who cares? Sometimes you either just gotta do it or not. Not everything needs a reason.

Then don’t? It’s that simple.

>Thinking the playerbase a game is aimed at says anything about its quality
>Thinking anyone gives a shit about what you do in your free time
And even if they do, there's no need in telling them. Just like you don't tell any random person what you're jacking off to.

I played Diamond, HG and Black back when I was 11 and loved them, but as I became an adult and saw people criticize Pokemon games for valid reasons (such as the fact that you can beat the game the fastest by only using your starter) I slowly started to wonder if I only liked Pokemon as a kid because I was young and didn't know any better
I'm 19 now and in college and just wondering whether I'm going to punch myself for throwing hours down the drain on what some may call a not very good RPG for kids

just pick one they are all the same

If you’re having fun playing those games, then those hours wouldn’t be going down the drain, would they? But if you’re that insecure, then just simply move on and play something you’d find fun AND “mature” then.

Pokemon appeals a lot to a basic urge of many humans: Collecting. On top of that it has a lot of good designs you can grow attached to, which makes collecting and raising even more endearing. The soundtrack is also top tier.
It's really a shame that it's on the easier side. I'd even argue it could be harder while still being fun for children. They're quite good at taking challenges if you let them. But a hard mode would be perfect nonetheless.

Yep I had a hunch that what I loved about Pokemon was the collecting aspect, guess I might as well start Red soon

So a better use of your time is shitposting on v all day right? Why delay suicide?

You can also go for other franchises like SMT.

>justifying a hobby
>have to play them all not just start with one
>make a thread about what to do on Yea Forums

Jesus Christ van you even breathe?

I'd really only recommend playing the gbc games if you really really want to know how pokemon was back in the day of us old folks, and it doesn't sound like you actually want to do that. I'd honestly recommend going with firered/leafgreen

>on what are basically children's games
I think you mean
>on what are basically the same game

Attached: 1533290035596.png (336x530, 384K)

>Watching attack animations is content

Attached: 274.jpg (458x458, 28K)

>Forgetting Platinum and black
Get a load of this faggot