Easy mode in Sekiro

Give me your best counter argument to easy mode in games like Sekiro. I'm running out of things to convince my shitter friend.

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devs can make whatever fucking game they want. this is the only dimension that matters.

games aren't public domain

Sounds reasonable

If you beat it on easy mode then you'll constantly have to say you beat it on easy to anyone you're talking to. The shame of it will make you want to kill yourself

Devs didn't put one in.

We don't blame Toltsoy for not having done an abridged version of War and Peace

In every FromSoft game, a majority of the challenge is knowledge, not reflexes. Dying a lot usually means youre taking the wrong approach or doing the wrong thing for the point of the game you are at. Making the combat easier will not challenge you to reconsider what youre doing.

Not every game needs to be accessible to everyone. There are plenty of games that aren't known for being challenging, and there's no reason to focus on the few that are if you're not willing to put in the time to learn and master the mechanics.

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>are you playing with charm and no bell demon?
>that IS easy mode

It's been 10 years since DeS and From still hasn't put in an easy mode and they never will. End of discussion.

*Tolstoy, s o y pun absolutely not intended

Ask them what they would legitimately change to make the game "easy" without changing any fundamental aspects of the game. Like, if they are made about dying in 1-2 hits ask them exactly how many hits they should be able to take for it to be "fun". How fast should the enemies die? Force them to be as specific as possible on purely mechanical issues because eventually they will realize that this whole conversation has nothing to do with accessibility and everything to do with them being upset that a game actually holds their mistakes and misplays against them. If they start wanting to change basic game design elements (the posture/parrying system, etc.) blow them off with trying to impose their own will onto someone else's freedom of design. They can go play a different game if what they want is a different game.

It's a horror game and the basis for the horror it makes you feel is the difficulty. Not knowing what lies ahead, how intimidating and impossible your enemies may seem at first, etc. Also, much like souls, the difficulty is, to a large degree, an illusion, or perhaps more strategy based than skill based as there's relatively easy and cheesy strategies for just about everything when you clear your head and sit and think about it

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how the fuck do I dodge the headless apes critical jump attack


I expect Activision is going to force From to make an easy mode to make journalists happy, or they're going to put it in their next game regardless of whether their core audience wants it or not

It ends in a sweep. You jump away. That helped me.

Products have targets. There is nothing wrong with having multiple products aimed at different target groups.
Not all games should be enjoyable for all people. It souns shitty, but it's the truth, because specialized consumers are waiting all the time for specific things, and they are part of the consumerbase too.
If all games MUST be designed in a way that difficulty is a non-aspect when designing the experience, then there are many concepts that can't be tried anymore, making the industry less original by having a tool removed.
There are movies for adults.
There are textbooks for technical specialist.
There are hard games.

When someone complains like this about the difficulty of a game, they are just being retarded. For some reason, they can't imagine why a good game is not for them, wich is like complaining that an algebra book is too complicated.
If you think the game is so hard that you can't enjoy it, it's probably out of your level and that's all there is to it.

THIS THIS THIS good shit user

Do you really believe you accomplished anything by beating a hard game? You sat your ass for 40 hours at moving bits in the screen, what did you accomplish? Any fucktard can beat the game if they try enough, the reason I like to play in difficult modes is because my reflexes are above average, not to show off everyone that I play hard games. If you care what other people say about you, guess what you're a normie.

Video games are not fucking trophies or sports, it's entertainment and challenge.

I doubt it. Journos pumping out articles saying a game was too hard for them is probably pretty good for sales.

I'm in favor of adding a "Journalist mode" where it's condescendingly easy and insulting to the players intelligence.

>There's a bright neon line on the floor of where to go (If you stray too far you teleported back on the line and there's barriers to secret areas)
>Wolf himself is covered in foam test dummy padding and NPCs get new diologue that says stuff like "Don't get hurt out there little man!"
>Most enemies will just kys after 2 minutes of fighting them
> You only get to play up to first boss (the horse dude) before you get greeted with a cutscene of wolf dying, and the horse dude calling him "Not a true shinobi" and a black screen telling the player to play on normal from now on to experience the rest of the game.

jump in the air right before he hits the ground. It's a sweep

>Give me your best counter argument to easy mode in games like Sekiro

Not everything needs an easy mode. It's like demanding extra lives in roguelikes.

Fuck off.

because miyazaki makes games that promotes elitism and that's a good thing

dont even fucking talk to me if you're a gaming journalist that hasn't even beaten sekiro you scrub

just jump? headless ape is the easiest boss in the game, you literally have to fuck up big time to die to him
Except for that time where he summons gf

>why isn't there a version of every Dostoyevsky book written in a language illiteral people and children can understand
because it's impossible. and the exact same applies to the game
good books and good movies just aren't for everyone. people just still think all games should be for everyone. such people should not be taken into account if we ever want gaming to keep evolving. which thankfully it is. because of games like this

It's a sweep, you jump to dodge & jump again on his head to score some more posture damage.

"The devs don't want/have to make it" is the only argument needed. Anyone who argues against that point is an entitled manchild.

the only thing more pathetic than gatekeeping a video game is crying that a video game is too hard for you

It's a doozy of an attack because the theatrics with the jump is to throw you off from the fact that it's just a sweep. Just jump and you'll be fine.

game being too easy is a much worse sin than game being too challenging.

Activision don’t own Sekiro though, From own the IP 100% this time around and Activision merely got the rights to distribute internationally (From self publish in Japan). Activision can make whatever requests they want but they have zero ownership of the IP and have merely agreed to distribute it for From, From have no obligations to fulfill for Activision. Dark Souls is co-owned by Namco and they funded it too, which is why they had a great deal of control over those games. Same with Sony and Demon’s Souls + Bloodborne. Sekiro was made and funded entirely by From, Activision have no control over the project. Instead all they have to do is distribute the game instead of funding it themselves for a quick and easy profit, and From don’t have to deal with contracts and get the majority of the game’s revenue for themselves.

>video game director comes up with a vision of his work
>instead of appreciating the work you decide to go "easy mode" because you can't handle it
>when the video game director kicks your ass without even knowing who the hell you even are

How pitiful.

here's a little advice, if a boss is doing a critical attack you've never seen before the first thing you should do is trying jumping from it
jumping avoids sweeps and grabs and will instantly let you know if the attack was a thrust, also gives you the most clear visual of the entire attack animation for future reference

>muh cripples

This. No other reason needed.

Make easy mode but lock content out of it is still the best take. But generally games don't need an easy mode. If you can't play the game because you're too dumb to learn its mechanics, it's on you. Why should you be rewarded if you don't even play well (enough).

I do fear that video games constantly decrease in difficulty because devs and/or publishers appeal to the lowest common denominator. Fromsoft being an exception and I might just be paranoid.

>it's entertainment and challenge.
you're right, user; it IS a challenge
some people can handle the challenge, and some can't
nothing wrong with that

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The game starts on easy mode. You have to go out of your to play on normal.

activision doesnt own the game or control from software
and even activision knows the difficulty is a major selling point
they know people like from games because they are challenging

if they were going to add easy mode, they would have added it before release
it's not like they forgot to add it or didnt playtest the game

Are you a fucking idiot?
You basically said "Video games are not for the challenge; they're for the challenge"


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There is no argument to counter. You got an easymode. It's called firecracker spam.

Nah, I want your friend to win the argument. Git gud at arguing.

No argument is needed. If the developers don't put it in then they don't put it in, bottom line. They don't owe anyone shit, they made the game they wanted to make and if you don't like it then you're not the target audience, play something else.

Honestly I think most horror games would benefit from taking some lessons from from software games

resident evil 2 remake was pretty good in the sense that even the basic zombies are still not cannon fodder at all like in the classics but in from software games the difficulty really comes together with the monster design to make them far more intimidating than youd expect from a game that isnt all out horror

the reason why its hard to apply in horror is because so many horror games especially today have retardedly shallow mechanics and the more shallow your mechanics are the less pressure you can put on the player to actually learn how to deal with an enemy

You can beat hard games for self-satisfaction, user. If you don't see any point in applying reflexes etc, you might as well watch a movie with the same story.

Or maybe you're saying mindless slaughtering on easy mode in a musou is peak entertainment, I'm not sure.

people bringing up accessibility and creative vision arguments are so fucking obtuse and desperate to win this argument, it's pathetic

here's a question for someone who wants an easy mode: why?
what do you want an easy mode for, so that you can play the game? you're already playing the game, THIS is the game. if you don't like it then why are you begging to be able to play it more

adding in a button that turns on easy mode is a blunt way to facilitate accessibility.

Miyazaki implements easy mode with sneak attacks, and a variety of skills that can be used to cheese bosses.

Finally, the creator wants people to figure out the trick to encounters using the hidden cheese I mentioned.

Sekiro needs easy mode AND harder mode.


Git gud

>i don't know what difficulty is best fitting for me anyway, resulting in potential restarts
>if the difficulty can be switched any time, it's even worse, i can never know if a part is supposed to be very hard and requiring learning curve or it's bugged, or whether the progression curve is giving me a message
>multiple difficulty modes result in more AI patterns, which results in more bugfixing required, which takes away dev time, it's not "just add it"
>multiple difficulty modes lead to worse homogenized design, as it's a logical step - once you have something in the game, and it stops being a decision, you really have to maximize the thing most people will play, or it will get reviewbombed for being a bad game conceptually
>there are a billion easy games out there, it's okay that you skip one fucking videogame, you are not that important
>developer vision and decision is what results to high end quality in games
>why would you be okay with a mediocre easy mode when there are games built around easy mode, why are you willing to play mediocre shit that barely works when there is shit tailored for you? ultimately the argument FOR an easy mode is weaker than against.

>harder mode.
Already in

Sekiro's so easy its been beaten by a dude with 1 hand, and a quadrapalegic.
The difficulty helps convey the struggle the protagonist goes through. Difficulty is used as a story telling tool to help the player better relate to the protagonists struggle. Stripping the difficulty is like removing a good chunk of a books exposition.

because in today's onions age if you fail at something it's not your fault and you should be encouraged to be yourself and live in your initial uneducated failure state. it's not that you're wrong, it's just your personality

and this is why half of the first world's gen z has anxiety, depression, no career, no future, and they are spending their time being activists on twitter.

Why does arthouse cinema exist? All movies should be accessible to everyone and there should be an easy version of everything so that I, the most important person in the world, which happens to be a bit retarded, can have access to everything and enjoy anything I want to enjoy in my free time, in my terms. I paid for it with my all-important money and I will not accept this lack of accessibility to my low IQ, reflexes and patience. I SHOULD BE ABLE TO PLAY IT HOW I WANT TO PLAY IT. IT SHOULD BE MADE FOR ME

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If the ending to mass effect 3, as objectively bad as it was, can be defended with "artistic integrity" then FROM can defend it's development style the same way.

They were utterly clear this would be a hard game from the very start. They even coined the term Maso-Game for it. read some fucking interviews

I'm shit at games and still reached and beat SS Isshin in 25 hours.

It's simple: Sekiro's difficulty is literally the point of the game.
>Adapt, overcome, grow as a player.
very few games actually do this. It levels the playing field for everyone. I talked to my workmates over lunch and spent the whol lunchbreak bitching over Swordsaint Ishin Phase 3.
On top of it, the game also gives you the option to go the eas or hard road for a better ending. I finished all 4 possible endings and needed a guide for return.

>Art direction & World design
Look at the levels and how they are designed. You can bitch about FROM and their sometimes bullshit, hacky levels but Sekiro is a very well designed game. Every little jump that you think was an unintended oversight by FROM is probably intentional. I managed to get into the Castle in some obscure way only to have 3 Shinobi WOOOOS jump me because I wasn't paying attention.

>Needing an easy mode
The game is not for everyone. It is basically a litmustest for a player's ability to recognize patterns, prevail and learn from your mistakes.
My GF had a go at this game and she is retarded when it comes to vidya. She gave up after Kuro gave you the sword because she died two times. That's "too difficult" for her. I'm not mad, but we all need to recognize that a big part of consumers and people in general can't into certain things.
For instance: In my comp sci class we have 3 retards that can't into logic. Even after going full common core and explaining loops/if & else to them, they still fucked them up.

Crying for easier acces to shit that is not for you, is not how you should approach things. If you can't handle Sekiro's difficulty, play another game. Don't ruin the fun for everyone else.

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>Give me your best counter argument to easy mode in games like Sekiro
It doesn't have one. Also you can't present a counter argument without a starting argument.

Agreed one hundred percent. People raging about the lack of easy mode or excessive progressive politics are kissless losers. Make your own fucking game or quit whining.

Mass Effect 3's ending was the least of its problems, that's a terrible comparison and the last people you want to emulate are Bioware. Whataboutism is never an argument you dumb fuck.

Sekiro already starts on easy mode. You can select normal mode by ringing the bell and hard mode when you finish the game.

>For instance: In my comp sci class we have 3 retards that can't into logic. Even after going full common core and explaining loops/if & else to them, they still fucked them up.
What are they doing there? I totally believe you, because I saw some cs tards. They generally complained about any difficulty pretty early.

It starts on easy mode, medium is enabled by ringing the bell and hard is bell+chime.

The Ending was a dealbreaker for many people though. I still remember my Playthrough and enjoying the game until you have to attack the Cerberus Stronghold. Then everything went to shit because Bioware wanted to subvert my expectations with a shitty, tacky ending.

Only the endless bitching and retarded fan theories managed to get Bioware to cave and release an updated ending like Dragon Age: Origins, that atleast celebrated your accomplishments instead of:
>Chose a color, lol!

The rest of game was okay. Gay Pilot was annoying and Freddy Prince Junior's tough Bara Marines was surprisingly bro tier. I hate how they bimbofied ashley and whatever the fuck was going on with the Quarians.

I study for my master's degree and I work as a tutor for entry classes. Most people see big dollars in their eyes with a comp sci degree but dismiss the difficulty of getting gut at coding and understanding higher math to pass classes.
These are the same tards that think comparing strings in java with "==" is totally working ist of .compareto().
Luckily our prof. is rather strict and fails about 50% of the class every year because:
>Don't suck, lol!

i enjoy the difficulty in Sekiro because it's well designed enough that every death feels like my fault (except for the ones where the camera zooms through your character and you can't see shit when you get pushed against a wall)

some games are hard just because enemies are bullshit or the mechanics suck and those feel frustrating while Sekiro's difficulty is 'fair'


mfw doing a fresh run with path of hardships and demon bell then challenging lady butterfly

>The rest of game was okay.
No it wasn't, they introduce a deus ex machina not 30 minutes into it. That's the level of storytelling they maintain all the way through.

He's a good prof. There's no point in carrying dead weight for years just for them to realize they won't make it. In math our prof explicitly says he'd remain at a high difficulty because of that. Shit's not get any easier later on, you have to claw yourself up. CS classes and homework were a cakewalk compared to math though.

Why not add a harder mode instead?
Anything that is deemed easy enough for faggot a, may be too hard for faggot b.
Once you begin the cycle of pandering to faggotry, where do you stop?
Do you also pander to faggot c, who wants his game to be more buttrapingly difficult?

Easy mode would just be simple for BAHHHHH faggots:

50% less damage taken
50% more damage dealt


An easy mode wouldn't fix the fundamental flaws in the game design that turn off many players, unless it changes up several mechanics, making it an entirely different game in the first place.

and what are those fundamental flaws in the game design

You mean the fucking kid? Or the dohickey to defeat the reapers?
I dunno, both storythreads went either nowhere, were ill conceived or just horsehsit. Not worse than previous games, just meh.

This. They don't owe anyone a easy mode. I see all the cocksucking clout grasping indie devs advocating for an easy mode, I'd like to see how they handle everyone demanding pointless changes to their own games.

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Godspeed user. I already finished my higher math classes.

This isn't a game where damage dealt and damage taken matters. They'd need to restructure the combat system entirely. This debate is dumb, the game is perfectly fine for people who enjoy From's recent games. Obviously people agree because the game is selling very well despite all the whining from "journalists."



shitters can't handle the truth

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>Not worse than previous games
Yeah, they're certainly worse. It also feels like the dialogue and character interactions took a nosedive, and they made all areas less interactive. Anthem reminded me of what they did with ME3's setting and NPC's.

This, the damage taken and dealt is tuned perfectly and actually forces you to learn the game mechanics.

If they reduced the damage players could just fucking facetank everything and just mash R1 to victory. Deflecting and dodging become much less important when it doesn't matter because the damage is insignificant

Did he get banned for this post? He's absolutely right.

Why does your friend feel like he needs an easy mode? If he doesn't like the game why doesn't he just play something else?

They just want to treat all their customers fairly and make sure everyone gets the same great experience.

You cheated not only the game but yourself.

You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.

You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.

It's sad that you don't know the difference of what true gamers are.

Truth hurts

If you need a feudal Japan game with an easy mode just wait for Ghosts of Surimi or whatever. It looks like a mash Y to win tardfest.

The option for an easy mode is absolutely poisonous to the player mind. When you encounter a challenge, instead of thinking how you might be able to beat it if you focused more or tried a different tactic, you might instead consider "I'll just turn the difficulty down. This is bullshit." Rather than taking the game's obstacles for what they are, you blame the developers for putting the obstacle there. That's not how you enjoy games.

why the fuck would beating a single player game that can EASILY be cheesed give you any bragging rights? The only way you can get bragging rights is playing a competitive game and being in the top 1% or higher. thats it.

Not everyone is a neet to waste time on this i just wanna have fun

People hate failing regardless of the task.

>jumping avoids grabs
laughs in gutshot wounds

there are lots of fun games you can play

yea but 90% of people who beat this game think they accomplished something.

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You have time to waste on video games, you have time to take it slow with them.

Because the new meme is: "everyone must be allowed to do anything everyone else is doing". Doesn't matter what it is and how much practice it takes, everyone must be allowed to do it. Remember that one kid who, even at another kid's birthday party, had to get a present too or he'd freak out? It's that. FOMA gone into overdrive.

If you think it's a waste of your time to get better at a game, you must not want to play it. Play something else.

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Musta struck a nerve or two.

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there's a certain number of patterns that a boss can do, instead of attacking non stop you need to learn what he's going to do, I think my brother was 12 when he finished DS1

Literally git gud

For Sekiro specifically, 'struggle' is a central theme (ashina as a whole, to maintain its position, isshin, against his illness, genichiro, to protect ashina, sculptor, against hatred, and of course wolf 'how many times have you died?'), and the gameplay reflects that. Lowering the difficulty to the point where a middle-aged salaryman has an easy time goes directly against the point of the whole work.

Huh? Crucible was not a deus ex machina, even if it was pretty mediocre plot overall. It didn't come at the last moment and save everyone, it was being built for the entire game.

Devs aren't good enough to make multiple difficulty modes. The real strength of the From Software titles is that they don't have to worry about balancing things for multiple difficulty settings. Only having to worry about one boss health pool and damage output allows them to playlets and fine-tune the fights to be difficult but achievable.

It's just such a silly thing. From games have a learning curve for sure, but we're not talking about some bullshit hard flash game here. Some fights can seem daunting at first, but you work hard enough to learn the fights anyone can do it. Nobody has nailed that specific niche like they have and people want to blow it up because they don't want to put the work in to learn the games.

>Crucible was not a deus ex machina
It was EXACTLY a deus ex machina, introduced at the last chapter to save the day. Don't "huh" me, you retarded piece of shit.

but just play something else. if you don't like it just play something else.

Only if you call the entire last game last chapter, which is idiotic.

Well yeah, it was an ongoing story. Jesus Christ you're obtuse. No wonder why you're fumbling to defend ME3.

When I was a kid we just used a game genie or trainer to make a game easier if we wanted it to be

Don't worry, From is signing a deal with Traveller's tales to make Lego: Sekiro for all the lads complaining about the difficulty. Shit's going to be so cash.

The fun in From Soft games is getting your shit handed to you over and over again until you *trigger warning* get good at the game. That's literally the hook.

Games really not that hard

The problem here is that the combat isn't the only draw to From's more recent games. I don't think I enjoy exploring any other games worlds more than the ones that From makes, and while I may be okay with improving at the game to get past a boss so I can explore the next area, not everyone wants to invest in the game that much just so they are allowed to explore. It also helps that in the Souls games people can level grind and summon if they aren't interested in the boss fights, but want to explore the world.

Removing difficulty from a soulsborniero game is like removing racing from a Forza game. The difficulty (and by that I also mean the nature of the difficulty) is genre-defining. Anyone who thinks any different probably enjoys bland games.


you can't make an good easy mode without completely butchering the gameplay of this game, and why would the dev want people to play an inferior game

I don't really care for ME3, but terms have meanings, and "deus ex machina" doesn't mean "that thing we were working on for the third of the story".

if you like exploring and collecting things but don't like difficult combat there are games for you

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It does mean the thing that comes out at the end and fixes all the plot threads, and guess what, it did. Words do indeed have meanings. The game is so indefensible you're now arguing semantics like a klutz.

git gud friend

That's too easy, Bloodborne is my ideal difficulty personally.

Sekiro is a game where suddenly you'll have an "a-ha" moment after which you realize its not even that hard.

Mash deflect, jump over sweeps, mikiri counter stabs. The only real "skill" comes from learning when it's okay to use roll i-frames.

Game dev time can be better spent on something else than balancing a game mode that actually goes against the basic gameplay loop of the game. For the same reason, you wouldnt add a CS:GO style gameplay mode to DOOM where DOOMguy dies to a single bullet that shot through drywall; even if that was the only difference ("realistic" damage) its fundamentally at odds with the gameplay loop the devs designed-- extremely aggressive play where to get more ammo and health you must kill, and to kill effectively you must be fast and aggressive and exploit weaknesses.

May as well ask why there isnt an easy mode for most Metroid or pokemon games. Grind to get stronk, learn the boss fight, and try again until you get smart, or get lucky.

>Anyone who thinks any different probably enjoys bland games.

The sad part is that people do and this is absolutely part of the problem. Just look at how homogenized a lot AAA games are today. I personally think the entire "Sony exclusive template" thing is a bit unfair, but there's a lot of truth to it as well. I would bet there's a huge overlap between people campaigning for an easy mode in Sekiro and the type of people who play that same game over and over again.


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I'm a shitter that's probably gonna drop the game at Seven Ashina Spears, and honestly I don't see the point in an Easy mode.

The Souls PvE experience has always been about overcoming the challenges and general bullshit the game throws at you. Without that, what would you be playing for? The non-existent narrative? The bland NPCs? Sekiro is about nothing BUT the challenging gameplay, without that the game doesn't have a leg to stand on.

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You will never be good at anything, if everything you do is on 'easy' mode, it feels a lot more rewarding to overcome something difficult, something you struggled with and then finally manage to just push through that barrier, it's why I personally always play all my games on the highest/second highest difficulty available, it's just more fun like that.

When you consider how many people are crying because they can't complete said task, it feels like an accomplishment.
>Wow, look at all these fags crying for an easy mode, and I beat the game!

There's a point where you learn all the mechanics and you can see that the game isn't bullshit, you just have to do the right thing at the right time.

But again, it didn't come "in the end", unless you count the whole of ME3 as an end. It would be deus ex machina if it just appeared in the last battle out of nowhere, but it didn't.

It is semantics, but I enjoy arguing semantics.

The design philosophy behind Sekiro, Bloodborne, and the Souls games is an old one that relies on players learning from their mistakes so they are better prepared to handle new mechanics and tougher challenges later on. Adding easy modes would not only break these games and deprive less-skilled players the satisfaction of overcoming a challenge, but also damage the industry as a whole.

Imagine if every developer was required to spend time, money, and manpower destroying their initial visions by making sure their latest releases were so easy that even a toddler could play them. Casuals would be so spoiled from "beating" these games that they'll expect the next one to be even easier and, if it's not, complain endlessly unless the developers pacify them with a patch. It wouldn't be long before homogenization caused even remotely challenging games to go extinct.

Video games are just as accessible as any other form of media. The only things keeping casuals from playing are their defeatist attitudes, self-imposed inexperience, and lame excuses. Harder games having a "barrier of entry" is a myth perpetuated by those that have no faith in themselves and people who insist "gatekeeping" is a major problem fail to understand that others telling them to "git gud" aren't necessarily doing it out of spite.

If there's one thing predictable reactions to games like this prove, it's that there are genuinely entitled "gamers" out there who simply can't stand being left out. Everything can't appeal to everyone. The hours these people have spent begging for easy modes online could've been used to practice whichever part of the game was giving them so much trouble OR look for a new game to play instead. With the sheer number of shallow narrative-centric slogs to choose from these days, casuals have more options than ever before.

No one should seriously expect to beat every game they buy simply because they picked up the controller. If you aren't dying, the devs ain't trying.

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the only acceptable way to make an easy mode is if the game directly tells you that you're a shitter for using it like ninja gaiden black

The developers wanted the game to be rewarding. This is the main reason Sekiro is highly regarded by pretty much everyone who isn't shitposting.
The feeling of finally beating the sword saint was the best thing I've experienced in a video game in ages. I literally threw my hands up in the air like an autistic manchild and pumped my fists to the sky several times shouting "YES YES YES".
If the game was easy, you would only have the story to enjoy and the cool animations which is all pretty good in a sense, but not really why you're playing.
The difficulty is the spirit of the game. Hesitation is defeat. You literally cannot let up against Isshin. If you take time to even heal then you are basically losing progress in the fight, nullifying your efforts up to that point because his posture recovers so fast and his health bar is so massive.
This is thematic difficulty, not just padding to make it "lol so hard".

If From Software doesn't want to implement an easier difficulty, they don't have to take shit from """"journalists""""" about the topic, or your shitter friend.

>Any fucktard can beat the game if they try enough
Except journalists.

>If the ending to mass effect 3, as objectively bad as it was, can be defended with "artistic integrity" then FROM can defend it's development style the same way.
THIS. The same can be said for any and all games featuring cute girls as well.

>unless you count the whole of ME3 as an end
It was the final act, the last third, the endgame. I struggle to understand how you'd see it as something else. It was a magical device introduced nowhere else that resolved the story.
It is a Deus Ex Machina by any definition you'd like to use.

"Trying" is the keyword there, you fucking dingus.

You all fucking retards need to apply yourself, if you can't hold your liquor, then do not fucking drink it.

easy mode is against of fromsoftwares core values on making game that give feeling of accomplishment.

yep. i'm not a fan of any game that thinks it needs to listen to "community input". it's From's vision. asking for it to be compromised is disrespectful.

their games ask more of you, that's precisely what makes them rewarding and memorable.

There are already millions of gaga booboo video games that they can play with their baby hands. It's like saying learning an instrument should have an easy mode.


>easy mode in games like Sekiro
it defeats the whole point of the game. You're supposed to get your ass beat multiple times until you get good enough to conquer a boss on your own. That feeling when you have a close fight and you finally beat the shit out of a dickhead boss that's been wrecking your ass is the whole fucking point of any of the souls games. If it's easy and you can just casually jaunt through the game there's no reason to play any of those shitty games.

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easymode actually make games feel bad, sometime its about investment you put into game, nu god of war would be good example, the game has actually one of them most challenging difficulties that turn game relly fucking good, but who gives a fuck when anybody can beat it on le moviegame difficulty.

You shouldn't be able to change the difficulty on the fly anyway. You start the game on hard, it stays on hard until the end, period.

The game isn't even that hard once you learn the basic of how to play the game.
The first step is learning about perfect deflections (watching enemy attack animations and when to press the guard button) and when to jump over or mikiri counter a red danger sign attack. The game lack of in-depth tutorial might make the first step harder for some people to grasp, but it should come to them naturally the more you play the game.
Second step is probably the most important part, which is learning about enemy move sets so you can expect what to do or what you can expect from the enemy's attack patterns and when you can attack them in between their attack animations. This does require some repetition since there's no way for someone to instantly recognize and react to every enemy attack patterns in one battle.
So with enough pattern recognition you can eventually deflect, avoid and counter all the enemy move sets, which makes it immensely satisfying once everything clicks.
In case of shitters who are too blinded on what to do because they haven't mastered the first step or are blind and unable to recognize attack patterns, the "easy mode" comes from watching someone else do the boss battle flawlessly and just copy the same strategy to beat the enemy to a pulp. If you still fail even after learning how to deal with enemy attack patterns after watching someone else do it flawlessly, then there's truly no way to salvage the situation and they're just shit at video games.

>yep. i'm not a fan of any game that thinks it needs to listen to "community input".
it actually makes a lot of sense for balance and features in multiplayer games. the trick is not to overcorrect things.

Cheat engine exists. If they want to make the game they spent money on worse for themselves they can do.

here's the thing that irks me about all blog posts and comments calling for easy mode; they refer to it as an 'accessibility' issue. the term normally used for accommodating disabled people to help make their quality of life better. They are equating their being shit at a video game to the struggles of actually physically disabled people.

Part of the charm of the game is the challenge, if the game had an easy mode you wouldn't get to enjoy the challenge, it's like having decaffeinated coffee

The developer of the game don't want you to drink decaffeinated coffee so either gulp that black shit or find a different coffee shop

They don't want to call it cheating.

if you don't want to play the game as intended just watch a youtube video of the game

That's too bad

That's not an argument though. Nobody is saying every game NEEDS to be accessible to everyone, they are saying that it's better if they are. You could at least pretend like you're trying to argue in good faith rather than just circle jerking with people who already agree with you

I actually think Sekiro should have an easy mode but with few caveats:

1. It's unlocked by dying too much, and you can opt then thereafter. You can't opt out once in however. The message prompting you to enter easy mode should be demeaning. Like a much more harsh feeling of unlocking Easy in DMC.
2. Your character is forced to wear stupid looking accessories like in ninja gaiden. Maybe make the character naked except for briefs.
3. All enemies instantly die in 1 hit, you get infinite revives.
4. The game ends after beating genichiro - you don't get to go to fountainhead and do the rest of the game from there.

this would be ok exept i want to play naked on hardmode too.

It already has an easy mode bro.

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>They are equating their being shit at a video game to the struggles of actually physically disabled people.
This. Journalists assume disabled people need just as much help playing vidya as they do. Anyone suffering from a disability has likely overcome far greater challenges than Sekiro for Christ's sake.

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>go to resetera
>at least half the people have the same opinion as this guy but they make it in a more friendly manner
Yea Forums shouldn't believe screenshots.

>>go to res_etera
And stay there, please

Because "the endgame" and "the last third" are very different things in my mind. What is Deus Ex Machina? It is sudden ending made possible by outside force that didn't appear in the plot before. But Crucible is not that. First the plans for it are found on Mars, then through the course of the game it is being built, and Shepard contributes to that building, and then at the very end it is used, and the shitty ending ensues. But it doesn't come out of nowhere in that ending.

In the Greek tragedy, it wouldn't be god appearing out of nowhere and saving the hero, it's a god appearing and saving after hero was advised by the Oracle to start sacrificing and continuing to do so even through the dark times, and the hero doing so. It may be pretty meh plot device, but it's not a Deus Ex Machina.

The game already comes with easy mode, you just have to watch someone else do a flawless boss fight and copy their strategy. (i.e. repeated side step then attacking for Lady Butterfly, the perfect deflect timing for centipede man, Genichiro or Isshin's long combo attack etc.)
Granted doing something like this immensely removes the fun and satisfaction of winning against the boss fight, similar to googling a puzzle solution for a puzzle game.

If you still can't beat the boss after knowing how to counter all the boss's move sets then you're just fundamentally shit at video games and you have to git gud.

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Shit that would actually be pretty fun. Gimme Lego Dark Souls and Lego Armored Core and we’re set.

they can watch it on youtube. there's a million billion games out there with poor accessibility option, but this one is somewhat difficult so these overpaid fags throw a shit fit. they are literally using disabled people as a shield, is a 100% correct.

I don't like classical music. Why isn't there an optional dubstep soundtrack for every flick?

Do you really believe you accomplished anything by having a baby? wow one meatbag copied another, big whoop.
Do you really believe you accomplished anything by making a billion dollar business? Woah you fooled some idiots in capitalistic machine, great job!
Do you really believe you accomplished anything by writing a great piece of music/conquering half a world/making a scientific discovery? Universe is billions years old, it's all ultimately meaningless!

There is too much shaming for feeling accomplishment, I don't believe something like beating a game should be wildly celebrated but there is nothing overtly wrong about feeling personal accomplishment and sharing it with some people that are close to you. An argument can be made for keeping accomplishment in some special category for "real life accomplishments" but again good luck making it an "objective" accomplishment, if you share something publicly people are bound to belittle it in some way. Personally i believe "big stuff" has it's own special aftertaste so you don't have to specifically deny small feelings of accomplishment to yourself, from painting a shitty picture that is somewhat less shitty than the one you painted before to beating a challenging videogame, not even because it makes you somewhat special but because the game was worth of beating .

Based longposter
I feel like nobody ever reads or replies to the most well thought out replies, full of actual truths, on this website.

Clearly why he was banned and they weren't. It's not rocket science.

What about hard mode?
Autists need their hard games.

>all these privileged white reviewers that think they know adversity get mad because they suck at their easy job that requires them to play video games all day

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The game does not have modes, why would it have a easy without a hard mode? The reputation of fromsoft is they make difficult games now, EVERYONE knows this yet all these babies are buying sekiro expecting their 10 year old to be able to beat it flawlessly then complaining it needs a fucking easy mode rather then learning the game.

Go back and stay there.

Look, I think all these arguments against easy modes are fine, and I agree with them, but let's be honest - they're not going to convince a casual or a shitter or a SJW. They'll take one look, be convinced you're being an "elitist gatekeeper," and not give a shit about anything you say for the sake of "Accessibility." Oh those poor blind kids who can't play Sekiro need an easy mode blah blah.

If you want to TRULY, TRULY shut those fucks up, you have to be smart. Use an argument that stems from THEIR position.

For example, you could argue that an easy mode actually reduces accessibility in games. Change the perspective. What is Sekiro really about? Feeling like a god and beating bosses with ease, or the pain and frustration of losing, over and over, and the joy of improvement to surpass an impossible challenge? Obviously the latter. In that sense, dying over and over and being frustrated - that's the developer's intent. Anyone can access that feeling of despair and anger and controller throwing. If you add an easy mode, ironically people wouldn't be able to access that intended masochism. Therefore, Easy Modes in Sekiro would actually decrease how accessible the game's intended engagement is.

I wonder what the Game Journo rebuttal to that would be. Probably not very convincing, but this is how you win an argument with someone that doesn't see things your way. You have to start from their worldview.

i guess we need to ban all sports and outdoor activities because disabled people cant participate

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>Hiding behind Disabled people
There's this disabled dude I follow on twitter and he plays the game just fine.

But a lot of journalists played and finished the game. Most of the mainstreams sites had people get good and liked it a lot. It is a small minority of shitter journalists and people who are really bad at games who are pushing this. They are a small minority.

Asking for an easy mode in a From Software game is like asking for a taco at McDonalds

There is a hard mode in Sekiro, but you're right that it doesn't really need an easy mode. There's a bit of dissonance between the difficulty of the bosses compared to the rest of the game though. Some bosses could be a bit easier, and the world in general definitely needs to be harder.

You'll never shut them up. Even if they bowed down and handed them an easy mode very soon after you'll see articles like

"Toxic gamers make fun of me for beating sekiro on easy mode and it's a bad thing."

This isn't entirely true, in an interview miyazaki mentioned that they worked together with activision in a couple areas, but, astoundingly to me, activision was mostly happy with everything from had shown them and didn't feel they had to mettle too much.
Miyazaki also went on to mention that activision helped them out the most in the beginning of the game, implementing tutorials and shit to make a smoother entry and give you the knowledge they felt you needed to be successfully.
Consider that fucking ACTIVISION of all companies gave this game the green light, and thought the difficulty was perfect and didn't think they needed two modes. All the people bitching like to play video games than the fucking shlubby jews that work at Activision, and that should say something.


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Same. *plays 100 hours of FIFA and CSGO*

A lot of the bosses are piss easy; horse guy, Genichiro, divine dragon, corrupted monk, lady butterfly. Some of the mini-bosses are really hard though, especially for when they appear in the game. Mobs are super easy though.

Activision knew the power of Fromdrones chugging every chunk of From's diarrhea no matter what

this, white people are the manure of humanity

this is such a stupid argument
if video games are such a waste of time then dont play them

>reee add an easy mode nooow you fucking shits i wont eat your diarrhea unless you make it easier for me!!

Why are you "running out of things to say"? You don't want it, thats why you are trying to convince him. The reason why you don't want it is the argument.

Jesus Christ some people struggle with the simplest of things.

Just explain that when people are telling them git gud, it's not an insult or attempt at gate keeping. I don't know a single person who doesn't want people to like/love this game. Git gud is encouragement. You can do it, I believe in you.
This game is about bonding with people over hard times. Even these pissy ass arguments about adding an easy mode is working towards that goal. People are engaging each other in discussing a difficult game. The people asking for easy mode are asking to be hurt by the developer. they don't want to join the conversation, they want to sit alone and not interact. Everyone else is having a great time asking how do I beat guardian ape, or what's the purpose of the fan, or genichiro is a bastard.

Activition knows that a sliver of people playing it are bitching about no easy mode and some journalists from literally who sites aren't their market. Remember, most of the big gaming sites love the game as is.

I actually beat the game and loved it. I just made that post to be a dick. I don't know why

>There are people in this thread who think disabled shouldn't be able to play

You're both wrong. Fuck easy mode. They should be pushing hardware makers for better hardware for disabled people to play with us on equal measure. Not pushing an easy mode on a game that doesn't want one nor forgetting about disabled people completely

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>If you add an easy mode, ironically people wouldn't be able to access that intended masochism.
I can't for the life of me find the article, so forgive the incoming vagueness. Game Informer published an editorial a few years ago written by someone suffering from some sort of physical disability who said the reason he liked hard games was because they were one of the few things in his limited life he could actually overcome.

or just kill the disabled

No one is entitled to enjoy every piece of entertainment ever made.

If that's the case we should kill you too.

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Because adding an easy mode ruins the whole fucking point and he should fuck off and find another game to play.

I don't think people think that highly of competitive players either though... Also they smell bad

Goal of the game is for every player to have the same experience, that includes difficulty. People with disabilities can use cheats/mod, that way they can adjust for how severe their disability is.

if you don't have brain damage or sub 100iq, you should be able to git gud.

>Every site is release an article about easy mode and being for it
>Every single one

This is the worst thing about every singe one of these sites being in cahoots with each other. You can tell they're just working together to push their stupid narrative.

How to beat Isshin guys? I find deflecting him not that hard but my posture meter is almost at 100% if I do one wrong and if I do a second block he will just slash me to death

>1000s of games don't support disabled people at all and the ones that do barely do
>almost all support up to this point has been hardware related since it is harder to do at the software level
>the one recent, popular game that has a learning curve and is hard at first is when we should be up in arms about disabled people
>the way people want it changed happens to be in the way that would make it easier for them too
It's all so tiresome. I would give the argument more credibility if it didn't feel so disingenuous. I don't mind trying to help disabled people, I just don't want to help people who are using disabled people because they are mad that they are bad at a game.

Because some games have stories that you might want to experience without getting stuck on a challenge. Those games can have easy mode, whatever, I don't care.

But in games like Sekiro, there is no real story. The only reason to play the game is the gameplay, and to experience the difficulty that the developers of the game intended. To overcome the challenges and to find a kind of camaraderie with fellow fans who have overcome the same challenges that you have, or to share tips and tricks with those who haven't. You don't gain anything by adding an easy mode to games like Sekiro - you just ruin the experience. You breeze through the game wondering what the point even playing it was, because if Sekiro had an easy mode it would be short, unfulfilling and have a lackluster story. It would ruin any sense of community you have with fellow fans of the game, because you know that some of them didn't beat it fairly like you did, they just cheesed through it and found all the secrets that you had to work your fucking arse off for. You had to prove yourself worthy of them, because the game didn't just give them to you.

It's the same concept as how the military are lowering standards so that weaker people and women can join. You're just watering down what it fucking means to join the military by doing that, you're opening it up to people who don't belong there and by rights shouldn't be there if they can't pass it fairly like a real soldier did. Maybe the military, maybe games like Sekiro, simply aren't for you. And that's fine, but stop trying to ruin them for the rest of us.

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Back off and hold block to recover posture. You recover much faster than him, unless he's still >75% health in which case you need to do more damage first.

I think the bigger issue is people refusing to learn. If you die on a boss repeatedly with the same strat then you're the problem, not the boss. I almost dropped this game until I went into a boss aggressive as fuck and sort of deflecting more on hope than actually knowing when and I started tearing through the game. The game punishes those who don't want to adapt to the playstle it's trying to funnel you into. Now I understand not enjoying being funneled into certain tactics but that doesn't mean the game is too hard it just means people refuse to change how they play.

wtf I beat the entire game not realizing that holding block recovered posture faster

I don't see a reason why they couldn't include a curse that makes you stronger and locks you into a bad end.

Yeah, I think it's in a loading screen tip or something? I don't remember if the game ever explicitly says it or not, I personally figured it out on accident. It's basically the exact opposite of the way it works in the other Souls games.

it tells you in the loading screen tips but those only show for like 1 second for me since the game loads so fast

please do

That would be interesting. Let you fight and kill friendly NPCs for attack power upgrades, but if you do it you get locked into the Shura ending.

Pretty sure the game tells you about it in one of the pop-ups. Either way you just failed to read the instructions.

Eugenics should be a thing

if you play with a controller and not kb+m you're already playing easy mode

It’s crazy how much disabled peopke have been brought up in this discussion. Literally a fucking shield to hide behind how shit people are at games.

It’s so funny how people think this is a debate like it’s going to change anything when this is all that matters. I can imagine smug journalists approaching FROM saying ‘we’ve finally decided, there is no argument against adding an easy mode’ and FROM are just like ‘who are you and what are you even talking about’

Can you kill NPCs? If so can NPCs be resurrected? I heard dragon rot just makes people sick but they never die.

it would just spoil a good chunk of the gameplay, also a paraplegic guy managed to beat Sekiro, if he can a brain damaged game "journalist" has no excuses


On January 28, 1986, the NASA shuttle orbiter mission STS-51-L and the tenth flight of Space Shuttle Challenger (OV-99) broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members, which consisted of five NASA astronauts, one payload specialist and a civilian school teacher. The spacecraft disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 11:39 a.m. EST (16:39 UTC). The disintegration of the vehicle began after a joint in its right solid rocket booster (SRB) failed at liftoff. The failure was caused by the failure of O-ring seals used in the joint that were not designed to handle the unusually cold conditions that existed at this launch. The seals' failure caused a breach in the SRB joint, allowing pressurized burning gas from within the solid rocket motor to reach the outside and impinge upon the adjacent SRB aft field joint attachment hardware and external fuel tank. This led to the separation of the right-hand SRB's aft field joint attachment and the structural failure of the external tank. Aerodynamic forces broke up the orbiter.
>but the software engineers who made my $50 video game are perfect and the game is flawless git gud

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You don’t even have to beat seven spears, just move on.

Well I managed just fine without it.

Sekiro already has an easy, medium, and hard mode.

You start in easy mode and can dynamically opt into medium or hard by ringing the bell demon's shrine bell and/or returning Kuro's Charm.

What else does your friend want?

but everyone is playing it and i don't want to be left out :(

>There is an easy mode
Stop making stupid claims like this. There's normal, hard, harder

I have only seen a handful from fringe sites. The ones writing these pieces aren't even the ones reviewing the game for the site anyways.

>There's normal, hard, harder
>Not easiest, easier and easy

Explain the relative difference. There are three modes. One is harder than the others. One is easier than the others. One is in the middle.

None of the actual difficulty modes are easy user. There's no easy version of the game. I also think there shouldn't be an easy mode but your argument against it is stupid and easily counter pointed.

>There's no easy version of the game
Prosthetics trivialize the game.

Difficulty options and accessibility options are separate, you can see this in a lot of games that have separate difficulty sliders/options to accessibility settings for people with auditory, visual and motor disabilities, so demanding easy mode for people with disabilities is retarded, they should be demanding accessibility options instead, difficulty has nothing to do with it.

>IGN, Polygon, Kotaku, PC Gamer, Gamespot

These are unfortunately not fringe sites user.

Not for most user players even still user. The average faggot is not nearly as good as games as you think. I think I'm terrible at games and I still stomp most retards at random tournaments of games I've never played at my community college.

Demanding a game have easy mode is like demanding all copies of Shakespeare include "No Fear Shakespeare." You ought to feel embarrassed for even thinking it.

>your argument against it is stupid and easily counter pointed.
I mean only in the eyes of stupid people it seems.

The game is easy for me, that makes the mode easy right? It's easy for everyone I know that's playing it.

How about this, make a SINGLE suggestion in regards to what it would take to implement, in your opinion, and "easy mode" in Sekiro.

Not an argument

Chad Tolstoy War and Peace vs virgin Toltsoy War and Peace abridged.

Are we sure these aren't blogposts from the resident twitter addicted oppie? Those sites praised the game in an official manner and had plenty of good things to say about the difficulty.

Your argument is that there is an easy mode and my response is that for the average player that's not fucking true. Get out of your bubble.

And stop strawmanning me. I don't want an easy mode. I just think your argument is horrible and based off anecdote.

Easy, medium and hard are based off the average person. Not the people like us who have played games since they were kids and consider ourselves hobbyists.

As a former game journo, different writers have different takes and it's absolutely not uncommon to see contradictory opinion pieces on the same site. IGN/Polygon/Kotaku could easily have both articles that say Sekrio is great, and that it needs an easy mode.

>It's simple: Sekiro's difficulty is literally the point of the game.
Fuck that nazi propaganda gib easy mode.

>all these devs and journalists trying to make it seem okay to cheat in games
What the fuck happened to the industry? Not even being ironic, but I doubt half of these journalists are actual gamers. Where did all the gaming journalists go?

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I don't think they allow that when there's even a small amount of politics involved.

Failed news journalists and failed screenwriters. They all ended up in the gaming industry because this industry has no standards.

Devs don't have any obligation to hand out the reward of progress to people that don't like their game enough to put in some time in the first place.

Look everyone. I'm all about riding From Software's dick. I really absolutely love their games. But please. Limit yourselves to five threads for fucks sake. This is smash tier.

here's irl Locke showing how it's done

I'm being a bit of a shit poster, but here, if you like I can explain the actual problem with "easy modes".

Stance 1) Artists can make the art they want. If a dev wants to implement one mode with no options for reducing challenge, then that's on them. Forcing them to make changes to challenge might undermine the experience they're trying to craft and we have no authority to -demand- they make accommodations.

Stance 2) Games that are too challenging exclude people that can't perform at the level required to beat them. This includes: People with poor hand-eye coordination or people that might panic during moments of high intensity (these are just the "bad" players), but also players that have physical disabilities, chronic diseases, or other life limitations. These are people that would otherwise be able to play the game, but due to circumstances outside their control, can't (like if you or I were in a car accident, lost a hand, and could no longer play From games). Game Devs have an obligation to include easier game modes so these people can experience the same game the rest of us can.

My sarcasm was say that point 2 is flawed, because "easy" is relative. Your response relies on some fake make-believe definition of "average player". That is a meaningless statement because there is literally not a single metric or data point that says what the "average" player can do.

If you add an easy mode that just reduces enemy health by 50%, what about players that can't hear audio cues? Or what about players with MS that can't use conventional controllers? That "easy mode" doesn't change the game experience for them at all. What about seeing impaired players? There is no end. "How easy is acceptably easy" is not only impossible to measure, but it's impossible to define because you could keep using worse and worse players as your reference point. Thus, stance 1 is the only solution. Devs make the game they want to make.

>t. former journo current AAA dev

The game isnt even that hard just learn to deflect bro

>Sekiro thread
"Can you guys limit yourselves to 5 threads?"
>Posts links to Bloodborne threads


Make an easy mode but you can only get the Shura ending because being able to kill things is too easy

That's... kind of genius.
Great integration of gameplay and story context.

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The final boss took me hours to defeat, the feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment that comes from beating something that initially felt impossible is one of the best videogame related feelings imaginable.

Ever see that normie comedy Daddy's Home 2? Think of the bowling scene with based Mel Gibson.

it's stupid, it's one of those things like getting up early. reasonably easy but provides a sense of accomplishment. like someone saying it takes them an hour to get to work. enduring these tortures lets people feel good about themselves. the real problem is that these minor accomplishments are usually only needed by rather unaccomplished people!

Make an easy mode, but sell it on a separate disk that only has that one mode. A "spectators edition" if you will.

Disabled people are better at Sekiro than game journos

I already said
>I don't want an easy mode
Also your metric of the average player has the same no data behind it but I still feel my view of the average player might be more accurate especially considering the average person a dev might hang out with.

Have you ever tried to be in a tournament in a college? Most people suck man. I'm not even good at video games as a hobbyist and I beat most people. Most know nothing of other games than the AAAs.

I agree with you though there is nothing FROM SOFTWARE can do. This shit should have been pushed towards hardware makers but there is an obvious disingenuous argument going on by people using disabled to try to get games they have to play easier. They're not thinking of the disabled, they're actually feigning caring to satisfy their selfishness.

The Xbox Adaptive Controller is legitimately tight as fuck, and I push for getting them to our testers all the time.

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It's already easy

I can do Orphan of Kos no hits Level 1 but I can't beat Isshin

Isshin actually wasnt that hard. Especially in his 3rd phase where you can repel his lighting and shock him a bunch


If you're running out of things then nothing is going to change your shitter friends minds.

>there is an obvious disingenuous argument going on by people using disabled to try to get games they have to play easier.
I disagree. They're not disingenuous, they're just dumb. They don't know the best way to accommodate disabled players, but they do want to.

>your metric of the average player has the same no data behind it
You misunderstood my entire point then. I'm saying there IS no concrete global definition of an average player. Two people could kick and scream that they want Sekiro to have an easy mode, From could implement one, and one of those people might be satisfied while the other isn't because they don't have the same idea of "easy".

Yes, as someone that's been gaming since 1990, I'm probably better at games like Sekiro than zoomers that only play cookie clicker phone apps. Or housewives that only play farmville. That's sorta beside the point. It's IMPOSSIBLE to dev a game with an objective reference point for how easy and easy mode ought to be. The way it works in our office, is we just have some of the artists play and if they get blown out, the designers tune things down. It's all just eye-balling with the personnel we have and we make a best-guess based on how wide of an appeal we want. If your business decision is to aim to incorporate more casual players, then you make the game easier, but it's still just shots in the dark.

I'm a total shitter at From games. I haven't beaten nameless king, demon prince, I rage quit ds2 at the spider thing, and I haven't beaten orphan or gerhman. I summoned when I could.

I love Sekiro. It took me literally 50 tries to beat genichiro, and now I'm stuck at the ghost monk. Other games, I can chew through the content without savoring them, but From games make you take them at a slow casual pace. it's meditative.

I don't want an easy mode because I cheat to the maximum, i have no self control.

>I don't want an easy mode because I cheat to the maximum, i have no self control.
While this right here is a huge crux of many anti-easy-mode-arguments, this whole post reeks of false flagging....

wtf based

It costs time and money to rebalance the whole game in order to cater to a vocal minority

Some of the people arguing for an easy mode in Sekiro aren’t just doing it because they refuse to unlearn or adjust their normal play habits. As frequent Kotaku contributor GB “Doc” Burford has written, players who suffer from chronic pain or significant physical disability can find the skill threshold in From games wholly insurmountable. “With my chronic pain and fatigue issues,” Burford writes, “rapidly mashing buttons in games like Bayonetta or God of War can be physically draining,” and the die-and-repeat rhythm that FromSoft bosses like Bloodborne’s Father Gasciogne demand causes tremendous pain to accrue in his hand.

I myself deal with occasional chronic pain that’s only alleviated by a brace. When I put it on, I am ten percent clumsier with a controller, making Sekiro ten percent harder. Can I rise to meet that extra ten percent? Maybe. Should I be expected to? That’s a different question. Some people with disabilities may not need adjustments, but that’s exactly the point: “Hard” means different things to different people.

An easy mode can also offer an entirely different but equally desirable experience. To some, it could be the secret to making a game like Wolfenstein: The New Colossus go from “hardcore old-school shooter” that turns them off to “ridiculously apt Terror-Billy simulator” that brings them along for the ride. A concession on difficulty can lead to you discovering all sorts of things you might not otherwise appreciate in a game.

It wasn't even that unfriendly. What, did he need to wrap it in bubble wrap?

The game is balanced around the base difficulty, anything other than that requires additional testing teams, QA, bugfixing and most importantly, dev time.

There are six billion casual games for these people. You don't see people with no arms complaining Basketball is ableist because it needs arms to play. You don't see legless people complaining about Car Racing, but you see fully disabled people being used as shields from literally whos as a reason to casualize the only AAA franchise right now that doesn't appeal to them.

But if you can play basketball with no legs at the Paralympics, why can't I play Sekiro on easy mode?

It isnt difficult on accident.

Has it ever occured to you that the tough gameplay is a part of the worldbuilding?

Attached: 1543141428424.jpg (247x247, 15K)

Let's pretend for a moment that Sekiro does get an easy mode.
But, it reduces damage the enemies deal to you by 5% and that's it, no other changes.
How buttblasted do you think journos would get?

this is addressed by

Stop communications with your "friend", retard.

I've beaten the game yesterday and got the return ending. I'm not good at reflex based games usually. I finished all souls game but took my sweet time and summoned at certain bosses.

My point is anyone can beat the game because its core mechanics and boss fights make you truly learn how to beat it. It's one of the only game that actively and subtly teaches you small step by small step how to master it. At the end of the game I felt like a true shinobi playing.

This kind of experience won't happen with an easy mode.

I think it is really shitty how people use disabled people or the mentally ill to push an agenda or virtue signal. Like the misfortune are accessories to look good and tools otherwise. It is really dehumanizing.

I'll add that the true experience of the game is completely relying on its difficulty. It's not an elitist mindset, it's just the way it's designed to give fun.

nope, absolutely sincere

default game already is easy mode

The game already gives you a free res (or more if you kill in the meantime or have the items), how more casul do you want it to be

>harder mode
there are two harder modes in the game already, one that you can unlock from the start with the demon bell and the other you can unlock after you beat the game with kuro's charm

>(Miyazaki) says that as Sekiro is different from Dark Souls, players may first find it to be difficult, but as they learn new ways of fighting and new tactics and get better, they should feel the pleasure of getting better, which is part of their usual unchanging theme of gaining catharsis through overcoming hardship
>The interviewer says that boss battles are especially difficult, and to this Miyazaki says that this should result in great feelings of accomplishment when players manage to defeat them, saying that when they were playtesting the game, people would yell out in glee when defeating a boss.

Tell him to not be a fucking retard that buys games focused on hard gameplay if he doesn't like games focused on hard gameplay.

all the people replying to this better not be the ones complaining about devs putting women and black people in historical war games

How do I beat Mist Noble??!!

Sekiro already has an easy mode in the game if the player needs it

Attached: loaded_umbrella-upgrade-material-sekiro-wiki-guide.png (256x256, 36K)

didn't use this at all until the red eyed iaido dude and holy fuck is it op

hang yourself holy fuck