Is Sekiro the only From game that doesn't have theie obligatory shitty level(s)?

Is Sekiro the only From game that doesn't have theie obligatory shitty level(s)?
>Valley of Defilement
>Blighttown and everything after Anor Londo
>poison swamp and catacombs
>forbidden woods, Yahar'gul after Rom and Mensis nightmare

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>poison swamps are okay when Sekiro does it


A Smash thread died for this.

I love Sekiro but Sunken Valley is fucking trash. At least it's somewhat short.

Yes, Sekiro is peak of From games.

Fountainhead Palace is a pain with all those flute fags.

sekiros poison swamp is okay because you can pretty much skip it with grappling hook


I like the cut of your jib.

I hate the kickball chicks more honestly.

Those guys die in like 2 shuriken hits...

You can jump and have a grapling hook.

Sunken Valley was fun though, what didn't you like about it?

They die in 2 hits and you can mid-air deathblow them easily

>Fountainhead Palace

Sekiro's poison swamp was super short and you can grapple around it.
I think From is starting to understand that people hate their swamps desu

Gun Fort

One of then is literally one room and the other is optional, plus you can jump and have a grappling hook

The forest is shit though, at least up to the mist noble. Mibu village is okay, but the bit up to that is just standard shitty Souls forest.

>he doesn't like the only challenging area in the game where you actually have to be stealty

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Umbrella exists

Everything in Sekiro is obligatory shitty

It's top comfy sneaking around and going for a dip.

by that I meant you can actually die and have nowhere to run to drop aggro like in every other area.

But you can run away from them just like any other area.

One of the best areas in the game.

Not really, it's great the first time for it's FUCK FUCK FUCK moments, but once you do it once it becomes a breeze and pretty meh.

>it's great the first time for it's FUCK FUCK FUCK moments, but once you do it once it becomes a breeze
That's literally every Soulsbornekiro area.

only if you know where to run/you can't get on the roof. I assume we're talking about palace building not all area.

>I assume we're talking about palace building not all area
Oh sorry, I assumed the opposite.

please don't tell me this is gonna become a common term

You can literally hop out of the poison swamps in Sekiro so it isn't even an issue. Makes you wonder why the even bothered beyond it being a tradition at this point.

i found the fighting samurai more annoying desu. they both forget they wanna kill each other and just go after you.

You're right, Soulkiroborne rolls off the tounge better.

Was that supposed to make anyone feel bad? Feels like a very good thing.

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lmfao what are you talking about? literally just turn around and head back the way you came until they stop following you. there's enough buildings to hide behind

None of Sekiro's levels were particularly memorable.

The only memorable level was Ashina Castle with the amount of back tracking. Kind of hard to forget when you have to go back a few times.

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Nothing wrong with 5-1 from DeS (except for the boss), but I agree that 5-2 is quite bad.

the back tracking is killing me desu, im looking for kuro after the attack. i loved senpou temple and i loved ashina castle when you first get there. it has a brilliant sense of scale.

What's wrong with the catacombs of Carthus? It was pretty fine, maybe a bit short