Greedy devs, or incompetet ones?
What's worse, when it comes to bad vidya?
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A retarded consumer base that doesn't demand quality.
How about both?
Greedy Incompetent devs but if I had to pick one, greedy devs. With incompetent devs I can at least bullshit that they wanted to make a good product in earnest.
Thread closed
Greedy easy
I really dont see why I or anyone who doesnt have a direct role in coding the game is suppose to give a fuck how many difference instances of Lillie there are.
If im a video game progammer then my answer might change, but like most people, I'm not.
Greedy ones because they knowingly fuck you over instead of being, well, incompetent, and having the potential to do better in the future, they'll just get worse instead
H-how many Lilies does that make in total?
I hate them both equally.
>pokemon fan
An established studio making entry level mistakes is sure as hell a bad sign, I don't see why the consumer is supposed to ignore bad optimization
Why do you think the early 8th gen games ran at 20fps when the 3D was on
Greedy. Incompetent devs might actually give you something good, purely by accident. Or make a good jumping off point for modders to fix and improve. Greedy devs just try to fuck you every time.
>pokemon is in hanhelds
>graphics aren't everything you know. If the game is fun then it doesn't matter
>pokemon is in home console*
>waaaah why doesn't sword/shield have an open overworld and a free camera?
Quality of code is irrelevant for consumer. Duplicated files mean nothing, because the game is sold on the cart.
When the game was limited to handheld, it had the excuse/reasoning to maintain its sprite era and reiterate on the gameplay mechanics and content itself (neither of which were pursued after Gen 5).
Now that the game is on a piece of hardware that is far more capable, has a docked form for higher specs, and has been shown to be capable of displaying reasonably high fidelity graphics (Xenoblade Chronicles, Odyssey, BotW), Gamefreak loses any excuse to not improve their 3D graphics that they're so insistent on pushing for. Not saying that shouldn't still focus on gameplay, but now there's less reason to accept the current 3D shown on Sword/Shield.
The annualization of the games + the jump to 3d from devs with inexperience is the maim reason every game that came after b2w2 has been mediocre at worst and ok at best
There is no bad mainline Pokémon game though
It’s all nitpicks from people who want ALL REGIONS MMO
How smooth the game runs does affect the experience, and the game size does affect people buying digitally
I haven't bought a pokemon game since the abomination that was B/W
ALL REGION OPEN WORLD MMO niggers existing doesn't make all criticisms illegitimate
Current devs want to focus more on the single player experience, the problem is that Gen 7 was too linear despite the great story.
Gen 8 looks promising but we’ll see
>There is no bad mainline Pokémon game though
diamond/pearl, xy and sun/moon beg to differ
That’s no excuse for shitty code.
I bet the only reason you decided to insult him was because he didn't aid in your hissy fit.
Jesus fucking christ nuke Game Freak already.
Wow can a company be so fucking incompetent?
Pokémon died with BW2
You're telling me a multi billion dollar company struggles to make a """"3D""""" game where all of the game logic and movement still exists solely on a 2d plane.
the game is not limited to handlheld hardware anymore. the switch could easily have a PKM game with decent character and world scale with day and night cycle
lets see your code, if you're so great
>using imgureddit
you're the real embarassment
Not him but you don't need to write code to recognize shitty code. Challenge his argument logically, not arbitrarily.
>Getting BTFO so hard your only argument is >filename
I didn’t say I was great retard, I said they were shitty.
it's not arbitrary to see how he could do better. it's code. either you're good at it or you're not.
not a real Yea Forums filename, unix doesn't work like that
>the switch could easily have a PKM game with decent character and world scale with day and night cycle
but then they would need to improve on that for the next game and make less money from just selling us cheap and lazy shit every year :)
Not him but people steal shit from google regardless of the source, and imgur literally has a Yea Forums X dedicated button
>Getting BTFO so hard your only argument is >filename
I almost want to see what kind of colossal fuckup messes Iwata had to clean up with his code wizardry for GS.
Game Freak is probably a good candidate for the most resistant major studio to 3D, they clearly got dragged in kicking and screaming into the third dimension. No wonder they're the only developers ever who've said it was a challenge working with the Switch. They needed 100+ people to produce a watered down rehash of Pokémon Yellow (whereas 40 people cranked out Xenoblade Chronicles 2).
>and make less money
>biggest intellectual property ever created
pick one
yeah but if they work like 50 days more on the game to make it better thats 50 days of payment the company loses to its employees
Uh, what? You think they wont make less money because they're big? What?
gamefreak is one of the worst developers in gaming history. everyone knows it. really wish nintendo would step in and put pokemon on a real devs desk.
>every game that came after b2w2 has been mediocre at worst and ok at best
B2W2 was trash, as was the rest of gen 5.
They don't even own pokemon
>Game Freak is probably a good candidate for the most resistant major studio to 3D
Hal dude. Kirby has made it clear the only way he's getting going 3D is if you drag his copse there.
Seeth more faggot. B2W2 are universally seen as the best games in the franchise. Not like the bar was set high anyways.
The biggest issue Game Freak lack isn't greed nor laziness: It's ambition
Game Freak themselves don't really want to take Pokémon anywhere. They feel like they have nothing to prove. And they aren't under threat.
So why even try hard? or do things too differently?
Not even Yokai watch put them under any real danger of irrelevancy.
They did try tovtake it somewhere with Black and White. But people HATED it so Masuda just said fuck it, if all people want is more of the same then that's what we'll give them
No I mean having to work with 3D assets at all.
>That pic
Every new piece of information I hear about them makes me hate Game Freak even more. God fucking damn them.
No, their problem really is incompetence. It's actually a good thing they're not ambitious, since there's a 90% chance they'll fuck it up. Think about it, do you honestly trust Gamefreak to know which changes are good and which are bad?
You say that like the pokemon fanbase hasn't been demanding they step up and exceed BW2. That shit is like, what, almost 7 and they still haven't made a better game than that.
God I'm fucking mad that people actively disliked Black and White. They actually tried for once to make a new experience that was similar but not exactly the same but of course people will get pissy if they can't catch the same exact mons again in the main game.
It baffles me that B2W2 are so revered by comparison.
This isn't true
The era of Platinum, HG/SS, BW and B2W2 were the golden years of Pokemon
Coincidentally its that time where they really tried
All the 3DS games are fucking trash and it looks like the Switch games are going to be shit as well
Then you probably don't want to hear how there's more than one Lillie model that's exactly the same.
>It baffles me that B2W2 are so revered by comparison
Because it took the best parts from every game and added a metric fuckton of new content.
That one can actually make sense, redundant models can reduce loading times at the price of storage.
It's a compromise as old as computing
Rather, Masuda refuses to listen to the community.
holy shit
All I can think of is the technilogical marvel of original gold and silver where Iwata basically created a code made up of the game's own assets to use for game calls instead of adding extra lines of code. He was a good man and a great programmer.
post more yandere code
Incompetent for sure.
>copypasting shit from other games, sometimes worse, is "trying"
>BW1 being anything other than shit, only thing over 3DS pokemon being the creatures's numbers
>pokemon is on home console
>game freak dickriders insist that it's going to be "botw-tier" because a leaker from resetera said so
>game freak promises an "open-ish world" adventure
>game freak unveils an upscaled 3ds game with a straight-line region and the same linear hallways as gen 7
>"waaaaaaah why are you criticizing game freak?"
LOOK at the OP. Look at it. Look. That is objectively bad programming. This is a mainline game for a multibillion dollar franchise. It was bad enough to slow down the fucking game at times.
No, just fucking stop. There is no excuse. Stop defending shitty practices.
>BW1 being anything other than shit
You're the reason why we have games like XY and SM.
I wish I had the cap about the grass tiles. It's genuinely hilarious.
please quote where i said that, fuckwad.
no, YOU praising BW1 are the reason why we have games like XY and SM
>b-b-b-but more story and cutscenes is good
>b-b-b-but game super easy is good
>b-b-b-but gyms with 3 mons is good
>b-b-b-but no postgame is good
Gamefreak should've never moved on to 3D.
This is a fact. They don't know what the fuck they are doing, be it with models/animation or game design.
What did it say?
BW1 had shit map design, sub par music, the most objectively shit starters in the series, and a lot of the new Pokémon have failed to stand out. Oh, and that was the game that starter the “there’s a healer every 10 feet” bullshit. I don’t like how it’s turned into genwunner shit either, but let’s not pretend gen 5 wasn’t hot fucking garbage. Even the meta was shit weather wars. Gen 4 was shit to get through, but it did tons of great things like the physical special split, adding new evolutions to make old shit pokemon better, fucking awesome starters, and arguably the most balanced meta to date.
Nobody cares about tranny leaks, people were expecting a little bit of quality because of common sense alone.
You can't rehash the same old mobileturd on a console that's more powerful than a PS3
Except you can apparently
Diamond and Pearl were jumps to the DS, first game with 3D.
I'm not excusing them but the slow pace could very well be an unoptimized engine issue. The backtracking and lmao no fire memes are inexcusable, though.
As for XY, most of the people who shit on it complain about the lack of difficulty.
Difficulty on a Pokémon game is always up to the player to decide. It's literally "challenge run" the series. XY has a beautiful region, huge Pokédex variety and a cute cast. It's fine as it is. Could have been improved with a Z version.
Sun and Moon got shafted though. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon should have been released instead of sun and moon. I would have gladly waited another year without a Pokémon game if it meant not playing USUM after SM and thinking to myself "I played a beta a year ago, and it cost me pirating my 3DS."
Are you fucking kidding me?
Nidoking was always meant to be that color, retard
I agree that people shit on XY unnecessarily, but problems like that could be fixed with a fucking easy/normal/hard mode that you can choose at the start. It wouldn’t be that hard to do and would literally solve 90% of the difficulty complaints.
It's not like Sun and Moon where the game has too much of a focus on it, it's closer to something like Ruby and Sapphire where you had the same sort of shit going on with the story beats except it's something actually interesting instead of generic.
The game is certainly easier than Platinum (the only Pokemon game that even mildly tried to be difficult) and you could say something about the healing trainers I guess. But then you have shit like the Ghetsis fight which is legitimately difficult. 3 mons to a Gym is shitty but even Platinum only had 4 mons per Gym at the very end. There's also the Elite Four which is down to 4 mons each from Platinum's 5. I think they were more limited by the available mons than actively trying to make the game easier that way though because the fights don't pull that many punches.
Postgame in initial gen releases has always been shitty and you got B2W2's postgame stuff if you really want it.
>YOU praising BW1 are the reason why we have games like XY and SM
Yeah it's totally ridiculous how people actually liked
>the best dungeon designs
>actual QoL upgrades in things like the opowers and being able to do local communication anywhere
>buffing pokemon without gimmicks
>npcs with teams that weren't padded with duplicates but had decent movesets and even coverage
>actual exploration and hidden areas
>post game content that isn't just the tower again
That's totally what we don't want for this series am I right guys?
It's very real. I think gamefreak has 400 employees and not one thought to do that
Those fucks were used to their private version of overworld editors that are basically a RPG maker lite.
Even in one of their new Youtube channel interviews that was about one of the artists works, he just drew a sprite from scratch in fucking paint.
Is this why SuMo runs at 12FPS?
That and the fact that the models are HD tier with like anything between 8000 and 15000 polys.
I'm talking about the soulless pose and no animations whatsoever, but even if we are talking about colors, no, Pokémon weren't meant to be fucking watercolors. It's just the artistic style for the first two gens.
Pokemon should have been one of the series that needed to stick with 2d since they always had more experience with it, 3d was a mistake.
At least with sprites they didn't needed to go overboard with the scope of the game and just make fun experience overall, also they sprites that they used always made a good presentation and look great.
I'm a programmer and i cant believe they do this. Does anyone have any proof? As in, how do they know they do this?
3D wasn’t a mistake, incompetency is a mistake. It’s the same reason why sonic games suck ass, it has nothing to do with going to 3D, it’s just that they realized at some point that they can put out low effort garbage and get away with it every time. Plenty of series made the 3D jump just fine, no reason why Pokémon couldn’t.
Ask /vp/, they circlejerk about pokimanz all day every day
What are some good Pokémon romhacks? I can’t find my emerald and I’m getting the itch
But how the fuck would that work?
If you pick easy and the XP you get overlevels you, it's a steamroll.
If you catch underleveled Pokémon and go forwards and get beaten, it won't be an "easy" mode anymore, and people would complain.
Then if you play "hard" mode most people would just grind to get higher levels, making it not a challenge but a chore.
Everyone would complain for completely different reasons and nobody would be happy, not to mention that different XP values and files on different difficulty modes wouldn't be paired for competitive play. You know? The VGC? One of the main branches of competitive Pokémon that happens every year? Which needs to be balanced to the most current game version?
Even though it never has been since DPP
>So firstly if you do not know, overworld models are in a082(sun)/a083(moon). Each area in SunMoon has its own folder to store its models.
That sure as hell doesn't look like paint to me, am I getting trolled?
Sonic is a special case.
They fucking tried until Unleashed, even 06 could've been better if not rushed for Christmas sales.
After that they just handed the series to interns who have been recycling the day mechanics from Unleashed for 11 years and Generations' assets for literally everything.
It's paint with a png grid pasted on it.
You can at least suggest ways to fix incompetently made games. I don't know where would you even begin fixing something like EA.
>>the best dungeon designs
yeah sure, too bad the victory roads aren't every dungeon in the game
>>actual QoL upgrades in things like the opowers and being able to do local communication anywhere
you mean stuff that didn't actually get perfected until XY? gen 5 had an almost useless touch screen, though not as bad as 7
>>buffing pokemon without gimmicks
no, 7 did that. gen 5 forced mons to have other abilities to be "buffed"
>>npcs with teams that weren't padded with duplicates but had decent movesets and even coverage
yeah, last gym leader with 3 pokemon total, 2 pokemon of the same line, one unevolved, with the splendid dragon dance+dragon tail combo
>>post game content that isn't just the tower again
finding 6 people that you don't even have to fight that takes 20 minutes, 3 empty routes with 2 """""""""""towns""""""" + 1 cool city with allegated mini dungeon, amazing postgame right there
and who can't forget the trainers in the postgame! lv63 metapod is amazing
I would begin with fire
retarded devs can learn
you can't teach someone not to be a greedy fuck
>multiple Lillies
>I'm talking about the soulless pose and no animations whatsoever
Nobody is talking about the sprites.
>Pokémon weren't meant to be fucking watercolors. It's just the artistic style for the first two gens
Nidoking is the model's shade of purple in art for gen 3+ too.
It’s more like:
>Game is on handheld
>Expect it to be weaker than a home console several generations behind since its a handheld
>Games still provide tons of content until the 3DS era
>Game is console
>Has PS2 tier graphics, poor aesthetics, lazy animations/models reused assets from 3DS games, and games already look linear as hell already
>Most likely won’t provide worthwhile content, given how much quality control LGPE had and you might as well just play on battle simulators
it's all been datamined. game freak is the most incompetent studio in the industry.
and I thought megatextures was bad
It's a nip software.
>XY has a beautiful region
Please quit drinking dish soap. Kalos is a fucking mess.
>also they sprites that they used always made a good presentation and look great.
Let's stop with the bullshit now.
Scale to level? Different EV spreads? Better movepools? More Pokémon per trainer? Removal of healers at higher levels? There’s plenty of ways to make the game harder than just exp bloating. Fuck, you could even mess with encounter rates.
game freak is the worst of both worlds, they're retarded AND greedy.
>Different EV spreads? Better movepools? More Pokémon per trainer? Removal of healers at higher levels?
All beated by a higher level mon.
adding support for reddit filenames when?
Incompetent ones. Sierra in it's time sure was greedy, but they made damn fine games.
I think the maingames are.honestly fine as is, what really hurts it is that there are no post game facilities.
Like the battle pyramid is fucking hard as balls, but fun as fuck.
It fuckong sucks they didn't expand on this concept.
>Nobody is talking about the sprites
I, who you quoted, am.
It looks like shit anyway, and they knew it if they went with a brighter color for sprites for 17 years.
>retard devs can learn
imagine believing this when western games exist
Does reddit even host files?
>Decrypt, change a number, encrypt.
Superior Nippon encryption folded over 1000 times.
Their Pokemon sprites were always on point after Gen 2 though, but they could need some improvements when it comes to animations compared to how they looked in BW.
idk but I've seen so many at this point I recognize them and they never get called out
>recognizing things from reddit
How do you recognize something you don't even know
>scale to level
>beaten by a higher level mon
Also no, a min maxed poke can fuck up one above its level.
Hell, another difficulty could be to not let the player have a chance to switch out immeadiately when the NPC throws in a new pokemon. You could even limit items. Now, you can sit there and keep saying “you can just grind LMFAO”, but you can do that with anything. The point is, it makes the game harder without touching exp. It’s up to the player to either git gud and come up with some strategies or to just mindlessly exp grind, to which if they bitch you can prompt tell them to actually learn how to play instead of unga bungaing.
It's varied and very visually interesting.
I think you need an eye check.
Then don't tell ME that, tell gamefreak.
I know full well all of that could make for a better difficulty selection mode but do you really think they're going to take the time to do any of that? They're not. And level scaling never solved anything. What fucking level? Your party's average? Something that changes every few battles? Something you can exploit by taking a level 50 pokemon and 5 level 1 hatchlings with you? You want to battle level 10 Pokémon with your fully evolved starter? Great fucking idea. You cannot put anything abusable in a game because PEOPLE WILL FUCKING ABUSE IT.
>too bad the victory roads aren't every dungeon in the game
Yeah then maybe you could make a case for every other game, well except gen 2. In any case Gen 5 is still the pinnacle.
>you mean stuff that didn't actually get perfected until XY
If by "perfected" you mean almost exactly the same but with online included then sure. Regardless gen 5 introduced it.
>7 did that
Hold on a minute, are you trying to say that Z moves aren't gimmicks when they only exist as flashy versions of gen 5's elemental gems?
>gen 5 forced mons to have other abilities to be "buffed"
What does this even mean? How do you "force" a buff? Even then abilities aren't gimmicks.
>last gym leader with 3 pokemon total, 2 pokemon of the same line
Just like every other game except they put thought into the moveset instead of just having four water type moves or not enough of said type in a game to even make a full team of that type.
>finding 6 people that you don't even have to fight that takes 20 minutes, 3 empty routes with 2 """""""""""towns""""""" + 1 cool city with allegated mini dungeon, amazing postgame right there
user, that's much more post game than any other first game on top of that you have
>battle test
>abyssal ruins
You'd be hard pressed to find another first game that has that much content.
>Then don't tell ME that, tell gamefreak.
Do you seriously think people haven’t been screaming at them for harder shit for ages now? They don’t care. Look at the OP, they can barely program a fucking game at all let alone have the creativity to make varying levels of difficulty.
No, you just need better taste.
>7 did that
On what fucking planet is introducing a region full of slow and frail pokemon and one time limit breaks not a gimmick? Hell even alolan forms were a gimmick to attract genwunners.
>hundreds, maybe thousands of lillies
muh dick
>always on point
Gligar is 3 different colors in gen 4
>Even then abilities aren't gimmicks.
user lets not pretend Plusle and Minun don't exist.
>Hell, another difficulty could be to not let the player have a chance to switch out immeadiately when the NPC throws in a new pokemon.
Yeah wouldn't that be something. Can you believe they went 7 whole gens without even a simple setting in the options menu that says, I dunno, "Switch" vs. "Set?" These devs, I tell ya.
I'm not asking much, but the only thing i really want is some good pokemon design for once (make them actually resemble animals, with the exception of legendaries) and ice pokemans not to be something end game. Why can't they just make all pokemon types available from the very start man.
how would one go about writing this code in an optimized manner?
I mean that it forces it on Hard mode. I am aware that they did this, yes.
How does that change the fact that abilities aren't gimmicks?
Ok, that's a consensus we can both reach.
Not everyone plays the postgame, which means it can be made as hard as possible without frustrating people who just want to beat the "story".
But that won't solve the issue of neckbeards whining about how "the gyms only have 3 Pokémon weak to the team I've raised".
So nothing gets solved
Because not enough KANTOOOOOOOO and “le icecream trashbag suck XD”. Both casuals and the core audience are the problem here, and long as the core eats whatever slop GF shits in their mouth, and as long as children exist, the series will never evolve.
Speaking of Gligar in gen 4.
>give it an evolution
>lock it to the post game
>don't make it available without emerald until platinum
Plusle and Minun abilities are the very definition of gimmicks. I'm not saying you're wrong but there are Pokemon with abilities that serve as nothing more than gimmick filter.
Non-argument, you can grind on any RPG. The difference would be if you can get past it with skill rather than grinding (good design) or if you are basically forced to grind to get past it (bad design)
Gen 4 was weird. And seeing as Gen 8 is an even gen I hope they don't go too overboard with the crossgen evolutions.
Also hoping for Poison or steel eeveelution.
the series will never evolve because retards keep buying the shitty games
just look at the sales of LGPE
user, that still doesn't change the fact that they aren't designed as gimmicks. If we went by that logic anything could be called a gimmick.
>'user' outs himself
Oh no no no!
>cross gen evos
What does it matter if it’s even? 6 only had 1 and it was obligatory to pad the new typing out
Or maybe because BW had shit starters, shit map design, and dog shit meta? Power creep also started getting fucking ridiculous at that point.
Ignorance really is bliss, before coming here I just thought Game Freak was complacent and lazy, now I know they are stupid and lazy.
I never understood the 3 pokemon complaint. I mean, did people really find it hard fighting a team of five of the exact same pokemon?
It's also the perfect number for gens that have a low number of a certain type like gen 4.
>What does it matter if it's even
Even gens are regularly the ones to introduce the cross gen evos sans Gen 3.
I don’t understand why they don’t add 1-2 eeveelutions every gen, it would be an easy way to bait people since so many people love eevee for whatever reason
>in fucking paint
If the tool fits. Give me one (1) reason not to use paint for sprites
His colors look mostly different on HGSS, but the sprite looks great, they clearly used different color palettes for Gligar before setting on a final one later, other Pokemon had a weird transition from Gen 3 to Gen 4.
That's apparently pretty common because storage space is a lot more lenient than ram.
kanto nu-males
Then why stop there? Just remove normal mode altogether. Just hardcap your levels to a certain point before each gym leader so that it's literally impossible to be overleveled. And just disable item use during battle entirely.
That's what makes a good hard mode, less options and less flexibility.
S&M ran like absolute dogshit though.
>Or maybe because BW had shit starters, shit map design, and dog shit meta?
Well you got one right. The starters were shit but map design was some of the best, not only was it not cluttered like gen 4 but also promoted exploration by having additional areas. As for the meta, power creep didn't really start until gen 6 with megas and because of new abilities 5 even gave shitmon like Politoed and Ninetales another shot at relevancy.
If that isn't a Battle Frontier at the top I'm done with Pokémon for the rest of my life
It doesn't make sense in the long run. They'd run out of eeveelutions faster if they pumped them out so quickly.
Speaking of eevee when the fuck are they going to retcon it’s evolution methods so they’re all stones? Why do we need mossy or icy rocks when leaf and ice stones exist? Or be bffs at day/night when moon and sun stones exist? Or know a fairy move and be fed a shit load of cupcakes when a shiny stone or something exists?
the game running at 20 fps matters to the end consumer.
especially when it's a turn based game with a flat background and 2 models onscreen.
I think people would be a lot more forgiving to an easy maingame if there were postgame facilities you could really sink your teeth into.
top looks like it only has 4 different explorable areas which is most likely the pokemon league
the buildings in the back are all pointless
Stop being a cocksucker, you know god damn well there are plenty of ways to make the game harder while giving casuals a chance to play the game the way that they want. Stop pretending I’m saying that everything should be super try hard. I’m saying I want varying degree of difficult, which many RPG has done. It’s not a new concept, yet pokemonfags always act like it’s impossible. It’s not. Just because you can think of possible ways to get past it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t offer a harder experience. If you pick the harder mode than yes, you have slightly limited options to test your abilities. Likewise, casuals can play normal or easy and have a good time. Everyone wins.
look at this classless faggot
Make a separate check for insanity and just game over if teacher witnesses it
Why do you need insanity with every possible combination of another state really if game over is always the same
This doesn't work because retards can vote multiple times while all you can do is not vote. It's a failed system. It doesn't work.
Because fuck you, that's why.
I'm still pissed the Icy rock is fucking halfway across the region in DPPt.
The thing about Gamefreak is that they are like writers that get really attached to their world. Alternative evolution methods to get to other types to them just make sense. It would be great to streamline it and have them use stones but that just takes away the charm of the world they've built.
the Lilie part remembered me about the "caves of the dead friends" from Gothic2
I'd like it if for once they'd have a postgame area where you don't just get counterpicked every fight. It's not that I don't like the challenge or anything, but the AI seems to like making really similar teams, so with some teams you'll fight the exact same pokemon almost every other fight.
this, there is nothing wrong with paint
i remember another thread where user posted an ad for vidya dev school, it had a picture of a dude using a fucking expensive tablet and a super advanced program just to make a shity indie tier sprite, like come the fuck on anyone could do the same with just paint and a mouse, hell the mouse might even be better in some cases
Dear god this. Fucking plebs the lot of them.
>Why do we need mossy or icy rocks when leaf and ice stones exist?
Let's be honest, this is the only one that's a real problem. The rest are fine because you can do them anywhere.
Hell location based evos in general are fucking retarded, they forgot to add areas to evolve these mon in HGSS so you had to trade with a DPPt game to get any of them.
>Iwata had to clean up with his code wizardry for GS
At this point i'm starting to think it wasn't Iwata wizardry but GF just being stupid with the code
Iwata: "Wait a second, these idiots are using a bunch of memory for irrelevant shit, i just have to take out this trash and it will have a lot of spce for a second region"
Enums and Switches. He has fixed it a long time ago anyways.
>can’t go 5 seconds in a thread without autismo derailing everything because people defending gen V “breaks the rules”
This is you
There are 18 types. They have 7 eeveelutions, unless you count eevee itself as the normal type (there should be a normal evolution in my book). Even if you added on per gen that didn’t have a new one (gen 3,5, and 7), that’s still 8 generations you could shill one out for.
If you could give Pokemon to any other company, who would it be?
>and it will have a lot of spce for a second region"
And they still didn't faithfully recreate Kanto despite being under the max cart size.
Oh lord that’s pitiful. Shame Iwata isn’t around anymore to clean up their slop.
Why is it icy up north, then further north green again?
this, or you can at least see that the product might still be good even if it could be better
It's pretty much impossible to get a good product out of greedy devs.
Atlus or Bamco.
incompetent but greedy is also awful in its own special ways and Game Freak is that disgusting middle of the venn-diagram when it comes to not being able to make a game well to save their lives
Shut the fuck up user, just accept it
They are just using the same coding as in 1995, thats all.
They have not adapted to modern coding, this is everywhere in JP games
But hey Ill take that before the game downright not working and bugs being everywhere like with most western games
>no Bug eevee
>no fighting eevee
>no steel eevee
>no dragon eevee
>no sound eevee
>no sight eevee
>no touch eevee
>no smell eevee
>Try to innovate in black and white
>Casual/nostgliafags lose their minds because they can't catch Pikachu right at the start of the game
>Oh well I guess people hated everything let's rip it down and start over
I'm so fucking mad.
But Gamefreak knows that Pokemon isn't going anywhere anytime soon so what's the point in showing their hand? As I've said, it doesn't make sense in the long run. They are already getting money from the existing line of Eevees as is and stacked for more with each introduction. Sylveon especially has surely generated a great number of funds due to its cuteness. Its better to introduce and go the next gen without a new eeveelution giving the consumers both enough time to soak in the new one and milk the existing ones for money rather than going all in.
Everything that has ever been coded has been coded with shitty code.
They are not allowed to be ambitious, pokemon is too big to gamble with it, they cannot try new things even if they wanted.
>it-ah is za kuraimato cheinju, paat ob za prot.
I suppose. 8 gens is still 20ish years minimum though
I didnt buy gen 5 because of how fucking ugly the pokemon looked with those huge ass animated pixels
How was I supposed to know that one time it was actually a good generation?
In the end, casuals and nostalgiafags are like 80% of the non-child’s hopeless.
Saving space on cardridges is crucial for a game like Pokemon where you have hundreds of models. Neither you nor I know if and how much GF cuts because of "too little" space.
And that's just storage space optimization. Needless running hundreds of calculations each battle because you can't design properly will just demand the CPU, thus decreasing battery life.
>keep repeating the same thing even though multiple people have given you reasons why it’s shit
Also gen 4 wasn’t muh Kanto either, try again
Also DQM Joker came out around the same time and pokemon looked pitiful in comparison
Still does
the games sell regardless of what they do or don't do
thats why they don't put any effort in them
atlus or falcom.
Has Gamefreak ever given a reason as to why they cut features out?
Shit like the Dexnav and the BW2 medals should become mainstays in the series
>Also gen 4 wasn’t muh Kanto either
You're right, it was a gen 3 downgrade.
Ugly art and worst starters in the series did it for me.when fucking wrestler pig fire/fighting redux is still somehow the best one, you have a fucking problem
No, but the reason is they are lazy and faggots will buy anything, regardless of how barebones it might be.
HGSS, BW, and BW2 are the only "okay" Pokémon games. The rest are absolute garbage that is fueled by nostalgia.
iirc, the official excuse is to make each region feel special and unique.
in reality, it's so they can sell them back to you later as a "new feature" all over again.
Something about making every game unique. So basically what that retarded PlayStation twitter guy said about senran put into practice instead of being a cover for censorship
The Dragon Quest team at Square Enix.
Pigs in general are ugly when they aren’t Babe
>physical/special split
>arguably one of the best starter trio in the entire series
>made a lot of shitmon decent (misdreavous, sneazle, etc)
>best meta
>Gen 8 looks promising but we’ll see
shitty excuse of making the games unique
real reason is that they couldn't be bothered to put them in
But it delivered with the remakes. Or are you strictly talking about DPPt?
I just wanted a fucking flaming BOAR. Something that looked cool atleast. That and the fact that they so obviously wanted people to use it since it was the only fucking dual type and durrrr fire/fighting
I dont get it
Just DPPt. HGSS was the absolute shit.
>no fire/dark boar with Firey fur/breaths fire
user please, HGSS was passable. I just wish those lazy fucks fixed the level curve.
>>physical/special split
>>arguably one of the best starter trio in the entire series
>>made a lot of shitmon decent (misdreavous, sneazle, etc)
>>best meta
Wow only one good addition and three opinions.
Not really much there. And don't kid yourself about the meta, it was entirely garchomp focused so much so that you would lose if you didn't have one.
>ohmori: do we put any effort in these new games?
>masuda: nah, retards don't care about any of this shit and will still buy the games regardless
DP's dex was mostly Kanto mons with a lot of new mons held behind gen 3 carts/version exclusives/legendaries/postgame/etc
Excellent post
What about him? You really talking shit with meta? Because it was infinitely better than gen 5 weather wars and not nearly as bullshit as excadrill
This sucks because you didn't draw a path going to that little island. The player is absolutely going to that island for something.
>putting in effort
Oh its just GRAPHIXXX
I dont care about that, otherwise I wouldnt play pokemon
Dude, gen 4 was entirely focused around garchomp and had next to no variation in team builds. There's a reason why everyone talks about the smogon meta instead of the real one when it comes to gen 4.
Don't we already know Ohmori is Masudas puppet?
just like this was explorable, right?
So all the "HIRE THIS GUY" memes are actually real...
Atlus or Monolith Soft
Is less about the graphics and more about wondering how fucking much Gamefreak is going to cut corners on the first Pokémon mainline home console title. Speaking of which, shouldn't this be a way bigger deal to them? This is a historical moment for the franchise, I'm shocked they're doing nothing to generate a little hype.
But it is.
I have no idea what this T was even supposed to be.
Wait. Do the artist who draws the region map and the developers of the game itself not communicate?
>That one can actually make sense, redundant models can reduce loading times at the price of storage.
Pretty sure that only works with discs.
I expect the usual amount of stuff in it
It will be Pokemon X 2.0 and no one should expect more, Im not defending it but it is what it is and shitting on it is not going to do anything.
Its going to be funny if Town ends up being great
why do people act they cant hire new talent or competeant people? has it been the exact same people making the games for 20 years? i mean theres talent out there how can they not find 1 person who can realize they are fucking up
Sword and Shield are generating hype just by existing.
Sure, it was better than everything that came after. But it was still plagued by imbalance and instead of weather wars it was just sandstorm and stealth rock. I'm torn here because Advance was kind of shallow by comparison without the p/s split, but I found that meta to have a lot less bullshit in it.
Pokemon really needs a hard reset.
That T is where the truck is.
And everyone knows how to get to it.
It is, you idiot.
It's where the truck is.
region map and anime teams usually communicate, who the fuck knows who the devs talk to or don't talk to.
Except Game Freak hasn't learned a single goddamn thing since they were founded. Or are you forgetting that Iwata had to bail them out from the hot fetid mess that was Johto back in Gen II?
thats where the mew truck was
which n64 game is this?
They learned a lot considering they were originally a fanzine and not game developers.
Excuse the commentary video but this was the shortest one I could find.
Ok I'll shit on the 3DS games for all eternity too, but this is flat out wrong and cringe
XY are shit
DP are shit (Platinum is godly though ironically)
SM are completely fucking sub par (USUM are decent though)
Game Freak or Nintendo? Because you're wrong on both parts. Nintendo owns 66% due to owning Creatures, and Game Freak owns 34%. TPC was created by the three companines TPC themselves don't own Pokemon, they just handle handing out the licencing and deal with the marketing of the IP
make "witnessed" and ordered collection of causes
then just pick the first item in the collection instead of literally going over all possible combinations like a retard
not sure if bait or genuinely disabled person
So. How the fuck does the ships leave.
usum are awful
If Iwata fixing their game couldn't inspire them then who possibly can?
That is why they need to expand on it.
In my ideal pokemon game, the maingame would be pretty much a hidden tutorial where you can only catch native mons giving you the chance to play and experiment with the new mons of said region.
Once you beat the game you open up a new area like the sevii islands or battle zone.
There you can just explore the island or zone and find older mons who you are already familiar with who you can use to tackle the postgame facilities which are improved and expanded on from the older postgames facilities.
Also sprinkle in some high level trainers for quick grinding and a daycare area for breeding n'shiet and your golden.
But that is too much effort for gamefreak
It blows my mind. BW aren't my favorite in the series by any means, (Emerald and HGSS for me, Platinum close behind) but BW were so fucking FRESH. I was genuinely thrilled that I was going to catch and see nothing but NEW shit the whole main story.
Shit was awesome. BW2 adding in old mons was fine, it was a good mix up at that point.
Reminder that they made a similar amateurish mistake in Pokemon G/S, with redundant and duplicate sprite atlas' and duplicate entries in those same maps. That's one of the easier things Iwata fixed and, to them, looked like a wizard for basic game dev knowledge.
I'd take EA at this point
Wait Ninty owns Creatures? I thought they were separate.
No. That's the one company worse than GF.
Can someone explain what happened between Gen 5 and 6, that suddenly meant Kanto was being too heavily pandered towards?
HAHAHA I don’t know
Gamers have already been written off as entitled man children, there's no way devs and higher ups will listen to us
Witness could be a class or struct with the subtitle and game over cause inside of it, such that you would simply call UpdateLabel and set GameOverCause with the fields on the witness object.
Or you could have a map with this data and key it by the Witnessed string.
>Concept art is the end all be all
It was literally just the art style for Gens 1 and 2, and besides, the anime always had them colored like they are in the sprites
And in the end, the vibrant colors look better anyways, so fuck the Sugimori concept art, and fuck the 3D models
fucking kek
this. However he is competent at making creepy fanfiction, take a gander
>looked like a wizard for basic game dev knowledge.
its not even basic game dev but fucking basic coding. Not being able to use arrays and referencing wont allow the most basic of code monkey to even leave their class let alone be put forward for a test to get a certificate.They are braindead morons and I'm pretty sure everybody their got their jobs by being friends or family members of others.
“Muh icecream cone” triggered hundreds of thousands of subhuman cretin kantofags
Gen 5 selling like shit
>Gamers have already been written off as entitled man children,
In the west but these are nip developers.
maybe just management and seniors not allowing changes like that following the motto of "if its not broke dont fix it lol"
>Game in on handheld
>Lenience is given because the hardware is weaker
>Game is on console
>Same weak ass shit despite being on stronger, more capable hardware
You argue like a fucking RETARD
gen 5 didn't have kantomons, genwunners screeched autistically, and when they finished bw2 and a little ways into development of XY they stopped caring and we've gotten literal garbage ever since. You can actually notice in XY when the quality goes down, too.
It sold on par with the other gens though.
Greedy devs suck but incompetent ones are the worst, they kill good franchises/genres by making something that sounds promising and fun but then it turns out to be shit and the next time someone tries to do something similar nobody will fucking touch it
Also this
>Make an enum list of all the shit that teachers are looking for (blood, weapons, insanity, lewdness, and trespassing) and have use those instead of strings. Strings are inefficient to compare and are hard to work with (for example, what if later he mistakenly types "Insanity and Blood" instead of "Blood and Insanity" it would cause an error.
It also might be more helpful to move "Witnessed Corpse" into a separate script (you can apply multiple scripts to an object in Unity). I'm not sure what kind of programming he's using for "witnessing", but separating your detection and reaction codes into separate scripts has many benefits. For one thing, you can apply the same detection code for every human (since they'll all see/hear the same, presumably) while applying different sets of reaction rules to different types of humans. Teachers would react differently to lewdness than students for example, so you can keep those in separate scripts and only attach "ReactionScriptTeacher" to teachers and "ReactionScriptStudent" to students. And "DetectionScript" would be applied to both teachers and students.
Another big benefit of this is maintenance. If you find a bug with detection, for example, you know exactly where to look instead of scrolling through a massive document. Plus, you only need to fix the code in one place, since every human is using the same Detection code.
Separating this functionality also lets you remove the
>if (this.teacher)
from the beginning. Right now, every human in the game checks to see if it's a teacher every single frame. By separating the scripts and ONLY attaching the teacher-related scripts to teachers, you no longer need to perform this calculation.
There are probably other fixes and better approaches, but those are the most obvious to me.
Except don’t forget Lucario, who is basically pokemon #152/3. Giant Lucario statue...
Fuck Kanto and fuck Game Freak
For some years now.
we still don't have gen 8 user
Does this mean that, if in my headcanon I were to isekai in my copy of Pokemon, which is no longer bound by it's code, would meet multiple Lillie's? Like a harem of Lillie.
Monolith, or Enix (DQ team)
I'd give it to a fucking fan team like Sega did for Mania, Romhacks and Essentials games are better than everything GF has put out in 7 years
I want to fuck Lucario SO HARD
why do I get the feeling this thread was made because I kept saying to an user in /vp/ that as shit as GF is, I will take them over EA, and that many agreed
Haha i would love to see if that is true, the dude never saw a bit of SM's real and original code,
This looks like some PS2 RPG shit
Except a low tier budget PS2 RPG
Reminder that TinyBuild had a developer familiar with Unity look over and clean up his codebase for things like this (for free!), but he took offense at a code cleanup profile being ran on one of the files, reverted all of the changes and told the guy to go away.
>i'm no coder
lmao dropped
its the officer jenny effect you dumb fucking weeb
Nah, they're what SM should've been. The added content and small changes make it a passable experience. 6/10
Still no fucking meaningful post game though
>Strings are inefficient to compare
He's probably assigning this.Witnessed from a string literal as well, so in the case of your standard C# app I wouldn't be surprised if the compiler or CLR can do some magic under the hood to make it less of a problem.
Though Mono kinda sucks and Unity has a mind of its own so maybe not. It would be interesting to benchmark.
>Casual fuckheads hate on Vaniluxe and Garbordor line
>Forgetting that Gen 1 had a magnet and pile of sludge, also a literal ball with eyes
>GF realized that Gen 1 sells to casual fuckhead audience
>Also saves a ton of money, recycling Kanto content endlessly
>Fuck the core audience
That's all
Garbordor is ok, but Vaniluxe is one of the worst pokemon designes ever made.
It would be particularly worrying if the compiler was introducing or re-ordering the instructions to produce the behavior seen in It is possible that Decrypt_PML or Encrypt_PML does something different than he thought, but I don't see why he wouldn't have looked at it.
The problem is that normies don't hate them for their design, they hate them for their sheer concepts
It's going to be Liberty Island/ New Moon Island content. You already know it.
That would imply that Mythicals actually mean something again and aren't just Wifi download freebies.
I fucking wish.
objectmons are shit tier because pokemon should only be based on animal
Otherwise next we will get a chair with googly eyes as a pokemon and it wont be a ghost type
>next we will get a chair with googly eyes as a pokemon
That is far too creative for gamefreak.
GF can't be even fucked to that.
You just get some mailman delivering it to you in some pokemon center.
That thing will be absolutely nothing like the golf course.
I thought /vp/ was made to contain this shit.
Those days are long gone. Have fun just being handed your mythical Pokemon.
Well now you're just going overboard. I don't hate objectmons, I think they add neat variety. The only thing I hate is normie bias against newer ones.
Besides, in the pokemon world, they ARE animals, that are blending in or have evolved in certain ways to camouflage in human society. In some situations, they're the "inspiration" for certain things, i.e Vaniluxe line is the inspiration for humans to create ice cream, the actual food
Innovation with a classic style.
Innovation at slow rate.
I like having two boards to shit on companies
GF being incompetent is documented since gen 2.
But lets be honest for a while, how much of this shit affects the player in a relevant way? Aside the shitty framerate on 3ds games.
Liking an Ice cream shaped pokemon is more autistic than disliking it.
>Video games can't be discussed on video game board
/vp/ is containment for the cards, anime and Wifi/Shiny hunt generals
It's not about originality, it's about semi realism. It makes perfect sense for digletts to exist underneath you, it makes less than zero sense to have pokemon that are garbage piles or ice cream cones, unless your an autistic.
I bet you think Electrode and Muk are peak creativity
Accepting that a Pokemon can be an ice cream is far less autistic than disliking it for even being a thing you fucking autist.
Toby fox
>two replies with in 30 seconds
You might be the real autist here kiddo. :)
>it makes less than zero sense to have pokemon that are garbage piles
Why do you retards think this when fucking muk exist. Stop fucking drinking bleach.
The problem isn't the icicle pokemon, it's that the copypase threesome looks absolutely awful.
Makes about a much sense as a sentient pile of sludge or a ball of vines with shy guy shoes
>Accepting that a Pokemon can be an ice cream is far less autistic than disliking it for even being a thing you fucking autist.
Pokemon that aren't based on animals or even a living organism are the most autistic, flat out. You might as well go for Yogai Watch if you like that shit, you "fucking autist". The irony, kek.
Not an argument :)
Ok, I kinda agree, I'd love to discuss the DESIGNS with people. The problem isn't the concept though, which is the hill people fight on.
Muk is an organism, sorry that frustrates you guys, but slime makes more sense than garbage or ice cream, and you guys should perhaps get less angry about it.
>drink bleach
you people are fucking crazy, lol.
There's nothing wrong with objectmons
The first two gyms in XY are so good, why the fuck couldn't the rest of the game been like that
Ok, so you hate Gen 1 too then, right?
It is if we're discussing what's more autistic, I contend that object pokemon are fare more autistic, mostly people autistic children love to personify physical objects into people and friends - because they are on the spectrum.
You'd have a solid point if Gamefreak hadn't been pumping out the inanimate objects can be Pokemon thing since Gen 1. To complain about the ice cream that was slapped out a couple gens later while ignoring everything else is stupid.
>it makes more sense for my radioactive silly putty to be alive than my hefty bags
I just started learning some scripting, when will I get the joke?
Nigga, I love Muk, but I find Garbordor just as interesting.
Sorry that frustrates you.
See that's also my only real problem with the Vanilluxe-line. It could've easily been a two stage object-mon but Gamefreak for whatever reason felt the need to pad out the pokedex more than it needed to be with such a fucking useless evolution. The first stage is fine but the second or third has to go.
mythical pokemon have always been handed out, faggot.
>missing the point
zoom zoom right over his head
Greedy and incompetent produce identical results. What matters is that shifty consumers enable both.
Anyone who argues about muh objects needs to get a clue. They're not Pocket Animals, theyre Pocket MONSTERS. That's like getting pissy at Dragon Quest because Slimes aren't Dragons. Just ignore these morons and be on your way.
An easy quest line is still a million times more interesting and memorable, and at least requires some creative work
Stop defending nu-GF
Post dumb gamedev programming then. It's fun.
It's not even ice cream, it just looks like ice cream.
user stop, you'll get ban again.
rocks and iscicles are "organic" or naturally occuring, ice cream fucking isn't and neither is fucking keyrings. If they simply said some shit like its something related to the rotom family as it possessed an object then fair enough.
thats literally entry level shit so unless your "just" means a week ago you have no excuse
Anybody with half a brain realizes that there have always been Good, Great, Meh and Bad designs in every generation, but they're all fun little monsters regardless
I'll take Magneton and Klefki any day over the 5th variant of a bunny or Dog
The problem was the angle they went with in gen 5 was that a lot of mons inspired actual real life shit in universe instead of the other way around. Vanilluxe line inspired Casteliacones, Conkeldurr taught humans how to create concrete, Klink inspired gear mechanisms, martial artists dress up as Throh and Sawk, etc.
This is kind of cool but yeah not displayed enough and people just think it was Gamefreak just taking random objects and giving them eyes.
You would have a freemium cash in with assets done by popcap folks within months. Or many years, given their general dysfunction.
When Nintendo announced that they were going to make mobile titles, my coworkers were dreaming of monetization strategies and exploitation ideas for their IPs for weeks.
icicles/stalagtites with snow on top
literally just an ice cream cone
>>rocks and iscicles are "organic" or naturally occuring
Weren't the regis built though?
So THIS is why they said that developing for the Switch was five times harder than the 3DS games. Good god, how can one developer be this fucking incompetent.
In-game Vanliuxe is the inspiration for humans to create ice cream, and klefki is a natural creature that collects shiny things like a Crow does
Try again
You mean Magnezone, right? C'mon user, don't leave me hanging. It took me a while but I came around to the big lug.
They stopped this because Masuda or whoever the fuck it was in charge was pissed that people found ways to access those events or cheat in the items to get to those areas, it's the same reason we never got the Arceus item in DPPt
Yep, by regigigas, they're all golems, kinda like a homunculus made of elements like metal and rock
In Japan, the longer you work at the company the more fuck-ups they allow you to make. It only ever impedes your promotability. Mediocre people can keep the same job forever as long as they don't do anything catastrophic the first few years.
I do mean magnezone, Magneton is just the Gen 1 creature I was using to contrast with Gen 6 klefki
I want more cross Gen evos
And then it becomes more about not pissing the company off and getting sent to the pachinko mines.
>we never got the Arceus item in DPPt
I thought it was because nip kids complained that they got list in mt.coronet trying to reach the peak of mount coronet.
Genwunners used to be the core audience, fucker. Its not our fault the sequels failed to win over anyone but secondaries like you.
>and klefki is a natural creature that collects shiny things like a Crow does
why doesn;t it collect something other than fucking keys? keys are metalic, not all keys are shiny
the last one COULD produce faster load times if you would gain speed by loading everything sequentially, but I assume this wouldn't matter because it's a cartridge, I have no idea how the 3ds storage works.
but the idea is instead of reading a bunch of files from all over the place you just read sequentially from one place. it would be a trade-off of storage space for speed. I know there were some CD-rom games that did this because jumping to another part of a CD took time. again 3ds carts are solid state media so I would guess this wouldn't be the case, but I dunno.
but it's most likely lazy devs.
But clipping through walls was more dangerous and harder to pull off than injecting something. No wonder they're so incompetent, they can't even into basic logic.
>I want more cross Gen evos
My man
Hahaha what difference does it make at that point? You're still on payroll and will hold a job there until you retire. They cannot afford to hire a younger and more talented worker to fill your seat as long as your ass is glued to it by nipponese convention. This is why so many JP studios are garbage.
You go to the top of Mt. Coronet in the main story, if that were the case Platinum would have been completely different
the pokemon fanbase is full of braindead gamefreak apologists. it's fucking depressing
I know and what I heard is that kids complained about getting lost and not knowing how to get there the first time around and they didn't want to make them do that again.
Have you not read the interviews with gf? They claim that the development of sword and shield have been significantly more difficult than previous games solely because they need to put actual effort on them. 3d and programming for the switch are driving them crazy.
>Pokemon displays all of their Pokemon models with high polygon counts constantly, which makes the games run like laggy pieces of shit
>Meanwhile a game like Yo-kai Watch actually has super high quality models made (You can see them in some of the endings for the anime) but lowers their polygonal count for when they're in the game to keep it from chugging the framerate constantly
>Make some Pokemon otherwise impossible to get
>People have to cheat just to see all the content the games have to offer, because without those items or codes, you're locked out of stuff forever
>Masuda acts like a little angry bitch about something (Shocker)
>a bunch of screeching 90's kids is a "core" audience
Hey, being a secondary is fine with me, I got to experience the series at its best. Gens 3 and 4 (remakes and all) shit all over 1 and 2 in every conceivable way.
Why are you surprised? It's the exact same thing they did with Lillie. GF are incompetent as all fuck.
But they haven’t looked good on handhelds since the GBA. Pokémon has been underwhelming in presentation since like 2008.
The games on the old gameboy consoles are genuinely amazing for their time, most GB games didn’t feel anywhere near that big or have a world that felt so expansive.
Play some random GB games and compare them to Pokémon, Pokémon is genuinely more impressive than probably 95% of the GB/GBC library.
They should have taken this (or Let's Go) as a chance to clean house and start fresh on a new engine and content pipeline.
Pokemon is too profitable for its own good.
It uses the jingling sound to scare off predators, like a rattle snake
To be fair Mt. Coronet first playthrough is fucking confusing especially when its time for the climax. I remember getting stuck there during my Diamond playthrough back in high school. I think it was because one of the doors was on the side of the mountain towards a loop around but the sprite for the door is so fucking camouflaged into the wall you can't see it clearly and turn back around to see if you missed something. Shit was frustrating.
>the fucking director gets pissy because people found ways to access what is essentially timed, on-"disk" DLC
I sure am glad I emulated every single one of their shitty games.
Nobody complains when Dragon Quest introduces a bongo with a demon face, or when Digimon introduces the millionth waifu monster with 20 angel wings and metal blades sticking out all over the place
why are you changing the fucking subject?
I'm not? I literally just explained the in game explanation as to why keys. It collects them because A. it likes them, and B. It uses them as a defense mechanism
Either learn to understand context, or cope
>3d and programming for the switch are driving them crazy.
See, I'd believe that if we didn't have other developers saying how simple Switch development is.
Save Dunsparce and Qwilfish 2K19
It's totally believable. Even though it's relatively simple, it's still forcing them to do more than the bare minimum that was already too much for them.
>Ugly art and worst starters in the series did it for me
I'm really sorry that you have shit taste m8.
Simple for any competent dev team yeah
GF needs to clean house, keep any mandatory team members (monster designers etc) and get new coders, and FFS a new director
Actually imagine pokemon in any other company, imagine what we could be playing!
oops, wrong boy.
Greedy because an incompetent dev at least has some passion.
Gen 5 is very middle road starter wise, none of them are the worst, none are the best
>Worst grass starter is Chikorita
>Worst Fire is DEFINITELY Fennekin line
>Worst Water is probably Popplio line
Game Freak just wants to see how much shit a fanbase can take before giving up on the franchise. They're trolling on a level you never thought possible.
>Devs are incompetent
>This encryption and decryption does not cause any impact on end user's experience
Sounds like GF is very competent to me
>Fennekin line bad
Just because furries exist doesn’t make the line bad
You do realize that "user base" includes millions of literal children? They don't know any better than what they can get their hands on. You want a better Pokemon? Make it yourself.
I still don't like it regardless
Nice concept for a wizard fox, but I hate the designs, Braixen is OK I guess
I personally don't care about the visuals as long as gyms and E4 are hard again and there's a good post-game like in Emerald and Platinum. Also there should be a slider to speed up animations and attacks because fuck how slow the battles can become.
>game is on handheld
>plays like an handheld game
>game is in home console
>still plays like a handheld game
>Worst Fire is DEFINITELY Fennekin line
Eh, it's not ALL bad. Cool typing, plus it's hilarious to have a Pokémon that's a fucking WIZARD. The porn... now that I can do without.
t. retard pseduointellectuals who haven't coded a single piece of enterprise software in their entire lives
>arrays for that
>switch statements for that
Is this the fabled fpbp?
I cant disagree
I liked Pokemon up to Gen 5, 6 turned me off completely and im pretty much done with the mainline games (Gen 8 looks boring as fuck)
Pokemon games have never made me go "wow this is pushing the limits of the system" except for maybe with Emerald of White 2, but even then those were just nice sprites
Pokecucks will take anything Gamefreak/TPC shits out because they just don't play other RPGs, once you play enough other JRPGs, you see how simple and derivative pokemon is
They could do so little and instantly spice up the series while keeping it satisfying for old and new fans a like but they won't and don't
They just play it safe because they always need to it to be their entry level series and ya know, seeing that sales barely budge with each entry, they have no reason to, it sells around 10 million every time, easy money, i get it but its still a shame
Poketards are the biggest fucking shiteaters on the planet.
>No argument
it impacts my experience
*plays in silky smooth 12 fps*
Why would I hire someone that can do a job I have for them in 5 hours instead of them being able to do it in 30 minutes like someone else?
This means that YW looks like shit at all times then.
Post a better fix then, faggot.
And yet it somehow looks better than Pokemon. Funny how that works.
The game in general yes, even the battle backgrounds are better, but the monster models no, and if you say so you're delusional.
>More polygons
>Less soul than sprites
How does this happen
>Duhrr huhhrrr
Remind me of the quest to get Mew in RB -- the very, very first pokemon game.
That's because every battle is a triple battle, of course the general monster models they use in battles would have to have a lower polygonal count. The camera in battles is also zoomed in a way that makes the Yokai appear somewhat smaller onscreen. Meanwhile YKW4 completely blows S&S out of the water.
What OP posted doesn't really get fixed by what you want because there's no way for the consumer to know OP's information
We'll need a new version of this when sword and shield hits.
The lilly shit is rartrd but the first one is probably just a CRC
>Worst Fire is DEFINITELY Fennekin line
Typhlosion says hi.
>literally a non flying charizard
Are we using a gameboy game as the standard for 2019?
You're forgetting everything between:
>Ilex Shrine
>Birth Island
>Navel Rock
>Faraway Island
>Southern Island
>Newmoon Island
>Flower Paradise
>Spear Pillar Flute
>Liberty Island
Yeah, they're ultimately all just battles, but a battle is still more exciting than nothing. Not to mention the possibility of shinies, yada yada yada
Competitive wise, sure, but even if Typhlosion itself isn't too great design wise, Cyndaquil and Quilava are excellent
Only thing I want are more Pokemon mystery dungeon style games.
I like playing as the pokemon and going on adventures with my bro.
No genius, it means that you are "forced" to use a Pokemon with another ability if you want "the buff". Gen 7 straight up buffed the stats of old Pokemon like Nidoking.
>Just like every other game except they put thought into the moveset instead of just having four water type moves or not enough of said type in a game to even make a full team of that type.
Do you realize that you quoted a post talking about a leader with 2 Pokemon with shit movesets, of the same evo line but one unevolved despite having Zweilous in the game? And yeah, "thought into the movesets", like Drayden i mentioned above, like Marshall's Sawk and Conkeldurr having Grass Knot coming from their wonderful 30 and 55 spatk. Or the wonderful Air Slash Tranquill from Skyla. Amazing shit right there.
>user, that's much more post game than any other first game
Except no, only RS and XY don't have any new routes and only have "an unlocked place". Finding 6 people that don't fight is content in BW1 but not in SM? What the fuck? Oh wow postgame trainers, truly a new thing and exclusive to BW1. Battle Test is also in two other games but nobody ever counts that as content. Just like the Battle Royal Dome in SM.
Don't underestimate how incompetent gf is, nigga. They're defeatists and imo, the worst devs in gaming.
ORAS Deoxys is much better than any of the shit you named.
Of course it is, but we were talking about the handling of Wifi Events, not post game content
I'd rather have a static battle in a one off location than just be handed a mythical
Most of it will remain true. Pic related. I was too lazy to get the Shield/Sword logos.
>Own literally the biggest media franchise on the planet
>"waaah, developing games is too hard :("
Game Freak are such fucking babies.
>it means that you are "forced" to use a Pokemon with another ability if you want "the buff".
Not him but they're fucking data. You probably bred hundreds if not thousands to get your "bro" if you didn't just hack it in. It's pointless going "b-but it's not MY pokemon..." if you did any of that shit.
Regardless that picture is retarded because BW had Victini yes but also had 3 fucking handout exclusive Pokemon.
>you're just jaded
Well, they got me on that one, I'll give em that
>B2W2 are universally seen as the best games in the franchise
Yeah, by fucking morons.
I'll admit, I laughed but I felt empty inside. The fuck happened to them?
FUCK, I forgot Keldeo, Meloetta and Genesect
What the fuck is talking about that retard, the argument is that if you like using an HP absorbing or a crit-immune Lapras you can't because status immunity is superior.
>Are we using a gameboy game as the standard for 2019?
to make comparisons between Nu-GF and old-GF, Yes, that's the fucking standard, shartass.
Masuda has similar character progression to that of Anakin Skywalker, that's what happened
you say that, and I sometimes forget and think this too, but the reality is that the people that are still playing Pokemon are, with the exception of GO that dragged normies in, people who got in during the first two gens and never left
That’s why you code like a white man.
the ship ever cruises around that lake and that's it
I'd argue most current core fans started with Gens 3 and 4
hey im competent look my award
Lazy devs who know they can get away with laziness because retards keep eating their shit.
and nintendo doesn't give a shit, they allow this mediocrity, nintendo a shit
/prog/ here
i can do better than that in my sleep lmao
i'm not that user but with most of these bad code issues, you can't really come up with an actually good solution because the mistakes that caused the problem were made much earlier in the whole design of the codebase
trying to fix individual parts of yandevs code is like trying to pilot a car to safety when it's already shooting off a cliff at 100 miles per hour
What's the point of bigger screens and 3d if the pokemon are basically the same size as they were on the GBA?
USUM is complete shit, not only because it's $5 DLC at best or because it used false advertisement, but because they're massive downgrades to the last enhanced versions, BW2.
t. moron who didn't read half the things he quoted.
it'll still be successful
and you'll still seeth
Wat. How would having 1 texture and referencing it when needed use more RAM than having 100 copies of one texture and referencing an arbitrary one when needed?
>or because it used false advertisement,
>and you'll still seeth
Hey hey people
>"Ultra changes"
>"USUM is an alternate story, very different from the one before"
>"USUM had more content added that any third version before it."
>They release map with huge areas covered in clouds, implying there's something underneath, but there's actually nothing
>Ultra Space town that was shown off is actually just a fucking hallway
i filled in a few more boxes with more apologist excuses.
Pokemon is literally a child game. You are a manchild. I don't have to apologize for it because I don't play Pokemon, because I'm not a child.
Is any of those wrong though? I mean if you exclude BW2 those two quotes you posted are true when compared to the other third versions.
>Pokemon is literally a child game.
Imagine being this retarded. Pokemon is a masturbation aid, you retard.
Bamco or Level-5.
>Battle Test is also in two other games but nobody ever counts that as content.
You absolute retard, the battle test was INTRODUCED in gen 5.
Even then there's no other first game that matches let's take a look at them.
Gen 1
Gen 2
Depends on who you ask, either it's a retread of Kanto or literally nothing.
Gen 3
>battle tower
Gen 4
>giratina with dungeon
>heat ran with dungeon
>four routes
>pal park
Gen 5
>super subway
>battle test
>kyurem with dungeon
>4 routes and 3 cities
>sage hunt
>2 non legend dungeons
>Alder match
>Cynthia match
>Morimoto battle
>poke transfer
Gen 6
>looker quest
>battle test
>one city
>megastone hunt
Gen 7
>UB hunt
>Necrozma with no dungeon
>two new routes
>morimoto battle
That's pretty much everything in every first game and oh look, 5 has the most.
Yiff in hell faggot.
Why does Pokemon Battle Revolution look better? Why does Gale of Darkness look better? Speaking from an aesthetics standpoint and not a technical one, even Stadium looks better.
i think pedophiles are bad for the vidya community. I could be a kid trying to find a fucking shiny and suddenly some soiboi 20 something could be all hey kid wanna show me your dick, i'll show you mine first to prove I'm not weird.
but they already have pokemon games and they are 1000 times better
>cliche marketing buzzwords
>Story is as different as any other third version
>Genuine lie, fair
>I hate it too, but that's not false advertising
>I hate it too, but they never showed anything beyond what we got
They use fly or do that tractor beam shadow lugia did in gale of darkness
Team Rainbow Rocket was also added and a wormhole minigame where you can capture non-native and legendary pokemon
"I'm a REAL gamer, I'm not a CHILD like YOU"
>the argument is that if you like using an HP absorbing or a crit-immune Lapras you can't because status immunity is superior.
Are you retarded by any chance? Because that has nothing to do with what you or the other user mentioned. Not to mention that's still being buffed if it's given a better ability.
You think USUM is very different from the story of SM? They're identical except for the last 20 minutes of the game.
BW2 were the last third versions before USUM, so they should be included. Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum, get a pass because they were released at a point in time when DLC was not available. There's no excuse for releasing the same game when it could have just been cheap DLC.
Is that the best you can do? You're probably an atheist either way.
pokemon stopped being a vidrogame times ago, the money is on merchandising
>Team Rainbow Rocket
Wow, a whole 20 minutes of cutscenes, just what people love about the games. Who the hell needs a battle facility or stuff like that when we can watch movies written for children.
>wormhole minigame
Well damn, I guess that warrants a full priced purchase.
I wouldn't bother user. There are some die hard Gen 7 defenders here.
I openly admitted that SM were crap, and that USUM were merely a 6/10, not sure how that can be classified as defending.
Especially since I only find Gen 7 to be better than 1 and 6
Reminder that Iwata managed to put a second region in GSC because he was brought in to be the non-incompetent one.
They also have that stupid mentality of old person = better person, so anyone who dares speak against the "veterans" is imediately wrong for any reason at all.
Either gamefreak retires or they all die. There's no way Pokemon will ever be good for about 20 years.
>not sure how that can be classified as defending.
Think about what USM is.
I don't know if you're serious or not.
>catching 6 Pokemon with an added postgame's story counts less than landorus and kyurem
Not to mention you didn't even count the Eevee quest, or finding all Zygarde cells, or Red and Blue battles, the Battle Royale dome, defending your title vs the new challengers at the E4, unlocking the battle styles, and whatever else there is. Seems fucking fair eh.
And nobody said that BW didn't introduced the test, only that nobody counts it as content in the other games it's in.
I would chalk it down as Gamefreak being incompetent since 3D has NEVER been their forte, so these seem like amaturish fuckups on a grand scale.
But then I remember it's Game Freak and they're just incompetent morons in general who can't code for shit and can't into basic programing.
Yeah I can see that. How someone can defend blatant greed is beyond me.
putting kanto into gsc was a mistake anyway. because of that, johto has the same problem as kalos and alola. it has no identity of its own outside of KANTOOOOOOOOOO.
>Pokemon is crap or sub par for another 20 years
>but then we get nothing but S-tier quality after Masuda and co. bite the dust
Is it worth it Yea Forumsros
>Speaking from an aesthetics standpoint and not a technical one, even Stadium looks better.
Who's more incompetent: SEGA or GameFreak? exist
>that HGSS Arceus event
Pure kino
Are we talking all of SEGA or just sonic team
GF by a mile
>You think USUM is very different from the story of SM? They're identical except for the last 20 minutes of the game.
But that is completely false. The second half of the game is completely different. And even if it wasn't true those 20 minutes are still more different than the story changes of Emerald or Platinum, ESPECIALLY Platinum.
>they get a pass because no DLC
Yeah no. DP and BW1 have no excuse in for example not having the Battle Frontier when a previous game had it. Just like the other changes their third versions add, there's no excuse of why those changes aren't in the base game to begin with.
Doing God's work, user.
you unlock a new battle facility by completing RR you fucking retard
Man, people discovering MissingNo. 20 years ago REALLY fucking set them stiff, didn't it?
>Sonic Team
>Sega Of Japan
>Sega Of America
Sega. SOA had the chance of a lifetime to be the defacto video game company in both america and europe and they pissed it all away to chase gimmicks and whatever nintendo was doing.Then Sony coldcocked both of them but only Nintendo was able to recover from the blow.
you got any examples of sega doing something that stupid
plus sega has done actual games
like it or not 2d turn based jrpgs don't actually take effort to make
>the second half of the game is completely different
No it's not. The game is only different when you get to meet the legendary. Then, instead of it taking you to fight Lusamine, you go fight Necrozma. Also, Emerald and Platinum at least gave you dungeons before the legendary fight, ESPECIALLY Platinum.
>Yeah no. DP and BW1
Not even going to read the rest of that retardation. We're talking about 'enhanced' versions of the base games.
do we not like random encounters? I thought casuals celebrated it being absent in LGPE and were mad that it was returning.
>you got any examples of sega doing something that stupid
>abandon 90% of your back catalogue for Sonic and only Sonic post dreamcast
>make an add on for the Genesis and market it as a new console while the Saturn was out in moonland already
>completely botch the Saturn launch
>completely botch the Dreamcast by not including a DVD player
>SOA had the chance of a lifetime to be the defacto video game company in both america and europe and they pissed it all away to chase gimmicks and whatever nintendo was doing.
totally wrong. sega of america is the only reason they were even competitive with nintendo in the first place. sega's glory days came to an end because of the retarded decisions that soj forced on them because of their cluelessness and their jealousy of soa's success.
That Literally BW minus the facility part.
game freak shills are defending random encounters now because they're back in gen 8. they'll even confuse the issue by pretending that everyone hated them in lgpe when it was actually the go catching mechanics that everyone hated.
Casuals will change their mind on a whim as long as it follows their favorite company
>sega's glory days came to an end because of the retarded decisions that soj forced on them
32X was an american decision and came out there first ignoring that SOJ had a new console already. Segabois got fooled into paying 300 plus (inflation taken into account) for an add on that lasted less than 6 months on the market.
I like random encounters
32x was not an american decision. it only existed because soj was scared shitless of the fucking atari jaguar and forced soa to come up with a response to it.
technically stupid, not economically stupid
there is a big difference
management will always be dumbasses, programmers on the other hand should know better
>soj was scared shitless of the fucking atari jaguar
sad, but true.
Introducing the Atari Jaguar, with hit games such as..
Bubsy 3?