Bloodborne is a best Miyazaki ga-

Bloodborne is a best Miyazaki ga-

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none of those look alike

I guess I had to specify that those are voice actors.

Bloodborne might be their best looking game, but most of the game looks the exact same and there is no variety compared to dark souls 1.
Sekiro looks fine I guess but that's not what makes the game great.

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>mfw Japanese always draw themselves as white

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Also - fun fact: Evetta also voiced the Maiden in Black from DS.

Doll and MiB are best girls. Emmas shit.

>all japs look the same
ok retard

Sekiro looks exactly the same in all its zones. Its just

Why are japs so cute?


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Who did you mean to reply to? When did anyone in the entire thread say that?

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>mfw americans always draw themselves as white

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That man is clearly yellow.

>OP posts cute asian voice actress


>panfaced asian bitch
>ugly russian
No winning here


Based and redpilled
Most insectoids look essentially the same

Kek, i like how they gave her Caucasoid eyes because mongoloid bug eyes are so unappealing.

Asians and east Europeans are objectively top tier though. Who else is left?

Emma is cute tho

Who was talking about the voice actress?

>butthurt asian incels ITT

doll > enema

Please stop posting these youre ruining my weeb fantasies.

Why are her caucasoid eyes smaller then asian eyes tho?

Yeah games without adhd level design like souls tend to have a consistent theme.

So it was just a random autistic post of an ugly asian for no reason then. Ok.


You really should have

>Japanese draw themselves as White
>"But the voice actress!!"

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>game set in japan
>every area looks like japan
oh no

>this has anything to do with the cherrypicked pic of some ugly asian that looks like nobody in the OP.


I'm sorry

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watashi no kami...
Oni no azuma!

There is no such thing as "jomon". It's a fabricated excuse, meant to suggest that because 0.07% of Japanese people *might* have some extinct caveman blood, then that means they're all european.

Absolute fucking bullshit.

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isnt emma meant to be white? emmas not a very nippon name

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Why do so many chinks and nips have glasses?

Here's your Divine Heir, bro.

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I would fuck all of them. Next thread thanks.

Her name is Ema which is a Jap name. Activision's translating team is just pants on head retarded.

yes you fucking idiot

I'm liking this delayed appreciation for Emma, who was secretly best girl all along.

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>best girl

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Emma > MiB > Dark Souls bitches > Doll

Pretty obvious from day 1 user.

>talk to her
>she attacks you
>ignore her
>she attacks you
Women amirite?

The Ainu aren't extinct, rude.

Native Americans = Ainu. Too broad a brush.

It's Ema you stupid gaijin.

Something bothered her

Only if we're disregarding Kuro on the basis that he's arguably not a girl, the first week was all about him

>throw pottery at her
>Please take me from behind
I know man

emma is baked the whole game

I want the Plain Doll to kill me.

Huh, I wondered about that

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Just gently place both her hands on my face then twist my head all the way around.

Sekiro is O MY RUBBER NEN Man

No they don't.

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