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mass effect is shit, babbies first scifi
I'm going to replay the trilogy.
What class though, I've always played Engineer for some reason. This time I want to be able to use guns other than the fucking pistol.
Infiltrator, baby
Sounds like a good idea.
Either this or the Biotic shotgunner...
In Mass Effect 1? Only soldier or adept since the classes have almost no differences. In 2 and 3 I would chose to play all.
Vanguard/Soldier was always fun for me.
tali a shit
always a shit
Remember when you had hope for Mass Effect bros? Remember when you thought it was going to be the next great RPG franchise? I remember
All human men belong to alien women
I have vague memories
this based man saved mass effect from becoming a shitty annual franchise
Would it be better if Microsoft bought Bioware instead of EA?
Also rip Pandemic
I mean Fallout isn't doing that hot so who knows
Fallout is not what it once was but at least it's alive and it went from being niche crpg into mainstream AAA. EA couldn't even do that to Mass Effect
All I ever wanted out of these games is a Turian bf. I hope Bioware dies a sad death
>All I ever wanted out of these games is a Turian bf
But you already have Garrus (unless you're a dude, in which case, sorry).
>Shepard, I've noticed that a subset of your species, despite being 13% of the human population, commits 50% of all the crimes. I would gladly introduce a genophage to stem the spread of these brutes among such a noble race with a seat on the council
Did you go with the Paragon option or the Renegade option?
>Turian partner
But why?
Mass Effect 3 had many bizarre design choices and hiring Raimi to co-write some of the dialogue was definitely one of them. Not sure what they were thinking.
>mass effect announced
>bioware! I love bioware!
>the game is huge, enormous, and atmospheric
>the characters are engaging and rich
>the combat is... eh
I fucking love mass effect 1. Part of me died during the first hours of mass effect 2.
I am a dude, that's why I'm complaining. It's always about ugly lesbos when it comes to gay shit in AAA games for some reason.
>noble race with a seat on the council
Both of the humans that can become a councilor in the council aren't white
>the combat is... eh
Playing ME1 for the first time now and what the fuck, it's so clunky it might as well be held together with Lego bricks. My squad doesn't do what the fuck I tell them to and half the time they just sit staring at a wall anyway. I've been stuck at once spot for three fucking days now and I don't know if it's because I suck at third person shooters or what but FUCK.
And one betrays everyone and the other is short-sighted.
Not many white people left in the Mass Effect universe after two centuries of multiculturalism
Kill Wrex on Virmire. Y/N?
Should've left him on Citadel. Can't trust shady mercs
>multicultural society manages FTL space flight and colonizes a large number of planets for humanity
/pol/ BTFO
But that completely ignores >13% of the human population, commits 50% of all the crimes
>getting stuck in me1 at all
just run forward and spam grenades and powers. the combat sucks because it's basic and uninvolved, not because it's hard.
>said society is completely pussified and their big hero is a white man with a buzzcut
Sounds about right
Mass relays is the most stupid thing in ME. Why would't advance civilisation be able to achieve the level of technology that allows them to travel across the galaxy without plot devices?
How the fuck did they get into Andromeda galaxy then?
>no krogan romance
>I am a dude, that's why I'm complaining
Hey, you at least have Kaiden (Steve's romance is rather off-putting because of the whole 'grieving his husband' thing).
>big hero is a white man with a buzzcut
Not in 5 of 6 playthroughs I've had.
The plot may be shit for most of the part but I can't forget my first ayy crush. Real people are so boring and ugly. Just give me the universe of ME as virtual reality or something and let me choose the race I want to be.
Valid for 80% of people that played these games according to Bioware themselves.
How do we get rid of him bros?
>Real people are so boring and ugly
It's why I'm into fur and monster shit
That's why the Council resisted humanity's rise to power
I can only selfinsert as males for some reason, probably because I want to, because women are ugly. Also, fucking your crush >> getting fucked by them - the best option would be allowing both to get everything.
Plus, I like Garrus but there are more interesting and better looking Turians out there.
What else? The humans look like shit and if I wanted to fuck humans I could just search for them in real life.
Because it's key for the plot. Mass Relays were deliberately left there by the Reapers to make organic civilizations expand upon finding them and depend entirely on forgotten technology. After baiting most organic life on the galaxy, the Reapers initiate the harvest before anyone figures out how they work.
Yeah i've played the game, it's still dumb tho
Name TWO better Turians than Garrus.
I feel you.
>The humans look like shit
And turians don't?
Saren, twice.
Personal preferences. Every mission related Turian I met felt more interesting than him and I prefered their colors. I like Garrus too but find his dog mentality kind of boring. He never questions you, it always felt to me like he barely had a personality, he's just fine with whatever you do regardless if it's full on renegade or paragon and his daddy issues don't make him any more interesting.
If I had a choice I would fuck Saren
The thing is the civilizations aren't that advanced. It's like the NASA suddently found some kind of portal on the moon that magicaly gave us infinite resources. Humanity would flourish but our technology and economy would become completely dependant on a device we don't understand.
But Saren is evil unless you use the power of fanfiction.
Though I have no idea how you could make him not Indoctrinated even then.
What the hell. Reaper hivemind?
Would you fug this birb?
ME1: Adept
ME2: Infiltrator
ME3: Vanguard
>tfw charge/novaspam
I want ME 4 with indoctrinated Shepard as the main protagonist while the new self-insert protagonist saves the galaxy
Sad that bioware's practically dead and all their talents have left years ago anyway
I want Tali to gas me!
Who cares. You work for literal human bullshit supremacy terrorists for a big part of the game and are allowed to go Renegade and threaten to murder other races. It's okay when humans do it etc.
>Though I have no idea how you could make him not Indoctrinated even then.
Finding another way to wreck Sovereign and some desinstallation bullshit.
Or just with the power of fucking. Fucking solves everything.
What did Bioware mean by this reveal?
Didn't they actually plan on doing something like that at some point of the development stage? SHit would have been so much better.
Sci Fi fans are the worst
What did they mean by this?
Wouldn't that be gay? Only male Turians have the fringe or crest or however you want to call it.
Also that womb tattoo.
Fucking whore disgusting.
Still mad this wasn't an option.
Why does Bioware hate progressive stuff so much? Lesbians aren't progressive anymore, everyone is doing that. You know what would be progressive? A threesome without blackscreen.
But what does her sweat smell like?
>is anything but vanguard
>hides from bullies as a infiltrator
>fem shep
checks out
I wanna go back to old days. Fuck whoever thought implementing heat sinks in every weapon was a good idea. They should have been kept as mods
What was he trying to tell there? I am too restarded and autistic to read sign language.
as much as I miss the way guns were in Mass Effect 1, I DO NOT miss having to stop every five seconds to convert mods to omni-gel
And how are weapon cooldowns better?
Tali is a skank. She's garbage tier.
t. seething human woman who can't satisfy a human man
anyone else here nigger vanguard shep?
>stop every 5 seconds
you have a huge inventory and most of the stuff you get is trash. you're probably hoarding tons of shit items.
I just thought it was pretty fucking neat. And the way the weapons would fold up. It was shit on snipers and shot guns but in ME2 I was always running out of heat sinks
I just want species war ME MMO in which you can choose your species so that we can all finally murder each other over preferences and take Yea Forums with us.
quarian womem are all prudish sluts who hide their bodies behind skin-tight suits that lewdly advertise their curves!
I have you know that Admiral Xen is no slut
This is my favorite thread on the citadel
just gel them when you pick them up.
>implying she didn't get her suit popped on pilgrimage
>do NOT attempt to chase
Fucking kek
get off the extranet ashley
Taste I guess. I can't stand squishy 3DPD faces but I find Turians great. Their < mouth also makes them cute despite looking manly otherwise and they don't look like shit when they are older.
>tiny butt fangs
I love this but i hate this
tali's ass is vastly overrated, she's all hips and gap
Why does he always wear a headscarf?
>Tali leglocking you
The best
Very gay and bluepilled. Jack is the hottest female in the series.
I member. Feels shit, man.
prolly part of all the geth motif shit, I dunno. Saren was always a pretty unique looking turian to me.
glad to see others in this thread also liking turian dudes
Finally someone who agrees with me. Only playing mShep when I want to romance her. Would prefer Garrus over any of the other women instead.
You really know that a game as a very fine story and good gameplay when all discussion about it is reduced to cheap waifufaggotry
Nu-Fallout is a fucking abortion.
based but fagpilled
Strange way of saying Liara, but okay. Jack is definitely second best waifu though.
Reminder: If you didn't romance Liara, you are gay
She is literally perfect
This. Based and blueberrypilled.
t. Mac Walters
just fuck off you filthy monkey, you're not and never will be welcome here and you know it.
>blocks your path
Fucking hell this nigger. I remember it vividly even today.
Jack has the best facial features. Liara looks like a 15 yo.
ME1: Engineer, and yes it sucked
ME2: Soldier
ME3: Infiltrator. Popping heads was fun.
vanguard is the most fun. completely circumvents the shitty cover based regenerating health slog fest that every other class has to deal with
That thing always made him look like some medieval madonna interpretation or something. Like it nonetheless though. Probably because I am into gothlike shit. I wish there were more in-game Turians with these long horn thingies he has. Probably some ethnical stuff, don't know, the games didn't really do much with the alien cultures they had. Especially if you ignore the codex.
Space legal
this cutscene was kino. shame we saw so little space combat in the series when mass effect had a pretty fresh take on it for a videogame
I need tips to make playing ME1 feel less like a inventory clusterfuck.
Should I get a trainer, get the good guns early on and just play like that so I can make my choices with my character and move on to 2?
This combined with the codex narrator makes me jizz every time. THere's something so cozy about it.
>not getting those big blue tiddies that will only get bigger with time
>not getting that prime virgin blue pussy instead of space STDs ridden turbosnatch
>not getting that huge mating tube
Pleb. Pure pleb.
>Liara looks like a 15 yo.
That is the point, Liara is PURE.
>It's always about ugly lesbos when it comes to gay shit in AAA games for some reason.
Because that whole "sjw" and progressive stuff they always talk about is actually just a thinly veiled marketing strategy. It was never about gays or anything, it's about fanservice and attracting as many potential buyers as possible and lesbians have the biggest general fanbase and you can always pretend that all that titt fanservice is just meant to be "progressive". Developers are actually pussies, otherwise we wouldn't have blackscreens and all the other restrictions. Seems like aliens aren't progressive enough either.
Just turn all the trash gear into omnigel.
My problem with her is her personality. I want people I kinda need to conquer and I find her character traits pretty boring in general.
It's okay user, I can understand that. After all, all ME waifus are female archetypes that men always liked through the whole history. Liara is your naive pure virgin straight from medieval knightly romance, Jack is your rough damaged diamond for captain save a ho. Both of these types are rarer than unicorns in real life, that's why we like them.
>mating tube
Some lore should be left forbidden
>huge mating tube
My nibba.
While Liara is my favorite ME girl I can understand that sentiment. Her personality is also very inconsistent between games. In ME1 she's a meek nerdy girl, ME2 she's ruthless but still caring and in ME3 she's adopted a more stoic but occasionally emotional role.
>Her personality is also very inconsistent between games
The games themselves are tonally inconsistent when compared to each other, so that's not too much of a surprise.
Imagine falling in love with a Turian guy, he looks hot, you are also best friends, then you are about to fuck him and realize they have corkscrew dicks just like ducks.
Fucking Bioware never explained how Turian dicks look like. They owe us that shit.
Just like Garrus too and Reapers and most other shit in general.
Yes it is user, you know in your heart it is.
back to /lgbt/ homo.
We could have had Shiala or Aria as a squad companion. Instead we have Liara.
>tfw mass effect became more focused around degenerate love interest/romance shit than actual meaningful exploration like the original game
Jack IS the best romancable girl (Chakwas is the best girl in general) and has the best facial scan and animations in the series
You CANNOT prove me wrong
>shame we saw so little space combat in the series when mass effect had a pretty fresh take on it for a videogame
You mean the Codex had a pretty fresh take on it; cutscenes disregarded all that interesting lore about how the ME space combat worked in favor of flashiness and pew-pew lasers.
Well, thank you!
>back to /lgbt/ homo
Hey, don't attack our homobros, they deserve to know what their space husbandos are equipped with.
Why did they have to ruin him in ME3?
And I know I am a dirty fanfic tier fag for wanting this, but I wish you could save indoctrinated ones and get Benezia too. Don't make it simple, hell maybe even lock it for the first playthrough, but make it possible for a game+ if you also activate a lot of other triggers.
I would usually complain about it being too unrealistic but fuck that shit, ME turned into such a hot garbage later and had a shitton of shitty asspulls to make Reapers killable and revive Shepard again and again and the whole Starkid bullshit so fuck that, if this crap is possible it should also be possible to save villains.
I actually like the games for allowing me to explore the vast spaceworld together with my alien LI.
>can't romance Tali as femshep
I love how you can be pro Cerberus for all of ME2 and he'll still hate you all game in 3.
He was already ruined during the first contact war.
>actual meaningful exploration
>tfw you will never be a sexual slave of a huge tiddied asari matriarch
>tfw stuck in this galaxy
>best facial scan
for lips? hell yes. For overall face? nah that's Shiala
>Chakwas is the best girl in general
Can't argue with that
>Jack IS the best romancable girl
Not even close. If we take the whole trilogy into account then she barely gets any romance time, Liara would be the best romancable simply because she was the Mary Sue of Mass Effect and the developers favorite.
It was definitely my first good sci-fi :) My favorite world building ever
>One early idea was to develop a prequel to Mass Effect, set during the First Contact Wars of the series’ lore, when the humans of Mass Effect’s galaxy had interacted with aliens for the first time. In late 2012, Hudson asked fans if they’d prefer to see a game before or after the original trilogy. The answers were resounding: most people wanted a sequel, not a prequel.
Fans were a mistake. I have zero interest in Andromeda and not just for the reasons people mention. I would kill for a Contact War game.
t. xenophile subhumans
At least they are clean
hear m,e out
Star Wars - Mass Effect crossover
It only shows the absolute state of humanity, that I have to date blueberries if I want pure waifu.
According to most porn artists, they have a blue dick with a knot. I believe it.
>actual meaningful exploration like the original game
Well, yes but no. ME exploration was an essential component of the game that gave it its atmosphere but it wasn't very well executed (i.e. the whole Asari writing, Turian insignia, Prothean data discs etc collectathon). Andromeda was supposed to improve upon it, but needless to say, that didn't happen.
God, I just wanted a competently made ME game with Sam Hulick and Jack Wall doing the OST, was that too much to ask?!
Fuck no. Fighting games have forever made me hate this.
It would be very limited, too action oriented and void of any real choice.
Well the blue is most likely canon considering they have blue blood. Not sure about the knot. We only know they can retract their dick, which would make gaysex less gay because it's not gay as long as there is no visible dick.
>playing ME2 with a Sole Survivor Shepard
>can't do ANYTHING to fuck over the whole reason your backstory exists
>having sex with Turian bf
>hit his prostate too hard and give him an erection
>run out of the room because you don't want to catch The Gae
I miss old youtube
They should make it possible to choose the the party to fight for (i.e. humans or turians). The problem is rather the end which is determined, kinda.
But they could always make the story more complex by adding some addional problem that isn't primarly about the actual war or some shit or just make into some alternative route like the damn ME3 endings and Paragon/Renegade. You could also explore the actual culture you are fighting for that way as well as their planets and colonies. I doubt it would be as bad as ME:A.
Fuck off, Star Wars is trash.
We all do...
Thanks Bowen for introducing me to TMBG
>babbies first scifi
>What is Halo
(You) barely even tried m8
Then you want a story that has little to do with contact war, but a side story in its time frame, which is limiting, it can take place at any time and you already have ME2 for that.
Your post is the fucking epitome of laziness and stupidity. If you had just posted the start menu screen with the Vigil track, fans of this classic would already know what they're supposed to feel. But you ruined it with that lazily added frog. Dumb frogposter.
I just don't want to play a human to be honest.
We don't know that much about the war, only how it started, how many deaths it has caused and how it ended. The only other thing is the Saren being forced to kill his brother and Reaper/temple bombing -stuff. People make movies and games about historical wars all the time even though we know how the war itself will end too.
Play Mass Effect 1, brainlet
Sole survivor backstory is revealed in the Cerberus killing sidequests in 1 to have been caused by a Cerberus experiment
You have to kill a million Cerberus facilities to find this out, too, and in ME1 and no other game you can be super hardass about your Sole Survivor backstory if you picked it
Im assuming he means Batarians. Which if thats the case is false since you can nuke an entire solar system of batarian colonies
what's a real mans scifi then?
star wars?
halo? star trek?
scifi is for fucking nerds you loser, don't put yourself on a pedestal
Did you know that a recent study showed that relationships with human males and quarian females were more likely to be happy, stable and last longer than relationships between human males and human females? I thought it was rather interesting.
no, they originally planned on shep being brought back by the geth and not cerberus
back when they were doing that dark matter plotline they teased on haestrom
May I see that study?
Still better than the Cerberus and Reaper shit.
Yes, historical recreation is important, but it is always linearly portrayed, with complete lack of player choice. In your case it would be like killzone, only this time you can choose to play like the hellghast, or the turians in this case. It is still very limiting in scope and outcome.
Are you both LITERAL retards?
"Akuze is a human colony on the outskirts of Systems Alliance space. In 2177, Akuze was in the early stages of colonization when all contact was lost with the pioneer team. An Alliance Marine unit was then sent in to investigate, but found only the intact settlement and no survivors. When the unit camped for the night, they were set upon by thresher maws. Not knowing what they faced, the unit was slaughtered almost to the last man; fifty marines were lost, and only one made it back to the landing zone alive.
Shepard can later discover that there was another survivor, Corporal Toombs, who claims the slaughter at Akuze was not an accident. According to Toombs, the renegade black ops group Cerberus deliberately set the thresher maws on the marines, to study the creatures and see how the unit reacted."
How? Tali is a dirty whore.
Being FORCED to side with this fucking shit terrorist group was one of the worst choices of the damn game. People always complain about the shit at the end of ME3 but seriously all of that trilogy would need a remake to be actually not rage inducing.
Tali is a whore, but blueberry = Asari. Stop being new.
Best place in the entire Trilogy.
Afterlife is 2nd.
I actually didn't read that part, but that's even worse.
You're throwing away pic related chad's alpha genes on a whore succubus.
Yes, actually. I wish I would just dislike everything about these games. I wouldn't care in that case. But there was so much potential and characters or worldbuilding related things I liked that I have to care, which only turns me into an eternally seething cuck.
You two are my nibbas.
Liara is pure, not to mention barely legal in ME you plebnigger.
What does that have to do with you killing off Shep's lineage? Fucking faggot.
Shep-Jack is meant to be.
How would you even write a satisfying ending for ME series?
Defeating Reapers is incredibly anticlimactic. Indoctrination Theory is great buy you would have people complaining nothing you did mattered.
>proceeds to procreate with the worst turboslut of the whole universe
Yeah, I'll rather take my shot with little blue babies
Remember tho...
____ ____ ____ ____!
Meme word but there is nothing you can call that ending other than KINO
>posting 3DPD
It does somewhat bother me that Saren is already this horrifying cyber monster with tons of conduits and tubes in him and no one ever thought "oh jeez, this guy might be trouble". Like the dude is a fucking birdman version of the terminator with fucking robot eyes and metal jaws with a mysterious ultra-huge spaceship that is not found in any known record and the Council thinks YOU'RE the bad guy initially.
How did we go from that....
I don’t think you would want to. The Migrant Fleet’s study has also found that human males and asari in relationships unfortunately don’t have a high happiness rate like female quarians and human males do. However, more research is needed, it could just be some isolated cases.
TIM brings you back to life and all he asks you to do is to look into a few cases of colonists being abducted, with your new ship that he built for you and a kick ass crew, some of which you already know and have worked with before. He makes a very compelling case and very calmly so. Are you going to turn down a free ship and all that comes with it for what? A hissy fit?
Because Bioware is retarded.
They actually planned to show him slowly getting reaperfied over the course of the game, which would have been great as fuck because you would only see a more or less normal Turian in him at the start and don't get what's up with him, but then he has some weird mechanical attachments the next time you see him and it just gets worse. It would have made that shit more interesting and made the reaction towards him reasonable.
Instead those retards fucked up their time and space management or were just too lazy to create multiple models for him so that we got a fully reaperfied version from the start which makes no fucking sense.
Oh man, I used to listen to Sunyo circa 2013-2014 while fantasizing about how good next ME would be. After all, they wouldn't dare fuck it up the second time, would they?
Best credits scene aside from maybe Infamous:
Aye.. playing ME3 multi listening to tracks from game's club and fan-made music.
Good times.
There was a mod for 3 but it seems it has been taken down.
Is the multiplayer still active for 3? Always wanted to play it but ever since it came out I only ever torrented 3.
Is there even any space RPG in the making?
Yes, it's easy to look back at how the Mass Effect franchise developed and feel sadness, sorrow etc. I'm usually gloomy like that, too. But when it comes to Mass Effect I look back and I feel joy. I remember the good times. The feeling I had when I sat in ME1's main screen for the first time and listened to its unique sound.
I still play ME1 through ME3 (semi) annually. It's a great journey that has brought me so many hours of fun, characters I love to interact with, characters that feel like family at this point. We have good times, we have rough times, in the end it matters what we do with our time. So don't be sad about Mass Effect. Install it, create a new Shepard and just play another round brehs.
Outer Worlds (Obsidian) and Starfield (Bethseda).
Outer Worlds looks like a trainwreck and Bethesda has never made a good game.
Isn't there StarCitizen too? Or will that never be finished?
>comedy game
So nothing.
Will either of those have romancable aliens?
I haven't played ME2 or 3 in years, and never played any of the DLC. Do you ever encounter even a single Vorcha that isn't some growling monosyllabic retard only deserving of a bullet in the head? Or are they just an absolute irredeemable trash race?
Here we go.
>meaningful exploration
Much as I enjoy off roading in the Mako, and that Prothean Orb bit, there's nothing meaningful about copy paste.
>Steam Winter Sale 2009
>decide to give this game a try that I heard some things about
>buy Mass Effect 1 for 5€
>get instantly hooked on the setting, the gameplay, the dialogue system (fuck you, I like the ME wheel), the party members, the music
>lose myself in the game
>do everything there is to do in the game
>finish it
>crave more
>January 28th, 2010 is 3 days away
>it's ME2's release date
2009/2010 were a highlight for me in gaming
It's just the game having shit tier writers.
Every alien race are just some one note people who are all the same unless one of them is important enough to be one of your major team members. We never see different types of aliens among a species either. They all have the same body type, character traits, size and even the same fucking clothes. Fuck this shit, all of the games need a remake.
Can't you have them both?
>tfw no vorcha bf
>Isn't there StarCitizen too?
It's not a RPG though.
>Or will that never be finished?
Well, that too. Shame, 'cause it can give you the feel of ME exploration atmosphere at times.
>Will either of those have romancable aliens?
Highly doubt it but who knows.
>Romance Liara
>You die after 100 years
>She lives another 800 years, forgets all about you
How many games even have that? Actual aliens I mean, not some fantasy shit that might look like some Repto alien or something.
They are unironically an irredeemable trash race only fit for cannon fodder.
I mean their max life is fucking 25 years.
Miss Chambers is CUTE CUTE CUTE
It's the future just use genetic modification. I mean we almost have that today, aging shouldn't even be a thing in future.
Outer worlds will not. We don't know about Starfield yet
>caring what people will think after you die
>tfw you would already be dead as a Vorcha
And my only achievements in life would be finished games and drawing a bit of fanart.
She looks like she fucks varren
Fuck that.
Imagine having a solid IP like Mass Effect and running it into the ground this hard. I bet the people responsible for this absolute historybook-worthy mismanagement even cashed in big fat cheques when they were finally let go.
The make up makes them look more retarded. Shit was a mistake.
The only redeeming factor about them is that they tell the Reapers to go fuck themselves when the virgin cuttlefish robots try to intimidate the Vorcha.
Yeah, you can fuck all of them
I like the idea but it's boring how every fuckable character is just the most generic dolllike female sameface with different skins. If this is a spacegame I want actual aliens.
Not interested.
They most likely did. Meanwhile they pay the actual devs liks shit which is part of the reason they all quit.
But the eugenics wars breh
nevermind me, just dropping the dopest tunes in gaming real quick
>that chick from Big Hero 6 with hair dyed red not purple
>Elsa get the fuck out of this game
Yeah, guess everyone who created a legacy ever was a retard.
>Doctor Chocolates
>muh serrice ice brandy
Mordin = Thane > Garrus > Tali = Wrex > Samara > Liara > Legion = EDI > Miranda > James = Grunt > Zaeed > Kasumi > Jack > Ashley > Kaidan > Jacob > Javik > Morinth
>legacy with a literal turboslut
>in video game
Okay user.
Its fucking dead, stop posting itt you fags, just press F instead.
Dare I ask, who is best romance in Andromeda? I romanced Vetra and I am comfortable with that decision
So when can we expect the trilogy remaster?
You all know it's coming.
S instead.
Add one to the list.
>Actually expecting DC to deliver an interesting story and not shit OCs that would get rejected in the most bottom of the barrel hentai you 'd come across.
Star Ocean has 10 times better fapbait.
Dr. Chocolate vs Dr. Michael Myers
Who wins???
>You will never talk to Vigil for the first time again
>You will never hear this for the first time again
>wanted to try anthem so pay $20 to access the premier or whatever instead of $80 for what turned out to be shit
>ME3 is included, never played it because what bioware did made me not purchase it
>Figured fuck it get my moneys worth
>Load it up.
>Objectively awful
>Writing, basic animations,story and dialogue progression just trash
>Firefights/weapon trash
That series ended at 2 for me. I'm still amazed at how much one studio nosedived a game to such an extent.I've played some janky games because but never that have pulled me so far out of immersion because i could predict dialogue because it was so cliche. Or that because shep constantly sprints like he's on the verge of shitting himself. New Scifi series when?
Fun fact: that first
trailer was pre-rendered. They didn't even had a game developed by that time.
I would only romance Vetra too. I like that there is that new alien guy but I don't like the design that much.
you accidentally posted the wrong one, let me help
based and blueberrypilled
only highlights of ME3 are Tuchanka and Rannoch but more Tuchanka. and joker wanting to fuck EDI. god i want to learn SFM just to get off to them doing it
As soon as Bioware gets desperated enough and gives up making money with new projects, so soon.
Mass Effect was never good.
Elcor > Vorcha > Volus > Batarian > Hanar > Rachni > shit > the rest of the galaxy
I like the angaran design but H A T E seeing them nakes
Turians >> Asari > Salarians > Quarians = Drells > shit > humans >> the rest, fight me.
Played for like an hour a week ago. Maybe 2-3 people joined in a game. Pretty dead. Origin doesn't show stats like steam so we wouldn't know daily figures
Given all the other shoddy shit they've done with that series that doesn't even remotely surpise me.
Don't let your dreams be dreams user. I enjoyed their weird relationship as well as much as the writing permitted anyway.
Does he gets blackscreened too? I hate these two..tumors, whatever on their chest. The rest is okay but I really hate that.
>quarian females and asari are modeled after human females to make them appealing to the player
Well ok user
It was in that K*taku's big article about how shit's fucked up there in BW.
Angry Alejandro covered that too.
Had to kill this guy with OP gravity physics since he would immunity whenever he got low
Liara is cringy af in me1 ,creepy in me2 and outright annoying in me3, so Ash.
She was cute in 1, weird in 2, not cute anymore in 3 so Tali because Kaidan is alive
t. tasteless peon.
Yet to experience a greater sequence than the final act of me1
I don't like their design too much either but Asari have a lot of qualities that make them interesting like the whole melding, biotics and the other stuff which makes them better than humans.
Also, blue skin is like ten times better than the pinkish colors humans have and short tentacles are better than hair.
Looks like i missed my chance, I hear the mp was fun.
I don’t remember Admiral Xen being so interested in human-quarian relations
Wish they had given us some enhanced version of that instead of Anthem.
>they’re still milking DLC from the games
>expecting a remaster any time soon
I doubt they are ever going to touch anything UE anymore. Especially version 3. Frostbite is here to stay.
Reapers were a mistake.
Even their design is boring shit.
>they’re still milking DLC from the games
nigger what
It wouldn't be bad if they actually could do anything with the engine and not just fuck it up.
Frostbite is fucking shit though and they said themselves operating with is is cancer. But I agree that it will stay, because Bioware leaders are retarded as shit.
They still charge for dlc
What's a good class to play for all three games?
I had an idea to play as a Biotic and see what that's like and make her an ultimate do good paragon. Otherwise I wanna do full on Renegade.
I can always play as a vanguard
Nah he's right, this is baba's first scfi fi, the chads all had star wars as their first sc fi.
*Sips* now star wars that was a good franchise.
>Liara is cringy as fuck in 1
She is self admittedly a history dork who doesn’t talk to people often so it’s not a surprise
I just mean the chest, seeing shirtless Jaal next to shirtless Liam made me weep
I wish to be abducted by female quarians and forced to breed with them
Holy shit this looks worse than ME1
>you just confirmed you were already in a relationship but I'm going to assume were are also interested in me
And she is damned right.
The chad blueberry isn’t going to bury her feelings and just let a perfectly good human male go to waste on a shitty human female
she wishes
Marauder Shields romance when
>tfw no squadmate
Don't fucking remind me.
I wish a girl, alien or otherwise would look at me like this
He always looked like a child of Saren to me.
>ywn experience ME1's world building for the first time again
>tfw you will never find Prothean stuff that will make you able to meet other species and discover FTL travel
Would take out for lunch, get ice cream and sit in the park feeding the birds and drop her back at the old folks home when we’re done
The lack of support for Adept in 2 and 3 is concerning.
Nothing funner than pulling an enemy and ragdolling their corpse away.
I’m currently playing through 2 as a vanguard but next play through I think I’ll do an adapt. Long time ago I played as adapt and it was hilarious hearing the falling screams happen as the enemies bodies come slowly floating towards you.
>Jack in a dress
>Miranda in that tasteless outfit
Yeah, no.
They fucking ruined Adept by making shielded enemies immune to biotics, which doesn't even make sense in the lore.
In 3 it's pretty good again, but not nearly as fun as lifting geth colossi into the sky.
God I fucking hate Miranda's face so much. Why were they able to create an actual beautiful face for Jack but not for her?
how does shepard take pic related off? like a spiderman mask?
I think they tried to use whoever she was modeled on EXACTLY and it just didn’t translate well
The bad thing is that they will do it for everyone instead of going back and be happy with the old faces they had that actually looked good. Bioware games are doomed having ugly faces for all eternity now, save for aliens maybe.
>Big Johnson releasing Special Delivery sometime this month
not even the aliens are safe
Well okay, only the TURIANS are save it seems.
If you're wearing that mask as anything other than an Infiltrator, you deserve capital punishment.
I love how Strahovski looks, I like the appeal of that in Miranda.
They probably aren't used to making cool unique models since they were only modifying existing models so far
Not my thing I guess then. Generally not into 3DPD though.
Kind of hard to fuck up a race of people that for the most part look the same
>babbies first scifi
I was probably 17 or 18 years old when it first came out. Fuck out of here with this shit. I remember thinking at the time it might very well have been my favorite game ever but since then I have retracted big time from that.
The series is massive wasted potential. I still like ME1, sort of, but it is depressing as well due to how shit the sequels are ruining things. There really is no great sci-fi out there originally derived out of gaming which is fucking sad.
But Mass Effect being generic sci-fi perfected was part of what made it so great.
Post the ridiculous asari pronouns picture
They're even worse for Sole Survivor Shepards as I said earlier
I can unironically discern them better than humans, even those with the same colors like Nihlus and Sparatus. Meanwhile it took me a quite some of time till I learned to tell Ashley and Miranda apart. It's even way worse in real life, not sure why it's so easy with Turians and pets.
IIRC there is actually cut content from ME3 where Xen confronts Tali and Shepard about their relationship and she isn't at all happy about it.
this is why sequels are never a good idea, they will never be able to carry the legacy of the first one, major reason why dark souls should've ended at 1 and why the sequels feel like mindless cash grabs
What are you into, then?
Nothing. Or only 2D and game characters as long as they don't look to much like real humans if that counts.
Imagine knowing TIM was not only responsible for tons of horrible experiments that kill tons of humans and aliens in the name of "human progress" from ME1's Cerberus missions, but being a Sole Survivor Shep and learning the reason all your squad was killed was BECAUSE of Cerberus.
It would take an incredibly forgiving person to just heel turn like that, even given being revived - and for all Shepard knows initially, maybe he/she never died and is just being TOLD this. Even then, if Shepard was killed, what if Cerberus did it? Cerberus killed so many others, including Sole Survivor Shep's team. It'd be a hard sell even including Joker and Chakwas and the new Normandy.
Can this franchise be redeemed?
>incredibly forgiving person to just heel turn like that
Heel turn is nice, I would actually murder him and his entire squad as soon as I had the chance.
Because she wanted Shepard for herself
why did they ruin her for 3
BioWare needs to replace everyone involved with ME2 and Andromeda and start completely fresh by disconnecting any new games from the trilogy and Andromeda aside from passing references and such
And ME2 forces you to play nice with him.
Yeah that's why I am pissed. I even played Sole Survivor the first time. And considering that it is an RPG it should really give me the choice to bomb this place.
If somebody buys the IP from EA, yes.
What do you expect from a studio who has never made an animation with actual alien/monster girls being fucked instead of your generic anime girl being fucked by an ugly monster.
What? The only cut content I’ve seen involving Xen is a video where Shepard falls Hackett and he casually mentions that Xen tries to take over the Geth after the Rannoch mission and she gets killed.
Can't say I'm a fan of that, but it works, some times.
they did give the reapers a shitload of trouble offscreen in me3
they where suddenly amazing fighter pilots in me3 and where kicking reaper ass
>white toast on a rice cracker > girl who speaks her mind without a filter
seek help
unironically based.
Only waifu fags would abandon a bro they've known for years for some racist hick you met a few weeks ago.
Sacrificing Ashley makes more thematic sense as well story wise. Gives her a nice sendoff.
probaly never after the disaster that was andromeda and anthem
hell even DA4 seems to be in trouble now
just a matter of time before EA closes down bioware
shame the sjw's who made andromeda refused to make an actual romance/sexx scene with vetra. they where too busy animating the males nude
Is the ME1 framerate supposed to be ass? 2070 8GB, 16GB RAM, i7-8700k and I can't get more than 20 FPS on Citadel.
you mean only the male humans/aliens will look good. females are mandatory ugly because else the sjw's and landwhales will whine
Don’t play the Steam version
Bioshit is probably dead before long but the ME ip is still owned by EA, and despite Andromeda the franchise is still loved by many. I wouldn't be surprised by a remaster desu.
I'm not.
Neat, thanks
But then Bioware showed their true NPC SJW colors.
>inject liberal agenda
>hire diversity crew
.series immideatly goes to shitterines
There are a lot of diversity characters in andromeda
What was up with the gay Krogan
I don't even know what Ashley does in later games because I traditionally always kill her in 1.
The male humans look 3DPD too. What makes the female ones look so bitchy is the stupid make up or however you call shit they smear onto their faces.
based positive user
They hate males. Reminder that the only canonically gay ME:A Turian lost his bf and will probably drink away his sorrows for the rest of his life and we couldn't even give him a pity dicking.
They would never do the same thing with two women, let alone humans.
My ass is more progressive than them.
>What was up with the gay Krogan
Check 1:35 for the worst cinematic fight in the series
Are krogan even physically capable of speaking at such a high pitch?
everything about this is wrong
Anthem killed BioWare
In 3 there is one that is the second in command of the Blood Pack, you gun down their leader in a set-up meeting and he takes over on the condition that he follows Aria T'Loak's orders.
hope they’re cooking separate meals
>ME1 sets the groundwork for the world and ignites the mystery
>ME2 fleshes everything out
>tfw you will never cook your meal together with your favorite Turian after a good schooting rampage
>ywn play ME1 for the first time again
>you will never go exploring worlds with your bros, Garrus and Wrex, again
>You will never browse the worlds with Meitum for the first time ever again
>replayed it last year
>felt just like playing it the first time
Citadel dlc has a based vorcha from the multiplayer that btfos a human female
>cross contamination causing nuclear shits
no thanks bro
I like your attitude
what gay krogan
Is this a meme? Morda is female
Who is this man?
I’m an idiot for not knowing that but the voice is very misleading
To be fair user, some would argue I'm the idiot for playing and fairly enjoying Andromeda
I'm pretty sure the character is said to be voiced by a gay guy who has an extreme high pitched voiced
If you've been stuck for three days in the same spot in fucking ME1, it's a wonder you've managed to get beyond creating your character.
Are there any decent batarians?
inb4 people think ME2 wasn't where the ME series started to fall apart
If you don't sell between missions you risk having to gel upgrades because of full inventory.
it slipped slightly around the point where sovreign takes over saren as the final boss in me1, was in rapid decline by "this pistol doesn't have a thermal clip" and was completely dead by the end of freedom's progress
The overuse of those flare effects in ME1 is so charming. Really adds to the pulp sci-fi vibe and makes the environments feel much cosier
I agree. I can’t say I think ME2 is bad, it’s not. But you can really tell that they started taking the game series into a much safer approach, making it a more casual TPS without much depth. The series could have been a lot more if they worked more on ME 1’s strengths.
ME2's intro was where it fell apart
There was a complete tonal shift, they setup at the end of ME1 was thrown away
does a good job at explaining it
ME2 was good IMO but it did need to have some sort of adventure and knowledge gaining. Just felt like we were sitting and waiting for the Reapers to come and handle the problem when they get here
never going back
Yeah, don't get me wrong, ME2 was fun and fine, but it wasn't a good ME game/sequel
Where are you stuck?
Playing this for the first time too, I am okay with the combat system though. It's just that Garrus is sometimes pulling a Leeroy Jenkins on me.
*Richard Jenkins
What was your favourite planet to free roam on?
For me it was Amaranthine.
Any one that didn’t have thresher maws
That one with the giant neighbour planet that was taking up half of the sky screen.
I am sucker for these scifi vibes, especially giant moons or planets in the sky or two+ moons during daytime.
Stop shilling your site every chance you get, Shamus.
Not Shamus but since you're sperging so much, have a pastebin pastebin.com
>scrolling and everything I see is talking about lotr
Why are modern blogs like this? Wouldn't a single paragraph intro be enough? Why even compare it with lotr in the first place? Just analyse the problem, I haven't even watched these movies.
I'm sorry you're autistic and have ADD
I always saw it as ME2 having an atrocious story, but great storytelling. Much more satisfying to view the game as a series of vignettes set between ME1 and ME3 rather than an installment of the trilogy in its own right. I'll always maintain ME2 would have been viewed much more favourably in the context of the larger series if it were a spinoff with the main character being some Terminus space pirate/smuggler contracted by Cerberus for the suicide mission. Replace the returning ME characters with original stand-ins, say Shepard disappeared (hint it was on some mission for the Alliance/Council, reveal more in a comic or book or some shit) and the "uselessness problem" of ME2 is mostly solved
It's retarded. When I want to read about the problems of ME I don't want a pages long essay about a story I barely know anything about.
Especially since the actual ME related content down there are just two tiny as fuck paragraphs. He's talking more about LotR than ME in a post that is supposed to be about ME and he doesn't even analyse it. The few ME related text is basically "2 is different as fuck from 1, compare that to Frodo blahblah".
I may have accidentally the page prior to the one I wanted but it's giving context to a long analysis of the series
Yeah the Collector problem seems like something that could have been handled by another adventuring group.
Is it truly over?
You cracked the case.
It’s a money making machine so it’s never going to be done.
Dune, you child
I always wanted and expected the series to take place over the span of a decade or more anyway. I experienced the same letdown two times when each sequel takes place only a few years later and none of the characters feeling older. Especially since that Reaper threat felt like some shit that might happen ages later, considering how long it took to appear in the first place and that it raped Saren for 30 years till it "activated".
Generally not a fan of that shit, I personally prefer different MCs for such games, or just what you said, that would have been great and would have given Shepard and the others a better re-introduction than that magical revival bullshit just after the endfight of 1 if you play the games at once.
I’d prefer at this point a smaller contained story in the mass effect universe as a game. Nothing to the scale of galactic civilization ending like the OG games.
Same. That's why I always hated the reapers. If it was at least rewarding, but it's nothing. The content and story behind them is shit and all the mass killings and genocide as well as killing everyone is shit as well and nobody was happy with this.
Saren should have just been manipulated by some bugged war AI machine or something, the whole motif of war would have fit better to the lowkey sadness/seriousness of the first part's atmosphere anyway with all the shooting going on, Saren being a war victim himself (to some degree, since it has kinda fucked him up) fuckers like Dr. Heart and the like as well as racism and stuff.
But nope. It had to be some overachieving mystery bullshit that made the games repeat the story of part 1 two times with the Reapers getting more retarded each time and a terrible conclusion. Bioware was not ready for this and I generally dislike these types of universal, semi-religious threats and themes in sci-fi.
Just give me that contained bullshit. Part 2 could have been all about Spectre adventures and you visiting actual alien cities. No military bases or factories, literal alien cities and you could use that part to go full out about worldbuilding. And part 3 could have been something more extreme. Maybe something that refers to part 1 again, but not the same shit.
I like the more tactical approach to combat in the original build of ME1. No it isn't perfect of course but having more control over your squad should have been carried over from this earlier build.
Starchild, bros.
Never forget.
I hope the next ME game that doesn’t suck has another qt Quarian to romance
We will probably get 10 new humans and 4 goblina Asari like always. Plus a single romance that is an alien who isn't an Asari, but the species is completely random and might as well be some new species or something.
Didn't £200 on a sealed copy of the trilogy for the PS3 Christmas.
Just a few months and it already looks old.
I am not good with money
I really want another ME and they hinted that they are planning to do this, but am I ready for the pain and despair I will feel when I see the first trailer or read about the content?
I got 'stuck' on that simulation dlc the last time i pirated the game. playing on hardcore i think. the last wave is brutal with how braindead your squad is.
only good thing from this series was all the futa porn
I want to sleep on Liaras boobs while she pats my head
>Liara has the best outfit
Fitting for best girl. Ashley also looks like she just Nair'd her 5 o'clock shadow off in preparation for a night out
Replaying the trilogy, started last night. Went with Vanguard.
I really want to play all 3 of these. I played 1 and gave up half way through 2 because it changed elements I really liked from 1. Is 3 really SO bad that I shouldn't bother? Is it just going to be a massive smack in the face after a 100+ hour investment?
Tuchanka and Rannoch are great but the rest of the game falls flat for me. It's an okay game but it's sad and frustrating to see so much potential squandered and fucked up.
Who wouldn't
What's up with these Mass Effect alien Mona Lisas, did I miss a meme?
Why are so many people so damn ugly in this game?
Did they ever tell us why certain sex scenes are shown and others not? Is it illegal or something to show Quarian or Vetra sex? Why?
they made quarians too sexy
Sara Ryder or a female Vorcha?
Since this thread is dying I'll admit that I am extremely sexually attracted to Sara Ryder, I would fuck her face for hours
Does MEA have an editor again? Can you make MC look any better?
Yeah it made it pretty boring, you just had to shoot them with the machine pistol for a few minutes and then dump your biotics on them. repeat when their shields refreshed.
It's okay user, I masturbated to saren. Everyone is an autist or perverted on here, in one way or another.
someone take ME away from this studio
this is like seeing a pet being abused by somebody
They got indoctrinated by EA you have to destroy them first.
MS always got a big boner for scifi shit so I guess there would still be blatantly safe ME games coming out occasionally.
They probably even bought Obsidian with a sole reason of churning out some space opera games.
i swear i'ts always the same guy posting the Vigil theme
Admiral Xen/any female quarian advocating for HMxQF is my favorite aspect of these threads
Mass effect never had a chance
Just let actual VR finally becoming a thing and let me dive in into that universe and befriend whatever character I want and visit the places I am interested in and create my own story. No reapers please though.
I don't understand. Does that mean they look like male Turs? Just because of the head?
Speaking of it, was that Turian Fleet General guy the only blue Tur we have ever met? The skin I mean.
Because you looks like a post op tranny
Damn I now want to play as half of these characters.
Why was the rooster so damn boring?