Are asians the only hope left for video game industry?

Are asians the only hope left for video game industry?

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Yes, next question, please

will i ever enjoy video games again

Will I ever find something I enjoy?

What's wrong with her spine? Poor girl.

Will I ever fuck her cunny?

Will I ever get a cute, virgin Asian girlfriend?

Should I kms?

Korean gacha hoof shit.

will I ever get cute gf who loves me as much as I love her (a lot)

>spines can't do that
Maybe if you're an obese amerilard

any good korean games?

>korean game
>girl is bending her back to make her ass look bigger
sounds about right


If your spine does that, I'm pretty sure you're fucked up.
I mean take a closer look at the girl. Sure the spine has natural curves, but not THAT severely.

Will I ever find a video game that I can enjoy playing?

From the trailer it will be worth it just for the ass physics alone.

it's called stylization, it makes things look cool

no lol do you even need to ask
has korea even made a single good game ever

Breakdown sequel?

Attached: breakdown-xbox-one.jpg (800x480, 125K)

Black Desert Online

sexy girls doesn't mean good games you horny underaged mouthbreather
have sex

is the ffcc remaster gonna be goty?

Main girl is hot. Might be good for a fap if nothing else.

yeah we can look forward to pedophilic games, fanservice games and the same game mechanics with minor changes for the next 50 years
based gooks!


have sex

>western games have good graphics but nasty females (mortal kombat)
>japanese games have cute girls but retarderdly outdated tech and delayed PC release, etc.

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>these boots
A game that needs to whore out the protag this much to sell can't be good, certainly not from a gacha company. Might be worth a torrent to masturbate and get an SFM model.

Attached: boots.jpg (1914x1073, 214K)

will I ever succeed?

bend over

This guy's designs are always like this.

Not to mention she's an android.

How exactly are Bloodborne or Sekiro outdated tech?

Looks pretty generic. No thanks.


Attached: jello ass.webm (648x580, 1.03M)

Capcom finally anouncea new darksatlaker Game?

It's gonna be grindy and shit. Can't wait for model rips though.

Can we be saved?

>ass jiggle
That's how I imagine high tech androids will look like, unless feminism hits first

Already did mate, where have you been?

Attached: Vampire Savior 3.gif (506x380, 1.65M)

Will my artwork ever improve?

Should I do assignment now?

You guys need to grow up , this a sexy and empowering female design . off you guys are so 2k

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was /g/ ever good

Will I ever get to dry hump the girl in the pic in the ass?

what said

Will my penis grow bigger.

is Bane a big guy?

They will be designed by Asians who give no fucks about crap like that while West bans androids because of some idiotic reasons.


I'm happy for you user

>generic mmo p2w
Ah yes, exactly what zoomers love these days

But OP's pic is a single player action RPG for PS4

Does Janny do it for free?

Asians and slavs were always the only hope


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Certainly not Koreans or the Chinese.

Yes, but pic unrelated.

Those are obviously just heels without the actual heel part.

Attached: 24.jpg (700x953, 76K)

Literally nothing shown to be excited over unless you're brainlet who thinks fapbait design = good game.

No their form of cancer is of a different nature, Jailbait girls in tight and exposing outfits with squeaky chipmunk voices, Not to mention the idol shit shoehorned into everything, Repetitive gameplay with people only likely it because PP hard, In both and west and east masculinity is going the way of the dodo.

Screw androids, Lets become the sexy cyborgs instead.

The Japanese have always been what keeps games alive. The sooner the western devs fold, the better.

>korean/chinese games
>worth a shit

THIS is what people were screaming about when they said “ass jiggle?” That little 2 second window? How fucking desperate do you need to be to even notice that? It’s fucking nothing

>He thinks it will last
It's already starting to happen. Give it 6 years and the Japanese game industry will be just as insufferable as the western industry