console wars is for poorfags and third world shitters
Console wars is for poorfags and third world shitters
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third world shitter here
i agree with you idiot
And for people who are bored and have a non static ip.
Reminder that the xbox one has less exclusives than the virtual boy
And somehow is a much better console than the Switch. That's not even up for debate.
It is if you just want to play games, but if you are an idort it sucks. Thank god the ps4 has exclusives and good graphics
Why do sonyfags always try and start shit like this
Reminder that Xbox One has exclusives you'd actually want to play, while S.o.y.'s platform is full of weeb trash and walking simulators.
Such as?
It's not really a war if Sony is unbeatable now is it
I'm not a Sonyfag, just someone who owns a XB1 and a Switch. I've got nearly 250 games games ready to install on my XB1, some came from previous generations. The XB1 is just more convenient as a gaming machine. Same as the PS4, I think you're ok with both of these two.
To compare it to garbage like the Virtual Boy despite the fact you are much better of owning an XB1 than a Switch feels wrong to me.
>console wars
>steam hat
Such as this. The PS4 is full of weeb trash like this.
>It is if you just want to play games
Duh that's the whole point isn't it?
The Switch is currently in the blue balls season, it's the same trap as every Nintendo console post the SNES. Man, if you think this console is good you need to revise your priorities.
Yeah PC store wars are where the cool kids are at.
I meant what exclusives does the xbone has. The pic you posted is comming to pc and it's the game responsible for consolising fps so I hate it
>console wars is for poorfags and third world shitters
But user, those people are mostly PC GAMERS. Muricas are the ones to blame
Maybe once you've gone through puberty you'll stop making such terrible posts. Can't guarantee it though.
The exclusives of actually being a competent console that doesn't miss on important releases, has good performance in its games, and a good infrastructure that keeps track of all your transactions for decades.
Where the fuck are the games I bought on my Wii back in 2008? They're lost forever and the service isn't online anymore. Yeah Nintendo is such a pro consumer choice.
So, none, got it. Meanwhile pschads get exclusives and multiplats
No it's for literal children which is 80% of this shit board.
>playing FPS on gamepad
dude stop
>The Switch is currently in the blue balls season,
Sure if you only like Nintendo games otherwise everyone is playing Blaster Master Zero or Dragonball Heroes
this is the average age and race of a sony fanboy
>Where the fuck are the games I bought on my Wii back in 2008
Still on your Wii.
I'm not even talking about the Playstation here. It's a console I don't have and don't feel like I need to but if you've been on the Playstation ecosystem then it's the most obvious choice.
There's no such thing as a Nintendo ecosystem. Each gen is a new gimmick and each gen you're submitted to months of pure drought waiting for them to announce when's the next Nintendo Direct so you can know when will an already revealed DLC for a 4 months old game be released. At this rate its one character per year but hey its Nintendo durr they can do no wrong.
>but if you've been on the Playstation ecosystem
What ecosystem?
They abandon their audience each gen and you have to hope that you get a game that appeals to you.
nintendo knows how to do DLC.
>releases a full, complete game
>announce that DLC wont be worked on until game is finished
meanwhile you sonysharts and mustards buy day 1 DLC because you're so fucking retarded. faggot.
Watch the PS5 be fully compatible with the PS4 and PS3 next gen. The next Switch will still be a handheld hybrid with a different gimmick and won't even read Switch cartridges
Dude, I don't give a fuck about shitendo. All I'm asking is you name 1(one) xbone exclusive that's not shit
Nintendo is milking the shit out of One fucking DLC character.
lol you guys will still praise anything they do.
>Watch the PS5 be fully compatible with the PS4 and PS3 next gen
Doubt it. That would make it cost a metric fuck ton and they're opposed to BC as it is.
>tries to deflect after being BTFO
>I've got nearly 250 games games ready to install on my XB1
And none of them exclusive and all of them better on PC. As such the XB1 is useless. Fuck off, Microsoft shill.
console war kinda makes sense when you have a bunch of kids who play on the console their parents bought them. but on a forum full of adults and pc gamers its just baiting
Sony has been pretty gay of late. I think people are giving Nintendo a pass because of Sony's censorship gayness. What those idiots do not know now that the Switch is selling gangbusters Nintendo will soon start acting gay with the censorship and Sony will start acting less gay.
Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are all just awful. Who ever is on top always acts the most homo.
How was I BTFO? You're the ones anxious waiting for months for a single DLC character. We don't even have news on a new Animal Crossing or Metroid yet.
lol yeah, that bothers me so much.
If you want to play weeb shit and walking simulators then go ahead, no one's going to stop you.
>Who ever is on top always acts the most homo.
Well not exactly. Nintendo have just been Nintendo whether they're on top or not.
i know but still
Is having an xbone the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having an xbone. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying and beta-testing games for at least 5 years solely so they can go and get played on other platforms. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little console - buying exclusives, subscribing to Microsoft services, console-warring on Yea Forums, letting it collect data for MS, playing with it. All of it has one simple result: It's exclusives are more enjoyable for the men that will eventually play them on other platforms.
Raised the perfect console? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way it grew up. He gets to play it's games every night. He gets the benefits of it's kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised it.
As a man who has a xbone, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 5 years of your life simply to beta test games for people on other platforms to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
>There's no such thing as a Nintendo ecosystem
IPs are part of an ecosystem.
Although even if what you're saying is specifically referring to services they do have things that are meaningful across multiple platforms with their store credit system. 3DS and Switch game purchases earn you store credit that can be used on either system.
They do good and bad (see Fire Emblem on 3DS) DLC practices. Same as every other company. Sony also has had great DLC practices (Gravity Rush 2, Infamous Second Son) as well as awful ones (The Last of Us' multiplayer stuff).
buying an xbone is pointless if you own a PC
It's cheaper than a PC. But it's convenient, you can for example use the game pass on both the Xbox and PC.
It's one of the features I expect they eventually also release on the Switch.
switch has games I want to play and I can take it with my so I can easily play with my friends too. Other this gen consoles don't have any games or have one game I could want to play so they are not worth. All consoles ascended race
It's pointless if you have anything.
PC+Sony+Nintendo is being an idort
Adding Xbox to that just makes you look like a retard who buys everything for no reason.
you can get every game worth playing on an xbone on either the PS4 or a PC with a bone controller, there is Z E R O reason to own one
this, being a guppy doesn't make you an idort
everybody in my office who owns a ps4 is a weeb manchild. they are insufferable.
Buying a Nintendo console just makes you a retard altogether. But Yea Forums fails to see it because muh smash character roster discussion and reggie.
What the fuck are you buying a Switch for?
Consider this:
Imagine going to a clothes store and buying one of every piece instead of the best ones or the ones that suit you and your body type. You would be beyond retarded, it doesn't matter if you can pay for it. Same applies to anything else, from food to consoles.
>What the fuck are you buying a Switch for?
Games maybe?
Hell it's the only platform where you aren't playing third party roulette.
It's cheaper than the PS4, it has Sekiro, Kingdom Hearts 3, Forza Horizon 4, Red Dead Redemption plus the games they offer with the monthly subscription and the backward compatible list you can play from the 360.
From the actual consumer perspective I think it's very serviceable. I can't say the same about my Switch.
yeah, you're playing nothing instead
Mario Odyssey, Luigi’s Mansion 3, Mario Maker 2 and comfy platformers like Yoshi and Kirbyz
I sure am enjoying Sekiro on my Switch.
Also I haven't even bought Zelda, that shit is still full price on any retailer. I rather just emulate it on my PC.
ok idort
After being a PCbro for a decade since I skipped the eighth gen entirely, I decided to buy a Switch because of the impressive list of first party titles. It would be unfair to not mention that most of them aren't out yet, though, and that I think Nintendo has done a poor job at padding things out between release dates. They banked too much on Smash but it's arguable that it was a fair banking considering it's all this board can fucking talk about lately.
That's a terrible analogy given that it doesn't show the restrictions involved in being a single system peasant.
Why would you want to buy Sekiro on Switch?
I agree. Every platform is shit. Buy NO platform.
>Buying a console just makes you a retard altogether
Imagine giving your loyalty to faceless corporations that only want your money
to play smash bros and pokemon with my friends
Except for good third party games and good first party games.
The "Just buy them all argument", always used by someone living off their parents.
>buying a product is giving your loyalty
are you signing exclusivity clauses when you buy a console?
smash, odyssey, travis strikes again, botw, kirby star allies, astral chain, mario maker 2, animal crossing, metroid prime 4, luigis mansion 3, smtV, splatoon 2, demon x machina and pokemon sword
we're not even at E3 yet baybee
I bought an Xbox for just 160 euros and it came with a shitton of games inside. wow such a bad choice for a console.
My Switch is a placeholder for the next Pokémon game, it costed me 300 euros and I play nothing but Smash Bros on it. And theyre about to announce an improved version so that's 300 euros gone for me.
zero games in the first four months of 2019, zero games for 10 of the 12 months of 2018, zero games for 11 of the 12 months of 2017, yikes
You're playing Metroid Prime 4? See what I mean. Full on on the blue balls season. That's every Nintendo console since the SNES.
Xboner here
Smell ya later, losers.
Look at the people in this thread (and board) that actually seem to believe these companies are their best friends
>go to target
>look at discount games section
>three full rows of xbone games
>one row of ps4 games
>almost no nintendo stuff anywhere
Is XBONE just for poor people?
Based Ezequiel
Which is why I have a PC to play tons of games on between the droughts. If you seriously stick to consoles all the time for your hobby you are retarded.
There's just more Xbox titles.
Imagine buying technology of any kind.
I have an Xbox and a PC but not because I need something to survive the massive droughts on Nintendo consoles. I just need something to play games on.
>can't list any yourself
>page linked to is literally all just multiplats
I rest my case.
I never said exclusives, retard. I said titles. Xbox has the largest list of net titles. That includes multiplats.
Not for long lmfao
>zero games in the first four months of 2019
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Dragonball Heroes
>dragon marked for death
>zero games for 10 of the 12 months of 2018
>Mario party
>zero games for 11 of the 12 months of 2017, yikes
>Blaster Master Zero
>golf story
That's not even getting into multiplats or enhanced ports either but you're probably going to say they're all shit to be contrarian.
>months of pure drought
Has never happened outside the 3ds launch. The Switch has so many games I have a backlog of titles I want to pickup for it.
>Sony feels backward compatibility is backward
>Nintendo ensures backward compatibility outside one time with the Switch
Look at that fucking list. ahah
Unless you're Dobson I don't know how you can settle with that
All of the day bro
Case in point.
I knew you would fall for the bait even if you were told it was bait to your face.
>why so many xbox games on sale??!!
because there's more of them
>No! multiplats don't count!!!!
God you're retarded. So there's even less Xbox exclusive games on sale? Thanks for making Xbox look even better.
I wish I didn't fell for the Nintendo Switch is a good console bait. Good think I skipped the Wii U or this would've been a hat trick for me.
>over half of it is shovelware
Multiplats DON'T count. If you get multiplats on a console, you are stupid. Period.
Name one (1) good console
That's subjective. Name one gameplay trailer from Metroid Prime 4 and the next Animal Crossing game. Name anything that isn't the next Smash Bros DLC character.
>Name anything that isn't the next Smash Bros DLC character.
That list is sad. The saddest part is that Halo 5 will most likely come to PC
Parappa confirmed!
Not him, but we'll probably see animal crossing gameplay on E3
>Exclusive on the PS4
>Also available on the PS3
What do the mean by this?