Now that everyone on Yea Forums has platinumed Sekiro and it's out of the way: what game are you playing next?

Now that everyone on Yea Forums has platinumed Sekiro and it's out of the way: what game are you playing next?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I haven't beat Sekiro yet.

I've only been paying it on weekends with my GF. Just got to Fountainhead

Cuphead on switch

Baba is you
Me is dumb

stuck on corrupted monk 2

>what game are you playing next?
Games above 60fps, unlike you LMFAO

I'm still stuck on SS Isshin. Fuck that second phase.


Like what? Tell us about those games, user.

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I think I honestly enjoyed DS2 more.

DS2 at least tried different thingds than DS3 and had didn't have the infinite stamina enemies. Also, though it looks like shit, the graphics of not the new games that are not BB look kinda faded and shitty.

The Surge

Something slow, cozy and breezy. Last Guardian.

I need to play something that isn't trying to brutalize me.

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I dunno. Literally no games until Gays Done release. Fucking around with AC3 remaster No new japanese games sucks

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>I think I honestly enjoyed DS2 more.

>Something slow, cozy and breezy.
I wish Last Guardian wasn't so slow in particular though. I was so hyped for this game, but I haven't finished it yet, because the fps was killing me.

I'm sorry.

Now that the PS4Pro is about 350 bucks on sale it should be alright.

I can't imagine how that game was planned for the PS3 though.

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third phase is much easier, you'll get there

>implying it doesn't run at a steady 60 on PC

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I'm finally playing Kai's game. Yet ANOTHER game starring Maaya Sakamoto I've been playing recently.
Fuck the blonde tsundere.

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The Last Guardian is such a unique game.

I'm reading VNs and I need to play more titty ninjas.

Last Guardian is unironically more frustrating than Sekiro because solving 80% of the puzzles involves getting the birddog to cooperate.
Pic related. It's that in video game form.

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Haven't beaten Sekiro yet. I may actually go for all the achievements in this, but I'm gonna have to get past Sword Saint Isshin first. At the very least I'll go for the second ending.

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needing to finish the games 4 times for the endings aside, how many playthroughs does it take to do things like max attack power/HP/prosthetic upgrades?

You don't need max attack power for any of the cheevos, but it takes a lot, considering the cap is 99 (I believe) and you get like 10 memories per run.
HP can be done in one, and prosthetics need two, because there's only 6 lapis lazuli per playthrough, and you need 10.
You also can get endings on different save files, but you need to do Man Without Equal on the same one, so at least NG+ for that.
The skillpoint grind can be done whenever, but obviously easier on higher NG+es.

i'm looking forward to NG+ but on the other hand i cant wait to play through again from scratch now that i'm not as much of scrub. moreso than all the other from titles this game really does get better the more you play


It's back to Bloodborne for me. Sekiro was good but nothing beats the real deal.

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Still playing sekiro here but I will get EDF Iron Rain as soon as it gets released.

I got my first ending last night (Return). I'm pretty burnt out so I'll probably hold off on the plat for a while. Been thinking about finally finishing either Muramasa or Nioh before I do.

Replaying souls games but honestly can't wait to jump back to Sekiro later again.

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>this Seven Spears asshole
Yeah, I think I'm done with this game.

I mean, I can Mikiri counter most of his stabs and generally predict what he's gonna do, but I only got here after dying to him for a solid hour. Good game, but figuring out the ins and outs of every non-trashmob enemy is way too fucking time-consuming and the gratification you get out of beating them isn't worth all the effort.

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Daily reminder that 90% of posters talking about endgame shit on Yea Forums have only watched YouTube videos.

Doing this as well. How come I have never heard of this game? Kind of cool to play scifi version of dark souls. I have definitely played worse.

Here's a (You)
Now dont spend it all in one place, ya hear?

What's she laughing at?

Because it's shit. Made by the incompetents who made the absolute travesty that was Lords of the Fallen.

Sekiro doesn't have an endgame

What is so shit about it besides not being made by Japanese dev? The areas have good design with multiple paths to get to anywhere, already makes it better than DS2. At worst what I can tell is the game might be kind of short. Have it fought one boss so far.

Ironically, Sekiro
But I’m gonna mod the music to be Wu-Tang Clan tracks because aesthetic and also the original soundtrack sucks.

Friendly reminder that Yea Forums will praise anything fromsoftware releases.

You should share the mod. Everything is better than the garbage in the game.

I don’t know shit about packing mods or patches but I’ll try. If I do it’ll be on Nexus sometime this month.

Enter The Gungeon
On switch and pc
As my dark skinned hunie ofc

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This would be so based I’d do another run entirely just to experience the aesthetic

>already makes it better than DS2
That's not exactly much of an accomplishment.

>Yea Forums has shat on DS2 and ocntinues to do so to this day
>b-but we sucks fromsoft's cock!

Yeah so far I’m thinking:
Various Normal Battle Themes-Triumph cuts
Isshin-Guillotine Swordz
Gyobu-Wu Tang Clan Ain’t Nothin To Fuck Wit
Juzou-Bring The Ruckus

Any other tracks that would fit certain bosses?

Just Spam attacks, Dodge sideways and do the Mikado counter. He's really not that hard. The key is to break his posture.

Just beat Demon of Hatred and I'm still incredibly salty. The whole game to that point had relied almost entirely on mastery of the parrying and posture systems, and now here's a boss that will punish you for using either. You just have to run circles around his balls and whack them for chip damage like he's a Dark Souls boss. Not a rewarding superboss.

well considering everything they make is 9/10 it's not surprising

It isnt, but if contrarians are so keen on circle jerking that game here I dont see anything wrong with liking this game.

Sekiro and RE2make really left me wanting more.
The Witness I guess but RE2make left me craving some timesink coop games because all I can think of is Outbreak

I've already platinum'd the game, but I'm still going to be doing a no-damage run of all the bosses before I shelve the game.

After that, I'm gonna go revisit Dead Cells, because it recently got a big free content update. Once that is done, I'm going to play Furi and Enter the Gungeon, two games that were like 50% off that I just bought on Steam.

The end of 2019 will be me playing Monster Hunter Iceborne and Ys 9.

In between any of this, I might finally do my S-rank runs of Dante Must Die on DMC5, but I still want to wait until Vergil gets added before I really get serious about score-running in that game.

Be aggressive and he's easy. The Genichiro fight is really where combat clicks for people or they quit the game. Once you get the combat down it's fluid and fun.

I don't even know. I doubt whatever I play this year will top sekiro, might try risk of rain 2 but I never played the first. Could replay dmc5 as well

Does the dragonrot actually kill NPCs if you just don't use the droplets to heal them and die enough?

Keep at it, user. Such a great fight. The feel of satisfaction you'll get when you beat him is quite something.

It doesn't. Dragonrot is a complete non-issue and doesn't lock you out of any endings. It only locks you out of finishing NPC questlines which only give you a one-time consumable as a reward more often than not. Only questline worth a damn is Anayama's.

nope, aside from the son and mom npcs at the start.

Shadow of the colossus

People weren't joking, the Genichiro fight is when it really came together and made sense. I have loved the game since.

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Forgot to add that it only locks you out for as long as Dragonrot is active. Once you cure it, you can proceed the quests like normal and Dragon Tears are handed out to you like candy. Don't let it bother you.

This is exactly the point in the game where I understood the mechanics.
Instead of reacting passively, you need to aggressively attack through their blocks and deflects, returning with deflects of your own. This is really the key to most boss fights I discovered.
>tfw trying to chip lady butterfly down soulsbabby style spamming sprint for 2 hours before I even got to ashina castle

Literally who? I guess I'll pay closer attention to names in NG+

This game is so fucking long, I've been doing all the side shit and exploring as well, really annoying how you can't reasonably fill out all the skill trees in one play through without tedious grinding

That's a long fight. Hitting that bitch w/ a shuriken in phase 2 makes that fight so much better.

Thought about getting DMC because I've never played one of those games but I know I'll hate the quirly quipshit. I honestly don't know what to do now. I got the Platinum last night and I'm so lost. I just want more but they haven't even mentioned DLC at all.
>Mfw Isshin was right, you get addicted to fighting and killing shit and eventually you go crazy looking for shit to kill just for the sake of it

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The NPC right before Chained Ogre who you paid 50 and 100 sen for information. He asks you for two things after that which expands his inventory each time. Get him both of those things and he'll give you a key item that gives you a discount at all shops in the game if you talk to him at the end of the game.

What's the best way to grind skill points? I need like 75 to get all of the rest of the skills

That's the exact opposite of what he was implying brainlet.

> niggers
> can't appreciate real music
> loves shitty hh
kys nigras
checks out

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Got it. Made it to his final health bar with a completely empty gourd. Hit the zone and finished him off without taking any more damage.

How easy is it to mod?? Literally just replace mp3 file names?

I beat lady butterfly tonight :)

Imagine that for the sword saint fight.

Why was sekiros boss music so bad?

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>real music
>not boring music that I like
From hasn't made interesting music since DS2 you dumb animeposter.

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I just got to Owl. I can only play so much before I'm just too mentally fatigued. I got to Owl right after killing Guardian Ape and I was too tired to figure out another boss.

I don't expect a sibhuman to have a taste in anything besides telling the difference between feces. Damn it's so GOOD to be white and being able to appreciate Yuka chans hard work.

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How do you beat the second form of Genichiro on top of the castle? I can literally no damage his first form, but then for some stupid reason get slaughtered right after when he turns all lightning? Any tips?

Lol u suck

Nah. It’s FSB, not mp3. Gotta do a little more. There’s a tool called DSSI that can help but making it work with Sekiro is a bit of a roundabout scenario.

pretty sure a 50% to minority of people who own Sekiro have beaten it yet.

send his lightning back at him or just dodge it. Be aggressive, his health/posture deplete much quicker without his armor.

>Can’t appreciate real music
I like some of the tracks but god damn a lot of them are forgettable as all hell. I wanted some martial arts/samurai movie stuff not this “Miyazaki didn’t know if he wanted to make more orchestral or oriental music and did bad at both trying to compromise.”
Also I’m white and Wu Tang bangs.

Exactly what he said. And personally I like to redirect the lightening just because it looks cool. Just smash r1 while in the air you'll be fine.

I just started ng+ and I'm going for the Shura ending, for the two bosses to get all bosses dead trophy, Emma and Isshin. When Owl appears at the top of the tower, can you just go around collecting, and progressing forward, or if you ignore him for too long you can't move forward and miss your chance at shura? I can't remember if you actually can even progress to further zones without making the decision talking to him

Yeah I never actually get shocked in the air, only on the ground?

>or if you ignore him for too long you can't move forward and miss your chance at shura?
nope does not matter but you can't get to Fountainhead Palace.

Keep jerking it to cartoon children, we'll be shitting in your streets soon enough.

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SMT Nocturne and Pokemon White. I've never played Nocturne and haven't played White since it was released, so I just sort of ended up playing them both.

Finished Sekiro in the first 2 days after release, Im actually already starting to forget about it. Hell I generally spend more hours on the average indie game.
Sekiro was unironically a huge disappointment

I think the bigger issue is people refusing to learn. If you die on a boss repeatedly with the same strat then you're the problem, not the boss. I almost dropped this game until I went into a boss aggressive as fuck and sort of deflecting more on hope than actually knowing when and I started tearing through the game. The game punishes those who don't want to adapt to the playstle it's trying to funnel you into. Now I understand not enjoying being funneled into certain tactics but that doesn't mean the game is too hard it just means people refuse to change how they play.

Hence why you essentially jump towards him then hit r1 to zap that mug. You have to get hit in the air to reverse it. if you arent getting hit in the air he is missing you/you are dodging it.

You can get shocked in the air but it won't hurt you if you redirect it by pressing R1 fast enough. And it does a lot of vitality/posture damage if it connects on him. It's a gamble that's probably not worth but god damn it looks cool.

>Gehrman the Last Hunter is bad
>Hunter's Dream is bad
>Secret Betrayal is bad
Kys brainlet

thank you pal

Bannerlord, HITMAN™ 3 or Sekiro 2 depending on which one comes out first.

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lads, is there no SLIGHT cosmetic change or anything for ng+? like I don't know, a different looking sword, a hood, anything, just to mix up and reward you for going ng+? literally NOTHING cosmetic? come on man, they could of gave us something. I'm not asking for a stat boost, just something neat, fucking let us have a proper beard or a shinobi helmet, anything

Wrong thread sorry

also if you do the Shura ending you can still decide when you enter the next ng so you can do all the collecting after you did Shura ending.

Watch this and you've been conquered.

His posture is pretty low just be patient and run away whenever he starts spinning the spear around. Throw shuriken when you want to heal, he'll stop to parry them unless he does the leaping attack.

That one’s coming out last. Likely after you die.

God this would be very cool

Back to your discord, tranny

Sekiro is fucking cancer, every boss has a billion gimicks to avoid fighting them properly. Piece of shit game is full of artificially easiness and journos cry for fucking easy mode, can't make this shit up.

oh shit, didn't even think of that. NEAT.

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He was a real cunt. Took me 3 times as long as Isshin and twice as long as both Owls combined


Protect ya neck - Guardian Ape
Gravel pit and triumph somewhere and
Clan in da front - Corrupted Monk
since it samples Thelonious Monk

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MF Doom, Wu-tang maybe something like

Why is there no Samurai game with Hip Hop theme?

>samurai with hip hop theme
literally samurai champloo, both the game and anime, the latter being godly.

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Mario Maker 2

>dissing Wu Tang
Fucking zoomers

>boss that will punish you for using either
>You just have to run circles around his balls and whack them for chip damage like he's a Dark Souls boss
>Not a rewarding superboss
Dumb DaSnigger.
His right side is not fire, so it's ok to parry it without taking damage.
His left side is on fire, so dodge it, or parry but be ready to take fire damage
His charge and his second phase aoe you can dodge with feather.
His jump you basically dodge by your jump, just don't get hitted by boss body.
His fire orb attack basically sprint mode.
His firing(at first one time, later 2 times) you basically dodge by sidestepping back with dodge button.
His front range attack you dodge by sidestepping right with dodge button.
Thats it, just execute it and fight is easy and fucking fair unlike to Roll Souls shieldhugging.

2 bad things i can say about sekiro's difficulty:
it's frustrating as fuck until you learn to use all your moves and buttons. then it's sad when you've learned everyone's moves and the game turns out to actually be easier than all of the souldsbourne series.

I can't even beat lady butterfly

I'm stuck on guardian ape, even after watching guides on youtube that make it look easy, I just don't have the reaction times to consitently deflect all his attacks and the scream in phase 2 gets me every time.
Should I skip it and come back later?

god damn this song. it should be illegal for an anime to be so damn good. rip nujabes

Side dodge, attack, repeat. Stunlocks her to death.

It’s too bad the game kinda sucks.
But I still love it because Suda51.

Get a life.

>Protect ya neck for guardian ape

be aggressive. she lets you get a hit in almost every time you parry her.

Phase 1, jump every time you see the red kanji, run away if he stands up. That's all you need.

Phase 2 is a cunt, the timing on his attacks is awkward. Just practice phase 1 until you can do it without using many gourd charges and muddle your way through. Run away whenever a squishy sound plays and the head starts bleeding.

it's far from perfect, but it's a decent hack n slash for sure.

> I just don't have the reaction times to consitently deflect
Almost no one have it.
Just get muscle memory, you need more to understand patterns and movesets, so you brain will figure out how to react when something happens.

soulsborne marathon, currently on ds3. all thats left is bb and then sekiro again.

user, "platinumed" the game implies he's on PS4.

not everyone is a snoynigger

After pic related I took the redpill and realized the opposite of what we thought was true is really true.
Contemporary genres make better game/movie soundtracks.
And orchestral music is better for recreational listening.

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currently playing YS Origin and after that either mon hun world or valkiria chronicles

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>Not capitalizing DOOM


PC mods. You can get ahegao coat costume, beard, mask, play as a monkey etc