this is a monster
This is a monster
Is she still tier 1?
And that's a good thing.
Nice field you got there senpai
What is it? You have 3 negates? Savage Borreload, Odd eyes Vortex, Mehcaba, a fucking Naturia?
It would be a shame if something happened to them
This is also a monster.
>in 2019
>a fucking ball used to summon God is more useful than the actual God itself
Nice balance yugishitters
>either side of the field.
he cute
No, this is
Forget that. Konami's shitting up on Gods has reached such a point where they create monsters that suprass even their ANIME effects. They have totally rediculed and killed the old status of Yugioh.
Problem is that the old status was the best status and when the series were at their highest point. But they don't seem to give a shit about it either.
Thats one of the most commonly used side deck cards in the game right now you stupid faggot.
Bend the knee, fags.
I don't think he read the card properly.
I hope you weren't using your picture as an example of a busted monster
Kaiju style tributes are the strongest removal effects in the game right now. Plenty of boss monsters have effect and/or destroy protection but rarely do they have tribute protection.
Ok, it might need 1 extra tribute and all monsters to be AGs. Not much of a problem in todays summoning porn of a meta.
Other than that, explain to me how this effect isn't the same as anime Ra's Point-to-Point one. It even does piercing dmg that Ra didn't.
Lightsworn are based
what is a fun casual yugioh game to play in 2019 where i can just vs bots or play story mode. Like the old GBA/PS2/GameCube games that had that options and that let me add cards to the game by typing in their serial number in the bottom left. Thanks.
Gearanon, I know this will come as a shock to you, but that monster is dogshit.
Take me back to 2013 when I had my Lightsworn deck
Over the nexus 2011 for the DS is kino
The tag force games for the PSP are alright
Tag force special is great, but I'm pretty sure that legacy of the duelist is the same shit but more updated
Dont bother.
Konami stopped making them.
You can thank me later.
Fuck this thing.
t. Gladiator Beast player.
>Amazing body
>Decent protection
>Can get out fairly easily through Overload Fusion
>If your opponent has enough monsters on the field it's a game ender
He's fine
Yeah no you're right, this thing would smash Ra to pieces but that's not much of an accomplishment. Being targetable by monster effects means if you're not ending the duel as soon as you get this thing on the field (if you can manage it) it's probably getting fucked on the next turn.
Why are they getting popular only now? Volcanic Queen has been around for years, and Lava golem even longer than that. I used it all the time along with a Level Limit and Gravity Bind and Blackwings were seething.
Target? What target?
Thank user! I'll give it a look after work
LMFAO, I feel where you are coming from, and you are probably right. That gave me a good chuckle.
Your opponent can usually lock you out of playing the game through an Extra Link with Knightmares, Sphere can decimate their board more than Golem or even a Kaiju card can
That's your game. Emulate it.
It has all important Yugioh characters in it, both from DM to Arc-V. It even has pendulums.
The only downside is that it doesn't have much character depth in missions and storylines due to the sheer amount of spin-offs it has to cover.
Yeah but you'll be dead long before you can bring that thing out. All it takes is a single kaiju, relinquished, restrick or lava golem to fuck you up, also dont forget XYZs. It would be good if it could be special summoned or the summoning conditions were lighter.
Because the powercreep in yugioh as reached an absurd point where every deck is summoning 5-6 monsters on turn 1 and you need a way to reliably kill them which sphere mode does.
You should also mention that the absolutely abhorrent translation was made by a memelord who shouldn't even think about translating anything and as a result, even if the storylines were interesting they wouldn't be worth reading through.
>Going First
>>>In Ancient Gears
If you're going first in Ancient Gears obviously Howitzer is an infinitely better option, but going second with Chaos Giant and just ramming into your opponents entire board is fine
>If it could be Special Summoned
You do know it's a Fusion Monster and not a tribute summon monster right?
Get yugioh pro and duel the bots. They are op as fuck and you’ll learn every mechanic in a day
>they create monsters that suprass even their ANIME effects
Bitch please. NO ONE will ever surpass those absurd, broken-ass Egyptian god cards.
*blocks your waifu*
he probably means special summoned like those fusion monsters where you don't actually use a fusion card
Mostly in DM desu due to the massive influence that LK has gotten in the series.
>You do know it's a Fusion Monster
Cyber stein nigga, maybe metamorphosis if it ever sees the light of day again.
Because powercreep means new monsters are impervious to all other forms of removal. Tribute is one of the only things left.
fuck both of you
t. Dark World shitter
I don't like the new mechanics, though, I am open trying them out with an open-mind. Maybe I'm a grandpa, or maybe it is nostalgia but I feel Elemental heroes/cyber dragons, and maybe even synchros where the perfect spot.
>this is what nostalgiafags believe
Anime Slifer is a wincon
t. lucklet.
He's talking about the artwork. Also, don't bully my nigga okay you faggot?
>Over the nexus 2011 for the DS is kino
based user
btw, is legacy of the duelist worth getting?
lava golem was pretty popular back in the day
Does it have its bots back? They weren't in it anymore when they put in Links, and I stopped playing it after that since bot matches were the main reason I liked playing it.
And Dark Magician girl is a thing since forever.
this is a trap
I was literally the only one to use it in my area. It was pretty nice to Chain Burn someone to 1000 or less and then watch them kill themselves.
I remember a bunch of stall faggots using it, honestly made me tilt more than any meta decks
Anyone talking shit about based Madolche is a faggot.
You guys are so cute.
those are basically just purple synchros, what's the point?
Fuck synchros thats why.