Why don't the chinks put more efforts to optimize their PC ports? Most of them run slow on my i9 32gb ram Quadro p3200

Why don't the chinks put more efforts to optimize their PC ports? Most of them run slow on my i9 32gb ram Quadro p3200.

Attached: Jul_10_08_34_09.jpg (1430x645, 123K)

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Maybe you should stop using Windows 95?

It's W10, trannie.
I have to set God Eater 3 to the lowest possible settings. And Dead or Alive 6 is still unplayable at the lowest settings.

>calls me a trannie
>plays God Eater
Thanks for the laugh, bro.


This is honestly the biggest insult I received on this site.

cause theyre fuckin stoopid

try not using amd lmoa

Quadro is NVIDIA

Have you thought about using a card that's actually for gaming?


Attached: aco.jpg (547x267, 47K)

HON HON omelette du fromage au garlic

>Not using a desktop
You made your own bed

> using a fucking laptop WORKSTATION gpu
> complaining that games run bad

go kill yourself u sad waste of air and space

>Quadro p3200.
You fucking idiot

here's your problem, dumbass

Sounds like you're playing games on a glorified space heater based on those specs.

most jap PC ports nowadays are actually very good performance-wise, Nier Automata though for whatever reason is just beyond fucked.

they are fucking retarded

time to upgrade that toaster grandpa

>laptopfag bitching about games running poorly

Japs can't into code optimization. There's probably a historical reason for it, maybe part of it is that because japs still fucking use a PC-98.

They can, this non-argument is usually touted by toasterfags rationalizing their shit hardware.

P3200 is what, somewhere in the 1060-1070 range? That's still somewhat decent, should do fine at 1920x1080 as long as your shitty laptop doesn't overheat and throttle.

Nice cope weeb. Another reason I just came up with is the Japanese's absolutely retarded neo-confucian hierarchy system which values seniority over proficiency, these types of hierarchies are like rat poison for IT companies.

You just need to manage your expectations.
That and getting a desktop.

Attached: speccy_laptop.png (771x609, 37K)

Is that why they're making quality games while the west makes trash?

bad code ≠ good gameplay

Something tells me you have no idea what you're talking about.