Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?

Attached: beuk3fo62xq21.png (1550x476, 890K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what did he mean by this

>Ever using the GOG launcher
That shit is so fucking slow, you don't even need to use it to launch the games

checks out with my programming

No, but this is.

Attached: dd.jpg (1550x476, 419K)

Yep, thats pretty accurate.
>inb4 epicuck shills making their shitty edits

Pretty much.

>No notch = Bad
Notch was involved with the survival update, though. Him leaving has nothing to do with the quality of the game since he already fucked it up back then.

This is from Reddit isn't it?

Notch is a huge faggot, why would anyone like an unoriginal fat retard like him?

cry more gamingcirclejerk tranny

yep, gamingcirclejerk is raiding again

video games = bad

>GoG Galaxy

>He only thing that is optional in this entire list

Automaticly winning

This is the Gamingcirclejerk mindset.

Attached: gcj.jpg (877x419, 71K)

>using launchers at all
imagine being this retarded




Who cares?

>Donating to Mermaids

Attached: 1312899196404.png (340x444, 93K)

Attached: 1554724093000.png (2002x476, 783K)

There's literally nothing wrong with Uplay.

Attached: 818087.png (317x317, 3K)

They all suck. GoG is the only one I'm willing to buy shit from.
Piracy > all

Use a torrent client that isn't hot garbage. Here's a hint, avoid shit that uses libtorrent-rasterbar.

No, you missed:

OP = faggot

you having all that crap installed = super bad

Only decent one out there
0 good games. MAYBE Classic and Warcraft 3 reforged if they don't fuck with the meta and allow modding for W3
>Epic Game Launcher
0 good games. Sweeney caters to devs first and I won't support that shit
Nothing good to offer that isn't on steam and the launcher is fucking shit
0 games that I like
Not a problem as long as they let mod the game however they want
Don't give a shit. I only care about CS:GO events and The International.

Attached: 1554724093000.png (1550x476, 754K)

Not really.
The Twitch Game Store doesn't exist anymore.

I enjoy cloud saves.

Twatch has client now?

Attached: 1541060293513.png (1552x803, 248K)

I'll let you know when i'm dumb enough to figure it out.

>customizable and lots of services = good
>useless launcher that does nothing except, well launching, might as well just use an .exe = bad
>don't know yet, but barely any services and small shop = bad
>Bethesda = bad
>why use it? = bad
>Shoehorned shit launcher but sometimes terrible free games = bad
>Actually nice feature with those points actually unlocking something, but only supports ubishit games = good launcher, bad publisher
>still fun = good
>autistic zoomers = bad
>autistic zoomers = bad

Attached: 1480839566854.jpg (632x712, 33K)

The only correct answer.

Attached: 1540007856839.png (1552x803, 252K)

Straight from Reddit, eh OP?

Attached: doggo.jpg (683x670, 42K)

DRM is the true enemy here


Attached: 1553262052190.jpg (1680x945, 296K)

You better stop using shit.
q is by far the best and most performant torrentclient. Especially on large ones. Most, yes as in almost all, clients crap out with torrents which reach the TB area.

>q is by far the best and most performant torrentclient
Not true, at all. libtorrent-rasterbar is a fucking TRASH BitTorrent library and is written by someone who used to work for µTorrent, meaning that there was no incentive for him to make it better than µTorrent. What's worse is that so many garbage FOSS clients use it because it's so readily-available and cross-platform, regardless of the fact that it doesn't function properly.

Stop fucking using garbage.
Transmission, rTorrent, and KTorrent should be your only options.

It's a nuisance, you have to install it if your playing any modern ubi game, even if you get the game off steam. And that would mean twice the DRM and more processing power going into a completely useless program that no one would have installed if it weren't necessary.

>if you get the game off steam. And that would mean twice the DRM
Just buy it off Uplay directly. What's the problem?

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