Name one white Final Fantasy character

I'll wait.

Attached: lightning-returns-final-fantasy-xiii-cover.jpg (271x377, 36K)

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white mage

White XIII

Blonde haired, blue eyed Cloud Strife.


His surname is Gabianni or something. He's Italian.

Italians are white.


squall was inspired by river phoenix


Most of them. But Barret is the whitest he just forgot to wash.

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My wife Lightning Farron!

Pretty sure most of the cast of 4 is meant to be white, considering how they're basically all from fantasy europe.

Do we count South Europeans as white?

Cecil, Kain, Rosa, Butz, Lenna, Galuf, Faris, Cara, Terra, Celes, Locke, Setzer, Kefka, Cloud, Tifa, Cid, Squall, Selphie, Rinoa, Ultimecia, Steiner, Lightning, Serah and Snow.

Sicilians aren't "Italian" just like Sards aren't
They are their own genetic group

Your all morons.just because a character has a white name doesn't make them white.

Look at lightning, tifa, garnet, Cecil.

They all asian, look at their faces.

He isn't white

Is Sicily part of Italy?

The entire franchise is basically inspired in dungeon and Dragons so I would say most of them are white.

like, all of them?

How not?

Pretty much every character except squall looks asian or eurasian to me. Ignoring obvious blacks like barret of course.

Shadow from FFVI is a ninja, he's not white.

Attached: 200px-Ff6_shadow.jpg (726x1000, 114K)


Are there japanese games with a euro fantasy setting where the characters look white? They almost always look like japs in cosplay.

the whites ones

He's asian you moron, just like every FF character

Snow, setzer, squall, Zell, the cowboy in 8, Steiner.....

Asians are not blonde and blue eyed.

Absolute Virtue

Cecil looks pretty white to me, dude

Attached: Cecil2.png (285x480, 200K)

He has asian facial features and the hair/eyes are not genetic. He isn't white, fuck off with your WE WUZ FINAL FANTAZY N SHIIEET

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>He has asian facial features
If you link anything related to Advent Children, we'll be done here since you're just trolling. Advent Children is not Cloud.

Attached: dissidia cloud.jpg (1280x720, 209K)

>Banon (Kinda)

There are your white FF characters

Fucking everywhere. He's an asian with blonde hair and blue eyes slapped on him. He isn't white

are you retarded?

Please point out a single asian feature on this face. Don't say "everywhere". Describe.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

>Weak chin
>No facial hair
That's how asians look in their games. White people in JRPGs have a chad chin and facial hair.
Make your own games

Rinoa Heartilly

>>Weak chin
Chins are not racial identification, strong and weak chins are present in every race.
>>No facial hair
Every race is capable of shaving.
That is not a feminine face.
We're done here. Cloud's white and you're a nigger with a hat and a banana.

rinoa is based on some qt nomura knew irl

European nose.

Snow, Steiner, Beatrix, Irvine, off the top of my head
they all have white features

>Yeah he has features that are common for asians but he's white anyway
Cope harder. Make you own games, Cloud isn't white and neither are other FF characters

x is the one game where you can’t argue that anyone is white. the whole game is based on southeast asia. yuna’s basically wearing a kimono, c’mon

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Is Tifa white?

Attached: 7971788A-6166-47F9-8E13-831B3CB988BB.jpg (602x602, 48K)

Either one of theese two fags.

Attached: Senzanome.png (1920x2100, 2.7M)

Can't understand ebonics, sorry.

>make your own games
What are you even trying to say?



Yeahh she's not white no one is any particular race they're supposed to be a mix between Asian and white surely.

Quina Quen

you can stop posting now

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How 'bout this hobo?

Attached: Final-Fantasy-XV-Ardynn-1200x675.jpg (1200x675, 90K)


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Unfortunately yes.
Are ghetto apes American?

Is this the power of r/asianmasculinity? Why are you even here chigger, to be proven wrong? I'll do my part.
>literally every non-beast character in FXII

Oh shit are Sazh and Barret asian too?

This is the whitest guy in the entire franchise.

Tifa is Asian but none of the others are.

Attached: Ff8-seifer.jpg (150x273, 8K)

Yep he is white and southern.

Final fantasy is the most eurasian seies ever made. Almost all the characters are some form of that mix so that it can appeal to both audiences.

Attached: C08341D8-7552-484D-8A2C-309485458BCB.jpg (407x407, 32K)

yeah he's white

Attached: white.jpg (1096x802, 151K)

Pretty sure Zidane or Steiner count, probably even Beatrice. Most of IX is pretty white

Not normally no, except he is not blonde and blue eyed naturally-his hair was bleached and his eyes actually fucking glow with mako-energy, cause he's a gross medical experiment

>Monkey doll given a soul from another planet

I prefer this Luna.