As usual, Yea Forums is wrong
As usual, Yea Forums is wrong
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Based, fuck Steam
Steam is such a piece of shit service and the quality of Steam itself goes down with every update. Just look at their shitty Discord-wannabe chat client. Valve has gotten complacent from being on top for too long.
I dont understand why PC cucks are so defensive over epic games downloader. The market is going to sway one way or the other and valve is doing fuck all to secure their platfor, so invariably the most financially lenient provider is going to be chosen, just use both until one goes belly up?
>it's an "article screencap of a bunch of Twitter screencaps" episode
I don't trust Steam, but I trust the Chinese even less.
But competition is good either way. Valve shouldn't have a monopoly.
wtf I love epic now
It's literally just fear over the chinese accusations.
Ignoring that valve also offers chinese titles, filled with malware because valve has 0 quality control on their steam direct where you just hand steam $100 and your game is put up no questions asked.
Digital storefronts saved PC gaming. Console-exclusive pawn shops like Gamestop didn't stock PC games (I know, the only reason I started using Steam was because I couldn't even find PC box games anywhere anymore.) PC game publishers--if they even had a digital storefront--were all shitty and dodgy affairs with temporary download windows, and Steam's retained Library was what set it a notch above.
Oh, and digital game purchases cut costs on the publisher's side by a lot because they no longer had to produce physical packaging, producing additional contents like printed manuals/maps/misc extra and didn't have to stock it anywhere besides on a computer server. That was supposed to actually reduce the cost of games since it was cutting out so much additional expenses on the publishers side, which is how Steam was able to deliver baller sales back then, but well as you can see game pricetags have only begun increasing over the years as games become more designed as "game as a service" vehicles that peddle DLCs and microtransactions.
Anyone who says Steam was bad for the video game industry is a lying piece of shit trying to sell you something--in this case, this Epic Games shill is trying to sell you Chinese espionage software which you can also download games off of.
How many checks have these shitty game journalists and websites cashed from Epic and Tencent?
>words words words
the left cant meme
walmart ironically has the best physical PC game collection anywhere in the US, even specialty stores don't carry pc games anymore, but walmart has a full fucking case of them. Granted 99% of games released "physical" nowadays are just a steam key printed on the box but still.
also side note, if you ever find PC games at gamestop, 99% of the time the boxes with the key are unprotected so never buy them, twice I bought a game from gamestop only to go home and find out the key was used cause someone just snapped a picture of it with their phone. fucking disgusting.
How much of a cut does Playstation, Nintendo and Microsoft take from digital sales on their consoles? Genuinely curious, because I thought 30% was industry standard
my local wal-mart selections were only cheapo shovelware and The Sims expansions. Dozens and dozens of different xpacs for the Sims. God damn EA were shitting out microtransaction DLC before DLC even had a name.
>I'm happy to pay 70 dollars
Kill yourself.
So your proof is some nobody? Someone who has done nothing noteworthy at all and job hops because hes obviously fucking incompetent.
My local walmart has a lot of EA shit, shovelware, but it also has blizzard stuff, it had tons of steam key "cards" like it's a scratchoff thing with a steam key on it, collectors editions for some games, and more.
>Steam is fixing this for all gamers
Gamers don't benefit from this though, only publishers (the people who hate and exploit you)
Also this guy was fired, he's butthurt
Steam is a shitty service and here is why:
>Have problem
>Despite making billions of dollaroos i wait weeks for an answer from the "support" even Ea support is better at this point now
>No quality control service from Valve because this would cost the company money
>Gimmicks a tiny minority of users use ( Steam reviews for example) but people praise them as something incredible well designed lol
>Introduced paid mods will probably return them in a few months/years
>Started with good sales but now Amazon is offering better deals tan Steam itself
Thank you for your input. The next time we need the opinion of someone who has absolutely no idea how any of this works, we'll ask you.
How does valve have a monopoly on anything? You can buy from any store you want, for whatever price you find and Valve won't see the money. Epic store is the one trying to implement a monopoly.
>How does valve have a monopoly on anything? You can buy from any store you want, for whatever price you find and Valve won't see the money.
You still have to use Steam to play those third party keys
Yeah, so? How is that a monopoly? How does that affect anything?
>Chinese Authorities Continue to Destroy Mosques in Xinjiang
>The destruction of mosques is part of China’s larger crackdown on Uyghurs, which also includes bans on religious acts, monitoring by authorities who living in Uyghur homes, the use of surveillance apps on mobile phones, and the installation of facial recognition cameras.
>In July, the Financial Times reported that the world’s largest maker of security cameras was supplying nearly 1,000 facial recognition cameras for installation at the entrances of mosques in a county in southern XUAR to monitor activity in Muslim communities.
>In addition to the heavy surveillance, hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs are being held in political "re-education camps" where authorities indoctrinate them in the ruling Chinese Communist Party’s teachings and try to force them to reject their religious beliefs.
Why is China so based? Muzzies BTFO
Valve has a monopoly on pc game stores like Google does on video sharing platforms. Sure, there are a bunch of other video sharing websites, but do they actually matter when compared to youtube? They became far too big to be taken down. Advertisers won't put ads on Vimeo or other sites because they don't generate enough traffic. They don't generate enough traffic because there are no content creators on there. And there are no content creators because the lack of ads. Catch 22.
The only thing that could rival YouTube is if someone had enough money to pay top content creators the money they would receive on YouTube and then some. Sounds familiar?
Nigger they tried quality control and they were that upon by the entitled Indies. Gimmicks? They're literally working on making every controller work with their API.
>Richard Moneyrich
Could there be a nose behind all this?
Epic locked down releases from AAA developers months before publishers knew how the public would react to exclusivity. Bethesda looked to have been the smart ones to judge public opinion before accepting chink money
This won't last another year once publishers start seeing the numbers, both sales and piracy
>bringing about the crash that will finally correct all of the problems with the video game industry over the last 15 years
So what he's saying is that Valve is literally /ourguy/ and saving this retarded nigger industry from itself. Not surprising that a zoomer shill would suck jew dick for Fortnite skins.
>Steam's 30% tax is killing gaming
>Just ignore the fact that all three console manufacturers also take 30% but that's not killing gaming
I don't care about any of this drama. I will just pirate every exclusive, Steam or Epic, it doesn't matter.
>Steam is killing PC Gaming when they're the only reason PC gaming exists today
Sony is killing gaming in other ways.
MS/Sony only take 20% but that's still higher than Epic's so his point is invalid.
This. People like to believe everyone liked the no DRM past and Steam was shunned when it came about. But that's bullshit. Steam saved devs an insane amount of money from having to keep their own stores and patches in check back in the day. The only reason Origin/Uplay etc. exist now is because said costs have plummetted. Remember how awful it was to have 9 billion game icons, and have to go to 9 billion websites to install patches?
There is also the problem that no matter how much money Fortinite is making, it's not unlimited, so at one point Epic will no longer be able to buy every exclusive they want
And at the same time developers and publishers that are not on the Epic Store have no reason to rush there since they can simply wait for the fat Epic check while still releasing games on Steam in the meanwhile
That isn't even remotely equivalent. No wonder this is the type of people defending epic. What a fucking brainlet.
>even steam’s former employees are siding with epic over it
The plot thickens
>(((Rich Money-rich)))
Swell argument, son
A better comparison would be Netflix you dumb fuck, Netflix does not have a monopoly. You know how Hulu, Disney and Apple TV are breaking into the market? By making their own original content, not purchasing pre-existing content and making it exclusive to their platform. Netflix does not have a monopoly and it never has had one.
Are you guys fucking zoomers or what?
Every PC gamers hated steam.
It was forced with counter strike 1.6.
The UI was trash, the design was trash, it was full of bugs, and it killed physical on PC.
Also valve stopped making games because of it.
Why are you sucking that fat ass cock all of a sudden?
But the best launcher gives 0% to game developers.
>Steam offering porn
Fucking when???
Steam is convenient to have all games in one platform.
>Also valve stopped making games because of it.
Why the fuck would I care?
Oh no, le reddit life 3 meme.
Oh no, what will I do without le ebin as fug wacky millennial humor of Team Fortress 2.
Who gives a fuck?
is this "former valve dev" the one who has been mucking up which games get banned and which ones don't?
Watch this bugmen.
Ok Who cares?
Only Chinks care if u instal EGS and buy a game on it.
>Valve has a monopoly on pc game stores
I'm fairly sure they have never tried to dictate how the industry works or tried to sabotage their competitors. At best GabeN just gives an angry statement and then they do something to IMPROVE their own service.
It takes literally two minutes to see that not only is Epic not getting Data from Steam, it's not sending your data anywhere.
>wow why would people want further installments to games that they like?!?!?!?
pre-2010 ui was compact and peak design. then again it's going to get way worse, look up the steam ui announced at pax or wherever
>Alien Swarm, L4D2, Portal 2, CS:GO
>Since then bounced around from EA and some puzzle making studio
Timestamp should work now.
Why would tencent need 51% stock to parse user data?
Why would you like garbage like Half Life 2?
Why would you like what's esentially a tech demo?
Why would you want mods of that tech demo, which is all those pieces of shit TF2 and Counter Strike were?
And lets not even talk about Portal.
Steam is the only thing Valve should focus on, not their shitty games that only redditors like.
>supporting rehashes
how is Yea Forums wrong?
>Former valce employee is butthurt about valve's success
Valve never prevented publishers to put games whatever they wanted, and without them PC gaming would be a joke today, epic is literally only trying to profit on somebody's else years of work
The ads were still a cancer though.
And the green military look was disgusting.
But yea the UI was ok and it's now worst than ever.
So i don't get why Yea Forums is defending so hard steam.
>Epic not getting Data from Steam
No, not directly from the client. Just from its data-files. Big difference.
Because every other launcher makes Steam look great in comparison.
Amazing comparison, except no one gives a shit about hulu or disney. They're the and gog of streaming services. At least that's how it is on a worldwide scale. They might try to gain market share in the us but they're literally whos in Europe and Asia I'd assume.
Truly the platform we deserve
I agree Cha- err Bob. Down with Steam and up with the PRC!
I don't mind epic. They gave us UT2004 and good engines. Meanwhile valve gave us the cancer that is source and Half life 2 was trash.
They also killed counter strike a second time with CS GO and forced MTX like never before.
I can't wait for steam to pull a move and btfo epic games store
why is epic scanning steam files then?
Today I will remind them
>Steam users still can't justify 30%
>Can only say it's the "standard"
Horses were the standard too until cars
>most of the posters bashing Steam are failed indie developers
If you had put in more work into your games and shitposted less on Yea Forums, maybe your game wouldn't have failed.
>all epic is doing is re-directing cash flow
>devs make more money
>epic makes more money
>trying to remove a monopoly by creating another one
>all gamers get is a shittier online store out of the deal
but its okay because fuck valve XDDD haha right guys?
>Unreal Engine
Oh yeah, I too liked endless texture poping.
And hey, remember when Epic gave us Unreal Tournament 4?
Remember when, the moment Fornite became succesful, they instantly killed it?
Remember when all they do now is develop skins for Fornite?
>discord and other small publisshers taking less cut than epic its high horse
how do you justify that, epic shill?
you guys do know that 80% of REAL devs, give popular twitch streamers early access to games before release for sponsored content right? if games are getting "buried" it's their own fault for failing at advertisement (you think it's a coincidence when you open stream RESIDENT EVIL 2 (exmple) is just there on the banner by chance? in a booming market,asset flippers are lazy, no excuse you should be if you really put work into the game.
Epic shills, you might want to not post the same exact pictures and text as the last 2 threads, especially when one is still up. I know you guys can do better
>Epic for AAA
>Steam for Indie/2nd tier/shovelware/porn
Somehow I'm okay with this. AAA games are mostly trash
so what does epic provide that's better than horses
Unbased. I don't care what devs get. I alway go 100 percent charity on humble
At least they are still making video games.
Why would I need to justify it? I'm not a steam-dev. I have nothing to do with it.
just because they're not sending it does not mean they're not storing it
Hey, Valve made Artifact, considering you clearly don't care about quality since you are implying Fornite is an argument, then they are both fine.
The thing is, Epic has no place on PC.
They are a has-been company who is only big now because they ripped off PUBG.
no game dev other than the lazy useless fucks that work at valve would defend valve
>>Unreal Engine
>Oh yeah, I too liked endless texture poping.
t. doesn't know shit
There's a reason even Nintendo is using UE4
Regardless, Epic still wins in the end. Why?
Bought a game made in UE3 or UE4 on Steam/GOG like
>Vampire Bloodlines 2
>Tropico 6
>Shenmue III
>Psychonauts 2
>Tekken 7
>Soul Calibur 6
>Octopath Traveler
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Ace Combat 7
Congratulations, you just gave Epic money.
This. They can't even make good match 3s. Time to pack it up and hit those tables
Freedoms for Tibet
Tianamen Sqaure Massacre of 1989
>hey everyone is pissing in your mouth anyway, let me have a crack too.
Fuck off faggot.
wouldn't be surprised if it's just Chinese bots
This. No reward and respect for the lazy.
Maybe that's because Hulu exists only in the US, or maybe in a few more countries and Disney literally hasn't launched their streaming service yet?
People give a shit about Netflix because it provides the best service, is available in the most countries with regional pricing and has a massive library of both original content and licensed shows. That is not a monopoly, that is simply outdoing your competitors.
See the similarities between Steam and Epic? Netflix is Steam with it appealing to a worldwide audience and catering to them, Hulu is Epic having almost no worldwide appeal and coasting off a few major titles, like Game of Thrones being Fortnite.
>each of them still got paid a minimum of 80k a year
>So i don't get why Yea Forums is defending so hard steam.
We're not. We're made that things are getting shittier, and a lotta folk are coming out of the woodwork to point out that shit was already pretty bad as though that were a justification for making things worse.
Because I know how y'all love food analogies: imagine you're eating a shit sandwich because, fuck, you gotta eat something, right? And then some dickhead shows up and tells you that if you want bread for your shit sandwich, you're now gonna have to get it from a new, exclusive shit sandwich shop. And you're all like, "goddamn, I don't want to go in there; there ain't no chairs and they've got surveillance cameras in the bathroom." And then the smug dickhead retorts, "why do you love shit sandwiches so much?" And now all of a sudden you're explaining why you put up with eating shit sandwiches, why things weren't as bad when you could get bread at the old place, but you've been completely baited into missing the core fucking point:
You were already eating a shit sandwich, and now those smug dickheads have made it worse.
Tianamen Sqaure 1989
I'll use ue. Just not on that shit store. They can make an engine but not a good store.
>t. doesn't know shit
I know plenty from playing a lot of Unreal Engine 3 games, all had texture poping.
>There's a reason even Nintendo is using UE4
They like texture poping?
>Bought a game made in UE3 or UE4 on Steam/GOG like
No, I haven't bought any of those games because I pirate all of them.
I do not give game developers money, a videogame developer is a subhuman, the bottom of the barrel of society, they are filthy SJW, blue haired scum who deserve to be pretty much slaves.
>I hate Valve devs for being treated properly, they should be treated like crap like I am!
Why are game devs made up of mostly immature children?
>respect from any game devs
keep living in your dream world where that shit matters you jealous fucking waste
UE3 and UE4 are different you dumb fuck lmao holy shit Steam drones are pathetic
Sounds like jealous af game developers for being stuck in failing companies.
Valve only has to mantain Steam to be succesful.
They shouldn't bother with game development anymore.
Literally contradicts himself, why does this thread exist?
>Steam's 30% was killing the industry
>Steam's 30% was better than the 50% cut from retail
>the 50% from retail was just fine, steam's 30% was what was killing the industry
You can see the Ep*c shills don't understand how Yea Forums work, so it is very easy to spot them. They are also infesting /r/steam, but it is reddit so people there kinda listen to their shilling for some reason.
>UE3 and UE4 are different
Then how come Street Fighter V was plagued with texture poping too?
Pop pop pop
>>You can see the Ep*c shills don't understand how Yea Forums work, so it is very easy to spot them.
I've always laughed at you Gaben ballwashers, even when TF2 was worth playing.
>18% is a better deal
>even though there are stores that take less
>but our share is the fairest
>guys this thing is great
>no it isn't
fuck off dunce
You never brought any other launchers (because admitting they exists would dismnatle your main argument about false-monopoly), except of Epic, so yep, you are an epic shills
Look up the driver 3 pr scandal. Same shit. Paid pajeets and chinamen. This post will likely get deleted because its truth
Team Fortress 2 was never worth playing, no Valve game was.
This is why it's good that Valve has stopped game development, because Steam is what they are good at.
If I was Gaben I would fire all game developers from Valve.
Pathetic. You need to lurk moar, Ep*c shill.
>It was forced with counter strike 1.6
Was never a big valve fan so I actually avoided steam until around 2010/2011, when they got good third party games exclusive to the client
>mfw seeing the cheeky cunts at CeX selling second hand copies of games I know were just steam codes and a useless disc
>literally just some random code monkey
>has also worked on overwatch, battlefield v and anthem
Epic hasn’t offered anything that benifits the consumer over steam. As it stands Epic store is a worse value proposition than steam. They should have passed some of those savings off to consumers in discounted games or at least some free dlc.
PC gaming wasn’t dieing. Almost every single release that wasn’t a console exclusive has made its way to PC. PC also has entire genres that are exclusive to the platform.
I don’t understand how anyone can say that the epic store has been good for consumers as of now. That may change in the future (I do hope so). For now there has been zero evidence of that.
So how long until customers see any benefit of this competition?
This entire account seems to be dedicated to shitting on Valve. He's just as obsessed as the RE2 shitposter, and seemingly for no reason.
He unironically should commit suicide.
envy is a deadly sin
>paid mods
That was Bethesda and they already brought those back, lmao.
Honestly, Steam drones, has Valve made anything successful in the past few years?
>Steam machines? Flop
>Steam controllers? Flop
>SteamOS? Flop
>Steam Link? Flop
>Shartifact? You better believe that was a flop
>Source 2? Not even made to even be a flop
>Steam Videos? Flop
>Steam VR? Fired devs
Literally the only money they have is from rent controlling other peoples games like a corrupt landlord, and that's gonna end soon.
>no stress, no crunch, no overtime, easy life, free food at the cafeteria. while people working at rockstar have suicide hotlines on the dial due to stress from overwork.
Does he think that's a good thing?
Is Epic shill actually Barry/XVkun? They write on a very similar way.
Peple, post some KH3 and XV shit and let's see.
>has Valve made anything successful in the past few years?
Yes, Steam. ;)
No, and I don't particularly care. They're the Microsoft of the gaming world. The useful stuff is all dreary, out of site shit, and they've got enough capital to float dumb projects that nobody cares about every now and then.
Steam, the biggest and best launcher on PC.
Steam was released in 2004, I said recent
Keep supporting Steam.
It's the only thing they need to do.
Steam. Next you'll ask the same question or insult
It's printing more money than ever. Stay mad. ;)
You're actually insane if you think successful people/businesses don't have a few failed ventures in their entire lifetime.
google has fuckton of flops too but keeps printing money
>Will pay shitty pr cucks but won't support ut4
Fuck epic and fuck shills
>Steam users still can't justify 30%
>what is the enterirty of steamworks
Funny how epicucks never respond to that.
What if you don't use Steamworks? A lot of games don't
I sure love having to pay more than US prices for games because epic just ads payment processes ontop of the price for me.
At least publishers getting a little bit more of my money. haha
Still doesn't answer my question
Those people have garbage taste and shouldn't be listened to.
Steam is Valve's greatest creation by far, Valve's games are terrible and Gaben should have fired all game developers from Valve a long time ago.
He's literally wrong in his first tweet
>Epic is fixing this for all gamers
Prices for gamers will remain the same, or be worse if Epic doesn't run sales the way Steam does, or generate keys for other store fronts like Steam does. The only one benefiting from Epic store is publishers, and I literally could not give a shit about them.
Are people really this fucking stupid and cucked? Do they want to see Steam fail so much that they'll believe the ranting of a disgruntled employee wholesale?
This is bait right? EGS is trying to do the chinese model of pandering to producers, ie: a bodega/warehouse model, where there's barely any amenities but in exchange, you get to purchase stuff in bulk or cheaply. Nobody would have batted an eye if prices on EGS were better than on steam, but they're only slightly better.
Steam can be compared to a mall. You get amenities but steam charges for the maintenance of the facilities, etc.
Why the fuck dyou think they have to moneyhat games just to get customers to try out their shitty bodega you jackass? So you can save 5 bucks on a fucking game, and not have cloud saves, voip chat, or fucking options to buy this shit on humble?
You're a fucking moron.
>What if you don't use Steamworks?
Then you shouldn't earn a lot of money since decide to not put a lot of effort into your game
They do a lot of non-commercial shit like helping to develop gaming solutions of linux or making all kinds of gamepads work through Steam.
But I'm sure that's all just bloat to you.
>Implying i give a shit regardless of platforms
How long do you think it took them to scout a disgruntled ex-valve employee that was ready to vindicate them from their data scraping and write a lot of words about STEAM BAD?
>this kills the steamdrone
Probably not very long since they probably just went after those guys that got fired recently.
Wouldn't be too shocked if it was one of those guys.
"Fuck, my job is to design hardware and we finalized it, how could I have possibly lost my job!"
Payment processes.
Digital distribution platforms are inherantly anti consumer. They don't respect freedom.
reddit fucking hates tf2 and cs you dumbass, they're all playing fortnite or overwatch
No, they love it because le reddit humor.
This! I remember the last great year I found a properly stocked pc games section in my local Game was 2005, after that suddenly they just stopped bringing anything new appart from the classic top ten selves that was fifa, sims, the fucking wow battle-chest and wc3 , then came the days of the 'pc gaming is dying' where it seemed like AAA companies had abandoned pc gaming (save for companies like Bethesda, Ubi (while they where always pushed the pc piracy meme they always published on pc and ofc Valve where I found my self buying about 80% of my pc games). I remeber the last great pc game I got from Game was the Sega Warhammer strategy game in 2006.
>Steam is oppressive
>Steam is killing PC gaming
>every dev strives to get their game on Steam
>good games make money hand over fist on Steam
so pic related is not an monopoly made by chinks? anyway, 0.04 credit has been added to your account
Thanks for proving me point
>55% is the standard for physical distribution
>30% is the standard for digital distribution
>70% of games use steam's support structure including servers and investment to prevent exclusivity
>Steam accounts for 18% of all PC sales
>Part of Steam's support structure is dedicated to the ease with which a company can release a game on their store
>Even games from small operations that receive a substantial amount of support from Steam are not locked into exclusivity deals though that doesn't mean other store like Epic won't still reject them
>Many other retailers take lower margins, such as Discord's 10%
>These other Retailers do not require or pay for exclusivity deals
>Literally who the fuck is this?
>This is rather convenient timing considering each day is another failed attempt for Epic to dodge criticism and try to frame everything as being all about Steam.
every time faggot
>lol I don't give a fuck about what the devs want I don't want to download another .exe and that's final!
Honestly, why would I as a dev not support the Epic store when they take less than half (or a little over a third, if using UE4) of Valve? I put several thousand hours into the game, 30% for what Valve offers is insane. For me, it's a big chunk of income from the game I made, for you it's downloading another .exe.
>but I don't care
And neither do I about your whining, I'm just not giving away 30% of my income for a store. No, I don't really care if you don't buy it or pirate it, the majority of people just download another .exe and buy the game, you don't matter as much as you think.
can you even feel shame?
But Microsoft and Sony are not killing industry by their 30% cut? Despite console sales numbers being much higher than PC? And despite the fact that physical copies are still fairly popular on consoles and those mean even less money goes to publishers?
>Honestly, why would I as a dev not support the Epic store when they take less than half (or a little over a third, if using UE4) of Valve?
Because you're getting significantly less sales regardless of the revshare. You end up with not only less money in your pocket, but also a taste of disdain from consumers who remember your bullshit choices, affecting any of your future projects.
>Software developer is now an economist.
>Super based?.
What a bad meme. The left can't meme...
You're assuming I'm worried about a small loud minority whining on internet forums. The majority of people don't care, they just download the new launcher and that's the end of it, and the majority of the complainers will do the same when their less autistic friends buy some multiplayer game exclusive to the Epic Store and push them to buy it to play.
The ultimate red pill. Steam drones BTFO.
It's funny because piracy was more rampant before Steam. What a stupid remark.
Your opinion -------------->[Garbage]
>The majority of people don't care
What is this lie you keep repeating to yourself like some mantra. Almost fucking 'everyone' cares, it's an exceedingly small margin of people who don't.
Steam is/was so good, it turned pirates into purchasing customers.
This, i moved to steam thanks to sales and steam features, slowly I've been getting rid of my pirate copies
This. Haven't pirated since 2009.
All actual data (from Epic and publishers, such as Deep Silver) claims otherwise. Can you show me any proof of otherwise from a reputable source? For example Deep Silver is a reputable source for sales since they are the fucking publisher, on the other hand an user on Yea Forums or some autist screeching on Reddit is not. So far, I've only seen proof that going EGS exclusive doesn't affect sales much.
I can attest to this. Used to pirate, now no more. Thanks based steam.
They own their respective consoles though. Owning the hardware is a slight difference. Valve didn't create PC. There are no alternative launchers on console, there are on PC.
I like the Regginator always said, if you want to stop piracy make something people want to buy.
Steamworks and its continued development and the ongoing operation and development of Steam.
Why do they need to do more?
>All actual data (from Epic and publishers, such as Deep Silver) claims otherwise
Oh you mean the data that hasn't been shared? The data that you outright no nothing about?
>So far, I've only seen proof that going EGS exclusive doesn't affect sales much
Again with the lies, claiming knowledge which you don't have.
You are a lying little shill, pushing a narrative that everything is peachy over at Epic in desperate hopes you trick people into using the store. Anyway, enjoy your pennies for the post, Pajeet.
I think you're confusing tf2 with borderlands
I'm pretty sure gaven also said that piracy was simply a symptom of a poor service
Guess why I'm pirating epic games
What data? There is no data. Nobody released any data.
The only thing we have is epic games store games getting 50%+ dislikes on youtube videos, which shows customer disdain
>>Oh you mean the data that hasn't been shared? The data that you outright no nothing about?
The publisher said so, and they are the main source of data for sales. If you don't believe their word, why would you believe their numbers? What's the difference? If they are going to lie, they can just release fake numbers just as well as they lie with words.
>Again with the lies, claiming knowledge which you don't have.
So can you show me proof of otherwise? Epic and publishers, who have data, claim otherwise, yet you, who has no info on what goes on, claims they are wrong. So, again, can you show me any proof at all of your claims?
>You are a lying little shill
>claim x
>get asked proof
Alright then.
See above. How many people who like or don't mind the EGS do you think will bother seeking out Youtube videos to thumb them up? Retarded metric, again please provide some proof of your claims if you are going to try to contradict the people who have their hands on actual numbers.
>>I'm pretty sure gaven also said that piracy was simply a symptom of a poor service
What a bullshit quote. Piratefags still pirate quality games even though they do everything right like Sekiro
>Fully Steam integrated
>Same time release as consoles
But pirates still pirate it
>Fully Steam integrated
Pick one.
>What a bullshit quote. Piratefags still pirate quality games even though they do everything right like Sekiro
and yet Sekiro is literally the best selling game of 2019? and From said they're extremely happy with the sales and that it's their biggest launch ever?
weak b8 m8
Nobody has said anything.
If anything steam saved pc gaming. You know who took bigger cuts than Valve? Shops, real world physical shops - developers would be lucky to get 30% from a physical sale, never mind just have that deducted.
Let’s not pretend this is anything other than what it is - Epic takes a lower cut than steam to encourage developers to release on their platform because otherwise it’d make no sense to do so since devs will make far fewer sales. They don’t do it out of the goodness of their heart and there’s no guarantee they’ll keep doing it forever.
If you want to really support developers buy games directly from them, if that isn’t possible then the discord games store takes a lower cut than epic, so shill them for a change.
What games has epic put out recently? that didnt crash and burn before they changed them over to Free to play BR game?
They are exactly the same as valve the only difference they sell an engine and take a cut of your game there. its pretty nice to just basically tell people. Well if you use our engine well only take 10 % instead of the 5% on top of other stuff.
Off the top of my head:
>Is it selling well?
>Is there a demo?
>Is it available in all regions?
>Is its price cheap enough for poorfags?
>is it not a challenge and completion for the groups that crack?
>Do some not want to have a steam account?
See, just because you are unable to think of scenarios outside of your own that doesn't mean they don't exist.
>bro they said they're fine that means it's true
Aside from the fact that this is meaningless, they also haven't said anything of the sort.
I know you shills have never been very smart, but my god you aren't even trying anymore.
Also, you're the one who claims they're doing fine and provided no proof, you're the one that the burden of proof falls upon.
This thread is autosaging
New thread
Steam wasn't necessary or all that good for that matter, but after a few really good sales they had trained the monkeys to defend them and love them.
>If they are going to lie, they can just release fake numbers just as well as they lie with words.
Actually, no they can't because lying about direct sales numbers can make you get sued by investors since it can cause changes in the shares market. If a company said "this game sold 3 million copies" but in reality it sold only 1 million, and some investor buys shares in this company believing everything is going well it's fraud if the truth comes out, or even worse if the company goes under because that game didn't sell enough
On the other hand, simply saying "this game sold enough copies" doesn't mean anything, there is no legal issue because hard numbers were never posted
Also another thread
When he said mainly he probably excluded fags like you.
No more threads, Ping Ling.
Publishers and Epic have given rather concrete numbers, Deep Silver said 2.5x compared to Last Light, that's a pretty factual number, is it not? Of course, they wouldn't know what they are talking about right? What is the word of the owner of the game compared to the cope of a Valve drone?
>What a bullshit quote. Piratefags still pirate quality games even though they do everything right like Sekiro
Totally besides the point, pirates will always exists, the point is, there are less than before thanks to steam, why do you think epic is trying so hard to set up a pc store when just a gen ago they swore loyalty to consoles?
>What games has epic put out recently?
Aside from the biggest game ever and the by far most popular engine in the last 4 years?
>Deep Silver said 2.5x compared to Last Light, that's a pretty factual number
What's the number then?
Find out what LL sold on Steam. Doesn't matter though does it? You're arguing that nobody uses the Epic game store compared to Steam, yet Exodus sold way more than LL which released on Steam. Evidently, people do use it.
>Deep Silver said 2.5x compared to Last Light
Notice the usage of a multiple rather than a definitive number. That's because it only sold around 40k more copies, neither games sold well.
Also you disregard the fact the "2.5x more" statement is in regards to the first week of sales only.
Feel free to point out how Fortnite isn't the biggest game of all time. Go on, I'll wait. "I don't want it to be" isn't a good reason.
>Find out what LL sold on Steam
How good that that won't matter since it's about the sales in the first week. A number you won't find for LL since even back then the only thing that was reported on was that LL sold better then 2033. So you either have some knowledge that nobody else outside of 4A and DS has or are just full of shit.